Egg free baby food
20 Finger Foods For Baby / Toddler On A Gluten, Dairy, Egg Free Diet
Looking for
healthy baby finger foods? These 20 baby finger food ideas are healthy and allergy friendly (wheat free, gluten free, dairy free and egg free). Easy and simple baby finger food recipes or snack ideas that don’t come from a box, suitable for 8-9 month old babies and older including toddlers. Teach your baby to eat healthy from the beginning: with real, unprocessed ingredients!If your little one can’t tolerate dairy, gluten, eggs and you’re looking for some simple healthy baby finger foods, or if you just need some baby finger food ideas that are not packed with processed stuff and additives (like most store bought baby foods are), then you’ve come to the right place.
All these gluten free dairy free baby finger foods don’t require a lot of preparation and are perfect as baby led weaning foods, for snacking or as an entire meal.
Make Baby Finger Foods Without Dairy & GlutenSome children may need gluten free baby food, dairy free finger foods or both gluten and dairy free baby food recipes because of an allergy, or because they are lactose-intolerant, as my baby girl was.
The signs of intolerance started to appear when she was about three months old through diarrhea, colic and severe eczema. Even if doctors won’t admit it, I witnessed my baby recover through an eczema friendly elimination diet combined with the GAPS diet protocol.
Food allergies play an enormous role in eczema and digestive issues the most common offending agent is wheat, or more specifically, gluten, followed by dairy and sugary foods that trigger flare ups.
Therefore it’s important to avoid these for a while and give time for your baby’s tiny gut to fully develop and heal.
By avoiding I don’t mean replacing them with gluten and dairy free store-bought baby food alternatives. We are trying to heal a sensitive digestive system here, and not bombard it with more processed foods.
Skip Packaged Gluten Free and Dairy Free Baby SnacksThere are so many snacks and finger food for babies and toddlers available on the market that is advertised as healthy but they’re usually not.
Even if you’re trying to replace your baby’s snacks and finger foods with gluten and dairy free commercial alternatives always watch out for additives and artificial ingredients.
Most of them are full of unnecessary fillers and sweeteners that have no nutritional value.
Fortunately there are many natural gluten free dairy free finger foods that you can prepare. The produce section in a grocery store offers a large variety of foods.
Balance them with whole gluten free grains, legumes, lean meats, seeds and nuts – just make sure they’re also unprocessed preferably organic, non-GMO whole foods.
Healthy finger foods that are suitable for 9 month old babies, 1 year old babies and toddlers:
- Fresh fruits and vegetables (cut into appropriately sized pieces)
- Steamed or oven roasted vegetables (cut into small bite-size)
- Boiled beans, grains or gluten free pasta.
- Boiled or roasted meat (ground, shredded or diced into small pieces)
TIP: Do not overcook fresh vegetables, or cut them up a long time before cooking and leave them in water, or cook them early and re-heat before serving – as all this reduce the vitamin content.
The Best First Baby Finger Foods- The best first finger foods to offer to your baby are ones that are soft and easy to bite and chew, like cooked / steamed veggies (like sweet potato, butternut squash, carrots) and soft fruits.
Babies need to learn to bite off small, soft lumps, manage and swallow them in the mouth. Also, picking up foods helps a child to develop manual coordination and learn about textures.
- The best baby finger foods for your babies are those made from good-quality ingredients (whole, fresh and organic).
- Try making healthier homemade baked goods like some baby banana pancakes or muffins, don’t buy store-bought frozen foods.
- Later, according to your baby’s chewing skills and food handling (babies 8 months and older), you can offer raw fruits and vegetables. I started with finger sized pieces and then progressed to smaller chunks once the baby learned how to pincer grasp.
- Never leave babies alone when they are eating at any time to make sure that they don’t choke on any pieces that break off in their mouth.
- Start with soft finger sized pieces of food and progress to harder textures as soon as your baby has mastered to chew.
- Babies learn by watching what you do – show your baby how to bite, show her the chewing motion yourself.
- If you are offering raw food, make sure to wash it thoroughly and it is organic (if you can afford it).
- Avoid all processed meat and especially those covered with breadcrumbs or other coatings.
- Children do not need sugary foods such as sweets, soft drinks or sugar for energy, best for your toddler to eat fruit rather than drink the juice.
- Avoid adult meals, such as burgers and sausages – take-aways and highly processed fast foods, also low-sugar and artificially sweetened foods and drinks, foods with added nutrients, ready meals, canned ready prepared pasta in sauce, whole nuts (choke hazard).
- Alternate finger foods with soups or purees (dairy free) and if your children refuse to eat a certain vegetable you can include it in a pureed soup or leave it on a side plate near them, they might eat it later.
- Don’t give up: keep offering new foods, don’t get upset if foods are rejected.
Here Are Some Of Finger Foods Ideas (Gluten, Dairy, Fish, Egg And Nut Free) That My Baby Enjoys:
- CELERY, AVOCADO, CUCUMBER – Organic celery stalks are good for a teething baby (they are fibrous and the choking hazard is lower) cucumber sticks and avocado. Always supervise you baby and asses their chewing abilities.
- Cooked CHICKEN HEARTS (Organic organ meats are a good source of group B vitamins, amino acids and minerals), steamed green beans, cooked amaranth rolled into cylinders sprinkled with hemp seeds.
- SWEET POTATO, YELLOW SQUASH, ZUCCHINI – Roasted cut into cubes.
- CHERRY, PEACHES – Buy cherries and peaches when in season and make sure they are organic.
Usually I give the fruits separately as a snack, for a healthier digestion.
- ASPARAGUS, BUTTERNUT SQUASH, ZUCCHINI – steamed asparagus (high in anti-inflammatory nutrients), butternut squash (full of vitamin A) and zucchini noodles.
- CHICKEN BREAST, SWEET POTATO, ZUCCHINI – Roasted organic chicken breast, sweet potatoes and zucchini noodles.
- CHICKEN, BROCCOLIS, PAGHETTI SQUASH – Organic roasted chicken breast, broccoli and spaghetti squash which is more nutritious than pasta and fun to play with.
- CELERY, APPLE sticks, diced JICAMA
- BLUEBERRY, PAPAYA, NECTARINES – Raw fruits are enzyme-rich, especially papaya, these can help with gut healing, controlling pathogens and immune support.
- BEET ROOT, JICAMA, CARROTS – roasted soft beetroot, raw jicama and carrots cut into sticks, you can also grate them or serve larger pieces.
- Cooked sliced ZUCCHINI, cooked WILD RICE (a good balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fiber), shredded rainbow carrots.
- MELON (it’s best eaten by itself, separate from other foods).
- STRAWBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, RICE CAKES with pumpkin seed butter spread (a good source of zinc; beneficial for skin health and anti-parasitic).
- CUCUMBER, TOMATO, RICE PASTA with creamed broccoli sauce (steamed broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin seed butter + water to thin out).
- GREEN BEANS/ CELERY/ BEETS/ SQUASH – Cooked organic green beans, beet root and acorn squash ( good source of Vitamin A, C and B6), grated celery root (anti-microbial properties and boosts immunity).
- VEGETABLE SALAD – Organic roasted sweet potato, asparagus, yellow squash and finely chopped kale.
- ORGANIC PEACHES & BLUEBERRIES – a good source of vitamin K1, Vitamin C, Manganese.
- CAULIFLOWER, TURKEY, CARROTS – Organic roasted cauliflower, carrots and turkey thighs (great source of protein and B Vitamins).
- She’s happy as long as she has something to snack on!
While the same baby finger foods are appropriate for a 9 month old as they are for a one-year-old babies or toddlers, you can begin to offer larger, harder in texture pieces, that they can bite off themselves.
(click on picture for recipe)
You can even go ahead and try making some gluten and dairy free finger food recipes, like these options presented below. Just make or serve smaller sizes.
Update: At 20 months my daughter stopped being intolerant to eggs, nuts, gluten or dairy. At the age of three – still no intolerances. She’s basically on the same gluten and dairy free (real food, organic) diet, AND she can eat regular cakes and desserts on special occasions without any problems.
If your baby deals with really severe eczema, gastrointestinal issues and many food allergies then I strongly recommend you read this book: Gut and Physiology Syndrome: Natural Treatment for Allergies, Autoimmune Illness, you will get answers for so many questions.
What I learned is that when you have children with allergies it is essential to help them form a healthy digestive system from the beginning. Because this will lay the foundation for a good overall health later.
It’s also important to help children develop patterns of healthy eating from an early age, what you feed them at the beginning will be the base of their food tastes. It can be hard enough to plan ahead and prepare everything fresh, but that’s only temporary and you’ll be amazed later that it all worked out.
If you start with sweet food it will be hard to make them eat something else later. My little one has no problem in drinking smoothies with ginger and greens, she drinks them as if they were milkshakes.
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Egg-Free Diet - Pediatric Nutrition - Golisano Children's Hospital
Golisano Children's Hospital / / Egg-Free Diet
Whether your child has multiple allergies or just one, being allergic to eggs will eliminate many processed foods from your child's diet. Eggs are in everything from cookies to root beer. The good news is that it is very easy to cook without eggs. Except for an egg breakfast or meringue on pie, if you read labels carefully and invest a little time in having a well-prepared kitchen, your child will not miss eggs.
First, you need to identify where eggs are present, other names used for varied parts of eggs on labels and some unusual places eggs turn up. Extremely sensitive allergic individuals, and those with anaphylactic reactions, will need to avoid certain foods whether eggs are listed or not, due to potential cross-contamination, such as with manufactured pastas.
Foods to Avoid
Make it a habit to read food labels and at restaurants, ask how the food is prepared. If the labels or description is unclear, do not buy or eat the product.
Avoid these foods and ingredients:
- Eggs, egg whites, egg yolks, and most egg substitutes prepared any way, including omelets, souffles and quiche
- Most pastas and baked goods (read the labels) - a yellow appearance usually indicates eggs
- Breads, pretzels and baked goods with a shine or glaze - this is usually created by brushing on egg whites before baking
- Coffee, some soups, bouillon, wine, beer and other liquids may use egg or egg shells for clarification
- Root beer, cappuccino, milk shakes and other beverages may use egg whites for foam/froth
- Meatballs, meatloaf, lasagna, mousse, and other prepared foods may use eggs as a binder
- Most cookies, cakes, cheesecakes, brownies, custard and cream pies, and baked goods use eggs
- Eggs may be in batters, ice cream, sherbet, custard, frosting, mayonnaise, salad dressing, tartar sauce and some baking powders
- Many egg substitutes contain real egg, using egg white or powdered eggs, and are not safe for egg-allergic individuals
- Pancakes, french toast and waffles usually contain eggs
- Baking mixes, some candies, whipped fillings, marshmallows, bread crumbs and sausages often contain eggs
- Ovaltine and other malted drinks, Simplesse, eggnog and meringue all contain egg
Some vaccines, such as the MMR (measles,mumps, rubella) and the flu shot are prepared in or on eggs.
Ask your child's doctor about the possibility of egg presence before taking any medication or vaccine.
Other Ways to Avoid Eggs
Some people who are allergic to eggs may react by physical contact—either by an egg product touching the mouth, touching someone who has handled eggs or egg products, or an egg or egg product spilled on the skin. Sensitive egg allergic individuals should avoid touching or handling eggs in any form. A non-allergic person who has eaten or handled eggs (or egg products) should wash hands thoroughly before physical contact with someone who is allergic, especially children who play together.
Cross-contamination occurs when "safe" foods are prepared, manufactured, or served on the same surface as "unsafe" foods. Beware of these situations:
Restaurants. Beware of grills that can be used to cook foods containing eggs and other foods. Many restaurants use the same grill for most foods they prepare.
- Packaged foods. As foods are produced and packaged, an otherwise "safe" food may be run on the same line as an "unsafe" food, creating a potential hazard.
- Your kitchen. Do not use the same spatula, spoon, fork, knife, plate or other serving implement for foods containing egg and those which do not. Even a small trace of egg is enough to cause a reaction.
For cooking and baking, try these variations. Eggs act as a binder (holding foods together), a leavener (making foods rise), and a thickener. For each egg needed in a recipe, you can substitute one of the following:
- 2 Tablespoons (Tbs.) mashed banana or pureed apricot (baby food works well)
- 2 Tbs. pureed vegetable
- 1 teaspoon (tsp.) dry, unflavored gelatin, mixed with 2 Tbs. water
1 1/2 Tbs. oil, 1 1/2 Tbs. water and 1 Tbs.
vinegar, mixed
- 1 tsp. yeast dissolved in 1/4 cup warm water
- 1 Tbs. arrowroot mixed with 1 Tbs. oil and 1/4 cup water
Know Your Relatives
The following items are egg products or by-products and should be avoided:
- Albumin
- Globulin
- Livetin
- Ovalbumin
- Ovomucin
- Ovomucoid
- Ovovitellin
- Silico albuminate
- Vitellin
Double Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe
The following recipe is egg-free, as well as free from milk, wheat, soy and nut/peanut.
1 cup non-dairy, soy-free margarine, softened
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
3 Tbs. canola oil
3 Tbs. water
2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2 1/4 cups non-wheat flour (barley, oat, rice or a combination) (if wheat is not a problem, add 2 1/4 cups wheat flour instead)
2 tsp. arrowroot powder
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (i.e., Hershey's)
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1 cup dairy-free semisweet chocolate chips (i.e., President's Choice)
Preheat oven to 375. Beat margarine at medium speed until fluffy; gradually add sugars, beating well. Mix oil, water, baking powder; add to sugar mixture. Add vanilla. In a separate bowl, combine flour, soda, salt, cocoa, and arrowroot powder. Add to sugar mixture, blending well. Stir in chocolate chips. Drop dough by teaspoonful onto ungreased cookie sheets. Bake at 375 for 9-11 minutes. Cool slightly and transfer to wire racks to cool completely. Store in an airtight container
Additional Resources
For more information or egg-free products:
Resources for Products: go to www.
- The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network: see for information.
How to diversify a child's diet without eggs and dairy?
9000 #3
Quail eggs do not cause allergies
9,0005 9000
006 #6
And cook the meat. I also didn’t understand about fish, why is it impossible at 2 years old? Make sure sour milk is not allowed. In it, lactose (protein) has already been split, and there is practically none of it.
Read the recipes for Lent, there are no eggs and milk, but there is a choice. And cook meat. I also didn’t understand about fish, why is it impossible at 2 years old? Make sure sour milk is not allowed. In it, lactose (protein) has already been split, and there is practically none of it. 9November 22, 2015 I just didn’t really understand if the child has an allergy to these products or is it just in case not to give? in my opinion, now there is so much talk about milk (cow), you read it and almost poison. Although not a single generation has grown up on it. I am not a supporter of milk up to a year or to give if the child has an allergy. But if there is nothing, then what is so harmful in milk? It already seems to me that this campaign against milk was launched by the manufacturers of mixtures.
Read the recipes for Lent, there are no eggs and milk, but there is a choice. And cook meat. I also didn’t understand about fish, why is it impossible at 2 years old? Make sure sour milk is not allowed. In it, lactose (protein) has already been split, and there is practically none of it.
Or use lactose-free milk. Soy is not recommended, try almond.
In most children I know dermatitis faded away exactly at the age of 2 years, parents, instead of a bunch of restrictions, gradually introduced previously limited or excluded foods.
Milk survive from market sellers and consumers - too much water; a similar trend with nectars and "juices" from concentrates - it is stored poorly, it takes up a lot of space.
producers of packaging are interested in the production of only thermally processed milk, owners of separators are interested in the production of low% milk.
[quote="Guest"] Is it necessary to feed a child without eggs? It's a cripple.[/quote]
It's a girl, actually))
Or do you, honeymoon, have balls? Ah, yes, they are hidden for L0BK0V0V, like everyone else ....
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by itself
Substitute goat's milk. It is received differently. And yes, it's not complete. And make curdled milk and cottage cheese out of it
Maybe vegetable or meat lasagna? Stew, any pancakes, meatballs?
Henrietta_neither possible_nor this
they are already introducing fish for up to a year, why do you have restrictions? I just didn’t really understand if the child has an allergy to these products or is it just in case not to give? in my opinion, now there is so much talk about milk (cow), you read it and almost poison. Although not a single generation has grown up on it. I am not a supporter of milk up to a year or to give if the child has an allergy. But if there is nothing, then what is so harmful in milk? It already seems to me that this campaign against milk was launched by the manufacturers of mixtures.
Fritters will fall apart again without an egg :(
Fish up to a year old? What are you, this is only canned food manufacturers, probably, and it is better to introduce it to children after three years old, it is quite allergenic, plus it absorbs a lot of muck from the water.
In fact, from cow's milk and in our generation, many children had "grandmother's joy" - rosy cheeks from diathesis. Allergy tests for at least three years, or even up to five - are completely uninformative, this is a fact. Atopic dermatitis is quite easily diagnosed by skin appearance and rashes
soy milk. In addition, even with an allergy to cow's milk, as a rule, there is no allergy to fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt and cottage cheese. You can cook a lot without eggs. My friend's daughter is 30 years old, she has a terrible allergy to eggs, so she even manages to bake pastries without eggs.
Or use lactose-free milk. Soy is not recommended, try almond.
It's not at all a fact that the child is allergic to milk and eggs, have you tracked the reaction to these products? The treatment for atopic dermatitis is to moisturize the rashes, less soapy baths, more hydration and your rash will go away without any diets, I have already been through this. Google English-language info on dermatitis.
The author, you obviously wrote in the wrong place. It's funny to read the comments of people who seem to be far from the problem. Apparently many just to blurt out. Great tips to check milk and eggs .... well, well ... Quincke's edema has not yet been canceled. And on the topic, really look at lean recipes as well as on vegan sites. There are baked goods without milk, eggs, and in general there are many interesting recipes and substitute products. Good luck and get well!
listen, everything is elementary, you take a blood test for allergens, here is a list of foods that you can and cannot give. November 23, 2015 in milk.
allergic. I eat mashed soups from broccoli, cauliflower, mashed potatoes, buckwheat soups, rice, any meat, liver, fish. I take bread and cookies on the website of lactose-free and gluten-free products.0005
Would you like to try to get rid of this filth? I can give the contact of the mother, whose child now eats everything. And by the way, the same age as yours. (You can contact her via Skype). If you think about it, get in touch.
Thank you. There are no problems with lactose and gluten. By the way, despite the fact that, according to the analyzes, lactase deficiency, which the gastroenterologist at the clinic immediately zealously rushed to treat and which in children in the absence of symptoms that bother them, does not need treatment at all and outgrows as the gastrointestinal tract matures.
How to get rid of it? It seems to outgrow as you grow up, if not provoked, and you just need to hold on to these, not so hard, restrictions for a while.
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9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 #31
Author I have a child with skin rashes, but not quite suitable for atopy. Here is a question for you, what is the number of eosinophils in the blood of a child (without the use of antihistamines) and the IgE index?
And the banana is questionable - it seems to me that there is a reaction to it. When the skin is completely cleared - I'll try again to check. September 30, 2019 It's a cripple.
Henrietta_neither impossible_nor that
they are already introducing fish up to a year old, but why do you have restrictions?
quail eggs do not cause allergies
Henrietta_neither that is impossible_nor that
they are already introducing fish for up to a year, but why do you have restrictions?
quail eggs do not cause allergies
Google English-language info on dermatitis.
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How to make a menu? - Gluten Free - LiveJournal
Gluten free. Without milk. No eggsFriends and readers, it's probably time for this post. I want to talk about how to make a menu for a child who has restrictions on certain types of products. First things first, you will need a sheet of paper and a pen to draw a food table.
We prescribe everything that can be eaten by a child. In some of my posts, I have already mentioned the green gluten-free diet. This is when you can eat green vegetables and fruits. All gluten-containing foods, all dairy products, including beef / veal, eggs, colored vegetables and fruits are excluded from the diet.
So, let's get started, I'm writing for an example. You write down in your table what you can.
Meat: Rabbit, Poultry, Pork;
Cereals: Rice, Buckwheat, Millet, Corn, Quinoa, Amaranth.
Flour : Rice, Corn, Buckwheat, Pea/Chickpea.
Legumes : Lentils, Beans, Peas.
Vegetables: Potatoes, Cucumbers, Zucchini/Zucchini, Cauliflower, White cabbage, Broccoli, Green beans, Green peas, Lettuce, Green bell pepper, Asparagus, Onion, Leek, Celery, Greens (dill, parsley, feather onion).
Fruits : Green apples, Green pears, Grapes.
Fats : Olive oil, ideal if there is no reaction to Sesame oil as a source of calcium.
Sweet: Fructose, Brown Raw Sugar, Grape Sugar.
Beverages : Compote, Juice, Tea, Rice milk (store-bought or homemade).
Now look at this table and write down the dishes that can be cooked. First I want to clarify, do not include in the list those dishes that the child will not eat either with dancing or with a tambourine. For example, I know that my children hate corn porridge, no matter how others praise it, or stuffed peppers. Yes, they can, but they won't eat it. I don't cook, because your nerves are more expensive, why the extra labor at the stove, if it’s all the same to be thrown out, you’ll also get nervous, they say, I cooked and tried, and you ... We immediately exclude what they don’t eat.
Let's proceed to the second step:
Millet porridge and its derivatives - Millet porridge with apples, Millet porridge with pears, Millet porridge with grapes;
Rice porridge and its derivatives - Rice porridge with apples, Rice porridge with pears;
Buckwheat porridge and its derivatives, buckwheat porridge with pear, buckwheat porridge with grapes/raisins;
Polenta porridge and its derivatives with various vegetables;
Different cereals can be combined with each other, for example, boil porridge from buckwheat and quinoa, in time these two cereals are cooked approximately the same with the same proportions of water.
Potato soup, a great variety of potato soup derivatives, for example, Potato soup with buckwheat (meat, potatoes, buckwheat, green peas, onions, vegetable oil) or (meat, potatoes, buckwheat, zucchini, onions, vegetable oil) or (meat, potatoes, buckwheat, cauliflower / broccoli, onions, vegetable oil) or (meat, potatoes, buckwheat, white cabbage / lettuce / tops, onions, vegetable oil). Buckwheat can be replaced with millet or lentils, in some cases rice can be used, and the whole list can be repeated. Thus, we see that there will be more than a few dozen varieties of potato soups.
Vegetable soup (no potatoes for starch allergy). Almost all green vegetables are combined with each other. For example, (meat, onions, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, green peas, vegetable oil) or (meat, onions, cauliflower, asparagus, green peas, vegetable oil) or (meat, onions, zucchini, green lettuce, broccoli, vegetable meat). Of course, an unprepared person needs to get used to such a menu and to such vegetable soups, because. they may not always seem tasty the first time. To vegetable soups for satiety, you can add cereals and legumes - buckwheat, quinoa, millet, lentils, white beans. So, again we see that two or three dozen vegetable soups can be combined. We make a discount that the child may not eat all of the listed products, there are 3-6 options for vegetable soup. Which is no longer enough.
You can also diversify soups with meatballs. Children love meatballs. Do not forget to add greens - fresh or dry. And in general a holiday if the child loves mashed soups. For soup puree, two or three ingredients are enough.
Meat dishes :
Cutlets made from different types of minced meat, for example, we add cereals (meat, millet flakes, onions) or vegetables (meat, cauliflower, onions) or (meat, potatoes, onions) or (meat, courgettes) to minced meat , onion). That is, as you can see, there can also be many options for cutlets. We need to find an acceptable one.
Meatballs (meat, cereals, onions), cereals can be varied, it turns out several types of meatballs - meatballs with rice, meatballs with millet, meatballs with buckwheat.
Stewed meat.
Lazy cabbage rolls in the form of cutlets.
Baked or boiled meat.
Side dishes :
Potato side dishes are also very, very different, for example, potatoes stewed with zucchini and meat, or potatoes stewed with white cabbage, or potatoes stewed with cauliflower and broccoli.