Elephant themed baby shower food
10 Fun Elephant Baby Shower Food Ideas
Got an elephant themed baby shower coming up? Be sure to dish out these AMAZING and SUPER tasty treats that your guests will go crazy about! I’m telling you, these are fail-proof dishes to include in your menu that I’ve personally tried and left everyone wanting for more. One word of advice, though. Make enough for everyone because you can expect a second, third, fourth helping from the ladies because of how super irresistible these elephant baby shower treats are!
For an elephant baby shower, coming up with appetizers for the event should be simple. I recommend sticking to small, bite-size pieces. I mean, aside from being kind to your hips and calorie-counting sesh, appetizers are naturally just finger foods anyway! So keep it simple but super tasty at the same time!
A few of my favorites include the elephant peanut butter sandwich, which basically just means an elephant-shaped cookie with creamy peanut butter in the middle. It’s healthy, easy to make, and so freakin’ yummy!
Another classic no-fail appetizer is the elephant pops. So you have your tiny ball of chocolate, and shape it into an elephant since you have a theme in mind. Slide a toothpick into the chocolate ball and there’s your sweet and tasty elephant pops for the party!
Third cool idea is pretty simple, but irresistible. I just serve some peanuts for the elephant themed baby shower. Peanuts = elephants. Get it?? So yeah, you can have your choice of flavored peanuts such as spicy, sweet, salty, or garlic peanuts. Super yum, super easy to make, super yummy and healthy!
Baby Shower Main Entrees
Now here comes the most exciting part – the main entrees for your elephant baby shower. Time to fill up those bellies, but yep, giving mommies a yummy option without throwing right out the window those days spent counting calories!
A couple of my suggestions:
Elephant Pizza:
It’s pretty much self-explanatory… And super hard to resist! So you have your elephant-shaped bite-size pizza, put the toppings on it, such as cheese, pineapples, pepperoni, bell pepper, olives, the works! Serve it hot and fresh and expect the whole thing to be gone in minutes!!
Elephant Peanut butter & Jelly sandwiches:
Use elephant shaped cookie cutters to make fun cutouts of your PB&J sandwich that will perfectly match your theme! You can even use some organic pink or blue food dye to make the peanut butter match your color scheme!
Baby Shower Desserts
From savory and sweet main entrees, give them something refreshing and satisfying for the dessert! My top picks are the following:
So if you’re having a pink elephant themed baby shower, serve pink ice cream, and I’m thinking something like strawberry or raspberry flavored ice cream. If it’s a boy baby shower, then you’ve got your blueberry ice cream cone to dish out for the dessert. Cooling and so yum!
2. Mini Doughnuts
Make your own mini doughnuts and be as creative as you can get! Maybe shape your tiny doughnuts into little elephants and serve them up after your main dish. So delish!
3. Chocolate Bars
This one’s pretty easy to make and bound to be a blast! You’ve got your melted chocolate bars, shape them into elephants, then cool them to form these into – yep, you guessed it – elephant chocolate bars! Great way to feed that craving for something sweet and chocolatey!
4. Elephant Baby Shower Cupcakes
Then of course, there must be something for that weight-watching sweet tooth, right? Cupcakes provide the perfect alternative to the traditional elephant baby shower cake, since they are small, easily made or bought, and usually have a few less calories. Make those cupcakes a variety of things such as chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla. Now, where did the “elephant” part comes in? Use cupcake liners with elephant designs, and there you go! Easy and super duper cute!
Last but not the least, we have these refreshing drinks for you!
1. Blue/ Pink MargaritaI know the mama-to-be can’t have something alcoholic, but I’m sure the ladies are waiting for this one! So dish out your own cocktail blend of margarita and color it pink or purple depending on the theme (baby shower for girl/ boy).
2. Pink/Blue Lemonade
It’s easy to make, and yep, alcohol-free! It can’t get super fuss-free to make since you can even get a mix at the grocery store if you want it super simple or just use berries to add color and some vitamin C to the drink. So super perfect!
I hope you enjoyed this list of the best baby shower food ideas for your elephant themed baby shower! If you’ve got questions, please shoot them to me and I’ll be sure to give you more tips and tricks for the most successful and super perfect party! Enjoy!
How to Throw an Amazing Elephant Themed Baby Shower
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Throwing Elephant Theme Baby Showers are perfect for welcoming baby boys or girls! The great part about having a baby shower theme in mind is that you can quickly start collecting ideas on how to incorporate them all.
This fun and simple guide will not only give you plenty of adorable ideas on how to have an elephant theme baby shower, but we’ll also show you how to do so easily on a budget as well.
There’s no reason to break the bank and add a ton of stress during a time when the focus should be on happiness and celebrations!
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Table of Contents
How To Throw An Elephant Baby ShowerIt’s no surprise that baby showers require a bit of planning, but how much planning is there really to do? Before starting anything, understanding the true meaning of what an elephant baby shower is is key.
It’s evident that elephants are going to be a large part of the focus, but what else does that mean? Planning a baby shower with elephants as the focus means that you’re going to have fun making all the plans.
Elephants are adorable and cute and are a perfect way to make a baby shower gender-neutral. You can easily use an elephant baby shower theme as a way to celebrate boys and girls, both!
Related Post: 7 Tips for Throwing a Successful Baby Shower
What To Serve at an Elephant Baby ShowerWhile it’s true that people will come to the shower to celebrate the soon-to-be arrival, they’re also going to show up with an appetite! Some shower food ideas include:
AppetizersPeanuts (the perfect elephant food!)
Animal Crackers
Safari snack mix (basically a trail mix that has fun animal shapes in it!)
Main EntreesCircus foods are on my brain for this fun theme!
Hot dogs
Corn dogs
DessertsCotton Candy
Elephant Shaped Cookies
Nutter Butter cookies (because they look like peanuts!)
DrinksOrange punch (elephants love eating oranges!)
Related Post: Best Foods to Serve at a Baby Shower
Shower InvitationsHere are a few of our favorite Elephant Baby Shower Invitations. There are so many cute ideas here for boys or girls!
Here are some of our favorite Elephant Baby Shower Decorating ideas:
Elephant Baby Shower GamesThese are just a few fun games for your baby shower. Feel free to add to the list!
Cute Sayings For An Elephant Baby ShowerWhile calling it an “elephant baby shower” is totally fine, there are some other really fun, cute sayings to throw into the mix!
Join us in welcoming our “little peanut.”
“A little peanut is on its way!”
You can have cute signs made with the saying or add the phrase to your invitations as well.
Final ThoughtsThrowing a themed baby shower is always an exciting time! You can easily customize the shower to be for a baby boy, a baby girl, or both!
Planning ahead now will save you a ton of time and stress in the future and make it a much more relaxed atmosphere for everyone as well.
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5 cases where a comma before "as" is not needed. And 5 cases when you still needA comma is needed before the union “as”. It seems that more or less everyone knows about it. But the fact that a comma is far from always needed disappears from my head. We remind you when a comma before “how” is a place, and when it is better to abstain (the first one is easier to remember). When to put a commaCorrect: I want to be as strong as dad ”, “such . Correct: We, as usual, will spend the summer at the cottage as if on purpose”, “as now”, “as for example”, “as a consequence”, “as usual”, as well as the constructions “nothing else but ...” and “nothing else but ...”. And, as always, examples: "It was none other than our neighbor in the country", "A comma is usually put." Correct: Physics, like chemistry, is the least likely to pass on the Unified State Examination The third signal, screaming to us about the presence of a comma, is a turnover with the conjunction "like ...". If you see it, put a comma and don't even think. Often, the same turn includes descriptive words: "The game forms the personality as well as knowledge", "Google, like us, can be wrong." But with our tips, it is almost impossible to make a mistake. Correct: "Mel" advises how to spend the summer with benefit Another rule (simple!), which we will consider, is a comma before the union "how" in complex sentences. A comma is placed if “how” attaches a subordinate clause: “Experts tell you how not to forget English over the summer”, “I remember how I got the first two”. nine0007 Correct: Her eyes were as beautiful as the bottom of the oceans An example that was carried over from another issue of plural literacy. From it it is very clear which turns we can consider comparative and how they should be distinguished in the letter (hint - commas). “For eight years I plowed like a galley slave, from morning to night”, “I like to lie on the sofa, like Oblomov, and think.” When NOT to put a commaCorrect: Anya can enter a university without the Unified State Examination as the winner of the All-Russia Let's move on to the difficult. And we will immediately tell you about the most (!) common mistakes. Now attention. If the meaning of “reason” is captured in the sentence, that is, a question can be made from one part, and an answer from the other, the turnover with “how” is isolated. The main thing is not to confuse it with the meaning "as". To do this, we ask a question. Why can Anya enter a university without an exam? - Because the winner of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (abbreviated Vseros). nine0007 Correct: It's raining like a bucket Say hello to phraseological units and stable combinations (we had such a test). A comma is not put if the comparative phrase is part of the predicate or is closely related to it in meaning. Correct: We need to hand in the work as soon as possible We trust that you won't get confused by the different clue words. Do not be persuaded by a comma in combinations “as if nothing happened”, “almost like”, “like as”, “as possible”, “exactly like” and just in the presence of a negative particle. “She talked just like an adult”, “I tried to arrive as early as possible”, “They are not like people”. Correct: School as the best time of life (but this is not accurate) Primary school rule. There is no place for a comma before the subject and predicate, only a dash or nothing at all is allowed. |