Baby jackdaw food
Jackdaw: call, nest & babies
I am particularly interested in garden wildlife which is why I did my Master's degree with a focus on "animal ecology". I am convinced that beneficial insects and wildlife are a sustainable and effective alternative to many of the products we use on our plants. I am also a passionate birdwatcher and rarely go for a walk without my binoculars.
Favourite fruit: kiwi, apple and redcurrant
Favourite vegetables: tomatoes and green beans
Know how to identify a jackdaw nest? And what does a baby jackdaw look like? Here’s everything you should know about the jackdaw.
Jackdaws are our smallest crows [Photo: Kuttelvaserova Stuchelova/]The jackdaw (Corvus monedula), also called daw, is often overshadowed by its well-known relative, the carrion crow. In fact, it is easy to forget that the jackdaw is its own species; lively and intelligent and always closely associated with humans, they are staples of our culture, having settled alongside humans long ago. Even today, jackdaws breed mainly in buildings and make use of orchards, grain fields and other human artifacts. Want to know what a jackdaw looks like, how to give it a home and recognise its unique personality? Look no further.
- How to recognise the jackdaw
- How to tell the difference between a jackdaw and a carrion crow
- How to recognise a young jackdaw
- How to recognise a jackdaw egg
- What is the perfect habitat for jackdaws?
- Where do jackdaws build their nests?
- When is breeding season for jackdaws?
- Where do jackdaws spend winter?
- What does a jackdaw’s song sound like?
- Help the jackdaw!
- What do jackdaws eat?
- Which bird boxes are suitable for jackdaws?
How to recognise the jackdaw
Like most crows, jackdaws have black plumage. However, they are smaller than most of their relatives, about the size of a pigeon. It is also easy to spot their blue-grey neck and bright, light blue eyes. Unfortunately, it is impossible to distinguish a male jackdaw from a female with the naked eye.
How to tell the difference between a jackdaw and a carrion crow
Jackdaws are significantly smaller than carrion crows. They are also less elegant, being so stocky and compact. The jackdaw’s uniqueness lies in its blue-grey neck and light blue eyes. Carrion crows, on the other hand, are solid black.
Carrion crows, in contrast to jackdaws, are solid black [Photo: Erni/]How to recognise a young jackdaw
Very young jackdaws are difficult to spot. They are solid black and look similar to other crow chicks. However, their necks quickly become blue-grey, and the young birds soon resemble their parents – although it takes some time for the young jackdaw’s neck to become as vibrant as a mature jackdaw’s. Nevertheless, you should always be able to recognise young jackdaws by their bright, light blue eyes.
How to recognise a jackdaw egg
Jackdaws lay light blue eggs about 3 centimetres in size and are covered with dark spots. Usually, jackdaws lay between four and six eggs per brood in a nest of small sticks, bits of bark, plant fibres, hair and soil.
What is the perfect habitat for jackdaws?
When it comes to territory, jackdaws look out for two things: wide, open spaces that will provide food, and cavities and hollows in which they can build their nests. It will come as no surprise that this usually leads jackdaws to arable fields and meadows near urban areas. Jackdaws also frequent quarries and cities that have a vast amount of green space.
Jackdaws like to live close to people [Photo: Agnieszka Rybkiewicz/]Where do jackdaws build their nests?
Jackdaws breed in cavities. Before urbanisation, this would have been crevices in rock. Nowadays however, the crow makes use of old buildings, claiming chimneys and cracks in the wall as their own. But don’t worry just yet – natural tree hollows and birdhouses are still a popular choice. Both male and female jackdaws take care of nest building. In fact, it can become a family affair if young, year-old jackdaws have not yet found a mate.
When is breeding season for jackdaws?
Jackdaws breed between April and June and they raise one brood a year. Having laid the eggs, females will incubate their offspring for up to 20 days and are supplied with food by their partner. Hatchlings are fed in the nest for four to five weeks and, after leaving the nest, are supported by their parents for as long as necessary. Notably, jackdaws have monogamous, often life-long relationships.
Where do jackdaws spend winter?
Domestic jackdaws spend the whole year in the UK, never normally travelling more than a few kilometres, even in the height of winter.
Jackdaws are easy to spot in the snow [Photo: Kazakov Maksim/ Shutterstock.
What does a jackdaw’s song sound like?
Jackdaws have an indistinct song. It consists of a kind of rough chatter that has little to no structure. Occasionally however, jackdaws will imitate other birds or copy the sounds they hear around them. They are often heard in groups or in flight; the “kya-kya-kya” sound is probably the easiest to identify. And their warning call is also hard to miss. Listen for a stretched “Tscharrrr”.
Help the jackdaw!
With the renovation of old buildings, there are fewer nesting sites for jackdaws. Read on to find out how you can support our jackdaws and give them a home in your garden.
What do jackdaws eat?
Jackdaws are omnivores. They feed on insects, spiders, worms and other small animals, as well as carrion, fruit and berries. In winter, jackdaws often look for food in fields with other crows, such as the carrion crow and the rook.
Even jackdaws love pizza! [Photo: Jarkko Jokelainen/]Jackdaws love bird feeders and will use them in winter and during breeding season. And they aren’t fussy. Jackdaws will gorge on just about any bird food or grain you put out.
Which bird boxes are suitable for jackdaws?
Provide a home for jackdaws in your garden by building your own birdhouse – it’s easy! It should be completely enclosed, have a 28 x 17cm base, and a 15cm wide entrance hole. Be sure to install it several metres from the ground, away from cats and other predators.
We’ve collected some tips on building your own bird box.
Jackdaws are increasingly dependent on birdhouses [Photo: Jarkko Jokelainen/]In addition to a feeding station, jackdaws also enjoy a rich, natural food supply. You can create a jackdaw paradise with an insect-friendly garden. Avoid using chemical pesticides, as these often contain toxins that not only kill off insects, but can also poison your garden birds.
Also consider adding a bird bath to your garden. Whether it’s a pond, stream or bowl, many a feathered visitor will thank you on hot, summer days. Be sure to clean your bird bath regularly to prevent the spread of infectious disease. On hot days, it’s actually best to clean it daily.
Jackdaws are not the only bird to enjoy a little refreshment–so will all your other garden birds, such as the long-tailed tit and the dunnock.
Jackdaw - Wildlife questions - Wildlife
I'm currently rearing a jackdaw, it is almost eating on is own and I'm wondering what is best to encourage it to eat?
It was found a few weeks ago in a really bad way, cracked and bloody beak and had been bitten. I'm pleased to say after some force feeding and tlc, he has now made a full recovery, however, he has imprinted quite badly and now follows me everywhere when I'm home (including waiting outside the bathroom for me), and despite getting outside twice he is still with me, so I don't think releasing him is going to be an option.
If anyone has got any tips on what to be giving him, I would really appreciate it. I'm giving him a mix of stuff at the moment, mainly ad food (high calorie/high protein) and meal worms, but what else should he be having? Also in terms of supplements etc?
Finally, I was thinking about getting him a leg ring, any idea how to go about this?
Thanks in advance x
No expert meself....Not many people online at the moment but am sure you`ll be getting seriously good advice in near future from friendly and knowledgeable members here.
In reply to doggie:
Hi Beanie, wow so you have a jackdaw as a pet now, I had an image in my head if I had one as a pet and he following me about the house... makes a change from the cats following me about. Hope you get it sorted.
Cheers, Jason
In reply to Jason:
I agree with Doggie. You definitely need Maisie to help you with this one. She rescues corvids and has several as pets.
She usually pops in once or twice a week.
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
In reply to Sparrow:
Thanks everyone, my next question is does anyone have contact details for Maisie so I cam PM her? Also, where do I find out about getting JD (as he is known) a leg ring?
In reply to doggie:
Live mealworms are definitely the best thing to get the jackdaw interested in eating for itself. As well as that I would offer something like a mealworm crumble or insectivore mix like Bogena or Beaphar and some titbits like a bit of cooked chicken, chopped grape or bits of cheese for it to poke around in. Soaked good quality dog biscuits are a good option too (we use Royal Canin). With any luck you won't need much in the way of supplements if you can get it eating a balanced diet, but if you want to add something anyway, try something like VetArk's ArkVits (mix of supplements and probiotic) is what our avian vet recommended.
You can get various sized leg rings from various bird keeping organisations. The BTO may not want you putting a BTO ring on a captive bird, but I'm not 100% about their rules.
Feel free to PM me if you need more info!
A closed mouth gathers no foot.
In reply to Maisie:
Come on JD-Smile for the camera....
In reply to edgebander:
Beanie, just before you go to find a ring as Maisie suggests don't forget you will need a split ring. The closed ones only go on nestlings and once the foot has hardened you shouldn't be able to get those on or off the foot
The Cotswold Water park sightings website
My Flicker page
In reply to Bob Philpott:
I would recommend speaking with some animal welfare experts such as the staff at St Tiggywinkles or Corvid Aid with regards to the long term care of this imprinted jackdaw.
Warden Intern at Otmoor.
In reply to IanH:
Thankyou everyone!!
I've got some 'pinkies' (baby mice :-s) for him to try as I want to try and get him eating on his own, as the cat has currently gone on hunger strike because he wants the wet food that JD is on rather than his pro plan. Luckily the cat is only young and doesn't bother with JD anymore, although I will never trust them to be alone together - dont worry!!
JD has also been having wax worms, as well as meal worms, although he seems to struggle swallowing them, even when they're boiled before hand. I've been giving him soggy pro-plan cat biscuits, which he seems to enjoy, so I'll start adding a few more things to his diet.
In the day while I'm at work I've been leaving the radio on and the cage open (the cat is in a different room) and there are various toys in his cage. Should I be doing anything else?
I'll get some pics up tomorrow as I can't do them from here x
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HAND DAW | Science and life
An elegant representative of the corvidae family
Professor S. S. Turov with a hand jackdaw on his shoulder and journalist K. P. Savelyeva at their dacha in Sands near Moscow.
Science and life // Illustrations
Science and life // Illustrations
Hand jackdaw is a funny and playful creature. She is able to become attached to the owner, like a dog. Jackdaws can even be taught to speak.
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Everyone knows the jackdaw, but not everyone knows that she is a bird from the sparrow order, the corvidae family, the closest relative of the rook and crow. This is the smallest and most graceful representative of the "black family" - the genus Corvus, the head of which is the raven itself. The length of the jackdaw from the tip of the beak to the tip of the tail is 31-39 centimeters, body weight is 139-225 grams. The body is dense and neat, the beak is relatively short and strong. The bird looks like a pretty "toy" crow. From above, the adult jackdaw is black, with wings and tail with a bluish metallic sheen, and the back with a grayish tinge. The underside of the body is slate (black-gray) in color. The back of the head and sides of the head are gray, the neck is whitish-ashy behind and on the sides (many adult birds have a beautiful white “half-collar”). In young jackdaws, the color is smoky gray, dull, looks dirty. Shine on black wings is weakly expressed. The plumage on the back of the head and neck is not as lush as in adults, so the head seems narrow. In September, the young complete their first molt and become like their parents. nine0005
The jackdaw is very mobile, every now and then gives a voice - sonorous melodic cries. Most often, we notice these graceful birds on the ground when they vigorously pace in search of food. The jackdaw flight is fast and so light that sometimes the bird seems weightless.
The distribution area of the common jackdaw (Corvus monedula) covers all of Europe and Western Asia (except for the extreme northern regions), as well as Morocco and northern Algeria.
The eastern part of Asia, including Mongolia, China and Japan, is inhabited by the Daurian jackdaw (Corvus dauricus), a closely related species. She resembles our jackdaw both in appearance and voice. In adults, the front of the head, throat, goiter, back, wings and tail are black, the sides of the head are grayish-white, and the bottom of the body is almost white. Individuals with very dark, almost black underparts are noticeably less common. In Russia, the Daurian jackdaw can be found from Tuva to Primorye, in some places - in the southeastern Altai. nine0005
Both species of jackdaws are flocking birds. They nest, like rooks, in colonies. But unlike their larger relatives, shelters are chosen for building nests: niches in rocks, tree hollows, attics, old chimneys, ventilation holes under the roofs of houses. They can also settle in rook colonies. In this case, the role of shelter is played by a narrow space between closely spaced rook nests.
Near human habitation, jackdaws can be observed all year round. It seems that they are sedentary. However, it is not. Autumn migration of jackdaws in the Moscow region, for example, begins at the end of August. Birds rush to where it is warmer (to the countries of Western Europe, to Ukraine, to Moldova). The craving for resettlement takes possession mainly of young jackdaws. They are replaced by other individuals from the north. Most older birds stay over the winter in nesting areas, especially if there is a lot of food there. They gather in large groups in yards near garbage dumps, at train stations and railway stations. In autumn and winter, the city sky is crossed by huge noisy flocks of crows and jackdaws, flying in the morning to feed, and in the evening returning for a collective overnight stay in parks and squares. nine0005
In March, the number of jackdaws wintering in the Moscow region decreases: the birds settle in nesting areas. Already by the beginning of April, couples are visible feeding in the yards and on the streets. The couple stay close. The male is slightly larger than the female, and the plumage of his head is slightly more magnificent. Occasionally you can see how he feeds his girlfriend, who at the same time makes a begging cry, pulls her head into her shoulders and flutters her wings. In mid-April, jackdaws collect material for building nests: twigs, last year's grass, dog hair, scraps of paper, lumps of wet earth. In early May, females already incubate clutches of 3-6 eggs, usually pale bluish-gray with occasional grayish-brown speckles. Through 17-19days after the start of incubation, blind and naked chicks hatch with a sparse gray down. Both parents feed them for a little less than a month, then continue feeding the fledglings for about two weeks. Gradually, adults wean young people from the habit of begging.
Like other corvids, the jackdaw is omnivorous, but the chicks in the nest receive mainly insects, earthworms, spiders, and mollusks. In late May - early June, parents from morning to evening have to collect food for themselves and for the grown-up voracious offspring. A bird that has collected food for the chicks has its throat protruded by a lump of food under the tongue. A jackdaw flying up from the ground rushes to the roof of the house and disappears into the attic hole. Her appearance at the nest causes an "explosion" of thin yapping cries of a hungry brood. nine0005
Fledgling jackdaws
The jackdaws leaving the nest are already capable of walking and jumping well, but are not yet able to fly. They will be lucky if their parents nest in an old park or in a quiet sparsely populated courtyard. In most city yards, children pick up jackdaw fledglings, catch dogs and cats. Only the lucky few survive. Many chicks die simply from starvation. It happens that passers-by do not pay attention to the jackdaw, but the parent jackdaws are still worried and afraid to fly away in search of food. Birds chirp in alarm as they flit from branch to branch. But they cannot fly down and feed the baby. nine0005
If you meet a small jackdaw, crow, blackbird on the ground, do not think that he accidentally fell out of the nest ahead of time. The chicks deliberately leave the nest to disperse in the bushes and grass (alone, it is easier for them to hide from the predator). An adult bird sees its children well and, hearing their call signs, brings food. Unfortunately, jackdaws cannot prevent all the dangers that await chicks in the city.
Taming fledgling
Often people take jackdaw fledglings for education. It is in this case that true friendship arises between man and bird. An adult jackdaw, accustomed to its fellows and open spaces, caught in captivity, say, with a broken wing, is almost impossible to tame. In turn, the fosterling jackdaw will never learn to live in nature. She will not be able to communicate with relatives and will not even try to get to know them, because she simply does not understand that she is a jackdaw.
Corvids choose a spouse at a young age and for life. A bird raised by a man imprints him in his mind as a partner. The matured jackdaw will pay maximum attention to the owner and take care of him, as he would take care of his bird partner: offer tidbits from the beak and gently comb the "plumage" - the hair on the head. nine0005
It should be noted that this cute blackie is very difficult to keep in an apartment, and feeding a chick is even more difficult. This is only possible for those who are free, since a long period of time between feedings leads to exhaustion and death of the baby. The jackdaw wakes up at about six o'clock in the morning and immediately requires attention. You need to feed him every one and a half to two hours, until evening twilight. At first, the fledgling is afraid of humans and does not open its beak. Galchonka is covered with the palm of the left hand and holds the head, gently squeezing it with the thumb and forefinger. Then gently open the beak and stick in a small piece of food. Usually three or four such exercises are enough, and the chick begins to open its beak at your approach, impatiently screaming. Adult jackdaws push the food bolus deep into the throat of the "child" with the help of the tongue. Therefore, the food must not only be put in the mouth of the fledgling, but also carefully move it deeper with your finger. In this case, the name of the chick should be pronounced loudly. nine0005
It will take about two months - and the baby will learn to eat on his own.
Five years ago, somewhere in the beginning of June, an acquaintance of mine, a young naturalist, adopted a fledgling jackdaw: short-winged and almost tailless, with a bare underbelly, with grayish-pink legs and a beak. His round eyes with a black dot in the pupil were a surprisingly beautiful light blue color. A month later, they turned gray (in adult jackdaws, the iris of the eyes is white). The gal cub became attached to the owner as strongly as a dog. Until the chick grew wings and a tail, he lived in a large cage for budgerigars. A layer of earth had to be poured onto the bottom, since the bird immediately began to drag and tear the paper bedding. When the jackdaw got stronger and began to fly, he was moved to a street dovecote, where he got along quite peacefully with the local inhabitants, pecking with them grain from the same feeder. At the end of August, having made a sortie outside the dovecote, the jackdaw became a victim of an accident. nine0005
Semi-free keeping of a hand-daw is possible only in a summer cottage. In room conditions, for a bird, you need to build an aviary the size of a small closet. A thick layer of hygroscopic litter is poured onto the retractable bottom of the enclosure: a mixture of coarse sand, earth, peat chips and shavings, or layers of turf. An enameled baking sheet or a shallow, easy-to-clean heavy bowl is suitable for the feeder (a light bird will turn over). To bathe on the floor, you need to put a large cuvette or a small basin with warm water. nine0005
At first, you need to feed a young jackdaw only with soft and moist food: earthworms, insects, strips of beef and chicken meat, boiled egg white, narrow slices of bread (white or with bran). The feed must be moistened with water. For proper growth and development, it is useful for birds to give grated carrots mixed with chopped bun, non-acidic cottage cheese, ripe shadberry berries, currants, cherries, pieces of apple, pear, watermelon, finely chopped dandelion greens and wood lice. Soft foods must be fresh. Sour food can cause disease and even lead to the death of the bird. nine0005
Adult jackdaws love a grain mixture. It is made up of two cups of wheat, half a cup of oats, and one fifth of a cup of corn. Approximately a handful and a half of this mixture is placed in a jar of water in the morning, washed in the evening and poured again with water. The next morning, the water is drained, the mixture is thoroughly washed and given to the jackdaw. A new portion of dry grain is poured into the jar, etc. During the molting period, calcium gluconate and calcium glycerophosphate are included in the diet in a ratio of 1.5: 1. Powdered tablets (the dose is on the narrow tip of a knife) are poured onto the grain mixture every day, before how to give it. nine0005
Prankster Companion
Whether the jackdaw will pronounce words well does not depend on the abilities of the bird, but on who, how and how much time is engaged with it. It has long been noticed that the best teachers of "talking" birds are women and children. The teacher of the "talker" must have good diction.
The well-known children's writer E. N. Uspensky lived with Kral's tame jackdaw for almost eight years. Eduard Nikolaevich said that she flew freely around the room, often sat on his shoulder. And when he typed on a typewriter, "she flew up, stuck her nose into the typewriter, tore off a piece of the manuscript and flew, holding it in her beak. But it was at least safe, but when she pulled a burning cigarette out of her mouth and started flying with it .. Kralya also loved to be photographed ... at the same time she posed like a real fashion model. nine0005
The jackdaw, which you see on the 3rd page of the cover, was photographed in the early 70s at the dacha of Professor S. S. Turov in Sands near Moscow. Turov's neighbor, artist Alexei Nikanorovich Komarov, dedicated a story to this tame bird. Let me quote a short passage from it.
“Here you sit down at the table in a comfortable chair and write a letter, very necessary, businesslike. You completely forgot that you have a cordial, loving friend. But a friend has not forgotten you, he is not able to forget you, and he hurries to you on help. Here he runs with quick steps across the table, knocks over a bottle of ink on the way, instantly pulls out a letter from you and flies with it onto a bookcase. He is afraid that you will overwork, and this will be harmful to you ... Crushing your letter under his paw , the tick begins to diligently tear off small pieces from it and throw them from the closet onto the floor. She likes to watch these pieces fly, tumbling in the air, and colorful on the floor ...
- Anna Nikolaevna! you shout to your wife. - Get your damned jackdaw out. She covered the entire table with ink and tore up the letter. They brought such an abomination.
You forgot in your hearts that you yourself brought the jackdaw and fed him yourself. But the jackdaw has not forgotten this, and with all his heart he clings to you. To be with you, to help in all matters, to entertain you - this is his most cherished desire. .."
These jackdaws are such funny and cute birds. Under favorable conditions, they live in captivity for twelve years or more. nine0005
Jackdaw (bird). Photo, video
Jackdaw is the smallest representative of the corvid family in Europe. This bird loves everything shiny. People tell a sad story about a jackdaw that brought a smoldering cigarette to its nest and it burned down. Photo and video
Order - Passeriformes
Genus/Species - Coloeus monedula. Common Jackdaw
Basic data:
DimensionsLength: 33 cm.
Wingspan: 90 cm.
Mass: 230-250
9000 Infalion PM REPARATION: V 1-2 years old: in 1-2 years .Nesting period: April-June.
Carrying: one per year.
Number of eggs: 4-6.
Incubation: 17-18 days.
Feeding chicks: 28-32 days.
Habits: the jackdaw (see photo) is a flocking bird.
Food: insects, worms, snails, mice, eggs.
Sounds, voice: loud "kra-kra".
Life span: the oldest ringed bird was over 14 years old.
Close relatives of the jackdaw are birds such as the Daurian jackdaw, raven and rook. nine0005
Jackdaws are very intelligent birds. They live in large flocks and often spend the night with rooks. From the last jackdaws are distinguished by a clear voice. Nowadays, these birds have adapted to life near humans, where it is relatively easy for them to forage. Jackdaws are very fond of nesting on old buildings.
The diet of jackdaws is quite varied. In summer, they mostly feed on insects, worms, snails, and small vertebrates; seeds and berries predominate in autumn and winter. Sometimes jackdaws destroy the nests of other birds left unattended, eating their chicks and eggs. nine0005
Near agricultural land, jackdaws feed on grain. They are very fond of shiny fruits, such as cherries and cherries. In open areas, they have to catch small mammals - mice, voles. On the outskirts of the city, jackdaws are looking for tidbits in landfills. When food is plentiful, birds make stocks and usually hide them under tree roots and leaves. In bad weather, when it is not possible to get any food, jackdaws use the reserves from their pantries.
Jackdaws have adapted to life in a variety of biotopes. Birds are found in cities where they live on church bell towers, in open spaces, in forests and on lakeside rocks. Jackdaws' primary habitat was rocky cliffs, but landscape changes have provided the birds with new opportunities to choose nesting sites. Cohabitation with a man provides jackdaws with a large amount of food, and, in addition, shiny objects that these birds love so much can be found near human settlements. nine0005
The courtship period for jackdaws begins early in spring, in late February - early March. The male describes circles around the female and constantly bows, showing her his wonderful gray plumage on his neck. The pair persists throughout life and each time returns to incubate chicks in the same nest. Jackdaws usually build nests in hollows, on tree branches, on stone ledges, house eaves, in the crevices of buildings, and sometimes even on castle towers and church bell towers. nine0005
Small twigs serve as nest material for birds, and delicate feathers and hairs serve as bedding. The female lays 4-5 bluish-green eggs and incubates them for 17-18 days. The male brings food to the nest and briefly replaces the female. Both birds feed the chicks. Despite the fact that the chicks are on the wing already at 28-31 days, the parents feed them for a few more weeks. The chicks leave the nest not earlier than after a few months.
Outwardly, the jackdaw is similar to a rook and a crow or a raven. But it is also smaller in size and differs from them in the gray color of the plumage on the neck and nape. Another characteristic feature of the jackdaw is light blue eyes. Sometimes jackdaws gather in large flocks of up to 200 birds. The jackdaw flies unevenly, often flapping its wings, but in the air it is much faster than a crow. Sometimes the jackdaw circles around the tower for hours, demonstrating acrobatic tricks in the air. With frequent shrill cries, for example, "kyak-kya", the jackdaw attracts attention. Pairs of these birds remain faithful to each other throughout their lives. nine0005
- Once upon a time, people believed that if a jackdaw had a language, it would be able to speak like a human. This is a misconception, because birds do not need a language to make sounds.
- Males and females make chirping sounds. They are like meows.
- Jackdaw is easily tamed and therefore often kept in houses.
- Sometimes jackdaws sit on the backs of sheep and pluck wool from there, which they then use to build their nests. nine0225
- The well-known ethologist Konrad Lorenz was engaged in careful studies of the social organization of jackdaws.
- Sometimes jackdaws soak food in water before eating it.
Back plumage: black in young and adult birds.
Primary feather: in the jackdaw, as in other corvids, the tips of individual feathers are visible in flight.
Head: young birds have a dark gray nape, older ones are lighter. There is a black hat on top.
Eggs: 4-5 bluish with brown spots.
Nest: built from small twigs, lined with wool and down. It can be found in small rocky gorges, in the recesses of the walls of old houses or tree hollows.
Breast plumage: dark gray or black, lighter in older birds.