Best food for fair skin baby during pregnancy
Best Food During Pregnancy For Fair Baby
Pregnancy is a time of change in a woman’s life. Pregnancy is also a time that has some special nutritional requirements, which is why it’s important to eat the right foods during this time of change. The food that a pregnant woman eats has an impact on her baby’s health, appearance, and development during pregnancy. Hence, many parents end up searching for the Best Food During Pregnancy For Fair Baby. This blog will help such parents to know about the best options that can be included in the diet of a pregnant woman.
A woman’s body also needs some extra nutrients during pregnancy which she may not be getting in her diet. Genetic traits such as hair color, eye color, skin color, and height of the baby may be influenced by what a pregnant woman eats. Thus, if you are pregnant, it is important to start planning your diet as soon as possible. You need to know what foods to eat and which ones to avoid, whether it is a boy or a girl. For this, have a look at our list of the best foods during pregnancy that are proven to help you conceive a baby with a fair complexion.
In This Article
- 9 Best Foods to Eat During Pregnancy:
- 1. Coconut Water
- 2. Avocado
- 3. Saffron Milk
- 4. Oranges
- 5. Sweet Potatoes
- 6. Berries
Eating right is one of the most important things you can do throughout your pregnancy. By eating healthy foods, you can give your baby all the nutrients that are needed to stay healthy. At the same time, you will be filling your body with essential vitamins and minerals that will keep you feeling energized and help you have a healthy pregnancy. Here are the 9 Best Foods During Pregnancy to get your baby off to the best start possible.
1. Coconut Water
Coconut water is not only helpful in hydrating the body, but it offers other benefits as well. It is good for providing the necessary nutrients and vitamins to the baby. Coconut water is an isotonic fluid that contains most of the minerals and electrolytes such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc. Similarly, many people believe that it is helpful in improving the complexion of the baby as well and therefore is the Best Food During Pregnancy For Fair Baby.
2. Avocado
Avocados are a rich source of fiber, vitamin K, Copper, Vitamin E, potassium, and Vitamin B. Because of such high nutritional value, avocados are a great food to be added to the meals of pregnant women. The potassium in avocados helps in reducing the side effects of pregnancy like relieving leg cramps, etc. Moreover, because avocado is high in many nutrients such as vitamin C, it helps in the development of fair and glowing skin in babies.
3. Saffron Milk
Saffron milk can serve many benefits during pregnancy. Saffron is an aromatic, perennial plant with purple flowers and orange-red stigmas. Saffron’s supposed impact on a baby’s skin tone is one of the reasons for its popularity. Some cultures believe that saffron can lighten your baby’s skin. However, before consuming saffron you must consult your doctor to know whether it is safe to eat during pregnancy or not.
4. Oranges
Oranges are the Best Foods to Eat During Pregnancy for a fair baby because of their high Vitamin C content. This sweet and tangy fruit has a wide variety of nutritional benefits that can be added to your diet and good for boosting your immune system. They have essential nutrients that you need during pregnancy, such as Vitamins, Folic Acid, and Potassium. Oranges are delicious on their own, or you can juice them to make a healthy drink. They are also a good alternative to keep the women hydrated and prevent potential health issues in babies. Additionally, studies say that eating oranges also helps in increasing iron absorption.
5. Sweet Potatoes
During your pregnancy, there are certain foods that you should eat to ensure that both you and the baby are healthy. Eating sweet potatoes is a great way to consume beta-carotene. The fiber present in sweet potatoes helps in improving digestion in pregnant women. Consuming sweet potatoes during pregnancy can help prevent gestational diabetes and reduce the risk of contracting other illnesses. Thus, sweet potatoes are a healthier option for you and your baby.
6. Berries
Berries are a favorite fruit of many people due to their nutritious value that makes them one of the healthy foods during pregnancy. Also, they are a good choice for healthy snacking and for adding to your favorite desserts. With high fiber, antioxidants, and vitamin C, it is no surprise that berries are good for pregnant women. However, berries are low in calories but they are good for providing a great flavor and nutrition. You can choose to add raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries as a snack in your diet plan.
7. Grapes
Grapes are low in calories and high in nutrients. They contain fiber, folate, manganese, pectin, vitamin C, vitamin K, sodium, and organic acids. The anti-oxidants that are present in grapes are good for boosting immunity and are helpful in preventing infections. Thus they are counted among the healthy foods during pregnancy. In addition, there are many different ways to enjoy grapes as part of a healthy, balanced diet.

It is a great source of energy for pregnant women. Pregnant women should include dried fruits in their diet for good health. But at the same time, do not forget that dried fruits contain a high amount of sugar. Also, unlike fresh fruits, they do not contain water. Thus, dried fruits are healthy for a pregnant woman if consumed in moderation. Likewise, do not eat dried fruits in place of fresh fruits. Fresh fruits are equally important for providing essential nutrition to the baby.
9. A lot of Water
It is important for expectant mothers to stay hydrated in pregnancy, and especially to make sure they drink plenty of water in the third trimester. Water is an essential source of nutrients and helps to flush out waste from your body. Staying hydrated has many benefits. Many studies have shown that drinking plenty of water in pregnancy can have a positive impact on your and your baby’s health. Besides, drinking enough water aids in the removal of toxins from the body, as well as providing you with healthy skin.
Pregnant women are always worried about the baby’s health. During pregnancy, women must be mindful of the food they eat and it is essential for them to have a proper diet for the baby’s development. This is because every food has its own positive or negative impact on the baby. However, fruits like oranges, grapes, berries are essentially rich in Vitamin C and thus are found to be effective in improving the skin tone of the baby. Therefore, eating fresh fruits is the Best Food During Pregnancy For Fair Baby. You can add these fresh fruit juices to your regular diet to give birth to a healthy baby.
How to Get Fair Baby During Pregnancy
Are you pregnant? Are you looking for ways to ensure you have a fair baby? Pregnancy is a time when many women make an extra effort to eat well and stay healthy. There are specific foods that can help promote fairness in your unborn baby. Read on for 13 foods that you can eat during pregnancy for a fair baby.
Pregnancy is a crucial time for the mother-to-be as well as the baby. A lot of changes occur in the body of the woman during this phase and it is important to take good care of oneself and eat healthy to ensure a hassle-free pregnancy. Consuming vitamins and minerals in adequate amounts is extremely important for the development of the baby as well as to keep the mother healthy.
During pregnancy, every mom is worried about their unborn baby for some specific reason. One common worry that expecting mothers have is whether their baby will be born fair. Although the complexion of the child cannot be determined before birth, still there are many food items that can be taken during pregnancy for having a fair child. In this blog post, we will tell you some of the effective foods for you and your baby that will help in having a fair baby.
In This Article
- Best Foods To Eat During Pregnancy For Fair Baby
- 1. Avacado
- 2. Coconut And Coconut Water
- 3.
Saffron Milk
- 4. Sweet Potatoes
- 5. Berries
- 6. Almonds
- 7. Consume Ghee
- 8. Eggs
- 9. Eat other dairy foods
- 10. Cumin seeds
- 11. Grapes Juices
- 12. Red lentils
- 13. Fennel seeds
As we said above pregnancy is the time when a woman has to be extra careful about her diet. A pregnant woman should consume vitamins and minerals in the right proportion. Similarly, the fairness of your baby’s skin also depends on the food you eat during your pregnancy period. Here we are sharing some of the best foods to eat during pregnancy for a fair baby which will help you in getting a beautiful and fair baby.
1. Avacado
For getting a fair baby it is important that you eat avocados during your pregnancy as it contains a good amount of vitamin C, E, and folic acid. All these vitamins are very important for the development of your baby’s skin tone. To avoid the risk of your baby having any birth defects, you should start consuming avocados from the first trimester of your pregnancy. In pregnancy, for the growth and development of your baby, you should eat one avocado every day.
2. Coconut And Coconut Water
Coconut and coconut water are very effective in getting a fair baby. Coconut water is rich in electrolytes and helps to keep the body hydrated. It also contains vitamins and minerals which are crucial for the development of your baby. Coconut oil massage on your belly helps to get rid of stretch marks. You can consume coconut water 2-3 times a day during pregnancy. In the first trimester of pregnancy, plenty of water helps to dilute the blood, thereby reducing the risk of pregnancy-related complications like preeclampsia. For fair skin Coconut water is the best remedy for your baby.
3. Saffron Milk
Saffron is very rich in antioxidants and carotenoids, which are very good for skin complexion. Saffron is also a very good source of vitamin B6, which is very important for the development of your baby’s nervous system. So, if you want a fair baby, you should drink saffron milk every day during your pregnancy. If you’re pregnant and you don’t like the taste of saffron, then you can add a little bit of honey to it. Moreover, to your baby, saffron milk is also very good for the development of his/her brain.
4. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of carotenoids which is very important for the development of your baby’s skin tone. It is advisable to eat at least two servings of sweet potatoes every day during pregnancy. If your doctor has advised you to take folic acid supplements then you can also get it from sweet potatoes. Generally, sweet potatoes are for your baby’s health and for getting a fair complexion.
5. Berries
You can also include various berries in your diet to get a fair baby. All kinds of berries such as raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, etc. are very rich in antioxidants and help to improve the skin complexion of your baby. Also, these berries are a good source of folic acid which is very important for the development of your baby’s neural tube. You can add these berries to your breakfast cereals or oatmeal or simply have them as a snack.
6. Almonds
Almonds are a good source of vitamin E which helps to keep your skin healthy and glowing. It also helps to improve the complexion of your baby’s skin. You can either have a handful of almonds every day or you can include them in your breakfast cereals or oatmeal. During pregnancy, if you want your baby to have a fair complexion, then you can also apply almond oil to your skin. It will help to keep your skin nourished and will also give a natural glow to your skin.
7. Consume Ghee
Ghee is a healthy fat that should be included in your diet during pregnancy. It helps to improve the complexion of your baby and also keeps your skin healthy and glowing. You can either add ghee to your food or you can apply it to your skin. Ghee is also a good source of vitamin A which is important for the development of your baby’s eyesight. Ghee that is made from cow’s milk is considered to be the best for pregnant women and their babies.
8. Eggs
Eggs are a powerhouse of nutrients and are very important for the development of your baby. They are a good source of protein, choline, vitamin D, vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants. All these nutrients are very important for the growth and development of your baby. You can have eggs in any form such as boiled, scrambled, omelet, etc. Moreover, if pregnant women consume eggs regularly, it can also help to improve their skin complexion.
9. Eat other dairy foods
In addition to milk, you can also include other dairy products in your diet such as curd, cheese, etc. Dairy products are a good source of calcium which is very important for the development of your baby’s bones and teeth. They are also a good source of protein which helps to build the muscles of your baby. You can have a bowl of curd or cheese as a snack or you can also include them in your salads. Moreover, dairy foods help to improve the skin complexion of your baby.

Cumin seeds are also very effective in getting a fair baby during pregnancy. Soak some cumin seeds in water overnight and drink the water on an empty stomach in the morning. You can also add a little honey to it. This will help in improving the complexion of the baby. Cumin seeds are also rich in iron which is essential for the development of the baby. Moreover, during pregnancy, cumin seeds help in the digestion of food and also relieve various other pregnancy-related problems like nausea, vomiting, heartburn, etc.
11. Grapes Juices
Drinking grape juice is very beneficial for pregnant women as it helps in the development of fair and glowing skin for your baby. It is also rich in folic acid which helps in the development of your baby’s neural tube. Folic acid is very important for pregnant women as it helps in preventing birth defects such as spina bifida. For getting a fair baby, you should drink fresh grape juice every day during your pregnancy.

Red lentils are another efficacious home remedy for a fair baby during pregnancy. Soak some red lentils in water overnight and drink the water on an empty stomach in the morning. You can also add a little honey to it. This will help in improving the complexion of the baby. Generally, lentils are considered to be a healthy food for pregnant women. If they take it in small amounts then it will not cause any problem. Furthermore, it is also a good source of folic acid, which is essential for the development of the neural tube in the baby.
13. Fennel seeds
Fennel seeds are effective in treating babies fair during pregnancy. It is a well-known fact that fennel seeds help in the digestion process. However, it also helps in improving the complexion of the skin. All you need to do is soak some fennel seeds in water overnight and drink the water on an empty stomach in the morning. Fennel seeds are also rich in antioxidants and help in detoxifying the body.
What determines the color of the baby during pregnancy?
The baby’s skin color during pregnancy is determined by the genes inherited from the parents. The mother and father contribute different genes to the baby that determine skin color. For example, if the mother has black skin and the father has white skin, then the baby will likely have a light brown complexion. Likewise, if both parents have fair skin, then the baby will likely have very fair skin.
Which fruit is good to eat to get a fair baby?
When it comes to getting a fair baby, there are certain fruits that you can eat that may help. Pomegranates, for instance, are known to be good for the skin and may help promote a fairer complexion. Oranges and grapes are also rich in antioxidants, which can help to protect the skin from damage and keep it looking healthy. So if you’re hoping to have a fair baby, eating these fruits may help your cause!
Does eating saffron during pregnancy make the baby fair?
Yes, eating saffron during pregnancy makes the baby fair. Saffron is a natural skin lightener that helps to improve complexion and achieve a fairer skin tone. It is also rich in antioxidants and vitamins that are beneficial for the baby’s overall health. Saffron can be added to food or consumed as tea during pregnancy. However, it is important to consult with a doctor before using saffron as it may not be safe for all pregnant women.
What affects the baby’s skin color?
There are a few factors that can affect a baby’s skin color. The most common are genetics, ethnicity, and climate. Genetics plays the biggest role in determining a baby’s skin color. Ethnicity can also have an effect, with people of African, Asian, and Latin American descent tending to have darker skin than Caucasians. And finally, climate can make a difference too – babies born in warm climates tend to have darker skin than those born in colder climates.
The Last Word
Therefore, eating these above types of food during pregnancy will not only help the baby develop healthily but also be born with white skin and smooth as you desire. For your baby’s skin color during pregnancy to be bright and beautiful as you hope, in addition to following a reasonable diet, you should also pay attention to other things such as: getting enough sleep every day, not being too stressed, and avoiding smoking, etc. In the above article, a list of these most effective foods to help lighten your baby’s skin during pregnancy. We hope that after reading this article, you will find it useful and quickly incorporate these foods into your diet to give birth to a beautiful and healthy baby. If you have any queries or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us or leave a comment in the box below. Thank you for reading!
Top 10 beauty products during pregnancy
1. Salmon (and other red fish) are rich in omega-3 acids, which improve the condition of the skin and hair. In addition, salmon contains melatonin, which promotes cell rejuvenation.
2. Blueberries are the perfect dessert for women who gain weight too quickly. One glass of berries contains a record amount of antioxidants and only 80 kcal.
3. Avocado is the main "beautician" among fruits and vegetables. The mature fruit contains 30% vegetable fats, which maintain the elasticity of the skin, help to cope with rashes and moisturize not only the skin, but also the hair from the inside.
4. Pumpkin seeds are also important for the skin. The zinc they contain fights oiliness, acne and dull complexion, and also accelerates the growth of hair and nails.
5. Natural yogurt is rich in probiotics that improve digestion. And vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus will not only help maintain healthy teeth, but also provide the baby with strong bones and muscles.
6. Walnuts contain more vitamin E, which fights free radicals and keeps skin cells young.
7. Legumes (green) due to their high content of silicon will be the main assistant in the fight for the beauty and shine of hair.
8. Broccoli. This low-calorie vegetable is rich in folic acid, which is important for the normal development of the fetus. And besides, broccoli has almost 2 times more vitamin C than oranges, and as much beta-carotene as carrots.
9. Seafood is an excellent source of iodine and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
10. The liver is a valuable protein, B vitamins (including biotin, the deficiency of which causes hair loss and dandruff) and a record amount of iron, without which the hair becomes brittle.
It is important to know not only what foods are good for pregnancy, but also how to use them correctly so that they fully show their beneficial qualities and do not harm your health.
Always consider the allergic status of the selected product. For example, honey, seafood, nuts can cause allergies. Therefore, women who are prone to allergic reactions should use them with caution and introduce them into their diet one product at a time in order to immediately understand what exactly caused the unpleasant symptoms.
• Consider the calorie content of your diet. Yogurt and nuts are tasty and healthy snacks and desserts, but they add to the total amount of calories in the diet. Therefore, women who are prone to gaining excess weight during pregnancy should make their menu with this in mind.
• Carrots, squash, yellow and red bell peppers, and other carotene-rich vegetables and fruits are healthier when cooked. Carotene is better absorbed and will bring more benefits to the body as part of stews, boiled or baked dishes.
• Even the most healthy foods during pregnancy can cause various discomforts, such as increased gas formation in the intestines or heartburn. If you experience these kinds of ailments after eating a new food, you should stop eating such foods for a while and try them again in a few weeks.
• Keep a food diary in which you write down everything you eat during the day. This will help to control the calorie content of the diet, identify food sources of heartburn, stool disorders, etc. In addition, you will acquire the useful habit of keeping a diary, which will come in handy after the birth of your baby - such records will be very useful when breastfeeding.
Proper nutrition during pregnancy
All 9 months, the diet not only determines the well-being, skin condition and appearance of a woman, but also plays a major role in the development of the baby. Your doctor will help you create a complete menu based on your individual characteristics, but there are three simple rules that all pregnant women should follow.
Eat healthy, balanced meals.
Have you been eating right for a long time? That's great, so you don't have to change much during pregnancy. If in ordinary life you preferred sandwiches and cakes to fruits, then you will have to significantly reconsider your eating habits.
Include in your daily diet:
1) Fruits and vegetables - Wash them thoroughly. If blood tests show the absence of antibodies to toxolasma, then you should not eat raw fruits and vegetables.
2) Protein - Your developing organism constantly needs this building material. Remember to include fresh fish and lean meats in your menu every day.
3) Good carbs - Choose slow carbs that provide energy but don't spike your blood sugar. Instead of regular bread, buy whole grains, instead of sweets, indulge in dark chocolate (it is also rich in magnesium).
4) Dairy products - They are rich in calcium, which means they are indispensable for the formation of the child's skeleton. Try to consume dairy products at least 2-3 times a day.
5) Lipids - These important substances are involved in the formation of cell membranes and the nervous system. Fish, such as salmon and cod, contain essential Omega-3 fatty acids that our body cannot synthesize on its own.
6) Water - It never hurts to repeat that water affects all processes in the human body. During pregnancy, doctors recommend drinking at least one and a half liters of water. The level of fluid in the body can be tracked by the color of the urine. If it is not light and not transparent, then you should drink more water. If possible, buy mineral water rich in calcium and magnesium.
Do not eat for two.
The common myth that during pregnancy you need to eat for two is far from the truth. Yes, of course, now you need more calories, but the female body is programmed to raise a baby and does this using rich internal resources. In fact, overeating harms not only your figure and well-being, but also the embryo that is forming in your stomach.
1) Eat at least three meals a day. If you skip a meal, the next time the prudent brain will give a signal to put aside some fat reserves for a rainy day. If you are still bothered by nausea, try to eat five small meals a day.
2) Do not eat on the run. Try to eat slowly, sitting at the table and chewing your food properly. We need at least 20 minutes to feel full and not overeat.
3) Don't let yourself get hungry. If you take long breaks between meals, then you can not avoid the "attacks" of severe hunger, during which half the refrigerator is easily swept away. Always keep fruit, yogurt, nuts or cherry tomatoes ready. This will help to keep from impulsive cake and other harmful excesses.
Avoid hazardous products.
Alcohol is not the only prohibition in the diet of a future mother. There are a number of products that can be contaminated with microorganisms that are dangerous for the development of the fetus.
1) Forget pates, meat carpaccio and jamon, as well as raw milk and cheeses based on it - all of these can contain listeria.
2) Thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables that you eat raw with special detergents. Even better, if you can get rid of the skin, you can safely eat them without fear of harmful bacteria like Toxoplasma or Listeria.
3) Keep the meat well cooked to avoid the risk of toxoplasmosis. During pregnancy, refrain from sushi and other seafood that has not undergone heat treatment, as well as dishes containing raw eggs - this will help not be afraid of salmonella.
4) Increase safety precautions. Be sure to wash your hands after touching raw food, and use special products for washing plates, cutlery and the refrigerator.
Experts unanimously say that a balanced diet during pregnancy is the main condition for the well-being of the mother and the harmonious development of the fetus. It is important to remember that the body of a pregnant woman is perfectly able to cope with the important task of raising a child, but it needs to supply nutrients and trace elements in a timely and uninterrupted manner. The common myth that a pregnant woman should eat for two has long been debunked. The energy value of the food consumed should correspond to the costs of the body. Very often, expectant mothers overeat, while their physical activity decreases. You do not need to eat for the future, because an excess of nutrients can lead to a change in the metabolism and function of the endocrine glands of the fetus, which means that the development of its internal organs and systems will be disrupted.
On the contrary, malnutrition can also negatively affect the baby - a deficiency of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and polyunsaturated fatty acids disrupts the metabolic system, which can lead to early miscarriages, impaired intrauterine development of the fetus, as well as an increased risk of various diseases in children. In the first half of pregnancy, doctors recommend adhering to four meals a day, and in the second half, switch to a more fractional, 5-6 meals a day. Throughout pregnancy, foods in the diet should be distributed in such a way that meat, fish, cereals are included in breakfast, lunch and dinner. For dinner, it is recommended to give preference to dairy and vegetable foods, and it is advisable to eat dinner no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. In pregnancy that occurs with complications, as well as accompanied by any diseases, allergies or excessive weight gain, the individual diet must be adjusted with the doctor in the antenatal clinic.
In some cases (for example, with late toxicosis), you may be recommended a special diet or fasting days, during which mononutrition is observed, for example, apple and kefir days. Remember that such food is not complete in terms of microelements, vitamins and energy value, so it is prescribed no more than once a week. Perhaps the main criterion for assessing the eating behavior of a pregnant woman is weight gain, which normally ranges from 8 to 15 kg for all nine months of pregnancy (300-350 g per week in the second half).
In the first half of pregnancy, a woman's diet should not differ much from her usual one, if you are already a supporter of a healthy diet. The expectant mother should carefully consider the diet, because during this period all the organs and systems of the fetus are formed - a woman should regularly receive proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and trace elements in the right amount. The daily requirement for building materials during this period: 110 g of protein, 75 g of fat and 350 g of carbohydrates with a total energy value of 2400-2700 kcal. This ratio is fully consistent with the needs of the body of a pregnant woman. Almost all expectant mothers change food habits and taste whims unexpected for women arise: someone suddenly starts dreaming about pickles (this pregnancy test is sometimes more revealing than any pharmacy tests), someone is ready to eat cottage cheese in the morning, afternoon and evening , and someone even dreams of sauerkraut at night. It is necessary to listen to the requests of the body, even the most unexpected ones, and satisfy them - without abuse, of course. By the way, if during pregnancy you suddenly discover that you have an appetite for chalk (or other food oddities), then this body “shouts” to you about a lack of iron - consult your doctor to rule out anemia.
In the second half of pregnancy, the amount of protein in the diet already increases to 120 g, fat - up to 85 g, and carbohydrates - up to 400 g. The total energy value of the diet should now be 2800-3000 kcal. After going on maternity leave, when, as a rule, physical and mental activity decreases, it is recommended to reduce the calorie content of the daily menu. A dairy-vegetarian diet should be preferred, but proteins should not be completely forgotten. The growth of the uterus, placenta, mammary glands and an increase in blood volume require additional proteins from the female body. During this period, the share of animal protein in the diet should be 50%, of which - about 25% due to meat (120-200g) or fish (150-250g), 20% due to milk (500g) and up to 5% - due to eggs (1 pc.). Low-fat cottage cheese, milk and dairy products like kefir and yogurt, boiled lean meat and fish are a rich source of complete and easily digestible proteins, as well as essential amino acids.
As for fats in the diet of a future mother, out of 75-85 g of the recommended amount, 15-30 g should be vegetable oils (sunflower, corn, olive), containing fatty acids and vitamin E.
Doctors have long proven the dependence of the mass of the fetus on the amount of carbohydrates in the diet of a pregnant woman. The norm of 350-400 g of carbohydrates should be supplied to the body through foods rich in vegetable fiber - whole grain bread, cereals, vegetables, fruits and berries.
It is very important in the second half of pregnancy to reduce the consumption of confectionery, jams and sweets, as all these sweets increase the weight of the pregnant woman and the weight of the fetus. The amount of sugar should be no more than 40-50 g per day.
The need for vitamins in pregnant women doubles. A balanced diet should consist of vegetable products (cereals, vegetables, fruits, legumes, wholemeal flour products) and animal products (milk, butter, liver, meat, eggs, cottage cheese) - thus, the body will receive the necessary amount of vitamins and trace elements, so you do not need to take vitamins in tablets.
You should also pay attention to the regular presence of iron-rich foods in the diet - the daily norm of this valuable element during pregnancy is 15-20 mg. Iron is found in the liver, green apples, buckwheat, oatmeal, egg yolk and greens.
In addition, depending on the trimester, you need to control the amount of salt in the diet to avoid swelling. In the first trimester, 10-12 g of table salt is allowed, in the second - up to 8 mg, and in the last two months - up to 5 g per day.
The fluid requirement of pregnant women is 2-2.5 liters. Most of this volume is contained in products, so the liquid itself should be 1-1.2 liters (water, tea, milk, compotes, soups). In the last weeks of pregnancy, especially with a tendency to edema, the amount of fluid is reduced to four glasses.
Breakfast - the very first meal of the day, is extremely important for the well-being and skin condition of the expectant mother. It is advisable to adhere to the established diet, that is, have breakfast the first time, for example, at 8 am, and the second time at 11.
Already in the first trimester, it is necessary to compose the diet in such a way that the main load falls on the first half of the day. Breakfast should take about 30% of the daily diet, and second breakfast - 15%. True, nutrition experts are still arguing which breakfast should be lighter: the first or the second. Therefore, every woman has the right to focus on her feelings herself - the body will tell you which order suits you personally. The first trimester of pregnancy for many women becomes very difficult in terms of breakfast, and few people enjoy the thought of eating after waking up. However, it is the right breakfast that can help to cope with toxicosis and set the body to work efficiently throughout the day. First, drink a glass of water. With toxicosis, you should not immediately get out of bed. The horizontal position and small portions will save you not only from morning sickness, but also from heartburn, constipation, heaviness in the stomach - frequent “side effects” of any pregnancy. To avoid unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis, experts recommend abstaining from meat and milk during breakfast, while fermented milk products are quite acceptable.
Menu options
The main thing in the breakfasts of the first trimester is to choose easily digestible foods: cereals on the water, muesli, low-fat cottage cheese with a banana. The second breakfast can already be more serious: scrambled eggs, salad with boiled chicken breast, whole grain toast with cheese and avocado.
The three best breakfasts of the first trimester:
1. Oatmeal with water with apple and cinnamon
Oatmeal is not for nothing called “beauty porridge”, because it is a valuable source of vitamins A, B, C, PP, E, as well as magnesium, phosphorus, fluorine, calcium, potassium, nickel and other important minerals and nutrients. This porridge cleanses the skin and has a beneficial effect on complexion. Due to the large amount of natural fiber contained in oatmeal, it improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines.
2. Muesli with yogurt
Proper muesli contains a lot of useful properties: corn flakes contain vitamins A and E, rice flakes contain amino acids, wheat, oat and rye muesli contains potassium, iron and phosphorus. Complex carbohydrates in the composition of cereals help the gastrointestinal tract, prevent constipation and inflammatory processes in the intestines. Yogurt is also good for bowel function - it contains beneficial bacteria.
3. Low-fat cottage cheese with banana
Cottage cheese as a source of calcium is important throughout pregnancy. In addition to fiber, a banana contains an abundance of potassium and magnesium - microelements vital for the cardiovascular system. They nourish and saturate the brain cells with oxygen, and also normalize the water-salt balance. In addition, B vitamins help to quickly get rid of fatigue and nervous tension, and iron has a positive effect on hemoglobin.
In the second and third trimesters, expectant mothers should continue to eat frequent, but not too bulky meals. Remember that full nutritious breakfasts during pregnancy will save your figure from a lot of weight gain and cheer you up for the whole day. During this period of pregnancy for breakfast, you need to choose foods with a low glycemic index. A proper second and third trimester breakfast consists of cereal, scrambled eggs and a vegetable smoothie or freshly squeezed juice mixed with water (apples and other low-sugar fruits) - these drinks contain vitamins and improve bowel function.
Three best breakfasts of the second/third trimester:
1. Millet porridge
Millet is rich in vitamins D (which means it strengthens hair and nails), A, B1, B2, B5 and PP. In addition, it contains natural fiber, potassium, several types of starches and amino acids. Porridge improves metabolism, the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system.
2. Omelet
Eggs are valuable for pregnant women, especially for protein. In one egg it is 8-10 g. In addition, they contain folic acid and important minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, iodine, iron and phosphorus. Eggs are a storehouse of vitamins A, B2, B3, B6, D.
3. Fruit and vegetable smoothie
Blend carrot juice (150 ml), apple juice (75 ml), fresh spinach (125 g), cucumber (½), apple (1), leaves in a blender basil (10 g) - such a vitamin cocktail will be a great start to the day.
Lunch during the entire pregnancy should account for the bulk of the daily diet - about 40%. During the day, food is better absorbed, besides, a hearty lunch will make it possible to get by with a light dinner, which means that you will be able to avoid feelings of heaviness in the stomach, excess weight and sleep problems. Doctors recommend strictly observing the diet and having lunch at 14.00 - 15.00. For lunch, it is best to eat foods rich in protein - fish, eggs, lean meats. They give your body and the growing fetus the necessary building material. Also, in addition to meat, at any time, you need to focus on fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as complex carbohydrates. As for the method of heat treatment of dishes, it is best to steam or bake in the oven. Stewed and boiled foods are less healthy, and the most undesirable way to prepare food during pregnancy is frying.
The standard dietary recommendations for all nine months should be ignored only in the last trimester - at this time it is important to limit the consumption of meat, eggs and wheat bread. It is better to shift the emphasis on the menu to vegetables, herbs, fruits, dairy and whole grains. In the last two to three weeks before childbirth, doctors recommend completely eliminating meat, eggs, dairy and sour-milk products from the diet. An excess of calcium can lead to difficulty in the passage of the child through the birth canal, and also increase the risk of early closure of the fontanel in the fetus, which can greatly complicate childbirth.
Here is a sample menu of healthy and tasty meals for the week:
Monday: Fish hodgepodge (fish contains polyunsaturated fatty acids essential for the heart, brain and skin condition, as well as vitamins A, B, E and D), vegetable salad (vegetables are rich in vitamins and fiber, which improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract).
Tuesday: Lentil soup (lentils are a rich source of vegetable protein), seaweed salad (contains iodine important for a healthy pregnancy) with egg.
Wednesday: Broccoli soup (this cabbage is indispensable in terms of protein, beta-carotene, as well as a lot of important trace elements such as iron, zinc, magnesium and calcium) and green peas (with it the body will receive protein, vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine and iron) meat patties (protein) with bulgur (contains vitamins A and B, as well as folic acid, magnesium, calcium, zinc and iron).
Thursday: Chicken soup, vegetable salad with feta (lunch combining protein, fiber, calcium)
Friday: Rassolnik with beef (protein and fiber), buckwheat (a rich source of iron, folic acid and lysine protein) with oil (olive or walnut)
Saturday: Mushroom cream soup (protein, lecithin, antioxidants) boiled fish (fish contains Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as protein, iodine, phosphorus and vitamin D) with potatoes and vegetable salad (fiber, vitamins).
Sunday: Sorrel soup (a source of vitamins C and B1, carotene, iron, phosphorus, fluorine) with egg and sour cream, boiled chicken with vegetables (protein, vitamins, fiber).
The most important thing to know about dinner during pregnancy is that it should be light and filling at the same time. Light because it will avoid heartburn and feelings of heaviness that can lead to insomnia. And hearty, because, ideally, dinner should be the last meal of the day. Late snacking will not benefit you or your unborn baby, and besides, it is the nightly raids on the refrigerator that usually lead to overweight. Dinner should account for approximately 25-30% of the main volume of the daily diet.
Nutritionists advise pregnant women to have dinner before 7:00 pm so that the body has time to digest food before going to bed. It is best to give up foods that cause fermentation (for example, grapes, milk, legumes, cabbage, fresh apples, etc.) and use stewing, boiling or steaming as a way to heat food.
In the first trimester, it is important to eat a full and varied diet: vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, seafood, greens, etc. In the second trimester, you should gradually reduce the intake of carbohydrates (bread, flour products, sweets) and liquids. This is especially true for dinner, as excess water in the evening can lead to puffiness in the morning. And of course, you should not end your dinner with a cup of strong coffee. In addition to the well-known stimulating effect, coffee interferes with the absorption of calcium, which is important for the formation of the fetus. In the third trimester, dinner should be treated especially carefully. It is best to reduce meat consumption by 2-3 times or refuse it altogether. This also applies to rich meat broths (they impair liver function), eggs, mushrooms and confectionery. It is best to give preference to fish and seasonal vegetables and fruits.
A sample menu of healthy and tasty dinners for a week might look like this:
Monday: salmon steak (salmon is an indispensable source of omega-3 fatty acids, potassium phosphorus, and vitamins B1 and PP) with young potatoes in their skins (potatoes are rich in folic acid, vitamin C and potassium, which is important for the functioning of the cardiovascular system).