Dropper feeding baby

DRIP-DROP FEEDING - La Leche League International

We are delighted to co-publish this new video and poster about the drip-drop feeding method.

The video is the first ever drip-drop feeding method video to be available internationally, and is an important tool in our breastfeeding ‘tool-kit’.
The video and poster are intended to help healthcare professionals and organizations working in emergencies and families themselves.
It is also intended to be a useful resource for anyone who wants to move from formula feeding to breastfeeding.

The posters can be downloaded and printed for use in your communities, or shared on social media.

We are in the process of translating the poster and video into multiple languages.

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Watch the video here.

Maybe you didn’t start breastfeeding or stopped earlier than you wanted to: reach out for support in relactation/induced lactation.

Drip-Drop Feeding encourages babies to suckle at the breast. It helps you produce more milk through breast-nipple stimulation and makes moving from bottle to breast easier.

Every drop of breastmilk is precious, protecting your baby against germs that can make them sick. Breastfeeding saves lives, especially during emergencies.

Motivation, determination, perseverance and support are vital.

The breast should be a comforting and nurturing place for baby. Do not force-feed baby.

Express breastmilk, or use breastmilk from a healthy wet nurse, or donor milk from a milk bank. If these options aren’t available to you, use a breastmilk substitute (formula), as the last option. Drip-drop method takes practice, and it helps to have some assistance


In a clean cup, with baby’s milk, have a clean spoon, and clean cloth handy for any dribbles. Relax in skin-to-skin contact, either in laid back or up-right position, with baby positioned “tummy to mummy – nipple to nose”.

Take the spoon with milk and drip so it flows from the top of breast to the nipple. Continue ensuring a gentle constant flow (if flow is slow, baby may get frustrated).

Repeat on other breast for as long as baby wants. Allow baby to breastfeed and spend as much time as possible in skin-to-skin contact, suckling on the breasts. You can cup or spoon feed any remaining milk (see our Cup Feeding resources). Avoid all bottle-feeding.

For breastfeeding, aim for 10-12 times in 24 hours and 20-30 mins per session (the more frequent and longer the duration the better, with sessions at night and frequently swapping sides). If baby isn’t able to breastfeed yet, express with the same frequency. Learning to hand express is an important skill, particularly during emergencies.

It can take days or weeks to produce breastmilk, so it’s important the breastmilk supply is increased before decreasing supplements. Reach out to an LLL Leader, or other Breastfeeding Counsellor, who can support you in relactation/induced lactation, advising when and how much to gradually reduce supplements, and closely monitor baby’s weight.


Watch the video in English here.
Watch the video in Greek here.


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By Magdalena Whoolery (PhD Health Studies, BSc Nursing, Dip HE Nursing). May 2020. Special thanks to Ma. Ines Av.Fernandez for mentorship and technical support. Photo credit ©Manuel Duarte Pestana.

Developed and adapted from evidence-based sources: IFE Core Group (2017) Operational Guidance on Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies; World Health Organization (2003) Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding; World Health Organization (1998) Relactation: review of experience and recommendations for practice; World Health Organization (1997) Infant Feeding in Emergencies : a guide for mothers.

Resources endorsed by the following: International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN, defending breastfeeding), Safely Fed Canada, Breastfeeding Advocacy Australia, La Leche League International (LLLI).


Bottles & More • KellyMom.com

Finger feeding (Photo used with permission)

Following are some resources for alternative feeding methods, including bottle feeding, cup/dropper/spoon feeding, finger feeding, supplementing at the breast, and ideas for older babies.

Bottle | Cup, Dropper, Spoon | Finger Feeding | At Breast | Back to Breast | Older Babies


Bottle feeding

  • How to bottle-feed the breastfed baby

Alternatives to bottles for younger babies (including preemies)

Cup, dropper, syringe, and links with various methods

  • Alternatives to bottle from AskDrSears.com
  • Refusing a Bottle: Dropper & Cup Feeding by Paula Yount
  • Finger and Cup Feeding by Jack Newman, MD, FRCPC
  • Cup Feeding from the Breastfeeding Committee for Saskatchewan
  • Cup Feeding Instructions and FAQs from foleycup. com
  • Comparison of the Safety of Cup and Bottle Feedings in Premature Infants Whose Mothers Intend to Breastfeed information on study by Kathleen A. Marinelli, MD, IBCLC; Georgine S. Burke, Ph.D; Virginia L. Dodd, MS, RNC. The full article can be found here.
  • Feeding by cup, paladai or spoon (see p. 206 of PDF file – note that this file is very large and will likely take a long time to load if you have a slow connection) from the WHO document Managing Newborn Problems: a guide for doctors, nurses and midwives.
  • Physiologic Stability of Newborns During Cup- and Bottle-feeding by Cynthia R. Howard, et al., from Pediatrics, Vol. 104 No. 5 Supplement, November 1999, pp. 1204-1207.
  • SoftFeeder (with link to Instructions) from Medela

Finger feeding

  • Finger and Cup Feeding by Jack Newman, MD, FRCPC
  • Finger-Feeding with a Feeding Tube from the Breastfeeding Committee for Saskatchewan
  • Finger-Feeding with an Oral Syringe from the Breastfeeding Committee for Saskatchewan

Options for supplementing baby at the breast

  • Long-term at-breast supplementing for the breastfed baby by Diana West, BA, IBCLC and Diane Wiessinger, MS, IBCLC
  • At-Breast Supplementers by Diana West, IBCLC and Lisa Marasco, IBCLC
  • Lactation Aid (nursing supplementer) by Jack Newman, MD
  • Inserting a lactation aid (video) by Jack Newman, MD
  • Breast Feeding with a Feeding Tube from the Breastfeeding Committee for Saskatchewan

Weaning back to the breast from other feeding methods

  • Transitioning baby from formula feeding to breastfeeding @
    includes links to information on reducing supplements and transitioning to the breast from bottles, nursing supplementers, Haberman feeders, etc.

Additional options for older babies (4+ months)

After 4-6 months, there is really no need to introduce a bottle — babies this age can generally handle a cup just fine (expect to help out in the beginning, though). If you need to, try different types of cups to see what works best for you and baby: regular cup (try different sizes), sippy cup, no-spill sippy cup, cup with straw (or a cup with a built-in straw), and sports bottle are all options that different babies use.

Occasionally a baby will refuse to drink from any type of cup or bottle. In this case, try feeding baby breastmilk with a spoon, dropper or syringe. If baby has started solids, mix the solids with lots of breastmilk. You might also try a momsicle, ice cream, yogurt or a smoothie made with breastmilk.

  • Introducing a sippy cup by Paula Yount
  • How My Child With Down Syndrome Learned To Drink From A Straw Cup from NoahsDad.com. These are great tips for anyone teaching baby to use a straw.
  • Momsicles – Frozen Breastmilk On A Stick by Paula Yount
  • Breastmilk recipes

A child in the maternity hospital is “fed” through a dropper…

Hello, Irina! Tell me what to do in this situation: My friend gave birth on Saturday (November 14), the boy was born with good performance, only a small — 2550 (term). Breast took immediately after childbirth. The milk has arrived. But yesterday (November 16) the boy was taken to the nursery under a dropper, because. he is very sluggish and sucks little. Only 2 times a day […]

Hello, Irina!
Tell me what to do in this situation:
My friend gave birth on Saturday (November 14), the boy was born with good indicators, only a small one - 2550 (full-term). Breast took immediately after childbirth. The milk has arrived. But yesterday (November 16) the boy was taken to the nursery under a dropper, because. he is very sluggish and sucks little. During the day, he kissed only 2 times: at 12 noon and at 6 pm ... I tell my friend, you try to apply it more often, constantly stick your chest, and she says that he can’t capture his chest properly, and he doesn’t have the strength to suck something out of there then, he sleeps a couple of times and falls asleep ...

The doctor decided to feed the child with a dropper, if that's the case. The main thing is that later, when he gains strength, it will be possible to establish breastfeeding with her. She fed her first daughter herself until she was 9 months old...

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Data on reactions and complications after prophylactic vaccinations part 2


5 June 2013 07:48 at Personal journal

Various vaccines there was no colic, no bloating, no allergies, no minor standard problems. 1 vaccination - the legs hurt and seals formed at the injection site. They gave me painkillers. My husband said that he would no longer give the child for vaccination, but I did not listen to him, explained that this was an undeniable blessing, and such a reaction was the norm, I was even warned about it. After 8 days, the first rough spot appeared on the leg. I quickly identified the cause, the dairy products I was eating. No milk, no problem. 2 vaccination - the doctor examined the child very carefully, asked about everything and even asked to wait in . ..

13 4220691

The child refuses to breastfeed


November 9, 2015 02:25 am at Personal journal

I found a very useful and probably the most complete article about the reasons for refusal and how to deal with them. I hope it will be useful to someone. Baby refuses to breastfeed I am writing this article in order to help those mothers whose babies refuse to breastfeed. But to a greater extent - so that such problems do not arise for everyone else. The child is hungry. He is looking for breasts. But as soon as the mother offers it, the baby turns away, arches, pushes away and all this is accompanied by hysterical cries of the baby and mother ... I myself experienced this and I know how the child’s refusal and attempts to return breastfeeding are difficult for the mother. Does a grown-up child need breastfeeding? No one argues that mom's milk is the best food for children ...

8 35783

Data on reactions and complications after prophylactic vaccinations part 1


June 5, 2013 07:47 at Personal log

» social network Odnoklassniki. ru (we express our gratitude to Katya Russkikh). Source in the group: TOPIC: 4. "Real stories of victims of vaccination." 537 messages processed since 05.09.2008 to 05/02/2009 Style, punctuation and spelling in the messages of the group members are preserved. ADSM 1. My child is 7 years old, when we went to school it was 6. We urgently need to do ADSM, they did it. After 3-4 days, severe headaches, dizziness, fatigue began. the child's legs. Thank God everything is fine. And without ...

16 5825120

Komarovsky about GV. How do you feed?


November 2, 2013 05:36 am at Personal journal

Hourly feeding We mention it rather in a historical aspect. This method, which was widespread earlier (especially in the territory of the former Soviet Union), has now significantly lost its relevance. Its essence lies in feeding the baby with certain, strictly established intervals and a mandatory break for the night. The classic scheme looks like this: during the day we feed strictly with an interval of 3 hours, at night we take a break of 6 hours, after 2 months we increase the interval to 3.5 hours, and the night break to 7 hours, etc. Theoretically, the main plus of feeding is watch is to discipline the child from an early age and to order the life of his relatives. In practice…

1 33715

Cesarean - before and after


6 June 2010 18:00 at My feelings and questions

almost every fourth child in the world. However, in Russia, most doctors still do not advise choosing this method of having a child without medical indications. If you and your baby still have a caesarean section, then in this article you will find some simple and effective tips that will help you better prepare for the operation, as well as recover faster after it. Before ... 1. Start preparing in advance, Positive is very important emotional mood and good physical condition. Try to spend more time in the fresh air, do not overwork. Listen to calm music, ...

5 125373

Cesarean - before and after


6 June 2010 18:00 at Personal journal the fourth child in the world. However, in Russia, most doctors still do not advise choosing this method of having a child without medical indications. If you and your baby still have a caesarean section, then in this article you will find some simple and effective tips that will help you better prepare for the operation, as well as recover faster after it. Before ... 1. Start preparing in advance, Positive is very important emotional mood and good physical condition. Try to spend more time in the fresh air, do not overwork. Listen to calm music, ...

9 108053

girls, who fed them during antibiotic treatment?


May 18, 2013 11:52 am at Yesterday I had a postpartum curettage, I was under anesthesia, they put a dropper with antibiotics. I didn't breastfeed my daughter last night. Today at 9 in the morning I was again given a dropper with antibiotics, the doctor said that after dinner it was already possible to breastfeed ... They didn’t tell me which antibiotics were in the dropper ... just in case, I think to start feeding only in the evening. BUT! The situation is this - I was decanting all day yesterday, during scraping + while I was recovering from anesthesia - about 5 hours - my chest became lumps ... Then I was decanting all night, my mother helped me to decipher - painful lumps appeared. The chest hardens almost every half hour and I'm afraid that I don't strain all the milk into which ...

0 102686



June 9, 2014 5:00 pm at Personal Journal caesarean section - always caesarean section no longer works, and most women who have had a caesarean section in the past can give birth to their next child naturally. during childbirth, which will lead to the death of the mother and child. However, the facts do not support this unfounded fear. Twenty or more years ago, caesarean section was performed through a vertical ...

9 3510202

Hospital after maternity hospital 2


February 5, 2018 2:01 pm at There we were admitted to the neonatal ORVI department. The weight at that time of my daughter was 3090. We were born 3340. There were no places in the department where the children with jaundice were lying and we were lying with the children who had bronchitis, orvi ... the baby had a temperature of 36.7 already in the hospital, this was an isolated case when the temperature rose... did not rise any more. They said we have jaundice. They took tests ... the doctor came to listen to the lungs, examined ... prescribed warm water per day up to 60 ml, glucose, ursofalk and phototherapy. Bilirubin was under 300 ... more precisely 298. Began to put a dropper with glucose. The baby refused to drink water. Little by little she gave drop by drop. Every half hour…

1 40297

What happened after childbirth (many letters). Maybe someone needs it.


15 December 2013 21:07 at Postpartum recovery - it was 37, they said the norm, right after the birth. I went to the ward to rest, they brought me my baby. This is where the horror began. I gave birth for the first time, so I didn’t know what colostrum looks like (I thought it was the crusts that form on the nipples), I didn’t know how to apply. And no one explained this to me, neither the pediatrician nor the midwives, although I asked them why my child is restless, screaming a lot. I was completely sure that I was feeding the baby for 3 days, until my girl completely lost weight At my request, a nurse came and squeezed out the colostrum-transparent, liquid from the chest, I was already up…

0 231428

COP and breastfeeding


20 June 2011 10:28 at Personal journal

Girls, please tell me! I'm probably at risk of CS. How soon after can you start breastfeeding your baby? I heard that 3 days after the CS they put some kind of droppers and you can’t feed. Is it so? And will the child refuse to breastfeed after such a break in the future? Share your experience, please! Thank you all in advance!

0 12535

Breastfeeding moms, help!


March 13, 2013 19:27 at Breastfeeding

It all started at the maternity hospital: since during childbirth they cut the perineum (I don’t remember what it’s called correctly), and it was impossible to sit, I constantly had to stand with the baby in my arms. Naturally, the swelling of the legs became more and more. Milk did not come. The doctors said that the circulation of the liquid was disturbed and therefore the milk did not come and that the liquid was leaving in the legs. Delalli drips, but nothing helped. Day 7-8 milk came, but sooooo little. I applied it to my chest, but there was practically nothing there, so they began to give him a mixture! We were discharged on the 10th day. We only lost weight and gained nothing. I continued to breastfeed, at 3…

0 152031

When to feed after injection? SOS!!!


19 June 2019 23:55 at Personal journal , fell asleep with tears .. Will soon wake up from hunger .. How many hours can I feed after a dropper ?? They did two injections: diclofenac and ketorol and Eufillin dropper .. Will it work if I express milk and breastfeed ???? tormented

0 253024

Breastfeeding is good for moms


18 November 2012 16:14 at Personal Journal

Everyone knows that breastfeeding is good for babies. Did you know that breastfeeding is good for moms too? Around every now and then it is heard that feeding takes strength and destroys the health of a woman. But is it? Few people know that breastfeeding is just as good for the health of mothers as it is for babies. Breastfeeding is not only a continuation of the natural physiological process that began with conception and pregnancy. Feeding is useful not only because it prevents postpartum bleeding immediately after childbirth, or just nice while a woman is feeding. The positive and protective effect of breastfeeding is noticeable throughout a woman's life. Today we have enough scientific ...

1 184639

How after such information they are not afraid to vaccinate my allergic daughter


March 17, 2012 12:55 at Health and nutrition of a child from one to three years old

after prophylactic vaccinations ADSM 1. My child is 7 years old, when we went to school it was 6. We urgently need to do ADSM, they did it. After 3-4 days, severe headaches, dizziness, fatigue began. child. Thank God everything is fine. And without vaccinations, they don’t take a message from participant Alla Kim to school or kindergarten 2. My child had a terrible reaction to the 2nd ADS (M) vaccination at the age of 2. (The first vaccination went well). The temperature was 40 for a week. even without a call. Thank God, everything passed. From ...

4 4711953

year-long breastfeeding


August 18, 2017 3:08 pm at Breastfeeding

your comments, your opinion. Write whatever you want) I fed the first two children the same way - up to 1 year and 8.5 months. She weaned her first daughter from breastfeeding because she was already pregnant with her second daughter. I may have heard about the tandem then, out of the corner of my ear, but I didn’t take it personally, I didn’t think about it. She wanted to wean her second daughter early - at the age of one and a half, but she did not agree, it did not work out. And at 1 year and 8.5 months I succeeded) My girls have always been plump buns, they added excellently to guards, I introduced complementary foods after 6 months. So, I am an experienced mother who has raised two daughters with babies, giving birth to a third child . ..

46 671996

C-section recovery


11 August 2010 02:52 at Postpartum recovery

About mothers who gave birth in this way, the doctors themselves say: "Kesarochka." Respectfully, kindly and beautifully. How about a bird. But in order for the recovery period to pass without complications, in order to quickly “leopard” and flap your wings towards the happiness of motherhood with renewed vigor, you must follow special recommendations. After a cesarean section, the first days are the most difficult. Little things like rolling over on your side, coughing, taking a deep breath, or reaching for the bed are not easy. THE FIRST DAYS On the first day after the operation, the newly-made mother is in the intensive care unit, where for her ...

42 1120428603

Recovery after caesarean section


11 August 2010 02:52 at Personal log

If a baby is born by caesarean section, then his first cry is a special miracle. About mothers who gave birth in this way, the doctors themselves say: "Kesarochka." Respectfully, kindly and beautifully. How about a bird. But in order for the recovery period to pass without complications, in order to quickly “leopard” and flap your wings towards the happiness of motherhood with renewed vigor, you must follow special recommendations. After a cesarean section, the first days are the most difficult. Little things like rolling over on your side, coughing, taking a deep breath, or reaching for the bed are not easy. THE FIRST DAYS On the first day after the operation, the newly-made mother is in the intensive care unit, where for her ...

2 613078

Recovery after caesarean section useful article for caesareans, I don’t remember who copied it from If a baby is born by caesarean section, then his first cry is a special miracle. About mothers who gave birth in this way, the doctors themselves say: "Kesarochka." Respectfully, kindly and beautifully. How about a bird. But in order for the recovery period to pass without complications, in order to quickly "fledge" and flap your wings with renewed vigor towards the happiness of motherhood, it is necessary to follow special recommendations. After a caesarean section, the first days are the most difficult. Little things like rolling over on your side, coughing, taking a deep breath, or reaching for the bed are not easy. FIRST DAYS On the first day after the operation, the newly-made mother is in ...

6 83306

Jokes of women in labor 2 ... be careful ... you can give birth))


October 16, 2012 17:13 at Personal journal

I could have waited until the evening, but since I arrived, “let’s give birth, it’s indecent to leave the maternity hospital for a pregnant woman” (the words of a doctor) The kind uncle doctor saw some problems with delivery and sent me to CS. They take me, so along the corridor, feet first, and the nurse baptizes in pursuit and says: “Don’t be afraid, they don’t die here” . .. Throughout my pregnancy, it seemed to me that I had mayonnaise in my head ... and at the same time I somehow managed to defend my diploma! Full disclosure. Embracing my husband, slowly and sadly, holding on to a drip and dragging our legs, we wandered to the maternity hospital Ultrasound was done on the third day, on Monday. Did…

5 92961

Last weeks of pregnancy. Childbirth. After giving birth (the longest days of my life).


November 9, 2013 13:04 at Stories about childbirth I'll start with 32-33 weeks of pregnancy. So far my pregnancy has been perfect. Not a single problem, not a single disease, not a single bad analysis, not a single infection. Hemoglobin was low, of course, but not much. I didn’t even believe that it was possible for everything to be perfect. Moreover, in general, all people have infections, but here, well, there wasn’t a single one! For a very long time I was waiting for the last ultrasound, I flew there like on wings. My husband and I would rather see our son and hear that everything is in order. Here they do an ultrasound for us, they say that everything is fine, but I ask for an additional doppler. After Doppler, a conclusion is made that there is a violation of the Plodovo placental blood ...

11 1416494

A bit of background, BIRTH and what awaited after childbirth + photo (a lot of letters) the most anticipated day of my life))) I'll start from the very beginning ... we had a wedding in September after 5.5. years of courtship, it was very cool, a lot of people, an unforgettable atmosphere, we felt like a king and queen, all attention was only to us, we were stars that evening) about the children, my husband and I, of course, talked and decided that we should wait a little and resolve the issue first with apartment, we didn’t want to wander around rented apartments with the child (at that time we lived in a rented apartment), for six months we saved up money for an apartment in an enhanced mode and finally found it in a house under construction (share). Everything is now possible and relaxed Right after the months, we were engaged in ...

6 23162

My second birth or a planned KS after an emergency KS


June 30, 2015 17:55 In stories about childbirth

Immediately warn Dontsova, there will be sooooo much =)))))))))))) ))))))))))) When my daughter turned one year old, my husband and I began to “work” on our son, attempts were crowned with success only after 3 months. , but no, I was also worried and really wanted to get pregnant. And these cherished 2 strips, a trip to an ultrasound scan and a lack of desire to go to the doctor as early as with my daughter, all these trips to doctors, tests ... it would still be all this next to the house ... Then there was the baptism of my daughters and my friend, on the same day I went to the doctor, I was pulling my lower abdomen, it's okay, but after the baptism I got sick, it was good at least there was no temperature. Nausea was present standing up ...

3 311614

I wonder if this is true?


22 March 2013 12:38 at Personal journal About pregnancy and childbirth. I didn't like being pregnant. In the first months, I constantly wanted to sleep and puke, and in the last months I had such a huge belly that my husband had to push me around the apartment in a wheelchair. Once, when he was not at home, I wanted to eat apples, and I went to the refrigerator. Opening the door, I sat down to get to the bottom shelf where the apples were stored. I took the apple, but I couldn’t stand up in the starting position, so I put the unwashed apple into my mouth in a whole piece ...

0 16628

I don’t know if the story is real or not, I laughed heartily)


11 June 2018 10:45 at Personal journal

About pregnancy and childbirth. I didn't like being pregnant. In the first months, I constantly wanted to sleep and puke, and in the last months I had such a huge belly that my husband had to push me around the apartment in a wheelchair. Once, when he was not at home, I wanted to eat apples, and I went to the refrigerator. Opening the door, I crouched down to reach the bottom shelf where the apples were kept. I took the apple, but I couldn’t stand up in the starting position, so I put the unwashed apple into my mouth in a whole piece and crawled on all fours to the sofa to push off from it and get up. The cats shied away from me in horror. I was constantly in a *** mood. A…

18 15469

Wow! the truth about childbirth and after childbirth ...

Complain About pregnancy and childbirth. I didn't like being pregnant. In the first months, I constantly wanted to sleep and puke, and in the last months I had such a huge belly that my husband had to push me around the apartment in a wheelchair. Once, when he was not at home, I wanted to eat apples, and I went to the refrigerator. Opening the door, I crouched down to reach the bottom shelf where the apples were kept. I took the apple, but I couldn’t stand up in the starting position, so I put the unwashed apple into my mouth in a whole piece and crawled on all fours to the sofa to push off from it and get up. Cats shied away in horror ...

6 111182

A story about pregnancy, childbirth and the first time after them) Girls, come in with humor, bores, better not waste time reading))

Taken from an Internet forum. About pregnancy and childbirth. I didn't like being pregnant. In the first months, I constantly wanted to sleep and puke, and in the last months I had such a huge belly that my husband had to push me around the apartment in a wheelchair. Once, when he was not at home, I wanted to eat apples, and I went to the refrigerator. Opening the door, I crouched down to reach the bottom shelf where the apples were kept. I took the apple, but I couldn’t stand up in the starting position, so I put the unwashed apple into my mouth in a whole piece and crawled on all fours to the sofa to push off from it and get up. The cats shied away from me in horror. I constantly…

1 30752

Pregnancy, childbirth and after childbirth at home!!!(FROM THE INTERNET)

Complain I didn't like being pregnant. In the first months, I constantly wanted to sleep and puke, and in the last months I had such a huge belly that my husband had to push me around the apartment in a wheelchair. Once, when he was not at home, I wanted to eat apples, and I went to the refrigerator. Opening the door, I crouched down to reach the bottom shelf where the apples were kept. I took the apple, but I couldn’t stand up in the starting position, so I put the unwashed apple into my mouth in a whole piece and crawled on all fours to the sofa to push off from it and get up. The cats shied away from me in horror. I was constantly in a terrible mood.…

0 7608

How the little girl Liya was born


10 November 2009 17:14 at Personal journal

My first pregnancy, although not planned. She went very smoothly: there was no toxicosis, the tests were good (except for one time, when they were most likely mixed up). I was given a deadline of July 1st. About three weeks before the birth, I started training contractions, moreover, such that once I was already sitting on suitcases with painted nails. A week before the birth, the cork began to move away. The stomach was just huge (a week before the birth, they put 3,500 + polyhydramnios, this is with my height of 1.60) On the eve of the birth, my husband and I made love, I think this was partly the reason for the onset of labor. Although, what I just didn’t do to lure my Lyalya into the white light (girls on ...

0 101631

Bleeding after childbirth


June 25, 2015 2:18 pm at Personal journal

do not hurt, the bumps are decreasing, the weight has returned to the original!! (it was +15 kg), the stomach is flat, the chest is lush. June 22 For the first time, my baby and I were left alone at home (my husband left for work), I made myself a meal and prepared to look at something on the Internet.

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