Baby mole food
What’s a Baby Mole Called & 4 More Amazing Facts!
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Baby moles are astounding animals with many interesting things about them. Did you know that they are completely colorblind or that baby moles are called pups? Keep reading to check out five cool facts about mole pups that you may not know.
#1: Baby Moles are Called a Pups!
Baby moles are called pups!©Sebastjan Medved/
A baby mole is called a pup! When you think of the word pup, baby dogs probably come to mind. But did you know that baby moles are also called pups? The name also isn’t exclusive to them. Other baby animals such as bats, coyotes, and even dolphins!
#2: There are No Baby Moles in Ireland
Mole pups aren’t in Ireland due to a rise in the sea level during the Ice Age.©
Baby moles are solitary, simple creatures that are mostly found in areas of Europe, Asia, and North America. They love to dig and spend nearly their entire lives in burrows that they create underground.
Even though moles are present in most parts of Europe, you won’t find a single one in Ireland. This is despite the fact that neighboring countries have populations of moles.
It is not known exactly why moles haven’t taken up a home in Ireland. However, scientists theorize that during the Ice Age, a drastic rise in sea level made it impossible for moles to travel to the country. This same phenomenon is likely responsible for the absence of other animals in Ireland, too, like weasels and certain types of bats.
#3: Male Moles Prepare for Mating Season in a Unique Way
Nearly all baby moles are conceived during the late winter.©Maksim Safaniuk/
Baby moles are almost exclusively conceived during the late winter months. Since moles spend nearly all of their lives underground, they go to unique measures to get ready for babies. Phase one begins when a male is attempting to find more females, and phase two occurs when it’s time to make a nest.
During the first phase of preparation, male moles begin gearing up for the mating season. To do this, they begin enlarging the size of their underground tunnels. But why do they do this? The answer is simple: to make it easier to connect with multiple female moles. He also connects his tunnels to other underground territories to make a way for females to find their way to him.
Once a baby is conceived, phase two of preparation for the babies begins. During this stage, both the mother and father moles prepare a place for their babies. To do this, they dig out a sphere-shaped underground chamber. Then, they use dry plant material to form a cozy nest for their little bundles of joy.
When female moles give birth, they typically have anywhere from three to four babies at a time. The mole babies are born with no hair and depend exclusively on their mother’s milk for survival. By the time they are five to six weeks old, they are fully weaned and ready to venture off on their own, so they leave their families to lead their own lives.
#4: Mole Pups Seriously Love Earthworms
A mole pup’s favorite food is earthworms!©tchara/Shutterstock. com
Many people believe that baby moles are after the roots in the gardens that they burrow under. This is so widely believed that many people use mole repellant and killers because they believe it will protect their garden from ruin.
However, mole pups are not interested in the roots of plants. Instead, they are on the hunt for their favorite food: earthworms. Since earthworms feed on plant matter, they are plentiful in gardens, which is a major reason why moles are so commonly found there. The reason why gardens die when moles are present is that they destroy the soil, not because they eat plant roots.
Moles take their love for earthworms very seriously. So seriously, in fact, that they’re known to consume their body weight in worms in a single day. For a fully-grown adult mole, that equates to around 75 grams of wormy goodness. Talk about a ton of food!
#5: Mole Babies Have Tiny Eyes
A Star-nosed mole, Agnieszka bacal, outside of its tunnel.©Agnieszka Bacal/Shutterstock. com
At first glance, it might appear that baby moles have no eyes. It makes sense, too, right? Since moles live in the dark underground, why would they need eyes? While mole pups do have eyes, they’re unique from other animals’.
A mole pup’s eyes are located behind its snout. They are extremely tiny and are behind a thin membrane, which is part of the reason why they’re so difficult to see. Despite these eyes existing, moles are completely colorblind. They also have horrible eyesight, but their eyes allow them to see changes in light.
Since their eyesight is so poor, moles must rely on other senses to survive. They can sense vibrations in the ground, which helps them to identify when a threat is near. Though they are not considered nocturnal or diurnal, they are more active in the early morning hours and overnight, since fewer vibrations in the ground occur during those hours.
Scientists say that moles sleep in four-hour shifts and don’t seem to mind being up when their nap is over, no matter what time of day it is.
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© tchara/
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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
What are baby moles called?
Like baby hedgehogs, otters, and rats, baby moles are called pups.
How much do baby moles weigh?
Baby moles are seriously tiny. As newborns, they usually weigh a tiny 2.5 to 4.5 ounces.
What do baby moles eat?
Mole pups are mammals, which means they only drink their mother’s milk for around their first month. Then, they enjoy a diet of insects, with their favorite food being earthworms.
Where do baby moles live?
Baby moles live in parts of North America, Europe, and Asia.
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Caring for a Rescued Baby Mole
Caring for a Rescued Baby Mole | ThriftyFunsocial
Question: Caring for a Baby Mole?
I need help with a baby mole he/she looks about 1 1/2 months old and I can't find anything about how to take care of the little guy. I don't want him to die.
By michael from ND
Robyn Fed
Silver Post Medal for All Time! 398 Posts
November 12, 20101 found this helpful
Best Answer
More than likely, from what I have seen from my wildlife rehabber friends, cows milk would be disastrous for this little creature. Your best bet is to find a rehabber near you. Look on this link and call and find out.
Birgit is the director of this great rescue. There is a link and she has a facebook also. she is very good at rehabbing and her page is very informative.
Rehabbing is very difficult, and usually better left for the few hours it take to get the animal to a licensed rehabber, for its own sake and for your own sake also as there are laws regarding wildlife and the fines are very high.
It is so sweet that you are trying to help these animals, maybe there is a wildlife rehabilitation career in your future?
Check this site for a rehabber as close to you as possible for help with this wonderful small creature.
Also the fish and game dept in your area may have a wildlife rehabber listed also.
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9 More Questions
Ask a QuestionHere are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community or ask a new question.
Question: Caring for a Rescued Baby Mole?
My cat had caught a baby mole and we saved it. He is in a bowl with a towel and I'm not sure how to take care of him.
Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
November 15, 20170 found this helpful
Best Answer
This one will depend on how old the baby mole is.
- If the baby is rather small you'll need a box, a towel, and a hot water bottle.
- Fill the hot water bottle to your body temperature. Don't make it too hot. Put this in the box and put the towel on top of the hot water bottle. Afterwards, put the baby mole on top of the towel.
- You will need to make a homemade kitten forumula to feed the baby. You can always buy this at your local vet stores.
- You will prepare the formula and feed this to the mole using a syringe.
- When feeding the baby you will hold it in one hand and drop the formula into the mouth with the other hand.
- Just keep checking the water bottle and make sure it is not getting too cold. The mole needs heat and this is the only source of heat you are supplying the baby.
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Question: Caring for Baby Moles?
My grandson found a mole that is about 3 inches in length, but has no fur. We know what you feed a full grown mole, but how do we know if this is a small one or an older one?
By lscraig
Judy = Oklahoma
Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 509 Feedbacks
July 31, 20110 found this helpful
Best Answer
You probably need to talk to a wildlife rehabilitator to see what to do with it, or if it's even legal for you to have it. In some states, it's illegal for someone who's not a licensed rehabilitator to keep a wild animal, even if it's a baby or injured. Not only that, they might need special care you don't know about. I'm a Facebook friend with a wildlife rehabilitator in my area & it's been a real learning experience about the smallest things that can make or break a wild animals chance of survival.
Here are 2 websites that can help you find someone in your area:
And here's a website with general information on the subject:
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Question: Caring for a Rescued Baby Mole?
I found an abandoned baby mole in my backyard on my patio and I was wondering what I should do with it. It's either injured or too young to know how to walk yet I'm not sure.
July 15, 20190 found this helpful
Contact your local zoo, Department of Natural Resources, or Wildlife Rehabilitation Center. I have heard of each of those types of places have suggested plans for similar type animal issues :)
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please tell me who I can go to in my area Brooklyn Mi 49230 to help 4 little baby moles that were by them self. I have no idea who to contact. I was doing yard work when one of them that was in a den started rubbing its face against my wrist, I don't want them to die,that would break my heart!
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Silver Post Medal for All Time! 267 Posts
June 29, 20220 found this helpful
Here are a few websites that look like they are in your area. Maybe they can help or suggest somewhere closer to you.
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Question: Found a Baby Mole?
I just found a baby mole in the dirt hole my kids play in. What do I do with it?
Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
May 18, 20180 found this helpful
You should report it to the national wildlife aid.
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May 19, 20180 found this helpful
Leave it alone the mother will take care of it!!
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Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts
May 19, 20180 found this helpful
if you want to save its life then yes, call wildlife removal though it may take them a day or so to come deal with it because I'm sure they're busy
you could wait and see if the mother comes back and takes him away once she realizes the nest has been compromised
you could remove it yourself. Just make sure you protect your hand with gloves and your mouth with a face mask in case of diseases
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June 16, 20180 found this helpful
If baby moles are alone the mother is likely dead. It's recommended to find baby moles help. Much different than other wildlife where you try to reunite. The only other animal that I'm aware of that you need to rescue babies for is the opossum. A baby will fall off and momma will keep going and never look back. It's rare that you can reunite a baby possum with its mother.
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Question: Feeding Baby Moles?
June 15, 2012
What do you do when the moles are rejecting the milk mixture when I try to feed some to it? I don't know what I did wrong because now I just have one baby instead of two.
By Jamie B.
August 14, 20210 found this helpful
You should contact the department of Natural resources or a wildlife rehabilitation center. They can tell you whats going on and what to do about it.
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ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.
Archive: Caring for a Baby Mole
November 11, 2010
My friend and I found a baby mole in a driveway. I think its mom left it there, but I brought it home. I don't know what they eat. Can someone help me?
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Archive: Caring for a Baby Mole
June 14, 2010
I have two baby moles. I wanted to know how to tell if its a boy or girl? Also, I am feeding them warm milk. They drank a little bit.
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What do moles eat in the garden?
Moles digging in the burrow area cause a lot of problems for gardeners, but not everyone knows what these underground inhabitants eat.
Read on dacha6. ru:
How to get rid of moles in a summer cottage or garden
How to get rid of mole rats in a summer cottage
Description 9002 insectivorous animals whose favorite treat is earthworms. In the process of searching for them, animals dig endless long tunnels under the surface of the earth, mainly at a depth of about 15-20 cm. Most of the passages are located at a depth of up to 1 m, individual labyrinths can go 2 m or more deep. Entrances and exits on the surface are clearly visible due to the characteristic tubercles with holes inside.In addition to worms, the diet of moles includes bears, Maybug larvae, caterpillars, and various small insects. Sometimes they also come across larger prey - mice, sick and weakened rats, lizards, small snakes and other snakes, frogs, shrews. Moles do not refuse from carrion.
Root crops, seeds and nutritious roots may be included in the diet of moles as additional products. But mostly as an exception in times of famine. The fact is that these animals have a fast metabolism and to maintain it, they need, first of all, not plant, but animal food.
It takes about 4-5 hours to digest a normal diet. The life cycle of moles directly depends on this. The period of sleep and wakefulness is replaced every 4 hours.
The life expectancy of a mole reaches 5 years.
Mating of moles occurs from mid-April to the end of May. During this period, characteristic molehills can often be observed on the surface of the site.
Pregnancy of females lasts about 1 month, respectively, the new generation is born in June-July. Each litter can contain up to 9kids. In fat years, individual females may have 2 litters per season.
Born moles weigh no more than 5 g. They are completely naked, toothless and helpless. During the first 3 weeks, a caring mother regularly feeds them with milk, carefully cares for them and protects them. At the age of 1 month, grown-up babies begin to get food on their own, their main diet is gradually replaced by worms and insect larvae. After two months, the size of the cubs becomes the same as in adults.
Feeding in winter
Moles do not hibernate in winter. To survive the hungry winter, they accumulate supplies throughout the summer in special underground storerooms. In addition, moles continue to get fresh food - larvae, pupae and beetles, comfortably settled down for a long winter.
Benefits of moles:
- Exterminate the nutritious fleshy larvae of Maybugs.
- Helping to clear the site of bears.
- Reduce the population of shrews and mice.
Harm from moles:
- While building tunnels, these mammals involuntarily break the root system of cultivated plants, spoil the roots that interfere with them.
- On the site, molehills are left in the most inappropriate places.
As you can see, moles are not unconditional pests, besides, they are not small insects, but rather large mammals, so you should not deal with them mercilessly. Use ultrasonic repellers that won't harm animals, but keep them away from your garden at all times.
© Ilya Vladimirovich |
Another gardener
what they eat, behavior, harm and benefits to the garden and the garden
Home Plot What do moles eat in the country: the diet of a garden dweller
Moles in dachas are frequent residents. In some cases, these animals bring great benefits to the site, loosening the soil and eating harmful insects, than moles feed in the country mainly, but more often they become the main cause of the sudden death of young trees and root crops. In nature, moles live where there is soft ground. In search of food, they can settle for a long time on a person's site - vegetable gardens, gardens and flower beds.
Short description
Moles are bright representatives of the insectivorous category of animals whose favorite delicacy is earthworms. In search of food, they dig endlessly long tunnels under the surface of the earth. Most often they live at a depth of up to 25 centimeters. In some cases, labyrinths can go deeper by 3 meters or more. A person can independently observe the entrances and exits of the tunnels, as characteristic tubercles with holes inside appear above the earth's surface.
In addition to traditional worms, the diet of these animals includes Maybug larvae, bears, caterpillars and small insects. In rare cases, they manage to get on larger prey - rats, mice, snakes, lizards, shrews, frogs. Moles love to eat even carrion.
If a mole has dug an underground passage to a private area, then it can eat some root crops, nutritious roots and seeds. This situation is an exception, since they come to people's gardens only in case of a shortage of food. Due to the fast metabolism, moles need not plant, but animal food. It takes up to 5 hours to digest food. The life cycle of animals depends on this parameter. The periods of sleep and wakefulness alternate every four hours. The average life expectancy is 5 years.
You can meet a mole not only in forests, but also in those areas that are located near a human dwelling: in vegetable gardens, meadows, gardens and oak forests. The soil should be slightly moist, as there may be some difficulty in digging successive tunnels. In addition, much more earthworms and other invertebrates are found in such soil. Experts are used to calling moles synanthropes. Even if the animal does not climb into a person's garden, it will definitely settle near it.
The presence of a mole may be indicated by cone-shaped mounds of earth, which are found in large numbers on the site and in gardens.
On the surface, the animal pushes excess soil from a new underground passage. All his life, the mole moves along its underground highways and builds new passages. It takes a lot of strength, which is why he needs good nutrition.
Favorite food of moles
Experts say that most often animals eat invertebrates. The main part of the diet is made up of ordinary earthworms. Specialists conducted unique studies that were based on the study of the contents of the stomachs. As a result, the experts were able to identify the following food remains:
- Beetle larvae - no more than 5% of the total content.
- Earthworms - 91%. It is worth noting that they were found in absolutely all captured animals.
- Small remains of soft parts of plants and grains, roots and tubers - up to 1%.
- Other types of insects (woodlice, centipedes) - 3%.
This led to the conclusion that these underground inhabitants feed mainly on worms and insect larvae. This meat menu was slightly diluted with various invertebrates, as well as plants. The conclusion allowed the experts to confirm other scientific data:
- The mole is the closest relative of the well-known shrew, muskrat and shrew. All of these animals are non-vegetarian.
- The structure of the digestive system and teeth is completely characteristic of a predatory animal. It has sharp fangs, a short intestine, and relatively weak chewing teeth. In addition, the metabolism is very fast, which is typical for all carnivores.
Winter food
With the advent of cold weather, moles do not hibernate. Throughout the summer, they diligently accumulate supplies in special underground storerooms in order to calmly survive the winter. In addition, moles continue to replenish their diet with fresh food - pupae, larvae, beetles. Such animals are of some use:
- Help to clear the land from bears.
- They eat nutritious fleshy larvae of Maybugs.
- Significantly reduce the population of mice and shrews.
But at the same time, the animals build their endless tunnels, because of which the root system of the plants grown on the site is disturbed.
Moles can not only eat root crops, but simply spoil them. In the most inappropriate places, they break through rather large molehills. Of course, because of the benefits they bring, animals cannot be classified as unconditional pests. Experts recommend using modern ultrasonic repellers that will not cause any harm to the animal, but will force it to stay away from the site.
Eating root crops
Almost everyone has heard the myth that moles love to eat various crops in vegetable gardens. But in fact, they do not eat either carrots or potatoes. The appearance of such a myth can be explained by the following reasons:
- In the south of the country, where the zone of semi-deserts and steppes prevails, the main pests are rodents that lead an underground lifestyle.
These can be zokors and mole voles who really try to root. Inexperienced gardeners cannot figure out who exactly dug the underground passages, attributing everything to moles.
- Underground passages are actively used by voles and mice to be able to quickly get to juicy root crops. Gardeners rarely see such pests, but they notice well the fact that absolutely all tubers are gnawed along the molehill.
- In the process of laying the underground passage, the animal does not bypass garden crops. Under the powerful paws of a mole, potatoes, carrots, garlic and even onions are damaged. If the animal decides to get to the surface, then it will simply break the bed. Of course, because of this, seedlings and other plantings deteriorate, and an inexperienced gardener gets the impression that the moles have eaten his crop.
Main Enemies
Despite the fact that moles live exclusively underground and are difficult prey, they are still hunted by some representatives of the animal world.