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6 Unusual And Fun Pregnancy Announcement Ideas
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Here are six of our favorite unusual and fun pregnancy announcement ideas.
- The Unexpected Lunch
There’s something to be said about receiving an unexpected lunch delivery.
Especially one with the delivery of live geese and a dozen or so brightly colored balloons.
Now we’re not saying drop off wild geese at your partner’s office, but thanks to delivery, you can surprise him with a specially catered lunch to make the pregnancy announcement.
Have your delivery equipped with pink or blue dessert and a tiny bear print engraved on the receipt with the due date.
It’ll make him ponder and even give you a ring to question the strangeness of it all, and that’s when you can make your mark.
Without laughing at his confusion, we hope.
Suppose you are the type of person who enjoys going all out with big news.
In that case, you can make a trip to the restaurant beforehand and have them place a copy of the ultrasound photo into the box or bag.
You can count down the seconds before you get that urgent phone or video call.
A very unexpected lunch for your partner indeed.
2. The Delivery
Should you find yourself working in the office and your partner working from home, you can flip ‘the unexpected lunch’ on its head.
Now there are a few ways you can go about this: premake lunch or have lunch delivered.
Either way, your partner will get the message, and you’ll have one heck of a funny pregnancy announcement story!
And if you don’t want to go the food route because you know how particular he can get, you can make any delivery an ‘unexpected’ delivery with a phone call ahead.
Whether from his favorite coffee shop or sports venue, if they offer drop-off service, take full advantage of it to drop the bomb on him.
3. The Gag Gift
Here is another creative pregnancy announcement to give a try.
Similar to the holiday game you play with family, you can leave an unexpected gag gift attaching the baby name anywhere in your partner’s familiar environment.
Enjoy watching how long it takes him to get the hint.
Don’t give in or give up too quickly if he doesn’t immediately suspect anything.
Some people have delayed responses, and he could be one of the many.
Whether it’s:
- a wild and head-scratching riddle
- a baby announcement poem
- or a physical item that’s out-of-the-ordinary
it should give him more than enough time to ponder on what it means before you lean in and drop the big news.
4. The Holiday Card
Should you want to get your friends and family members involved in announcing your pregnancy, skip the announcement card and announce it with a yearly holiday card!
Many families choose to have a family portrait taken during the holidays, and should this include your family too, why not make it a family portrait session they’ll never forget?
A new baby means new rules, and if you’re far enough along and already know the baby’s gender, why not make it a gender reveal as well.
Talk about a cute pregnancy announcement idea.
Bring in the props and find your photographer, and right before the “cheese,” everyone can toss pink or blue glitter in the air before announcing your pregnancy aloud.
Capture the exact moment on camera and have a few keepsakes of your partner and everyone else’s shocked faces.
You could also share an image on social media if you’re into that sort of thing.
Or, if it’s only just the two of you, make it a solo surprise pregnancy announcement mission – especially if it’s your first child.
Right before the timer runs out, you can toss colored glitter or confetti high into the air and shout ‘pregnancy!’ loud enough to throw him off his game.
You won’t have to watch what happens because it’ll all be recorded, and you can share the moment with your parents and both sides of your family for generations to come.
5. The Pet Groomer
Now, this funny pregnancy announcement requires a cute pet – whether yours or a friend’s/relative’s.
The trick is to give your partner the lovely little task of dropping off and picking up the pet from the groomers.
Give the salon a heads up of your plan so that it runs smoothly, and at the time of the scheduled pick up, you can have the groomers announce with a team-led ‘congratulations’ with a pink or blue ribbon tied to your pet’s collar.
Or, if you’re up for it, you can bring in a shock factor.
Think of a drastic (pre-approved) haircut and color for your pup that your partner was unaware was on the menu.
He’ll get a shock factor alright, and you’ll get a phone call faster than a lightning strike.
Just be sure to hold in your laughs because he’ll obviously be in a state of shock and confusion.
6. The Food Dish
Creative pregnancy announcement ideas are best when there’s food involved.
Do your partner and family enjoy your baking?
If so, turn your desserts up a notch by creating a pink or blue filling or topping.
Now you may think this isn’t shocking, but imagine the looks on their faces when their usual slice of cheesecake is colored bright pink or blue.
They’ll think you’ve gone mad and suspect you of playing a trick or two, and while you have everyone’s attention, you can then drop the news on them.
Now extra precautions may need to be taken to ensure this goes according to plan, especially if you have mindless eaters in your gang that won’t think twice about their food before gulping it down.
For example, if you’ve baked extra special cupcakes, cookies or brownies, you could leave a card or note beside the baking dish or platter that’ll grab their attention when reaching for the dessert.
Two cards/notes if you’re attempting to make a twin pregnancy announcement.
Look towards Alice in Wonderland’s ‘Drink Me’ bottles for a bit of inspiration.
Use a large card and make sure that the writing is brightly colored or in thick, bold font.
The note will slow them down from grabbing and throwing the desserts back.
After noticing that their regular eclair is filled with an odd color and quite possibly the engraving of the baby names, that’ll be enough to get the conversation going and slide in your surprise.
Another trick you may try for cute baby announcement ideas is placing food coloring in the water cubes (if you’re still using ice trays).
Now, if pink or blue ice cubes don’t get their attention, then you might have to resort to plastering a giant blow-up of the ultrasound on the front of the fridge and let everyone play the game of guess who.
Whether you choose to go solo or involve friends to help surprise your partner and family after your positive pregnancy test, these six ways to make a cute pregnancy announcement will give you the shock factor that you’re looking for.
We hope you feel inspired to use these ideas to create your own fun pregnancy announcements.
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A weekly promotional and informational selection of the “Food Essentials” column introduces the reader to shopping centers, shops, retail outlets where you can buy food, dishes, kitchen utensils for a family dinner or catering establishments. We propose to simplify the search for readers in the choice of restaurants, bars, cafes and coffee shops, confectionery factories and bakeries, talking about the highlights of such establishments. The section contains advice from experts: doctors, nutritionists of the city. Along with advice from professionals in the rubric, there are recommendations from women: be it a well-known business woman or a housewife. The newspaper actively interacts with readers. In the next issues, we will organize a photo contest "Food with Emotions", in which not only adults, but also children can participate.
The offer gives you the opportunity to announce your company/organization, going beyond the traditional placement of advertising. An important advantage in placing ads in the "Highlights about Food" section is a unified theme, taking into account your suggestions and wishes.
Kurier's readers are modern, mobile people with a wide range of interests, who have a steady income and are consumers of quality goods and services. They make decisions and follow developments in the region, the country and the world. The newspaper has long been a companion in the information and advertising space: it helps to think, relax, unobtrusively entertain, offering professional content and advertising that meets the highest modern standards.
Participation in the project:
- grocery stores, specialized stores
- restaurants, cafes, bars, nightclubs, canteens, bakeries, pastry shops utensils, equipment for restaurants
- food specialists
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