Can rabbits eat baby food
Syringe Feeding A Rabbit Is Sometimes A Life Saver
Rabbits naturally eat all throughout the day and night. However, a sick bun or a rabbit in pain may not eat as much as they should, or stop eating completely. Those recovering from surgery or coming out of anesthesia may lose their appetite, too. In dogs 🐕 and cats 🐈, a missed meal or two is usually no big deal. But for small pets like rabbits and guinea pigs, it can become a matter of life or death. While syringe feeding a rabbit can be messy, it's surely necessary in some situations.
Why Syringe Feeding is Necessary
Even a few hours without food can cause a rabbit's digestive system to shut down. Once this happens, you have a much bigger problem on top of what caused the disinterest in food in the first place. Getting food moving through as soon as possible after they come home from surgery, or when you notice your rabbit isn't eating, is vital to recovery.
A word of warning: If a blockage is suspected, do NOT force feed a rabbit. Your vet will usually rule out a blockage with an X-ray, but be sure to tell them if your rabbit possibly got into something he shouldn't have.
Secret Recipes
Talk to your vet about ready-to-mix feeds made especially for syringe feeding. These formulas usually contain all the nutrients a recovering rabbit needs to survive until he starts eating a full, balanced diet on his own again. These formulas are user-friendly and easy to prepare, but we all know rabbits have a secret (so they think) pact to only stop eating after 5 p.m., on holidays, and on weekends when their exotic vet isn't on duty.
In a pinch, try soaking some of your rabbit's pellets in warm water to make a mash. You can add some 100% pure canned pumpkin or vegetable baby food to make it more palatable. Mixing in little banana puree or blending the pellet mash with some of his favorite fresh greens may entice your bunny to take the syringe feed willingly. Add water to your mixture until you find a consistency you and your rabbit can agree on.
Or try some of our Nutri-Recovery or Nutri-Rescue. Nutrition support that's easy to administer, and more complete than anything else on the market. Comes in an easy dial-a-dose syringe, and has a paste consistency making it easier to syringe-feed. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Tips and Tricks
This is going to get messy. Probably not fun-messy either. There's no way around it, but it needs to be done. Your vet can demonstrate proper technique for syringe feeding your rabbit... and they'll probably calmly cooperate. Once you get home, they'll then proceed to throw a fit. Your rabbit may say things he doesn't mean right now, but they will feel better, recover faster, and thank you in the end. Your rabbit is already grumpy and not feeling his best, so remain patient, tell him he's handsome, and take your time. It'll get easier for both of you. Promise.
Many find it easiest to place the rabbit on a table and sit in front of him for feeding sessions. Always keep your rabbit calm and in a natural standing position so he doesn't choke. Putting your finger and thumb on either side of the jaw can give gentle control of the head in case he tries to turn away from the syringe. Don't let him bite off more than he can chew to avoid aspiration. Approach from the side, not too far back, and aim for the gap next to the front teeth. As a general rule, give no more than 1 ml at a time. If you avoid angling the syringe directly down the throat, you'll prevent the slurry from going into the lungs if too much comes out at once.
Many rabbits find smaller syringes less annoying being stuffed behind their incisors, but see what works best for you and your rabbit. Allow plenty of time for him to chew and swallow. You may find your rabbit cooperates more as he gets used to the process (and starts to feel better), and the process will take less time.
Enticing Your Rabbit to Eat Again
If your rabbit isn't eating at all, he will need to be force fed every few hours, even throughout the night. Rabbits don't eat a few meals a day like we do. They need to have high-fiber food moving through continuously to keep their GI tract functioning properly.
Syringe feeding can stimulate your rabbits appetite. Offer fresh parsley and other fragrant, tasty herbs throughout the day. He may eventually take a nibble. Even waving tempting treat foods in front of him can entice your annoyed rabbit to take a bite and decide food isn't so bad after all. Make sure a big pile of fresh hay is avaialble at all times for when he does decide to give eating a go again.
Syringe feeding rabbits by hand can make a world of difference when they are under the weather. Always make sure the cause of the appetite issue is identified with your rabbit's exotic vet. Not eating is a symptom of an underlying problem. A rabbit that isn't eating is usually sick, in pain, or maybe even having a bad reaction to a medicine. Your vet will come up with a treatment plan to go hand-in-hand with syringe feeding until he's on the mend.
How to feed them – The Little Hay Company
Baby rabbits and diet
You can hear the patter of tiny paws - a baby rabbit has come into your life. It’s an exciting time, but what do you feed a baby rabbit? What’s the best diet for a baby rabbit? How much should you feed your baby rabbit? Let's look at these and a host of other baby rabbit related questions to help you give them the best start in life.
A note: What are baby rabbits called?
It’s a lesser-known fact that baby rabbits are not officially called bunnies. They are called kittens. Bit confusing, we know. The female rabbit known as the doe gives birth (kindling), and the baby rabbits are called kittens or kits.
Baby rabbit’s diet from birth to adulthood
When a baby rabbit is born, it will first feed on its mother milk. This is why you should not get your rabbit from its Mother before a minimum of 8-weeks has passed. This time is crucial and helps start your baby on a healthy path.
From around 2-3 weeks old, baby bunnies start to nibble at the hay around the nest and in 3-4 weeks, baby rabbits start eating the same food as their Mum, whilst still taking her milk.
Weaning occurs at around 6-8 weeks old as their digestive system adapts from liquids to solids.
As with all young animals, baby bunnies will be very sensitive to change. Their stomachs like consistency, so it’s a good idea to keep them on the same food they have been used to and make any changes gradually.
Once your rabbit is an adult, it will eat mainly hay (like our Timothy Hay or Meadow Hay) with additional good treats like green leaves and vegetables for variety and extra goodness.
Baby rabbits and moving homes
We all know how moving home is one of the most stressful things you can do. Your baby rabbit will feel the same. It is a good idea to know in advance exactly what food your baby rabbit has been eating so you can get a supply ready for them in their new home. This will help ease the transition and make your bunny feel more at home. You can slowly change their food if it is not of the best quality, but best to do this slowly rather than changing the food they are accustomed to overnight.
If you do not know what your baby bunny has been eating, then the safest bet is to offer a quality hay like our Timothy Hay and water as they settle in.
Wild and abandoned baby rabbits
It is not always easy to know if a nest of baby rabbits has been abandoned. The mother will stay away from the nest during the day to avoid alerting predators to its position, only returning under the cover of darkness.
Wild rabbits can survive on their own after 3-weeks, so even though they look small, they may be completely healthy and not orphaned. It is best to leave them alone.
If you hang around a nest and move things around, you are more likely to make the Mother abandon the nest, as she feels it is no longer safe. It's always best to keep your distance.
Convinced the rabbit's nest is abandoned? Then you can do a simple test. Leave a piece of natural string or fibre over the nest, so that if the Mother returns in the night (which she definitely would) she will disturb it. When you check again in the morning, if it is where you left it, then chances are the nest has been abandoned. The best thing you can do is phone a specialist rescue centre.
Young rabbits’ diet
A young rabbit will need lots of good food to help it grow strong and healthy. In the wild, they will eat a variety of grasses and succulents. With you at home, most young rabbits are fed with a mix of hay and pellets.
Alfalfa Hay is ideal for a growing bunny as it is rich in protein and calcium and tastes great. They will eat this happily and voraciously. As they get older, too much protein and calcium in the Alfalfa Hay will cause problems with their bladder and make them overweight.
A good approach as they get older is to combine Alfalfa Hay with another hay source like Timothy Hay, Rye Grass Hay or Meadow Hay and then gradually reduce the amount of Alfalfa Hay in the diet until you stop it completely.
Baby rabbit food list
A baby rabbit (up to 6-8 months old) can eat a variety of food.
Alfalfa hay should be available to your growing bunny every day. Give a chunk of hay roughly the same size as your bunny. You can also give your bunny an egg cup full of pellets once a day whilst they are growing. These are usually alfalfa-based pellets (not containing extra seeds or anything else). Again, these alfalfa pellets should be slowly weaned from your rabbit once they are around 6-months old and no longer need the extra calcium and protein.
As Alfalfa hay and pellets are quite tasty, moving them to Timothy Hay or Rye Grass Hay can take a bit of perseverance, but it is the best thing for your bunny and should take a few months, there's no need to rush it.
The other food source to slowly introduce is green leaves. A small amount at first (one or two leaves) and only slowly building up or adding new green leaves as you progress.
Green leaves to try: Basil, broccoli leaves, butter lettuce, cabbage, dandelion greens, dill, kale, mint, oregano, parsley, spinach, watercress, rosemary, carrot tops and others. With such a range, you can find out your rabbit's favoured green leaf with a bit of experimentation and keep them interested with variety.
Hay for baby rabbits
Baby rabbits will start to nibble on hay after a few weeks and then should be moved to a diet full of hay after they are weaned from their mother’s milk. The type of hay they eat is important.
Alfalfa hay is ideal hay for baby bunnies as it is richer in calcium (which helps their bones grow strong) and protein which gives them the energy they need to grow up healthily. Alfalfa hay also tastes good to a baby bunny. This is also its downfall. As your bunny gets bigger and enters adulthood, everything that makes alfalfa hay good for them as a baby is bad for them as an adult. Too much calcium will cause bladder issues and too much protein will make them overweight. This creates additional health issues for rabbits.
Timothy hay and Meadow hay or another adult type of hay have less calcium and protein, so is much healthier for your bunny. Learn all about all the different hay types for your bunny. The trick is to move your young rabbit over to Timothy Hay without them missing Alfalfa hay too much. To do this takes time but is essential. Start the process slowly by adding more Timothy Hay and taking out some Alfalfa, over a few months complete the process until there is no alfalfa hay being given to your bunny at all.
Dry pellets for your baby rabbit
Should I feed unlimited pellets?
In short, no. A baby rabbit will love eating pellets and giving them an unending supply will create problems with their diet. A quality hay diet like the Timothy Hay created by The Little Hay Co. mixed with alfalfa hay whilst they are young is the best for your rabbit, with pellets added for extra nutrients. A baby rabbit will usually only have an egg cup full of pellets when young, with this only increasing a little as they get bigger. Moving a rabbit onto hay as soon as possible is more natural and will help with their teeth health. Hay naturally wears down their teeth to a manageable and healthy size.
Changing dry food/pellets
You should swap out your pellets daily, so they always have a fresh supply. You will probably find most young bunnies eat all the pellets they are offered anyway, but if any are leftover, swap them out with new fresh ones.
Fresh fruits and vegetables for baby rabbits
When can a baby rabbit have fresh foods?
Around 3-months is a good time to introduce fresh foods to your rabbit. Ideally, you should introduce fresh food to a rabbit one at a time. This will allow you the chance to see which ones they like most and if any affect their digestive system in negative ways.
Which fresh fruits and vegetables are suitable for a baby rabbit?
Leafy greens are an excellent fresh food to give a baby rabbit. Carrot tops, dandelion leaves, kale, spinach, spring greens, herbs like parsley or basil, watercress, broccoli greens and cilantro can be offered to baby rabbits in moderation.
Can baby rabbits eat grapes, apples, bananas?
Giving a baby rabbit fruit is a little trickier. Fresh fruit often contains too much sugar for a baby rabbit, so should only be offered as a treat once a week. These treats for rabbits include apple (without seeds), banana, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, cranberries, cherries (no seeds), melon, grapes, orange and nectarine.
At what age can rabbits eat grass?
Baby rabbits can usually eat grass after about 8-weeks. They’ll probably pick at grass or hay whilst still feeding on their Mother's milk and will transition across to hay completely at around 8-weeks. Fresh grass is not always practical for a bunny owner, hay (which is dried grass) is usually the main diet of all rabbits.
Should I give meat to a baby rabbit?
No. Rabbits are herbivores and do not ever eat meat.
Can baby rabbits drink water?
Baby rabbits are getting milk from their mother, but at around 3-4 weeks old, they will start to drink small amounts of water too. As they grow and their diet changes, so will their water intake. Hay is dry, so a rabbit eating hay will want more water than a rabbit eating fresh leafy greens. But all animals need fresh water to survive, so it should be a plentiful resource to your bunny.
How often should I feed a baby bunny?
As you should have picked up your bunny after it has weaned from its mother and not before 8-weeks old, your bunny will already be eating hay and pellets and fresh greens. A ball about the same size as your bunny is the right amount of hay each day. The fresh food should be limited and slowly added over time.
If your baby rabbit is refusing to eat?
A rabbit’s digestive system needs to work constantly to avoid health problems, so any interruption in eating habits needs addressing quickly. If your rabbit is eating a small amount, they may be bored, so you can try to tempt them with leafy greens and remove the pellets. If they are still not interested in any food, you should get them checked by your nearest specialist.
Transitioning into adult rabbits
Rabbits grow fast to help them survive in the wild. The period a rabbit is a baby is short. After 3-weeks a wild rabbit will leave the nest, fend for itself and return at night. A baby rabbit should stay with its mother for 8-weeks to get all the protection her milk offers at this critical life stage.
The transition into adulthood is quick, after 6-8 months they will be eating a quality Timothy Hay, begging for treats and still starring in your latest Instagram posts.
What can and can not be given to a rabbit: a list of products
Rabbits are one of the most whimsical pets, so you can’t feed them anything. People often ask if it is possible for rabbits to lettuce, crackers, pears, watermelon, whether it is possible to give carrot tops, radish tops to rabbits, whether celandine can be given to rabbits or not, and germinated wheat is useful or harmful for rabbits.
What can be given to rabbits
Let's try to understand these and other questions in this article. What kind of grass is suitable for rabbits, what is the best way to feed rabbits at a young age, what you can give rabbits to eat in winter - all this is very important if you want to have healthy, nimble animals. We also recall in the text what can be done for rabbits so that they do not get sick. 9Ol000
- 3.1 Vegetables
- 3.2 Tomatoes
- 3.3 Strawberries
- 3.4 Banans
- 4.1 Wheat
- 4.2 Rye
- 4.3 Rapeseed
- 4.4 Cereals
- 4.5 Hemp
- 4.6 Legume trees

What can be given to small rabbits to eat
Small rabbits are very delicate, not all foods that are suitable for adults are suitable for them. For about three weeks, the animals feed on mother's milk or an artificial mixture. Is it possible to give cow's milk to rabbits when the mother does not feed them for one reason or another? In principle, babies tolerate it well, in the first week they need about a milliliter per feeding, in the second week the portion is slightly increased. Many breeders advise instead of cow's milk to give goat or infant formula a little higher concentration than what is written in the instructions.
From the age of two weeks they begin to give complementary foods. At first, it is advisable to give rabbits only fine, delicate hay. Is it possible to give chamomile to rabbits at this age? Yes, they will eat this flower with pleasure, it will be useful to them.
You can include a small amount of herbal granules in the diet, approximately 3% of the total mass.
It is very interesting, do animals get carrot tops? While they are small and live with their mother, it is better to make small portions for them. After three months you can give portions more. Carrot root is given a little earlier than three months.
From about three weeks of age, mixed feed or cereals are added to the feeding. Croups for rabbits at this age are steamed with boiling water, they should not make up most of the food. They give grain in the morning, no more than two tablespoons. Juicy feed is given after three months. Be sure to rabbits need water in sufficient quantities, otherwise they may die. Sometimes it is advised to add iodine to the water, but this is not necessary unless you live in an area with a deficiency of this element.
Green food for rabbits: do's and don'ts
What plants can be given to rabbits? The choice is quite large, but not all herbs are useful for animals, and many can even cause poisoning. Can you kill a rabbit with the wrong grass? Easily, therefore, you should know poisonous plant species. A list of what green fodder rabbits can and cannot eat will be given below.
Now let's briefly analyze the questions that beginner rabbit breeders often ask about whether it is possible to give grass to rabbits and what kind.
Can rabbits eat celandine? Under no circumstances should it be given. This plant can cause severe upset of the digestive system, burns of the stomach and intestines. This plant is poisonous and causes deadly poisoning in animals. Rabbit and celandine are absolutely not compatible.
Frequently asked questions: can rabbits eat clover? It should be said that clover for rabbits is quite suitable food, but you should not overdo it with it, otherwise the animals may swell up. You can give clover to rabbits only when it is slightly dried. The reason is the same: too fresh grass leads to intestinal problems. It is better not to give clover to small rabbits, as it causes flatulence in them. Clover is given to adult animals in moderation.
Can rabbits eat wormwood?
Can rabbits be fed mugwort? The answer is unequivocal - wormwood is very useful for rabbits. It contains vitamin C, carotene, essential oils, glycosides. Also, the plant is an excellent remedy for digestive problems, it is recommended for the prevention of coccidiosis. Not all types of wormwood are suitable: vermouth and Chernobyl are not recommended. It is recommended to feed animals with this herb mixed with other plants.
Quite often, rabbit breeders wonder if it is possible to give lupine to rabbits? This plant belongs to the legume family. It is rich in proteins, so lupine will be very useful for animals. It is plucked during the flowering period. It should be remembered that lupine should not become the main food: in this case, it will not be possible to avoid bloating. It is given only in a mixture with other herbs.
It is interesting to know whether or not to give rabbits loboda? Yes, but only well dried. It is not necessary to abuse such food; if possible, it is better to replace it with other herbs. Many also ask the question: can rabbits eat a shepherd's bag? This plant is included in the diet of animals, but not freshly cut. It is necessary to harvest the grass during the flowering period; it cannot be mowed with fruits.
Is horsetail suitable for feeding rabbits? This plant is poisonous for some animals, but not for our fluffies. They enjoy eating it. It is advisable to mix horsetail with other feeds and not give it in too large quantities.
Can rabbits eat plantain?
How do animals feel about plantain? This medicinal plant is widespread, it contains a lot of protein, microelements, carbohydrates, but there is little fiber. Plantain is suitable as a vegetable protein feed mixed with other herbs. Plantain is great for rabbits because it is low in fiber. Babies are fed this medicinal herb from two months.
Mouse peas
Do rabbits get mouse peas? Of course, this plant, which is also called vetch, is included in many legume feed mixtures, it is rich in protein and vitamins. Grass will be useful if you do not overdo it with the amount.
What about chamomile as food? This herb will definitely be useful for animals. Rabbits can eat chamomile in any quantity, but it is better to add them to hay or meadow grass mixtures. Chamomile is also given to animals for stomach problems, especially medicinal varieties. Chamomile will bring some relief. Young growth also eats chamomile flowers with pleasure.
Dill and parsley
Is dill and parsley suitable? Here the answer is clear: dill and parsley are harmful for rabbits. These plants contain a lot of essential oils that can damage the stomach of animals, although some breeders believe that small amounts of parsley can be given to rabbits.
If you do not want to take risks, then it is better not to do so. But the problem associated with whether rabbits can have green onions has a completely different solution: the animals eat green burning shoots with pleasure. You can not feed them onions daily or give them too much at one time.
Do livestock breeders feed their pets with ambrosia? The issue is debatable: if the plant gets into a mixture of herbs, it will not harm the animals, but in large quantities it is dangerous, so it is better to avoid ambrosia. But the answer to the question of whether it is possible to give mustard to rabbits will be unambiguous: this plant is poisonous to animals and is absolutely not suitable for food.
Is knotweed suitable for feeding? This grass is one of the most common weeds. It grows everywhere: in gardens, orchards, near roads. At the same time, knotweed is a very valuable source of many vitamins and fiber. Knotweed is given mixed with other herbs, it will be very useful for animals. Approximately the same answer will be given to the question of whether the rabbit feeds on thistle: this plant is quite suitable for feeding along with other herbs, tops, dry hay.
It is also worth answering in the affirmative to the question whether it is possible to give these animals alfalfa. Alfalfa belongs to legumes, has a lot of protein, vitamins and other useful substances. This grass is a very nutritious food, animals can eat it from the age of three months. For rabbits, clover can be mixed with alfalfa, or given as a separate food. There is no doubt that Ivan-tea can be given to rabbits. This medicinal herb is very popular with fluffy little animals and is very useful for them. Ivan tea is good for intestinal problems.
Quite often the owner of rabbits asks himself the following question: is it possible to give rabbits tansy? This green herb with yellow flowers is not poisonous. She grows up by the beginning of autumn, when other green fodder begins to disappear, and therefore becomes very valuable. Feel free to pluck the tall stems and you can give them to your pets, they will gladly eat them.
The same can be said about whether it is allowed to give rabbits amaranth. Shiritsa grass is one of the favorite food for animals. There is no need to doubt whether it is allowed to give rabbits woodlice, because they also eat it with pleasure.
So, we figured out a little bit which plants can be given to rabbits and which are not and it is better not to give them. Here is a small list:
- Clover,
- Lucerne,
- Lupin,
- Vika,
- Top,
- Plantain,
- nettles,
- Sporage,
- Donnik,
- Donnik,
- donon, 9001 .
Here are the plants that should not be given to animals:
- mustard,
- ragweed,
- celandine,
- buttercup,
- foxglove,
- hemlock.
There is a list of succulent foods that can be given to rabbits
succulent foods include fruits, some vegetables, plant leaves. What type of food is more suitable for pets, and what is better not to give, let's try to figure it out now.
Vegetable leaves
Can rabbits be given carrot leaves? Definitely a very good pet food. The tops are in no way inferior to the root, but are easier to pickle and have more fiber. It is also rich in carotene, vitamins and other nutrients that animals need. Young growth also eats carrot tops with pleasure, it is just as necessary for them as roots, as it is a source of many vitamins.
Do rabbits eat carrots? Here the answer is also unequivocal: they eat it with pleasure at any age, only the vegetable should not become the main food. An excess of carotene and vitamin A can harm the animal. It is better to give him carrots no more than once a day, or even every other day.
Pea leaves
What other rabbit leaves are suitable? Are animals allowed to have pea tops? Animals perfectly perceive legumes. You need to be careful with babies so that their tummy does not swell.
They also ask if the rabbits should be fed radish leaves. The answer is not so unambiguous, because some livestock breeders say that it will not hurt to add this food to the diet a little, while others deny it. In any case, radish tops are not very useful for animals, as they may develop intestinal problems. If the tops from the radish still got into the cage, you should not panic. In a small amount, it won't hurt.
Can rabbits eat radishes or not? The answer is yes. You can give a radish without fear, but not one that has just been plucked from the garden. The vegetable should dry out a little. Babies can finely chop the radish, give a whole one to large animals. Rashes should not be given to rabbits often.
Many people still ask, is it possible to introduce turnips into rabbits' food? The attitude towards it should be approximately the same as the attitude towards the radish. Turnip root is quite suitable food, but the tops should be given with caution.
Is it permissible to give tomato leaves to rabbits? There is not even a discussion here, since tomato tops are poisonous and cannot be used as animal feed.
The substances that it contains negatively affect the nervous system. The same goes for sweet pepper tops and, by and large, potatoes too, although some give potato tops to their pets in small quantities. Still, it's better not to risk it.
So, with the leaves sorted out, how will the rabbits react if they are given tomatoes? These fruits also have many benefits. Its fruits are as harmful as tops, and in small quantities they are used as feed. You need to accustom yourself to eating a vegetable gradually: give a sixth or a fourth part of the fruit once a day until you reach half. It is allowed to give tomatoes only once a day, preferably in the morning.
An interesting question, can rabbits eat strawberries? Strawberries are quite suitable as a treat or fruit bait. It should be fresh, without the slightest sign of rot. It should be given to grown-up animals that are already three months old. Strawberries are useful, as they contain a lot of vitamins, microelements, glucose. In addition to the fruits, the stems are also suitable as food, but too often you should not indulge the animals with such a delicacy. It is best to feed them strawberries once or twice a week, and feed the stems no more than every other day.
Do rabbits eat bananas? The pleasure of feeding such fruits is expensive, and it is possible to do this only when the animal is alone in the house. It is better to give not the pulp, but the skins in the form of a treat. But the question of whether rabbits can have rhubarb is answered more positively. This plant in early spring can become an invaluable source of vitamins for animals. It grows well in any garden. In the spring, when green and succulent fodder is scarce, rhubarb can replace many of them. Are raspberries added to rabbit food? Of course, they add both berries and twigs. Raspberries are very useful, especially pagon plants in winter.
Juicy gout
What else can rabbits eat juicy gout? People often ask whether to give rabbits fresh cucumbers or not. This vegetable is useful for animals, especially since with a good harvest, this feeding is quite budgetary, and animals eat cucumbers with great appetite. Cucumbers must be fresh, without rot and mold, so that the animals do not get sick.
Also, rabbit breeders often ask if Jerusalem artichoke is allowed for rabbits. The vegetable is very useful not only for people, but also for animals. Jerusalem artichoke is very useful for animals in winter, when they have enough green food and vitamins. It is stored for a long time, so you can make considerable stocks.
Jerusalem artichoke is very useful for pregnant and lactating females, as well as for animals during mating. Jerusalem artichoke is given to young growth from three months. Is it possible to add lettuce to rabbit food? This green will also please the animal very much, and it can be given with the same frequency and in the same percentage as other succulent foods. Salad is sometimes given instead of grass, but only with its lack.
Feed salad preferably in the morning.
Succulent foods should not make up more than a third of the diet. Small animals are given this type of feed only after three months. All succulent feed should be in good condition, free of rot and fungus.
List of dry foods that can be given to a rabbit
Can rabbits eat wheat? Of course, yes, but better mixed with other grains. Young growth is not recommended to be fed with wheat. Sprouted wheat in the spring is very necessary for animals, as it saves them from beriberi. Barley or oats are fine too. Do not even ask if rabbits eat oats, because they eat oats with great pleasure. It can be given even to small two-month-old rabbits. Animals gain weight very quickly by eating this cereal.
Is rye included in the list of approved dry feed? The question is debatable, but most breeders believe that it is quite acceptable. Rye is given mixed with other cereals. You can’t feed green rye: the animals’ stomach swells from it. The cereal is included in a small amount in compound feed. For young animals, such food will be too coarse, so it is better to give compound feed with rye after three months.
Rapeseed is very useful for rabbits, as it contains many proteins and mineral salts. It is recommended that they feed the young for up to four months.
Rapeseed is produced in the form of finished fodder briquettes. In winter, they can replace about 40% of the diet. If you harvest rapeseed yourself, then you need to dry it for several days before feeding it.
It is often asked whether it is possible to give these animals cereals? Definitely yes, cereals are very healthy and nutritious, they are recommended even for small animals. Millet is mixed with succulent feed, for example, cereals are sometimes boiled for small animals. For adults, it is better to mix boiled cereals with raw or grains. Often, livestock breeders wonder if rabbits can have sunflower seeds. They are actually very healthy, as they contain a lot of vitamin E, which is an antioxidant. Animals eat the seeds as a treat.
Curious to know if hemp is allowed for rabbits? Hemp is not poisonous, so the animals are happy to eat both leaves and seeds, but due to the narcotic properties of the plant, hemp is not currently used to prepare any feed.
Fruits and seeds of leguminous plants are widely used as dry food. It is often asked, does rabbit food contain beans, peas? Of course yes, because they are an important source of protein for animals. Beans are sometimes boiled, especially if they are large. Peas are often added to animal feed. Beans will be very useful in winter, during mating, pregnancy of the female and feeding of the young.
As always, moderation is essential. If you overdo it a little, the animal may swell the stomach. Overeating and overfeeding beans for pets sometimes ends badly. Beans are generally not recommended for babies, as it will be too heavy for them.
Which trees can be given to rabbits
Roughage is one of the essential components of the diet, especially in winter. The question of whether rabbits can have straw does not even arise, but we must not forget that they give it after three months of age. Now let's talk about branches.
Can I give rabbits walnuts? You can’t give tree branches, they can harm the animal, but the pet itself can eat nuts once a week, but not more. People often ask if they give acacia to rabbits. Animals eagerly eat such branches, they do not harm them.
The same answer will be given to the question whether animals are given maple, willow. These trees are quite suitable for feeding furry pets. Willow branches should be given no more than twice a week. In larger quantities, they cause constipation. But maple is a more acceptable food. Only it is impossible to feed animals with branches with seeds.
Is mulberry fed to rabbits? Of course, in addition to twigs, little animals can also eat berries from time to time, but you should not feed these twigs too often. From time to time rowan will be useful for rabbits (twigs), but it should not become the main type of roughage. Rowan is generally not suitable for young animals.
There are no questions whether birch trees are allowed for rabbits. In nature, these animals, as well as their close relatives, hares, are happy to gnaw on white bark and branches. The lilac is not suitable as roughage: its branches are slightly toxic, and the animals themselves do not eat lilacs.
Cherries, plums, sweet cherries
Beginner breeders may be asked: what if I give a rabbit cherries, plums, cherries? Here the answer is unequivocal - no. The branches of these trees contain hydrocyanic acid, which is very toxic to animals. It is dangerous to treat animals with fruits, especially if they are with bones. Of course, a pet will not be poisoned by one cherry or sweet cherry, but a few berries can make his stomach hurt.
Are pear branches allowed for rabbits? In principle, this is allowed, although in large quantities these branches will not be very useful for animals. Pear fruits are also not a very suitable food, as they cause bloating, so it is better to refuse this fruit, both as juicy and as roughage.
Is it possible for rabbits to eat off the table? The list of allowed products is not that big. You should know that animals should not be given meat. Also, food should not be sour, it should not be more than two days old.
Are rabbits given crackers? Yes, because they eat dry bread with pleasure and benefit from it. You just need to be careful that there is no mold on the crackers. They also ask if rabbits are allowed porridge? In principle, it is possible if it does not contain seasonings and spices. Porridge for animals will be useful if cooked on purpose. Also, porridge should be mixed with whole raw grains, peas or compound feed.
You can add some succulent food there. Small pets can be fed with porridge or cereal grains steamed with boiling water. Useful food for fluffy animals will be cake and cake. These foods are especially good at filling nutritional deficiencies during the winter.
Are eggs recommended for rabbits? In principle, this is not a very typical food for a rodent, although the egg has a lot of protein, and the yolk is rich in trace elements, some vitamins, healthy fats and amino acids. Rabbit eggs can be happy to eat if he does not have enough protein food. For example, he does not tolerate legumes, which are his main source of protein.
Snotweed is suitable as supplementary food. It will not cover all the needs of animals, because they need hay, greens, cereals and cereals, juicy food. If there are no opportunities to get a large amount of green and juicy food, try to give the animals tops from carrots, peas, lettuce and other vegetable waste. They will be healthier than leftover food from your table. It is impossible for animals of red beet and its trimmings, because it causes diarrhea in them.
Water and additional trace elements
Rodents also need water. During the day, one animal drinks approximately 250-350 milliliters of liquid. The water in the drinker should always be fresh. Sometimes people ask if it is okay to give rabbits snow in winter instead of water. In principle, this method of watering is acceptable, but it should be borne in mind that there are fewer salts and trace elements in snow that animals need than in water.
What can be added to the water? To prevent animals from getting sick, they give iodine. This will serve as a prevention of intestinal infections, as well as make up for the deficiency of the element in regions with its shortage. It is recommended to carry out prophylaxis every six months for two weeks. Iodine will be useful during lambing so that babies and females do not get sick. Treatment with iodine for intestinal infections will also be effective. Give iodine for diarrhea, bloating.
Sometimes it is recommended to add salt to the water. The calculation is approximately 5 grams per eight or ten liters. What kind of salt to give animals? Recommend the usual, cooking, or sea.
Salt is poured into the water in larger quantities to soak feed in it. Water with salt will be useful in winter if you give animals water during this period with melted snow.
Undoubtedly, livestock keepers would like to know if and how salt should be given to rabbits? It is believed that salt is necessary for animals, so it is often recommended to put salt-lick in a cage. This is a small pebble that is hung on a string under the ceiling or placed near the feeder. It is useful to know what kind of salt should be given to rabbits? So, in addition to ordinary salt, you can place a chalk stone, compact balls of bone meal in a cage. So the animals will get more trace elements.
It is useful to know if lick salt is given to small animals, will it harm them? So, a salt stone will also be useful for young animals, because its composition is no different from that offered to adults. Do not forget also about vitamins. There are a lot of them in green and succulent feeds, especially in late spring and summer. What to do in winter? Very often during this period, animals lose their appetite and lose weight. This means they are deficient in vitamins. Special preparations should be added to the diet.
Loss of Appetite and Force Feeding in Rabbits
Home->Rabbit Diseases->Loss of Appetite and Force Feeding
Loss of Appetite
If a pet refuses to eat, it may be due to more than just illness, although loss of appetite is a typical symptom many diseases. Often rabbits do not want to eat because they are in a bad mood or in anticipation of a treat.
First of all, the rabbit must be encouraged, and sometimes persuaded to eat. Rabbits really like spicy herbs - parsley, celery, coriander. Putting some fragrant greens on a handful of hay right in front of the rabbit, try to persuade him to try some.
If he turns away, follow him, putting food under his nose. An irritable rabbit will start to get nervous and bite the grass, after which, being really hungry, it will start eating. This is a good way, but watch out for your fingers!
The first 24 hours of a rabbit's fasting are often crucial. During this time, you need to have time to find out what the problem is, and either solve it yourself, or show the rabbit to the doctor. Sometimes you have to resort to artificial feeding of the pet. How to do it correctly is described later in the article.
In the case when loss of appetite is accompanied by constipation, the likely cause is a hairball in the stomach; in this case, rabbits should not be force-fed
If the rabbit is not eating at all, but there is no obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract and/or constipation, it must be force-fed to prevent stasis.
Force-feeding food should be pasty, of a consistency that will pass through a syringe. It is advisable to use syringes with a special flexible nozzle. If a regular syringe is used, its spout can be slightly expanded with a fork.
How do you prepare food?
To prepare a nutritious paste, pour some granular food (grass granules) into warm water and mash until a puree, you can add a little ready-made baby food based on vegetables. It is undesirable to give fruit purees, as they often contain a lot of sugar instead of the fiber that the rabbit needs.
Vegetable soup is good for a sick rabbit. It is prepared like baby food - 2-3 pieces of carrots, cabbage and celery are boiled in a small amount of water for 10 minutes. Then the soup is allowed to cool slightly and rubbed through a sieve.
Probiotics can be added to these soups and pastas to boost the gut microflora.
Feed the rabbit every 2-3 hours, including at night. It is important to monitor the presence of feces. If they are not there, then the rabbit most likely has a blockage of the stomach, in which case the feeding is stopped, and the pet is urgently taken to the veterinarian.
Feeding recommendation:
- Choose a feeding place that is unfamiliar to the rabbit - he will feel insecure and will become less resistant.
- Never feed a rabbit turned on its back, only in the normal position.
- It is advisable to ask for help from the household, it is convenient to use a fairly long towel to fix the rabbit, wrapping it around the body from above in the area of the shoulders, and leading the ends diagonally down to the hips.
- Feed the rabbit slowly, allowing the food to be swallowed. The nozzle of the syringe is placed in the corner of the mouth, behind the cheek, at a slight angle.
- If the rabbit does not want to swallow, a finger is placed under the jaw near the chin and gently massaged, provoking a swallowing reflex.
- Never rush or use force.
Have you ever force fed rabbits? How do you deal with lack of appetite in a pet? Share your experience by leaving a comment or ask a question in the comment form below. Don't forget about the opportunity to send a story to the Our Stories section.
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