Baby pigeon feeding pump
Breast Pumps | Pigeon Global
Breastfeeding is a very important milestone for you and your little one.
The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of your baby’s life and continued as long as possible.
Breast milk supports healthy infant development and contains all the vitamins and nutrients your baby needs.
While we all understand the importance of breastfeeding,
we also know that life can be busy and full of challenges.
Not all mothers are able to let their little one latch on for long duration, due to work commitments and other issues like medical reasons or nipple problems.
With more than 50 years of experience in infant feeding studies, PIGEON is proud to introduce a new range of breast pumps developed based on the latest breastfeeding study. Through this research, PIGEON identifies the 3 key steps to effective breast milk expression – Fit, Gentle Stimulation and Expression. This allows mothers to express their breast milk comfortably, in the most natural way.
3 Key Steps to Effective Breast Milk Expression
The new range of PIGEON breast pumps comes with Comfort ProperFit Soft Silicone Cushion. With specially designed air-tight ring and inner curves, it provides a secure seal and fits the breast perfectly, gently cupping the breast to prevent air leakage during expression. No air leakage will improve milk extraction during expressing. The 100% silicone cushion also provides a comfortable fit to enhance the overall pumping experience.
Comfort ProperFit Soft Silicone Cush
- Air-tight ring to fit any breast shape perfectly
- Softer material made from 100% silicone
- The inner curves achieves close contact and stops air leak, which improves milk extraction
To suit the different needs of breastfeeding mothers, PIGEON provides 2 cushion sizes in each breast pump set – Regular and Large. Regular funnel size is 23mm in diameter whereas the large size is 27mm. Mothers are able to choose a comfortable size that fits their breast according to their body condition.
The new range of PIGEON breast pumps comes with the stimulation mode, which enables mothers to gently stimulate their breasts for a good let-down of breast milk. This is essential to prepare the breast and initiate milk flow prior to expression.
When expressing breast milk, it is important that mothers are able to express comfortably and efficiently. The new range of breast pumps from PIGEON comes with different levels of suction power and speed for mothers to choose comfortably according to their body condition to maximize milk flow.
Electric Breast Pump Pro
Electric Breast Pump Portable
Manual Breast Pump
Breast Pumps
The best of both worlds
We know that mother's milk is the best source of nutrition for your baby, but you may not always be there to feed your child.
With PIGEON Breast Pump, maintaining successful breastfeeding would be a breeze as the breast pump allows mothers to release and store breast milk.
Total breastfeeding
Expressing milk while at work so that it may be given to your baby the next day. Breastfeed your baby directly when you are with him / her.
Start introducing a bottle of expressed milk to your baby at about six weeks after birth, once breastfeeding has been properly established. Then gradually increase the number of expressed milk feeds about two weeks before you start work.
How to select and use a Breast Pump?
Points of consideration for choosing a breast pump are as follows:
Select a breast pump that is the most suitable and comfortable for you. Always remember that a pump with a strong suction power does not mean that it is good for you. A baby exerts a pressure of 80 to 100mmHG. Ensure the sucking force by the pump is appropriate and no pain is felt in the mamary glands. Sucking is different from pulling and rhythmic suction is better than hard pumping. Breast pump with a pumping strength of above 200mmHG is not recommended for breast feeding mothers.
Cleaning Method for Manual Breast Pump
The following recommendations are helpful while expressing milk:
- Warm the breast with a hot wet towel. Massage in circles from the outside of the breast to the inside, avoiding the nipple.
- Express with a pump that has a comfortable and appropriate pressure.
- Stop expressing when the breast is four-fifth emptied. (NOTE: The breast cannot be emptied completely. Hence, do not express for longer than 20 minutes.)
- Stop expressing when pain is felt in breast or nipple.
Perfect Feeding Cycle
Express Milk - Using the PIGEON Breast Pump
- Place Sealing Air Cushion™ to the breast.
- Pull the handle.
Dedicated to the benefits of Breastmilk
- The Perfect Sealing Air Cushion™ fits perfectly to the breast to softly envelopes and gently.
- Two Phase Technology – Stimulation and Expression modes.
- LED monitor.
- Simple and easy, No backflow feature.
- Customizable Pumping Style.
- The Perfect Sealing Air Cushion™ fits perfectly to the breast to softly envelopes and gently.
- The Perfect Sealing Air Cushion™ fits perfectly to the breast to softly envelopes and gently.
- Two Phase Technology – Stimulation and Expression modes.
- LED monitor.
- Simple and easy, No backflow feature.
- Customizable Pumping Style.
- Light weight and portable.
- Perfect Sealing Soft Sillicone Air cushion Air Cushion™.
- Two Phase Technology – Stimulation and Expression modes.
- Ergonomic easy-express handle.
- Simple and easy, No backflow feature.
- Light weight and portable
- Superior Silent Motor
- The Perfect Sealing Air Cushion™ fits perfectly to the breast to softly envelopes and gently.
- 5 Adjustable Suction Pressure Levels that mother can choose on the preferred suction strength.
- Fewer parts for assembly
- BPA free
- One hand system, completely adjustable and silent pumping.
- Advanced Sealing Air Cushion.
Grandma's favor: why birds are no longer afraid of cars does not react. And only when the distance between them decreases to a critical one, the birds begin to fly away. At the same time, they literally jump out from under the wheels. The AvtoVzglyad portal tells why the self-preservation instinct of birds fails.
Victor Vasiliev
There are several versions of such suicidal behavior of birds. According to the Rambler, citing National Geographic expert Sofia Demyanets, in the perception of pigeons, the car moves much more slowly. Therefore, it seems to them that there is enough time to fly away.
Another expert believes that the reactions of the birds may be retarded due to their state of health. And poor health is caused by poor-quality food. For example, moldy bread, rotten grain. Compassionate grandmothers willingly feed all these pigeons, firmly believing that this is how they save birds from starvation.
Quite a few social activists have already raised the issue that it is not necessary to feed the birds with bread. However, this does not give any results. As fed, and continue to feed. However, bread is indeed very harmful to birds. It is not only not nutritious, but also clogs their goiter and stomach. And black bread does increase acidity, causing dysbacteriosis.
Photos from open sources
Road reagents, which are abundantly sprinkled on the streets in winter, also make their contribution. But the most interesting thing is that they remain on the sidewalks, and when the snow has melted. This salt enters the stomachs of pigeons, causing various ailments. This is where their reactions slow down. By the way, other diseases in birds are also enough. For example, salmonellosis and the common flu, which affects not only people, but also birds. All this makes pigeons weaker, they do not notice cars, and when the car is very close, self-preservation instincts turn on. Therefore, birds literally fly out from under the hood, or even from under the bottom of the car.
Finally, there is a version that the car is not included in the list of natural enemies of birds. Therefore, they do not perceive the "iron horse" as a threat and allow it to approach them. In any case, we recall that a collision with a bird will not lead to anything good. Feathered at speed can scratch the bumper or damage the plastic grille. And this is an extra cost for repairs. So it’s better to slow down in front of a flock of birds and let it fly away or, if the pigeons are very lazy, let it go quietly.
- Cars
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The indicators are already reduced for the second month
- Cars
The indicators are already reduced for the second month
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damage, traffic safety, traffic accident, road
Is it possible to feed pigeons in the yard of the house
Valery Trusevich
asked in the Community
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I live on the second floor of an apartment building. This summer, pigeons began to fly en masse to the outer window sill - a metal drainage system. The consequences are obvious: a dirty drain, constant movement outside the window, a frightened cat who does not understand what the hell is happening.
At first I didn't understand why. But somehow, when I got up again to chase away the birds, I saw a woman throwing grain from a sack around a bench under the window. Pigeons naturally flock to it en masse.
Attempts to politely reason with the lady and explain to her that all the neighboring drainage systems, including mine, are already utterly filthy, did not give anything. He says: “Well, they have already driven me from everywhere, I will stay here. I'm old, it's hard for me to go to the park." Every day around 12-13 o'clock she comes and continues to feed the birds.
What to do? Is it possible to bring her to administrative responsibility for damage to property or somehow influence the situation?
That's how many sacks of grain she hasDmitry Sergeev
knows how to punish for feeding birds
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Feeding pigeons in the yard is really a lot of trouble. Clogged drainage means both problems with sanitation and extra expenses for cleaning common house property.
But a person cannot be punished for the very feeding of birds: the laws simply do not provide for such responsibility. Most likely, it will also not be possible to prohibit feeding pigeons through the courts. But you can still influence your neighbor - I'll tell you how to do it.
What is the problem of feeding birds in the yards
Pigeons do not understand hygiene requirements. The feeding place and the toilet for them are the same territory. As a result, lawns, asphalt around the feeding place and cars in parking lots are covered with bird droppings. Windows, visors and walls of houses also get dirty.
Humans can become infected with salmonellosis, bird flu, psittacosis and other diseases through bird droppings. And some people can develop a severe allergic reaction.
9 diseases that can be contracted from cats and dogs
At the same time, those who feed pigeons are guided by the best intentions - not to let them die of starvation. And although the birds mostly starve in winter, and in the summer they can find their own food, compassionate neighbors are sure that pigeons need to be fed all year round - and even more in warm weather.
There is nothing good here: a bird can lose the habit of looking for food on its own even in summer. And it also causes a lot of problems for neighbors, as in your case. Yes, and pigeons from some well-wishers only needless problems. For example, white bread, millet, salty, fatty and fried foods can cause them digestive problems.
How to Feed Your Birds in Winter: 6 Healthy Treats
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Is it possible to hold those who feed pigeons liable for damage to property
It is impossible to hold a neighbor who feeds birds liable for damage to property. It is necessary to prove the connection between feeding pigeons and the fact that birds spoil drainage systems or the facade of the house. This is not easy to do: pigeons are not tame - they fly wherever they want and shit on window sills, regardless of whether a neighbor feeds them in the yard or not.
Neither federal nor regional regulations prohibit feeding birds in the city. But such restrictions can be established by municipalities in the rules for landscaping. In any case, administrative responsibility for feeding homeless and stray animals is not provided.
Part 1 2.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
It will also not work to recover material damage for damage to common house property or to prohibit feeding birds through the courts either.
For example, in Podolsk, the management organization filed a lawsuit against a citizen who fed street pigeons from the balcony of her own apartment. As a result, the facade of the house was constantly covered in pigeon droppings. And also, as it was stated in the lawsuit, "parasites and infection are bred" and "fleas fly into courtrooms." What kind of infection is bred, when the fleas learned to fly and how courtrooms attract them, the plaintiffs did not explain.
The managing organization argued that the defendant violated the obligation to comply with the rules for the maintenance of common property. This created unfavorable living conditions for other citizens.
Employees of Municipal Unitary Enterprise ZhPET No. 2 in Podolsk approached the issue seriously: they repeatedly tried to give the woman instructions on the inadmissibility of feeding street pigeons, drew up acts, and then presented them to the court as evidence of guilt.
They asked to ban the citizen from feeding the birds, but the court did not agree with them. In order to assign responsibility, it is necessary to establish guilt, the wrongfulness of behavior and a causal relationship between the behavior and the harm that has occurred. The managing organization did not provide such evidence.
As a result, the court refused to establish a ban on feeding pigeons, but warned the woman about the inadmissibility of such actions.
How can you punish a neighbor
If a person pollutes common areas, disturbs amenities and cleanliness with an excessive amount of bird food, this can be considered an administrative offense.
Part 2 4.9 of the Code of the Tyumen Region on Administrative Liability
Part 1 Art. 6.1 Administrative Code of the Moscow Region
For your neighbor, grain is bird food, but from the point of view of the law, it is consumer waste that she scatters around the shop. Waste management is regulated by special requirements. In short, the dumping of such waste on the soil is prohibited - they are subject to collection, accumulation and disposal.
Your yard must have facilities for waste collection. Most likely, there is a special area with garbage containers installed on it. According to the rules, the distance from them to residential buildings should be at least 20 and no more than 100 meters. Pigeons will probably be able to find grain in a container, but at such a distance they will not pollute the yard, they will not scare your cat, and the neighbor’s health will not be an obstacle to walking these 100 meters.
Community 04/16/21
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A woman may be held administratively liable for non-compliance with waste management requirements.