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Dr. Seuss Themed Party - Baby Shower ~ Serving From Home
Last weekend, my sister-in-law and I threw a Dr. Seuss themed baby shower for our sister-in-law who is due mid-July. She had picked the theme for her baby room, so we ran with it! We had SUCH a blast gathering ideas and putting them all into motion! In place of buying cards, we had some classic Dr. Seuss and Cat in the Hat readers purchased to write inside and everyone loved the idea. Talk about a quick way to build your library.
Below are the pictures and descriptions of some of what we did. Any of this could easily be done for any Dr. Seuss themed party. I’d love to hear if you do it what you do!
All of the signs were put together by my wonderfully talented sister-in-law, who worked wonders with the wrong size, super stinky, gi-normous Sharpie we accidentally bought.
We started off the inspiration with Thing 1 and Thing 2 cupcakes – these were red velvet cupcakes (see my much-tested red velvet recipe) with buttercream icing and…wait for it…. blue cotton candy for the crazy hair (thanks to Chuck E Cheese for having cotton candy year round!)! It was a REALLY hot, humid day, so within about 30 minutes the cotton candy had melted into a sticky blob, so we re-applied it with better luck the 2nd time.
My wonderful husband modified and printed the pictures so we could make cupcake toppers (we just used the candy sticks from the bulk barn to attach them, the pictures are reversible so one side was Thing 1, and the other Thing 2).
My other sister-in-law and a co-worker came up with this fantastic idea for a fish bowl.
She made blue jello, then once it was set inserted Swedish fish into it. On the base she put nerds for the gravel (so clever!) and on top, a plastic red and blue fish from the dollar store :0)
Next, we had “There’s A Wocket In My Pocket” pita pockets. We took mini pitas, sliced them in half with cheese and ham for stuffing.
Yes, I know that’s not really a wocket, but we were working with limited resources from a GIANT Dr. Seuss wall-chart and sticker book, so we decided to fake it :D Who really knows what a wocket is ANYWAY?!
We got lazy and bought the Costco fruit tray. The Brown-bar-ba-loots truffula fruits are from The Lorax.
What Seuss themed party would be complete without Green Eggs and Ham? Or in this case, just green eggs.
The plan was to do deviled eggs and dye the yolks green, but we ran out of time, so we resorted to salt and pepper with chopped cilantro on top.
The other batch of cupcakes we had were Horton Hears A Who cupcakes. These were raspberry lemonade cupcakes from Kara’s Cupcakes (also where I got the idea for the Thing 1 and 2 cupcakes) with the same buttercream icing, just dyed pink (for the clover which houses the “speck” – if you’ve never seen the movie, you must, it’s a pretty hilarious combination of Jim Carey and Steve Carell).
I found the cupcakes to be a bit on the sweet side, but they were good nonetheless. My husband did the cupcake toppers for these also.
Poodles eating noodles salad from Fox in Socks – fusili and penne tossed with balsamic dressing and vegetables.
Our Pink Yink Ink Drink (from Green Eggs and Ham) was a combination of pink lemonade, cranberry juice, gingerale and ice. Lots and LOTS of ice.
Let me just stop and say something about these glass drink dispenser jugs. They are FANTASTIC! Every single person at every party I’ve used them has asked about them. They look great, hold 6 quarts (almost 6 liters) of liquid, and are CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP! So go, get yourself one. Or two. Or four :D
Now, where was I? Oh yeah, food. This popcorn is highly addictive. And very easy to make. Although, I suggest you pick a pair of oven mitts to use specifically for making caramel corn, as it does get a bit messy. Comment below if you want the recipe!
(this pic is post-party)
For whatever reason I didn’t really get any good pictures of the other decorations that were there, so I will just have to paint a mental picture. Along with the table cards, from the ceiling hung streamers and big punching balloons.
Hanging from the curtain rod over the sliding door were 3 paper lanterns – 2 white and a blue. Also on the table was a large, stand-up Cat in the Hat.
There were HEAPS of gifts! As I mentioned, pretty much everyone had a Dr. Seuss / Cat in the Hat reader as their “card”, so my sister-in-law (who is a special education teacher) will have a good-size library to start off with.
The gifts were opened on their beautiful lawn. We were definitely thankful for the huge shady trees back there as it was a scorcher of a day!
Finally, to end the party, everyone took home (if they made it that far!) a Dr. Seuss chocolate pop! I purchased the molds off ebay (similar ones available here) and after a few failed trial runs, finally figured out how to do mixed colours.
First, melt your chocolate (I used coloured, white and dark chocolate wafers). PAINT the colour (with a food grade or brand new UNUSED art brush) you want to show on the bottom of the mold. Let set in the fridge for about 5-10 minutes. Then paint the next colour (if they are close together or will run into each other) and let set again.
Pour your main chocolate into the remainder of the mold and let set. I used mostly dark chocolate to fill the molds as the coloured stuff was SUPER sweet.
These are by no means professional, but hey, they just get eaten anyway, right?
That is about the extent of our Dr. Seuss themed party. Thanks for letting me share with you!
And…..”If you never did you should. These things are fun, and fun is good!”
Dr. Seuss Baby Shower Ideas
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“A person’s a person, no matter how small,” said Dr. Seuss in Horton Hears a Who. And he is right! Celebrate your little person in the making by having a Dr. Seuss baby shower!
Whether you are having a boy or girl, or do not want to know yet, a Dr. Seuss baby shower is the perfect idea!
Dr. Seuss Baby Shower Invitations
For a Dr. Seuss baby shower, you’ll have a tough time finding suitable invitations in a store, so this is one project you’ll want to complete online. Don’t worry, though, because ordering invites online can be much cheaper, and you’re more likely to find something you like!
Etsy has many people who design invitations for a living. These invitations from Venspaperie are adorable and only cost $12.00 for a personalized digital file. What this means is they send you your customized invites electronically and you, in turn, take it to a photo center to make prints. Saves time and some money. Cool, right?
Dr. Seuss Decorations
Gather all or just a few of the characters together for the Dr. Seuss baby shower! One character that should be there is Cat in the Hat; what would a Dr. Seuss baby shower be without the main man? With his giant, red and white striped hat, everyone is sure to know who he is, and having him would help in color scheme as well!
Dr. Suess books are very colorful, but having red and white included in a must. All party supplies such as cups, plasticware, table cloths and napkins can easily be coordinated with red and white, and you might even be able to order red and white striped supplies as well.
Here’s a few fun decoration ideas:
- Characters and quotes: It’s a given that you need the characters present, but why not have them “saying” some of the famous Dr. Seuss quotes? These guys can take up a lot of wall space to really give the Dr. Seuss world feel. Break out the poster boards and cut them into the shape of speech bubbles, then try the following quotes:
- “To the world you may be one person; but to one person you may be the world.”
- “One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish!”
- “From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere!”
- Hat Centerpiece: Whether you have the cake shaped like a hat or buy a hat to use, this makes for a great, easy table centerpiece decoration, and can even be used as a game prize! The hat, that is.
- Lorax trees: You can use lorax trees to decorate everything and they are easy to make! All you need are some colorful sticks and puffs, and perhaps a glue gun. Twisting different color pipe cleaners works well for the stick part, too. Leave the rest up to your imagination!
Special thanks to our friends at Venspaperie for this super Seuss design!
Dr. Seuss Themed Food Will Make Your Baby Shower a Hit!
“Try them, try them, and you may! Try them and you may, I say.” Wouldn’t that make a great quote for a sign to place on a table that has food? Totally. A Dr. Seuss baby shower calls for some interesting Dr. Seuss food! Read on to learn “a thing or two” about Dr. Seuss-inspired delicious dishes:
- Deviled green eggs and ham: Much like regular deviled eggs, but you color the yolk part green and garnish with little chunks of ham. With this Dr. Seuss themed hors d’oeuvre, nobody will be saying “I do not like green eggs and ham!”
- “Red fish” salmon: If your baby shower is around lunch or dinner time, it’s a good idea to serve an entree so your guests don’t skip a meal.
Salmon makes for an excellent Dr. Seuss theme choice!
- Alphabet cookies: Everyone loves cookies. Use alphabet cookie cutters, or cut them freehand style, and frost them with all different colors to look like Dr. Seuss’s “ABC” book.
- Lorax fuz: You can eat it in reds, you can eat it in blues, you can eat it in whatever color you choose! Okay, this one is not a quote from Dr. Seuss but it was worth a try! And so is this cotton candy treat. decorate the cotton candy cones in many different patterns and colors to go with the theme.
Dr. Seuss Baby Shower Games Are a Must!
With Dr. Seuss as your theme, the games should be way out of the ordinary from typical baby shower games! Here’s a few ideas:
- Red fish, blue fish toss: Buy or make two of each of the red and blue fish from the books and get 3 fish bowls. Place fish bowls in any arrangement and assign a different point value to each one.
Whoever scores the most points, wins a prize!
- Name that quote: Make a list of quotes and be sure to have enough copies for each guest. Everyone has to guess which book the quote came from, and the person who guesses the most correctly wins!
- Hop on Pop balloon pop: So only the name references the book, but this game is fun! Everyone gets a balloon, holds it between their knees and has to pop it without using their hands. Hint: they can get creative and press up against things. First to pop it wins!
Dr. Seuss Party Favors Help You Say Thank You, Adieu, Adieu.
Guests always look forward to party favors, and it’s the perfect opportunity to really say “thank you” for attending your baby shower! You can never go wrong with food so sweet edibles such as candy and cupcakes make for very welcomed favors.
If you really want people to leave with a piece of the theme, try making cake pops that look like little lorax trees, and wrap them in pretty cellophane and ribbons. Be sure to attach a Dr. Seuss quote such as “don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”
Filed Under: Themes Tagged With: baby shower themes, dr. seuss baby shower
About Laura
Laura is a stay-at-home-mom of 4 energetic, little boys. When not playing with them or cleaning up their Legos (or worse, stepping on them), she can be found watching Pixar movies with the family, or writing here on Pink Ducky.
Dr. Seuss ★ Tortoise Ertel read the book online for free
Here you can read online "Dr. Seuss: Turtle Ertel" the entire text of the e-book completely free (completely full version). In some cases, there is a summary. category: Children's poems / in Russian. Description of the work, (foreword) as well as visitor reviews are available on the portal. The Lib Cat library - LibCat.ru was created for those who like to look through a good book and offers a wide range of genres:
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Children's poem about the inglorious end of totalitarian power))).
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Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
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Big for the little ones – Weekend – Kommersant
The cartoon about the baby elephant Horton has an extremely uninformative trailer: a big elephant tries to cross a narrow shaky bridge over a terrible abyss for the sake of an incomprehensible good of unknown creatures. What is clear from the trailer, which is very well drawn, is that some next super masterpiece of animation awaits us, and the BlueSky studio, which created the Ice Age before, guarantees some quality. What is absolutely incomprehensible from this trailer is what, besides the bridge over the abyss, in fact, is the film about.
The film is about Horton, a baby elephant with too big ears, who suddenly starts to hear a flower. More precisely, the inhabitants of the flower - small creatures called who (in the English version a who). Other inhabitants of the magical forest, of course, decide that the baby elephant has gone crazy, and are not interested in the fate of the poor little ones. Then Horton takes the fate of the little ones in his trunk and carries their flower house away from the dangers of the forest, protecting the little ones from rain, frost and wind.
Why there is not a word about the plot in the trailer, in fact, is easy to explain: the little American viewer knows the tale about Horton a hundred times better than Winnie the Pooh. It is based on the book by Theodor Seuss Geisel, who wrote under the pseudonym Dr. Seuss, without exaggeration the most famous American children's writer of the 20th century (nothing has changed since Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky called him that in the USSR). Seuss is the author of over 40 books and is still considered the best-selling English-language author for young children. He began to write and draw in the 30s of the last century, but the real fame came to him after the war, when Random House published his book "A Cat in the Hat" - a primer for the little ones. , made up of the 220 most common English words. Seuss not only wrote books, but also illustrated them himself. All kinds of cats were painted on his house in California, where children from all over America came on pilgrimage, and a warning hung on the door: "Beware of cats. " After the doctor's death at 19In 91, the Americans even built a park in his honor - the elephant Horton also found a place in it. Especially since Suze had several books about Horton, the most famous of which is Horton the Elephant Hatches an Egg, where Horton hatches a flying elephant for the stupid bird Maisy, was even translated into Russian. The plot about who, in fact, could also be known to us: in 1992, director Alexei Karaev shot a 20-minute cartoon “I hear you” about them at the Sverdlovsk film studio, which, however, no one saw.
However, the main thing about Seussian fairy tales is not even how well they are invented, but the fact that they are very, very philanthropic. Like, for example, "The Lorax", which Seuss himself considered his masterpiece, where the little boy Tyshka tries to grow a forest from one seed, feeling his little responsibility for the cut down trees. Or "The Grinch Stole Christmas", where in the soul a kind, kind monster fights for universal love.