Coconut milk for baby food
Coconut Milk for Babies - First Foods for Baby
When can babies have coconut milk?
While coconut milk can be a terrific ingredient for cooking food for babies as young as 6 months of age, wait until after your baby’s first birthday to serve it on its own as a drink so it doesn’t displace valuable nutrition from breast milk or formula. For a detailed comparison of plant-based milks and milk alternatives, see our Milk FAQs page.
Background and origins of coconut milk
Coconut is a fruit that grows abundantly on palms in tropical climates. Within the hard shell are two nutritious staple foods for cultures around the world: the refreshing water and the creamy white meat. While coconut water is best reserved for toddlers 12 months and up, the meat can be eaten fresh or processed to make coconut cream, coconut milk, coconut butter, coconut yogurt, and more. Learn more—and see our coconut page for more information about introducing fresh or dried coconut meat and coconut oil.
Is coconut milk healthy for babies?
Yes, if used as an ingredient in solid food. Never serve coconut milk to a baby younger than 12 months of age as it can displace critical nutrition from breast milk or formula. The American Academy of Pediatrics advises that babies should drink only breast milk or formula until the first birthday (and optionally, small amounts of water after six months of age).1
Nutritionally coconut milk boasts a good amount of healthy fats—some of which are easier to digest and absorb than fats from animal products.2 3 That said, nutrition varies widely depending on the brand, so read labels closely. For example, canned coconut milk can have different nutrients than boxed dairy-free coconut milk alternatives, which are sometimes sweetened and/or fortified with vitamins and minerals. Some milk is thick because the meat is pressed only once to extract the fruit’s liquid, while others are watery from a second pressing that results in a thinner liquid. Some contain stabilizers like guar gum (a thickener made from beans) to help maintain the liquid’s creamy texture. Other brands are flavored with added sugar to make dairy-free milk alternatives and sweetened, condensed “cream of coconut”—which are very different food products than unsweetened coconut milk and coconut cream.
To complicate matters, coconut milk is often packaged in containers lined with bisphenol A (BPA), which studies have shown can disrupt a baby’s bodily functions.4 5 Choose cans and plastic containers marked with a BPA-free label—and opt for unsweetened products with no added ingredients.
If you are not familiar with the brands, knowing what to expect when opening a container is a bit of a guessing game because there are no global standards to regulate how the products are labeled. As always, read the fine print on the label, choose products with the fewest added ingredients, and pay attention to a recipe’s instructions. Recipes often specify a specific brand and/or the type of coconut product, i.e. “full-fat unsweetened coconut milk” or “lite coconut milk” or “unsweetened coconut milk beverage”.
Coconut yogurt is a popular dairy-free alternative but tends to be low in protein, which is not ideal for babies. (Soy-based yogurt would offer more protein, just make sure you buy an unsweetened.) If soy yogurt is not possible and you are set on buying coconut yogurt, purchase products that are unsweetened and fortified with calcium and vitamin D.
★Tip: Unopened containers of coconut cream and coconut milk have a long shelf life—two years or more depending on the product. Once a container has been opened, store (ideally in a glass jar) in the fridge and use within 4 days if canned or 1 week if boxed. Alternatively, freeze it in a sealed container for up to 3 months.
Is coconut milk a common choking hazard for babies?
No. Coconut milk is not a common choking hazard, though infants can choke on liquid. As always, make sure to create a safe eating environment, to stay within an arm’s reach of a baby during mealtime, and to check out our age-appropriate serving suggestions.
For more information, visit our section on gagging and choking and familiarize yourself with common choking hazards.
Is coconut milk a common allergen?
Yes and no. While coconut is technically a fruit, the United States Food & Drug Administration classifies coconut as a tree nut, even though coconut allergy is rare.6 7 However, in the rare cases where coconut allergy does exist, it has been associated with severe reactions.8 Of note, coconut is often preserved with sulfites, which may trigger a reaction with symptoms that mimic anaphylaxis.9 10 Children with asthma may be most susceptible to sulfite sensitivity. 11
Some organizations advise that individuals with tree nut allergies avoid coconut while simultaneously acknowledging that coconut can be safely consumed by most individuals with tree nut allergies.12 In the small number of documented coconut allergies, most were not allergic to tree nuts.13
As you would when introducing any new food, start by offering a small quantity for the first few times. If there is no adverse reaction, gradually increase the quantity over future meals.
How to prepare coconut milk for babies with baby-led weaning?
Every baby develops on their own timeline, and the suggestions on how to cut or prepare particular foods are generalizations for a broad audience. Your child is an individual and may have needs or considerations beyond generally accepted practices. In determining the recommendations for size and shape of foods, we use the best available scientific information regarding gross, fine, and oral motor development to minimize choking risk. The preparation suggestions we offer are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for child-specific, one-on-one advice from your pediatric medical or health professional or provider. It is impossible to fully eliminate all risk of a baby or child choking on any liquid, puree, or food. We advise you to follow all safety protocols we suggest to create a safe eating environment and to make educated choices for your child regarding their specific needs. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen here.
6 to 12 months old: Hold off on serving coconut milk as a drink and instead use unsweetened coconut milk or coconut cream as a base for oatmeal, rice, and warm cereals, taking care to thoroughly mix until smooth. You may also try adding a splash of coconut milk to loosen mashed fruits and vegetables to boost fat content.
12 to 18 months old: Use unsweetened coconut cream and coconut milk in your cooking. You may also encourage drinking skills by serving a small quantity of unsweetened coconut milk beverage. If you are up for a kitchen project, make fresh coconut milk by soaking in hot water either dried coconut flakes or the grated the meat of a whole coconut, then pressing through a fine-mesh colander to extract the milk.
18 to 24 months old: Smoothie time! Use unsweetened coconut cream or coconut milk liberally in smoothie recipes to boost fat and continue to cook with it as desired.
For more information on how to cut food for babies, visit our page on Food Sizes & Shapes.
The solids and liquids often separate in canned coconut milk. To combine, simply transfer all contents from the can to a Mason jar, screw on the lid, and shake vigorously. Use the amount called for in a recipe, then use the glass jar as the container to store the milk in the fridge.
Recipe: Coconut Root Veggie Mash
Yield: 1 child-sized serving
Time: 30 minutes
- 1-2 medium beets, plantains, purple potatoes, yams, or starchy vegetable of choice
- 1/2 cup unsweetened full-fat coconut milk or cream (from a can with a BPA-free label)
- 1 pinch ground coriander, ginger, or spice of choice (optional)
- 1 lime wedge (optional)
- Wash the vegetables, then peel and discard the skin.
Chop the vegetable into chunks.
- Place in a steamer basket. Add 1 cup of water to the pot. Cover and place on high heat.
- Steam until the vegetable chunks are soft and easily pierced with a tip of a knife, between 10 and 20 minutes depending on their size.
- Transfer the steamed vegetables to a mixing bowl. Add the coconut milk or cream and the spices and the juice of the lime wedge if you’d like to add extra flavor.
- Mash and mix until the mixture is mostly smooth. A little texture is okay as long as there are no clumps. Add more coconut milk or cream if the mixture is too thick. Let the mixture cool to room temperature before serving.
To Serve: Scoop ½ cup or more of the coconut mash into a baby bowl. Portion size if variable; let a baby’s appetite determine how much is eaten. Stick a baby spoon in the mash and encourage the child to self-feed with hands or use the utensil. You can help with utensil practice by pre-loading the spoon and passing it in the air to the baby.
To Store: Mashed vegetables with coconut milk or cream keep in an air-tight container in the fridge for up to 3 days.
This recipe contains coconut, which is classified as an allergen. Only serve to a child after coconut has been safely introduced.
Flavor Pairings
Coconut is mildly earthy and slightly sweet with a distinctive aroma of fresh fruit, toasted nuts, and vanilla. Coconut pairs well with fellow tropical fruits and vegetables like banana, cassava (yuca), mango, papaya, passion fruit, pineapple, and plantain, but tastes just delicious with produce from cooler climates like beet, blueberry, cabbage, carrot, peach, raspberry, and strawberry. It also works well as a flavor enhancer for chicken, egg, fish, pork, and other hearty proteins. Brighten the creaminess of coconut by seasoning with fresh herbs like basil, dill, lemongrass, makrut lime leaves, and mint; citrus like calamansi, lime, or orange; or dried spices like anise, cardamom, cinnamon, coriander, cumin, pepper, or turmeric.
Reviewed by
J. Truppi, MSN, CNS
V. Kalami, MNSP, RD
K. Grenawitzke, OTD, OTR/L, SCFES, IBCLC, CNT
S. Bajowala, MD, FAAAAI. (allergy section)
R. Ruiz, MD Board-Certified General Pediatrician and Pediatric Gastroenterologist
- American Academy of Pediatrics. Infant Food and Feeding. Retrieved December 21, 2020
- You, Y.Q., Ling, P.R., Qu, J. Z., Bistrian, B. R. (2008). Effects of medium-chain triglycerides, long-chain triglycerides, or 2-monododecanoin on fatty acid composition in the portal vein, intestinal lymph, and systemic circulation in rats. JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition, 32(2), 169–175. DOI:10.1177/0148607108314758. Retrieved December 21, 2020
- Amarasiri, W.A., Dissanayake, A.S. (2006). Coconut fats. Ceylon Medical Journal, 51(2):47-51. DOI:10.4038/cmj.v51i2.1351. Retrieved December 21, 2020
- Braun, J.M. (2017). Early-life exposure to EDCs: role in childhood obesity and neurodevelopment.
Nature Reviews Endocrinology, 13(3):161-173. DOI:10.1038/nrendo.2016.186. Retrieved October 13, 2020
- Pjanic, M. (2017). The role of polycarbonate monomer bisphenol-A in insulin resistance. PeerJ, 13;5:e3809. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.3809. Retrieved January 5, 2021
- U.S. Food & Drug Administration. FDA Basics for Industry: Section 201(qq). Retrieved December 22, 2020
- Anagnostou, K. (2017). Coconut Allergy Revisited. Children (Basel, Switzerland), 4(10), 85. DOI:10.3390/children4100085. Retrieved December 21, 2020
- Anagnostou, Katherine. “Coconut Allergy Revisited.” Children (Basel, Switzerland) vol. 4,10 85. 29 Sep. 2017, doi:10.3390/children4100085
- Bold J. (2012). Considerations for the diagnosis and management of sulphite sensitivity. Gastroenterology and hepatology from bed to bench, 5(1), 3–6. Retrieved January 5, 2021
- Vally, H., Misso, N.L. (2012). Adverse reactions to the sulphite additives. Gastroenterology and hepatology from bed to bench, 5(1), 16–23.
Retrieved January 5, 2021
- Vally, H., Misso, N.L. (2012). Adverse reactions to the sulphite additives. Gastroenterology and hepatology from bed to bench, 5(1), 16–23. Retrieved January 5, 2021
- Food Allergy Research & Education. Tree Nut Allergy. Retrieved December 22, 2020
- Food Allergy Research & Education. Tree Nut Allergy. Retrieved December 22, 2020
15 Coconut Milk Recipes for Babies, Toddlers, and Kids
Coconut milk is a nutritious, tasty, and superfood for babies and kids, its believed as the next best thing to breast milk. Including it regularly in a kid's diet is an excellent way to improve their bone strength and immunity to fight diseases. The miracle liquid has a creamy texture and natural sweetness, which makes it perfect for babies.
Here are some recipes to include coconut in your kid's menu. Read more to know information about the nutritional benefits of coconut milk, how and when to introduce coconut milk to the baby etc.
Coconut milk can be introduced to babies' diets from 8 months. Giving plain coconut milk to babies is not a good idea, hence add a few tablespoons of coconut milk to mashed vegetables or any porridge to enhance the taste and creaminess. Please keep in mind that for babies below one year, breast milk or formula should be primary and it should not be replaced with coconut milk.
For Toddlers and kids, you can add it to milkshakes, kheer, smoothies, soups, rice, or curry. You can give a maximum 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup of coconut milk per day for babies and toddlers. Don't give more amount than mentioned as it keeps the tummy full for a long time, and hence, the child cannot eat other foods. Also, note that coconut milk cannot be used as a complete substitute for cows milk for toddlers and growing kids as its low in calcium and protein.
How to select and store Coconut Milk for Baby Food- Freshly extracted homemade coconut milk is recommended for babies as it has a nice flavor and naturally sweet, unlike the store-bought coconut milk.
- Use the homemade coconut milk directly or refrigerate as per your preference. It stays good for four days in the refrigerator.
- In case of emergencies, you could opt for an organic, unsweetened store-bought canned coconut milk. Store in the refrigerator once the can is opened and finish within 4-5 days.
Here is the nutrition information of 1 cup of coconut milk (100 g)
Source: USDA
Health Benefits of Coconut Milk for Babies and Toddlers- The phosphorus and magnesium content in coconut milk helps to build healthy muscles
- Keep your baby's skin glow as its rich in Copper
- Vitamin C in coconut milk improves immunity in children
- Helps to relieve from constipation due to its electrolytes and healthy fats
- One cup of coconut milk contains 25% 0f daily iron, which prevents anemia in children.
Here are some recipes to include the nutritious coconut milk in your child's menu.
Coconut milk is readily available in the market, but homemade coconut milk is fresh and tastes delicious! The process of making coconut milk at home is simple, except for the grating part. You can use the coconut milk immediately or refrigerate as per your preference.
2. Vegetable Oats Porridge with Coconut Milk (8 Months+)Vegetable Oats Porridge is a smooth, quick, one-pot savory porridge for babies and toddlers with vegetables, oats, and coconut milk! This creamy oats porridge is wholesome and filling that it can be given to babies as breakfast or even lunch.
3. Rice Moong Dal Kheer With Coconut Milk (8 Months+)Easy to make, tasty and healthy dessert recipe for babies and toddlers with coconut milk and homemade rice moong dal cereal. It makes a delicious and filling dessert for small babies, even toddlers.
4. Dates Kheer with Coconut Milk (8 Months+)Dates kheer is a quick, healthy, no sugar kheer made with dates, nuts, dry fruits coconut milk. This delicious date kheer recipe is very easy to make within 15 minutes. It can be served as a quick dessert for babies after introducing dates and coconut milk separately.
Poha kheer is an instant kheer made with poha aka flattened rice, nuts, dry fruits, and coconut milk. It is so simple to make with fewer ingredients, and it takes only 15 minutes to prepare this delicious tasting kheer. It can be served as a dessert or as a quick evening snack for babies and toddlers.
6. Broken Wheat Kheer with Coconut Milk (8 Months +)Healthy dessert made with Dalia/ broken wheat/cracked wheat, nuts, and coconut milk! Dalia is a great healthy food for babies and kids, hence its recommended to include them in their diet at least once in a week. This Dalia kheer tastes so yummy! I am sure your little ones & the whole family will like it!
7. Sabudana Porridge with Coconut Milk (8 Months +)Energy-boosting porridge recipe made with Sabudana/sago/javvarisi and coconut milk. This Sabudana porridge is a weight gaining food for babies and growing toddlers!
Tasty smoothie recipe made with mangoes, apricot and coconut milk! This smoothie is one of the best ways to include apricots in children's diets! Make sure to introduce mango and coconut milk separately before you try this mango apricot smoothie to your baby.
9. Banana Kheer With Coconut Milk (8 Months +)A delicious dessert made with Kerala long banana /Nenthram pazham, nuts, and coconut milk! Kerala banana is a great healthy food for growing babies and kids, that helps in healthy weight gain too. This banana kheer is sure a healthy treat to babies and kids, as it is tasty and delicious.
10.Fish Curry with Coconut Milk (10 Months+)Mildly spiced fish curry with coconut milk apt for babies, toddlers, and kids. This fish curry is very easy to make within 30 minutes and goes well with plain rice, Idli, or Dosa.
Easy and healthy dessert made with moong dal, nuts, and coconut milk or milk! Moong dal is an easily digestible & healthy food for babies and kids. This Kheer tastes so tasty and filling with simple ingredients. This moong dal kheer can be given to babies as a quick dessert.
12.Coconut Milk Rice (1 Year+)Mildly flavored rice with coconut milk, cashews, ghee, and tempering. The coconut milk rice is one of the tasty and healthy rice variety, which is just apt for kids. You can serve this coconut milk rice with curd or any vegetable curry of your choice.
13. Kiwi Banna Smoothie with Coconut Milk (8 Months+)Creamy smoothie with kiwi, banana and coconut milk. Adding Banana and coconut milk to this smoothie helps in getting a creamy texture and subsides the slight sour & bitter taste of the kiwi fruit. This kiwi banana smoothie makes an excellent healthy breakfast smoothie option for toddlers and kids!
Easy, a quick, one-pot meal made with vegetables, nuts, coconut milk, and rice in a pressure cooker. Pulao or biryanis are one of the best ways to sneak in veggies to fussy eater's diet. Also, it’s apt for the lunch box too. It goes well with plain curd or any raita. This vegetable nuts pulao can be given to babies once the baby started eating all family foods.
15. Vegetable Biryani with Coconut Milk (8 Months+)Quick Vegetable biryani prepared with rice, vegetables, and coconut milk! It is very easy and fast to make when you have chopped mixed vegetables in hand. You can add any vegetable of your choice like carrots, beans, potatoes, cauliflower, peas and baby corns for making this vegetable biryani.
Try these delicious coconut milk recipes for babies & kids and add the nutritious liquid in your child's' menu!
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Coconut milk seems like a healthy drink. In addition, it has a pleasant creamy, slightly sweet taste that many children like. They just want to treat the child, especially if he is allergic to cow's milk. The product contains many nutrients necessary for the growth and development of the baby. But at what age can coconut milk be safely given to children? And why can't it be considered a full-fledged replacement for breast and cow's milk?
Photo: Author: snyfer.
Attention! Talk to your pediatrician before introducing your child to this exotic drink.
- What kind of drink
- can be given: Age restrictions
- Rules for the first acquaintance
- Risk of allergies
- Nutritional value
- Benefits for the body of the child
- Why will not replace cash milk
- Why do not replace cash milk0018
- Cooking at home without preservatives
What kind of drink is this
Despite the visual similarity to cow's milk (in color and texture) and its name, coconut drink is not milk. To obtain it, the crushed pulp of the nut is boiled and squeezed.
You can give: age restrictions
Coconut milk is not considered a dairy product in the classical sense and is safe for babies with lactose intolerance.
Many American pediatricians set the same age limits for the use of coconut and its derivatives as for nuts. In other words, a child can try such milk from the age of 3. Especially if one of the parents has a history of food allergies.
If the child is lactose intolerant and the next of kin do not have food allergies, the product can be carefully introduced into the diet of crumbs from 8–12 months. And watch the reaction of the body.
Rules for first acquaintance
After the first test (literally a couple of teaspoons), observe the child for three days. At the same time, do not introduce new foods into his diet that can blur the clinical picture. If there are no intolerance symptoms, you can safely give it to your baby as an independent drink, dilute infant formula on it or add it to various dishes: cereals, milk soups, mashed potatoes, boiled rice, etc.
For older children, milkshakes are made with coconut milk and fruits (strawberries, mangoes, bananas).
Allergy risk
Coconuts are highly allergenic, so the risk of developing an allergic reaction in children at the first meeting is quite high. Depending on the individual characteristics of the child's body, the symptoms range from mild to severe.
If your baby develops a rash, itches, or vomits after drinking a coconut drink, seek medical attention immediately.
Nutritional value
Coconut milk is rich in nutrients. It mainly contains vegetable fats that children need for brain development, strengthening defenses and improving skin condition. And some protein.
The drink also contains vitamins (C, E, thiamine) and minerals (iron, magnesium, zinc) to support the child's health, development and immunity.
Coconut milk nutritional value (per 100g) | |
Tiamin (B1) | 0.![]() |
Benefits for the body of the child
useful for children's health. The properties of coconut milk:
- helps in the development of the brain of the brain : saturated, mono- and polyunsaturated.
- Strengthens baby's immune system with vitamin C (a powerful antioxidant involved in hematopoiesis and regeneration) and fatty acids.
- Maintains normal blood pressure as it contains potassium and sodium in the optimal ratio.
- Shows antimicrobial properties, protecting the growing organism from viruses, bacteria and microbes.
Coconut milk and coconut water contain lipids involved in the formation of antibodies.
- Fights worms. The drink contains antimicrobial lipids, capric and lauric acids, which kill parasites in the intestines, increase the child's immunity and relieve pain (reduce pain in the baby's tummy) during treatment.
Breast milk is beyond competition
This drink cannot replace breast milk in an infant's diet as it lacks many vital nutrients. If the mother has problems with lactation, the baby is transferred to infant formula, but not to cow's milk, and even more so coconut milk.
Exotic drink loses to mother's milk for the following reasons:
- Contains little protein (only 2.3 g per 100 g), which is necessary for the development of all organs and systems, restoration of muscles and tissues in the body. A child needs at least 11 g of protein per day.
- Low calcium content (only 10% of a child's norm). It is needed for the development of bones and teeth of the crumbs, normal proportional growth.
- Suppresses baby's appetite due to high fat content and high calorie content. After drinking coconut milk, the child may refuse to take other healthy foods and mother's milk for several hours. Over time, this can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies in his body.
Why not replace cow's milk
Please note that the drink cannot fully replace whole cow's milk. It lacks some of the vitamins, minerals and fats required by the child's body.
A vegetarian (or vegan) baby should be given other milk alternatives in addition to coconut milk that contain the nutrients the body needs. And the main thing in his diet should be soy milk.
And cow's milk itself is not a full-fledged analogue of mother's milk. Such a replacement often leads to dehydration and iron deficiency in crumbs.
Cooking at home without preservatives
The easiest way to buy coconut milk is in the store. As a rule, it is sold in boxes or in cans. But when it comes to baby food, this is not the best solution.
It is best to prepare it at home if possible. Such a drink will definitely not contain preservatives harmful to the child. The recipe is simple.
- Crack one mature coconut, collect the water in a bowl and set aside.
- Remove the pulp, grate (or grind in any other way).
- Boil in a little clean water.
- Mix prepared coconut water with boiled pulp, grind to a thick paste.
- Cover a colander or sieve with cheesecloth folded in several layers, pour the mixture into it.
- Squeeze coconut milk into a clean container, let cool.
It is not recommended to store this drink for a long time.
How to give goat's milk to a child.
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Author: Yakusheva Tatyana
Can I give and from what age
Reading time: 4 minutes
Coscock is a fruit is a fruit sea coasts with a delicate taste and expressive smell. It can be used in a variety of ways - it is eaten fresh, it is used to make fragrant butter, and fragrant and nutritious milk is obtained. Pediatricians advise that coconut be sure to be given to children, as this fruit has a wide range of useful qualities. But before introducing tropical nuts into complementary foods, mothers should consider at what age coconut milk can be given to babies.
1 Is it possible for children coconut milk and coconut
1.1 Features of the composition
1.2 The benefits of coconut milk for children
1.3 .1.1 Related entries:
Features of the composition
Coconut milk, which can be used by children from an early age, is obtained by mixing the liquid from an exotic nut with its pulp, after which the mixture is crushed with a blender. It consists of:
- vitamins of category A, B, C, E;
- micro and macro elements - potassium, zinc, magnesium, calcium, selenium, iron;
- fructose;
- organic acids.
Nutritionists commentary and many articles on the properties of the tropical nut emphasize that flavored milk can be a great option for a tasty and healthy snack. This product saturates well, provides a long-lasting feeling of satiety and does not lead to an increase in body weight.
Benefits of coconut milk for children
At what age can you give coconut milk to children? When answering this question, you should definitely take into account that this fruit is famous not only for its delicate taste, but also for its beneficial properties.
The benefits of coconut for children:
- Increases immunity in children of different ages, restores the body after illness or surgery.
- Has a positive effect on nerve cells, strengthens the central nervous system, protects against the negative effects of stress and improves mood.
- Effectively fights various infections and inflammatory processes.
- Stimulates the cardiovascular system, prevents blood clots.
- Improves the functioning of the digestive system, speeds up the digestion of food.
- Activates intestinal motility, cleansing the body of toxins and solving the problem of constipation.
- Improves cholesterol, sugar and hemoglobin levels.
- The use of an exotic product is an effective prevention of cancer.
Life is great! Milk soul. Coconut milk.(06/07/2016)
Watch this video on YouTube
Coconut milk in baby food strengthens the bone skeleton and teeth, ensures the full formation of muscle tissue. The composition of the exotic fruit does not include sugar (fructose provides a sweet taste), for this reason it can even be given to those suffering from diabetes.
Tropical fruit drink is an excellent substitute for cow's milk if your baby is allergic to the animal proteins it contains.
When babies can eat coconut
At what age can children try coconut - the introduction of tropical fruit into baby foods is best after 2-3 years, when the baby's digestive system is ready for a new product. This nut belongs to exotic products that do not grow in our area, so hurry up with such a treat.
Basic rules for eating coconut:
- How long can you feed your baby with coconut and its milk - after 2-3 years if you have digestive problems or are allergic to cow's milk.
- Coconut milk is given to children under one year only in one form - diluted and only after a recommendation from a doctor, when he does not have a tendency to stool disorders and allergic reactions.
- Parents need to know not only from what age you can give your child coconut food, but also that the baby should not be treated to such a product more than once a week.
For the first “acquaintance”, the coconut drink should be diluted with water in equal proportions and given to the baby no more than a teaspoon of the drink. In the event that he does not have allergies and digestive disorders, the amount of the product is allowed to be increased to 2 teaspoons twice a week.
Possible harm of coconut milk
When deciding how much to diversify a child's diet with coconut milk, one should take into account that an exotic fruit often causes allergies or hypersensitivity. Skin rashes, burning and redness, swelling, nausea, upset stool indicate that coconut should be excluded from the crumbs menu.
The main danger when eating coconut is that it is very difficult to find a high-quality, natural and organic fruit on the market. Many manufacturers stuff fruits with nitrates, preservatives and other chemical additives. They give an attractive appearance to nuts and preservation during long-term transportation, but they are of great harm to children's health.
Milk from an exotic fruit should not be drunk in case of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder, liver dysfunction, frequent diarrhea.
Coconut milk in the children's menu
Milk can be given to children in its original form or used as a supplement to other products. It goes well with oatmeal, rice and other cereals, is added to "airy" cream soups and even meat dishes. A nut drink can be a tasty and nutritious base for making ice cream, smoothies and various desserts.
Oatmeal with coconut milk
Watch this video on YouTube
- oatmeal - 250 g;
- coconut milk - 350-400 ml;
- honey - 50 g;
- chopped walnuts - 50 g.
Mix coconut milk with water in equal proportions, pour into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Add oatmeal and simmer over low heat until cooked through. Season the finished dish with honey and sprinkle with chopped walnut kernels.
If desired, slices of bananas or other fruits, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, raisins or dried apricots can be added to the porridge.
Oatmeal Coconut Cookies
Oatmeal Coconut Cookies
Watch this video on YouTube
- Oatmeal - 200g;
- coconut milk - 100-120 ml;
- granulated sugar - 150-180 g;
- peanut butter - 50 g;
- chocolate chips - 30 g;
- cocoa powder - 2 tbsp.