Best food for baby koi
What Koi Fish Can And Can't Eat And How To Feed Them
Find Out More On Koi Fish Diets So You Can Have Happy Ones In Your Maryland Pond
You can feed koi vegetables, fish food, fruit, and pretty much anything that doesn’t have a lot of carbs. Feed them over a 5 minute period.
Discover more below-
It’ll Be Fin-tastic!
Christina sighs and rubs her temples after hearing that truly un-fin-tastic joke.
She loves Matt, but his jokes can be…yeah, well, anyway, back to the main issue: caring for the koi fish they’re about to buy.
“We have the pond, and it’s an ecosystem pond too. That means we don’t need to feed them for survival, just for fun,” points out Matt. Christina nods. “True, now we just need to know what can koi fish eat, how to feed koi fish, and what we shouldn’t feed koi fish.”
“Let’s look it up!” booms Matt as he gets his phone. Christina laughs, saying “That’s the spirit! I’ll do the same and we can talk about what we find on Google. Hopefully, we can also find out how long pond fish can live for.”
Here are the answers they find:
General Information On Feeding Koi Fish
Here’s almost everything you need to know on how to feed koi fish:
Photo from
If you have an ecosystem pond you’ll only want to feed your fish a handful of food twice per week. Any more and they can start having health problems.
If you don’t have plants you can feed koi fish as much as they can eat in 5 minutes once per day. Fish don’t have the ability to tell when they’re full so they won’t stop eating as long as there’s food to be had.
The best time to feed your fish is when the pond water is between 50-degrees and 85-degrees Fahrenheit because outside of this range they can’t digest very well. During winter they hibernate so please do not feed them.
Also, get food pellets appropriate for the size of your fish. A better-suited size means your fish can digest more efficiently, making for healthier fish that can grow to their proper size.
What Koi Fish Eat Naturally
In the wild, koi fish eat algae, plants, insects, worms, seeds, and anything they can stir up from the pond’s bottom. They hunt along the pond floor and along the surface. If you have an ecosystem pond they can continue having their natural diet.
This means feeding time is simply a way to bond and have fun with your fish.
What You Can Feed Koi Fish
You can feed koi almost anything people can eat. This includes shrimp, fruit, vegetables, and anything that isn’t high in carbohydrates. Bread and foods like that are hard on your fish’s stomachs. You can also feed them fish food pellets. Make sure they’re the right size.
There are 4 main foods people feed koi fish:
1. Spirulina Algae
These blue-green algae, also called cyanobacterium, live in water and make their own food. They’re very small, only growing up to half a millimeter in length. This algae is free-floating and can be found in lakes with an extremely high pH and very hard water.
Feed koi fish spirulina algae for these benefits:
- Higher growth rate
- Improving digestion
- Boosting the immune system
- Helping prevent swollen abdomens
- Enhancing the production of special enzymes that break down fats into energy
- Bringing out better coloration due to carotene pigments found in the algae
2. Wheat Germ
Don’t worry it’s not the bad kind of germ. This is the part of wheat that sprouts and grows into a new plant, the wheat seed if you will. Experiments have shown wheat germ can help goldfish and koi grow faster. It’s also a natural source of vitamin E which improves blood circulation, increases oxygen and nutrient flow, helps promote balanced growth, and aids in fighting off disease.
3. Brine Shrimp
Here’s a fancy science word for you: bio-enrichment. Brine shrimp filter water by eating anything in it they can, which isn’t much due to their small size. The nutrients they eat pass on to the fish they are eaten by, which is the process known as bio-enrichment. Brine shrimp are especially good for feeding recently hatched koi fish.
4. Fish Food
Small and baby koi prefer flake fish food, the smallest form. Pellets are good for the average-size koi while larger koi prefer bars of fish food. Most have plenty of proteins, a small number of fats, and essential vitamins & nutrients.
Some other favorites include worms, larvae, tadpoles, shrimp, and clams.
What Not To Feed Koi Fish
Don’t feed koi fish anything high in carbohydrates. You should also avoid feeding them white bread, peas, and corn. Koi fish have a hard time digesting carbs.
Don’t feed them anything you catch in the wild either. This includes fish, bugs, frogs, and everything else. They could have parasites or diseases.
Grains aren’t the best food for koi. They tend to be very fattening, which is good if your fish start losing weight. If you decide to feed them pasta or rice you’ll need to cook them without salt first. Otherwise, the food could expand inside your koi.
Of course, these foods should not be the basis for their diet. They have little nutritional value for koi.
How To Feed Koi Fish
Cut up any larger foods into bite-sized pieces. Toss one handful into the pond. Let the koi eat as much as you can see before the next handful. Any food left in the pond needs removing. This way it doesn’t break down and lower the water quality.
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“This is great! Now we know how to feed our fish and stuff,” says Matt happily. Christina smiles. “That’s true! Now, let’s see what else this blog has to say on caring for koi fish.”
- Introducing fish to a new pond the best way
- How many fish will fit per gallon
The 6 Best Koi Fry Foods
When breeding koi for the first time, hopefully, all things go smoothly.
If they do, you’ll soon have several thousand fry to look after (assuming you do not cull any, which is common since overpopulation can cause stunted growth and health issues).
Let’s look at how to care for those new babies and what koi fry foods they need to eat!
First 24 Hours For Koi Fry
For the first twenty-four hours, your koi fry are pretty new to the world.
During this time, they actually do not need to be fed, as they are still attached to the yolk that will sustain them for about a day.
During this time, your new fry should be left alone and given a chance to acclimate to their new world.
As Koi Babies Grow
After the first day, you will need to feed your koi fry.
Their diet needs to be nutritionally sound and small enough to not pose a choking hazard.
You also need to feed them enough to sustain them but not too much, as it will pollute the tank and make your fry sick.
You cannot yet use the filter since it will suck up the tiny fry and injure them, so you must find a balance in feeding times and amounts.
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The Best Koi Fry Foods
Here are some of our picks for the best koi fry foods available online.
While live feeding is more popular now than ever before, we are sticking to commercial products for the sake of ease for beginners and those who need a little help getting started.
1. Mazuri® Koi Platinum Bits
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Suitable for koi carp smaller than six inches in size, Mazuri Koi Platinum Bits are a great choice from a trusted brand that has been a mainstay in the industry for years.
This food is small in diameter, making it good for the smaller mouths of fry and can be crushed to an even smaller size easily to make it suitable for even the babies’s earliest days.
This food is also meant to optimize color and growth thanks to the addition of spirulina other nutrient matter.
There is high protein content and additional vitamin C to support muscle formation and immune system health, as well.
This product also floats, which encourages the fish to swim to the top to feed, at which point you can get a good look at them and view their overall health more easily.
2. Ocean Nutrition Instant Baby Brine Shrimp
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As one of the most popular foods for koi carp fry, baby brine shrimp makes for a protein-packed, high nutrient meal that supports rapid growth and overall health.
The Ocean Nutrition Instant Baby Brine Shrimp is significantly easier than hatching and raising your own brine shrimp and provides a constant supply of food free of potential issues like sudden dieoffs and brine shrimp illnesses.
The brand claims their shrimp are as natural as the fresh hatched version that contains only newborn shrimp stored in a water solution.
These shrimp are free of preservatives, dyes, colors, and other additives and provide a nutritionally sound, easily maintained source of food for your koi carp. Plus, it is perfect for the youngest of koi fry.
3. Tetra Pond Koi Growth High Protein Koi & Goldfish Food
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Tetra is perhaps one of the most well-known names in fish keeping.
They pop up everywhere and seem to provide something for every aquatic species, making them major players in the modern market.
The Tetra Pond Koi Growth High Protein Koi and Goldfish Food is a great budget choice since it includes tons of protein for growth and a lot of antioxidants and nutrients to support immune health and coloration.
The food is highly digestible and claims to be suitable for all fish koi sizes, though some people do report having to break up the pieces for especially small fry.
4. Wardley Pond Pellets Koi & Pond Fish Food
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Another good low-cost option that is surprisingly overlooked, the Wardley Pond Pellets Koi & Pond Fish Food is as easily found as the Tetra pellets but softens faster and is somewhat easier to digest for smaller koi.
The tiny pellets are nutritionally balanced and contain vitamin C for immune health support, along with other nutrient boosters.
The food also contains spirulina and other extracts including brewer’s yeast to support digestive health and create a good coloration and size within your population.
This is a solid food for beginners or those looking for something a little less costly to add to their routine.
5. Hikari First Bites
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Designed specifically as a koi starter food, the Hikari First Bites line is designed to help a wide variety of fish species, including koi carp, successfully grow and develop.
The brand uses nutritional loading to support organ development, coloration, breeding ability, and a host of other concerns that play into the viability of a specific fish.
As a solid product, this is a great starter for most fish and could be a valuable asset to those breeding koi for the first time! This is especially true since the tiny bites are perfect for even the smallest mouths!

A bit harder to find that some more mass-produced options, the Beni Koi Food line is a fantastically well-rounded brand that creates foods based on the natural diet of the koi carp.
Specifically, their fry care kit includes three levels of food to suit the development of your koi.
The first is a fine powder that is easily eaten by even the tiniest mouths.
Next, the fish move up to a sinking compound that is quick digesting and promotes comfort with more solid foods.
Lastly, your fish move to a floating, nutrient-dense pellet when they are large enough.
This system is proven to help create healthy, well-adapted fish and is great for more serious owners or those who are hoping to raise selective groups by hand.
Best Food For Fry
Regardless of what you choose to feed your koi fry, as long as you take your breeding seriously and do proper research, you have a good chance at success. Good luck!
Food for Koi at Low Water Temperatures - "FishFood"
FoodFish » Choice of Koi Food at Low Water Temperatures
Blog, Koi
- Published KormRybOK
23 Feb
Contents of the article
- 1 Preparing Koi for the winter and feeding them
- 1.
1 Koi food characteristics in cold seasons
- 1.2 Special composition of koi food in cold water temperatures
- 1.3 Foods with wheat germ and their benefits to koi?
- 1.
- 2 Overview of easily digestible dry feed for KOI
- 2.1 Hikari Wheat-Germ (Hikari Vetgerma)
- 2.1.1 The main characteristics of Hikari Wheat Germ
9000 9000 2.2 SAKI-HIKARI MULTIA SEKOME 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 Hikari Multi Season
- 2.1 Hikari Wheat-Germ (Hikari Vetgerma)
- 3.1 What is the biggest problem with koi feeding before winter?
- 3.2 How does the body digest koi foods containing animal proteins?
- 3.3 Can koi be fed the same food all year round?
- 4.1 Chart for soft start of the koi digestive system in spring
With the onset of cold weather, pond owners have many questions about feeding koi at low water temperatures. What is the best food for fish in the cold season? How to feed correctly? What do feed manufacturers offer? You will find the answer to these and other questions in the article.
Tips shared by Futoshi Maruyama is a second generation professional koi breeder. He has his own farm, named after his father.
The Maruyama basins mainly contain Kohaku, Sanke and Showa koi. The pride of the farm are the breeding carps Maruyama Kohaku and Kagura Kohaku.
Preparation of Koi for wintering and their feeding
As the water temperature in the ornamental pond decreases, the metabolism of koi slows down. The fish are preparing for hibernation. This is a crucial period of the annual cycle, until which the carp must stock up on fat for the duration of the winter torpor, during which it will not eat.
At a water temperature of +10 C, the processes in the fish's body begin to slow down. The pronounced symptoms of hibernation appear in fish from +5 degrees. This state will continue until spring.
If water heaters are used in an ornamental pond, it is desirable to avoid sudden changes in water temperature. This can negatively affect the health of the fish: disorientate in time, provoke a violation of the annual and reproductive cycles.
Sudden and significant change in water temperature (by 5°C or more) can lead to thermal shock and even death.
In the run-up to winter, you can continue to feed your koi until they stop eating for several days in a row. If they eat, easily digestible food should be fed 1-2 times a day, changing the amount of food depending on the appetite of the fish.
Futoshi Maruyama recommends stopping carp feeding even earlier - at a temperature of +15 degrees of water. In this way, koi will hibernate longer, and this will help them to better prepare for the reproductive period.
Koi cold food characteristics
Koi are omnivorous fish. In the natural environment, their menu includes a variety of animal products: worms, larvae, insects, etc.
Therefore, food for koi in the cold season should have a combined composition, and along with cereals, include animal components. Most often they are represented by fishmeal, anchovy or krill. Looking ahead, we can say that Japanese koi food at low temperatures meets these requirements.
Special formula for koi at low water temperatures
During the colder months, at low water temperatures, koi digestion slows down. Since the needs of the fish organism are significantly lower, the composition of feed consumed by koi in summer and autumn is significantly different. Easily digestible food contains easily digestible ingredients, making digestion easier and more even.
The best way to restore nutrient stores is to consume cereals . Therefore, feed for koi at low water temperatures must contain a significant mass fraction of the grain component. It is also necessary that the diet includes a complete balanced vitamin complex and fiber.
Experts agree that wheat germ , which contains the necessary set of vitamins, fatty acids and other substances, is an indispensable component of ready-made nutrition for Koi in the off-season.
Wheat germ foods and their benefits to koi?
Wheat germ is the reproductive part of the grain. It is he who germinates in the spring, giving life to a new plant. Wheat germ is a natural concentrate of vital substances, primarily polyunsaturated fats, vitamins, minerals and proteins (their mass fraction is from 20 to 30%).
The germ also contains complex carbohydrates, which are digested and release energy more slowly than simple saccharides. This has led to the widespread use of wheat germ as a staple in koi diets in low or unstable water temperatures.
Futoshi Maruyama is particularly sensitive to the issue of protein content in feed: “It is unacceptable that its proportion be below 30% or above 44%. As a rule, it should be 30 - 37%, and only during the period of intensive weight gain can it reach an extremely high rate!
Koi Digestible Dry Food Overview
Hikari Wheat-Germ
0074 wheat germ . It's worth pointing out that there's a big difference between a food that "contains wheat germ" and that actually does include enough of it, like Hikari Wetgerm.
The protein value of the feed is 32%. The proteins come partly from the wheat germ, partly from the ingredients of animal origin (including fishmeal).
Hikari Wheat-Germ contains a wide range of vitamins: A, D, E, C, also folic acid, biotin, zinc, copper, manganese.
Garlic extracts and brewer's yeast extract have been added to strengthen the immune system and protect against parasites.
The fat content of Hikari Wetgerm is relatively low - 4%. For a period of koi's life when the water temperature is low or unstable, this is quite enough. The food is easily digested, perfectly absorbed, does not create excessive loads on the digestive tract.
It is important to note that this food is the choice of koi breeders both in Ukraine and around the world, as they can be fed almost all year round without regard to water temperature.
Available as floating and sinking pellets small (3.5-4.0 mm), medium (5.0-5.5 mm) and large (8.0-9.0 mm) sizes that perfectly absorb koi of different ages.
The pellets soften in cold water, making them more attractive to fish. There are no dyes and flavors.
Packages 500, 2 and 5 kg have a ZIP-lock, which allows you to squeeze the air out of the package by creating a vacuum, thereby preserving the flavor of the feed and not spoiling the vitamins.
Large bags 15 and 20 kg sealed with polyethylene from the inside, which also has a positive effect on the preservation of the properties of the feed.
“Feed your carp the best food you can afford. Do not forget that vitamins are quickly destroyed by environmental factors.
Store food in a cool and dry place in airtight containers or vacuum bags. Protect from sunlight”
Futoshi Maruyama
Key Features Hikari Wheat Germ
- Type: granules (pellets)
- Behavior of food in water: floating/sinking
- Pellets size: Mini (3.5-4.0 mm), Medium (5.0-5.5 mm) and Large (8.0-9.0 mm)
- Types of packages: 0.5, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20 kg
- Season: all-weather (up to +5С water)
- Protein: 32% (wheat germ meal and fish meal)
- Fat: 4%
- Fiber: 4%
- Ash: 12%
- Vitamins: A, C, D, E and P
- Immunostimulator: Yes - brewer's yeast and garlic
- Color Enhancer: no
Saki-Hikari Multi Season
All-season premium koi food rich in protein. Made from the best selected raw materials . It softens in water, but does not dissolve and does not lose its shape. Contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals, as well as branded probiotics Hikari Germ .
Uses high quality fishmeal and wheat germ meal as protein source. Guaranteed protein portion - 37%.
Feed fat content 5%. This makes it possible to recommend food to older fish when they are not gaining weight. For young fish, fish in the breeding season or actively increasing mass, it is worth choosing a food with a high fat content.
Diet contains algae spirulina - this ingredient is not only a powerful source of vitamins, but also has a positive effect on the color of koi, giving them brightness and saturation.
Spirulina has a long-term effect of feeding, and its use has no side effects and contraindications.
Special attention should be paid to Hikari's policy regarding the low content of synthetic color enhancers (eg astaxanthin) in Saki-Hikari Multi Season, which can color faster but are nowhere near as useful as spirulina.
It is worth mentioning that the high content of pure cultured spirulina is the main factor in determining the cost of this food.
Since not every koi breeder can take the time to feed separate foods for growth, color and immunity, it will be much easier and more beneficial for the fish to use one complete food Saki-Hikari Multi Season.
Saki-Hikari Multiseason combines all the best from the Saki-Hikari food line and is the optimal solution for feeding koi all year round, even at low water temperatures.
“Do not use artificial color enhancers. Let the carp be healthy: it will make them beautiful”
Futoshi Maruyama
Key Features of Saki Hikari Multi Season
- Type: granules (pellets)
- Behavior of feed in water: floating
- Granule size: Mini (2.7-3.0 mm), Medium (5.0-5.5 mm) and Large (7.5-8.5 mm)
- Packaging types: 2, 5, 15 kg
- Season: all season
- Protein: 37% (wheat germ meal and fish meal)
- Fat: 5%
- Fiber: 2%
- Ash: 15%
- Vitamins: A, C, D and P
- Immunostimulator: Yes - brewer's yeast and garlic
- Color Enhancer: yes - spirulina and krill
Koi feeding Saki-Hikari Multi Season
* Attention! Russian subtitles can be included in the video
Frequently asked questions about feeding koi at low water temperatures.
What is the biggest problem with koi feeding before winter?
You will be surprised, but this is not even the choice of food, but its dosage. Any food that hasn't been eaten and has fallen to the bottom can be a problem in the winter in the pond.
Therefore, it is necessary to carefully calculate the amount of food that you offer to carps. This applies to those breeders who do not plan to move koi to aquariums during hibernation.
You can order a FREE individual calculation of the daily allowance of Hikari food for your Koi. To do this, contact the KormRybam manager and tell us the number of fish in your pond and its length.
The main thing is to understand the three main conditions for growing great koi: the best water quality, the right food and genetics .
If in the morning you notice that foam collects on the surface of the pond, the filtration system may not be able to cope with the load.
How does the body digest koi foods containing animal proteins?
Is it true that the slowdown of digestive activity deprives koi of the ability to digest animal proteins?
No. Koi can still digest any natural food. It's just that the need for it at low water temperatures decreases.
Can koi be fed the same food all year round?
Yes. Both Hikari Wheat-Germ and Saki-Hikari Multi Season are suitable for this purpose. Using the first one will ensure a healthy and long life for your koi. Using the second one, your koi, in addition, still get harmonious growth, rich color, as well as a decrease in the excretion of waste products of fish in the pond, due to the presence of beneficial bacteria (probiotics).
How to properly feed koi in spring?
Breeders need to remember that they are not dealing with biorobots following orders, but with rational beings in their own way. The forerunners of the purebred koi once lived in the wild and provided for their own needs.
In particular, they could decide when, how much and what to eat. And modern Japanese carps are by no means devoid of this vital wisdom. You need to give them the opportunity to use it. Therefore, the main task of the breeder during the release of koi from hibernation is to observe and provide food of the right quality and composition.
Scheme of soft start of the koi digestion system in spring
In spring, two conditions must be met to resume feeding of koi:
- The water temperature must rise to 5-10 degrees.
- Koi must search for food at the surface of the water.
Koi's digestion during the period of coming out of hibernation is slow. Nothing to overload. Therefore, it is better to use easily digestible food specially designed for low water temperatures.
Koi can be fed 1-2 times a day in spring. The food should be eaten within 2-3 minutes, if this is not the case, the dose should be reduced at the next meal.
It is better to give food closer to noon, when the sun is at its zenith and the water has warmed up a little. At night, the fish sleep and do not take food.
Full recovery of all body functions of carp occurs approximately 4-6 weeks after leaving hibernation. From this we can conclude how important the correct wintering and awakening after it in the spring are.
When the water temperature reaches +21 degrees about a month and a half after the end of winter sleep, koi can eat any food in the usual way.
What kind of food to take - ''cheap and cheerful'' or ''more expensive, but high quality''?
Remarkably beautiful fish - Japanese koi need the attention and love of a breeder. If your fish's health is important to you, and their unique beauty (no two koi are alike) inspires you every day, you need to do everything possible to ensure their comfort and prosperity in an ornamental pond. And the choice of food here is a task of paramount importance.
The difficulty of feeding colored carp lies primarily in the cost: they eat more guppies), and this can result in a tidy sum. However, attempts to save on feed never justify themselves: with poor nutrition, which grow more slowly, turn pale, can get sick, and the water in the pond is saturated with soluble organic matter faster, which leads to the development of algae.
Numerous problems with water bloom , changes nitrite balance and acidity , lowering the amount of oxygen , the multiplication of pathogens microbes and parasites , tarnishing koi come from this source.
Therefore, it is really better to pay more for food than to struggle later with numerous difficulties, with enviable constancy replacing one another.
Where you can quickly buy original Hikari food
In the Fish Feed online store you can buy exclusive Hikari products, including food for low water temperatures at affordable prices.
Our shop specializes only in these foods and has the highest level of expertise in matters related to Hikari and fish feeding.
Koi food from the Japanese brand Hikari is not cheap. But this is the kind of feed that is worth paying for, and the case when the expense leads to savings.
Buying food for Hikari koi in the Fish Food online store, you can be completely sure that you are really getting original products.
Store employees carefully monitor compliance with the rules for storing and shipping feed.
What to feed Japanese carp, what food to choose for koi
Koi carp or Japanese carp is a fish of amazing beauty, which has a bright color, medium size and high resistance to external influences. In the Far East, these fish were launched into homestead fish ponds and their motley movements were observed. Today, koi are very popular in fish farms and master ponds. Koi food is of particular importance. Therefore, it is important to know what to feed them, since it is the balance of nutrients that allows the inhabitants of the lakes to have a bright and saturated color of the scales.
Feed types
Multi-colored carps are omnivorous, in their natural pond habitat they can perfectly eat both food of natural origin and dry food intended for a particular breed of fish. More often, the owners of Japanese carp prefer to save time and energy by choosing industrial feed for the inhabitants of the ponds. Purchased food has many varieties in terms of composition and nutritional value - this allows you to achieve various goals in the process of feeding both fry and adults.
During the period of cold weather, it is required to select special formulations for cold water - their basis is vegetable protein. It is believed that the digestive system of fish copes better with amino acids of plant origin. Feed amino acids are obtained from wheat germ, as the most nutritious part of the cereal. Japanese carp food also contains some animal proteins.
These compositions are 40% composed of proteins - this is the most important component that provides all the vital functions and health of the fish. Winter food for koi carp is rich in vitamin E, which forms a mottled reddish color of the scales. The complex of mineral substances and unsaturated fatty acids increases the digestibility of granules. Probiotics allow to maintain the normal microflora of the digestive tract and maintain a high level of immune defense of the Japanese carp.
After wintering, koi carp is weakened, its immunity is reduced, the fish is prone to various diseases that affect not only the scales, but also the internal organs. Therefore, when the water temperature rises, colored fish can be fed with special mixtures and floating granules with a high content of probiotics. These component foods are high in polysaccharides, nutrients essential for the growth of intestinal bacteria.
A specific type of food helps to increase the barrier properties of the fish organism. This koi food has a low protein content (less than 30%), which allows it to be fed to fish with a formulation suitable for cold water feeding. It is necessary to mix such types of feed into the diet of lake inhabitants only after the environment has warmed up to 10 degrees.
After the water temperature in the reservoir reaches a value of 12 degrees, the stronger koi can be transferred to one of the basic feeds. These are universal products, in their composition the percentage of protein content is increased and the amount of fat is reduced (no more than 3%). The use of lipid-reduced koi food is recommended until the water temperature rises to 15-20 degrees.
After the water has warmed up enough and the koi have adapted to the changed conditions, it is necessary to introduce premium food into the diet of the fish for active growth. This product is characterized by a high content of amino acids and fats, which allows the inhabitants of the underwater world to actively grow and gain weight. It is possible to combine the basic food with special fortified formulations rich in tocopherol, which will help maintain the natural bright colors of pets.
As for specific products, the market is filled with different types of feeds that allow you to achieve the desired results, each manufacturer offers to buy dry food for all fish breeds. Consider the most popular companies that produce a quality product:
Coppens Koi. The manufacturer offers a whole series of products for this type of fish. The line includes positions for nutrition at low temperatures, with spirulina (to enhance color), for health promotion, basic nutrition, for the growth of young individuals, etc. A complete standard diet (for an ambient temperature of 15 degrees) ensures rapid growth, beautiful color, helps to avoid obesity, which is especially important for exhibition pets.
In addition to protein, fats, fiber, ash, phosphorus and vitamins, the composition includes the probiotic inulin, which ensures healthy digestion of fish, as well as the carotenoid astaxanthin, which enhances the bright pigment of carps;
Yamato. The manufacturer offers food options for the autumn-winter period, for low temperatures, for the main food, for the rapid growth of young individuals. Belongs to the premium class, the composition of the standard mixture for carps includes proteins, fats, fiber, phosphates, calcium, vitamins A, D3, E, ascorbic acid;
TetraPond is a food in the form of sticks, flakes and pellets for koi of different sizes. In addition to the content of all useful components important for the inhabitant of the pond, the composition stimulates the strengthening of immunity and is easily absorbed in the digestive system, minimally polluting the water;
Tetra. The food is sold in packaging depending on the age of the fish: 150 grams for fry, 1 kg for pets up to 10 cm, 2.
5 kg - the main food for adult fish from 10 cm and from 20 cm in the form of floating granules.
How to prepare your own feed
As noted, the koi is an omnivorous fish that tolerates both animal and vegetable food well. For this reason, you can save money, and instead of purchasing expensive industrial feeds, prepare an equally high-quality mixture with your own hands. This method of feeding will be more environmentally friendly than the option with a purchased composition.
Almost everything that can be found in nature can become components for the preparation of complete homemade food. Koi are not picky eaters and are excellent eaters of the following organisms:
Earthworms are a good option for feeding every day. It must be remembered that before sending them to the “table”, the worms need to be kept in clean water for some time in order to cleanse their intestines.
Japanese carp eats well cereals that need to be brewed in boiling water without adding salt. It can be buckwheat, millet or semolina. Rinse the boiled porridge well under water so that it becomes crumbly and excess gluten is gone. The paste does not come out of the intestines of the koi and clogs it, which can lead to the death of the fish.
Soft aquatic plants can be included in homemade food, for example:
hornwort, etc.
For harvesting feed, you can use almost any greens and vegetables that need to be scalded with boiling water, and then cut into small strips. Lettuce, parsley, dill, dandelions, plantain can be used as raw materials. Similarly, you can use zucchini, carrots, cucumbers and pumpkins - these products are rubbed on a fine grater, and then sent to feed the inhabitants of ornamental ponds.
How to properly feed pond fish
Koi carp, despite its high resistance to external conditions, requires special attention. This is especially true of the feeding process, in which it is necessary to take into account both the physiology of a particular breed and the general principles of feeding lake fish.
When feeding fish with dry food, it is important to take into account that granules, like flakes, swell in water. For this reason, portions dispensed should be small. Carps willingly eat everything they are given, and then the food in their stomach increases significantly. This can lead to increased gas formation, constipation, inflammation of the digestive organs, and even death of pets.
Before feeding, you need to put food in water so that it swells a little. For flakes, 10-15 seconds is enough, and for granules - 30 seconds. Only after that dry food is lowered into the pond. As for the frequency of feeding, it depends on a number of factors, such as water temperature and the age of the koi. There is a rule: the colder the water in the reservoir, the less food the fish need.
Young fish are fed hourly, and the amount of food can be up to 10% of the body weight of each individual. More adult carps are treated 2-3 times a day, sending food to the reservoir in the amount of 3% of the weight of the fish in it. The rest of the feeding process and food volumes are adjusted to the individual needs of the pets. If after feeding the carps in the pond are still asking for food, then they can be given supplements, and if the pellets remain on the surface, then the feeding procedure should be completed.
There is an important rule: it is better to leave Japanese carps a little hungry than to overfeed them. Oversaturation with food leads not only to a deterioration in the well-being of pets, but also to a disruption in the performance of cleaning systems. Most filters can't handle ponds that often have a lot of food left on the surface.