Foods that make baby intelligent during pregnancy
Are you pregnant? 8 simple things you can do to have an intelligent baby | Health
It is every parent’s dream that her/his baby grows up to be healthy and intelligent. Sure, mother’s diet, genes and emotions play a part in developing a growing baby’s intelligence, but what about tips for creating a smarter, happier baby? Are there any?
“Inherited genes play a major role in determining intelligence and personality, but the right lifestyle choices can help ensure those genes are programmed in the womb,” gynaecologist Ratnabali Ghosh says.
Researchers now estimate that only half of IQ is down to genes - the rest is influenced by a baby’s environment.
So, what are you waiting for?
To ensure your baby inherits your braininess, start now, as we bring you eight tips that ensure your baby is smart and intelligent.
By the third trimester, your baby can memorise sounds she/he hears regularly. (iStockphoto)1. Start a storytime habit
When does learning begin? Psychologist and parenting expert Polly Sengupta says the foundations for language begin in the womb and, by the third trimester, your baby can memorise sounds she/he hears regularly.
According to an article in parenting website Babble, researchers asked mothers to read a passage from The Cat In The Hat (a children’s book written and illustrated by Theodor Geisel under the pen name Dr Seuss and first published in 1957) repeatedly to their unborn babies. After birth, the babies recognised that passage when they heard it.
Iron found in leafy vegetables, like spinach, helps the flow of oxygen to the baby’s brain cells. (Shutterstock)2. Eat healthy
Omega 3 fatty acids are absolutely essential for baby’s brain development. Make certain you include foods that have a good content of omega 3, such as, fish, soybeans and spinach, in your diet. Also, iron found in leafy vegetables, like spinach, helps the flow of oxygen to the baby’s brain cells.
“Include nuts such as almonds and walnuts in your diet during your pregnancy. Walnuts are essential for brain development of adults and babies alike. Almonds are a good source of niacin, protein and energy and helps in the overall brain development of the baby,” Ghosh says.
And if you want your baby to have the gourmet palate of an intellect, get adventurous at dinnertime, Ghosh suggests, as your baby’s taste buds develop from around 12 weeks. In one study, babies of mums who drank carrot juice while pregnant showed a preference for carrots once born.
Staying fit and active is all the more important during pregnancy. (Shutterstock)3. Stay fit and active
Love the endorphin boost you get from exercise? Well, so does your baby. Staying fit and active is all the more important during pregnancy. Fight the urge to laze around and get off the couch if you want to make your baby smarter, Ghosh says.
“Hormones released during exercise cross the placenta, bathing your baby in feel-good chemicals for up to a couple of hours. Plus, as exercise increases the flow of blood around your body, including to the womb. Hence, your baby’s development is given a boost,” she says.
If you weren’t exercising before getting pregnant, stick to lightweight exercises and brisk walks, as it has been proven that mothers who are active during pregnancy have smarter children, she adds. Latest research also suggests exercise during pregnancy can increase neurons in your baby’s hippocampus - the learning and memory part of the brain - by 40%.
4. Play music and get talking
As the baby grows in her/his mother’s womb, she/he begins to hear and even respond to sound. She/he may not understand what you are saying but stimulating your baby by talking or even singing can help with her/his brain development, says Sengupta.
“You can even ask you partner to speak to your belly and feel the baby respond in return,” she says, adding, “From time to time listen to soothing music or even nursery rhymes.”
Perhaps the most important education of all - you can shape your baby’s music taste.
“Unborn babies love music - it helps trigger happy chemicals, like serotonin, which encourage her/him to be calm and even increase concentration power. After the birth, your baby remembers and relives all those good feelings associated with the music each time she/he hears it,” Sengupta says. That means: After your baby’s born, sing the same rhymes to quieten and soothe her/him.
5. Keep thyroid levels in check
Thyroid is essential for the body. During pregnancy if your thyroid level is unstable it can affect the baby: Deficiency of thyroid in the mother can affect the intelligence quotient of the baby.
“Try to eat a well-balanced and healthy diet, which contains ample amount of sodium. Include iodised salt and yogurt in your diet in case you feel you do not get the required amount of iodine in your diet,” Ghosh says.
You must take additional supplements for the well-being of the baby and a smooth delivery. (Shutterstock)6. Don’t ignore the supplements
During pregnancy your body needs extra nourishment. Though a wholesome meal will provide you with ample nutrition,you must take additional supplements for the well-being of the baby and a smooth delivery.
“There are a lot of prenatal supplements available in the markets such as vitamins and supplements containing folic acid. Both of these elements play a crucial role in the development of the brain cells of the baby. However, it is necessary that you consult your doctor before taking any supplements,” Ghosh says.
All you need to do is soak some sunshine up for 20 minutes a day. (Shutterstock)7. Get a little sunshine
Never before has vitamin D been so important. All you need to do is soak some sunshine up for 20 minutes a day.
“We test the pregnant mums who come to our clinic for vitamin D, and more than half of them are deficient. That’s due to a combination of a lack of sunlight and not getting enough vitamin D in their diet.” Ghosh says.
Most of the vitamin D we rely on to grow healthy and strong bones comes from the sun, though it can also be found in a few foods like oily fish and eggs. This nutrient is essential for helping your baby develop strong bones and heart, and researchers have also started investigating a link between a lack of vitamin D in pregnant women and autism.
8. Gently massage your tummy
According to a Time magazine article, rubbing your belly gently is also a good stimulation for the baby.
“A baby, still in the womb, can feel your touch. From around 20 weeks, your baby will feel you touching your bump and stroking it can send calming messages to her/his nervous system, Sengupta says.
Research suggests an unborn baby can even distinguish between her/his mother and father’s touch. Pass some almond oil: this is the best excuse for a massage ever.
What’s more? Your unborn baby even has sense of smell. Sengupta suggests you try and smell fresh flowers, fruits and other such soothing fragrances whenever you can, as these exercises will also help with the baby’s brain stimulation.
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Foods to Eat During Pregnancy to Make Baby Smart
Foetal brain development usually starts after 28 days of conception when the neural tube is formed. During this time, the mother must intake adequate amounts of nutrients because what a mother eats during pregnancy has a major impact on a baby's brain development inside the womb and the cognitive responses of the child at a later stage in life.
This blog will tell you about the 15 most important foods to eat during pregnancy to make the baby smart.
Foods to Eat During Pregnancy to Make Baby Smart
The two most important nutrients that play a significant role in brain development are folate and choline. They help prevent neural tube defects. Other essential nutrients include iodine, iron, protein, and vitamin D.
The following are some of the most popular foods to eat during pregnancy to make the baby smart.
1. Eggs
Having eggs during pregnancy or breastfeeding helps enhance brain development, making the baby smarter. Research suggests that eggs contain nutrients that the body can easily absorb. Eggs are a rich source of choline, fatty acids, essential vitamins and minerals, and bioactive compounds that enhance foetal brain development. Pregnant women can have 2 hard-boiled eggs each day.
Book an online consultation with India's best Nutritionist/Dietician for FREE to know more about what you should eat & what you shouldn't during pregnancy.2. Meat
Having meat during pregnancy also helps boost brain development in babies. Research suggests that meat is rich in iron, zinc, and vitamin B12, which are essential nutrients for brain development. Zinc forms a part of the DNA and acts as a neurotransmitter. Its deficiency can lead to reduced memory in babies. Vitamin B12 is also beneficial for the psychiatric health of babies. Meat also contains niacin, a compound that improves cognitive function.
3. Bananas
Banana is another most important foot brain development during pregnancy because it is rich in folic acid.
4. Dairy products
Milk and other dairy products like yoghurt and cheese are essential foods during pregnancy. Research suggests that milk and dairy products are rich in iodine and protein sources necessary for foetal brain development. Milk also contains choline that helps make your baby smarter. Research suggests that iodine deficiency during pregnancy can cause damage to the brain of the foetus. Children of mothers who had iodine deficiency in pregnancy are prone to neurological disabilities.
5. Spinach
Another iron and folate-rich food that can enhance foetal brain development is spinach. According to research, spinach contains folic acid, which is beneficial in making babies smarter. Spinach also contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. According to research, omega 3-fatty acids and iron improve cognitive ability in children.
6. Salmon
Eating fish like salmon and tuna is also good for developing a baby's brain as they are a rich source of choline. Fish also contain good amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. According to research, docosahexaenoic fatty acid (DHA), a type of omega-3 acid, is essential for the fetus's neurodevelopment. DHA is also responsible for the structural and functional development of the fetus's brain. Pregnant women should eat properly cooked fish only.
7. Legumes
Legumes like kidney beans, soybean, chickpea, and peanuts are also rich sources of iron, antioxidants, and folate that help make your baby smarter. Legumes are also rich protein sources, which is again beneficial for your baby's brain. Research suggests that a low protein diet by a mother during pregnancy can lead to a short-term memory of the child.
Book an online consultation with India's best Nutritionist/Dietician for FREE to know more about what you should eat & what you shouldn't during pregnancy.
8. Blueberries
Strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are considered superfoods as they are rich in antioxidants and various other essential nutrients like folate and vitamin B6. Therefore, they are beneficial to the brain development of the baby.
9. Whole-grain Foods
Oats, brown rice, whole wheat, and other whole-grain foods are rich in protein, iron, and vitamin B6, which are good for brain development.
10. Oranges
Minerals like selenium, copper, magnesium and vitamins C and E are essential during pregnancy. According to research, deficiency of these minerals in the body during pregnancy can harm the development of the foetus. Studies show that insufficient amounts of vitamin C in the diet can have a negative effect on cognitive performance. As oranges are a rich source of vitamin C, they are beneficial for your baby's brain development.
11. Tomatoes
Tomatoes, being a rich source of antioxidants like vitamin C and E, choline, folate, and magnesium, is good for the fetus's brain development. Therefore, it helps your baby to be smart.
12. Green Leafy Vegetables
Green leafy vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, and kale are rich in bioactive compounds that improve cognitive abilities. Therefore, you must add green leafy vegetables to your diet during pregnancy.
13. Eggplants
These are excellent sources of antioxidants like copper, magnesium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6. So, eating eggplants during pregnancy can help make your baby smart.
Book an online consultation with India's best Nutritionist/Dietician for FREE to know more about what you should eat & what you shouldn't during pregnancy.14. Avocado
This is another healthy food that you can eat during pregnancy for your baby's brain development. Avocados are a rich source of vitamin B and C. They also contain essential nutrients like iron, magnesium, and folate.
15. Nuts and Seeds
Walnuts, pistachios, sunflower, flax, chia, and pumpkin seeds are all rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids beneficial for the baby's brain development during pregnancy.
16. Dark Chocolate
As per research, dark chocolate is an excellent source of iron, copper, magnesium, and zinc that promote foetal brain development during pregnancy. You can have 1-2 pieces of dark chocolate daily. However, you should avoid eating dark chocolate in excess because it contains caffeine which can be harmful to the baby.
Best Food for Baby Brain Development During Pregnancy
The best foods for baby brain development during pregnancy are the ones rich in choline, folate, iron, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids like DHA, protein, and vitamin B12. The most popular foods that contain these essential nutrients include eggs, fish like salmon and tuna, red meat, milk and dairy products, spinach and other green leafy vegetables, nuts like almonds, walnuts, and peanuts, pumpkin, flax and chia seeds, whole grain foods like oats and brown rice, berries, carrots, and more.
What to Do During Pregnancy to Have an Intelligent Baby?
Having a healthy and smart baby depends on several factors like genes, mother's nutrition during pregnancy, mother's health, and more. Here are a few things that you can do during pregnancy to have an intelligent baby:
1. Exercise
According to research, exercising during pregnancy positively impacts a baby's brain development.
2. Read stories to your baby
Your baby can listen to you in the last trimester of your pregnancy. Reading stories to your baby or talking to them can enhance brain development and help you bond better with your baby.
3. Listen to music
You can listen to soft music. According to UNICEF, listening to music during pregnancy positively influences the baby.
Tips and Precautions
Here are a few tips and precautions that you must keep in mind for your baby's development during pregnancy:
- Consult your doctor frequently.
- Eat balanced meals and take plenty of rest.
- Keep yourself hydrated.
- You can also consult your doctor if it is safe to do yoga, light exercises, or meditation.
The following are the things that you must avoid during the pregnancy or breastfeeding period for your baby's proper brain development:
- Smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco can pass on nicotine and carbon dioxide to the baby. It can cause nerve damage and should be avoided.
- Drinking alcohol should be avoided as it can damage the baby's nervous system.
- Avoid having too many caffeine drinks like coffee, green tea, black tea, and soft drinks because they can cause complications in pregnancy.
- Avoid raw foods and unpasteurised milk or cheese as they can cause bacterial infections.
- Uncooked or raw eggs, fish, and meat should also be avoided.
- If you have a cat at home, you should avoid cleaning the litter box as it can cause an infection called toxoplasmosis, which is harmful to the baby.
- You should also avoid heavy exercise.
- Avoid having over the counter medicines without a doctor's consultation.
Summing Up on Foods to Eat During Pregnancy to Make Baby Smart
If you want a smart baby, it is vital to focus on your diet throughout the pregnancy. Nutrients like choline, folate, iodine, iron, and vitamin D are essential for your baby's proper brain development. Therefore, you should have foods rich in these nutrients during pregnancy. The most nutritious foods to eat during pregnancy to make the baby smart include eggs, milk and dairy products, legumes, berries, meat, and green leafy vegetables.
In Which Month of Pregnancy Does Baby’s Brain Develop?
A baby's brain development begins in the first trimester, usually from the third week of pregnancy, during which the nerve connections start forming. When you reach the second trimester, the brain tissues are formed, whereas, in the last trimester, the cerebral cortex (the left and right brain hemispheres) is formed.
Which Fruit Gives Colour to a Baby During Pregnancy?
The skin colour of the baby is based on genes. However, foods rich in vitamin C like avocado, orange, blueberries, strawberries, and coconut water are believed to give colour to the baby during pregnancy.
Which Area of the Brain Is Well Developed at Birth?
At the time of birth of a child, the five major parts of the brain - cerebrum (responsible for memory and thinking), cerebellum (important for body movement), brain stem (controls involuntary functions like breathing), pituitary gland (releases growth and other hormones), and hypothalamus (regulates sleep, hunger, and thirst) are well-formed.
How Do I Know if My Baby Is Intelligent?
You can notice a few signs to confirm that your baby is intelligent. If the baby learns to walk, speak, or eat earlier than other babies at his age, if the baby has a good attention span, is extremely curious and loves to solve problems like trying unique ways to get snacks kept out of their reach, there are high chances that your baby is intelligent.
- Hiten D. Mistry, September 2011; The Importance of Antioxidant Micronutrients in Pregnancy -
- Eamon Fitzgerald, November 2020; Maternal influences on fetal brain development: The role of nutrition, infection and stress, and the potential for intergenerational consequences -
- The Importance of Iodine in Prenatal Brain Development -
- Loise wang'ondu, September 2017; Improving maternal and infant nutrition to enhance fetal brain development and reduce the risk of brain injury during childhood-a randomized control study -
- Chessa K. Lutter, October 2018; The potential of a simple egg to improve maternal and child nutrition -
- Ayfer Dayi, September 2016; Maternal Aerobic Exercise during Pregnancy Can Increase Spatial Learning by Affecting Leptin Expression on Offspring's Early and Late Period in Life Depending on Gender -
- How music affects your baby’s brain: Mini Parenting Master Class -
How to give birth to a smart baby - the impact of nutrition during pregnancy
What mother does not dream of giving birth to a smart baby! And here it is very important how a woman ate during 9 months of pregnancy.

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- Foods useful for brain development
- Glucose for baby's brain
- Genetic factors of inheritance of intelligence
Anticipate the objections of skeptics. They say that mother nature initially gave the baby, so he will be. And if the child is lucky with the genes of smart parents, then he himself will be born with a good bright head. Indeed, the genius of a baby is largely determined by genetics. But scientists have shown that some foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and choline, known as vitamin B4, have a great impact on the IQ of the baby. And if a woman followed an appropriate diet for pregnant women, she has a chance to give birth, if not a brilliant, then at least just a smart baby, is much higher. nine0005
Brain food
What is the most important thing in the nutrition of a pregnant woman? We will not be mistaken if we say that everything that is useful is useful to the brain the rest of the body. True, there are some peculiarities here.
- The brain consists of 60% fat, therefore, special attention should be paid to fats, their quality and composition Attention. This should not be forgotten by mothers who are afraid of weight gain and sit down on a strict low calorie diet. Polyunsaturated fats are good for the brain, and saturated fats are harmful. Particularly important for mental activity, according to scientists, the so-called omega-3 fatty acids. There are many in fish (especially salmon), flax seeds, nuts (especially pistachios) and kiwi. The daily dose of omega-3 fatty acids should be at least 300 mg/day, but it can be bring up to 1000 mg/day.
- A mother who cares about the gray cells of her unborn baby should include sprouted wheat in her diet , eggs, beef, dairy products as sources choline ( vitamin AT 4).
- Another important component of the diet for the brain are proteins. The fact is that from them our long-term memory depends. If you turn off the formation of new proteins in the brain for a while, then the ability to remember something, and, accordingly, to learn something will be close to zero. We even we won’t remember in the evening what we did in the morning or yesterday. So meat, fish, dairy products, legumes should be in mom's diet every day.
- Baby's gray cells need antioxidants. Expectant mother is recommended to dial daily as at least 3000-6000 units of antioxidant activity. It is not difficult to do this, especially in summer, when fresh berries ripen. A pregnant woman is supposed to eat approximately 80-100 g of fresh blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, or 50 g cranberries or black currants.
- And finally, the main fuel for smart thoughts is glucose, that is, sugar. Imagine, the brain needs 6 grams of sugar every 60 minutes to function properly. The brain is costly organ is small - only 2% of the total body weight, and takes a fifth of the entire energy from food, and a fifth of all the oxygen that the lungs extract.
Babies still have a brain more "gluttonous", it takes more than half of all energy and oxygen from babies. The gray cells of a child require 2 times more glucose than an adult enough. That's why they're so bad grades at school in children who do not eat breakfast at all: temporary morning hypoglycemia due to lack of sugar in the blood causes insufficient mental activity. Don't think that we are calling expectant mothers to lean on sweets. The drop in glucose levels does not occur when a woman refuses chocolate and cakes, and when he skips breakfast or lunch. So follow the recommendations eat fractionally and often , if you want your child to have a flexible mind, study well at school, make a career in life.
Smart DNA
Of course, this article completely cancels the laws of genetics. They are still decisive. Truth in them The researchers made adjustments. Among the latest discoveries of scientists are such facts.
- A woman over 35 is less likely to have a child prodigy. nine0015 Babies born by caesarean section are not as smart as babies born in a natural way.
- The mother's genes influence the work of the baby's gray cells more. Dad's outstanding abilities are transferred to the heir less often.
If you have any questions, you can ask our specialists online at Doctis app.
The author of the article: Marina Vishnevskaya
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What to eat during pregnancy so that the baby is born smart. What foods are useful for a pregnant woman and an unborn baby
Mother's nutrition is of great importance in the formation of the baby's immunity and his ability to learn in the future: useful substances activate certain genes, and the absence of useful substances in the diet "turns off" genes. For the development of a healthy baby, the resistance of his body to the action of infections, adequate and balanced nutrition is necessary from the moment of conception. nine0104
The results of numerous studies have shown that even small changes in the growth and development of the fetus determine the health of the baby in the future. So, for example, the development of the cognitive function of the baby depends on the consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega-3 group.
Malnutrition during pregnancy and low birth weight are risk factors for atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, insulin resistant diabetes and obesity, chronic inflammatory diseases and allergic conditions. nine0005
If a pregnant woman experienced a lack of nutrition, then the baby "turns on" a gene that is responsible for ensuring that nutrients are absorbed from a limited number of foods. When the child grows up, he may develop obesity, since the gene, which was “turned on” even in the prenatal period, will maximize the absorption of all nutrients, as if nutrition is still not enough.
Which substances influence the development of a child before and after birth? What vitamins, minerals and nutrients should be in the diet of a pregnant woman? nine0005
For the full growth and proper development of the fetus, a woman needs a number of micro- and immunonutrients. The main purpose of micronutrients is to protect the body from the adverse effects of the environment. They are contained in the body in small quantities, but they play a very important role in all biochemical processes. There are several types of micronutrients, each with a specific function.
Immunonutrients include substances that affect the state of the immune system: trace elements (iron, zinc, selenium, iodine), vitamins (A, E, C), amino acids, nucleotides, probiotics, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, and others. nine0005
After birth, mother's milk becomes the main source of nutrients for the baby, so the nature of the mother's diet directly affects the future health of the baby.
How does poor nutrition of a pregnant woman affect the development of the unborn child?
Numerous clinical studies have shown that omega-3 deficiency during pregnancy, while breastfeeding or in early childhood affects the development of his ability to learn. In infants, attention is reduced; in young children - concentration; memory impairment was observed in preschoolers and schoolchildren. nine0005
Or, say, a decrease in the hemoglobin level in a child below 120-110 g/l is not yet a reason to make a diagnosis of anemia, but it can already affect the development of a child's cognitive function. Toddlers whose hemoglobin level was below 110 g/l were subsequently inferior in reaction speed to babies with hemoglobin levels above 120 g/l.
Knowing the micronutrient content of certain foods and the functions of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, you can create the most appropriate nutrition schedule for a pregnant, nursing mother and baby. nine0005
What vitamins can a pregnant woman do without?
Nutrients - properties and sources
Proteins - a building material for the growth and development of the body (meat, fish, eggs, cheese, legumes).
Carbohydrates are a source of energy (cereals, cereals, pasta, potatoes, vegetables, fruits).
Fatty acids, docosahexaenoic acid (omega-3) - an important substance for the development of the brain and vision (oily fish).
BL probiotics - strengthens the immune system, promotes the improvement of intestinal microflora and the prevention of allergies. nine0005
Vitamins - properties and sources
- Folic acid (vitamin B 9 ) - plays a key role in intensive metabolism, prevents the development of defects in the nervous system (dark green leafy vegetables, dried beans, nuts, wholemeal flour grinding).
- Vitamin B 1 (thiamine) - promotes the growth and development of muscle tissue (meat, potatoes, wholemeal bread).
- Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin) - promotes metabolism (dairy products, meat, fish, eggs, wholemeal bread). nine0016
- Vitamin B 12 - responsible for the development of the central nervous system (fish, meat, poultry, dairy products).
- Vitamin C - strengthens the immune system and synthesizes collagen (citrus fruits, peppers, tomatoes).
- Vitamin A - promotes the growth of the body and the functioning of the organs of vision (carrots, spinach (in the form of beta-carotene).
- Vitamin D - responsible for the growth of bone tissue (fish, egg yolk).
- Vitamin E - an important substance for muscles, antioxidant (wheat germ oil, wholemeal bread). nine0016
Minerals and trace elements - properties and sources
- Calcium - responsible for the growth of bone tissue and teeth (milk, cheese, dairy products, broccoli).
- Magnesium - improves energy metabolism, transmission of nerve impulses, muscle contraction (nuts, cereals, wholemeal flour, vegetables).
- Iron - is responsible for increasing blood volume, participates in the formation of red blood cells, promotes brain development and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system (meat, spinach, lentils).
- Iodine - promotes metabolism (fish, iodized salt).
- Selenium - antioxidant (meat, fish, eggs, lentils, asparagus).
- Zinc is an important element for the growth and maintenance of the immune system (meat, dairy products, fish).
Nutrition for a pregnant woman. Helpful Hints
- Eat a variety of fresh fruits, whole grains, legumes, vegetables, steamed rice, nuts.
- Choose whole grain flours and cereals to increase your intake of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Fiber helps prevent constipation. nine0016
- Eat lean meats, fish, milk and dairy products regularly. These are sources of protein, a building material for a growing organism. Fish (for example, salmon) is a source of fatty acids necessary for proper brain development.
- Minimize fatty and sugary foods by replacing desserts with fruit.
- Use iodized salt.
- Eat only fully cooked meats, fish, seafood, and eggs. nine0016
- Unpasteurized milk and soft cheeses should be avoided.