Bird feeding babies pictures
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Colds are coming, and we traditionally begin to feed the birds, laying out food in feeders and hanging lard on trees. THE BOTANICAL GARDEN-INSTITUTE ACCEPTS BIRD FEED AND PROTEIN. We have a lot of feeders in the Arboretum, and in winter we regularly monitor their fullness. Well-fed birds survive the cold more easily and are more likely to survive until spring.
Feed the birds in winter!
Let from all over
They will flock to you like home,
Stakes on the porch.
Their food is poor.
A handful of grain is needed,
One handful - and they will not be afraid of winter.
How many of them die - do not count,
It's hard to see.
But in our heart there is
And the birds are warm.
Is it possible to forget:
Could fly away,
And they stayed for the winter
Along with people.
Train the birds in the cold
To your window,
So that without songs it was not necessary
We welcome spring!
Alexander Yashin
What can you feed the birds in winter
In winter, each type of bird eats a certain type of food. The species composition of visiting birds will also depend on what you pour into the feeder. The following are the main foods that can be used in winter top dressing:
The favorite food of some birds are the seeds of various plants, especially cereals. Sprinkling millet or oats into the feeder will attract sparrows, goldfinches and other grain-eating birds. Birds in winter can be fed with wheat bran, hard oatmeal, poppy seeds, pearl barley. Some birds eat corn and watermelon seeds, which must be crushed beforehand. If you are interested in breeding useful birds in your garden, then in the fall prepare weed seeds - nettles, quinoa, burdock, thistles, and pour them into the feeder in winter. But keep in mind that this will be only an insignificant addition to the main feed. it is more correct to plant mountain ash, viburnum, hawthorn, buckthorn, bird cherry and other berry trees and shrubs on your feeding area.
The most versatile food for wintering birds. It can be eaten by both granivorous birds and tits, nuthatches, woodpeckers. The large amount of vegetable fats inside sunflower seeds makes them an important source of energy in cold winter conditions. If there is monotonous food in the feeder, sunflower tits will look for additional protein animal food.
These products can also be used for winter bird feeding. They are very fond of tits, nuthatches and some other species of birds. But it is worth remembering that only unsalted lard or meat can be offered to birds. As a rule, pieces of bacon are strung on twine, which is hung on tree branches. Top dressing from fat or meat should be placed in such a way that it does not go to crows, magpies, jackdaws, as well as cats and dogs.
You can put a small piece of butter in the feeder. On especially frosty days, this product will help the birds survive.
Berries of mountain ash and hawthorn attract the most beautiful winter birds - bullfinches and waxwings, mountain ash.
Dried berries and fruits. Make a bunch of dried fruits and berries. Using a needle, put pieces of dried apples, pears, plums, apricots on a strong thread, form a lump and hang near the feeder. You can offer the birds the pulp of a pumpkin. Cut through "windows and doors" in it, so that the birds can get inside. They themselves will choose what to try - seeds or pulp. Tie a small pumpkin by the tail with a strong rope and hang it from a thick branch.
Apples that start to spoil should also not be thrown away. Cut the apple in half, put it in a feeder or hang it on a wire.
The seeds of these trees are also called lionfish. Most of them fall from the trees and become inaccessible to birds. Lionfish are harvested in autumn and hung on feeders. Bullfinches, waxwings and some other visitors to bird canteens like to eat them.
Cones are the main food of crossbills and woodpeckers in winter.
Jays have been stocking acorns since autumn, hiding them in secluded places. In winter, hidden food is a good help. Having prepared cones, nuts and acorns since autumn, you can attract not only woodpeckers and jays, but also squirrels to your feeder.
During the nesting period (not necessarily in winter), garden guests still need to be fed foods that contain calcium. You can put pre-boiled, ground eggshells or pieces of chalk to the feeder.
It is strictly forbidden to feed birds with fried, salty (salted fat or meat), sour foods.
You can not give fresh white and especially rye bread, these products cause fermentation in the goiter of the bird.
It is also impossible to feed birds with citrus fruits, banana peels, peanuts, spicy foods, pieces of pies and whites, chips, potatoes.
Publication date: 11/17/2021
Which birds fly to the feeder? List in pictures
The world of birds is diverse and amazing! You never know who might visit the feeder. We present to your attention photos of all types of birds that were photographed on Art-feeders of our production.
Great Tit
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The most common feeder visitor. They are dexterous acrobats, which allows them to forage from any feeder. These birds are with us all year round, lead a sedentary lifestyle. In summer they eat insects, and in winter they supplement their diet and switch to seeds rich in vegetable fat. Most of all they love sunflower seeds!
A small titmouse with a blue cap. It is often found on feeders, but not in such numbers as great tits, but one or two birds at a time. They behave more carefully, quickly grab a seed and fly away to the nearest branch.
White titmouse
Small black and white titmouse. A rare guest of city and park feeders.
Small tit with a characteristic white spot on the back of the head. During autumn wanderings, they can visit the feeder. In winter, they are rarely found on feeders.
Tree Sparrow
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This species usually moves to the city in winter. In summer they prefer the countryside. They live in large flocks. Sparrows - birds are noisy and arrogant, from the point of view of a person, occupy the feeder, preventing other birds from feeding calmly. With all the shortcomings, sparrows bring invaluable benefits: during the breeding of chicks, they completely switch to live food, catching insects and other invertebrates.
House Sparrow
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City bird, ornithologists call it synanthropic. They will never turn down a free meal. Like tree sparrows, brownies feed their chicks with insects. The presence of sparrows in the city is an indicator of ecological stability. In Europe, and more precisely in England, sparrows are listed in the Red Book, they have almost disappeared from the streets of London and other large cities. Think about this when you chase the sparrows away.
Large green bird with yellow wing feathers. Can be found not on every feeder. But if you were able to attract them, you can be sure that they will not leave you. These birds like to stay in a certain place in winter, especially where they are constantly fed. Zelenushki emit a melodic trill, and starting from February, they sing mating songs with a characteristic buzz.
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The conspicuous red-breasted bird is a male. Females are inconspicuous, gray-beige, more like sparrows. Some owners of feeders can observe bullfinches feeding at home, they do not fly to others. Here, as luck would have it.
In our parks and forests it is a nesting bird species. Recently, more and more often appear on the feeders. Single individuals remain for the winter. The bulk visits the feeders from spring to autumn.
Tap dance
Gray motley bird with a characteristic red spot on the forehead, males still have a pink chest and uppertail. This bird species winters in the central European part of Russia, and in spring they fly north to nest. As a rule, they appear on the feeders at the end of winter, when all the natural food is eaten.
A small greenish-yellow bird, the male has a characteristic black cap. In winter, siskins feed on alder and birch. In early spring, when all natural food has been eaten, siskins appear on the feeders. As a rule, this happens at the end of March.
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Beautiful large bird with a huge beak. Feeding troughs are visited, but not very often. They feed on grains and seeds. They love to feed on fruit trees, bird cherry. Recently, there have been more and more of them, so there is a chance to see him in your feeder.
Migratory bird. Rarely found on feeders, in autumn or spring. Yurok lives in the northern tundra and forest-tundra. Like all finches, they love to eat seeds.
Usually nesting birds of our region, but at feeders - an extremely rare guest (residents of Siberia are more fortunate, goldfinches love to visit feeders in this region). In winter, goldfinches are more likely to eat last year's seeds of burdock and goutweed.
This bird arrives later than all the others, in May. She flies from Southeast Asia. You have to be lucky to meet her at the feeder. Its main habitat is floodplain sections of rivers and reservoirs.
Dart climber and store. If you live near a forest or a park, you are more likely to meet this species of bird in your feeder. Nutcrackers are very fast and mobile. Having eaten, they begin to store food. Having collected several seeds in its beak, the nuthatch begins to hide them under the bark of trees and in various cracks in reserve.
Great Spotted Woodpecker
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Hazelnut and peanut lover. Woodpeckers often visit feeders. They even fly to windows. The bird is big and beautiful, its arrival at the feeder is always an event!
Middle spotted woodpecker
This species of woodpecker is listed in the Red Book of Russia. In winter, it occurs on feeders, especially if it is seen nesting nearby in summer.
Gray woodpecker
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The bird is rare, but sometimes appears even on feeders. Few individuals stay over the winter, most fly away.
Small insectivorous bird. In some winters, single individuals remain to winter.