Undigested food in baby poop
Baby poo: a visual guide (photos)
by Polly Logan-Banks |
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What should baby poo look like?
Most new parents find baby poo quite surprising! It has so many shades and consistencies that even experienced parents may not have seen them all. This photo guide to baby poo will give you a good idea of what's normal and what's not as your newborn grows, drinks breastmilk or formula and starts eating solids.
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Newborn poo: meconium
Expect to find greenish-black, tarry, sticky stools in your newborn's nappy for the first few days. This is known as meconium (mec for short), and is made of amniotic fluid, mucus, skin cells and other substances your baby swallowed in the womb. It doesn't really smell, so you may not realise straight away when it's time for a nappy change.
When your baby is two to four days old, his stools will become less sticky and lighter in colour - sort of an army green.
This transitional stool is a sign that he's started digesting breastmilk or formula.
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Healthy breastfed poo
If your baby is exclusively breastfed, his stools will become yellow or slightly green, and have a mushy or creamy consistency. Breastfed poo can look like mustard-coloured cottage cheese, and may be dotted with little seed-like flecks. It often smells surprisingly sweet.
There are many shades of normal when it comes to breastfed poo. Your baby may occasionally do a poo that seems a bit greener than usual. As long as he seems well in himself, there's no need to worry.
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Healthy formula-fed poo
Formula-fed babies have less runny stools that are often a similar colour and texture to peanut butter. They can vary from tan-brown or yellow-brown, to green-brown.
Formula-fed poo also smells a bit more like adult poo than breastfed poo does.
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Dark green or black poo
If you give your baby an iron supplement, his stools may turn dark green or almost black. This doesn't happen often, but it's a completely normal variation that would make Popeye proud.
If your baby's more than a few days old, his poo looks blackish, and he's not taking an iron supplement, see your GP as soon as possible. In rare cases, this can be a sign of bleeding in your baby's digestive system. It's not likely to happen to your baby, but you should get him checked out, just in case.
If there are black specks in your breastfed baby's poo, this could be a sign that he's swallowing blood from cracked and bleeding nipples. The blood turns black when your baby digests it.
It's always a good idea to get any blood in your baby's poo checked out by your GP, but in most cases, black specks are unlikely to be anything to worry about.
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Solid-food poo
Once your baby's eating solid foods, you'll quickly notice a change in his poos, especially if he's breastfed.
Solid-food stools tend to be brown or dark brown and thicker than peanut butter but still mushy. They're also smellier.
You may notice that your baby's poo takes on the colour of the food you give him. For example, if you feed him carrots, his next poo may be orange. And a beetroot poo can look quite alarming!
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Poo with partially digested food
Occasionally, your baby's poo will have identifiable chunks of food in it, particularly if you're doing baby-led weaning.
Not to worry! Your baby's still learning to chew, and his digestive system is still developing, so it's normal for some food to pass through his system without being fully digested.
If your baby’s poo consistently has undigested food in it, it's worth talking to your GP. She'll check to make sure your baby's intestines are working properly, and he's getting all the nutrients he needs.
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It's not uncommon for healthy babies to do the occasional explosive or runny poo. But if your baby does several runny poos with no lumps in them, he could have diarrhoea. It can be yellow, green, or brown, and may seep or explode out of the nappy.
Diarrhoea can be a sign of an infection or allergy, and if it lasts for a while without being treated, can lead to dehydration. If your baby has watery stools for more than a day or two, see your GP. Make an appointment sooner if he's showing signs of dehydration - such as fewer wet nappies or a sunken fontanelle – or has any other symptoms that concern you.
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If your baby's stool is hard and looks like little pebbles, it’s likely that he’s constipated.
Your baby may be visibly uncomfortable when he's pooing and the poo may even be tinged with blood from irritating his bottom on the way out.
Constipation often happens in babies who are being introduced to solid foods, and it's usually nothing to worry about. But in some cases, constipation can be a sign of dehydration, a food allergy, or a medical condition. If you think your baby is constipated, it's worth having a chat with your health visitor, just in case.
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Poo with mucus
Does your baby's nappy look like it's been slimed? Greenish poo streaked with shiny, glistening strings means there's mucus in it. This sometimes happens when a baby is especially drooly, since mucus in saliva often remains undigested. It can also happen when he has a cold, as he'll naturally produce more mucus.
However, mucus in poo can also be a sign of an infection or allergy.
If it happens for several days, or your baby has any other symptoms, see your GP to rule out any problems.
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Bloody poo: bright red blood
If you have a baby girl, you may notice a few specks of blood in her nappy a few days after the birth. This is known as a false period. It happens because of the surge in hormones your body experiences in pregnancy, which in turn stimulate your baby’s womb to produce a period. It's perfectly normal, and no cause for concern.
In boys, and girls after the first few days, bright red blood can show up in baby stools for a few different reasons. For example, constipation or nappy rash can irritate your baby's bottom and make it bleed. Or your baby may swallow a little blood if you breastfeed him with cracked nipples.
Although blood in your baby's nappy doesn't necessarily mean he's ill, it's always best to get it checked out, just to be on the safe side.
It can sometimes be a sign of infection, allergies, or a problem with your baby's digestive system. So if you notice a bloody nappy, make an appointment with your GP, just in case.
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The endMore advice and tips:
- Find out if it's normal for your baby to poo after every feed.
- Learn more about how starting solids can affect your baby's poo.
- Get tips to make nappy changes easier.
Thanks very much to the BabyCenter US parents (and their babies!) who contributed to this photo gallery.
Polly Logan-Banks
Polly Logan-Banks is an experienced editor with a keen interest in producing evidence-based content. Polly is passionate about ensuring that every child gets the best start in life.
Are Chunks of Food in Baby Poop Normal? (Bananas, Carrots, and More)
A baby’s poop can tell you a lot about their development and overall health but if you happen to notice some chunks of food in your baby’s poop, is there a problem?
It is completely normal to find chunks of food in your baby’s poop if she is less than one year old because her digestive system has not fully matured and she likely does not chew her food into small enough pieces before swallowing. As your baby grows and becomes more comfortable eating solid foods her poop should return to normal consistency.
Keep reading to learn why some food might be more difficult for your baby to digest, and when to check in with a doctor if you’re worried about your little one’s digestive system.
Table of Contents
Is it normal to have chunks of food in baby poop?
Before having a baby, you probably steered well clear of poop. But now you know that a baby’s full diaper can actually tell you a lot about your little one’s overall health.
It’s pretty normal for your baby’s poop to contain small chunks of food. Especially if your baby has just started on solids or finger-foods, it can take a while for their digestive system to adjust. Pay attention to the factors we list below and if you continue to notice undigested food, a pediatrician can screen your baby for potential digestive issues.
Even though it might be startling to open your baby’s diaper and see chunks of food, rest assured that it’s a pretty normal experience!
As your baby hits the 6-month mark and starts eating solid foods, it’s important to remember that he or she is still learning how to eat. Eating is a complicated bodily process, and a baby’s digestive system has a lot to learn over the first year or so of their life. Even if your kiddo’s digestive tract is completely matured, they’re probably still missing out on some crucial, food-eating hardware: teeth.
Don’t forget that there are many variables when it comes to your baby’s digestion of solid foods. Here are the most important factors:
- Baby’s age and teething
- Type of food
- Preparation of food
- Breastfed vs formula-fed
Babies don’t usually have many teeth when they start on solids.
Teeth are an important part of the digestive process for babies because they break the food down into particles small enough to be digested easily. Without this initial step, it’s more likely that chunks of food will pass through your little one’s digestive system and end up in their diaper. As your child’s teeth continue to come in and they become more efficient and practiced at chewing their food, you’ll probably notice fewer chunks of food in their poop.
What are the chunks in baby poop?
If you do notice strange chunks in your baby’s poop, it’s most likely undigested food particles. Some foods are especially high in fiber, which makes it hard for the body to digest.
Common baby foods that are high in fiber can include:
- Corn
- Beans
- Grains (especially whole grains)
- Seeds (sunflower, sesame, etc.)
- Peas
- Vegetable or fruit skins (tomatoes, grapes, etc.
Fiber is an important part of a healthy diet, so even if you notice some chunks in your baby’s food, you’ll want to continue to feed them high-fiber foods. As your little one’s digestive system continues to mature, you should notice fewer chunky poops.
Is undigested food in baby poop normal?
It’s pretty normal to see undigested food in your baby’s poop.
Babies don’t have a full set of teeth when they first begin eating solids. Chewing food into smaller pieces makes it easier for the digestive enzymes to break down the remaining food particles. As your baby’s teeth come in and they learn to chew more thoroughly, more of their food will be completely digested.
Another important factor to consider is how often your baby poops.
The more time food has to sit in the digestive tract, the more digestive enzymes are able to break down the food particles. Babies poop seemingly all the time, which means that food doesn’t sit in their colon for very long. Because of the quick turnaround time, you’re more likely to see chunks of food in a baby’s poop.
Adults have a much longer turnaround time between bowel movements, so our stools are more likely to be completely digested.
Undigested milk in baby poop
Before your baby starts on solids, you might already be seeing undigested food in their diapers, especially if your baby is breastfed.
Breastfed babies generally have mustard-yellow poops that are often described as “seedy.” This “seedy” texture is actually caused by little bits of undigested milk fat, which is completely normal. If you’re seeing big white chunks in your baby’s poop, though, it’s probably not milk.
The whiteish color can actually be caused by a potentially dangerous liver problem, so if it continues for several consecutive bowel movements, you’ll want to check in with your child’s pediatrician ASAP!
Undigested formula in baby poop
If your baby is formula-fed, their poop color and texture can vary widely without any cause for concern. Sometimes, formula-fed diapers can even end up looking just as “seedy” as those produced by breastmilk.
If you’re seeing small bits of undigested formula in your baby’s diaper, it’s not a problem. It just means that your baby isn’t completely digesting all the formula they’re fed, and the extra is coming out the other side.
Of course, if your baby isn’t gaining the right amount of weight or seems lethargic, check in with a pediatrician.
Undigested corn in baby poop
Corn is one of the most common culprits for undigested food found in poop.
Even adult bodies can have a difficult time digesting corn completely! Corn has an outer shell made of cellulose, which your body can’t actually digest. The human body relies on specific enzymes to metabolize the chemical compounds present in food, and without the right enzymes, there are some chemicals that your body simply can’t process.
Even though you and your baby will never be able to digest the cellulose in the outer shell of corn kernels, that doesn’t mean that corn is a bad thing to eat. Your body can digest the food components inside the corn kernel, and those components include vitamins and minerals that help fuel your body. If you see what look like whole kernels of corn in your baby’s diaper, it’s probably just the outer shell of the corn that’s impossible to digest.
Your baby still got plenty of nutritional content from the inside of the corn, and the cellulose passed straight through their digestive system and out the other end.
Undigested banana in baby poop
Even though bananas are easy to digest, you might still find chunks of banana in your little one’s diaper.
The most likely culprit for big chunks is that stubborn lack of teeth that makes it extra tricky for your baby to get foods down to a manageable size. Bananas are dense and chock-full of good stuff, which means that even a small piece takes some time to digest completely.
Bananas can also cause small black ‘threads’ to show up in your baby’s poop. These threads are just the center of the banana, and are trickier for the body to process.
Undigested raisins in baby poop
Raisins contain a lot of fiber, which means they’re hard for the body to digest.
It’s not unusual for entire raisins to make their way through a baby’s digestive tract and end up completely unscathed in their diaper. Luckily, as your little one’s digestive system matures and slows down a bit, the diaper full of raisins should disappear.
Undigested grapes in baby poop
If you notice bits of undigested grapes in your baby’s diaper, it’s probably the grape skins.
Grape skins are extremely fibrous, which makes them particularly difficult for the body to digest. Also, breaking up grape skins without a full set of teeth is pretty much impossible. Doctors recommend waiting until your baby is around 10 months old before giving them grapes.
When you do start, make sure you thinly slice and lightly mash the grapes before giving them to your child. Whole, or even halved grapes, can be a major choking hazard.
Undigested blueberries in baby poop
Blueberries are very similarly structured to grapes, which means you might end up seeing some blueberry skins in your little one’s diaper.
If your baby swallows a whole blueberry, they might even poop out the entire blueberry, because their digestive system couldn’t get through the blueberry skin in order to digest the center parts. Because whole blueberries can be a choking hazard, cut them into small slices before giving them to your baby.
Slicing the berries will also make them easier to digest!
When to worry about food chunks in baby poop
Even though it can be startling to see chunks of food in your baby’s poop, it’s a pretty normal occurrence. There are, however, some warning signs associated with chunky poops that would warrant a visit with the pediatrician. Call them right away if:
- Diarrhea – Your child has diarrhea, you’ll likely see chunks of food in their diaper.
Diarrhea is most often caused by a stomach bug, but if it doesn’t resolve within 24 hours, contact a doctor.
- Persistency – There are chunks of food in every single one of your baby’s diapers, it might be a sign of a bigger digestive problem.
- Weight Loss – Your little one is losing weight, or not gaining as much as they should, it might mean they aren’t getting the nutrients they need because of a digestive problem.
- Blood – There is blood in your child’s poop or their poop looks black, seek medical attention.
Any of the symptoms mentioned above should be discussed at your child’s next doctor’s appointment. If your baby seems lethargic, has bloody poop, or has diarrhea for more than 24 hours, seek medical attention immediately.
Undigested food in a child's feces: possible causes
It's no secret that the main indicator of a person's health is normal tests, which should have a certain appearance, smell and condition. First of all, we are talking about feces and urine. Of course, if, for example, the consistency of the child's feces is disturbed, this is already a reason for the mother to sound the alarm. The same reaction will follow if the baby has undigested food in the feces. Naturally, this ailment is typical not only for children, but also for adults, so it requires the most detailed consideration. So, let's try to figure out why undigested food appears in the feces, and how this problem can be eliminated.
What you need to remember
If we talk about an adult, then the feces should have a uniform consistency and color, without any inclusions, including lumps, particles of blood, mucus, and especially food.
When visiting the toilet, it is not out of place to check the appearance of the stool from time to time. If undigested food is found in the feces (pieces of peel, seeds, vegetables, nuts), then there is no reason for concern - this is the norm. If the food particles in the feces have a larger structure and are clearly visible to the naked eye, then you should take action and go straight to a specialist. Rest assured, he will be able to explain why undigested food appeared in the stool, and prescribe the right treatment for you.
Naturally, you should not hope for chance or try to help yourself. Do not forget that you can only aggravate the situation. Know that undigested food in the stool in some cases indicates the presence of serious disorders, and your task is to respond to them in a timely manner.
Causes of pathology in children
In the normal state of the child in the structure of feces sometimes there may be particles of coarse food: peel of vegetables, pieces of fruit, nuts. It is possible that the reason for this circumstance is the use of low-quality products.
Again, if a child does not experience discomfort and pain during bowel movements, and seeds are visible in his feces, pieces of fruit are not a problem. Another thing is when a baby, in addition to the fact that there is undigested food in the feces, blood and mucus are visible to the naked eye. You should also immediately go to the doctor if it is a pain.
The fact is that the abundant consumption of food of plant origin leads to the appearance of small accumulations of indigestible fiber. There is no enzyme in the body that would effectively cope with its splitting. Therefore, undigested food appears in the feces of a child. In this case, there is no need to consult a doctor, it is enough just to reduce the intake of fiber.
However, one more reason should not be forgotten explaining why undigested food is observed in the feces of a child. We are talking about such a childhood pathology as functional dyspepsia.
With such a disorder, the body not only breaks down food poorly - the baby has a deterioration in appetite, bloating, and the stool itself is liquid, with an admixture of mucus. Why does the above pathology occur? Firstly, this happens when the mother does not adhere to the diet, overfeeds the child. Secondly, the baby may erupt teeth. Thirdly, the diet may not correspond to the age characteristics of the child. Fourthly, the cause of the disorder sometimes lies in the use of drugs that weaken the secretory functions of the digestive tract. Remember that the pancreatic and intestinal juices of a toddler in the first months of life are produced in a limited volume, which is only enough to break down food to a mushy consistency. The older the baby gets, the stronger its digestive potential.
However, these are not all causes of undigested food in a child's stool. It should also be remembered about the banal dysbacteriosis.
The baby has a completely sterile intestine, but already from the first hours of life, the process of colonization of microflora in the body begins. With a deficiency of beneficial bacteria, the work of the intestine suffers, and the feces become liquid, lumps of food remain in them (reminiscent of rice grains), and a specific smell appears.
How to normalize the digestive functions of a child
In order for the treatment of intestinal disorders to be effective, it is very important to correctly identify the reasons why the baby has poor digestion. The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests, and in the laboratory they examine the feces with undigested food, after which the pediatrician will be able to build a therapy regimen.
In some cases, father and mother are able to independently adjust the child's diet. If during the period of breastfeeding the baby has loose stools interspersed with undigested food, then the mother needs to partially change the diet, excluding smoked, fried and salty foods. If such an adjustment does not give a positive effect, then you should consult a doctor.
If pieces of undigested food appeared in the feces as a result of the introduction of new foods into the diet, then you should refuse them for 3 weeks, and then try to eat them again. Did the undigested food particles appear in the child's stool again? Do not hesitate, contact a specialist. To minimize the risk of the problem in question, in no case do not force-feed the baby - he will eat as much as he needs.
Please note that "extra" food not only poses a threat to the appearance of unnecessary kilograms, but also contributes to dysfunction and inefficient functioning of the digestive organs without this.
If an adult is sick
As already noted, the human body does not have a special enzyme that could completely break down fiber. Naturally, in 99% of cases, it comes out through the intestines in its original form.
It should be noted that prostate dysfunction may also explain why undigested food is found in adult stool. In the latter case, it is necessary to urgently seek help from a specialist who will write out the necessary prescription for medications. Why else can adults have particles of undigested food in the feces? Firstly, too low acidity of gastric juice can contribute to this. Well, and secondly, the presence of certain ailments in the human body can also provoke the problem of poor-quality breakdown of food. In particular, we are talking about diarrhea, bloating, general malaise, pain in the intestines and stomach. Again, if the above symptoms occur, you should not self-medicate: you should immediately consult a doctor.
Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis after all the necessary tests have been carried out.
Of course, everyone has encountered a situation where the analysis left much to be desired, for example, the excrement appeared to have a different color, consistency or smell. Naturally, this is a serious reason to start worrying about your own health. However, do not despair. You cannot know in advance whether you are sick or not - only a doctor will determine this.
Treatment of digestive organs in adults
In order for the solution of the problem under consideration to be as effective as possible, some recommendations should be followed. In particular, you must refrain from drinking alcohol. Doctors, as a rule, resort to drug treatment in the form of substitution therapy ("Creon"). Artificial enzymes help to fill the deficiency of components responsible for the normal absorption and breakdown of nutrients.
If the function of digestion is upset due to banal gastritis with low acidity, then one of the main methods of treatment is the appointment of drugs that activate the production of hydrochloric acid ("Pentagastrin").
At the same time, the patient is taking the same substitution therapy (Pepsidil). In addition, the doctor prescribes to the patient drugs that neutralize the etiological factor ("Omeprazole").
Diarrhea can also cause undigested food to pass into the stool. The situation is exacerbated by such common digestive disorders as colitis and gastroenteritis. In the latter case, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antidiarrheal and rehydration drugs are used. Only a specialist can prescribe the right medicines for you, so the last paragraph should not be considered as some kind of guide to action.
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pieces of food in the stool
26 July 2013 20:25 at Personal journal for a week I notice pieces of food in the feces and the feces became not so hard, not liquid, of course, but not the same as before. Before, only carrots came out undigested, and now I look and the broccoli came out straight in grains, sorry for the details. The child is cheerful and active, eats very well, the tummy does not hurt. Could it be related to teeth? Or do you need to see a doctor?
0 41124Undigested food in the child's stool
July 2, 2014 15:57 at Personal log
day. I was told that it was from pills. We took bacteria. Now we don’t take anything. The stool is also 3 times a day: The first time it passes with normal feces, and then not. to the toilet with undigested small pieces of potatoes, dill, carrots; the second time I went liquid with the remnants of dill. I just don’t know what to think ... Previously, there were pieces of undigested in normal feces, and now 3 times a day, and the stool is liquid.
Undigested food in the stool
July 24, 2022 08:32 at Personal journal
Maybe a strange question for your children already? Daughter goes to the toilet often undigested. Well, not exactly unchanged. Well, for example, pieces of banana, boiled carrots sometimes come out like that ... There is also feces from broccoli or pumpkin, etc. stained. And another question, who else is tormented by gaziki? We have nothing, then the tummy grumbles, there are a lot of jeeps. So it doesn't work. Although there were 1.5 months ago, the gastroenderologist's tests were good, both blood and feces. Only here insufficiency of enzymes is spoken. Well, ABKM / intolerance.
undigested food in feces
26 June 2020 18:41 at Personal journal
maybe due to fungi? a week ago they found mushrooms, treated them, yesterday's analysis showed spores. eats a baked apple in the evening, poops on it in the morning. in the analysis, too, a lot of undigested, I can’t say for sure, they didn’t give me a printout. Creon was prescribed for another month, we have been drinking for the third week already ... maybe it doesn’t really help ... we still drink acipol. they said you can return yogurt cottage cheese to the menu. but she didn’t ask about fresh fruits and vegetables - maybe someone knows if it’s possible or not?
0 0186Undigested food in the stool(
3 April 2014 22:15 at Health and nutrition of a child from one to three years old
Maybe someone is familiar with this situation for a year and four months. "Last night I pooped and, together with the feces, found morning buckwheat as it was. Tonight I pooped too, the oatmeal could not be seen there, but it seemed to be a heterogeneous mass and there was a piece of mucus. There are no other symptoms, the child is cheerful, cheerful. Can this be attributed to the teeth? We have swollen all 4 chewables. I apologize in advance for such details))
partial indigestion of food in the feces
March 30, 2017 20:51 at Personal journal
Who are squeamish, pass by! Let me remind you that we are being diagnosed with atopic dermatitis. Periodically, I noticed particles of undigested food in my son's feces! Recently we visited a gastroenterologist, he is now being observed, tests are normal, capprogram, blood and ultrasound are normal, and today my son has a green stool with undigested food. At the reception, the gastroenterologist prescribed zosterin ultra for 10 days, then drink enterol, then creon, and the last Normobact ! it was all prescribed to drink one by one, in turn! Who has the same problem as us, tell me what they did when there was a green stool with undigested food ?! Thank you all in advance for your replies, good luck to everyone!
0 291382 Undigested food particles in the feces of a child per year. ...
13 May 2018 20:30 at Personal journal The stool was stained from orange vegetables. Now when she eats roughage, pieces come out with feces. Literally everything. From potatoes to apples. Even greens, carrots through a grater, buckwheat come out in its entirety. I gave her pangrol, Hilak forte ... The situation does not change. And poor appetite. Who had it?
1 142520Black dots in baby's stool! We have 2 weeks. Here I found - what is it!
December 3, 2013 13:07 at Personal Journal
Black dots in the stool look like inclusions, grains, thin threads, grains or grains of sand. All these options are called black dots. These distinct black stools are almost always partially digested or completely undigested solid particles of food or drugs. So, kiwi seeds, raspberries, currants, pieces of grape seeds, particles of seed husks, poppy seeds, etc. can look like black dots in feces. In addition, small children who are given a piece of banana, apple or pear as a complementary food for the first time in their lives may develop black, thread-like or rounded stools in their stool. These black dots or strings are…
Remains of undigested food
February 17, 2010 9:19 pm at Health and nutrition of a child from one to three years old
Since birth, the daughter does not find leftover food in the digester. Our pediatrician said and says that everything is fine. But I was embarrassed that another pediatrician said that most likely the child does not produce enough bile. So the question torments me: “Does this need to be treated or is it really okay?”
0 718718Remains of undigested food
February 17, 2010 9:19 pm at Personal journal
From birth, undigested food is found in the daughter's stool. Our pediatrician said and says that everything is fine. But I was embarrassed that another pediatrician said that most likely the child does not produce enough bile. So the question torments me: “Does this need to be treated or is it really okay?”
undigested food
May 27, 2013 03:39 am at Personal Journal
more and more often I notice undigested food in the child's feces, today carrot pieces just poured into the mouth and came out. What to do???
0 1822095Pancreas and fiber with protein in feces
March 22, 2018 11:07 am at Girls' journal
I hope mothers who have encountered this will come in, I wonder how it was for you! With the introduction of non-canned food at the age of 11 (do not ask why it was so late, there were reasons), while falling ill with ARVI, I found some inclusions in the child’s feces, immediately ran to take a disbac (at 2 months of age, Staphylococcus aureus was found, treated for almost 4 months) and coprogram. The result was that staphylococcus returned and digested and undigested fiber was found in large quantities. As directed, they drank enterol for 10 days, then 10 days for creon + maxilac. For the duration of the treatment, jars were given, with creon they began to give again cooked food (boiled vegetables + jarred meat). Our diet is far ...
SOS: Undigested food in baby
January 7, 2014 11:44 am at Personal log
Sorry for this topic, but: In my daughter's feces, white thin threads are sometimes up to 1.5 cm, they do not move. They took tests 2 times - feces and a smear - nothing. Pirantel gave for prevention. There are 2 cats at home - but all have been wormed for a long time, they are clean. Everything is erased, steamed. Question: can it be meat, its fibers? Very, in principle, it seems. That's just why the ass scratches sometimes?! I can't clarify this issue in any way! HELP!!!!
0 6428Blood in stool((((
25 January 2015 12:07 at Personal Journal
they told me in the hospital when there was a similar situation (dairy-free diet: porridge and mixture, stopdiar, smecta, normobact) it seemed to get better by Friday. probably). Then in the morning again with blood, there was more blood. I went to the doctor, showed the diaper, she didn’t see blood there! color?.. She prescribed bifidum, smecta, stopdiar, porridge on the water, tea, creon. But nothing helped and we walk with blood. We poop about 4 times a day. Those ...
Mucus in stool
27 January 2019 18:45 at Personal Journal We had breakfast, had lunch, and again I look pooped, with mucus :( the smell is unpleasant. What's this? Why? Photo in the comments. Black seeds from kiwi, ate yesterday. And he also asked for tangerines (but he doesn’t eat them, but squeezes them in his mouth and spits them out).
2 30170Fecal analysis
January 10, 2011 8:41 pm at Personal Journal
FAEC STUDY Feces are the end product resulting from complex biochemical processes and absorption of end products of digestion in the intestine. Fecal analysis is an important diagnostic area that allows you to make a diagnosis, monitor the development of the disease and treatment, and initially identify pathological processes. The study of the intestinal section is necessary when examining patients suffering from diseases of the digestive system, it makes it possible to judge some pathological processes in the digestive organs and, to a certain extent, makes it possible to assess the state of the enzymatic function. RULES FOR COLLECTING MATERIAL Preliminary preparation of the subject for a general analysis ...
August 31, 2020 13:40 at Personal Journal Warm, there is no peak of colds. Either preschoolers and first-graders are still undergoing medical examinations. Pediatrician one and accepts until 14-00. I asked the district nurse for referrals for blood and urine, they passed it, let's go tomorrow, tomorrow everyone will be in schools, maybe there will be fewer people. In Gemotest passed the analysis for disbak, 4 days to wait. Dysbacteriosis in a child. Complain 25 June 2010 00:00 at Personal Journal My son suffered from constipation for a long time, you can say from birth. First of all, you need to check if the child has dysbacteriosis. Dysbacteriosis means that the balance of beneficial bacteria in the child's body has been disturbed. As soon as the amount of beneficial microflora decreases, pathogenic microorganisms immediately begin to multiply in its place. Antibiotic treatment can provoke dysbacteriosis. Unfavorable ecology also depresses the normal intestinal microflora. But there are symptoms by which one can suspect that the intestinal microflora is disturbed. These are frequent diarrhea or constipation, cramping pains and bloating ... Very lingering acute diarrhea (to all those who are squeamish and fuka by) Complain ((Yarichek has been vilifying for 2 months already . How much sour milk can I have? Complain August 21, 2012 16:01 at Health and nutrition of the baby they drive with their hands, we don’t know what’s wrong with him. What to feed? How much dairy can you give? Is it possible to have goat milk? For example, I am against . Irritation in a boy Complain 19 December 2017 20:15 at Personal journal She began to give stools Polysorb and Linex (before that she gave Bifidumbacterin, it didn’t help, apparently), she seems to be walking normally right now, but still there are pieces of undigested food in her feces and sometimes she flies out a little when she farts, but still .... And from this, the irritation is getting worse (After a daytime sleep, she took it off, in general a nightmare (((All the testicles are red and the pisyun is swollen (((((((((((((((I washed it twice in the evening with myromistin, smeared with baneocin ( they also prescribed it somehow with strong irritation), at home, damn it, there is nothing else, even elementary chamomile (((in general, it didn’t seem to help, it seems . Dysbiosis in children complain April 5, 2011 22:48 In Health and nutrition of the baby *Dysbiosis-this is a violation of normal microflora in the body and replacement of its conditionally pathogenic flora-fungi, Staphylococcus. , streptococci, etc. With dysbacteriosis in children under one year old, the environment of beneficial bacteria is destroyed, and immunity falls. Children begin to get sick often, and their illnesses are long and severe. Dysbacteriosis in newborns up to a year is associated with violations of the microbial flora in the mother and other people with whom the newborn child comes into contact. The first colonization of the intestines of a newborn with beneficial bacteria occurs during childbirth, when the child, passing through the birth canal, swallows the mother's microflora, then receives beneficial bacteria ... What can cause feces from undigested food? Complain March 2, 2015 18:12 at Personal journal 2 times a day, not liquid Peculiarities of stool (feces) in children depending on age and nutrition 0079 Personal journal But today my son is already better, the pace at night and now is not. Confuse only undigested pieces of food in the feces. We will wait for the test results.0 5272
.. It all started in Perm, we attributed everything to a change in climate and so on. Yes, and there his father-in-law constantly fed fruits and berries, so we didn’t panic ... Then it seemed to get better, the feces became mushy, like a baby. After arriving home, everything continued, but day after day it didn’t happen. Day of diarrhea, day generally normal, day gruel. Sometimes everything was fine in the morning, and in the evening there was frequent diarrhea. With all this, he had undigested food in the stool. We went to the doctor several times with this question. All her treatment was activated charcoal, Bifidumbacterin and that’s all. Nothing helped. Then they went on to ...
.. maybe try a goat milk mixture? The lactose-free mixture caused seething and undigested food in our feces. In short, we have been living without milk for so long, I actually broke my whole head, I even tried relactation, it doesn’t work yet ...
... Tomorrow so and so to the doctor ...
What should be the feces (stool) in newborns and infants. How do the properties of feces depend on the nutrition of the child? In what case does a change in the nature of the child's stool indicate a disease? In the first year of a child's life, the functions of the digestive system are not yet fully formed, and therefore, the feces (stool) of newborns and children of the first year of life have a number of characteristic features. The analysis of feces in children of the first year of life also has some features that are important to consider when trying to establish a diagnosis of dysbacteriosis or digestive disorders. The properties of a baby's feces depend on the nutrition he receives, so the normal stool of children who are breastfed is very ...
Peculiarities of stool (feces) in children depending on age and nutrition
Complain and babies. How do the properties of feces depend on the nutrition of the child? In what case does a change in the nature of the child's stool indicate an illness? In the first year of a child's life, the functions of the digestive system have not yet been fully formed, and therefore, the feces (stool) of newborns and children of the first year of life have a number of characteristic features. The analysis of feces in children of the first year of life also has some features that are important to consider when trying to establish a diagnosis of dysbacteriosis or digestive disorders. The properties of a baby's feces depend on the nutrition he receives, so the normal stool of children who are breastfed is very ...
Features of the stool depending on age and nutrition
Complain The first feces, which departs approximately 8 to 10 hours after the birth of a child, is called meconium. Meconium is a mucous plug that contains a small number of cells that line the intestines of the child, as well as tiny droplets of fat and a yellow-green pigment - bilirubin. Meconium is usually a sticky, thick, odorless substance that is viscous and dark green in color. The characteristic color of meconium is given by a pigment - bilirubin, which is formed during the breakdown of erythrocytes (red blood cells) of a child. As a rule, meconium is sterile, that is, it does not contain germs. Normal discharge of meconium in the form of greenish-black ...
Peculiarities of stool (feces) in children depending on age and nutrition
Complain www.polismed.ru/lab-coprograma-post002.html What should be the feces (stool) in newborns and infants. How do the properties of feces depend on the nutrition of the child? In what case does a change in the nature of the child's stool indicate an illness? In the first year of a child's life, the functions of the digestive system have not yet been fully formed, and therefore, the feces (stool) of newborns and children of the first year of life have a number of characteristic features. The analysis of feces in children of the first year of life also has some features that are important to consider when trying to establish a diagnosis of dysbacteriosis or digestive disorders. The properties of a child's feces depend on nutrition, ...
0 02133Peculiarities of stool (feces) in children depending on age and nutrition
Complain . How do the properties of feces depend on the nutrition of the child? In what case does a change in the nature of the child's stool indicate a disease? In the first year of a child's life, the functions of the digestive system are not yet fully formed, and therefore, the feces (stool) of newborns and children of the first year of life have a number of characteristic features. The analysis of feces in children of the first year of life also has some features that are important to consider when trying to establish a diagnosis of dysbacteriosis or digestive disorders. The properties of a baby's feces depend on the nutrition he receives, so the normal stool of breastfed babies is very different ...
Fecal analysis
May 22, 2017 10:11 am at Personal log
Coprogram. This is a fairly easy to obtain and very informative, overview analysis. It is always executed first, allowing you to evaluate: - the work of all digestive organs - from the oral cavity to the rectum. - to suspect infectious, inflammatory and allergic lesions of the intestine, - detect parasites - identify metabolic, hereditary diseases (cystic fibrosis, lactase, disaccharidase deficiency, celiac disease). - detect microbial imbalance. This analysis evaluates the main characteristics of feces - physical, chemical and microscopic, in addition, depending on the type of feeding and the age of the baby, it will have characteristic features. But…
Document on infant nutrition in the USSR
September 16, 2013 00:12 at and came across such a document - who might be interested to read how it was recommended to feed babies in the Soviet Union - when to give complementary foods and what to feed ... A lot of letters))))))) I approve Head of the Main Department medical and preventive care children and mothers of the Ministry health care of the USSR 2 June 1985 N 11-14 / 26-6 CHILDREN'S FOOD IN CHILDREN'S HOUSES (GUIDELINES) The guidelines were prepared by the Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (Prof.