Foods to avoid colic baby

Foods to Avoid to Prevent Colic – Lola&Lykke

An expecting or new mother fears a lot of possible future scenarios, but one of the more common and everyday issues that she is, unfortunately, more likely to face is also one of the most mysterious, baffling, and frustrating: colic, which one in five infants are said to have. In this article, we’ll go over the definition of colic as well as the link it has to diet - namely, the mother’s. We’ll offer tips for how you can modify your diet, including foods to avoid during breastfeeding, to prevent colic.

What is Colic? 

Colic is one of the more challenging problems a new parent can face. It’s when your new baby cries in a prolonged, intense, and frequent way despite being otherwise healthy. Colicky babies most often have their episodes in the evening, making it even tougher on already-tired parents who desperately want peace and quiet. Naturally, it’s heartbreaking to watch your baby suffer and not know why, and colic is all the more frustrating because it doesn’t seem to have any particular cause and no amount of soothing seems to help.  

Does Your Baby Have Colic? 

Defined as an infant crying intensely for three or more hours a day, three or more days a week, for three or more weeks, colic usually peaks when an infant is about six weeks old and declines after they reach three or four months of age. It can happen to any baby: breastfed or formula-fed, male or female, premature or full-term.   

Symptoms of colic include: 

  • Intense, often high-pitched crying that resembles screaming or an expression of pain 
  • Crying that doesn’t seem to be tied to any particular reason such as needing to be fed or get a diaper change 
  • Intense fussiness that continues even after the crying stops or declines 
  • Predictable timing of crying episodes that occur especially in the late afternoon or early evening 
  • Facial discoloration such as a reddened face or pale mouth 
  • Body tension in the legs, arms, fists, back, or abdomen 
  • Colic episodes followed by a bowel movement or passing of gas that may bring temporary relief 
  • The baby closing their eyes tight or opening them wide, furrowing their brow, or even holding their breath 
  • Crying that disrupts eating and sleeping patterns  

It’s important to note that colic is a condition that occurs in otherwise healthy babies. If your baby is intensely crying on a regular basis, it’s important to rule out the possibility of a non-colic cause that is leading to pain or discomfort in your baby, such as illness. If your infant experiences excessive crying, you should schedule an appointment with your doctor to see if an underlying cause can be found instead of assuming that it must be colic. Together, you will be able to determine if your baby does indeed have colic. 

Can Your Diet Really Upset Your Breastfed Baby? 

While the causes of colic are unknown, there is much speculation about what may lead to this condition. Theories for potential reasons include an imbalance of healthy gut bacteria, childhood migraine, overstimulated senses, acid reflux, an undeveloped digestive system, food allergy, and tobacco exposure.  

Another popular theory is that colic may be tied to the diet of the breastfed baby’s mother. According to WebMD, “A study published in the [November 2005] issue of Pediatrics suggests that excluding highly allergenic foods from a nursing mother's diet could reduce crying and fussiness in her newborn's first six weeks of life. ”  

There are several reasons to believe this may be the case. First, it’s known that the diet of a breastfeeding mother does affect the infant. If the mother consumes something that upsets the stomach of the newborn, this can lead to discomfort and crying. There also seems to be a link between colic and gastrointestinal distress; colicky infants are often gassy and passing gas is often followed by relief.  

There are, in fact, several studies that have shown that a change in the mother’s diet can lead to a significant diminishment of colic symptoms, namely in how long the babies cried each day. Other studies have found a link between the consumption of certain foods by the breastfeeding mother and colic in breastfed infants. Ultimately, research suggests that an elimination diet may help ease symptoms of colic.  

Learn more: What to eat while breastfeeding

Foods to Avoid 

Common Allergens 

One category of colic foods to avoid while nursing is those that many people have an allergy to, such as: 

  • Cow’s milk 
  • Eggs 
  • Wheat 
  • Peanuts, tree nuts 
  • Soy 
  • Fish 

With cow’s milk being the most common infant allergy. In one 2005 study, 74% of breastfed babies whose mothers ate a low-allergen diet eliminating all of the above ingredients showed significant improvement in colic.  

Cruciferous Foods 

Another type of colic baby breastfeeding food to avoid is the category of foods that often creates a lot of intestinal gas, namely cruciferous vegetables. This includes cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and brussels sprouts. One 1996 study found that mothers who ate diets high in cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli were more likely to have colicky babies. As these foods are high in fructans, which are difficult to digest, they can cause gas and bloating.  

Unhealthy Foods 

It is often assumed that foods that are unhealthy for adults will also be unhealthy if they make it into a breastfed baby’s diet, which is why many sources recommend that breastfeeding mothers looking to reduce colic should avoid unhealthy foods such as highly-processed foods and foods high in saturated or trans fats.   

While it is debatable whether chocolate is healthy for you or not, with dark chocolate in particular often being cited as a healthy food, the same 1996 study that linked certain cruciferous vegetables with colic also found that mothers who ate a lot of chocolate were more likely to have colicky babies. However, it isn’t specified which type of chocolate, and it very well may be that milk chocolate may have this effect due to containing cow’s milk. It’s also thought that the problem may be the acidity of chocolate, which can cause acid reflux. 

Breastfeeding Diet for a Colic-Free Baby 

While various sources may name a list of foods to eat while breastfeeding to avoid colic, there isn’t any scientific evidence pointing to the possibility that including certain particular foods in your diet can help colic. That being said, it is reasonable to conclude that a generally healthy lifestyle and diet with a variety of nutritious foods is what will be best for the mother and, in turn, the baby.   

As such, a healthy diet for breastfeeding mothers to avoid colic may include: 

  • Plenty of water to stay hydrated 
  • Fruits and non-cruciferous vegetables 
  • Whole grains 
  • Lean proteins 
  • Mushrooms 
  • Tea 
  • Apple cider vinegar  

It’s particularly worth noting that there have been studies that have shown that probiotics can help colic by helping infants form a protective barrier against harmful bacteria and stimulating the immune system. One 2007 study found that “colic improved in a dramatic 95% of babies given Lactobacillus reuteri once per day for 1 month.” While it is not wise to begin a course of probiotics on your own, it may be something worth speaking to your doctor about.  

If you want to go the more natural route, foods high in probiotics include: 

  • Yogurt 
  • Kefir 
  • Kombucha 
  • Sauerkraut 
  • Pickles 
  • Miso 
  • Tempeh 
  • Kimchi 
  • Sourdough bread 
  • Some cheeses 

However, because many of these contain common allergens like dairy, wheat, and soy, kombucha has alcohol in it, and sauerkraut and kimchi are based on the cruciferous vegetable cabbage, you may not want to take the risk of eating them. For that reason, a doctor-approved probiotic dietary supplement might be the best route for mums who are considering probiotics as a solution to colic.   

If you do decide to change your diet in response to colic, especially if you want to start probiotics or try an elimination diet, it’s important to consult a medical professional such as a dietitian, who can monitor you and your baby’s nutrition and health and make personalised recommendations.  

At the end of the day, the unfortunate truth is that there is no “cure” for colic. However, you can be reassured by the fact that - diet change or no diet change - colic doesn’t last forever; there is an end in sight. Colic is not your fault and while you can do your best to treat it, you should never feel guilty that it is happening. Do your best, take care of yourself and your baby to the best of your ability, and - sooner or later - the colic will pass.

by Lola&Lykke Team

  • breastfeeding
  • Diet & Nutrition

What Foods Help With Baby Colic? | Colic Blog – Babocush Limited

When your baby seems perfectly healthy, has no obvious signs of distress and yet cries continually, they may be suffering from colic. Colic is prolonged bouts of excessive, frequent crying for no apparent reason, although some abdominal discomfort is thought to accompany it due to the way many babies draw their knees up when they cry which would indicate trapped wind. These episodes can be very distressing for both baby and parent, and can last for several weeks.

When are the typical signs of colic?

Normal crying typically starts when your little one is about 2 weeks old. When babies develop colic, it's usually between 2 and 4 weeks of age. About 1 in 5 babies end up suffering with colic. Other symptoms typically include:

  • Crying inconsolably for long periods of time.
  • Some babies with colic experience bloated tummies, however not always.
  • Babies with colic often pull their knees up to their chest and go red in the face
  • Although there may be other causes, babies with colic often have a distinctive, high-pitched cry.

Diet-related colic

One thing you might not have thought about is the foods you're putting into your body. Breastfeeding mothers can normally eat whatever they want, however some newborns are intolerant to certain foods. The essential criteria for a good post-natal diet is to eat foods that are soothing, comforting, and nutritious. Slow-cooked foods, such as soups and stews, are recommended, as is avoiding too much raw food and limiting meals consumed straight from the refrigerator or freezer. Anything too harsh that passes through the mother's milk could harm a baby's developing gut. Colic-causing foods can enter your breast milk and upset your baby as early as two hours after you eat, with potential irritants being:

Dairy products

Milk, cheese, yoghurt, and ice cream are examples of dairy products. Cow's milk is known to be a main source of diet-related colic. Cow's milk proteins quickly enter breast milk, which is usually a positive thing because it familiarises your baby with these proteins early on, setting them up for when they’re weaned. Colic can, however, be caused by a sensitivity to cow's milk.

If you feel this is the case, try avoiding dairy products for 7-10 days to see if you notice a difference. If your baby's behaviour hasn't improved, gradually reintroduce the food again. If you see a difference and are concerned about your calcium intake, consult a nutritionist about different ways to get calcium, such as through leafy greens, broccoli, edamame, sardines, figs, oranges and calcium-fortified products.


Soft drinks, chocolate, coffee, tea, energy drinks, and some medicines all contain caffeine, and if you consume enough of it, your baby may develop colic. Many mums find that giving up caffeine can produce instant positive changes to their baby’s behaviour.

Spicy foods

Theres a distinct taste in your breast milk after you’ve eaten a spicy dinner. This is  because traces of spice have found their way into your milk supply. This is fine for most babies and helps them get used to new tastes, but for others, even the tiniest amount of spice can be enough to make them uncomfortable. If you've ever had heartburn after eating spicy food, this is considerably more likely to be the case.

Grains and nuts

Fats from cereals, nuts, seeds, avocados, and olives are essential for keeping your baby's skin healthy, although they can occasionally induce colic. Wheat, corn, peanuts, and soy are the most typical culprits.

Gassy foods

You've probably experienced the unpleasant side-effects of a meal high in gassy vegetables like broccoli, onions, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, and cabbage. Gas can cause a lot of discomfort in the stomach, and if your baby is particularly sensitive to it, eliminating gassy foods could be the answer.

Tracking down colic-causing foods

Determining whether the food you eat could be causing your baby’s colic is achieved with a simple three-step process:

Step 1. Keep a record

You can develop associations between food and discomfort by keeping track of what you eat and when and how long your baby experiences colic episodes. Keep track of any changes in your baby's behaviour, such as fussiness, weeping, bloating, constipation, or diarrhoea, nocturnal wakings that aren't explained, or reddening around the anus.

Step 2. Eliminate foods

You can now rule out the suspect source after establishing a correlation between food and behaviour. Try to avoid this food for 10 to 14 days then check to see whether your baby's colic symptoms are lessening or disappearing. Return to step one if nothing has changed. Continue to step three if the symptoms improve.

Step 3. Challenge the result

If your baby's symptoms have gone away, cautiously reintroduce the source to test it. If the symptoms return within 24 hours, remove this meal from your diet temporarily. Continue to challenge the food supply at regular intervals until you've determined it's safe to eat again. Most babies are only temporarily intolerant of certain foods, so declaring a meal off-limits may unnecessarily deprive you and your baby of a vital source of nutrition.

Maintaining an anti-colic diet

To help reduce any chance of colic, there are a number of foods that you can limit or avoid during the six weeks leading up to birth and the 2-3 months that follow. These include berries, grapes, stone fruit, strawberries, mangoes, cabbage, tomatoes, lentils, garlic, pineapple, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cucumber, radish, cauliflower, raw onion, strong herbs and spices, powdered yeast and stimulants (tea, coffee, chocolate and alcohol).

There are also some foods that will encourage a healthy gut and can help prevent symptoms of colic. These include apples, pears, asparagus, carrot, celery, kale, corn, bananas, papaya, celery, beetroot, pumpkin, zucchini, mushrooms, teas (chamomile, dandelion, fennel and cardamom), bone broths and apple cider vinegar.

There is no recognised “cure” for colic, although you may see some reduction in symptoms if you use a trial-and-error strategy. You may find that one thing works or that it is the consequence of a combination of circumstances, but be prepared to wait it out. Your baby will grow out of it eventually, and having a baby with colic has nothing to do with your parenting. Colic can affect any infant at any moment, and although it's natural to feel frustrated and upset, you should never feel responsible for your child's suffering. 

Related Blogs:

  • Do Breastfed Babies Get Colic?
  • How Can I Tell My Baby Has Colic?

What foods in the mother's diet cause colic in the baby


What foods in the mother's diet cause colic in the baby

Colic in the baby causes a lot of trouble for new parents. Gas formation in the intestines can cause anxiety and pain in the baby, which will be accompanied by prolonged crying. There are many tips on how to help the child and alleviate his condition. One of them is the revision of the diet of a nursing mother.

Substances contained in the mother's food enter the baby's body through breast milk. Some foods increase the formation of gases, they can cause colic in a child. If this or that food is too rough for digestion by the stomach of an adult, then it will have an even stronger effect on the baby. For this reason, we advise mothers to carefully monitor their own diet during lactation.

What foods should be excluded from the diet of a nursing mother?

Cow's milk . Many adults are lactose intolerant. If a nursing mother has bloating after drinking milk, you should refuse it. In terms of benefits, fermented milk products are much more valuable than whole milk. They are a source of calcium, protein and bifidus - and lactobacilli, which are so necessary for a nursing mother.

Brown bread . This product causes fermentation processes in the intestines. For this reason, at the time of breastfeeding, it is worth excluding it from the mother's diet. Black bread can be replaced with bread prepared without the addition of yeast.

Raw or pickled vegetables and fruits. These foods are rich in fiber, which causes flatulence in adults. During the period of breastfeeding, a mother should not completely abandon vegetables, they can be consumed baked, boiled or steamed. Fruits are strong allergens. The use of fruits by a nursing mother can cause diathesis in a child, which will become a prerequisite for the development of allergies in the future.

Legumes. Peas, beans, beans cause severe flatulence in adults, let alone babies. As an alternative, you can include tofu cheese in your diet.

Sweet and fast food. This category of products is very highly allergenic for the baby. Therefore, for mom - Fast food is strictly prohibited. Of all the sweets, oriental sweets are considered the safest for mothers in the diet - Turkish delight, gozinaki, halva, but in reasonable quantities.

As you introduce new foods into your diet, monitor your baby's well-being. If there is suspicion about a particular food, exclude it. The absence of colic in the baby will keep the good mood for both the baby and his parents.


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what is possible with breastfeeding

After giving birth, a woman continues to influence the internal processes in the child's body through the milk she feeds him. Nutrition affects the quality of milk, because with it the baby receives vitamins and nutrients. They ensure its proper development and strengthen the immune system. Therefore, the menu of a nursing mother in the first days and months should be as nutritious, balanced and varied as possible.






In the menu of a nursing mother, it is important to take into account the balance of calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, the benefits for the woman herself and the growing body of the child. We will tell you how her diet changes after childbirth.

Contents of the article

Do not self-medicate! In our articles, we collect the latest scientific data and the opinions of authoritative health experts. But remember: only a doctor can diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Starting from the maternity hospital, a woman is forced to think about what can and cannot be eaten, because some foods can cause colic or allergies in the baby. Out of fear of harming the child, some women begin to eat only buckwheat and deny themselves everything. Others are sure that the child needs to be accustomed to different foods from the cradle, and they do not make any restrictions.

Already on the first day, the menu of a nursing mother should be carefully thought out. It is desirable that it be correct and safe, because the child is just adapting to an independent life outside the mother's womb. We talked about what should be the diet in these important first weeks with a certified dietitian Alexandra Paetou, mother of two children.

Nursing mother's menu: main misconceptions

As a rule, new mothers are intimidated even in the maternity hospital, handing them a standard memo. Looking at the list of foods that are allowed on the menu of a nursing mother, it is easier to say what is allowed than to list prohibitions. From this moment, the eternal fear begins to eat "something is not right" and thereby bring all possible troubles to your baby. Here lies the first misconception: if you do not want your child to grow up with an allergy, you need to eat varied.


Another common misconception: a diet for a nursing mother, the menu of which will include a minimum of calories, will help you quickly return to your previous weight. The only thing it will help is to lose breast milk and "put" the baby on artificial mixtures.

It should be remembered that the daily caloric intake of a woman's diet during lactation should not be lower than 2000 kcal. Otherwise, first you will lose most of your hair and the normal condition of your teeth and nails. And then such food with a meager menu will deprive you of the status of a nursing mother.

General dietary guidelines for breastfeeding mothers

Almost everything a woman eats passes into her breast milk in one form or another. Of great importance is the preparation of a menu for a nursing mother immediately after childbirth. Just think: in the womb, a baby swallowed sterile amniotic fluid, and then an incredible amount of intestinal bacteria and nutrients fell on him, which his enzymatic system does not yet know. To facilitate this acquaintance with the world of other food, you need to choose products wisely.

Eating lettuce leaves, fresh vegetables and eating them with multivitamins, a woman still does not supply her body with everything it needs. This chain lacks an important link - the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which come only with food. For a nursing mother of a newborn, the menu should be designed in such a way that this ratio is taken into account. Protein sources are meat, fish, eggs, chicken, turkey, cottage cheese, dairy products. They also contain fats. Complex carbohydrates - pasta, cereals, bread, green and leafy vegetables, legumes, and it is better to refuse simple ones, with the exception of some fruits. We are talking about sweets and pastries.

Calculate the ratio of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates (CBFA) that enter the body with food. About 30 kcal is needed per kilogram of weight. With a weight of 60 kg, the need is 1800 kcal per day. But so much is needed in the normal state. Breastfeeding puts extra calories on the menu of a nursing mother. To this figure, you need to add about 500 more kcal if the baby was just born. As for BJU, per kilogram of weight you need 1.5 - 2 grams of protein, 1 gram of fat and 4-5 grams of carbohydrates.

Thus, with a weight of 60 kg, you should consume daily from 90 to 120 g of protein, no more than 60 g of fat and 240-300 g of carbohydrates, preferably complex. The nutrition of a nursing woman should take into account these parameters, then the body's resources will be enough for two. In order not to make mistakes in the calculations, you need to use a kitchen scale and free services on the Web.

Let's list the basic rules that the breastfeeding diet implies:

  • The entire diet for the day should be divided into 5-6 meals.
  • Small portions should be consumed before feeding the baby.
  • Avoid citrus fruits, strawberries, raspberries, red caviar, fish, seafood, and smoked meats for rashes in babies. And it is better to refrain from exotic fruits for up to 6 months.
  • It is better to cook dishes by steaming, stewing, boiling, baking without a fried crust.
  • In case of colic, the menu of a nursing mother needs to be adjusted, excluding sour cream, mayonnaise, pickled and fatty foods, grapes, sweet soda.
  • It is better not to try a new product or a dish from it, or introduce them with caution, observing the reaction and well-being of the baby.
  • Increase fluid intake, because milk is 90% water. Enough 10 glasses of clean water of 250 ml every day.
  • To enhance lactation, it is good to drink warm freshly brewed green tea or any fermented milk drink before feeding.
  • It is worth forgetting about chips, fast food and other "harmful things", including alcohol, even in small quantities. Forget the myths about beer making you milk.
  • In the body of a nursing mother, the content of vitamins and minerals is 30%, and sometimes 50%, below the norm. It is better to discuss with the doctor the introduction of a vitamin and mineral supplement.
  • Eating for two, as our great-grandmothers said, is not worth it. In general, it is enough to add 20% to your diet.

Sample menu for a nursing mother

When compiling a menu for a nursing mother for the first months, it is necessary to take into account a list of products that will help regulate the functioning of the digestive tract. The fact is that during lactation, many women suffer from constipation, and in order to avoid this, you need to eat foods high in coarse fiber. These are whole grain cereals, bran bread, whole grain toast, apples with skin, and so on.

A daily menu option for a nursing mother could be:


1st option: omelet with cheese, tea with milk, a slice of grain bread.

2nd option: oatmeal/buckwheat/millet porridge in water with fruit and a spoonful of honey, cocoa, half an apple or other fruit.

3rd option: cottage cheese casserole with jam, black tea with milk, toast.


1st option: vinaigrette, chicken broth with croutons, steamed vegetables, meatballs, apple juice.

2nd option: vitamin salad, plain cabbage soup, casserole with potatoes and minced meat, dried fruit compote, a couple of slices of bread.

3rd option: mashed cheese soup with oven croutons, boiled potatoes with herring, green tea.


1st option: a couple of syrniki with honey.

2nd variant: fruit salad of apples, pears and peaches with oatmeal dressed with natural yoghurt.

3rd option: bran bread toast with tuna and herbs.


1st option: lazy dumplings with sour cream sauce, black tea with milk.

2nd option: baked cod in foil with vegetables, buckwheat porridge, compote.

3rd option: steam meatballs baked with broccoli cheese, green tea with lemon.

Nursing mother's nutrition by months

A varied and proper diet of a woman during this period is the key to the health and successful development of the baby. In order not to have to study books on the menu of a nursing mother and the Internet immediately after giving birth, think over the recipes for the first week in advance, preferably by the day. When you leave the hospital, this concern will fall on your shoulders, so it will be good to prepare.

First week

The adaptation of the child is just beginning, so this is the most important time. The first week should be planned so that there is no milk on the menu of a nursing mother. There is a stereotype that it is it that contributes to an increase in lactation. But it does not help in this. It has been proven that milk provokes gastrointestinal dysfunction in the mother and child, and can also provoke allergies in the baby. But fermented milk products are more acceptable for his digestion. It is not advised to drink juices and fruit drinks, strong tea and coffee, eat nuts in the first week.

During the first three days, you can drink herbal tea (nettle, chaga), special lactagon drinks with cumin, fennel, and others. Compote from dried fruits is also allowed, preferably from apples, which are simply poured with hot water and left in a thermos. Black and green tea should not be abused so as not to cause overexcitation of the baby's nervous system due to the presence of caffeine. What can you eat to make the menu of a nursing mother balanced:

  • Boiled or steamed vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, turnips).
  • Kashi (buckwheat, millet) is best made from whole grain flakes, a little bran can be added to stimulate bowel function.
  • Vegetarian soups with a minimum of potatoes.
  • Oven baked apples.
  • Bread.
  • Parsley, dill, spinach, arugula are allowed, they help relieve gas.
  • Kefir, natural yogurt, cottage cheese (only a spoon at first), a piece of cheese is possible from the fourth day after childbirth.

By the way, the menu of a nursing mother after a cesarean section differs from the nutrition of a woman after natural childbirth only in these first days. The abdominal operation forces the intestines to adjust to normal operation. Of course, ideally, you should do without the help of cleansing enemas and laxative suppositories. Usually, after a caesarean section, mothers consume low-fat chicken or veal broth (secondary), boiled fish, cereals on the water (but not rice). By the fourth day, you can switch to the usual diet provided for during lactation.

First month

In the second week, the number of dishes increases slightly, but without fanaticism. It is still important to ensure that foods with a high allergenic potential do not enter the menu of a nursing mother from the first weeks. You can start cooking a weak beef broth, eat 100 g of beef, the same amount of low-fat steamed fish.

It is important to follow a simple rule: meat, eggs, fish and other products must be well cooked. Recipes when you need to eat raw eggs, sushi, and so on, are not allowed on the menu for a nursing mother either in the first month or in the next 5-6 (minimum). You also need to limit your intake of sugar, salt, spices, onions, and garlic, which can detract from the taste of milk.

In the fourth week, the intestinal microflora is formed in the child, enzymatic systems are launched. Therefore, when 1 month is running out, the following products can be added to the menu of a nursing mother:

  • potatoes in "uniform"
  • oatmeal
  • beets
  • boiled eggs
  • dry biscuits from cranberries

Second month

Let's start with what food should be avoided for now and in the menu of the second month of a nursing mother. It causes increased flatulence white cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes; sodas, black bread, legumes and grapes. Other foods are strong allergens. Among them are chocolate, pumpkin, citrus fruits, berries, honey, nuts, crayfish, crabs, caviar, red fish.

The menu for breastfeeding mothers becomes even more varied in the second month. The main thing is that a woman receives the substances necessary for life: vitamins, trace elements, fiber, proteins, unsaturated fatty acids. To do this, it is important to consume:

  • dairy and sour-milk products
  • lean meat of beef, rabbit, chicken, turkey without skin
  • lean river and sea fish
  • butter and vegetable oil
  • vegetables and fruits (green and yellow apples, banana, pear, kiwi, plum)

It often happens that when a baby is a month old, the menu of a nursing mother becomes too relaxed. But the time for variety, cakes, fast food and a glass of wine has not yet come. An illiterate diet during this period can not help, but harm the baby: provoke constipation, colic, allergic reactions and poisoning.

Third month

After 2 months, the menu of a nursing mother is still aimed at developing and strengthening the child's immunity. By the way, at this time, the figure of a woman is actively returning to normal. The fact is that lactation is an energy-consuming process. Every day, at least 700 kcal burns due to it. And if you reduce the consumption of fat, then this will not affect milk in any way. The body maintains its constant fat content, regardless of how much fat came with food.

At 3 months, the menu of a nursing mother is supplemented with interesting dishes. Just do not chase after too difficult ones so as not to take up precious time that can be spent on relaxation. The desire to do everything sometimes causes stress in the mother, and it definitely does not contribute to the production of milk.

We offer a look at the menu for a week for a nursing mother, recipes and photos of which you can easily find on the Web. So it is allowed to eat in the third month of lactation.

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