Baby rubber feeding chair
Pediatric PT explains why not to use the Bumbo seat!
As a Pediatric Physical Therapist, I am often asked to weigh in about different pieces of equipment. What is best for children? What will help them develop, achieve gross motor milestones, interact with peers, and so on. We therapists try to keep up with new products on the market, reading up on the literature, and trying out the equipment on our own before making recommendations and suggestions.
One such piece of equipment is called the Bumbo Seat.
“Bumbo”, as it is affectionately called, is a one-piece seat that is made entirely of a low density foam. As you can see, it has a deep seat with a high back and sides, with openings for the legs as well as a front support and safety buckle.
Infants too young to sit up on their own are often propped up in the Bumbo seatThe Bumbo Seat is marketed to help babies sit upright.
The Bumbo website states the following:
“The Bumbo Floor Seat was designed to seat young babies who can’t sit up by themselves yet. As soon as your baby can support their own head you can seat them in the Bumbo Floor Seat. The seat has many technical design features that supports the baby’s posture allowing them to interact with their surroundings. The Bumbo Floor Seat has received many awards from around the world for its effective and functional design.”
As a helpful guide, here are the motor milestone reference points for sitting in typically developing children.
- Between 6-9 months we expect children to begin to sit upright on the floor for short periods of time, first using support from hands and later independently.
- Between 9-12 months, we expect children will begin to gain more control in seated position. When seated on the floor, they will begin to turn their trunk to reach and manipulate toys placed around them.

When children are placed in the Bumbo before they are developmentally ready for sitting it can interfere with the natural progression of skills.
Young children rely on different developmental positions to promote activation and control of their various muscle groups, from head control to trunk control to control of their extremities. Children utilize the time first on their back, then on tummy, in sitting and in standing to gain stability and confidence with their physical being in order to allow them to achieve stability, then mobility, and then gradual independence.
The Bumbo website claims the following:
“The Floor Seat stabilizes the child into slight hip flexion, placing the pelvis in a slight anterior pelvic tilt which facilitates lumbar extension. This action, combined with the gentle curve of the seat back that matches the natural curve of the rib cage, facilitates the baby around the lower ribs and trunk for stabilization. The Seat allows for active practice of the head and postural trunk control. It also allows a child the pelvic stability needed to get the hands into mid line for play. Upright positioning facilitates an improved visual field of the environment, improved respirations and breath control, assists a baby who needs to be upright after feeding due to reflux and many other benefits.”
If you actually observe a child seated in the Bumbo, you will notice there is no active control being achieved. The child is passively placed in position and then locked in. There is no room to build trunk control or pelvic stability because the Bumbo is locking the child in and thus not allowing for any muscle activation or joint movement to occur. The child is wedged into the deep seat with his or her legs held at a higher angle than the pelvis. This prevents natural weight bearing from occurring.
Seated in the Bumbo, the child has both hands and legs free, preventing opportunities for weight bearing. Babies rely on developmental positions (such as pushing up on their hands when placed on their tummy or sitting while propping themselves with their arms) to allow for weight bearing across the joints, which provides necessary feedback from environment and sensory input. The access to sensory input from the world around us, be it proprioceptive (body awareness through muscles and joints), tactile (sense of touch) or vestibular (sense of movement) helps create the sensory integration young children require in order to make sense of their bodies and the environment around them.
By positioning babies in an unnatural posture without access to the sensory input they require for development, we are interfering with the important and natural progression of development. explains his experience with the Bumbo:
“Someone lent me a Bumbo to try out. I thought it was a really cool idea. I sat my child in it around 3 months, and I was thinking, ‘This is great. She can sit there while I practice piano or tabla.’ And then I took a closer look. She looked anything by comfortable. The Bumbo seemed to be almost forcefully holding her in an up right sitting position. My wife looked into it, and sure enough she found many sources that suggested this thing was potentially harmful for her posture, and is likely to delay her ability to sit up on her own. That was the last we saw of the Bumbo. You know, if we can just wait until she’s ready to do stuff, our child will develop just fine. Indeed, at about 5 months she was sitting up on her own.”
The Bumbo is a seemingly convenient option for parents, but is it really beneficial to our children? Why do we want our children to be sitting upright before they are ready? How can they interact with the environment around them, people or places if they are locked in one position, strapped into a chair with no stimulation?
Development aside, Bumbo seats have proven to be dangerous.
Physical development aside, the Bumbo seat has been proven to be unsafe. The first Bumbo seat recall occurred in 2007, of nearly one million Bumbos manufactured from 2003 to 2007, after reports of at least 17 infants falling out of the Bumbo and suffering skull fractures. In August 2012, another recall occurred of nearly 4 million Bumbo seats after reports of 95 babies falling out of the seat and at least 19 infants suffering skull fractures.
A statement from Bumbo itself read, “Bumbo International Trust is conducting a voluntary recall to add a restraint belt and new warnings to the Bumbo Baby Seat. Infants can maneuver out of or fall from the seat, posing a risk of serious injuries. Working closely with the CPSC, Bumbo has determined that the potential safety issue can be readily corrected in the home by adding a restraint belt. In addition, Bumbo is providing a new warning sticker for consumers to attach to the seat to re-emphasize existing warnings against use of the seat on any raised surfaces.”
From “Rather than using a chair, parents looking for developmental benefits should play with their baby and encourage movement”, said Physical Therapist Colleen Harper, director of developmental, rehabilitative and child life services at Chicago’s La Rabida Children’s Hospital.
“No equipment enhances a child’s motor development; equipment is a ‘baby sitter’ so that a parent can cook dinner, eat dinner or take a shower,” Harper said. “A gross motor skill like sitting is achieved through movement and practice. Children fall out of Bumbo seats because they do not yet have the requisite strength, balance and coordination needed for sitting.”
In a March 2012 Chicago Tribune article, Mary Weck, the clinical coordinator of Physical Therapy at Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago addressed the claims Bumbo made in relation to its product:
Bumbo says: “The seat stabilizes the child into slight hip flexion, placing the pelvis in a slight anterior pelvic tilt which facilitates lumbar extension. ”
Weck says: “Actually, it does the exact opposite. It puts the baby’s pelvis in a posterior tilt, which facilitates lumbar flexion, not extension. That puts the baby’s chest behind the pelvis. Then the head has to come too far forward. It’s no longer positioned directly above the chest.”
Despite Bumbo’s claims, the seat actually places babies in a hunched forward positionBumbo says: “The chair allows a child the pelvic stability needed to get the hands into the midline for play.”
Baby playing with hands in midlineWeck says: “Children don’t need a chair to get their hands in that position. At the age they’re using the Bumbo, they are able to do that in a variety of positions anyway.”
Bumbo says: “Upright positioning facilitates an improved visual field of the environment, improved respirations and breath control and assists a baby who needs to be upright after feeding due to reflux.”
When babies spend time on their tummies it provides a strong foundation for the development of higher level visual skills, as opposed to when they are propped in sitting before they are able to sit on their own.
Weck says: “Studies show tummy time is good at stabilizing the visual field of the environment. Research also shows respirations and reflux are better when the infant is prone rather than upright, as long as the baby is in the proper prone position. One reason the chairs tip over is that babies need to move. This chair holds them from getting the vestibular motion they need to give them control of their eyes and other sensory issues. All the benefits you get from moving are inhibited in a chair.”
And for those reasons let’s Beware of the Bumbo!
For some helpful Sitting Tips and Tricks check out our post Sitting 101!
Learn more about Dinosaur Physical Therapy!
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Photo Credit 1: US CPSC, Photo Credit 2: Abigail Batchelder, Photo Credit 3: John Wright, Photo Credit 4: Joe Cheng, Photo Credit 5:Jeff Boulter, Photo Credit 6: Joe Cheng, Photo Credit 7: Dana, Photo Credit 8: Brett Neilson
12 Best Travel High Chairs for 2022
You are probably wondering to yourself, do I really need a portable travel high chair when I travel with a baby or toddler?
Let’s be honest, if you are traveling with a baby or toddler in the United States or Canada then you do not need to worry about portable travel high chairs. Almost every restaurant will have a high chair available for you to use.
As you begin to travel internationally with a baby, you will find that this is not always the case, even if a restaurant is family-friendly.
As parents traveling with a baby you already have enough to worry about, so bringing your own travel high chair for toddlers or babies is an excellent idea. Having your own baby travel high chair will enable you to give your baby their own seat while also being able to eat your own meal!
A luxury all moms should have!
A portable high chair seat for your baby can also come in handy if you plan to self-cater at your hotel or Airbnb apartment, if a high chair is not provided.
Depending on which of the travel high chairs for toddlers and babies you choose, you will also find it to be useful for camping and for visiting family or friends. If you are flying with a baby, all of the ones recommended below should easily pack in your suitcase.
In this list you’ll find only portable travel high chairs that are exactly that – portable. We only include travel high chairs that are practical and realistic to travel with.
While we know that toddler booster seats like this Fisher Price portable high chair are amazing (we know, we own two of them), we wouldn’t travel with one. What they are perfect for is using both at home and taking to grandma’s house.
The best travel high chairs are the ones that fold small and that you’ll be willing to carry along with you on your daily outings. Otherwise, what’s the point of bringing it?
Shop the best travel high chairs on Amazon
You’ll want to consider how much you’ll want to use it in the hotel and Airbnb as well. This might cause you to choose something a little more robust than a fabric high chair, though I can share from our own experience that it is completely doable.
Portable high chairs are an important part of your strategy to feed your baby while traveling. We cover everything after this list of the best portable travel high chairs for babies and toddlers, so read on as we walk you through finding the best high chair for travel.
Best Portable Travel High Chairs
- Top 12 Portable High Chairs for Travel
- I. Best Fabric Travel High Chairs
- 1. The Original Easy Seat Portable High Chair
- 2. liuliuby Travel Harness Seat
- 3. My Little Seat Travel High Chair
- II. Best Travel Booster Seats
- 4. The First Years On-The-Go Booster Seat
- 5. Munchkin Brica GoBoost Travel Booster Seat
- 6. Nuby Easy Go Safety Lightweight High Chair Booster Seat
- III. Best Clamp-on Travel Highchairs
- 7. Inglesina Fast Portable Highchair
- 8. Mountain Buggy Pod Clip-On Highchair
- 9.
guzzie+Guss Perch Clip On High Chair
- IV. Best Stand-alone Travel Booster Seats
- 10. hiccapop Omniboost Travel Booster Seat with Tray for Baby
- 11. Summer Pop ‘n Sit Portable Booster Chair
- 12. ciao! baby Portable High Chair for Babies and Toddlers
- What to Look for in a Portable High Chair
- How Sturdy Is the Chair for Keeping Your Baby Safe?
- When and Where Will You Use the Portable High Chair?
- Size of Portable Travel High Chair
- Cost of Portable Travel High Chair
- Which is the Best Travel High Chair for Your Family?
- First Hand Experience From Real Parents…
- Using a Fabric High Chair for Baby
- Using a Clamp On High Chair for Baby
- First Hand Experience From Real Parents…
- Traveling Without a Portable High Chair
- Pin It For Later!
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Top 12 Portable High Chairs for Travel
Most Popular: hiccapop Omniboost Travel Booster Seat
Best Fabric High Chair: Original Easy Seat Portable High Chair
Best Clamp-on High Chair: Inglesina Fast Table Chair
Best for Camping: ciao! Baby Portable High Chair
What to Look for in a Portable High Chair
How are you going to decide which one is the best high chair for travel? The main things to consider when looking to purchase a portable travel high chair are how sturdy is it for keeping your baby safe, when and where do you plan to use the travel high chair, the size and cost.
The portable high chairs for toddlers and babies that we recommend are only those with high ratings and without any major safety concerns. If there is anything to be aware of when it comes to the safety of a portable baby seat, we made sure to note it.
As an extra precaution, never leave your baby unattended in a portable travel chair, they just aren’t as secure as a regular high chair.
When and Where Will You Use the Portable High Chair?If you are traveling internationally with a baby and want to bring your own folding portable high chair, how small should it be?
Will you bring it out with you when you are sightseeing or will you only use it at the apartment rental? If you plan to carry it with you, consider trading off some functionality for size.
We travel with as little as possible and often without a stroller, so to carry a travel high chair along with us meant it had to fit in our backpack diaper bag.
If you plan to use your portable high chair for camping with a baby, then you’ll want something more sturdy than a fabric travel high chair. You’ll want one that is stand alone and doesn’t need to be attached to another chair, like the hiccapop Omniboost Travel Seat or the ciao! baby portable highchair.
Size of Portable Travel High ChairIf you are looking for a travel high chair for your baby that takes up the least amount of space, a fabric travel high chair is the best option. These portable cloth high chairs fold up to the size of a diaper.
If size isn’t an issue, then a travel booster seat, a portable baby chair with a tray or one that clamps to the table will have the most features. You’ll just need extra space to carry it around.
Cost of Portable Travel High ChairFabric travel high chairs are the most cost effective of all the high chairs. The other foldable high chairs for travel will not only take up more space but they’ll be more expensive too.
If you are on a budget, consider getting a chair that can be used at home as well as when you travel, rather than spending more money on a second travel high chair.
Which is the Best Travel High Chair for Your Family?
We say this so much that we will probably start to sound like a broken record, but not everyone travels the same. Not every family will have the same needs when it comes to traveling with a baby.
Based on our own experience, we recommend the My Little Seat travel high chair, but as you compare the best portable high chair for travel options, you might find one will meet your needs better than others.
First Hand Experience From Real Parents…Here are a couple of first hand experiences from real parents, like you, who’ve traveled with some of the best portable baby high chairs.
Using a Fabric High Chair for Baby
We are definitely minimalists when it comes to travel, so the fabric high chair that fit in our diaper bag or backpack was the perfect solution.
Get our FREE printable packing list for baby travel here!
We used it in our hotel room for breakfast before heading out for the day and also in our Airbnb apartments. We started using it when our daughter was 6 months old. It was easy to pack and washable, so it came everywhere with us.
What we didn’t love about it, was that our daughter was often too low for the table. This wasn’t a deal breaker, she could still reach her food.
Click here to see the latest prices of My Little Seat.
We were still using it for our son, but came to a realization that it wasn’t the best portable high chair for travel to all destinations! It was not at all usable on traveling to Japan with a baby or toddler.
We realized shortly before leaving on our trip (by reviewing our apartment rental pictures) that we were not going to have any way of securing our 14 month old during meal times since our apartments were set up with a traditional Japanese style of eating with no chairs and only a small table.
You’d think we would have made that connection earlier, but what can we say?
We did our best to improvise several different ways by blocking him in a corner, having a plastic table cloth for him to eat on and feeding him small portions at a time. We luckily found a plastic basket in our Kyoto apartment which worked perfectly as a toddler travel high chair, though we don’t recommend traveling with one.
Desperate parents get creative!Further to that, while trying to find baby food in Japan, we discovered many of the restaurants in Japan did not have chairs with a back or they were very small. We also traveled without a stroller, so we couldn’t even make use of a snack tray. To keep it in perspective though, our challenges in Japan were a one-time thing and we’ve had no other issues elsewhere.
Using a Clamp On High Chair for Baby
To get more first hand experience on portable high chairs for travel, we enlisted the help of We’re Out of Here. This family traveled the world with a toddler for almost a year and we knew they would know a thing or two about the best travel high chair for toddlers!
The chair they use is the Guzzie+Guss Perch portable high chair and they were kind enough to do a comparison of this clamp on baby travel chair to the phil&ted’s Lobster high chair.
The specs on the phil&ted’s are pretty similar except it’s a little lighter and slightly more expensive.
The big difference between these two is the number of tables they can be used on. Robyn & Shane of We’re Out of Here have owned both and told us that the Guzzie+Guss fits on 90% of the tables they encountered on their travels throughout Asia, where the phil&ted’s would only be usable on about 20%.
The Guzzie+Guss has a c-clamp instead of the lobster claw, allowing it to be used even on tables with a lip or ridge. Another benefit is the back sits higher and the chair isn’t as deep on the Guzzie+Guss allowing smaller babies to have something to lean back on and to elevate them relative to the table.
Click here to see the latest prices on the Guzzie+Guss Perch travel high chair and the phil&teds Lobster travel high chair.
The clamp-on style, though it packs flat, likely won’t fit in your diaper bag meaning you will need to carry another item out with you. If you are travelling with a stroller, it could easily be tossed in the lower compartment of your lightweight travel stroller, or you can do what Robyn does and use the travel bag straps to carry it on your back!
The clamp on portable chair will allow your baby to be up closer to the table and more level with everyone. This would likely lead to less mess and I’m certain they would enjoy it more!
One additional benefit, your baby or toddler can’t push themselves away from the table!
Traveling Without a Portable High Chair
Do you really need a portable high chair for travel?
Eating out in Paris with a BabyHow do you eat at restaurants when there aren’t any high chairs if you are traveling without a travel high chair? Here are your options:
- Find a restaurant providing high chairs.
Not always possible.
- Hold your baby or toddler on your lap during the meal. I don’t know about you, but I don’t enjoy trying to eat while holding a wiggly baby who’s getting food in my hair.
- Use a stroller that has a snack tray. Not all restaurants will have the space to accommodate a stroller.
- Use our baby travel hack and attach your baby or toddler to the seat with your baby carrier. Or travel with the Onya Baby NexStep baby carrier that has a built in travel high chair.
See all our recommended baby carriers for travel.
We’ve done all four of these and though they work in a pinch, they aren’t always feasible.
Besides eating in restaurants, if you want to do some meals in your hotel or apartment rental, you can keep the mess contained by bringing your own portable baby high chair.
Baby Travel Tip: Always ask your Airbnb apartment if they can provide one. Sometimes the highchair just isn’t included in the listing.
Shop this entire list on our Amazon Store List: Best Travel High Chairs & Accessories
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types of highchairs, main features
Highchair will make the baby's feeding comfortable both for him and for his parents. Usually it is bought at the age of about 1–1.5 years, when the child already knows how to sit. Eldoblog will tell you how to choose a highchair and how long you can use it.
Mini chairs with very high legs allow the child to sit at the level of the dining table. Outwardly, they are a bit like a bar stool, only with a pronounced back and armrests. Such models are in the lead in the rating of high chairs due to the affordable price, simplicity of design and modest size. The only negative is that if the child grows up and can sit on an ordinary chair with a pillow, then the debut one will have to be abandoned.
If you're looking for a highchair that fits with any piece of furniture in your home, look no further than these models. Legs with wheels move effortlessly. And the height adjustment system and folding frame adapt the highchair to both the height of the child and the size of the table. This model is suitable for children aged 1 to 3 years.
The name speaks for itself. From birth to one year old, you should choose a baby feeding chair that turns into a deck chair, cradle or rocking chair. For kids over 2–2.5 years old, models that replace a desk, a table for creativity or a walker are suitable. Transformers are versatile and comfortable - they can be used up to the age of 4-5 years. But they are bulky and fragile at the same time - their movable connection is easy to break if you press too hard.
Like the car seats of the same name, these high chairs only raise the child so that he can sit at the level of the tabletop. They can be placed on ordinary chairs with a hard seat using short inclined legs. Boosters are lightweight, compact and ideal for travel. But they are not as comfortable and stable as classic models. Thanks to the adjustable height, they are suitable for children of all ages - you just need to respect the weight restrictions.
The list of the best high chairs also includes options for small kitchens. Hanging chairs, like a soft "hammock" on a frame made of metal pipes, are suspended from the edge of the table. You can always keep them at hand and use them in any room - this is a plus. The downside is that it is not always convenient for a child to sit in such a chair, and the load is limited to 8-15 kilograms.
Natural wood is durable, environmentally friendly and pleasant to the touch. But it is difficult to make transformers and boosters from it. Therefore, plastic models are very popular. When choosing them, pay attention to quality certificates and the absence of toxic substances in children's furniture. If you buy a chair in a regular store, and not online, take a sniff - the absence of a pungent "chemical" smell indicates the high quality of the material. Metal can only be used in the frame. To protect the child from injury, the structure is covered with plastic, rubber or wooden pads.
Soft inserts
To choose the right highchair, pay attention to the seat. In the simplest models, this is a fabric cape. There is also children's furniture with soft plastic or film linings, and in top models - removable covers with foam filler. They are comfortable and easy to wash.
A 1-2 year old child definitely needs five-point harness . They will keep the little fidget in the chair and protect him from falling. After 2 years, a high back, armrests and non-slip upholstery will suffice. If the chair has wheels, make sure that they are blocked by special stoppers.
Top models in the highchair rating have backrest tilt mechanism . It will adjust the comfortable position of the body and reduce the load on the spine. Height adjustment adapts the furniture to the height of the child and the size of the table. And the movable armrests give the baby the opportunity to relax his arms while his parents feed him.
Small table
Some chairs can also be used without additional furniture. On the built-in table you can place plates and bottles with food. And then the kid can draw, sculpt on it, look at pictures in his favorite book and read.
What's in the box
To choose a highchair for your baby, consider other nice little things like built-in cup holders, hanging basket for toys, quick transport handle, built-in mobile with "flying" figures, interchangeable fabric inserts, bottles and plates from unbreakable material.
How do you choose a high chair that both parents and baby will love? First of all, pay attention to whom it is intended for - for boys, girls or for everyone. Now there are chairs for every taste and design - from bright red to warm yellow.
You can purchase any of the presented highchairs from us, including buying on credit or using Eldorado gift cards . Delivery of the purchase is possible, as well as pickup.
Earlier we told what to give at the birth of a child .
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It's Not Safe: 8 Baby Things You Shouldn't Buy
Advice for moms
- Photo
- sementsova321/AdobeStock
There are parents who are so against secondhand things that their younger children don't even wear older ones. Like, well, we won’t provide the crumbs with our own toys and wardrobe. And after other people's children to use something - fi!
But situations are different. Most often, buying from hands is associated with financial difficulties. There are those who are fundamentally opposed to buying clothes or toys from other people.
Be that as it may, there are things that two or even three children can safely use in turn. And there are those on which we would not recommend saving.
What should be only new
The first shoes are a must, and everyone else would like to. Even if they were worn only a couple of times, they have already managed to “adjust” to their owner. Each child has a different arch of the foot, they wear the sole differently. At best, the new owner will be uncomfortable, at worst, such shoes can deform the foot. In addition, a contagious fungus can live inside. 9Shoes for boys and girls Tom&Miki
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Upper material: artificial leather, lining material: villus, insole material: , outsole material: TPR
3 of 4
Rubber boots Indigo kids
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The kid will be happy to jump in puddles in them.
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PRIMIGI sneakers
Find out the price
Suitable for both boys and girls.
Mattresses and pillows
Dust, skin and sebum particles are what you buy for your baby along with someone else's bedding. Well, in addition, sorry, all sorts of consequences of childhood surprises. Even if there was a mattress topper. No dry cleaning will help here.
In addition, orthopedic mattresses are usually bought for babies, and they also have the ability to remember the shape of the body. And pillows are generally recommended to be replaced with new ones every 2-3 years ( read also : According to signs: why you can’t buy children’s things in advance).
Nipples, feeding bottles
This, it seems to us, is not even discussed. Of course, there are also such announcements, they say, I will give / sell. But would you be able to brush your teeth with someone else's already used toothbrush? So the child does not need foreign microbes in the mouth. By the way, the same applies to children's dishes, especially plastic ones. Microorganisms living in cracks invisible to the eye are very tenacious.
- Photo
- Studio Romantic/AdobeStock
Car seat
The most painful question. New, good is not cheap. Especially if with the isofix system. Therefore, there are enough buyers for used chairs, especially infant carriers. But you will never see if the chair has any internal damage, or know if it has been in an accident. And in such cases, you can not use chairs.
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Car seat group 0/1/2/3 (up to 36 kg) Junion Odri
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The Junion Odri car seat with ISOFIX attachment system is suitable for children weighing up to 36 kg (Group 0/1/2/3). Thanks to the swivel mechanism, it will be convenient for you to put your child in and out of the car.
2 of 3
Car seat group 2/3 (15-36 kg) Junion Croco
Ask for price car's three-point seat belt. To make the trip as comfortable as possible for the child, the chair has armrests and a cup holder.
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Car seat group 1/2 (9-25 kg) Junion Aspen
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Junion Aspen car seat is a safe and comfortable companion for babies weighing from 9 to 25 kg (group 1/2). The body of the car seat is equipped with the SPS side system, which provides additional protection.
Safety helmets
In which children ride bicycles or roller skates. First, they are selected individually. Secondly, as in the situation with the car seat, if the helmet had some kind of damage, the strap stretched, a small crack went, it will no longer perform its functions. And the child will not be safe.
You buy a helmet for this, right? In addition, in summer, helmets are usually worn on the head without a headdress. There is a high risk of getting lice or some other skin infection ( see also : Baby things that mothers waste money on: a doctor's opinion).
Roller skates and ski boots
Boots are clear - it's the same with shoes. It will ideally sit only on the leg of the first owner (those who are engaged in sections know the word "thermoforming"), all subsequent ones will only harm. In addition, the quality of fasteners deteriorates over time. The same applies to skates, which have another dangerous moment: worn wheels make them less manageable.
- Photo
- Yakobchuk Olena/AdobeStock
Underwear and swimwear
I don't even want to comment. Really, would you wear worn underpants yourself? The child doesn't even need it. By the way, we would not recommend buying children's pajamas from your hands, they are also put on a naked body.
Stroller. A thing that is strictly forbidden to buy from the hands, despite its considerable cost and the ability to save a lot. The fact is that the mattress and the bottom of the stroller are deformed over the years of service to the previous owner, and your baby's back may no longer be very comfortable. And doctors say that it is also very dangerous for children's health, because the surface on which the baby lies for a long time should be perfectly flat.
What can be bought offhand
Let's make a reservation right away: you can, but be careful! Any item must be carefully inspected and checked for cleanliness and performance.
On the one hand, of course, there is a risk. A few years ago, the New York Times reported a sad figure: in three years, broken cribs caused 150 infant deaths. On the other hand, if the bed is in good condition, it will serve both two and three children. And it is unlikely that something more serious than peeling paint will happen to her.
Tip: if you still decide to buy a crib, take the simplest one. Those with pendulum or electronic mechanisms break more often.
- Photo
- Antipina/AdobeStock
Children's furniture
Changing tables cost decent money and serve their little owners for no more than a year. You can safely buy them from your hands, making sure that the legs are not broken, do not stagger, drawers, if it is a chest of drawers, work well. You can safely buy cabinets and other furniture, also provided that it is in good condition. It is unlikely that something will happen with a used arena.
Tip: If you are selling furniture unassembled, make sure all the fasteners are in place. But with children's tables and chairs can be a problem. Finding one that is not painted, not scratched is not an easy task.
Specially brought out as a separate item, because this is a special story. Even used must be in perfect condition! Do you know how many stories how a seat fell under a crumb? Pay attention to the cleanliness and condition of the covers, check for cracks on the frame and legs, and check if the seat belts work. If everything is in order, feel free to buy.
- Photo
- Any Grant/AdobeStock
Especially outerwear. Kids grow so fast that jackets and panties are enough for a maximum of a season. And new sets cost at least 5 thousand. At the same time, high-quality things can be worn for years, and nothing will happen to them.
You can also buy other clothes for babies, as long as they are clean and not torn. But for newborns, it’s still better to buy everything new: you will never know the full history of a thing that was in use. And baby skin is extremely sensitive.
Another controversial issue.