Feeding chart for breastfed babies

Baby feeding chart - How many ounces of breastmilk should a baby eat?– Nested Bean

Feeding is one of the first activities you'll do with your little one, and you'll spend lots of time doing it as a new parent! Whether your baby is formula-fed, breastfed, or eating solid foods, feeding them the right amount is vital for their development.

Read on to learn more about how much breast milk, formula, and solid food you need to keep your baby healthy at any age.

From the experts: baby feeding

'It is important to remember all babies are different―some like to snack more often, and others drink more at one time and go longer between feedings. However, most babies will drink more and go longer between feedings as they get bigger and their tummies can hold more milk.'

- Sanjeev Jain, MD, Healthy Children

In this article:

  • Breast milk feedings and amounts by age

  • Formula feeding and amounts by age

  • Solid food feedings and amounts by age

  • Baby feeding FAQ

Breast milk feedings and amounts by age

Though breastfeeding has a whole host of benefits, from providing bonding time with your baby to giving them all the nutrients they need to grow and develop, it can be tricky to know how much they're actually drinking if you aren't pumping!

If you're feeding your baby directly from the breast, they'll likely want to eat little and often at first - every 1-3 hours for the first few weeks. As they get older, this will decrease to longer feeds every 2-4 hours, and you may include a stretch of time between feedings at night as your baby sleeps.

Once they reach 6 months of age and you start introducing solid food into their diet, the amount of breastfeeding and ounces of milk per feeding will vary depending on how much food they're eating.

If you're choosing to primarily pump breast milk, you'll likely find it a lot easier to figure out just how much milk your baby is getting. However, this doesn't mean you know the correct amount for each age! To help you out, we've created a table stating how much breast milk to give your baby and how often:

Age Time between feedings Ounces per feeding
0-1 Month 2-3 hours 1-3 ounces
1-3 Months  3-4 hours 3-4 ounces
3-6 months 4-6 hours 4-8 ounces
6-9 months 4-6 hours 6-8 ounces
9-12 months 5-8 hours 7-8 ounces

Remember that this table is only a rough guide - your baby is unique, and they might be perfectly healthy eating more or less than described here.

If you're unsure that your baby is consuming the right amount of breast milk, you should consult your pediatrician for more advice.

Formula feeding and amounts by age

As well as being more convenient for many parents and more accessible for dads, formula-fed babies can also be easier to feed the correct amount as you can more effectively measure how much they're eating.

Generally speaking, formula-fed babies tend to take fewer feedings than breastfed babies and will eat more in a single feed, but this might be different for your own baby!

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that your baby has around 2 1/2 oz of formula per day for every pound of body weight - a baby who weighs ten pounds will therefore need 25 ounces in a 24-hour period, for instance.

To make it easy, we've put together a table with the recommended amounts of formula according to your baby's age:

Age Time between feedings Ounces per Feeding

0-2 weeks

2-3 hours

1 to 2 ounces

2 weeks - 2 months

3-4 hours

2-3 ounces

2-4 months

4-5 hours

4-6 ounces

4-6 months

4-6 hours

5-8 ounces

Once again, you might find that your baby can't quite drink as much formula as this table says, or that they cry for more milk between feedings.

Ultimately, you should always follow your baby's lead when it comes to their basic needs - they know how much milk they need to drink better than a baby feeding chart does! Therefore, just use these tables as a rough guide that you can adjust later down the line if you need to.

Solid food feedings and amounts by age

Once your baby is 6 months old, they'll have reached some of the developmental milestones that mean they can start eating solid food. These include sitting up independently, bringing food to their mouth, controlling their head and neck, and successfully swallowing food by pushing it to their throat.

As you already know, you can't feed your baby a full three-course meal right off the bat - you need to start slow with foods that are easy for them to eat and digest.

For instance, you can try starting them off with mashed or pureed single-ingredient foods such as mashed apples or carrots.

This is also the time when allergies might come to light, so be mindful of what you're feeding your baby in case they have any kind of reaction, and consult your doctor if you notice anything wrong.

Here is a table of how much solid food you should give your baby at each age - bear in mind that these amounts should be supplemented with breast milk or formula, and that the amount of food you give them will depend on this ratio.

 Age Type of food Amount of food How often
6-8 months Fruit and vegetables 1-4 tbsp 1-2 times per day
6-8 months Cereal 1-4 tbsp 1-2 times per day
8-9 months Fruit, vegetables, cereals 5-10 tbsp 2-3 times per day
8-9 months Proteins  2-6 tbsp Each day
9-12 months Fruit, vegetables, grains Up to 1/2 cup 2 times per day
9-12 months Dairy Up to 1/2 cup Each day
9-12 months Protein Up to 1/2 cup Each day

However, as any parent can tell you, babies rarely eat exactly the right amount whenever they're told! Your baby's appetite will likely fluctuate each day, and it's important to not force food down them when they aren't feeling hungry.

Instead, you should teach them to trust their own feelings and instincts, so that they understand their own hunger better when they grow into childhood.

If you want an idea of how to work foods like this into your baby's diet, here's an example of what your baby might eat in a day:

Meal Food
 Breakfast Oatmeal with pureed fruit
Lunch  Lentil soup with boiled carrots
Dinner  Mashed potato with tuna mayo
Snacks A couple of tablespoons of yogurt, smoothie, or applesauce


Of course, the menu is up to you, and you may even find that your baby can eat slightly altered versions of dishes that you might eat yourself!

Baby feeding - key takeaways

When it comes to feeding your baby, things can get a little complicated; from choosing between breast milk and formula feeding to knowing how much milk to feed your baby and keeping on top of the milk supply, it isn't always simple! But don't worry - here are the most important points we've talked about today when it comes to feeding your little one:

  • Your baby's stomach starts out tiny and starts to grow quickly, so expect to start with more frequent, smaller feedings before moving onto larger amounts with longer stretches of time in between

  • Formula-fed babies on average take fewer feedings per day than breastfed babies and will eat a little more in a single sitting

  • Babies can begin eating some solid foods from 6 months, but you should start slow with pureed single-ingredient foods to work out their likes and dislikes, as well as any potential allergies

  • You should pay attention to your baby's unique needs and feed them when they're hungry - while tables can be useful to give you a rough idea of how much babies eat on average, it's fine if they don't 100% apply to your little one's own habits!

Most asked questions about baby feeding

How many ounces of pumped breastmilk should a newborn eat?

When your baby is first born, their stomach is only the size of a marble, stretching out over the first few weeks of their life. This means that they should be fed little and often - around every two or three hours. If you're bottle-feeding your newborn baby, you should only give them 0.5 ounces of breast milk during each feeding for the first few days of their life, gradually increasing the amount as their stomach capacity (and hunger) grows.

How do I know if my baby needs more ounces?

A general rule of thumb is to feed your baby when they're hungry and crying out for more food- though tables and statistics can be helpful, your baby is unique, and you should always put their needs above following a strict routine that may only work for some parents.

If your baby needs more milk, there's a good chance they'll let you know by crying more frequently. Remember, a hunger cry is rhythmic and repetitive, almost like a siren, and your baby may also turn to your breast or raise their hand to their mouth.

How do you calculate how many oz a baby should drink?

The recommended milk intake depends on whether they're drinking breast milk or formula. For formula-fed babies, the American Academy of Pediatrics states that your little one should drink two and a half ounces of formula for every pound of body weight. When it comes to pumped breast milk, you might find that your baby drinks this amount in more frequent, smaller feedings.

On the other hand, it can be difficult to figure out how much milk breastfed babies are drinking during each feed, so you may want to feed them according to their own natural rhythms and when they become hungry.

How much does the average 2-month-old drink?

At 2 months old, your baby will typically be drinking around 2 ounces of breast milk or formula during each feeding, and having each feeding every 3 or 4 hours per day. This adds up to around 12-16 ounces of milk per day!

However, if your own 2-month-old is drinking more or less than this, that doesn't mean that you need to worry. Every baby is different, and as long as they're healthy and have a good appetite, you don't need to worry too much about the exact amount they're drinking. If you're concerned about their eating habits, you should contact your pediatrician for medical advice.

Is 6oz too much for a 2-month-old?

Generally speaking, a 2-month-old baby will drink about 2 ounces of milk per feeding, adding up to around 12-16 ounces of milk per day, so 6 ounces all at once may be a little too much for their stomach to handle.

But if your baby prefers fewer, larger feedings, then 6 ounces might make sense - at the end of the day, it's all about what works for your baby and your family, rather than what statistics and baby feeding charts say you should do. After all, you know your little one best!

When should my baby eat 4 oz?

The amount of breast milk or formula your baby eats in a single feed will increase as they grow and develop. For instance, while a newborn can only stomach a teaspoon or so of milk during their first feeding, this will increase to 2 whole ounces by the time they're 2 weeks old!

Broadly speaking, your baby will be able to eat 4 ounces per feeding by the time they're 3 or 4 months old, but don't take this number too seriously. All babies are unique, and while one parent might find that their 5-month-old can just about manage 4 ounces, another might discover that their baby wants more than this at 3 months!

How much milk should I be producing for a 3-week-old?

At 3 weeks old, your baby should be drinking around 2 ounces of milk per feeding every 3 or 4 hours, though your baby's milk intake might vary according to factors like their weight and whether they're drinking breast milk or formula. In terms of milk production, you should aim to pump between 25 and 35 ounces of breast milk within a 24-hour span if you're exclusively pumping.

However, it's worth noting that this isn't possible for every woman, and that not all parents have access to breast milk, so don't worry too much about what you 'should' be doing. All that matters is that your baby is happy and healthy, whether that's through breast milk or formula!

Is it OK to formula feed instead of breastfeeding?

Absolutely! Here's a saying we love to use instead of breast is best: fed is best. Many women struggle to breastfeed for a wide range of reasons, while single fathers or adoptive parents may not have the option at all. There are many benefits to breastfeeding, but your baby being healthy is what's important - if you need formula to reach that goal, then definitely use it.

Is it OK to feed a swaddled baby?

Absolutely! If your baby is waking up from a nap hungry, or wanting to be fed before she goes to sleep, leaving them in the swaddle makes the most sense for many parents and is perfectly safe to do. In fact, swaddling your baby before you feed them makes sense for many parents as it helps them to calm down, which is especially useful if they're going to be put to bed right after!

If you're looking for a swaddle to help soothe your newborn to sleep, we can't recommend our own Zen Neo swaddle pod highly enough! A womb-like shaped pod that helps to ease your baby's transition to the big new world around them, this swaddle also features a gently weighted pad to mimic your soothing touch and help your little one fall asleep all by themselves.

Should I swaddle my baby before or after feeding?

This really depends on what makes sense for your own baby! For instance, while some babies may become too sleepy and cozy to eat after they've been swaddled, others may become agitated if you try to swaddle them right after they've been fed. Every baby is different, and your swaddling habits will likely reflect this, so do whatever works best for you and your little one!

Should I unswaddle for dream feed?

If you don't already know, a dream feed is when you feed your baby while they're still pretty much asleep, but just awake enough to be able to latch on and drink. A well-timed dream feed can prevent other wakeups throughout the night, meaning more sleep for both you and your baby - if you want to know more, check out our blog all about dream feeds!

Because you want your baby to remain mostly asleep during the feeding, you'll want to disrupt them as little as possible - therefore, removing them from the swaddle likely isn't the best move, as it's almost certain to wake them up! On the other hand, if they aren't awake enough to latch, you may want to unswaddle them as a way of waking them up a little more - it's all about finding the right balance of awake but drowsy.

How many ounces should a 2 month old eat?

A 2-month-old baby should consume about 2 to 4 ounces of formula or breast milk per feeding, and should eat about every three to four hours. This amount will increase as your baby grows. At each feeding, your baby may consume more or less than this amount, but over the course of a day, this is generally how much a 2-month-old should eat.

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Newborn and Baby Feeding Chart in the 1st Year

Whether you’re a first-time parent or a seasoned caregiver, figuring out why your baby is crying can feel like a guessing game. Fortunately, paying attention to your baby’s daily feeding schedule can help reduce some of the guesswork.

By following a feeding schedule, you might be able to avoid some of the fussiness associated with hunger, and you’ll be able to more easily tell whether he’s more likely to be wet or tired instead.

Whether your little one’s a newborn, a 6-month old, or even a 1-year-old, read on to find out how to come up with a feeding schedule and adjust it to your baby’s needs as he grows and develops.

Baby Feeding Chart at a Glance

As you watch for those delightful baby milestones — from first smiles and giggles to sitting and crawling — it can be hard to keep track of everything related to your baby’s feeding schedule. Fortunately, you don’t have to. We've assembled all the necessary details in the chart below, including feeding frequency and portion information.

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Keep an eye on your baby’s average growth by tracking height, weight, and head circumference with our simple tool.

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*Input details of your baby’s last measurements. **Source: World Health Organization

Feeding Schedule for Breastfed Newborns

From the moment your baby is born, she begins to grow at a surprisingly quick pace. To fuel her development and keep her well fed, be prepared to nurse about every two to three hours.

By the time she’s a week old, your little one may begin to nap for longer periods, giving you more time between feedings. If she’s sleeping, you can maintain your baby’s feeding schedule by waking her up gently when it’s time to feed.

Tips to keep in in mind if you’re breastfeeding:

  • The length of time between feedings is measured from when your baby begins nursing, not when she stops.

  • Ensure your little one latches on properly. This can be difficult when you’re starting out, especially for first-time moms, but over time your baby may begin to latch comfortably. Speaking to a lactation consultant could be helpful.

  • As your baby grows she may nurse at a faster rate.

  • Alternate between breasts during each feeding.

  • Look for signs that your baby is full. She may turn away from the breast, nurse at a slower rate, or lose interest. Once she seems full, end the feeding

  • Your baby’s healthcare provider may recommend adding vitamin D oral supplements to your baby’s diet. Follow the provider's instructions to ensure your baby gets the proper dosage.

Nursing your baby on demand or every couple of hours around the clock can seem like a lot—and it is! At the newborn stage, your baby can’t take in much milk in a single sitting, so frequent feeding is needed to make sure she's getting enough. Later on, as your baby's daily routine (including her sleep and awake time) becomes more predictable, you'll have an easier time following a regular feeding schedule.

Feeding Schedule for Formula-Fed Newborns

Formula-fed newborns will need about two to three ounces (60 – 90 milliliters) of formula per feeding to start with. Newborns fed from bottles are able to take in more during a feeding than a breastfed infants. This allows you to space out feedings by about three to four hours.

As your baby reaches her 1-month milestone, she will need at least four ounces per feeding to get the nourishment she requires. Your newborn’s feeding schedule will gradually become more predictable over time, and you’ll need to adjust the amount of formula as she grows.

3-Month-Old Feeding Schedule

Now that you and your baby have begun to develop a routine, it can be difficult to make slight alternations. However, as your baby grows and her feeding needs change, you’ll need to adjust your baby’s feeding schedule accordingly.

For Your Breastfed Baby

At 3 months, your baby is becoming more active, will begin to breastfeed less often, and may sleep for longer periods of time at night.

You may have to nurse just six to eight times per day at this stage (or about every three to four hours).

If your baby’s healthcare provider sees that he’s gaining weight and growing at a regular pace, then he’s probably getting the right amount of nutrition.

The number of wet and soiled diapers is also a great indicator as to whether or not he is eating well. Your baby should have about four to six wet diapers a day.

See your baby’s healthcare provider if you’re concerned that your little one may not be getting enough to eat.

For Your Formula-Fed Baby

As your little one continues to grow, you’ll notice that he wants to eat more during each feeding and begins to sleep for longer intervals at night.

Slight adjustments to your 3-month old’s feeding schedule may include:

  • Increasing the amount of formula to about 5 ounces per feeding

  • Giving your baby formula about six to eight times per day

  • Switching the newborn nipple size or style on your baby’s bottles to make it easier for him to drink from the bottle.

6-Month-Old Feeding Schedule

At this stage, your baby’s healthcare provider may recommend you expand your baby’s diet to include solid foods. With these menu additions on the horizon, having a 6-month-old feeding schedule will come in handy!

When a baby is ready to try solid foods, a single grain baby cereal mixed with breast milk or formula has traditionally been the first solid food to be introduced, followed by pureed vegetables and fruits. However, there's no medical evidence that indicates introducing foods in any special order offers any benefits.

Keep in mind that solids are only a supplement at this stage, and that breast milk or formula is still your baby’s most important source of nutrition. Continue to include about 32 ounces of breast milk or formula in your 6-month-old’s feeding schedule of three to five feedings per day to ensure your baby gets the necessary vitamins and minerals.

You may be able to start weaning your baby off of night feedings; however, every baby is unique. Speak to your baby’s healthcare provider to see if it’s time to cut down on nighttime feedings and to learn what you can do to encourage the process.

7- to 9-Month-Old Feeding Schedule

Months seven through nine can be a good time to add a greater variety and quantity of solid foods to your baby’s diet. He may need fewer daytime feedings, now — about four to five.

Purees of meats, veggies, and fruits are recommended at this stage. Introduce your baby to these new flavors as single ingredient purees then gradually add combinations to his meals.

Your baby may slowly begin to wean off breast milk or formula as his growing body demands solid foods for nutrition.

There is no correct time to wean off breast milk or formula. Speak to your baby’s healthcare provider to learn more about the cues and signs that can let you know when your baby is ready for more solid foods.

10- to 12-Month-Old Feeding Schedule

Exploring new textures may now be a big part of your little one’s meals. As he grows, he may begin to self-feed with finger foods such as cut-up bananas, dry cereal, and pasta and even demand certain flavors that he enjoys more.

As you continue to replace breast milk or formula with solids, your baby’s healthcare provider can help determine how to balance out your baby’s meals.

Blends of different foods can be introduced during mealtime and added to your baby’s feeding schedule. Your baby may eat about three to four times per day. Be sure to avoid offering foods that pose choking hazards such as grapes, peanuts, and popcorn.

Finger feeding can be fun for your little one. Always be sure that his food is cut up into pieces that are small enough for him to be able to pick up and chew without being at risk of choking. After some practice, he’ll be on his way toward wholesome, independent eating habits.

1-Year-Old Feeding Schedule

Now that you’re celebrating your baby’s first birthday, it’s also time to celebrate his feeding accomplishments. Your baby’s feeding schedule can now include almost all the healthy and nutritious foods you eat, with a few minor exceptions such as raw honey and choking hazards like nuts.

Your baby may be eating less frequently now, as he is able to take in more food in one sitting. Give your 1-year-old approximately three meals and about two or three snacks a day.

This is the time to add cow’s milk to your baby’s diet. However, too much milk is not always good, and should be kept to about 16 to 24 ounces per day if your baby is able to tolerate lactose. Check with your baby's healthcare provider if you have any questions about how and when to introduce cow's milk.

You can continue to nurse your baby if you wish. There is no correct time to wean him off of breast milk; rather, it is recommended that to continue breastfeeding for as long as it is right for you and your little one. Consult with your baby’s healthcare provider if you have questions about the weaning process.

As your baby grows and develops, his feeding needs will change. Having a baby feeding schedule at the ready can help you track your baby’s mealtimes and anticipate when he’ll start to be hungry.

This is just one of the ways you can help keep your little one happy and developing well. Having a feeding schedule in place also gives you some extra freedom to spend more time enjoying his many milestones.

Of course, if at any time you have questions or concerns, reach out to your baby’s healthcare provider for personalized guidance and advice.

How to introduce complementary foods while breastfeeding: Monthly chart

Reviewer Kovtun Tatiana Anatolievna November 24, 2021

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Before every parent one day the question arises - how to introduce complementary foods for months and do it right?

When to start complementary foods

The question of the timing of the introduction of complementary foods is still debatable. Over the past decades, doctors have agreed that the introduction of complementary foods with any type of feeding should be started at 4-6 months. However, the principle of an individual approach to each child remains unshakable in the organization of complementary foods. There are quite a few factors that affect the age of the first complementary foods. Therefore, before giving your baby new products, you should consult a pediatrician [1, 2] .

The order of introduction of products is also determined individually. So, for example, porridge is recommended to be administered first with a lack of body weight. If the baby's weight is normal or in excess, it is better to start with vegetable puree. However, these recommendations should be based only on the opinion of the pediatrician.

Which products should be preferred: ready-made or homemade

Experts answer this question as follows: let's say any option, depending on the individual conditions, developmental characteristics and health status of the baby, the capabilities and desires of the family. However, the decision must also be made after consultation with your pediatrician. Industrial products have a number of advantages. Firstly, for their preparation only safe raw materials are used, which pass all the necessary checks and quality control. In addition, for the manufacture of baby food, technologies are used that meet all hygienic standards. Secondly, when developing their composition, the required level of grinding is taken into account. Thirdly, specialists who are responsible for safety are involved in the manufacture of complementary foods.

Where to start complementary foods

Dairy-free cereals

For the first acquaintance with grain products, rice or buckwheat baby porridge is suitable. It is better to give preference to cereals of industrial production. Despite the great desire of parents to cook porridge on their own, it must be understood that during cooking, cereals can lose a number of important nutrients. Instant cereals, that is, soluble, are distinguished by the fact that during their production the substances necessary for a small organism are preserved. In addition, the required degree of grinding is taken into account and observed at the baby food production plant.


It is better to start complementary foods with one-component puree of broccoli, cauliflower or courgettes [1] . All these products should be introduced in turn, observing the reaction. If the baby has taken well one type of vegetable, you can offer another, gradually expanding the diet. Experts recommend starting a child's training in vegetables with industrial baby purees. This approach guarantees the safety of the first complementary foods, because their production undergoes a multi-stage test. The FrutoNyanya baby puree contains only natural vegetables, without the addition of starch, salt or preservatives.

Breastfeeding complementary feeding chart by month

These recommendations are generalized and do not take into account the individual characteristics of each child, so the exact scheme and timing of the introduction of complementary foods should be checked with your pediatrician.

Product names (g, ml) 4–5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9-12 months
vegetable puree 10 - 150 150 150 150 150
Porridge 10 - 150 150 150 180 200
Meat puree of industrial production*/boiled meat - 5–30/
40–50/ 20–30 60–70/ 30–35 80–100/ 40–50
Fruit puree** 5 - 50 60 70 80 90-100
Cottage cheese (not earlier than 5.5 months)*** - - - 10-40 50
Yolk (pcs.) - - ¼ ½ ½
Fish puree - - - 5-30 30-60
Fruit juice - - - 5-60 80-100
Kefir and other non-adapted dairy drinks for children - - - 200 200
Baby biscuits - 3 5 5 5
Wheat bread, crackers - - - 5 10
Vegetable oil**** 1-3 5 5 6 6
Butter***** 1-3 4 4 5 5
* without vegetable raw materials added
** not for first foods
*** according to indications from 6 months
****added to vegetable puree

General rules for the introduction of complementary foods

  • Complementary feeding schedule - the age of introduction, the type and amount of products - should be determined by the pediatrician. Only a doctor can develop an individual scheme for the first feeding for a baby by months, because he knows about the features of the growth and development of the baby.
  • Complementary foods should be introduced gradually, ½ tsp in the first half of the day, before the main feeding for 5–7 days, increasing the volume in accordance with the age norm. After mastering one type of complementary foods, you can proceed to the next.
  • The first complementary foods should be puree-like consistency. Gradually, the dishes should become thicker, and by 8-10 months, pieces may appear in them.
  • It is better to introduce new products in the morning, so it is easier to follow the reaction of the baby during the day. After the first “tasting”, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the skin, stool and evaluate the general behavior of the child. If everything is in order, then the body has accepted a new product and you can continue to adapt to it. It is recommended to keep a food diary.
  • You need to offer the child complementary foods from a spoon, after checking the temperature of the food - it should correspond to body temperature. During the trial of new products, the baby should be seated in high chair (if the baby is already sitting well). It provides an anatomically correct posture for eating.
  • If the child is breastfed, after each feeding during the introduction of complementary foods, it is recommended to apply it to the breast. This will help maintain lactation.

List of sources

1. The program for optimizing the feeding of children in the first year of life in the Russian Federation: guidelines / FGAU "NMIC of Children's Health" of the Ministry of Health of Russia. — M.: b. i., 2019. - 112 p.

2. Borovik T. E., Skvortsova V. A., Netrebenko O. K. Complementary foods in infant nutrition // Pediatrics. Journal them. G. N. Speransky. 2008. No. 4.

Reviewer Kovtun Tatiana Anatolievna

Scientific adviser to PROGRESS JSC, Ph. D.

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