Food to help baby gain weight in pregnancy

Diet Tips To Increase Fetal Weight In Third Trimester – Pampers India

For 28 weeks, you’ve dealt with morning sickness, swollen legs, and uncomfortable nights. Over the next three months, your baby’s final developments will cause your bump to grow larger, and your body will get ready for childbirth. The third trimester of your pregnancy are most crucial for your baby’s health and well-being. To better understand what’s going on during this time, let’s take a look at the developments that will increase your baby’s weight week by week over the next 12 weeks with the help of this baby weight chart during pregnancy in grams:

Week of pregnancy Developments Baby weight chart during pregnancy in grams Baby height chart during pregnancy in centimetres
Week 28 At this point, your baby can partially open its eyes and its central nervous system controls body temperature and rhythmic breathing. 1,000 grams 37.6 centimetres
Week 29 You will start to feel your baby’s kicks and movements as your little one starts to make grasping motions. 1,200 grams 38.6 centimetres
Week 30 Your baby’s hair has started to grow out now, and red blood cells will begin to form in the bone marrow. 1,300 grams 39.9 centimetres
Week 31 At this point, your baby’s development is almost complete. The only thing left is for your little one to quickly put on the required weight. 1,500 grams 41.1 centimetres
Week 32 Until now, a soft layer of hair, known as lanugo, was protecting your baby’s skin. This week, the hair will shed and you should be able to see your little one’s toenails. 1,700 grams 42.4 centimetres
Week 33 This week, for the first time ever, your baby’s pupils will respond to light stimuli. All their bones, except the skull, will start to harden. 1,900 grams 43.7 centimetres
Week 34 This week, your baby’s fingernails will develop. 2,100 grams 45 centimetres
Week 35 Your bundle of joy is growing nicely and their skin has started to turn smooth and rosy. 2,400 grams 46.2 centimetres
Week 36 It’s starting to get a little cramped inside, with your baby taking up most of the amniotic sac. 2,600 grams 47.4 centimetres
Week 37 Your baby has got a firm grasp now, and his or her head will start to descend to prepare for childbirth. 2,900 grams 48.6 centimetres
Week 38 You’re almost there. Your baby’s head and body will have the same circumference by now. 3,100 grams 49.8 centimetres
Week 39 It’s almost time for your baby to come out, and this week their body will start to accumulate fat to help them stay warm once they are born. 3,300 grams 50.7 centimetres
Week 40 Your baby is fully developed and your due date is finally here. 3,500 grams 51.2 centimetres

Of course, the way your baby develops and how tall or heavy your little one is will depend from pregnancy to pregnancy. This baby weight chart will give you a rough guide of what is happening each week and how your baby is gaining weight. Since the third trimester is crucial in preparing your baby for the outside world, it’s imperative that you track your pregnancy weight. If you haven’t quite put on the required amount of weight, your doctor may ask you to increase your calorie intake to help your baby grow.

If you’re wondering how to increase baby weight specifically, here’s a look at some nutritious foods that you should include in your diet:

1. Eggs, Milk, Yogurt & Tofu

All of these foods have a high protein content, sufficient intake of protein in pregnancy is very crucial. The proteins you consume during this time will mostly be used to keep your baby’s growth on track while also maintaining your maternal tissues.

2. Broccoli, Watercress & Cheese

These are some fabulous sources of calcium. You’ll need to incorporate this baby weight gain food to your diet to ensure that your baby’s teeth and bones grow and harden as required.

3. Fruits

Fresh fruits like kiwis, bananas, melons and strawberries can help you meet your daily vitamin C requirement. This vitamin is necessary to ensure that your baby’s placenta continues to function properly. Additionally, vitamin C helps your little one absorb the iron from the food you eat, which is required to maintain a healthy immune system.

4. Lentils

If you still feel like your 9 month baby pregnancy weight is below average, you should definitely load up on your lentils. Apart from adding protein to your diet, lentils are also rich in vitamin B1, known as thiamine, and fibres. You can consume lentils in the form of a dal, stew, or even porridge.

5. Avocados

Avocados are a crucial baby weight gain food as they are rich in fibre and vitamins C and E. Plus, it’s a good source of healthy fats, which will help them stay warm after birth.

6. Salmon

As your baby’s brain completes its development, it’s essential that you consume a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon will provide you with the omega-3 you require, along with giving you a healthy dose of Docosahexaenioc Acid or DHA.

7. Dark, Leafy Green Veggies

It’s time to stock up on your intake of spinach, kale and other leafy vegetables, nuts and whole grains. Rich in magnesium, these foods help the development of your baby’s bones, while also preventing your uterus from early contractions and cramps.

Even though you now know how to increase baby weight during your third trimester, it’s important that you don’t make any major changes to your third trimester diet plan without the approval of your doctor.It’s crucial to remember that your pregnancy journey is different from anybody else’s experience, so even if your friend’s or sister’s baby was a certain weight in the 38th week of pregnancy, its okay if your baby’s weight is different. As long as you continue to eat healthy and get the nutrients you and your baby require, you’ll enjoy a healthy and happy pregnancy.

How to Increase Baby Weight during Pregnancy

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  • How to Increase Fetal Weight While Pregnant

Once you find out that you are pregnant, it is important to pay heed to your diet, exercise, and lifestyle for the optimal growth and development of your unborn baby. Every mother wishes to have a healthy baby, and one of the parameters that help you know about your baby’s well-being is the foetal weight.

Video : How to Increase Fetal Weight During Pregnancy

How is Foetus Weight Measurement Done?

Most pregnant women will have their first ultrasound scan in the first trimester. Your radiologist will take various measurements to understand the foetal growth and development. Following are some measurements that your radiologist will make:

  • FL or Femur length
  • HC or Head circumference
  • AC or Abdominal circumference
  • OFD or Occipitofrontal diameter
  • BPD or Biparietal diameter
  • HL or Humerus length

With the above-mentioned parameters, your radiologist will establish the foetal weight and gestational age. You will also be told about your EDD or estimated date of delivery. The measurements made by the doctor may not be exact, but it will help your doctor establish the overall well-being of the foetus.

Also Read: Foetal Anaemia – Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

What is the Ideal Weight of a Foetus?

Every baby grows differently; therefore, the table below is only to give you an idea, and not the ideal baby weight gain, week by week during pregnancy.

Pregnancy in Weeks Foetal weight in Grams
8 1
9 2
10 4
11 7
12 14
13 23
14 43
15 70
16 100
17 140
18 190
19 240
20 300
21 360
22 430
23 501
24 600
25 660
26 760
27 875
28 1005
29 1153
30 1319
31 1502
32 1702
33 1918
34 2146
35 2383
36 2622
37 2859
38 3083
39 3288
40 3462
41 3597
42 3685


Effective Tips to Increase Foetal Weight During Pregnancy

As a mommy-to-be you may wonder how to make your unborn baby gain weight, Follow some of these tips to increase foetal weight during pregnancy:

  1.  A Healthy and Balanced Diet

    Diet plays the most important role in pregnancy. You should include fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, meat, and poultry in your diet if you wish to increase foetal weight.

  1.  Include Nuts and Dry Fruits in Your Diet

    A well-balanced diet also constitutes nuts and dry fruits. You may eat almonds, apricots, figs, walnuts, and other nuts and dry fruits. However, it is recommended not to go overboard with them.

  1. Prenatal Vitamins

    You will be given prenatal vitamins for your baby’s proper growth and development. These vitamins also help your baby gain weight. You should take these vitamins regularly for optimal foetal weight gain during pregnancy.

  1. Stay Hydrated

    Drink adequate amounts of fluids to avoid any kind of dehydration in pregnancy. Dehydration in pregnancy may lead to some serious medical complications. You may take fruit juices, vegetable juices, milk, buttermilk or water to keep your body well-hydrated.

  1. Take Adequate Rest

    It is very important for a pregnant woman to have plenty of rest. Over-exertion or unnecessary pressure may affect foetal development and growth. Try and get a minimum eight hours of uninterrupted sleep to keep your energy levels intact.

  1. Stay Calm And Positive

    It is not only important to take care of your physical health, but also mental wellbeing. Any kind of stress and anxiety can affect you as well as your unborn baby’s health. The resulting emotional outbursts may lead to over-eating, under-eating, or making wrong food choices, and all these may affect foetal health.

  1. Medical Guidance

    Your doctor will guide you in case your baby is not gaining a sufficient amount of weight. You may be told to take additional supplements or make dietary changes to increase foetal weight.

The above-mentioned tips may help your baby gain weight during pregnancy. However, it is recommended to take your doctor’s advice in this matter.

What Can You Eat to Increase Baby Weight During Pregnancy?

You may include the following foods to help the foetus gain weight during pregnancy:

  1. Sweet Potatoes

    Sweet potatoes are loaded with fibre, potassium, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, iron, copper, and beta-carotene. The presence of beta-carotene (an antioxidant) in sweet potatoes gets converted into Vitamin A by your body. Vitamin A, as we know, is essential for foetal skin, bones, and eyes. Sweet potatoes increase the iron levels in the body. You may eat them in mashed, baked, stewed, or shallow-fried form.

  1. Lentils And Beans

    Lentils and beans are jam-packed with iron and protein. You will also get enough fibre, folate and calcium by including beans and lentils in your diet. If you are a vegetarian, beans will provide you with minerals that you may otherwise get from a non-vegetarian diet (meat and poultry). Being rich in zinc, beans are great for reducing the risk of prolonged labour, low birth weight babies, or premature deliveries.

  1. Orange Juice

    Start your day with a glass of fresh orange juice and spike up your Vitamin C, potassium and folate levels. Folate and folic acid are extremely important in pregnancy. By meeting your body’s daily requirements of these nutrients, you can reduce the baby’s chances of catching certain birth defects. Orange juice helps in keeping your overall health, metabolism, and muscle functions in place.

  1. Yoghurt

    Calcium, protein, Vitamin B, zinc and other bone-building nutrients are power-packed in yoghurt. As a mommy-to-be, your daily calcium requirement is 1000 mg, and you can meet this requirement with yoghurt. Apart from keeping your bone and teeth health in place, adequate amounts of calcium in the body reduce the chances of preterm labour or low birth weight babies.

  1. Green Leafy Vegetables

    Green vegetables such as spinach, kale, broccoli, and asparagus are loaded with essential nutrients and anti-oxidants. Green leafy vegetables work wonders for a pregnant woman and her developing foetus. You may get your daily dosage of calcium, potassium, Vitamin A, folate, and fibre by eating leafy vegetables. You may eat them in raw, cooked, baked, or stir-fried form for maximum benefits.

  1. Salmon

    Salmon is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids and protein. Omega-3 fatty acids are very beneficial for a growing foetus as they help in brain and eye development, as well as supplying the required amount of protein to mothers. Salmon is considered safe for pregnant women, as it has very low levels of mercury in it.

  2. Eggs

    Egg are a powerhouse of protein, Vitamin A, and Vitamin D, all of which are incredible for the growth and development on the foetus. In fact, the protein profile of eggs is unmatched by any other food, making it beneficial to eat during pregnancy. Eggs are also rich in folic acids and iron, which work towards strengthening amniotic membranes and preventing birth defects and low birth weight in the foetus.

  3. Milk

    A daily intake of 200-500 ml of milk per day can help pregnant women increase foetal weight. Milk contains a high amount of protein and calcium, which are essential for the growth and development of the foetus. You can drink milk in plain form or come up with interesting porridge and smoothie recipes.

  4. Chicken

    Chicken is a great food that helps increase foetal weight. This lean meat is high in proteins that promote cell and muscle development in the body. Besides proteins, chicken also has a high amount of iron that reduces anaemia in the mother and fetus.

  5. Soybean

    Soybean is a rich source of protein for vegetarians and can be consumed in various forms. High in iron as well, soybean prevents anaemia due to its high iron content. You can consume soya in the form of soy milk, soya nuggets, tofu, etc.

Precautions to Take While Trying to Increase Your Baby’s Weight in the Womb

Some dietary choices may help you increase your baby’s weight in the womb. However, it is very important that you do so in a healthier manner. Overdoing anything may lead to complications. These are some precautions that you should take:

  1. Avoid Alcohol and Smoking: You should strictly avoid alcohol consumption and smoking in pregnancy. Both these habits can prove to be fatal for your developing baby and may also lead to serious medical complications.
  2. Reduce Caffeine Intake: Consuming high amounts of coffee, tea or aerated beverages can have a negative impact on foetal health.
  3. Avoid Fried, Sugary or Fatty Foods: Regular intake of such food items may make you prone to obesity, which in turn increase the chances of cholesterol and hypertension. It is recommended to go easy on oily, fatty, and sugary food items. Staying away from certain food categories will help you have a healthy pregnancy and also be beneficial for your unborn child.

Making healthy food choices during pregnancy is key to ensuring your baby’s growth and development is on track. We have made some suggestions in context to dietary changes that you can make during pregnancy to increase foetal weight. However, consult your doctor before making any changes or amends to your diet. With expert guidance and support, you will not only have a healthy pregnancy, but also a healthy baby.

References & Resources: Livestrong

Also Read:

Foetal Development: Growth in First, Second and Third Trimester
Baby Size — Week by Week Comparison with Fruits and Veggies

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What foods make the baby gain weight in the womb

During the period of intrauterine development, the fetus is completely dependent on the mother's lifestyle. A woman throughout her pregnancy is obliged to monitor her health, give up bad habits and carefully consider nutrition. The correct diet, filled with a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, is switched at the planning stage. What and how much should a pregnant woman eat so that the child does not lack nutrients, and his body weight remains within the normal range?

Contents [ show ]

  • How the diet of a pregnant woman affects the weight gain of the fetus
  • What foods affect the weight gain of the child in the womb
  • What should be the mother's menu
    • Diet of the expectant mother by trimesters
    • What to eat with a lack of mass body weight of the fetus
    • Diet for overweight fetus
  • Does a strong weight gain of a pregnant woman affect the fetus
  • To summarize

How does the diet of a pregnant woman affect fetal weight gain

It is important to eat right at any stage of life. But pregnancy is a special period for a woman when the body needs a balanced menu. All foods that the expectant mother eats have a direct impact on the development of the fetus and an increase in its anthropometric indicators.

In general, a pregnant woman's diet is not much different from a normal healthy diet. It is recommended to increase the total calorie content by no more than 300 kcal and eat fractionally. Eating in small portions 5-6 times a day, the mother provides the fetus with a constant supply of useful trace elements.

If a woman eats little and limited food during pregnancy, a mechanism is “launched” in the child's body that is responsible for the maximum assimilation of micronutrients from a minimum amount of food. This is fraught with the threat of obesity in adulthood - in conditions of sufficient food, the body will consume substances in such a way that they are not enough.

Why does the weight of the baby in the womb depend on what and how much the mother eats? Child and maternal organisms are inextricably linked from the moment of the birth of a new life until childbirth. Whatever a woman eats, her child gets. With a lack of nutrients, the baby does not gain weight, its internal organs and systems do not develop according to the standards. If a pregnant woman abuses fatty, high-calorie foods or fast food, the fetus accumulates subcutaneous fat too quickly, which is fraught with serious complications during childbirth.

What foods affect the baby's weight gain in the womb

Many pregnant women only hear from their doctor about the need to change their diet when the scale shows a large increase or after detecting an increase in blood glucose levels. If a woman does not gain weight or her weight does not increase according to the standards with each week of pregnancy, gynecologists are in no hurry to sound the alarm. Note that both states are invalid. During the gestation period, a woman is obliged to monitor her diet in order to avoid health problems - both her own and the baby she is carrying.

To avoid excessive weight gain by the fetus, the expectant mother will have to give up a number of unhealthy and high-calorie foods. In the "black list":

  • fast food: french fries, hamburgers, pizza and other types of fast food;
  • chips, crackers, snacks;
  • smoked products;
  • preserves and preserves;
  • pastries, baked goods and sweets in large quantities;
  • semi-finished products.

Avoid high salt intake during pregnancy. Salty food causes water retention, which leads to an increase in the load on the kidneys. This causes swelling, increased pressure and other health problems for the mother and child.

What should be the mother's menu

Expectant mother must be responsible for the preparation of the daily diet. If a woman does not receive enough nutrients from food, this is fraught with nutritional deficiencies for the fetus. Because of this, during the gestation period, the child is more susceptible to the development of autoimmune reactions, in the future he is threatened with metabolic problems. The task of the mother is to provide the fetus with all the conditions for stable weight gain and development. In addition, the weight gained by the mother and the fetus depends on how safely, quickly and easily the birth will take place.

Nutritional deficiency is a protein-energy deficiency that negatively affects the development and functioning of all systems of the human body.

During pregnancy, a woman should eat for two. The menu is thought out so that daily food covers the daily need for valuable substances.

Minerals Norm, mg
Copper 230003
I trimester

Until the 13th week, the body adapts to the new state. A woman feels tired, her mood is constantly changing, her appetite disappears or increases. Under the influence of hormones, taste preferences change, an acute reaction to pungent odors appears. Often in the first trimester, a pregnant woman feels constant discomfort due to toxicosis.

It is extremely important in the first weeks of pregnancy to take care of a balanced diet. Within three months, the foundation for the health of the crumbs is laid. Mom needs to get enough vitamins, minerals and other trace elements that will help the baby grow in accordance with the norms and reduce the risks of developing intrauterine pathologies.

In the first trimester pregnant women are allowed to:

  • chicken, white meat, turkey, beans - protein is a source of essential amino acids, it is the most important building material for muscle tissue;
  • fish – fatty and lean varieties should be alternated, eg salmon with pollock or cod with salmon;
  • hard fruits and raw vegetables - they are high in fiber, which is important to overcome possible intestinal problems, in particular constipation;
  • seaweed, seafood, walnuts - sufficient iodine supplies are needed;
  • buckwheat, pomegranate, cauliflower, liver - the mother's body consumes a lot of iron, so it is important to replenish its balance in a timely manner.

Daily calorie intake from weeks 1 to 13 is 2500–2700 kcal. B/F/U – 110/75/350 g. The state of health is normalized, physical activity increases. In the fetus at this time, hair and nails begin to grow, bone tissue strengthens, muscles begin to contract, and bone mineralization occurs. In the second trimester, the mother's diet should be changed. The menu should be designed so that the number of calories almost does not increase, and the nutritional value increases.

The diet includes:

  • cheese, cottage cheese, sesame seeds, milk - to provide mother and child with calcium;
  • butter and vegetable oils, eggs, fatty fish, cod liver - to replenish vitamin D reserves;
  • greens, cabbage, spinach, beets, pork and beef liver, buckwheat - for the prevention of iron deficiency.

The recommended amount of calories per day is 2800-3000 kcal. B/F/U – 120/85/100

III trimester

By the 27th week, almost all systems and organs of the child in the mother's womb are formed. From this time until childbirth, the baby is stored in subcutaneous fat. It is important for mom to adjust the diet and monitor weight gain.

In the third trimester, the correct diet of a pregnant woman contains:

  • vegetable oils - they contain polyunsaturated acids Omega 3 and Omega 6, which the human body does not synthesize, necessary for the assimilation of minerals and vitamins;
  • vegetables - both fresh and boiled or baked;
  • fruits and berries are natural storehouses of vitamins.

The calorie content of food consumed per day should not exceed 2900-3100 kcal. B/F/U - 100/75/100 g.

What to eat when the fetus is underweight

A mother's diet during pregnancy determines how healthy the baby will be born. If the doctor has determined that the fetus weighs less than normal for a certain period, the expectant mother is advised to pay attention to eating habits. But this does not mean that you need to eat a lot of fatty, sweet, starchy foods.

In order for a child to avoid intrauterine malnutrition, it is necessary to include in the menu:

  • more protein - beef, white meat, chicken eggs, dairy products;
  • carbohydrates - cereals, vegetables and fruits;
  • calcium - green leafy vegetables, flax and sesame seeds, cottage cheese, hard cheese;
  • sweets - natural chocolate, homemade marshmallows, dried fruits.

A balanced diet will have a positive effect on the development of the baby in the womb, and will also improve the well-being of a pregnant woman.

Hypotrophy - insufficient increase in body weight in relation to its height and age.

Diet for excess body weight of the fetus

If the doctor sees on ultrasound that the child exceeds the weight parameters, the specialist recommends that the woman think about her diet. It is not worth counting calories or getting hung up on the problem - you just need to make some adjustments to the diet and menu:

  • eat fractionally 5-6 times a day with an interval of 3-4 hours;
  • refuse unhealthy snacks;
  • process food in useful ways - boil, stew or bake;
  • limit the amount of salt;
  • avoid sweets and fast carbohydrates.

A pregnant woman needs to monitor her fluid intake, drink at least 2 liters of purified, but not carbonated water daily.

If balance is difficult to control, keep a food diary. It should record all the foods eaten during the day. So it will be much easier to make a rational menu for every day.

Does strong weight gain of a pregnant woman affect the fetus? If a woman has gained more than 24 kg since conception, the child will be born with a large body weight. In addition, overeating and a rapid set of extra pounds negatively affect not only the weight of the fetus, but also its overall health and weight in the future.

To summarize

Diet during pregnancy is not strictly restricted. In order for the child to be born with a normal weight, and the birth to take place without risks, the expectant mother should monitor her diet from the first weeks of pregnancy. If you can’t create a menu yourself, consult with the gynecologist who is leading the pregnancy, or seek advice from a nutritionist.

General nutrition advice | Surgut City Clinical Polyclinic No. 4

Congratulations! You are pregnant! - this is the best thing a woman can hear in her life. Pregnancy is a wonderful time when you have two souls and two hearts inside you. And now the most important thing that is required of you is healthy, proper nutrition during pregnancy, which affects the development and health of the unborn child.

It is important to use natural, organic products. Any products containing chemicals can harm the fetus.

Nutrition should be balanced, contain a sufficient amount of useful vitamins and minerals. But remember: you do not need to eat for two ! It's even harmful.

Advice on how to feed a future mother

  1. 1. Count calories. Moms-to-be only need 300 more calories than usual. Which is not so much. You should choose food rich in vitamins and minerals, not empty calories.
  2. 2. Keep a diary . The easiest way to control your nutrition is to keep a diary. Put it in the kitchen (take it with you to work) and write down everything you eat. The diary will help you see if you are getting enough nutrients and not overdoing "empty food".
  3. 3. Set a goal for the week . Sometimes it's hard to have a balanced diet every day. Instead, try to balance the week.
  4. 4. Pay special attention to iron and calcium . These minerals are best absorbed from food, not tablets.
  5. 5. Treat yourself, but don't overdo it . Allow yourself what you want, but watch your portion size. And dilute "empty food" with leafy salads, fruits and vegetables.
  6. 6. Eat more plant foods . When you go shopping, buy vegetables first. And make your main meals.
  7. 7. Increase fiber in your diet. The recommended dose is 25 grams per day. Eat legumes, oatmeal, cereals, strawberries, apples, and pears. Thanks to the fibers, you will avoid such an actual problem for pregnant women as constipation.
  8. 8. Physical activity. Running, swimming, walking, yoga - all this will help you not to gain excess weight. At least 30 minutes of walking a day should be your goal.
  9. 9. Water. We are 90-70% water. And when a new person grows in us, we especially need water.
  10. 10. Weigh yourself! Weight gain per week is 200-300 grams depending on the initial weight - the more excess weight, the less you can gain

Varied nutrition of the expectant mother, physical education and water are the guarantee of the baby's health!

Food to be limited!

Sausages and smoked meats, pickled vegetables, barbecued or grilled meats.

Unpasteurized soft cheeses.

Coffee, strong black and green tea.

Citrus fruits - if YOU are hypersensitive or allergic to them.

Artificial sweeteners.

Sushi and Rolls-None types Pisces contain a large amount of mercury (tuna), risk of parasitia


Each period has its own recommendations for the use of certain products. Therefore, it is more expedient to consider nutrition during pregnancy by weeks.

First and second weeks

The first and second weeks of pregnancy are the most important. Since it is at this time that a new life, a new organism, is born. From the moment you know you're expecting a baby, give up junk food like sausages, convenience foods, chips, soda, hamburgers, coffee coffee . Coffee constricts the vessels of the uterus and increases its tone, which can lead to the threat of miscarriage. If you are worried about toxicosis, remove fried and fatty foods from your menu. It is best to steam, stew, boil.

At this time you will benefit from such products as cheese, cereals, lettuce, pumpkin, mango, peaches. Nutrition in the first trimester of pregnancy should be rich in folic acid - it will protect your unborn child from malformations of the nervous system, and you from anemia.

It is found in foods such as spinach, lettuce, melon, parsley, asparagus, cabbage, broccoli, sorrel, red beans, nuts (walnuts, almonds, peanuts).

Third and fourth week

In the third and fourth week of pregnancy, the skeleton of the unborn child begins to form Calcium . Some pregnant women have an overwhelming desire to eat lime or chalk. This indicates that the body needs calcium. The daily intake of calcium in expectant mothers is about two thousand milligrams. You can fill it up with a small piece of cheese. Try to eat dairy products, broccoli, a variety of greens and vegetables. Don't forget natural juices. Also, foods containing zinc and manganese should be present in the diet. Breakfast with oatmeal, eggs, do not forget about bananas and carrots, nuts in small quantities.

Fifth week

Many women still have toxicosis in the fifth week of pregnancy. Reduce the consumption of meat and eggs to get rid of discomfort. Increase the amount of legumes and soy products. Don't force yourself to eat something that makes you sick. Your body will tell you what it lacks. From toxicosis, try to eat an apple in the morning as soon as you wake up. Drink ginger with honey and lemon.

Sixth-tenth weeks

At 6-10 weeks you will no longer be bothered by toxicosis, and you can wake up in the morning with a wild appetite. Indulge in a light breakfast right in bed. If your weight is overweight, it is better to switch to wholemeal flour products and reduce your sugar intake. Remember to drink enough fluids - at least one liter a day. Do not eat heavy meals after eight, snack on dried fruits. It will be more useful for both your child and your figure.

Last weeks of the first trimester

Weeks 10-12 – end of the first trimester. Now the baby himself sends you signals with "orders" of what he lacks. So don't be surprised if you empty a whole jar of pickles or eat cheese with jam. Don't deprive yourself of the fun. If you do not eat enough during lunch, then you can put an additive or have a snack with an apple. In the evenings you can drink kefir. Do not ignore cabbage, carrots, bell peppers.

Eat healthy food. But remember that nutrition in early pregnancy, no matter how correct and complete it may be, needs additional vitamins . They will be prescribed for you by the gynecologist , who you are seeing.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy is the key to the health of you and your baby!

Be very careful with this! Listen to yourself!

Nutrition in the second trimester of pregnancy During this period, she should pay as much attention to her diet as possible, because now she needs to count on two. What should be the nutrition in the second trimester of pregnancy?

What happens to the baby during this period

In the second trimester the body of the crumbs begins to improve, for this reason it needs more nutrients and vitamins. But not only the baby needs them. The placenta also requires these valuable substances. So think about how many vitamins and healthy foods you eat per day. If not enough, then the expectant mother may develop hypovitaminosis.

In addition, due to the fact that the baby is developing rapidly during this period, the mother's body will be in great need of iron. Therefore, also pass the appropriate analysis and do not forget to monitor the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

At the same time, remember that, despite the awakened appetite, you should not eat everything you want, because you risk gaining excess weight.

Nutrition for expectant mother by week

Weekly nutrition during pregnancy is very important. If we talk about the second trimester, which begins at week 13, then at this time you should try to drink a glass of milk every day, and also eat more fruits, especially apples. If you do not like milk, then kefir will do. It can be taken with oatmeal cookies. Does the feeling of hunger go away? Increase portions, because during this period all substances are consumed.

Enrich your body with vitamin A as much as possible at 17 (up to 24) weeks. Vegetables such as carrots, cabbage and bell peppers will come to your aid.

Heartburn may appear at 25 weeks. In order not to aggravate this discomfort, try to eat less spicy and fatty foods.

But remember that if you really want something during pregnancy, then you can allow yourself everything, only in a small amount.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother can afford a very varied diet due to the absence of toxicosis. However, you should still not eat salty, smoked, pickled foods. Also, give up coffee or tea, or at least limit their consumption.

Remember that proper nutrition during pregnancy is welcome.

It is recommended to consume boiled and stewed meat (fish) dishes daily. During this period, the baby will need eggs and various dairy products (especially cottage cheese). More often prepare salads from vegetables and fruits. To avoid iron deficiency, beef liver, as well as buckwheat porridge and tomato juice will be useful.

What else you need to limit yourself during the second trimester is, first of all, in sweet and starchy foods, because you can easily gain excess weight or get diabetes in pregnant women.

Vitamin C is especially important for pregnant women Make yourself a rosehip drink more often - it is very useful and contains a large amount of nutrients.

To properly form the cells of the nervous system of the crumbs, prefer foods that contain folic acid. Drink juices, especially apple and celery, they are good in a mixture. Also need more than calcium I, vitamin D and iron, which protects against anemia. Don't forget vitamins A and B. Vitamin A can be obtained from carrots, apricots, spinach, and pumpkins. Fish oil, egg yolk and parsley are also useful. To fill your body with calcium, you need to take fish and dairy products.

What is needed during pregnancy

Protein food

is required 3 portions (1 portion) per day 9000 9000 9000 , icing, this is the icon. , beans, nuts.

Proteins are the building blocks that form new cells and keep old cells healthy.

Protein food is needed throughout pregnancy, but is especially important in the last few months. In recent months, the baby's brain cells develop very intensively. Protein helps kids be smart! ))))

Protein food, also rich in B vitamins and iron.

Dairy products

You need 3 servings (1 serving = 1 cup of kefir (ryazhenka, yogurt), 45-60 grams of cheese, 1.5 cups of ice cream) per day.

Dairy products are kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cheese, ice cream, cottage cheese.

Dairy contains Calcium essential for healthy bones and teeth.

Dairy products ensure normal muscle contraction and relaxation.

Dairy products also contain protein.

Milkshakes - tasty, healthy and fast!

Fruits and vegetables

Requires 4 servings (1 serving = 1/2 cup) per day.

Servings should include:

1 serving of fruits or vegetables rich in vitamin C. For example: grapefruit, oranges, strawberries, tomatoes, melons, peppers, broccoli.

1 serving of fruits or vegetables rich in vitamin A For example: lettuce and spinach, yellow and orange vegetables like carrots and pumpkin. Cereals contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

They are also rich in calories that will give you strength and energy.

Porridges are rich in iron.

The best in this category are: whole grain bread, brown rice, and other whole grain flour products. This food has the most minerals and vitamins and dietary fiber.

Nutrition in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

(27-40 weeks)

Particular attention to the diet should be riveted in the third trimester of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that in the last stages the child has the main weight gain. The baby at this time should receive as many useful vitamins and minerals as possible. In addition, the well-being of the expectant mother also depends on the quality of nutrition. Still, this period is dangerous

Vitamin D

However, calcium is not always absorbed by the body correctly. Vitamin D will help correct this situation. In addition, you should be aware that a lack of this vitamin during pregnancy can lead to the development of rickets in the newborn, as well as lead to more serious diseases (for example, osteoporosis). You can provide the fetus with vitamin D in the third trimester with the help of fish, algae, red caviar, butter and fish oil.


Every second woman faces anemia during pregnancy. This condition has an extremely negative impact not only on the expectant mother, but also on the developing baby. A child with iron deficiency may experience oxygen starvation. In turn, for the mother, such a condition is extremely dangerous during delivery, as it can lead to large blood loss. Iron-containing foods will help get rid of this disease. Here you should highlight almonds and walnuts, fresh berries (it is better to give preference to strawberries, blueberries and raspberries), legumes, as well as vegetables and fruits.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is mainly needed by the expectant mother. Thanks to this chemical element, it is possible to normalize the processes of blood clotting.

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