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Vektorillustration der Mutter, die ihr Baby stillt.
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Mutter stillt Baby Junge am Krankenhausbett.
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Junge Mutter mit Brustschmerzen, Mastitis-Infektion, Entzündungspr
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Mutter kuschelt mit ihrem Neugeborenen im Wohnzimmer
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Eine junge Familie mit zwei Kleinkindern am Strand im Sommerurlaub.
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Mutter stillt ihr Kind, das vor dem Hintergrund des Lichtfensters sitzt. Mama saugt kleinen Jungen zu Hause
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Mutter, die ihren neugeborenen Jungen stillt. Realistisches...
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Schönes neugeborenes Mädchen mit Mutter
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Eine junge Mutter stillt ihr Baby auf einem Feld
von 100Baby Images, Stock Photos & Pictures of Baby
Take advantage of unlimited high resolution Baby photos for commercial purposes.
Baby in a beautiful knitted deer costume looking at the camera in bed
Boy sitting on the floor with a teddy bear toy
Front view of a mother holding above her head a cute little boy isolated on a grey, one-year-old baby
Overhead view of a baby with a pacifier in the mouth, sleeping on the scales of doodles
Cropped shot of mother changing diaper of adorable baby boy lying on bed, 1 year old baby concept of the moon
Portrait of a young sensual mother holding a baby in her arms
Cropped image of a woman holding white baby shoes isolated on white
Cropped view of little barefoot baby lying on bed
Cropped shot of mother changing diaper of adorable baby boy lying on bed, concept of 1 year old baby
Cropped shot of little baby on bed holding a toy
A happy father spending time with his little son on the beach
A cropped shot of a mother holding the hands of an adorable baby lying on a white bedclothes
Cropped shot of health worker examining boy with stethoscope, 1 year old baby concept lying on bed
Side view of mother holding adorable baby boy isolated on white, one year old baby concept
Portrait of beautiful mother hugging her son tenderly
Adorable baby boy sitting on bed isolated on white, 1 year old baby concept
Top view of baby sitting on yoga mat with dumbbells looking at camera
Selective focus of happy young mother holding adorable baby in hospital room
Panoramic shot of cute baby looking at mother in hospital
Happy mother resting in bed with sleeping boy
Overhead view of happy child with paper letters lying on bed
Side view of mother holding one year old boy in her arms
Adorable Caucasian baby swimsuit lying on bed fathers hands
Cropped view of baby lying on bed
Top view of cute sleeping newborn baby with clock in hand and decorations around
Portrait of adorable little boy with teddy bear playing on bed, one year old baby concept
Overhead view of cute baby with pacifier sleeping on bed with teddy bear with cute moon illustration
Closeup of adorable baby looking at camera in baby room
Adorable baby playing with colorful blocks and mother in children's room
Top view of a funny baby lying under the roof of a cotton ball house in bed
Adorable newborn baby sleeping in a basket with decorative clouds, moon and stars above her head
Attractive mother lying in bed with a sleeping little boy
Cute curly African girl against a white background
lying on white bed linen
Portrait of a brunette and a child sitting on a yoga mat with dumbbells and playing together
Happy boy in a yellow bathrobe posing on the bed
Young parents with little boy in bed at home
Close-up portrait of an adorable baby dressed as Santa lying in bed and looking at the camera
Overhead view of an adorable newborn baby in bodysuit lying on a bed with decorations around
Adorable baby lying on father in bed at home
Overhead view of an adorable little baby lying on a gray blanket
Cute boy in bed, close-up portrait
How to take ID picture of a child | Articles
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- How to photograph a child for documents
Today, traveling around the world is not a novelty for anyone: many can afford to spend a vacation on the warm sea or an exotic island. To feel the charm of freedom of movement, you just need to stock up on the necessary documents in a timely manner: a passport, a visa. This will take time and ... photos. Yes, yes, you can’t do without them when filling out a questionnaire or applying for a visa. You are young parents, your baby is not even a year old, and he is traveling with you? His photo is also necessary for documents, the order is the same for everyone.
We'll give you some practical advice and you'll see that photographing a baby at home is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. So…
What you need
- Equipment. Nothing supernatural is needed, the simplest digital camera will do. Although this is not necessary: a smartphone camera with a decent resolution will also work. Employees of passport offices usually meet halfway, realizing how difficult it is to get a high-quality picture of a baby. Also, your picture is not the final version. You can take the image to a photo studio or send it by E-mail and get it back in a processed and retouched form, either on paper or in electronic form, whichever is more convenient.
- Lighting. Make the most of natural light. In the apartment, choose the most illuminated place by the window. If it is cloudy outside, you can turn on the overhead light, floor lamp. Only no lamps aimed at the child's face! And you don’t need a flash - it won’t help (only ruin it).
- Background. For a photo of a baby, you need a background, preferably light. From improvised means, a sheet or a white diaper is suitable.
Start shooting
- Prepare the place where the baby will be;
- Dress up your little one and lay on the prepared sheet or diaper;
- Make sure there is enough light. See how the shadows fall, if they shade the child's face too much;
- Try to keep the camera at the level of the child's eyes and catch the moment when he looks into the lens.
Important details
- The child's head is positioned strictly vertically in the frame, without tilting or turning, eyes look into the lens;
- Line up the frame so that the child hits it up to the waist, no less.
If you followed our advice exactly, then your part of the work has been successfully completed. Now it's our turn. You can bring the image to the Photosphere Center or send it to us by email.