Calcium rich food for 6 month baby
Top calcium-rich foods for babies for strong little ones
The food your baby eats during the formative years will also decide how well protected they will be as adults when they have to cope with loss in bone density. The initial years of your child’s life see changes almost every day with your baby growing bigger at a very fast pace. Initially, the calcium in breastmilk is more than sufficient to provide your child with nutrients. But as you start to wean them, their nutritional requirements will grow. Calcium-rich foods for babies are a critical consideration for every parent. Bones and teeth, after all, take up 99% of all the calcium that gets into your little one’s body. Also read The Ultimate Indian Baby Food Chart for 0-12 Months. Here is a list of kid-friendly calcium-rich foods that are medically proven to build strong bones in your little ones.
1. Milk, curd and cheese top the list
Milk is the richest natural source of calcium and is the only calcium-rich food babies below the age of 7 months need. The daily calcium intake varies for different ages. The normal calcium levels in infants up to 6 months is about 200 mg daily, this goes up to 700 mg for children between 1 to 3 years. 1000 mg is what kids 3-8 years should be getting daily and 1300 mg for older children. One cup of milk packs in 300mg of calcium goodness and so does 1 cup of curd or 50gms of cheese. While there is a lot of flavoured milk on grocery shelves, it is recommended to go with only plain milk to avoid added sugar and preservatives.
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2. Baby calcium supplement
As your child grows, they might no longer need baby calcium supplements unless they are fussy eaters. Older children need to have at least 2-3 servings of calcium-rich foods to get their daily recommended dose. If they are not getting this, then a calcium supplement fortified with vitamin D works very well. It is not advised to take too high a dose though and it is always good to go with the amount prescribed by your child’s paediatrician.
Also read our blog on Are Probiotics Safe for Babies? What to Know Before Feeding Them to Your Child.
Finding calcium-rich foods for babies with milk allergy can seem challenging for parents. But contrary to popular belief, several vegetables are just as rich in calcium as dairy is. Sweet potatoes are rich in calcium, beta carotene and dietary fibres. So along with strong bones, your child will gain weight in a healthy way. The best part is that you don’t even need to add salt or sugar to it to make it tasty. Spinach is another star among calcium-rich foods for babies and children. Broccoli and green peas too pack a lot of punch when it comes to calcium. Green peas are especially beneficial because they are also rich in Vitamin K and loaded with other nutrients as well. Vitamin K helps in the absorption of calcium by the bones which why is why peas have an advantage in the vegetable world. You can use our complete baby food chart for babies in India to find the best recipes to make for your child!
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4. Pulses and lentils
Pulses are a must when your baby moves to solid foods. They have a good amount of calcium which helps bone development and is also rich in proteins which is a must for new tissue growth. One of the best ways to serve dal to your child is in the form of a delicious dal khichdi. This humble dish is one of the easiest calcium-rich recipes for infants and adults as well. They are also one of the best calcium-rich foods for babies with milk allergy.
Apart from pulses, beans like chickpeas and rajma have a high calcium and protein count. For babies, you can mash it in a food processor.
Almonds are terrific sources of calcium-rich foods for babies one year and older. Little kids can have almonds safely when crushed before eating or added to their milk. Children older than 2 years can even enjoy it as a sweet treat, in the form of a badaam laddoo as well. The possibilities are endless with this versatile nut. The only time you need to be careful before giving it to your toddler is if there is a history of allergy to nuts in your family.
Also read our blog on Brushing Your Baby's Teeth: How and When to Get Started.
Oranges top the list of fruits rich in calcium and also vitamin C. So not only does an orange help in your child’s bone development but it also builds immunity against colds. These are delicious for children of all ages and can be eaten directly or as freshly made juice. If your child suffers from mouth ulcers or acidity, however, avoid oranges and other citrus fruits as it can make their condition worse.
7. Eggs
Eggs are an integral part of any list of calcium-rich foods for babies because they contain calcium, folate (iron), zinc and phosphate. You can serve it boiled and mashed for your infant. For older children, there are any number of variants to make it truly tasty. Some babies are allergic to the egg whites so introduce it carefully, though the egg yolk is quite safe to have. Apart from being a great source of calcium, eggs are also one of the best high-calorie foods for weight gain in babies.
Fish is an excellent source of lean protein for your child It is also an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids and several minerals. For babies, you can steam, deboned and puree the fish to make it easier for them to digest. Including these calcium-rich foods in your child’s menu can help them grow stronger. Clearly, Even if your baby has lactose intolerance, you can still provide them with the essential nutrients they need as there are several calcium-rich foods for babies with milk allergy. By providing your child with these nutritional building blocks early on in their life, you can ensure they develop into a healthier adult. With the mfine app, you can consult with the city’s top paediatricians to ensure that your child is getting the right nutrition.
10 Calcium Rich Foods & Recipes for Babies below 1 year
10 Calcium-Rich Foods & Recipes for Babies below 1 year
Calcium is a nutrient that helps build strong bones and teeth and is also important in a lot of human body functions. It plays a vital role in keeping nerves and muscles working and heart-healthy. For growing babies, calcium is very crucial in building bone mass and safeguard against any related chronic diseases.
Calcium requirement in each baby differs. For premature babies, it is mostly supplemented under pediatrics guidance. Studies show that the bioavailability of calcium in breastmilk is higher than that in formula milk. Hence if your baby is formula-fed it’s advised to choose fortified formula only.
Role of Vitamin D
Without Vitamin D the body cannot absorb calcium. An easy way of making it available for babies is by exposing them to sunlight, as the sun’s ultra-violent rays produce vitamin D.
10 Calcium-Rich Foods & Recipes for Babies below 1 year
1. Dairy Products
Yogurt, Paneer, Cheese, and Ghee are great sources of calcium. We can start yogurt and ghee for babies as early as 6 months. Paneer and cheese can be given after the completion of 8 months.
- Colorful Yogurt Melts
- Curd Oats Khichdi
- Vegetable Paneer Puree
- Dalia Paneer Khichdi
- Spinach Paneer Rice
- Paneer Omelette
2. Almonds
Almonds are the best and safe nuts for babies. These brain-boosting almonds help in weight gain and increasing immunity as well.
- Almond Flour
- Dry Fruits Powder
- Almond & Dates Choco Spread
Also read :
- Iron Deficiency in Babies
- 20 Iron Rich Food for Babies
- Silver benefits for Babies
- 5 Foods to Increase Muscle Mass in Kids
3. Sweet Potato
The natural sweetness and flavor of sweet potato is well appreciated by babies. Along with calcium, these are also rich in Vitamin A, C, and Folate.
- Sweet Potato & Apple Puree
- Sweet Potato Soya Cutlets
- Sweet Potato Pancake
4. Pulses & Lentils
These are high in protein and calcium and the best plant-based sources. Most of all lentils can be given to babies as early as 6 months, moong and masoor being easily digestible.
- Moongdal Soup / Dal ka pani
- Urad Dal Cereal
- Dalia Khichdi with Moongdal
- Vegetable Dal Soup
5. Amaranth
Amaranth Seeds are rich in protein and calcium too. Babies can have amaranth as early as 8 months.
- Amaranth Porridge
- Amaranth Flour Pumpkin Porridge
6. Ragi
One of the best millet and most famous among baby food is Ragi. Sprouted Ragi contains 20% higher calcium. It also is high in Iron and best suits for babies of all ages.
- Sprouted Ragi Powder
- Moong Ragi Porridge Mix
- Ragi Apple Pancake
- Ragi Oatmeal Porridge
7. Spinach
1 cup of Spinach provides 220 mg of Calcium. However, the body cannot absorb it completely due to the oxalic acid present in it. Even then it makes for a high amount of calcium compared to other sources.
- Spinach Soup
- Spinach Masoor Khichdi
- Spinach Oats Dosa
- Spinach Paneer Rice
8. Figs
Figs can be given to babies as early as 6 months. Both dry and fresh figs are easily available in India. 1 fig contains approximately 15 mg of calcium.
- Apple and Figs Puree
9. Tofu
Tofu makes the best non-dairy source of calcium made using soy milk, and in look and texture very similar to paneer. 100 gms of tofu contains 350 mg of calcium. All paneer recipes can be made using tofu by just replacing the paneer.
- Vegetable Tofu Puree
- Dalia Tofu Khichdi
- Spinach Tofu Rice
- Tofu Omelette
10. Millets
Millets are the non-glutinous source of calcium. These are often suggested for patients suffering from osteoporosis. These are easily digestible and can be given to babies as early as 6 months.
- Apple and Little Millet Rice
- Foxtail Millet Khichdi
- Foxtail Millet Dosa
- Banrayd Millet Idli & Dosa
Reference: AAP Journal http://pediatrics.
Video: 10 Calcium-Rich Foods & Recipes for Babies below 1 year
- Video in Kannada – ಶಿಶುಗಳಿಗೆ ಕ್ಯಾಲ್ಸಿಯಂನ 10 ಮೂಲಗಳು
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Views: 8,830
What products with calcium are better to give to a child?
18 August 2020
2 December 2022
4 minutes
- Benefits of calcium for the child's body
- How to understand that a child lacks calcium?
- What calcium foods can I give my child?
Please note that all information posted on the site Prowellness is provided for informational purposes only and is not a personal program, a direct recommendation for action, or medical advice. Do not use these materials for diagnosis, treatment, or any medical procedure. Consult your physician before using any technique or using any product. This site is not a specialized medical portal and does not replace the professional advice of a specialist. The Site Owner is not liable to any party who has suffered indirect or direct damage as a result of misuse of materials posted on this resource.
Which foods with calcium are best for a child?
Calcium is one of the most important trace elements that provides a person with health and a comfortable existence. It is especially important for a growing organism. What foods with calcium can be given to a child?
Benefits of calcium for children
Why calcium is good for baby's health:
- ensures normal growth and development of the baby;
- correctly forms the bone skeleton;
- reduces the risk of developing rickets;
- improves the condition of teeth and tooth enamel;
- reduces the risk of caries;
- has a positive effect on the condition of hair, nails, skin;
- has a positive effect on the nervous system and the transmission of nerve impulses;
- strengthens nerve tissues;
- increases the body's defenses;
- reduces the risk of developing allergies;
- strengthens the cardiovascular system, has a positive effect on its work;
- helps develop memory, attention, mental abilities;
- provides the child with vigor and strength;
- helps to cope with stress factors.
How can you tell if your child is lacking calcium?
You can suspect a lack of calcium in a child's body by the following symptoms:
- The child grows slowly, gains weight poorly, lags behind peers in physical development.
- His nails are constantly breaking, peeling, with visible white stripes.
- Dental diseases often occur.
- Hair grows slowly and falls out frequently.
- The child behaves irritably, aggressively.
- Gets tired quickly, lacks energy.
- The child has convulsions.
What calcium foods can I give my child?
List of foods with calcium that will be good for the child:
- Hard cheese. Parmesan is the record holder for calcium content. It will help beneficial substances to be better absorbed in the intestines of the child.
- White beans. Contains a lot of magnesium, and this has a double beneficial effect on the bones.
- Milk and dairy products. The child can be given milk, cottage cheese, kefir, natural yogurt, fermented baked milk. The main thing is not to add sugar to them, otherwise calcium will be absorbed worse.
- Almonds and hazelnuts. Nuts have a lot of calcium, but they are high in calories, they should not be overeaten. It is very important for an adult to monitor the condition of the child after taking nuts. They can cause allergies.
- Pumpkin and sesame seeds. Usually children eat seeds with pleasure, but if the crumb refuses them, then seeds can be added to salads and main dishes, homemade cakes.
- All types of cabbage. Especially useful for children is broccoli, as it does not cause digestive problems and allergies.
- Sardines. They are good for bones, but you should be careful with canned food, as they should not be given to children in large quantities.
- Oily sea fish. Particularly useful for the baby are red fish and tuna.
- Olive oil. It is worth completely replacing them with sunflower. Suitable for frying and salad dressing.
- Fresh herbs. Most calcium is found in dill, parsley, spinach, sorrel. Greens should be added to salads or simply offered to the child to chew on a bunch.
- Oranges. They can be eaten in their pure form, or you can make juices, fresh juices, desserts from them, add them to pastries.
- Dried figs. Great alternative to sweets.
- Bananas. They do not contain the daily norm of calcium, but they contain potassium, which prevents the leaching of nutrients from the body.
Attention! Foods with calcium should be in the diet of any healthy person, especially a child, as a growing body needs support.
Please note that all information posted on the site Prowellness is provided for informational purposes only and is not a personal program, a direct recommendation for action, or medical advice. Do not use these materials for diagnosis, treatment, or any medical procedure. Consult your physician before using any technique or using any product. This site is not a specialized medical portal and does not replace the professional advice of a specialist. The Site Owner is not liable to any party who has suffered indirect or direct damage as a result of misuse of materials posted on this resource.
Expert: Evgenia Bulakh Expert in the field of motherhood, health and proper nutrition
Reviewer: Ekaterina Vorobieva Adept of a healthy and active lifestyle
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“It grows by leaps and bounds” — this well-known Russian proverb reflects the intensity of the processes of growth and development of babies. Indeed, on average, the increase in the length of a baby in the first year of life is 20–25 cm, and there will never be such impressive results in the future. For the harmonious development and normal operation of all the organs and systems of the baby, a constant supply of nutrients is required - the "bricks" that make up the body.
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- Calcium - our support
- scarce states
- Sources of calcium
- Zhelack complementary foods
- Source products
In addition to the main nutrients - proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the receipt of vitamins and minerals is necessary. Despite the low content of these substances in the body, their role in maintaining life is enormous. They are part of numerous enzymes, hormones and other biologically active substances that regulate metabolic processes and implement an individual growth and development program. One of the most important minerals absolutely necessary for the human body is calcium. This element takes part in more than three hundred different processes in the body, but it plays its main role in the formation of the bone skeleton, helping the child grow strong, healthy and strong.
Calcium is our backbone
The inclusion of the mineral in the bones of a child begins in utero, mainly in the last trimester of pregnancy. In a newborn, the total amount of calcium in the body is approximately 25 grams. Childhood and adolescence is characterized by intensive growth and buildup of skeletal mass, and by the age of an adult, the content increases to 1000-1200 grams. Of the total amount of calcium, 99% is found in the bones and teeth, and 1% is in the blood and soft tissues. Calcium accumulates in parallel with phosphorus in the skeleton, forming a solid foundation for all bones. In this process, these elements work in pairs, and they are also assisted by vitamin D, which regulates the sufficient absorption of calcium from the intestines and its deposition in the bones. The most intensive processes of bone growth are observed in three age groups: from birth to one year, then at 5–7 years, and finally, in adolescence. During these critical periods, the child needs calcium in sufficient quantities, and the task of parents is to ensure the supply of this important mineral.
Permanent update
Many people believe that the human skeleton is a "stone" frame, which gradually increases its mass as it grows older and undergoes virtually no changes. This is not entirely correct. The skeleton, like any other organ, is in constant renewal. Resorption and removal of old, damaged areas of bones and the formation of new young structures occur. In childhood, this process is very intense, and the skeletal system is completely renewed in 1–2 years. The indicator of the daily amount of calcium intake directly affects the rate of linear growth and bone mineral density, determining the physical development of the child and even the long-term risks of bone fractures in old age.
A multi-faceted macronutrient
Of course, the supporting-structural role of calcium is very important, but this is not the only benefit of the mineral. The processes and exchange reactions in which he takes part are surprisingly diverse. Calcium is one of the important components of the blood coagulation system, determining the activity of at least seven links of this multi-stage cascade. This mineral is also necessary for muscle contraction, which directly affects muscle strength, heart function, the processes of narrowing and relaxation of the walls of blood vessels, and the regulation of blood pressure.
IMPORTANT! Calcium is also important for the efficient functioning of the central nervous system, participating in the processes of excitation and transmission of nerve impulses. By determining the activity of a number of enzymes and hormones, it is essential for the functioning of the immune and endocrine systems. At the same time, calcium probably performs the most basic task at the level of each cell of the body: it regulates the processes of growth and differentiation, participates in the formation of intercellular bridges and connections, forming tissues and organs.
This is why the concentration of calcium in the blood, due to its importance for a large number of vital processes, is precisely regulated, and the normal range is quite narrow from 2. 16 to 2.51 mmol/l. Strict maintenance of this level is extremely important. What fluctuations are allowed? Very minor - a decrease in concentration by 20% already leads to major disorders: weakening of muscle tone, increased excitability of the nervous system, and even to the development of seizures.
Deficiency states
In case of insufficient intake of calcium from food or low absorption from the intestine (for example, in case of vitamin D deficiency), the body responds with a reaction: its excretion with urine decreases and absorption of the mineral from the intestine increases to the maximum. However, if these mechanisms are not enough to maintain the required level, the element is washed out of the bone structures. This leads to growth retardation, impaired bone and tooth formation.
IMPORTANT! At an early age, calcium deficiency leads to the development of rickets. The child has a curvature of the legs and gait disturbances, deformation of the bones of the chest and limbs, a change in the bones of the skull. Characterized by late teething and frequent caries. In addition to changes in the skeletal system, clinical manifestations in the form of increased irritability, sleep disturbances, sweating, muscle weakness reflect changes in many of the most important systems of the body.
Calcium deficiency in childhood has long-term consequences, increasing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures in adults. Often insufficient intake in childhood is reflected by problems during future pregnancy, when this mineral is necessary for the fetus to form the skeleton and is actively mobilized from the dentin of the mother's teeth and bones.
Sources of Calcium
There is no doubt about the need for a daily intake of calcium from food, especially during periods of intensive growth, when the need for it is very high. With a balanced diet, a sufficient supply of minerals and vitamin D ensures the maintenance of the required level in the blood serum, as well as proper deposition in bone tissue and teeth. In accordance with the current recommendations in the Russian Federation, all children and adolescents should receive 800-1200 mg of calcium per day. The main source of mineral intake in the body is food. Calcium is one of the most common minerals on Earth, and many foods contain it in their composition. It is present in meat, fish, vegetables, legumes, fruits and cereals. However, the listed food groups are not considered as sources of this mineral, since there is not much calcium in them (less than 100 mg / 100 g of the product), and, in addition, the percentage of assimilation is also very low (no more than 10–30%).
IMPORTANT! An exceptional role in providing children and adults with this macronutrient is played by milk and dairy products. So, a glass of milk or natural yogurt or 40 grams of cheese contains about 300 mg of calcium. It is this food group that supplies up to 80% of the required amount of calcium and phosphorus.
A feature of dairy products is the fact that the necessary minerals are present in them in an easily digestible form, which is rarely found in other foods. The ratio between the amount of calcium and phosphorus in foods is very important, since the best absorption in the intestine is observed at a value of 2: 1. This is the content found in breast milk. In dairy products, this ratio is close to the desired one. Another benefit of this food group in calcium absorption is the presence of milk sugar. It has been proven that the presence of lactose accelerates the absorption of many minerals, including, in addition to calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese and iron. It is impossible to consider phosphorus-calcium metabolism without taking into account the role of vitamin D, which, in fact, is the regulator of the metabolism of these minerals in the body. Therefore, calcium will be better absorbed from foods that are rich in this vitamin (fish, egg yolk, cheese, butter).
Read also: The child does not want to eat meat and fish
Drink milk, children
Dairy products are the basis of nutrition in childhood. In addition to the high content of easily digestible calcium and phosphorus, it is a valuable source of protein, full in amino acid composition, milk fat, which includes essential fatty acids, as well as a number of vitamins. In the nutrition of young children, as well as in other periods of intensive growth, the daily amount of dairy products in the diet should be no less than 500 ml per day in the form of whole milk and sour-milk drinks, as well as 50 grams of cottage cheese or cheese. However, all these recommendations will be relevant only for children older than a year. The nutrition of babies in the first year of life has its own characteristics, which are associated with the restriction of the introduction of whole cow's milk.
Mother's milk is the main food for children in their first year of life. Its composition perfectly matches the needs of the child and changes dynamically in the process of growth and development of the baby. It is breast milk that is the main source of minerals in the first half of a baby's life. The total amount of calcium in human milk is lower than in cow's milk. But due to the ideal ratio between phosphorus and calcium, as well as the presence of special proteins that facilitate the transport of minerals through the intestinal wall, their absorption is very high. At this age of the baby, it is very important that the mother's nutrition is balanced and rational for the child to receive the necessary substances and maintain the health of the mother. In addition to the daily presence of dairy products in the menu, nursing mothers are advised to take additional calcium as part of vitamin and mineral complexes. Formula-fed infants should opt for lactose-adapted formulas for better absorption of calcium and vitamin D.
Weaning time
Mother's milk can only meet the needs of the baby during the first 4–5 months of life. Then, for normal growth and harmonious development, an additional supply of nutrients, as well as vitamins and minerals, is necessary. In the second half of life, complementary foods become a source of calcium. In accordance with modern domestic recommendations for feeding children, it is necessary to avoid the use of whole cow's milk until the age of 1 year. This is associated with a high risk of developing allergic reactions to a foreign protein, in addition, the load on the baby's immature kidneys increases and there is a risk of damage to the cells of the intestinal mucosa. At this age, the introduction of whole milk can cause a violation of iron absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, the need for which increases significantly in the second half of life. In this regard, specially prepared and adapted dairy products are used in the nutrition of children of this age.
Complementary cereals
Babies over 4–5 months old receive calcium and phosphorus from specialized industrial products — baby milk porridge. For example, for the production of cereals of the Bebi Premium line, milk is used, which is specially adapted for better absorption by the child's body. Milk for the products of this manufacturer is delivered from Danish dairy farms, recognized as the best in the world. The milk component is the highest in comparison with children's cereals of other brands and does not contain vegetable oils. The latter aspect is also very important in the matter of calcium absorption. Palmitic and stearic fatty acids, which are part of a number of vegetable oils, bind to calcium to form insoluble compounds, thereby preventing its absorption.
IMPORTANT! All products of the Bebi Premium line are enriched with a vitamin-mineral premix, which is qualitatively and quantitatively specially selected for better absorption of calcium. Thus, the necessary intake of the mineral is made up of the natural content in cereals and the milk component, as well as due to the additional enrichment of porridge with calcium and vitamin D.
This allows you to make a significant contribution to the daily need of the child for these essential substances.
Sour-milk products
At the age of over 6 months, the baby's diet can be supplemented with cottage cheese, and after 8 months with sour-milk drinks. These foods are also a source of easily digestible calcium. In the nutrition of children of the first year of life, first of all, specialized products based on cow and goat milk should be used - liquid (biolact, yogurt, kefir) and pasty (children's cottage cheese).
IMPORTANT! In these complementary foods, protein and milk sugar are partially broken down, which improves their digestibility and reduces the risk of allergies, kidney damage and iron loss compared to whole cow's milk.