Food increase baby weight during pregnancy
Diet Tips To Increase Fetal Weight In Third Trimester – Pampers India
For 28 weeks, you’ve dealt with morning sickness, swollen legs, and uncomfortable nights. Over the next three months, your baby’s final developments will cause your bump to grow larger, and your body will get ready for childbirth. The third trimester of your pregnancy are most crucial for your baby’s health and well-being. To better understand what’s going on during this time, let’s take a look at the developments that will increase your baby’s weight week by week over the next 12 weeks with the help of this baby weight chart during pregnancy in grams:
Week of pregnancy | Developments | Baby weight chart during pregnancy in grams | Baby height chart during pregnancy in centimetres |
Week 28 | At this point, your baby can partially open its eyes and its central nervous system controls body temperature and rhythmic breathing. | 1,000 grams | 37.6 centimetres |
Week 29 | You will start to feel your baby’s kicks and movements as your little one starts to make grasping motions. | 1,200 grams | 38.6 centimetres |
Week 30 | Your baby’s hair has started to grow out now, and red blood cells will begin to form in the bone marrow. | 1,300 grams | 39.9 centimetres |
Week 31 | At this point, your baby’s development is almost complete. The only thing left is for your little one to quickly put on the required weight. | 1,500 grams | 41.1 centimetres |
Week 32 | Until now, a soft layer of hair, known as lanugo, was protecting your baby’s skin.![]() | 1,700 grams | 42.4 centimetres |
Week 33 | This week, for the first time ever, your baby’s pupils will respond to light stimuli. All their bones, except the skull, will start to harden. | 1,900 grams | 43.7 centimetres |
Week 34 | This week, your baby’s fingernails will develop. | 2,100 grams | 45 centimetres |
Week 35 | Your bundle of joy is growing nicely and their skin has started to turn smooth and rosy. | 2,400 grams | 46.2 centimetres |
Week 36 | It’s starting to get a little cramped inside, with your baby taking up most of the amniotic sac.![]() | 2,600 grams | 47.4 centimetres |
Week 37 | Your baby has got a firm grasp now, and his or her head will start to descend to prepare for childbirth. | 2,900 grams | 48.6 centimetres |
Week 38 | You’re almost there. Your baby’s head and body will have the same circumference by now. | 3,100 grams | 49.8 centimetres |
Week 39 | It’s almost time for your baby to come out, and this week their body will start to accumulate fat to help them stay warm once they are born. | 3,300 grams | 50.7 centimetres |
Week 40 | Your baby is fully developed and your due date is finally here.![]() | 3,500 grams | 51.2 centimetres |
Of course, the way your baby develops and how tall or heavy your little one is will depend from pregnancy to pregnancy. This baby weight chart will give you a rough guide of what is happening each week and how your baby is gaining weight. Since the third trimester is crucial in preparing your baby for the outside world, it’s imperative that you track your pregnancy weight. If you haven’t quite put on the required amount of weight, your doctor may ask you to increase your calorie intake to help your baby grow.
If you’re wondering how to increase baby weight specifically, here’s a look at some nutritious foods that you should include in your diet:
1. Eggs, Milk, Yogurt & Tofu
All of these foods have a high protein content, sufficient intake of protein in pregnancy is very crucial. The proteins you consume during this time will mostly be used to keep your baby’s growth on track while also maintaining your maternal tissues.
2. Broccoli, Watercress & Cheese
These are some fabulous sources of calcium. You’ll need to incorporate this baby weight gain food to your diet to ensure that your baby’s teeth and bones grow and harden as required.
3. Fruits
Fresh fruits like kiwis, bananas, melons and strawberries can help you meet your daily vitamin C requirement. This vitamin is necessary to ensure that your baby’s placenta continues to function properly. Additionally, vitamin C helps your little one absorb the iron from the food you eat, which is required to maintain a healthy immune system.
4. Lentils
If you still feel like your 9 month baby pregnancy weight is below average, you should definitely load up on your lentils. Apart from adding protein to your diet, lentils are also rich in vitamin B1, known as thiamine, and fibres. You can consume lentils in the form of a dal, stew, or even porridge.
5. Avocados
Avocados are a crucial baby weight gain food as they are rich in fibre and vitamins C and E. Plus, it’s a good source of healthy fats, which will help them stay warm after birth.
6. Salmon
As your baby’s brain completes its development, it’s essential that you consume a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon will provide you with the omega-3 you require, along with giving you a healthy dose of Docosahexaenioc Acid or DHA.
7. Dark, Leafy Green Veggies
It’s time to stock up on your intake of spinach, kale and other leafy vegetables, nuts and whole grains. Rich in magnesium, these foods help the development of your baby’s bones, while also preventing your uterus from early contractions and cramps.
Even though you now know how to increase baby weight during your third trimester, it’s important that you don’t make any major changes to your third trimester diet plan without the approval of your doctor.It’s crucial to remember that your pregnancy journey is different from anybody else’s experience, so even if your friend’s or sister’s baby was a certain weight in the 38th week of pregnancy, its okay if your baby’s weight is different. As long as you continue to eat healthy and get the nutrients you and your baby require, you’ll enjoy a healthy and happy pregnancy.
How to Increase Baby Weight during Pregnancy
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Once you find out that you are pregnant, it is important to pay heed to your diet, exercise, and lifestyle for the optimal growth and development of your unborn baby. Every mother wishes to have a healthy baby, and one of the parameters that help you know about your baby’s well-being is the foetal weight.
Video : How to Increase Fetal Weight During Pregnancy
How is Foetus Weight Measurement Done?
Most pregnant women will have their first ultrasound scan in the first trimester. Your radiologist will take various measurements to understand the foetal growth and development. Following are some measurements that your radiologist will make:
- FL or Femur length
- HC or Head circumference
- AC or Abdominal circumference
- OFD or Occipitofrontal diameter
- BPD or Biparietal diameter
- HL or Humerus length
With the above-mentioned parameters, your radiologist will establish the foetal weight and gestational age. You will also be told about your EDD or estimated date of delivery. The measurements made by the doctor may not be exact, but it will help your doctor establish the overall well-being of the foetus.
Also Read: Foetal Anaemia – Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment
What is the Ideal Weight of a Foetus?
Every baby grows differently; therefore, the table below is only to give you an idea, and not the ideal baby weight gain, week by week during pregnancy.
Pregnancy in Weeks | Foetal weight in Grams |
8 | 1 |
9 | 2 |
10 | 4 |
11 | 7 |
12 | 14 |
13 | 23 |
14 | 43 |
15 | 70 |
16 | 100 |
17 | 140 |
18 | 190 |
19 | 240 |
20 | 300 |
21 | 360 |
22 | 430 |
23 | 501 |
24 | 600 |
25 | 660 |
26 | 760 |
27 | 875 |
28 | 1005 |
29 | 1153 |
30 | 1319 |
31 | 1502 |
32 | 1702 |
33 | 1918 |
34 | 2146 |
35 | 2383 |
36 | 2622 |
37 | 2859 |
38 | 3083 |
39 | 3288 |
40 | 3462 |
41 | 3597 |
42 | 3685 |
Effective Tips to Increase Foetal Weight During Pregnancy
As a mommy-to-be you may wonder how to make your unborn baby gain weight, Follow some of these tips to increase foetal weight during pregnancy:
A Healthy and Balanced Diet
Diet plays the most important role in pregnancy.
You should include fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, meat, and poultry in your diet if you wish to increase foetal weight.
Include Nuts and Dry Fruits in Your Diet
A well-balanced diet also constitutes nuts and dry fruits. You may eat almonds, apricots, figs, walnuts, and other nuts and dry fruits. However, it is recommended not to go overboard with them.
Prenatal Vitamins
You will be given prenatal vitamins for your baby’s proper growth and development. These vitamins also help your baby gain weight. You should take these vitamins regularly for optimal foetal weight gain during pregnancy.
Stay Hydrated
Drink adequate amounts of fluids to avoid any kind of dehydration in pregnancy. Dehydration in pregnancy may lead to some serious medical complications. You may take fruit juices, vegetable juices, milk, buttermilk or water to keep your body well-hydrated.
Take Adequate Rest
It is very important for a pregnant woman to have plenty of rest. Over-exertion or unnecessary pressure may affect foetal development and growth. Try and get a minimum eight hours of uninterrupted sleep to keep your energy levels intact.
Stay Calm And Positive
It is not only important to take care of your physical health, but also mental wellbeing. Any kind of stress and anxiety can affect you as well as your unborn baby’s health. The resulting emotional outbursts may lead to over-eating, under-eating, or making wrong food choices, and all these may affect foetal health.
Medical Guidance
Your doctor will guide you in case your baby is not gaining a sufficient amount of weight. You may be told to take additional supplements or make dietary changes to increase foetal weight.
The above-mentioned tips may help your baby gain weight during pregnancy. However, it is recommended to take your doctor’s advice in this matter.
What Can You Eat to Increase Baby Weight During Pregnancy?
You may include the following foods to help the foetus gain weight during pregnancy:
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are loaded with fibre, potassium, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, iron, copper, and beta-carotene. The presence of beta-carotene (an antioxidant) in sweet potatoes gets converted into Vitamin A by your body. Vitamin A, as we know, is essential for foetal skin, bones, and eyes. Sweet potatoes increase the iron levels in the body. You may eat them in mashed, baked, stewed, or shallow-fried form.
Lentils And Beans
Lentils and beans are jam-packed with iron and protein. You will also get enough fibre, folate and calcium by including beans and lentils in your diet. If you are a vegetarian, beans will provide you with minerals that you may otherwise get from a non-vegetarian diet (meat and poultry).
Being rich in zinc, beans are great for reducing the risk of prolonged labour, low birth weight babies, or premature deliveries.
Orange Juice
Start your day with a glass of fresh orange juice and spike up your Vitamin C, potassium and folate levels. Folate and folic acid are extremely important in pregnancy. By meeting your body’s daily requirements of these nutrients, you can reduce the baby’s chances of catching certain birth defects. Orange juice helps in keeping your overall health, metabolism, and muscle functions in place.
Calcium, protein, Vitamin B, zinc and other bone-building nutrients are power-packed in yoghurt. As a mommy-to-be, your daily calcium requirement is 1000 mg, and you can meet this requirement with yoghurt. Apart from keeping your bone and teeth health in place, adequate amounts of calcium in the body reduce the chances of preterm labour or low birth weight babies.
Green Leafy Vegetables
Green vegetables such as spinach, kale, broccoli, and asparagus are loaded with essential nutrients and anti-oxidants.
Green leafy vegetables work wonders for a pregnant woman and her developing foetus. You may get your daily dosage of calcium, potassium, Vitamin A, folate, and fibre by eating leafy vegetables. You may eat them in raw, cooked, baked, or stir-fried form for maximum benefits.
Salmon is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids and protein. Omega-3 fatty acids are very beneficial for a growing foetus as they help in brain and eye development, as well as supplying the required amount of protein to mothers. Salmon is considered safe for pregnant women, as it has very low levels of mercury in it.
Egg are a powerhouse of protein, Vitamin A, and Vitamin D, all of which are incredible for the growth and development on the foetus. In fact, the protein profile of eggs is unmatched by any other food, making it beneficial to eat during pregnancy. Eggs are also rich in folic acids and iron, which work towards strengthening amniotic membranes and preventing birth defects and low birth weight in the foetus.
A daily intake of 200-500 ml of milk per day can help pregnant women increase foetal weight. Milk contains a high amount of protein and calcium, which are essential for the growth and development of the foetus. You can drink milk in plain form or come up with interesting porridge and smoothie recipes.
Chicken is a great food that helps increase foetal weight. This lean meat is high in proteins that promote cell and muscle development in the body. Besides proteins, chicken also has a high amount of iron that reduces anaemia in the mother and fetus.
Soybean is a rich source of protein for vegetarians and can be consumed in various forms. High in iron as well, soybean prevents anaemia due to its high iron content. You can consume soya in the form of soy milk, soya nuggets, tofu, etc.
Precautions to Take While Trying to Increase Your Baby’s Weight in the Womb
Some dietary choices may help you increase your baby’s weight in the womb. However, it is very important that you do so in a healthier manner. Overdoing anything may lead to complications. These are some precautions that you should take:
- Avoid Alcohol and Smoking: You should strictly avoid alcohol consumption and smoking in pregnancy. Both these habits can prove to be fatal for your developing baby and may also lead to serious medical complications.
- Reduce Caffeine Intake: Consuming high amounts of coffee, tea or aerated beverages can have a negative impact on foetal health.
- Avoid Fried, Sugary or Fatty Foods: Regular intake of such food items may make you prone to obesity, which in turn increase the chances of cholesterol and hypertension. It is recommended to go easy on oily, fatty, and sugary food items. Staying away from certain food categories will help you have a healthy pregnancy and also be beneficial for your unborn child.
Making healthy food choices during pregnancy is key to ensuring your baby’s growth and development is on track. We have made some suggestions in context to dietary changes that you can make during pregnancy to increase foetal weight. However, consult your doctor before making any changes or amends to your diet. With expert guidance and support, you will not only have a healthy pregnancy, but also a healthy baby.
References & Resources: Livestrong
Also Read:
Foetal Development: Growth in First, Second and Third Trimester
Baby Size — Week by Week Comparison with Fruits and Veggies
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Balanced nutrition during pregnancy
Nutrition during pregnancy should be balanced, because harmony and balance in nutrition will improve the well-being of the expectant mother and help the development of the fetus. After all, during pregnancy, all processes in a woman’s body are rebuilt. And for all the changes to take place as they should, a pregnant woman simply needs to eat right.
Main components of a pregnant woman's nutrition
months than their own health. But weight gain during pregnancy is a normal process. As a rule, a woman gains 8-10 kilograms (12 with a large height), so if the weight grows within these limits, there is no reason for concern. It is worth taking care of a varied diet, which includes proteins, carbohydrates, fats and all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. It is better to eat fractionally: up to 5-6 times a day in small portions.
Proteins play an important role in the nutrition of a pregnant woman. Their deficiency leads to a decrease in immunity and resistance to stress, iron deficiency anemia. So in the first trimester of pregnancy you need to consume 90-100 g of protein per day, and in the second and third - up to 120 g. Many doctors believe that the protein rate should be 1-2 g per kilogram of a pregnant woman's weight. Proteins are found in fish, meat, offal, milk and dairy products, legumes, eggs.
The daily requirement for carbohydrates is 350-400 g. Here, exceeding the norm can really lead to weight problems, as well as increase the size of the fetus. So it is important to limit or even eliminate sweets, honey, confectionery. Healthy carbohydrates are, first of all, cereals, fruits, freshly squeezed juices. From sweets, pregnant women can eat apple marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows. Preferably homemade, as store-bought sweets may contain harmful substances.
It is better to talk about vitamins with a doctor - he will tell you what is missing in the body and what multivitamin complex to take (as a rule, this is Gendevit or Oligovit). The diet of a pregnant woman should also include legumes, cereals, wholemeal bread, liver, meat, eggs, butter, fresh vegetables and fruits. The need for vitamins in pregnant women is higher, so it is better to combine foods rich in nutrients and medications prescribed by a doctor.
The human fluid requirement is estimated to be between 2 and 2.5 liters per day. However, pregnant women often show a tendency to edema, so it is better to reduce the rate to 1-1.2 liters or even less. It is recommended to replace plain water with rosehip broth, tea, juice. It is advisable for pregnant women to immediately limit themselves to salt - so puffiness will appear less.
Balanced menu for pregnant women
Breakfast. For breakfast, you can eat porridge with dried fruits, cottage cheese or dishes made from it, eggs, yogurt, fruits, vegetables, boiled fish. It is recommended to drink green or black tea, weak coffee, milk.
Second breakfast. This is a light snack: milk with bread, yogurt, fruit, juice.
Lunch. Chicken broth with noodles, soup with meatballs or borscht with beans for the first; boiled meat or fish, sausages or steam cutlets with a side dish or salad for the second; for dessert - compote, jelly or berry mousse.
Afternoon snack. Another snack: fruit, dry biscuits, juice or tea.
Dinner. Boiled fish with vegetables. Stew vegetables, but do not fry. You can also cook it, but outwardly it will not be very appetizing, and the pregnant woman should be surrounded by beauty, including in food. You can cook buckwheat with chicken breast. You can drink tea with lemons or green tea with cookies.
Late supper. And the final snack before going to bed: a glass of kefir.
As you can see, the menu is quite simple, but contains all the useful substances that pregnant women need. This does not mean that all goodies and delicacies should be excluded from your diet. Pregnant women can afford literally everything, but in reasonable quantities. It is recommended to completely exclude only carbonated drinks - they harm both the health and weight of the mother. And, of course, food “garbage”: chips, chocolate bars, french fries, etc.
We have given only general recommendations on nutrition, and only a doctor can help you choose an individual diet.