Baby solid foods timeline

When, What, and How to Introduce Solid Foods | Nutrition

For more information about how to know if your baby is ready to starting eating foods, what first foods to offer, and what to expect, watch these videos from 1,000 Days.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend children be introduced to foods other than breast milk or infant formula when they are about 6 months old.  Introducing foods before 4 months old is not recommended. Every child is different. How do you know if your child is ready for foods other than breast milk or infant formula? You can look for these signs that your child is developmentally ready.

Your child:

  • Sits up alone or with support.
  • Is able to control head and neck.
  • Opens the mouth when food is offered.
  • Swallows food rather than pushes it back out onto the chin.
  • Brings objects to the mouth.
  • Tries to grasp small objects, such as toys or food.
  • Transfers food from the front to the back of the tongue to swallow.

What Foods Should I Introduce to My Child First?

The American Academy of Pediatrics says that for most children, you do not need to give foods in a certain order. Your child can begin eating solid foods at about 6 months old. By the time he or she is 7 or 8 months old, your child can eat a variety of foods from different food groups. These foods include infant cereals, meat or other proteins, fruits, vegetables, grains, yogurts and cheeses, and more.

If your child is eating infant cereals, it is important to offer a variety of fortifiedalert icon infant cereals such as oat, barley, and multi-grain instead of only rice cereal. Only providing infant rice cereal is not recommended by the Food and Drug Administration because there is a risk for children to be exposed to arsenic. Visit the U.S. Food & Drug Administrationexternal icon to learn more.

How Should I Introduce My Child to Foods?

Your child needs certain vitamins and minerals to grow healthy and strong.

Now that your child is starting to eat food, be sure to choose foods that give your child all the vitamins and minerals they need.

Click here to learn more about some of these vitamins & minerals.

Let your child try one single-ingredient food at a time at first. This helps you see if your child has any problems with that food, such as food allergies. Wait 3 to 5 days between each new food. Before you know it, your child will be on his or her way to eating and enjoying lots of new foods.

Introduce potentially allergenic foods when other foods are introduced.

Potentially allergenic foods include cow’s milk products, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soy, and sesame. Drinking cow’s milk or fortified soy beverages is not recommended until your child is older than 12 months, but other cow’s milk products, such as yogurt, can be introduced before 12 months. If your child has severe eczema and/or egg allergy, talk with your child’s doctor or nurse about when and how to safely introduce foods with peanuts.

How Should I Prepare Food for My Child to Eat?

At first, it’s easier for your child to eat foods that are mashed, pureed, or strained and very smooth in texture. It can take time for your child to adjust to new food textures. Your child might cough, gag, or spit up. As your baby’s oral skills develop, thicker and lumpier foods can be introduced.

Some foods are potential choking hazards, so it is important to feed your child foods that are the right texture for his or her development. To help prevent choking, prepare foods that can be easily dissolved with saliva and do not require chewing. Feed small portions and encourage your baby to eat slowly. Always watch your child while he or she is eating.

Here are some tips for preparing foods:

  • Mix cereals and mashed cooked grains with breast milk, formula, or water to make it smooth and easy for your baby to swallow.
  • Mash or puree vegetables, fruits and other foods until they are smooth.
  • Hard fruits and vegetables, like apples and carrots, usually need to be cooked so they can be easily mashed or pureed.
  • Cook food until it is soft enough to easily mash with a fork.
  • Remove all fat, skin, and bones from poultry, meat, and fish, before cooking.
  • Remove seeds and hard pits from fruit, and then cut the fruit into small pieces.
  • Cut soft food into small pieces or thin slices.
  • Cut cylindrical foods like hot dogs, sausage and string cheese into short thin strips instead of round pieces that could get stuck in the airway.
  • Cut small spherical foods like grapes, cherries, berries and tomatoes into small pieces.
  • Cook and finely grind or mash whole-grain kernels of wheat, barley, rice, and other grains.

Learn more about potential choking hazards and how to prevent your child from choking.

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Starting Baby on Solids (Timeline & Age Breakdown)

Every parent longs to witness their child’s first meal.

If we’re well-prepared, the process of exploring food can be a magical moment between our child and us. While there’s plenty of information out there, the one person who will guide you through this adventure is your baby. They’ll lead the way and you’ll follow.

When is the right time for solid foods? We have collected all the necessary information to take the thinking out of it and make starting your baby on solids stress-free and fun.

Table of Contents

  • Why Wait Before Starting Baby on Solids?
  • Signs Baby Is Ready for Solids
  • Which Solids Should Baby Start First?
  • Starting Solids: A Month-by-Month Schedule
  • Introducing Allergenic Foods
  • Balancing Solids With Breastfeeding or Bottle-Feeding
  • FAQs
  • Other Tips for Feeding Babies Solids
  • Food For Thought

Why Wait Before Starting Baby on Solids?

You should wait until about the four- to six-month mark before introducing solid food into a baby’s diet and only breastfeed or use baby formula before that (1).

While some children show signs of readiness earlier, starting a baby on solids before the fourth month postpartum has been shown to pose a risk of particles going down the airway, causing aspiration.

It can also increase the risk of obesity, and prevent the baby from receiving the right amount of nutrients and calories.

But deciding when to start is a delicate balancing act. You don’t want to start too early, but you also shouldn’t start too late. Studies have shown that starting too late may cause iron deficiency, delay oral motor function, and slow the baby’s growth (2).

The wisest thing to do to avoid stress and anxiety is to wait until the sixth month and look for signs that the baby has developed enough to transition to a different meal plan.

Signs Baby Is Ready for Solids

At about six months old, a baby starts showing signs of being ready for solid foods.

Here are the cues to look for:

  • Sitting up: Your baby should be able to sit up straight with a bit of support.
  • Increased neck control: This is the key to preventing choking.
  • Diminished tongue-thrust reflex: No more pushing food out of their mouths when offered, meaning the baby is learning to control the tongue-thrust reflex.
  • Responsive lips: Your baby closes lips around the spoon when fed puree and keeps it in their mouth.
  • Interest in food: They try to take a piece of finger food and bring it to their mouth when you give it to them.

There are plenty of myths about signs of readiness that can give first-time moms a headache. Here’s the reality: Just because the baby is watching you eat, it doesn’t mean that they’re ready for solids.

We’re simply the baby’s closest reference to the human experience, and they have no choice but to be amazed by everything we do.

Pro Tip

Don’t factor your baby’s weight into your decision. Your baby’s average weight and size might be smaller or larger than the norm. These anomalies don’t automatically mean that they need solids if smaller, or are ready for them if bigger.

Which Solids Should Baby Start First?

While there isn’t a set order, the most natural strategy is beginning with thin, runny or pureed food. Then you’ll move on to more textured options and finally introduce them to solid foods.

Once the baby is in the mood to explore, and all of the cardinal signs are in check, you’re both ready to start your discovery.

So you don’t hurt your baby’s gums, pick bananas, peaches, sweet potatoes, carrots, and boneless meat as a base. Anything soft will do. All prepared food — most of it has to be at this stage — should be tender.

Keep It Simple

There’s no need to season the baby’s food — it might even irritate the stomach.

Wheat-based meals should only have one ingredient and always be mixed with water, mom’s milk, or formula.

Start with tiny bites of only one type of food, and, as you follow their cues, increase the amount. Just make sure you’re always supervising them, as at this age, there’s still a chance of choking.

Starting Solids: A Month-by-Month Schedule

Family mealtimes and quiet times are both great occasions to start. You can also use this moment as an opportunity to begin a ritual of washing the baby’s hands before placing them in their high chair.

It may sound like a lot, making sure iron-rich foods and colorful fruit and vegetables are present in each day’s menu. You’ll also be introducing meat and moving from puree to more textured food at the appropriate moment. Still, it doesn’t have to be complicated.

Here are some meal plans recommended for each developmental stage.

0 to 6 months

At this stage, all the baby needs for healthy development is breastmilk or formula, many times per day. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics warns us that during these first months, optimal nutrition is necessary, and poor nutrition is certainly harmful.

Human breast milk, or baby formula, is sufficient to start the gastrointestinal tract, aid in brain development, and meet the baby’s crucial nutritional needs (3).

4 to 6 Months

At six months, milk stops being enough to nourish the baby, and your little one is then ready for complimentary food (4).

In addition to the milk or formula, you start introducing one type of solid food per meal.

It’s an exciting new stage. Food becomes mashed and coarsely pureed, and the opportunity for variety opens up.

For breakfast, this can be iron-fortified infant cereal, mixed with breast milk or formula. After the sixth month, the baby’s requirements include an increase in iron.

Later during the day, the baby can snack on a soft mashed fruit or a cooked pear and taste full-fat yogurt.

For lunch, you want to cook and mash some pumpkin, carrot, or zucchini separately. Because of how nutritiously-dense fruit and vegetables are, they’re a key component to a healthy diet.

Starting the baby on them early during these first months of complimentary nutrition cultivates their acceptance of this type of food at a later age (5).

Before sleep, it’s still best to stick to milk. Remember, no solid food is going to make your child sleep better at this stage.

6 to 8 Months

From six to eight months, the baby gets to experience more texture and separately chopped bites as they transition to finger foods.

At this stage, babies can not only move around the whole house, and everywhere they shouldn’t, but also recognize how to put anything that interests them in their mouths. This is because their senses and their motor skills start working together— texture becomes a great source of entertainment.

It’s fine to keep giving them the same type of food, but you can go one step further and finely chop them, as the baby can now fully attempt that. Why not also introduce bits of toast? They go great with a bit of cheese for lunch as a late snack.

9 to 12 Months

Both the pincer grasp and their chewing skills are well-developed now, so nine to 12 months is a good time to move from finger foods to a “grown-up” menu (6).

For a snack, you can enjoy a thinly-sliced apple, skinless, and finely cut grapes, pear, kiwi, and cheese. For lunch, you can mix well-shredded chicken into a small plate of risotto.

At this stage, the foods that you enjoy, they can also enjoy, as long as they remain unseasoned and carefully cut (7).

Introducing Allergenic Foods

You might think avoiding foods like peanut products, fish, wheat, eggs, and soy is a good idea when introducing solids to a baby because of their commonly known allergenic nature. The American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI) says differently.

Research shows that including such products in a baby’s diet — specifically between the ages of 4 and 6 months — can be beneficial for the prevention of any food allergies of that nature.

The trick to easing the products into the baby’s diet (while also being careful not to attack their immunological defenses) is, as imagined, by doing it gradually.

Traditional and accessible foods should be introduced at first (think cereal, meats, pureed veggies, and fruit) — then, following the child’s responses, include one or two allergenic products.

Be Safe

Speak to your baby’s doctor first before introducing potential allergen foods, especially is there is a history of allergies in your family.

Although some babies do need several safety measures when it comes to potential allergies, there are many products designed specifically to introduce allergens to a child’s immune system. These products might come in the form of finger foods or stir-in powders that contain a blend of allergenic protein.

The following are indicators of potential allergies (8).

  • The baby has close direct relatives with food allergies (a sibling with a peanut allergy).
  • Any levels of eczema (from moderate to severe) that persist after treatment.
  • Any food allergies already previously detected on the baby — or a positive result for an allergy test.

Signs of a Food Allergy

It’s usually during this period of development that most allergies get identified. Commonly, babies tend to be allergic to the same food groups as their parents. Or they may develop allergies that their parents don’t have.

In infants, signs show up shortly after consuming the food, and the foods most associated with allergic reactions are milk, eggs, and peanuts (9).

The most common signs of a food allergy to look out for are:

  • Swelling of the lip, tongue, or face.
  • Vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Coughing and wheezing.
  • Hives or welts.
  • Rashes and flushed skin.
  • A child who starts scratching their mouth.

You must pay attention to allergic reactions. In cases of swelling, severe vomiting, or difficulty breathing after eating, call an emergency number immediately. In less alarming cases, such as a rash or redness, inform your general practitioner or your child’s pediatrician.

Balancing Solids With Breastfeeding or Bottle-Feeding

According to The American Academy of Pediatrics and contrary to what it may seem, the introduction of solids shouldn’t be synonymous with the end of breastfeeding or bottle-feeding. The gradual inclusion of food intake is a part of the child’s maturity development, and it’s essential to increase their autonomy.

The gradual introduction of solids is especially beneficial for both the parent and the child — that is, considering how a baby’s independence also means less need for constant care.

During the baby’s first six months, specialists recommend breastfeeding as the only source of nutrients. The same applies for the subsequent six months as well, with the gradual addition of solids (10).

Iron-fortified solids and cereal work well when paired with breast milk, but the following specifics might help you through the process:

  • 0 to 4 months: Stick to exclusively breast milk or formula. You can expect your baby to drink 2 to 4 ounces, and you’ll feed them whenever they appear hungry.
  • 4 to 6 months: You’re still sticking to breast milk or formula. Your baby will need anywhere from 6 to 10 feeding per day, and will likely want 3 to 6 ounces per feeding.
  • 6 to 7 months: Most recommendations are that a daily intake of solids is not necessary in the beginning, making it an “every few days” frequency. Continue with breast milk or formula — 5 to 9 feedings per day at 4 to 6 ounces per feeding.
  • 7 to 9 months: According to the expressed interest by the baby, solids should be added daily. A maximum of two meals a day is the recommended amount, and if a parent is considering adding juice, it’s best when diluted with water and no more than three to four ounces a day. Breast milk or formula should be given 5 to 8 times per day, generally at 4 to 6 ounces each time.
  • 9 to 12 months: Solids should increase and babies should start feeding themselves with their solid intake. By their first birthday, they should even be ready to start drinking cow’s milk (11). Until then, expect 4 to 6 feedings of breast milk or formula per day, at 4 to 8 ounces each feeding.


When we’re dealing with babies, nothing is guaranteed.

Find out what happens if there’s a hitch in the process and what you need to know.

What If My Baby Hates Solids?

Your baby not loving the idea of solids right away is not only possible, but it’s also normal and expected.

Transitioning to solid food is not an instant process, and every baby is on their own timeline. Rejection of food might be due to teething, being full, tired, or because they’re not ready yet for the amounts you’re currently giving them (12).

As you attune yourself to their cues and remain patient, they will inevitably develop their taste palate and make you aware of it.

What If My Baby Hates Certain Foods?

Most babies go through a period of not liking a particular food, no need to worry — it may take a couple of tries before they can appreciate it. In the meantime, you can always make them a pureed version of a meal you know they love, and wait until the next meal to try again.

One more thing — your baby will show you when they don’t want anymore. Don’t force-feed the baby, even by “playing airplane,” distracting or tricking them into eating more. Once they become more interested in their surroundings, stop opening their mouth, or spitting bites out, they have finished their meal.

It’s usually due to benign reasons that babies reject food, but if you’re worried, you can always speak to your pediatrician.

Is Juice Okay for Babies?

It’s completely normal to want your child to try the foods and drinks that you love. If your personal choice is juice and you want the baby to try it, you can let them have up to 4 ounces a day, but only if it’s 100 percent fruit juice.

Juice is best kept for after the child turns one, as it causes weight issues, diarrhea, and tooth decay. It’s better to stick to breast milk or infant formula for the time being.

Can I Prepare Baby Food at Home?

Yes! Making baby food at home can significantly align with your budgeting goals and decrease food waste — two prominent concepts in a new mom’s life. While buying prepackaged purees is also excellent, a food processor or a blender in the first months of solids can be of great help (13).

Other bonuses of food prep include knowing everything that goes into a meal, and having the option to create new flavor. Plus, you can allow the baby to feel more involved in the meals that the rest of the family is having.

Keep In Mind

Always be mindful of the risks that come with buying ingredients from mainstream stores and don’t get discouraged from seeking clean produce from reputable sources.

Tips for Preparing Homemade Baby Food

To preserve the nutrients and the sanitary environment for the baby, you should prepare the food thoroughly and choose the right cooking methods (14).

You don’t have to waste food by throwing it out every time there are leftovers from a meal. Eggs aside, you can freeze and refrigerate almost anything, as long as you separate by food groups and have already cooled it off.

It’s vital to prepare, cook, and keep food separately as this ensures the bacteria from one type of food doesn’t transport to the others. The flora of a baby’s stomach is sensitive, and you want to take care of it properly.


Produce needs to be rinsed, peeled, and, if necessary, pitted. Vegetables or hard fruits must not be served raw. Baking or steaming them before placing them on the table makes them not only safe for consumption but tasty, and it preserves their nutritional properties.


Meat is an excellent source of iron but does not contain as much fiber as produce, which is why you should always serve it boneless and tenderized. Doing so ensures it’s easy for the child to digest.

Cooking well (no lower than 165 degrees Fahrenheit) for chicken is a must (15).


Eggs are an excellent source of protein. When starting, babies should begin by only eating the cooked yolk. The yolk is the safest part of the egg, as there are fewer allergens in it.

Serve the egg immediately or shortly after preparing it and don’t give the baby leftover eggs.

When pureeing, mixing formula or breastmilk with the food is going to help you achieve a nice texture that will go easy on the baby’s tract and make them more receptive to a taste they recognize.

How Many Times a Day Should Babies Eat Solids?

The amount and frequency of feeding the baby depend on their age. As the baby begins eating solid food, how much and how often is necessary and doable will increase as they get older. To start, feed the baby 1 to 2 tablespoons of food twice a day and amp that up naturally as they grow older, always only until full (16).

For the period between the fourth and the sixth months, only serve solids as a snack. Later, when purees, chopped, and finger food become the main dish, breast milk and formula are just a side but still required.

Will Eating Solids Help My Baby Sleep Better?

Solid food does not help the baby sleep better. Calorie-wise, the initial intake of solids is not sufficient to create a feeling of fullness.

If the baby starts waking up more frequently than usual, it’s safer to give them more formula or breast milk than to introduce them to solids prematurely.

Other Tips for Feeding Babies Solids

As your journey into the world of solids begins, things can get quite messy — literally.

That’s why feeding the baby with a spoon will not only minimize your cleaning time but also help your baby start learning about the way they’ll be eating when they grow older.

For extra attention, you can give the baby another spoon to hold in their other hand. Bringing a spoonful of every first solid food to the baby’s mouth, and being there with him for the taste (approval sounds!) can build a magical experience.

Start by introducing solids at one meal a day, then slowly work your way up. The morning is an excellent time to start since the baby is often hungriest at that time.

While your baby is by now old enough to hold their head and neck still, there’s still some risk of choking. To avoid choking, bear in mind these tips:

  • No bottled solids: Don’t give oats or solids to your child in a milk bottle.
  • Soft is safe: Always make sure that food is soft, chopped into small pieces, and easy to swallow.
  • Avoid unsafe foods: Don’t offer the baby nuts, popcorn, candy, and hard foods that you can not introduce safely.
  • Keep baby stable: Keep the child in the chair sitting upright with the safety straps on to help keep them stable.

Also, keep a no-expectations mindset for the first time introducing a portion of solid food. Pushing away or entirely ignoring what’s in the spoon are normal reactions.

Food For Thought

Moving from an exclusive breast milk or formula diet to a solids-based one is a long process.

It’s also a fascinating new phase for your child.

Every month, new and different foods are needed, so it’s a good idea to go back to this guide whenever it becomes overwhelming.

And remember, you were once just as tiny as your baby, and you had no teeth to help you out. Be patient and stay calm, knowing that in their own time, your baby will become a fully grown-up eater.

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Complementary feeding scheme under the National Program | menu for the first 90 days

Complementary feeding scheme in accordance with the NATIONAL PROGRAM OF OPTIMIZATION OF FEEDING OF CHILDREN IN THE FIRST YEAR OF LIFE IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION (hereinafter referred to as the National Program).

Circuit description: show hidden text

About the Closed Weaning Club with Mama Borer : Below is a table of ideal complementary foods, but you should know that information about the set of products and volumes is not enough for a competent introduction of complementary foods. Any mother at the stage of complementary feeding is waiting for a lot of tests. There is a CLOSED club on instagram where I post selective information about modern complementary foods. Details at the link.

Complementary feeding scheme under the National Program | First month of complementary foods

First week of complementary foods

We introduce zucchini.

  • Breakfast: increasing the portion of zucchini puree. We complete breakfast with the usual food (breastfeeding or formula) until full. Oil is added when the serving volumes become significant. If volumes cannot be increased, do not add oil .
  • Other meals: give the baby the usual food - breastfeeding or formula.
Day New product in diet Grams (teaspoons)
1 squash puree 8 (1)
2 squash puree 20 (3)
3 squash puree 40 (6)
4 squash puree + 1/3 tsp vegetable oil 60 (9)
5 squash puree + 0.5 tsp vegetable oil 90 (13)
6 squash puree + 0.5 tsp vegetable oil 120 (17)
7 squash puree + 0.5 tsp vegetable oil 150 (21)

Second week of complementary foods

Introducing broccoli. The zucchini has already been introduced.

  • Breakfast: we prepare two types of puree. We offer broccoli puree first, zucchini second. Oil is added when the serving volumes become significant. If volumes cannot be increased, do not add oil .
  • Other meals: give the baby the usual food breastfeeding or formula.
Day New product Grams (teaspoons) Previously introduced product Grams (teaspoons)
8 broccoli puree 8 (1) zucchini puree +0.5 tsp vegetable oil 142 (20)
9 broccoli puree 20 (3) zucchini puree +0.5 tsp vegetable oil 130 (17)
10 broccoli puree 40 (6) zucchini puree +0. 5 tsp vegetable oil 110 (15)
11 broccoli puree 60 (9) zucchini puree + 0.5 tsp vegetable oil 90 (12)
12 Broccoli puree + 1/3 tsp vegetable oil 90 (13) zucchini puree + 1/3 tsp vegetable oil 60 (8)
13 broccoli puree + 0.5 tsp vegetable oil 120 (17) zucchini puree 30 (4)
14 broccoli puree + 0.5 tsp vegetable oil 150 (21)

Third week of complementary foods

Introducing cauliflower. Zucchini and broccoli have already been introduced.

  • Breakfast: we prepare two types of puree. We offer cauliflower puree first, broccoli / zucchini second. Oil is added when the serving volumes become significant. If volumes cannot be increased, do not add oil .
  • Other meals: give the baby the usual food - breastfeeding or formula.
Day New product Grams (teaspoons) Previously introduced product Grams (teaspoons)
15 cauliflower puree 8 (1) broccoli puree +0.5 tsp vegetable oil 142 (20)
16 cauliflower puree 20 (3) zucchini puree +0.5 tsp vegetable oil 130 (17)
17 cauliflower puree 40 (6) broccoli puree + 0.5 tsp vegetable oil 110 (15)
18 cauliflower puree 60 (9) zucchini puree +0. 5 tsp vegetable oil 90 (12)
19 Cauliflower puree + 1/3 tsp vegetable oil 90 (13) broccoli puree + 60 (8)
20 cauliflower puree + 0.5 tsp vegetable oil 120 (17) zucchini puree 30 (4)
21 cauliflower puree + 0.5 tsp vegetable oil 150 (21)

Fourth week of complementary foods

We introduce buckwheat. We add a second meal of complementary foods - lunch. Zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower have already been introduced.

  • Breakfast: Cooking buckwheat. We complete breakfast with the usual food (breastfeeding or formula) until full. If volumes cannot be increased, do not add oil by the end of the week .
  • Lunch: for lunch we serve a portion of mashed potatoes (150 gr) from familiar vegetables.
  • Other meals: give the baby the usual food breastfeeding or formula.
Day New product in diet Grams (teaspoons)
22 buckwheat 8 (1)
23 buckwheat 20 (3)
24 buckwheat 40 (6)
25 buckwheat + 1/3 tsp butter 60 (9)
26 buckwheat + 0.5 tsp butter 90 (13)
27 buckwheat + 0.5 tsp butter 120 (17)
28 buckwheat + 0.5 tsp butter 150 (21)

Complementary feeding scheme under the National Program | Second month of complementary foods

Fifth week of complementary foods

We introduce rice porridge. Zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, buckwheat have already been introduced.

  • Breakfast: we cook 2 types of porridge (rice and buckwheat). First we offer rice, the second - buckwheat.
  • Lunch: We eat the previously introduced vegetables for lunch in the amount required by the baby (average portion 150 gr).
  • Other meals: give the baby the usual food breastfeeding or formula.
Day New product Grams (teaspoons) Previously introduced product Grams (teaspoons)
29 rice 8 (1) buckwheat + 1 tsp butter 142 (20)
30 rice 20 (3) buckwheat + 1 tsp butter 130 (17)
31 rice 40 (6) buckwheat + 1 tsp butter 110 (15)
32 rice + 0. 3 tsp butter 60 (9) buckwheat + 0.5 tsp butter 90 (12)
33 rice + 0.5 tsp butter 90 (13) buckwheat + 0.3 tsp butter 60 (8)
34 rice + 1 tsp butter 120 (17) buckwheat 30 (4)
35 rice + 1 tsp butter 150 (21)

Sixth week of complementary foods

We drive a rabbit. On the second month of successful introduction of complementary foods, the gastrointestinal tract is ready for the introduction of meat. Zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, buckwheat, rice have already been introduced.

  • Breakfast: Cooking buckwheat/rice (portion 150 gr), adding meat to the porridge!
  • Lunch: for lunch we serve a portion of mashed potatoes (150 gr) from familiar vegetables.
  • Other meals: give the baby the usual food breastfeeding or formula.
Day New product Grams (teaspoons) Previously introduced product Grams (teaspoons)
36 rabbit meat/commercial rabbit puree 3g/5g buckwheat + 1 tsp butter 150 (21)
37 rabbit meat/commercial rabbit puree 6g/10g rice + 1 tsp butter 150 (21)
38 rabbit meat/commercial rabbit puree 10gr/20gr buckwheat + 1 tsp butter 150 (21)
39 rabbit meat/commercial rabbit puree 15g/30g rice + 1 tsp butter 150 (21)
40 rabbit meat/commercial rabbit puree 15g/30g buckwheat + 1 tsp butter 150 (21)
41 rabbit meat/commercial rabbit puree 15g/30g rice + 1 tsp butter 150 (21)
42 rabbit meat/commercial rabbit puree 15g/30g buckwheat + 1 tsp butter 150 (21)

Seventh week of complementary foods

Introducing corn porridge. Six products have already been introduced: zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, buckwheat, rice, rabbit meat.

  • For breakfast: we add corn porridge to the usual porridges. For breakfast we prepare 2 types of porridge (corn and buckwheat/rice). We offer the first corn, the second - buckwheat or rice. The volumes are listed below.
  • For lunch: we eat alternating previously introduced vegetable purees of 150 gr.
  • Meat a little bit daily for hemoglobin: In addition to cereals and vegetables, we give the child rabbit meat (15 gr) or industrial rabbit meat puree (30 gr). You can give it in the morning with porridge or for lunch with vegetables, as you prefer.
Day New product Grams (teaspoons) Previously introduced product Grams (teaspoons)
43 corn porridge 8 (1) buckwheat + 1 tsp butter 142 (20)
44 corn porridge 20 (3) rice + 1 tsp butter 130 (17)
45 corn porridge 40 (6) buckwheat + 1 tsp butter 110 (15)
46 corn porridge 60 (9) rice + 0. 5 tsp butter 90 (12)
47 corn porridge + 0.5 tsp butter 90 (13) buckwheat + 0.3 tsp butter 60 (8)
48 corn porridge + 1 tsp butter 120 (17) rice 30 (4)
49 corn porridge + 1 tsp butter 150 (21)

Eighth week of complementary foods

We introduce pumpkin puree. 7 products have already been introduced: zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, buckwheat, rice, corn porridge, rabbit meat.

  • For breakfast: alternating, we eat previously introduced cereals of 150 gr.
  • For lunch: add pumpkin to the usual vegetables. The volumes are listed below.
  • Meat a little bit daily for hemoglobin: In addition to cereals and vegetables, we give the child rabbit meat (15 gr) or industrial rabbit meat puree (30 gr). You can give it in the morning with porridge or for lunch with vegetables, as you prefer.
Day New product Grams (teaspoons) Previously introduced product Grams (teaspoons)
50 pumpkin puree 8 (1) cauliflower puree +1 tsp vegetable oil 142 (20)
51 pumpkin puree 20 (3) broccoli puree + 1 tsp vegetable oil 130 (17)
52 pumpkin puree 40 (6) zucchini puree +1 tsp vegetable oil 110 (15)
53 pumpkin puree 60 (9) cauliflower puree + 1 tsp vegetable oil 90 (12)
54 pumpkin puree 90 (13) broccoli puree + 1 tsp vegetable oil 60 (8)
55 pumpkin puree + 1 tsp. vegetable oil 120 (17) zucchini puree 30 (4)
56 pumpkin puree + 1 tsp. vegetable oil 150 (21)

Complementary feeding scheme under the National Program | Third month of complementary foods

Ninth week of complementary foods

Introduce applesauce. At the input stage, we offer an apple as a snack between breakfast and lunch or for an afternoon snack. 8 products have already been introduced: zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin, buckwheat, rice, corn porridge, rabbit meat.

  • For breakfast: alternating, we eat previously introduced cereals of 150 gr.
  • For lunch: alternating, we prepare vegetable purees from familiar vegetables, 150 gr each.
  • Meat for hemoglobin : In the tenth week of feeding, the child should be 7 months old, which means we increase the daily norm of meat: rabbit meat (30 gr) or industrial rabbit puree (50 gr). It can be served in the morning with porridge or for lunch with vegetables, as you prefer.
Day New product Grams (teaspoons)
57 applesauce 8 (1)
58 applesauce 15 (2)
59 applesauce 20 (3)
60 applesauce 30 (4)
61 applesauce 40 (6)
62 applesauce 50 (7)
63 applesauce 70 (10)

The tenth week of complementary foods

Introducing oatmeal. 9 products have already been introduced: zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin, buckwheat, corn porridge, rice, rabbit meat. applesauce.

  • For breakfast: add oatmeal to the usual porridge. For breakfast, we cook 2 types of porridge (oatmeal and corn / buckwheat / rice). First we offer oatmeal, the second - corn / buckwheat or rice. Oatmeal is taken in the form of flakes, its other name is oatmeal. Do not confuse with cereal oatmeal.
  • For lunch: alternating vegetable puree from familiar vegetables portion 150 gr.
  • Meat for hemoglobin : Together with vegetables, we give the child rabbit meat (30 g) or industrial rabbit puree (50 g) daily.
  • Snack: apple puree 70 gr.
Day New product Grams (teaspoons) Previously introduced product Grams (teaspoons)
64 oatmeal 8 (1) buckwheat + 1 tsp butter 142 (20)
65 oatmeal 20 (3) rice + 1 tsp butter 130 (17)
66 oatmeal 40 (6) corn porridge + 1 tsp butter 110 (15)
67 oatmeal + 0. 3 tsp butter 60 (9) buckwheat + 0.5 tsp butter 90 (12)
68 oatmeal + 0.5 tsp butter 90 (13) rice + 0.3 tsp butter 60 (8)
69 oatmeal +1 tsp butter 120 (17) corn porridge 30 (4)
70 oatmeal +1 tsp butter 150 (21)

Eleventh week of complementary foods

Introduce turkey yolk and meat. 10 products have already been introduced: zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin, buckwheat, corn porridge, rice, oatmeal, rabbit meat. applesauce.

  • For breakfast: one of the previously introduced cereals (buckwheat, corn porridge, rice, oatmeal) 150 gr + in the first half of the week we increase the amount of yolk (for babies of 7 months, a maximum of 1/4 yolk per day, from 8 months up to a year 1/2 yolk)
  • For lunch: alternating vegetable puree from familiar vegetables portion 150 gr. Together with vegetables, we give the child rabbit meat (30 g) or industrial rabbit meat puree (50 g) daily. In the second half of the week, we gradually replace rabbit meat with turkey.
  • Snack: apple puree 70 gr.
Day New product Grams (teaspoons) Previously introduced product Grams (teaspoons)
71 yolk 1/8 yolk
72 yolk 1/4 yolk
73 yolk 1/4 yolk
74 turkey meat/commercial turkey puree 3g/5g rabbit meat/commercial rabbit puree 12gr/25gr.
75 turkey meat/commercial turkey puree 10gr. /15gr. rabbit meat/commercial rabbit puree 20gr/35gr.
76 turkey meat/commercial turkey puree 15g/30g rabbit meat/commercial rabbit puree 15gr/20gr.
77 turkey meat/commercial turkey puree 30g/50g rabbit meat/commercial rabbit puree

Twelfth week of complementary foods

We introduce pear puree. 12 products have already been introduced: zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin, buckwheat, corn porridge, rice, oatmeal, rabbit and turkey meat, applesauce, egg yolk.

  • For breakfast: one of the previously introduced cereals (buckwheat, corn porridge, rice, oatmeal) + yolk (7 months - 1/4, 8 months - 1/2).
  • For lunch: alternating vegetable puree from familiar vegetables portion 150 gr. Together with vegetables, we give the child turkey or rabbit meat every day (30 g of meat or 50 g of industrial puree).
  • Afternoon snack: during the week we gradually replace the apple with a pear.
Day New product Grams (teaspoons) Previously introduced product Grams (teaspoons)
78 pear puree 8 (1) applesauce 62 (9)
79 pear puree 15 (2) applesauce 55 (8)
80 pear puree 20 (3) applesauce 50 (7)
81 pear puree 30 (4) applesauce 40 (6)
82 pear puree 40 (6) applesauce 30 (4)
83 pear puree 50 (7) applesauce 20 (3)
84 pear puree 70 (10)

Weaning week 13

We introduce chicken. Already introduced: zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin, buckwheat, corn porridge, rice, oatmeal, rabbit and turkey meat, apple, pear, egg yolk.

  • For breakfast: one of the previously introduced cereals (buckwheat, corn porridge, rice, oatmeal). We serve the yolk to the porridge. 7 months - 1/4 yolk, 8 months. - 1/2.
  • For lunch: preparing vegetable puree from familiar vegetables portion 150 gr. Together with vegetables, we give the child a rabbit or turkey every day. During the week, we gradually introduce the child to chicken meat.
  • Snack: daily give 70 g of fruit puree alternating apple and pear.
Day New product Grams (teaspoons) Previously introduced product Grams (teaspoons)
85 chicken meat/ industrial chicken puree 3g/5g turkey meat/ industrial turkey puree 27gr. /45gr.
86 chicken meat/ industrial chicken puree 10gr./15gr. rabbit meat/ industrial rabbit puree 20g/35g
87 chicken meat/ industrial chicken puree 20g/30g turkey meat/ industrial turkey puree 10g/20g
88 chicken meat/ industrial chicken puree 30g/50g
89 chicken meat/ industrial chicken puree 30g/50g
90 chicken meat/ industrial chicken puree 30g/50g

Fourteenth week of complementary foods

We introduce carrots and beets. 14 products have already been introduced: zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin, buckwheat, corn porridge, rice, oatmeal, rabbit meat, turkey and chicken, apple, pear, egg yolk.

  • For breakfast: one of the previously introduced cereals (buckwheat, corn porridge, rice, oatmeal). We serve the yolk to the porridge. At 8 months, you can already have half.
  • For lunch: in the first part of the week we gradually add carrots to the previously familiar vegetables, in the second part of the week - beets. Carrots and beets are concentrated vegetables, so mix them with zucchini or cabbage puree. Together with vegetables, we give the child a rabbit, turkey or chicken every day. For a child of 7 months: 30 g of meat or 50 g of industrial puree. For a child of 8 months: 35 gr. meat or 70 gr. industrial puree.
  • Snack: daily give 70 g of fruit puree alternating apple and pear. For babies 8 months 80 gr puree.

Day New product Grams (teaspoons) Previously introduced product Grams (teaspoons)
91 carrot puree 8 (1) zucchini puree +1 tsp vegetable oil 142 (20)
92 carrot puree 20 (3) broccoli puree +1 tsp vegetable oil 130 (17)
93 carrot puree 40 (6) cauliflower puree marrow +1 tsp vegetable oil 110 (15)
94 carrot puree 60 (9) zucchini puree +1 tsp vegetable oil 90 (12)
95 beet puree 8 (1) broccoli puree +1 tsp vegetable oil 142 (20)
96 beet puree 20 (3) cauliflower puree marrow +1 tsp vegetable oil 130 (17)
97 beet puree 40 (6) zucchini puree +1 tsp vegetable oil 110 (15)

The form for downloading and printing the complementary feeding scheme is here.

Complementary feeding scheme under the National Program | Problems in complementary foods

  • Difficulties with stool : Constipation during the introduction of complementary foods can occur even against the background of zucchini. This is due to the restructuring of the gastrointestinal tract, and not the fact that the zucchini is “heavy”. "Jump" to another product is not worth it, as this will further complicate the task for the gastrointestinal tract. You should stop increasing the volume of the new product, slightly reduce the already built-up product and wait for the stool to stabilize. Offer water to drink. When the problems pass, introduce a new product not in 7 days, but in 10-14.
  • Serving sizes c may be significantly smaller than the reference. It should also be borne in mind that the diagram shows volumes for an infant with an average energy requirement. Depending on the activity and complexion of the baby, they can vary + -30%. With a greater deviation from the norm, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician.
  • Underweight. When underweight, porridge should be introduced first. Secondly, vegetables or meat.

Complementary Feeding Scheme | Nutriclub

Regardless of whether your child is receiving breast milk or infant formula, at about six months of age, according to WHO* recommendations, the first complementary foods should be introduced. But where to start feeding? And how to do it right? Let's talk in order.

It is at the age of 6 months that the baby's body responds best to new foods. The first complementary foods in combination with breast milk should provide the child with all the useful substances necessary for his growth and development. Also, the timely introduction of complementary foods contributes to the development of the chewing skills of the baby. Russian pediatric practice also allows for earlier introduction of complementary foods - from 4-5 months **.

How many months to introduce complementary foods?

To know when it's time to consider introducing food other than milk or formula, watch for signs of complementary feeding. It's time to start complementary foods if:

  1. Baby sits with support, does not roll over
  2. The child shows food interest: follows the spoon with his eyes when you eat, tries to steal something from your plate
  3. Ejection reflex faded, child opens mouth when offered food

Consult your paediatrician before introducing complementary foods. And in order to introduce complementary foods correctly, read the complementary feeding scheme below.

Rules for the introduction of complementary foods

  • All new products are introduced with ½ teaspoon and then gradually adjusted to the age norm.
  • New products are best given in the morning or afternoon to be able to track the reaction throughout the day.
  • Do not introduce a new product until the previous one has been brought to the age norm.
  • Complementary foods are offered before feeding with breast milk or its substitute.
  • Until the volume of the product per feeding is brought to the age norm, you should continue to supplement the baby with breast milk or infant formula. Thus, the volume of the complementary food product will gradually increase, and the volume of milk or formula, on the contrary, will decrease until it completely disappears.

Complementary feeding scheme

Age Foods and portion sizes
4-5 months

Complementary feeding at such an early age is advisable if the child is not gaining weight well or is at risk of developing iron deficiency anemia. Complementary foods are introduced to healthy children from 5 months. There are a number of contraindications for an early start of complementary foods, consult your pediatrician!

Which foods can start weaning:

  • Vegetable purees
  • Dairy-free cereals.
6 months

What foods should be in the baby's diet if you introduced complementary foods at 5 months:

  • Dairy-free cereals - up to 150 g
  • Vegetable puree - up to 150 g

What new products are introduced into the diet:

  • Meat puree - up to 30 g
  • Vegetable oil - up to 1 tsp.
  • Fruit puree - up to 60 g
7 months What foods should be in the baby's diet by the end of the 7th month:
  • Porridge - 150 g.
  • Vegetable puree - 170g
  • Meat Puree - 30g
  • Fruit puree - 70g
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tsp

What new products are introduced into the diet:

  • Butter - up to ½ tsp.
  • Boiled egg yolk - up to ¼ pc.
  • Fruit juice - 70 ml.
  • Baby biscuits - 1-2 pieces
8 months

What foods should be in the baby's diet by the end of the 7th month:

  • Porridge - 180 g.
  • Vegetable puree - 170g
  • Meat Puree - 50g
  • Fruit puree - up to 80 g.
  • Vegetable oil - ½ tsp.
  • Butter - ½ tsp.
  • Boiled egg yolk - ½ pc.
  • Fruit juice up to 70 ml.
  • Baby biscuits 1-2 pcs.

What new products are introduced into the diet:

  • Baby kefir or yogurt - up to 100 ml, as an alternative to breast milk or formula in one of the feedings
9-12 months What foods should be in the diet of a child at this age:
  • Porridge for breakfast and/or dinner*
  • Vegetable puree - for lunch and/or dinner
  • Meat puree - approx. 50g
  • Fruit puree - for afternoon tea and/or breakfast
  • Vegetable oil - ½ tsp.
  • Butter - 1 tsp.
  • Boiled egg yolk - ½ pc.
  • Fruit juice and/or compote up to 100 ml.
  • Baby biscuits - up to 2 pcs.
  • Baby kefir or yoghurt up to 200 ml.

What new products are introduced into the diet:

  • Meatballs or fish (as an alternative to mashed meat) - 50 g
  • Bread or croutons - 10 g
  • Cottage cheese - 50-70 g; as an alternative to 100 ml of kefir or yogurt in one of the feedings

After 9-12 months volumes of previously introduced products will continue to increase, but remember that the older the child, the more pronounced the individual characteristics, therefore, the food needs of children at this age may differ.

Focus on your baby's weight gain, appetite, and your own common sense.

If you think your child is malnourished or is not gaining weight, please consult a pediatrician.

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© Nutriclub, 2020

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