Best foods to eat while breastfeeding gassy baby
A breastfeeding mother’s diet for an infant with colic
Dawn Earnesty, Michigan State University Extension, Alicia Grigg, intern -
A breastfeeding mother’s diet should include plenty of water and an adequate consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and low-fat dairy sources.
Does it seem like your colicky infant is incapable of being soothed? Colic is defined as a thriving, healthy infant who has regular episodes of intense crying. The crying can last for several hours at a stretch, often in the evening. Colic will eventually run its course and most babies grow out of it by six to 12 weeks of age. Some people find eating a healthy diet while breastfeeding is beneficial to managing colic.
Colic seems to affect infants between the ages of about three to six weeks, but could last up to at least a year. There are many possible explanations as to why an infant may become colicky, but there is no known cause. Eating a healthy diet while breastfeeding is important for all mothers.
Michigan State University Extension suggests these healthy eating tips for breastfeeding women:
- Eating at least three meals a day with additional small snacks. Try to avoid skipping meals.
- Limit foods and drinks with caffeine. Examples include chocolate, coffee, tea and soft drinks.
- Drink plenty of water each day. If you are thirsty you are not drinking enough. Additional information on the about of fluids needed can be found online at Kids eat right.
- If using artificial sweeteners, check with a registered dietitian on how much can safely be consumed each day.
- Try to lose your baby weight slowly and avoid calorie restrictions.
- Some babies also may become fussy with the consumption of gas-producing foods (broccoli, cabbage, beans, etc.). If you notice this you may want to substitute other vegetables and lean proteins into your diet.
- Some foods may cause an allergy in an infant also, although this area needs additional research. The most common allergy-causing foods are cow’s milk, eggs, wheat and peanuts. If you notice an allergy you may want to reduce or eliminate these foods for a period of time.
The benefits of breastfeeding outweigh even the occasional fussiness. It is most important to consume a diet with plenty of water and an adequate consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and low-fat dairy sources.
This article was published by Michigan State University Extension. For more information, visit To have a digest of information delivered straight to your email inbox, visit https://extension. To contact an expert in your area, visit, or call 888-MSUE4MI (888-678-3464).
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Foods to Eat or Avoid When Breastfeeding
Reviewed by Poonam Sachdev on June 26, 2022
It’s a good source of protein. Some, like salmon and tuna, also give you omega-3s, which your body needs. But what about mercury and other contaminants? You can have cooked seafood twice per week. Each serving can be up to 6 ounces, which is the size of two decks of cards. Choose types that are lower in mercury, such as salmon, tilapia, and trout. Avoid shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish, which have high levels of mercury.
Love hot sauce? Most babies can handle it and other fiery foods in your diet. But if your little one is gassy or colicky and gets diarrhea every time you sprinkle red pepper flakes over your pizza, cut back on the heat for a few weeks to see if that helps.
They’re full of flavor. But some herbs may affect how much milk your body makes. For instance, eating a lot of parsley could curb lactation. And too much sage and peppermint may cut your milk supply. For some nursing moms, even peppermint-flavored toothpaste and candies are a problem.
It’s rarely a problem. But see how your baby does. Tell your pediatrician if your tot gets skin problems, has trouble breathing after breastfeeding, or has other symptoms.
As refreshing as your cup of chai or Earl Grey may be, it has some downsides. It’s got caffeine, which can affect your sleep – and your baby’s. It may also make it harder for your body to absorb iron, which you need for energy. If you drink hot or iced tea, try not to sip it when you eat foods that are rich in iron, such as lean meat; dark, leafy greens; and fortified breakfast cereals.
What if you aren’t allergic, and you want to prevent your baby from developing an allergy? Sorry, but there’s no proof that you can do that by skipping specific foods. Cutting certain foods out of your diet may make the skin condition eczema less likely for your little one. Ask your doctor or pediatrician for advice.
Breastfeeding can make you thirstier than you usually are. If that’s the case, drink a glass of water every time you breastfeed. But no matter how parched you feel, don’t go for regular sodas or fruit drinks, which give you calories without nutrition.
It's best for your baby if you don't have any booze at all. But if you do choose to drink, don’t breastfeed until the alcohol has completely cleared your milk. For 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of liquor, wait at least 3 hours. Pumping doesn’t speed that up.
Common culprits include beans, broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. Bloating, burping, and passing gas are normal. But if your baby is gassy or has colic, avoid these foods for a few weeks to see whether they relieve the symptoms.
Both have caffeine. You’ll also find it in energy drinks and cola. If you’re lost without your latte, limit yourself to 2-3 cups per day of the brewed kind. Or you could switch to decaf.
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Mayo Clinic.
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
La Leche League.
The American Academy of Pediatrics.
U.S. Department of Agriculture.
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what is possible with breastfeeding
After giving birth, a woman continues to influence the internal processes in the child's body through the milk she feeds him. Nutrition affects the quality of milk, because with it the baby receives vitamins and nutrients. They ensure its proper development and strengthen the immune system. Therefore, the menu of a nursing mother in the first days and months should be as nutritious, balanced and varied as possible.
In the menu of a nursing mother, it is important to take into account the balance of calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, the benefits for the woman herself and the growing body of the child. We will tell you how her diet changes after childbirth.
Contents of the article
Do not self-medicate! In our articles, we collect the latest scientific data and the opinions of authoritative health experts. But remember: only a doctor can diagnose and prescribe treatment.
Starting from the maternity hospital, a woman has to think about what can and cannot be eaten, because some foods can cause colic or allergies in the baby. Out of fear of harming the child, some women begin to eat only buckwheat and deny themselves everything. Others are sure that the child needs to be accustomed to different foods from the cradle, and they do not make any restrictions.
Already on the first day, the menu of a nursing mother should be carefully thought out. It is desirable that it be correct and safe, because the child is just adapting to an independent life outside the mother's womb. We talked about what should be the diet in these important first weeks with a certified dietitian Alexandra Paetou, mother of two children.
Nursing mother's menu: main misconceptions
As a rule, new mothers are intimidated even in the maternity hospital, handing them a standard memo. Looking at the list of foods that are allowed on the menu of a nursing mother, it is easier to say what is allowed than to list prohibitions. From this moment, the eternal fear begins to eat "something is not right" and thereby bring all possible troubles to your baby. Here lies the first misconception: if you do not want your child to grow up with an allergy, you need to eat varied.
Another common misconception: a diet for a nursing mother, the menu of which will include a minimum of calories, will help you quickly return to your previous weight. The only thing it will help is to lose breast milk and "put" the baby on artificial mixtures.
It should be remembered that the daily caloric intake of a woman's diet during lactation should not be lower than 2000 kcal. Otherwise, at first you will lose most of your hair and the normal condition of your teeth and nails. And then such food with a meager menu will deprive you of the status of a nursing mother.
General dietary guidelines for breastfeeding mothers
Almost everything a woman eats passes into her breast milk in one form or another. Of great importance is the preparation of a menu for a nursing mother immediately after childbirth. Just think: in the womb, a baby swallowed sterile amniotic fluid, and then an incredible amount of intestinal bacteria and nutrients fell on him, which his enzymatic system does not yet know. To facilitate this acquaintance with the world of other food, you need to choose products wisely.
Eating lettuce leaves, fresh vegetables and eating them with multivitamins, a woman still does not supply the body with everything it needs. This chain lacks an important link - the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which come only with food. For a nursing mother of a newborn, the menu should be designed in such a way that this ratio is taken into account. Protein sources are meat, fish, eggs, chicken, turkey, cottage cheese, dairy products. They also contain fats. Complex carbohydrates - pasta, cereals, bread, green and leafy vegetables, legumes, and it is better to refuse simple ones, with the exception of some fruits. We are talking about sweets and pastries.
Calculate the ratio of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates (CBFA) that enter the body with food. About 30 kcal is needed per kilogram of weight. With a weight of 60 kg, the need is 1800 kcal per day. But so much is needed in the normal state. Breastfeeding puts extra calories on the menu of a nursing mother. To this figure, you need to add about 500 more kcal if the baby was just born. As for BJU, per kilogram of weight you need 1.5 - 2 grams of protein, 1 gram of fat and 4-5 grams of carbohydrates.
Thus, with a weight of 60 kg, you should consume daily from 90 to 120 g of protein, no more than 60 g of fat and 240-300 g of carbohydrates, preferably complex. The nutrition of a nursing woman should take into account these parameters, then the body's resources will be enough for two. In order not to make mistakes in the calculations, you need to use a kitchen scale and free services on the Web.
Let's list the basic rules that the breastfeeding diet implies:
- The entire diet for the day should be divided into 5-6 meals.
- Small portions should be consumed before feeding the baby.
- Avoid citrus fruits, strawberries, raspberries, red caviar, fish, seafood, smoked meats in case of rashes in crumbs. And it is better to refrain from exotic fruits for up to 6 months.
- It is better to cook dishes by steaming, stewing, boiling, baking without a fried crust.
- In case of colic, the menu of a nursing mother needs to be adjusted, excluding sour cream, mayonnaise, pickled and fatty foods, grapes, sweet soda.
- It is better not to try a new product or a dish from it, or introduce them with caution, observing the reaction and well-being of the baby.
- Increase fluid intake, because milk is 90% water. Enough 10 glasses of clean water of 250 ml every day.
- To enhance lactation, it is good to drink warm, freshly brewed green tea or any fermented milk drink before feeding.
- It is worth forgetting about chips, fast food and other "harmful things", including alcohol, even in small quantities.
Forget the myths about beer making you milk.
- In the body of a nursing mother, the content of vitamins and minerals is 30%, and sometimes 50%, below the norm. It is better to discuss with the doctor the introduction of a vitamin and mineral supplement.
- Eating for two, as our great-grandmothers said, is not worth it. In general, it is enough to add 20% to your diet.
Sample menu for a nursing mother
When compiling a menu for a nursing mother for the first months, it is necessary to take into account a list of products that will help regulate the functioning of the digestive tract. The fact is that during lactation, many women suffer from constipation, and in order to avoid this, you need to eat foods high in coarse fiber. These are whole grain cereals, bran bread, whole grain toast, apples with skin, and so on.
Every day menu option for a nursing mother can be:
1st option: omelet with cheese, tea with milk, a slice of grain bread.
2nd option: oatmeal/buckwheat/millet porridge in water with fruit and a spoonful of honey, cocoa, half an apple or other fruit.
3rd option: cottage cheese casserole with jam, black tea with milk, toast.
1st option: vinaigrette, chicken broth with croutons, steamed vegetables, meatballs, apple juice.
2nd option: vitamin salad, plain cabbage soup, casserole with potatoes and minced meat, dried fruit compote, a couple of slices of bread.
3rd option: mashed cheese soup with oven croutons, boiled potatoes with herring, green tea.
1st option: a couple of cheesecakes with honey.
2nd variant: fruit salad of apples, pears and peaches with oatmeal dressed with natural yoghurt.
3rd option: bran bread toast with tuna and herbs.
1st option: lazy dumplings with sour cream sauce, black tea with milk.
2nd option: baked cod in foil with vegetables, buckwheat porridge, compote.
3rd option: steam meatballs baked with broccoli cheese, green tea with lemon.
Nursing mother's nutrition by months
A varied and proper diet of a woman in this period is the key to the health and successful development of the baby. In order not to have to study books on the menu of a nursing mother and the Internet immediately after giving birth, think over the recipes for the first week in advance, preferably by the day. When you leave the hospital, this concern will fall on your shoulders, so it will be good to prepare.
First week
The adaptation of the child is just beginning, so this is the most important time. The first week should be planned so that there is no milk on the menu of a nursing mother. There is a stereotype that it is it that contributes to an increase in lactation. But it does not help in this. It has been proven that milk provokes gastrointestinal dysfunction in the mother and child, and can also provoke allergies in the baby. But fermented milk products are more acceptable for his digestion. It is not advised to drink juices and fruit drinks, strong tea and coffee, eat nuts in the first week.
During the first three days, you can drink herbal tea (nettle, chaga), special lactagon drinks with cumin, fennel, and others. Compote from dried fruits is also allowed, preferably from apples, which are simply poured with hot water and left in a thermos. Black and green tea should not be abused so as not to cause overexcitation of the baby's nervous system due to the presence of caffeine. What can I eat to make the menu of a nursing mother balanced:
- Boiled or steamed vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, turnips).
- Kashi (buckwheat, millet) is best made from whole grain flakes, a little bran can be added to stimulate bowel function.
- Vegetarian soups with a minimum of potatoes.
- Oven baked apples.
- Bread.
- Parsley, dill, spinach, arugula are allowed, they help relieve gas formation.
- Kefir, natural yogurt, cottage cheese (only a spoon at first), a piece of cheese is possible from the fourth day after childbirth.
By the way, the menu of a nursing mother after a caesarean section differs from the nutrition of a woman after natural childbirth only in these first days. The abdominal operation forces the intestines to adjust to normal operation. Of course, ideally, you should do without the help of cleansing enemas and laxative suppositories. Usually, after a caesarean section, mothers consume low-fat chicken or veal broth (secondary), boiled fish, cereals on the water (but not rice). By the fourth day, you can switch to the usual diet provided for during lactation.
First month
In the second week, the number of dishes increases slightly, but without fanaticism. It is still important to ensure that foods with a high allergenic potential do not enter the menu of a nursing mother from the first weeks. You can start cooking a weak beef broth, eat 100 g of beef, the same amount of low-fat steamed fish.
It is important to follow a simple rule: meat, eggs, fish and other products must be well cooked. Recipes when you need to eat raw eggs, sushi, and so on, are not allowed on the menu for a nursing mother either in the first month or in the next 5-6 (minimum). You also need to limit your intake of sugar, salt, spices, onions, and garlic, which can detract from the taste of milk.
In the fourth week, the intestinal microflora is formed in the child, enzymatic systems are launched. Therefore, when 1 month at the end, the following products can be added in the menu of the nursing mother:
- Potatoes in “Uniform”
- oatmeal
- Coede Boiled eggs
- Dry cookies
- Morses from lingonberries or clamps 000 9000
- dairy and sour-milk products
- lean meat of beef, rabbit, chicken, turkey without skin
- lean river and sea fish
- butter and vegetable oil
- vegetables and fruits (green and yellow apples, banana, pear, kiwi, plum)
- Lunch: cauliflower soup, corn porridge with meatballs
- Dinner: turkey stew with vegetables
- Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole with apples
- Lunch: soup with chicken meatballs, beetroot salad with prunes and feta
- Dinner: stew with turkey and vegetables
- Breakfast: buckwheat porridge
- Lunch: soup with chicken broths. and feta
- Dinner: fish casserole
- Breakfast: oatmeal porridge
- Lunch: squash soup, buckwheat porridge, rabbit in sour cream
- Dinner: Fish casserole
- Breakfast: millet porridge with pumpkin
- Lunch: zucchini soup, buckwheat, rabbit in sour cream
- Dinner: pancakes from the liver and Greek, salad of crust and Kurags
- breakfast: pancakes without eggs with a banana and blueberry
- lunch: Ratatuy soup, zucchini casserole and rice
- Dinner: pancakes from the liver and buckwheat, a salad of root celery and apple
- Vegetables and fruits.
- Complex carbohydrates: cereals, bread, potatoes.
- Protein sources.
- Dairy products.
- Fats and oils.
Second month
Let's start with what food should be avoided for now and in the menu of the second month of a nursing mother. It causes increased flatulence white cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes; sodas, black bread, legumes and grapes. Other foods are strong allergens. Among them are chocolate, pumpkin, citrus fruits, berries, honey, nuts, crayfish, crabs, caviar, red fish.
The menu for breastfeeding mothers becomes even more varied in the second month. The main thing is that a woman receives the substances necessary for life: vitamins, trace elements, fiber, proteins, unsaturated fatty acids. For this, it is important to consume:
It often happens that when a baby turns one month old, the menu of a nursing mother becomes too relaxed. But the time for variety, cakes, fast food and a glass of wine has not yet come. An illiterate diet during this period can not help, but harm the baby: provoke constipation, colic, allergic reactions and poisoning.
Third month
After 2 months, the menu of a nursing mother is still aimed at developing and strengthening the child's immunity. By the way, at this time, the figure of a woman is actively returning to normal. The fact is that lactation is an energy-consuming process. Every day, at least 700 kcal burns due to it. And if you reduce the consumption of fat, then this will not affect milk in any way. The body maintains its constant fat content, regardless of how much fat came with food.
At 3 months, the menu of a nursing mother is supplemented with interesting dishes. Just do not chase after too difficult ones so as not to take up precious time that can be spent on relaxation. The desire to do everything sometimes causes stress in the mother, and it certainly does not contribute to the production of milk.
We offer a look at the menu for a week for a nursing mother, recipes and photos of which you can easily find on the Web. So it is allowed to eat in the third month of lactation. If one of the products is difficult to buy, feel free to replace it with another permitted one.
The table of allowed and prohibited foods by month is important, as are simple recipes, but the main filter of a nursing mother's menu is her baby's well-being. In everything you need to know the measure, including the use of healthy food. It is necessary to replenish the diet with a product unfamiliar to the child with caution, once every three days. And remember about water, but do not bring yourself to edema. For this, you should not drink too much at night.
Photo: Getty Images; xhere; Unsplash
why a mother's diet should be balanced, what foods are not allowed, and which are possible with gv
Are there any nutritional restrictions for a nursing mother? Are there really forbidden foods that can cause allergies in a child?
The maternity hospital gave you a diet to follow while breastfeeding. How strictly should it be followed? Do I need to increase portions and drink more fluids to get a lot of milk? I also heard that some products, such as lemons, can spoil the taste of milk, and the child will refuse to breastfeed altogether. This is true?
Vika Vishnyakova
Author profile
The nursing mother's diet is an old myth that still lives in some Russian maternity hospitals and children's clinics.
The more varied the mother's diet during breastfeeding, the more health bonuses both she and her baby will receive. Most likely, with a balanced and varied diet, your weight will return to pre-pregnancy, but even if this has not happened yet, the breastfeeding period is not the best time to lose weight. You need to provide yourself and your baby with the proper level of nutrients, and this is difficult to do on rigid diets.
However, there are still foods that you should stay away from. I'll tell you more about everything.
What the science says about nutrition during breastfeeding
The diet of a nursing mother appeared at a time when knowledge about the nature of allergies was not enough. Not fully understanding the whole mechanism of its appearance, doctors, just in case, postponed acquaintance with potential allergens until later. It was believed that by the age of three, the child's immune system would mature and be able to withstand the encounter with the allergen.
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What should I do if I suspect I have an allergy?
In reality, everything turned out differently: the earlier the child got acquainted with the potential allergen, the lower was the risk that he would develop an allergy. In modern recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of food allergies in children, mothers are advised not to limit the diet, but to try to make it more varied.
Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Food Allergy in Children - KFAPDF, KB 361
This is the position of leading child health organizations: the best nutrition for a mother during breastfeeding is a balanced and varied diet.
Healthy Diet During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding - WHO European OfficePDF, KB 93
Breastfeeding Diet - US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
all five food groups:
And you also need to maintain diversity in each group. For example, eat vegetables and fruits of different colors, use not only meat, but also fish, eggs and legumes with nuts from protein sources.
Breastfeeding Mom's Diet Advice - US Department of Health
And the ratio of animal to vegetable proteins should be approximately the same. Among complex carbohydrates, you should give preference to whole grains and also do not forget about diversity. It turns out that buckwheat and boiled turkey for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day is not a healthy diet option for mom.
Breastfeeding - European Community of Pediatrics, Gastroenterologists, Hepatologists and Nutritionists Commentary
Health Canada Diet If your diet is balanced and varied, do not take supplements or multivitamins, except for vitamin D. They are needed in rare cases when the diet of a nursing mother is poor or there are health problems. But the doctor should prescribe the composition and dosage of supplements during breastfeeding.
Your appetite will probably increase, this is normal. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that a breastfeeding mother may need up to 500 calories in excess of her usual calorie intake to ensure adequate milk supply. But those 500 calories should come from healthier food sources, not soda chips.
Vitamins: what foods contain and how to take supplements
Why a balanced diet is important
Such a diet will help maintain the health of the mother and provide the necessary nutrients to the child. During breastfeeding, it is important to provide yourself with the proper amount of energy, protein, and some important micronutrients: iron, calcium, vitamin D, and folic acid.
These micronutrients may not be enough, because during pregnancy and the onset of breastfeeding, some of them are spent on the needs of the fetus, and then the baby. You can get these substances from dark green vegetables: spinach, broccoli, green beans, as well as dairy products, eggs, legumes, meat and fish.
How much does breastfeeding cost? . In addition, the child is more likely to follow the family's eating style as they grow older. The more varied and healthier your diet, the greater the chances of accustoming a child to it.
But unhealthy eating habits can lead to future weight gain and negatively affect food cravings. A study of 1,459 mother-baby pairs found that high body mass index and unhealthy eating habits were more common among children whose mothers followed the so-called Western style of eating, which is high in ultra-processed foods, high-calorie, sweet and fatty.
What you shouldn't be afraid of in your diet
Mothers often blame their diet on their baby's restless behavior or minor skin rashes.
The American Academy of Pediatrics states that only 2-3 out of 100 breastfeeding babies are allergic to any food in the mother's diet.
But by blaming everything on food, we mask the real problem or, conversely, overestimate the significance of some ordinary phenomena, such as newborn acne or prickly heat. If in doubt what kind of rash it is, talk to a competent pediatrician. If the pediatrician suspects a connection between a child’s poor health and food, he will ask you to keep a food diary - this way there will be a potential culprit.
How to help a newborn with colic
By eliminating this product for 1-2 weeks, you will either confirm the hypothesis or continue to look for another suspect. But you don’t need to immediately remove all the products: this can lead to an imbalance in nutrition, fatigue, nervousness and poor health.
If a pediatrician forbids eating certain foods without complaints about the child's well-being, this is a reason to look for a second opinion. Here are the foods that pediatricians often ban.
Cow's milk. In those children who have a reaction to their mother's food, most often it happens to cow's milk: the baby may experience abdominal discomfort, colic, skin rash.
But excluding cow's milk in advance, just in case, will not lead to the prevention of allergies in a child. On the contrary, a 2021 Swedish study found that babies whose mothers drink relatively more cow's milk during breastfeeding have a lower risk of developing food allergies than those whose mothers drink little or no milk. The same is true for other potential allergens: if they are excluded, this will not help to avoid allergies in the future, but, on the contrary, will increase the risk of its occurrence.
No need to remove potential allergens from the diet
Valentina Suvorova
pediatric allergist-immunologist
There are foods that are potentially allergenic: milk, eggs, fish, peanuts, soy. To date, there is not enough scientific evidence to recommend that breastfeeding mothers restrict their diet. There are no differences in the prevalence of allergic diseases in the groups of nursing mothers who avoided milk, eggs and other allergens, and mothers who did not follow any diet.
Fish. Separately, it should be said about fish: it is an important part of a balanced diet for any person, especially a nursing mother. Eating fish affects the proper development of the brain and nervous system of the child and reduces the risks of obesity, asthma and allergies in him at an older age.
Mom's fish intake and baby's cognitive development - MDPIPDF, 523KB
Omega-3s and reducing the risk of allergies in the unborn baby - PLOS Medicine
Two servings a week are enough to keep mother and baby healthy. One serving is your palm without fingers.
Limit swordfish, marlin, bigeye tuna, king mackerel or shark. This is due to the high risk of exceeding the permissible level of mercury in their meat. Such types of fish are rarely found in Russia, but if you live in another country or order them specially from afar, then show moderation. It is better to give preference to other options: salmon, herring, saury, cod.
Foods that give mom gas. There is a myth that a mother and her baby have the same reaction to foods. In reality, gases from the gastrointestinal tract of the mother cannot enter the bloodstream and from there into breast milk, so the discomfort in the mother does not mean the obligatory colic in the baby.
However, when food is digested, certain proteins enter the bloodstream and can then pass into mother's milk. Some children may be sensitive to protein and react to it with increased gas production and nervousness. The reaction can be to any product, even to buckwheat or a green apple, and you can find out with the help of a food diary.
How food passes into breast milk - La Leche Liga
Garlic, spices, spices may change the taste of breast milk, but this does not mean that they should be eliminated. The breastfeeding support association La Leche Liga believes that regular consumption of these products will help the child get used to the family diet before introducing complementary foods. Babies begin to get used to these aromas even in the stomach, when they swallow amniotic fluid, so spices should not be ruled out during pregnancy.
What should be limited in the diet
The likelihood that a child will feel bad from some product in your diet is small, but still there. Therefore, some products should be consumed in limited quantities, and some should be completely excluded for the GV period.
Alcohol. The safest option is not to drink alcohol during breastfeeding. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention believes that sometimes you can drink a glass of wine, but in the next 2 hours after drinking, you should not feed your baby. Even without HB, there is no safe dose of alcohol, each glass is your personal choice and risk. And during breastfeeding, it is also a responsibility for the life and health of the baby.
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Thermally processed products of animal origin. These are fish, meat and eggs. If you eat them raw, you can become infected with dangerous bacteria: listeria, salmonella, or botulinum bacteria. They are not transmitted through breast milk, but are not safe for the mother herself - you will probably have to take antibiotics, and this may affect the preservation of breastfeeding. That is, it's not about the products, but about the cooking method: if you want a steak, don't deny yourself, but ask for a well-dan. The same with sushi and slightly salted fish: take baked rolls or hot types of fish, and instead of poached eggs - normally boiled.
Coffee. The recommended amount of caffeine is up to 300 mg per day. How many mugs it is depends on the method of preparation. The baby may have a reaction to coffee, as well as to any product, but this is an infrequent occurrence.
How much caffeine is in a cup of drink
Drink | Amount of caffeine, mg |
Instant coffee | 100 |
Americano, cappuccino | 80-90 |
Can of Coke, 330 ml | 40 |
Green tea | 30-50 |
The number of caffeine, mg
Soluble coffee
America, Kapuchino
Coca-Kolya Bank, 330 ml
Green tea
What is the result
The diet of a nursing mother is a myth.