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Sets of dishes for children - why are they convenient and how to choose?
When a child begins to eat on his own, he moves on to a new important stage in his life, in which he should have his first own dishes. The question arises: is it worth buying tableware separately or buying a whole set? What material should the dishes be made of, what color, size and shape is it best to choose dishes for a child?
Cookware selection criteria
- First of all, any dishes must be safe: do not contain harmful substances in their composition, for example, Bisphenol A and Phthalates.
- Ergonomic and lightweight, so that the child can independently hold it in his hands. This is especially true for mugs and cups.
- Children's dishes should be resistant to different temperatures so that they can be heated in the microwave oven or stored in the refrigerator.
- It is important that the dishes keep the food warm, but do not get hot..
- The attention of the child is more attracted to dishes with an unusual shape and interesting patterns.
In the photo: Liewood cookware
Benefits of set
Complete sets of dishes are convenient in everyday life, since mom does not need to “allocate” a separate plate, spoon, mug for feeding. She always has a one-piece set at hand, which belongs exclusively to the child, and cannot be confused with the main dishes in the kitchen. If there is more than one child in the family, it is convenient to purchase several sets at once, so that everyone has their own individual set at their disposal.
The child perceives reality in a playful way, so the process of eating for him is a game. Dinnerware with the same style, pattern, or shape can provide a framework for developing a child's imagination and making dinner fun. Mom does not have to use auxiliary techniques (cartoons, toys, etc.) to attract the attention of the child and feed him.
Choice of cookware based on appearance and functionality
In addition to its main and primary task, dishes help parents achieve several more important goals, and one of them is to instill in the child a sense of style and form a good taste, so you need to carefully choose a set for your baby. It is best to focus on calm pastel colors with a simple clear pattern. Too bright colors will only irritate the child's nervous system and distract him from eating.
In the photo: Liewood cookware set wheat mix
There are various thematic sets with a stylish unusual design and thoughtful functionality. For example, sets where the plate is divided into several sections or cells, each of which can contain individual products. This option will allow the child to independently organize the space, choose products that he likes more and create new combinations.
In the photo: Bamboo tableware Love Mae
Buying one set does not mean that you need to use it everywhere and always. Some sets are more suitable for home use and daily feeding of the baby, while others will be more appropriate as a hiking option, for outdoor recreation or a picnic.
In the photo: Liewood children's dinnerware set, gray-blue
The number of items in the set also depends on the age and needs of the baby. If your child is just starting to eat complementary foods, then a plate, spoon and cup will suffice. If the baby is already older, then you can choose a set with more items of various sizes.
In the photo: A set of children's bowls Liewood "Cosmos"
Advantages of different materials
The choice of materials is great. Some parents still prefer to purchase glassware or chinaware, but many are already switching to safer materials for children's tableware, which are much easier to handle and care for.
Silicone products are absolutely harmless and safe for the child, as they do not contain bisphenol and phthalates. They do not slip on the table and do not break when dropped. Silicone utensils are very easy to clean. It can serve both hot and cold food without fear that it will go bad. It is silicone dishes that are chosen for babies who are beginning to introduce complementary foods and for children 2-3 years old. A set of silicone dishes can be taken with you on the road and on a picnic, as it is very light and takes up little space.
From PLA
PLA is a food grade plastic that is made from corn starch or sugar cane. PLA dishes can be purchased for the smallest and older children. In terms of properties, this material is almost identical to silicone, but is biodegradable. Like silicone, it does not absorb odors and is odorless itself. Dishes made of PLA do not break, do not slip on the table and in hands. If it accidentally falls on the floor, it will not break, so it will serve you for a long time.
In the photo: A set of children's dishes Liewood "Bear"
Bamboo tableware is universal for all ages, but is more suitable for children 6-7 years old. Bamboo cookware is light, durable and eco-friendly. The natural composition of bamboo and wood fibers with the addition of corn starch makes it 100% biodegradable.
In the photo: Love Mae "Jungle" plate set
Stainless steel cookware is very practical for any age. Of the options listed above, this is the only material in which you can reheat or cook food in the oven, which is certainly its advantage. Stainless steel cookware is safe and won't break or deteriorate over time.
Care of dishes
How to take care of baby feeding utensils? There are several general recommendations. Never use food-grade plastic and silicone utensils in the oven, as the plastic may melt. Unlike food-grade plastic, silicone can be heated in the microwave and used at temperatures up to 230 degrees. Dishes made of both materials can be placed in the freezer at a temperature of up to -20 degrees and washed in a dishwasher at a temperature of no more than 65 degrees.
The rules for caring for bamboo cutlery are very similar. The main thing is not to use them in the microwave and oven, as natural materials do not withstand high temperatures. They are allowed to be washed in the dishwasher and used at a temperature not higher than 80 degrees and not lower than 20 degrees.
Metal utensils or stainless steel utensils are the most unassuming to care for. It can be placed in the oven and microwave, but it is not recommended to heat it on the stove. Dishwasher safe and rinse in hot water before use. It is very convenient and practical in everyday life.
It is better to store children's dishes in a separate place from common dishes and always keep them dry and clean so that they serve you longer and retain their original appearance for a long time.
dishes, pastel colors, bright accents, children's room
How to choose dishes for complementary foods
Kizino Polina Aleksandrovna
pediatrician, perinatal psychologist
Beautiful bright dishes for the first feeding - a whim of the parents or should the child have their own special spoon and plate? Do dishes really increase appetite and arouse interest in new foods in babies? And what about safety if small children strive to play with food, turn everything over or throw it on the floor? Pediatrician Polina Alexandrovna Kizino has her own experience in choosing the first children's dishes. How much this is a necessary and difficult task for parents, read below.
— Polina Aleksandrovna, is it necessary to purchase separate dishes for feeding babies?
- Baby needs his own dishes - this is a factor that pushes him to eat at the table, and not just drink milk or formula in his mother's arms. It also eliminates contact with foreign microbes and reduces the risk of catching intestinal and other infections that are transmitted orally.
— Does baby utensils help establish complementary foods?
- It makes eating more interesting. Mom does not resort to games, does not distract the child, does not fix attention on a process other than eating, but at the same time, the meal for the baby becomes brighter and more attractive, which inclines him to eat from a plate and from a spoon.
Main types of children's tableware
Food tableware
Drinking tableware
— Thermal spoons, thermal plates change color if you put very hot food in them. There is no urgent need for such devices, because you can always independently check the temperature of the dish. But on the other hand, such additional informational assistance may be appropriate and will warn mother and baby against dangerous food.
— Can tableware cause allergies?
— Such situations are rare. Now manufacturers are trying to make dishes from permitted materials. But there are people with allergies even to plastic, dyes. Here, the reason for the reaction of the body will not be in low-quality materials, but in individual characteristics.
It is difficult to suspect an allergy to dish materials. And, unfortunately, there is no separate marker - an allergy to a component in the dishes will manifest itself in the same way as a food allergy. The only thing that can be done is to compare the fact of feeding and the appearance of allergic symptoms. For example, they bought a new plate and did not give new products, and the child developed an allergic reaction (rash, stool thinning) - in this case, one can assume a reaction, including to the materials from which the dishes are made.
Read also
- Does watching cartoons or playing at the table affect the baby's proper nutrition and eating habits?
— How to choose baby feeding utensils?
— The choice of children's utensils for babies depends on the convenience of the parents and their capabilities. The feeding bowl should match the portions, because it makes no sense to spread five spoons of mashed potatoes on a large plate. It is desirable that the volume of food does not embarrass or frighten the baby. It is better to put small portions in small plates, focus on the child, how he eats, in what quantity.
Requirements for children's dishes
— How to wash children's dishes?
— When caring for children's dishes, it is important to choose products that are approved for use on babies. Aggressive household chemicals are not needed: there is a risk of not washing off the substances to the end, which can adversely affect children. Therefore, it is better to choose the most gentle cleaning products for washing dishes, toys, vegetables, fruits.
— Can children's dishes be washed in a dishwasher?
— Dishwasher compatible with labeled dishes. And here you also need to follow the choice of detergent. The same with heating in the microwave - information about whether the dishes are suitable for this is written on its packaging.
I would like to draw your attention: if the child has not finished his meal, it is better not to put the leftovers in the refrigerator. Here everything is the same as with the mixture in bottles: if there was contact with saliva and microbes - a spoon into a plate, then into the mouth, then back into the plate - then food remains are not stored.
If possible, it is better not to refuse children's dishes. It will diversify the process of eating for your child. A spoon, a plate, a bowl of bright colors and a convenient shape will arouse children's interest, the desire to try something new, and feeding an interesting and tasty discovery.
* Breast milk is the best food for babies. WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of a child's life and continued breastfeeding after complementary foods are introduced until the age of 2 years. Before introducing new products into the baby's diet, you should consult with a specialist. The material is for informational purposes and cannot replace the advice of a healthcare professional. For feeding children from birth.
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