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30 Empowering Breastfeeding Photos
It’s not easy, and it’s not always embraced by those around us. But these powerful, beautiful, sometimes raw images of women breastfeeding their babies are proof of the strength, determination and love that moms from across the country have for their newborns. Here, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite breastfeeding pictures from across the Internet and around the world.
Image: Emporio da Foto
The Breastfeeding Bride
This beautiful bride took the to-have-and-to-hold part of her wedding vows to a whole new level as she nursed her new baby boy mid-ceremony. The photographer was initially hesitant to share the breastfeeding pic, but ultimately decided to go for it, writing, “I was pretty sure people would find it as beautiful as I did.”
Image: Nicole Starr Photography
Breastfeeding to Shatter Stereotypes
As many moms know all too well, nursing doesn’t come easy to every baby. That can be especially true for babies with Down syndrome, whose poor muscle tone may interfere with a good latch. But that doesn’t mean those infants can’t breastfeed—which this group of women breastfeeding babies with Down syndrome set out to show.
Image: Courtesy of Christian Serratos/Instagram
Shutting Down the Shamers
Christian Serratos, who plays the butt-kicking, zombie-destroying Rosita in The Walking Dead, took to Instagram to put breastfeeding-shamers in their place. “This is my body and my page. So I will post what I want, when I want. Those who disapprove can suck my left tit,” she writes. With well over 200,000 likes, it looks a lot of people are cheering her on.
Image: Courtesy of Maya Vorderstrasse/Instagram
Multitasking Mama
When Maya Vorderstrasse shared this photo on Instagram, she was floored by the response of over 11,000 likes. Here, she’s feeding her older daughter Zoey with a bottle and baby daughter Hazel with her breast. She writes about her struggle to nurse both at the same time. “Feeding them is beautiful,” she says. “I don’t know about your journey, but I can tell you that whatever your choice or circumstance, don’t ever feel guilty or like you are inadequate. Ever. Just love them and do the best you can. You’re a rockstar. No. Matter. What. Whatever your feeding routine consists of, it is hard being a mother, so let’s show support for each other! To me, fed is best.”
Image: Ivette Ivens
A Burn Survivor Persists
Burn survivor Schamica “Mimi” Stevenson opened up about her breastfeeding struggles to the Facebook group Black Women Do Breastfeed. She had tried to nurse her firstborn and stopped. But here she is with baby No. 2, persisting. She explains that breastfeeding still has it’s challenges, but that she was feeling good. “I feel lucky to still have nipples,” she writes. “So I’m going to continue to breastfeed and hope my story helps someone else.”
Image: Jessica Louise Imagery
Standing Up for Women’s Rights
Is there any setting more appropriate to proudly nurse baby in public than the Women’s March? We think not. Here, Tess Holliday does it with zero apologies.
Image: Foxy Photography
Extended Breastfeeding Pride
In honor of National Breastfeeding month, photographer Abbie Fox gathered a group of moms who continue to breastfeed their children past infancy. The result? This lovely picture of women breastfeeding and the note she posted on Facebook: “No matter if you nurse for a few days or a few years, there should never be any judgements against moms that are just doing their best to keep their kiddos healthy,” she writes.
Image: Courtesy of Jinti Fell/Instagram
Breastfeeding in the Great Outdoors
Jinti Fell travels Australia by way of a camper van with her husband and baby daughter, Ayana. On the topic of breastfeeding, she offers up this heartening message: “Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up.” And with over 11,000 Instagram likes, it’s clearly a sentiment that’s resonating with others.
Image: NCee Photography
Breastfeeding With Cancer
A day before breast cancer patient DeShonjla “Shonni” Peterson was scheduled to undergo a bilateral mastectomy, she changed her mind. Instead of having both breasts removed, she opted to keep one. The reason: Shonni had just learned that she was carrying her second child and she wanted to nurse her. Here she is, breastfeeding newborn Zoë.
Image: Johnny Draper
Nursing and Primping for The Big Day
“When you’re getting ready to get married, life with your beautiful children doesn’t stop,” writes wedding photographer Jonny Draper. He captured this touching moment between UK mom and bride, Beth Martin, and her baby boy, George.
Image: Nicki Kaylor Photography
What No Breastfeeding Mom Wants to Hear
Women breastfeeding in public are constantly subjected to stares, dirty looks and other people’s opinions—and photographer and mom Nicki Kaylor was sick of it. So she gathered together some East Tennessee moms and asked them to write down what people have said to them while they’ve nursed. Here’s one of the many ensuing breastfeeding pictures, featuring Erin Peabody, her baby boy and the unwanted “you should use a blanket” advice that she’s tired of hearing.
Image: Courtesy of Lesley-Ann Brandt/Instagram
Lucifer Star Stands Strong
Lesley-Ann Brandt, a proud new mama and star of the TV show Lucifer, shared this sweet shot of her breastfeeding her son on Instagram, writing, “This is motherhood. Needing to pee so badly but you just rocked the perfect latch and Bebe is nuzzled in nicely for a good feed. Priorities people. Priorities.” The breastfeeding pic garnered over 21,000 likes, but some critics just couldn’t resist chiming in. Brandt fired back: “The irony is that these same men and sadly women are all but fine to see these boobs in my work (Spartacus) but breastfeeding my son? How dare I!"
Image: Courtesy of Jenny Tamas
A Breastfeeding Convert
Jenny Tamas didn’t see women breastfeeding when she was growing up. In fact, she used to frown upon the practice. “I was filled with ignorance and judgments. I used to believe breastfeeding moms did it for attention,” she writes on Instagram. Then she had her baby Lilly, and everything changed. Tamas now proudly nurses and openly shares her breastfeeding pictures. “It’s my apology to all women,” she writes, explaining that she wants to help others unlearn that breasts are for men. “I am so damn proud of myself that I am a part of normalizing something that was not normal for me growing up.”
Image: pRoy/Steel Feather Lace Elephant
A Thank-You Note to Black Breastfeeders
To honor the milestone of exclusively breastfeeding for twenty-four weeks—and the start Black Breastfeeding Week—Phylicia Sadsarin shared this precious breastfeeding photo along with a thank-you note to other black women breastfeeding. “To the mamas out there who are on this journey with me, I want to say thank you for helping to bridge the gap,” she says. “Thank you for sharing your struggles and your successes. Thank you to all of the Black lactation consultants out there!.. And thank you to all of the mamas-to-be who want to breastfeed: We are here to support you. There is a village and we welcome you with open arms.”
Image: Ivette Ivens
Three Generations
Mother of two and photographer Ivette Ivens loves taking breastfeeding pictures. In fact, she has a book called Breastfeeding Goddesses. While the breastfeeding pictures in it are decidedly ethereal, this one—recently shared on Instagram—is simple and real, and just as lovely.
Image: Eden Photography
Baby’s First Latch
Perfecting the proper breastfeeding latch can take a little practice—but this little one took to it quickly. One of the most expressive babies in breastfeeding pictures this year, this girl’s balled-up fist says it all: “Yeah! Nailed it!”
Image: Courtesy of Anna Whitehouse/Instagram
Honest Chaos
Anna Whitehouse, the mom of two behind the Instagram handle Mother_Pukka, is nothing if not honest. “We are all still hanging together by a frazzled thread,” she writes. And she’s not alone—this post garnered words of encouragement and camaraderie, like “very familiar scene!” and “I absolutely remember those days of feeling overwhelmed.”
Image: Courtesy of The Nashville Bump/Instagram
When the Going Gets Tough
There are plenty of breastfeeding pictures that capture the beauty and joy of the moment. But this is the face of a breastfeeding mom who’s pushing through to provide for her baby. “Ok, I’m going to say it for us all. Breastfeeding is hard. It’s really, really hard. …The uncertainty, second guessing, responsibility, commitment, discomfort, just to name a few,” she writes on Instagram. “Mamas really do need all the support they can get. So mama, you’re hearing it from me, you’re not going crazy, it is hard, but you’re doing good. Keep going!! There’s a rumor going around that it gets easier."
Image: Brezi Merryman/Love is Photography
First Moments With Baby
That initial breastfeeding session can be intimidating for any new mom, but this mama looks positively serene nursing her very first baby from her hospital bed.
Image: Courtesy of Bunga S. Jehnsen/Instagram
Mom Support
Nothing beats having your mom by your side to cheer you on—especially when you’re providing for a daughter of your own. This gorgeous shot of three generations was shared on Instagram with an important message: “Supporting and loving future generations is the most important thing we can do.”
Image: Brezi Merryman/Love is Photography
Braving it Alone
This sweet moment of mom breastfeeding was captured shortly after she’d given birth to her first baby via c-section—and she did it on her own. Her spouse was deployed at the time, and her photographer was the only person with her during delivery.
Image: Alia Jadad
Hat Tip to Tandem Breastfeeding
“No I didn’t have a crazy amount of milk produced. I produced just enough to feed both of them. If they needed more, my body produced more,” this mom posted to Instagram. “[Soon] I will celebrate 3 years breastfeeding nonstop. I think the longest I have lasted is about 20 hours without feeding.”
Image: Cara Branham
The Last Nursing Session
“The last photo taken of me breastfeeding Ellamie,” this mama shared on Instagram. “I was fortunate enough to feed her from my body for 18 months, which I am so SO very grateful for because I’ve now seen how hard it is for some mamas to even start breastfeeding and have the right support and education to continue.”
Image: Barcroft Media
Mom's Brave Response to Being Shamed
Kelly Stanley of Johnson City, Tennessee, struggled to breastfeed her daughter when she was born. Baby Maya was diagnosed with a severe tongue and lip tie that made latching difficult, but thanks to an operation, Maya became able to breastfeed—a “massive accomplishment” for both mom and baby. Yet when the first-time mom went to nurse her baby while out to dinner with her parents, her father grabbed a cloth and shoved it at her, telling her to cover up. Her brave response to being “humiliated” and “shamed” was to post this powerful image on Instagram.
Image: Visual China Group
Chinese Mothers Raise Breastfeeding Awareness
Nearly a hundred young mothers participated in a nurse-in in Xiangyang, China with the goal of raising awareness about breastfeeding, advocating for the establishment of maternal and infant rooms in public places and creating a loving social atmosphere for both babies and mothers.
Image: Gina Knight
British Breastfeeding Mum Speaks Out
“In the U.K., just 1% of mums exclusively breastfeed. That is one of the lowest rates worldwide,” this British breastfeeding mom says in an Instagram post. “There is a lack of support in the U.K. to support mums with their breastfeeding journeys. My own experiences have been really up and down, with government cutting funding to breastfeeding support groups. Luckily there is a great bunch of mums online supporting mums who choose to breastfeed exclusively. ”
Image: Kirsten Noelle Craig
Normalize Breastfeeding
In an effort to normalize breastfeeding, this mom shared an Instagram photo of her wielding a powerful sign: “My child needs my milk; NOT your approval.”
Image: Out of Focus Pictures
Drowning Out Shameful Stares
“India used to be a breastfeeding friendly nation. Our scriptures symbolize a mother’s breast as pitcher full of nectar. Somewhere along the lines of modernisation and struggling with our own social and cultural hindrances, breastfeeding got surrounded by misinformation and moral policing," this breastfeeding mom says. "I have come to realise that just like Mumbai’s monsoons, a baby’s cry to be fed is unpredictable. Would you rather hide or let your baby cry? I prefer to take a deep breath, look into my baby’s eyes and let the the downpour drown out any shameful comments or stares…I am certain that we Indian mothers can regain our lost confidence in breastfeeding by prioritising our babies above everything else. ”
Image: Trina Cary Photography
Feeding on a Float
Breastfeeding can happen anywhere: In your favorite armchair, at a restaurant, on a park bench, even, in the case of this mama, on a swan float in your backyard pool. It’s a go-to nursing spot for this Australian mom, who says her daughter just loves it.
Image: With A Little Grace Photography
Giving Breastfeeding a Boost in Qatar
A 2012 government survey found that only 29 percent of mothers exclusively breastfeed in Qatar during the first six months of baby’s life. Globally, the average is 37 percent. “I started the project with the aim to raise positive awareness about breastfeeding,” says the Qatar-based photographer who captured this moment. “I had several different breastfeeding meet-ups that helped women discuss their experiences and talk about breastfeeding.”
Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.
How to photograph a child for documents | Articles
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- How to photograph a child for documents
Today, traveling around the world is not a novelty for anyone: many can afford to spend a vacation on the warm sea or an exotic island. To feel the charm of freedom of movement, you just need to stock up on the necessary documents in a timely manner: a passport, a visa. This will take time and . .. photos. Yes, yes, you can’t do without them when filling out a questionnaire or applying for a visa. You are young parents, your baby is not even a year old, and he is traveling with you? His photo is also necessary for documents, the order is the same for everyone.
We'll give you some practical tips and you'll see that photographing a baby at home is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. So…
What you need
- Equipment. Nothing supernatural is needed, the simplest digital camera will do. Although this is not necessary: a smartphone camera with a decent resolution will also work. Employees of passport offices usually meet halfway, realizing how difficult it is to get a high-quality picture of a baby. Also, your picture is not the final version. You can take the image to a photo studio or send it by E-mail and get it back in a processed and retouched form, either on paper or in electronic form, whichever is more convenient.
- Lighting.
Make the most of natural light. In the apartment, choose the most illuminated place by the window. If it is cloudy outside, you can turn on the overhead light, floor lamp. Only no lamps aimed at the child's face! And you don’t need a flash - it won’t help (only ruin it).
- Background. For a photo of a baby, you need a background, preferably light. From improvised means, a sheet or a white diaper is suitable.
Start shooting
- Prepare the place where the baby will be;
- Dress up your little one and lay on the prepared sheet or diaper;
- Make sure there is enough light. See how the shadows fall, if they shade the child's face too much;
- Try to keep the camera at the level of the child's eyes and catch the moment when he looks into the lens.
Important details
- The child's head is positioned strictly vertically in the frame, without tilting or turning, eyes look into the lens;
- Arrange the frame so that the child hits it up to the waist, no less is needed.
If you followed our advice exactly, then your part of the work has been successfully completed. Now it's our turn. You can bring the image to the Photosphere Center or send it to us by email. mail. We will process the images as soon as possible in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Migration Service and return them in a form convenient for you: print the photo on paper, in electronic form on a flash drive, and send it to you by e-mail. Contact us, we will be happy to help you realize your dream - a wonderful trip with the whole family.
"RG" advice: Why you shouldn't post photos of children on the Internet
On the site, you can order a mug with a photo of someone else's child you like for just 16 euros. Do you want a portrait of a blue-eyed boy or a girl of 5 years old, coquettishly smiling at the photographer, or maybe you will like a sweetly stretching boy of 6-7 years old in bright pajamas. Loving parents posted all these photos on personal pages on social networks, not even suspecting that anyone can download them and use them for their own purposes.
This online store is a social experiment of journalist Dimitri Tokmetzis and designer Yuri Veerman. After registering, they got access to thousands of photos of children posted on the Flickr photo and video hosting. There are many such resources on the Web, choose whoever you want - boys or girls, blue-eyed or brown-haired, with or without clothes ...
According to experts, the moment you enter into an implicit agreement with them, allowing you to freely use this material, including for commercial purposes. Tokmetsis and Wirman, by the way, found the photos of children they downloaded on other sites dedicated to travel, medicine, and child protection.
Do not share photos that will make children blush
How can parents be outraged, but we post photos only in private albums, accessible only to close friends? But even the strictest privacy settings do not guarantee that your loved ones take their settings as seriously. If your friend likes or clicks the "share" button, then the entry automatically appears on his page, which can be accessed by everyone.
Often, mothers themselves post photos of their children in thematic communities, forgetting that the rules of confidentiality and privacy do not work in this case. And who will admire your priceless child - other mothers passionate about raising children or perverted pedophiles, is a big question.
By the way, if you find a photo of your child on the site created by Tokmetsis and Wirman, write to them and they will immediately remove it. But in most cases, your request is likely to go unanswered.
Parents themselves have been discussing this topic on the Internet for several years, but they have not come to a consensus.
- I don't want some unknown person to look at the photo of my child, write some. - Most people are very envious, it is unlikely that anyone will be happy for my child, on the contrary, they will pour mud, but why do I need it.
- I have a son, he is my pride and happiness! others object. - I spend all my time with the baby, and it is natural that the photo is with him! Don't like it, don't watch.
There are those who try to find a compromise: "Theoretically, any information about you and your loved ones can be used against you. But if you are too careful, you can turn into a wise minnow."
In the meantime, the French National Police posted a message to parents on Facebook, asking them not to post personal photos online: "Of course, we all have the right to be proud of our beautiful children, but be careful! Remember that posting these photos is not safe! Important protect the privacy of minors, and subsequently their image on social media".
Excessive frankness of parents on the Web can give attackers invaluable information: the child's daily routine, places where he goes, reveal the names of relatives and friends, hiding behind which criminals can lure children. But even if these warnings are considered horror stories, before posting a cute photo of a child on the Internet, consider whether he will want to see his "cute" photos in a public space when he grows up.
Rules for Parents
1. Do not put geolocation on pictures. Do not indicate the places where the child often spends time, whether it is a school, a gym or a hobby group.
2. Do not post photos revealing your child's hobbies. Having learned what a child loves and is fond of, it is easy to deceive and lure him in absolutely any place and situation.
3. Do not upload pictures of children near the car. This information is more important for the safety of the parents themselves. In addition to providing criminals with information, you can frame yourself.
4. Do not share photos that will make your children blush in the future. Surely many have such childhood photos, looking at which you are perplexed, what were your parents thinking when they took this picture. But then only relatives could see them, and in the era of the Internet, any picture can become a public compromising evidence or a reminder for life.
5. Delete any images that may provide official information about the child. Having a full name or an important document number in hand, you can easily figure out where the child lives and studies.
6. Don't post pictures of your kids half-dressed, no matter how cute and innocent they are.
7. Avoid posting pictures of your child with other children. Before posting photos of your child with friends and classmates, consider whether their parents would be against it. You are not responsible for their children, and finding information about them on the Internet is not your prerogative.
Legal opinion
Dmitry Seregin, Counsel at the Law Firm "YUST":
- Russian law protects the right of a citizen to his image. Even if a citizen himself posts his photos on the Internet, their further use by others requires obtaining consent. Exceptions to this rule are specified in Art. 152.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and there are not many of them.