Foods to help soften baby stool
Are There Baby Foods that Help with Constipation?
While parenting brings many surprises, one of them is likely how much you’ll think about poop, or lack thereof, especially during that first year. But here you are worrying about your baby’s digestive tract and convinced that they’re constipated.
If you’ve recently introduced your baby to solid food, then your worries may be on target: solid foods can put a strain on your baby’s developing digestive tract and cause constipation. But there are things you can do to help!
Before you begin treating constipation you should determine if there is really an issue at all. So here’s the scoop on poop and how to tell if your worries are founded and your baby is constipated.
Breastfed babies
During the first few weeks, you’ll find yourself changing diapers with alarming regularity. Figure in every feed or so.
But don’t despair, because by the time your baby reaches 6 weeks old, they may have a bowel movement only once or twice a day. On the other hand, they may have one only every 7–10 days. (Yep, the frequency really can vary that much.)
The poop is yellow, soft, runny and sometimes lumpy and the smell isn’t unpleasant.
Formula-fed babies
A newborn, formula-fed baby typically poops up to five times a day. At about 6 to 8 weeks, this may decrease to around once a day.
Formula-fed babies have poop that is a camel to brown color with a thicker consistency, more like paste. Most likely, the less-than-aromatic smell means you’ll hermetically seal soiled diapers before you toss them into the garbage.
Signs that your baby is constipated
You’ve noticed that your baby’s tummy isn’t following the schedule that you got used to. Could it be constipation? Here are the signs that could confirm your suspicions:
- You notice that they cry or fuss while they’re trying to have a hard bowel movement.
- The poop, when it does come, is like hard pellets.
- You notice streaks of red blood in the hard poop.
While it’s not easy for a baby on a liquid diet to become constipated, trouble can start when you start introducing your baby to solid foods at around 6 months. Here’s why:
New food types
Think of it as a learning curve: Your baby’s body is learning how to cope with a new kind of food to digest as they move away from their full liquid diet and you need to soften the learning curve. (Pardon the irresistible pun.)
Changes to fluid intake
Decreased fluids will make your baby’s poop harder and more difficult to push out. If they’ve started solids, they may need to up their fluid intake to offset the solid food. And if your baby is teething or feeling unwell, it can also lead to them taking in less fluid than usual.
Lack of fiber
Even though they’re just starting out, babies’ tummies work like ours. While initially the move to solids that have fiber (from breast milk or formula, which don’t) can cause temporary constipation, their tummies will adjust.
Make sure to monitor your baby’s fiber intake and pair it with plenty of hydration for a smooth ride the same way that you monitor yours.
OK, so you’ve confirmed that your baby is constipated. The next step is helping to alleviate the strain on their developing digestive system.
Remember that you can keep offering these foods as your baby develops into a toddler and beyond. In fact, there is little research or evidence to support specific foods (including high fiber ones) in treating or preventing constipation in infants. Most of these recommendations are based on evidence for older adults and children.
Keep in mind that good practice when introducing solids is to introduce foods as single ingredients. That way, if your baby is allergic to certain foods, you’ll be able to more easily trace the source.
If your little one hasn’t tried these foods before, don’t rush the process. Test out one at a time and then introduce combinations once you’re confident they’re well tolerated.
- Back to basics. Give your baby’s digestive tract a break by feeding them mashed avocado or sweet potato purée. These are easy to digest and may give your baby the kick start they need.
- B vegetables. Think broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and beans. Purée these for a meal filled with fiber.
- P fruits. Your grandmother was right — bring on the prunes for quick work. A purée that includes a mix of prunes plus pears, plums, or peaches should work magic. Try subbing the prunes with dates for a change.
- Bring on the fiber. If your baby is over 8 months, you can offer them whole grains like oatmeal, fiber-rich cereals, whole wheat pasta, and brown rice.
- Water intake. Until 6 months an exclusively breastfed or formula-fed baby doesn’t need to drink water. Above this age, you can introduce small amounts of water.
Plums and pears with cinnamon
Cut 2 or 3 pears and plums into small pieces. Place in a saucepan with a small amount of water and simmer until soft. Add in a sprinkle of cinnamon. Blend thoroughly.
Sweet potato with apple and peach
Cut half a sweet potato, one apple, and half a peach into small pieces. Place in steamer basket and cook until tender. Blend until smooth.
Spinach and apple purée
Chop two apples into small chunks and cook in saucepan with about 1/2 cup of water. When they’re tender, add about 1 cup of spinach and cook another 2 to 3 minutes. Purée until smooth. Can be seasoned with cinnamon and ginger.
Some sources suggest prune, pear, and apple juices help to increase the water content in poop and can ease constipation.
However, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends steering clear of fruit juice for children younger than 1 year old. You can stick with these fruits as purées for similar effects.
What is it about prune juice? The high levels of sorbitol and phenolic substances in prune juice and dried plums act as a laxative and diuretic properties. So if your child is over 1 year old, you can use small amounts of prune juice to encourage their system to run.
Some studies show that constipation may affect as much as 30 percent of children. If your child is part of the unlucky statistic, here are some foods that you may want to give them smaller amounts of until it passes:
- bananas
- dairy products such as cheese and yogurt
- low fiber foods like white rice, white bread, and white pasta
If you’re like most parents, you’ll be up for whatever you can try to help your baby get comfortable fast. Here are a few tricks that you can use to ease your baby’s constipation:
- Warm baths. These can relax those abdominal muscles and get them working.
- Exercise. Lay your baby on their back and push their legs alternately as if they’re cycling a bike. Alternatively, hold their knees and feet together and push their feet towards their belly.
- Massage.
Use your fingertip to draw clockwise circles on your baby’s stomach.
If you see that despite your home remedies, your baby still is having hard stools or hasn’t pooped after 2 or 3 days from their last hard stool, then contact your pediatrician. Especially if you consistently notice blood in their poop or your baby is extremely irritable and appears to be in pain.
While dealing with your baby’s toilet issues may seem a tad unsavory, you’ll soon be so used to it, that you’ll find yourself sharing your insights over coffee with other parents. And don’t be shy about sharing the yummy food combinations you discover to keep things moving.
The Best Foods to Help Baby Poop (And a Few That Make It Worse)
Relieving your constipated baby can be as simple as feeding her the right thing. Load up on these foods to help baby poop (and avoid ones that worsen the problem).
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Relieves Constipation: Prunes
No surprises here; prunes are one of the best high-fiber foods for a baby who’s having tummy troubles. If your little one is just starting solid foods, try cooking and mashing some prunes to feed her. You could also chop cooked prunes into small, bite-sized pieces—or use one of our other creative techniques for introducing new baby foods.
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margouillat photo/Shutterstock
Relieves Constipation: Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes are delicious just about any way you prepare them, and they are also magic for a baby who needs to poop. They’re high in insoluble fiber, which will help your baby go right away. Try making your own baby food by cooking and mashing a sweet potato or roast fries in the oven for fun finger food.
This is how you know when to start feeding babies solid foods.
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Mia Stern/Shutterstock
Relieves Constipation: Apples
An apple a day can keep constipation away! Apples (especially with the skin on) are high in fiber and can help pull water into your baby’s colon. This keeps baby’s poop soft and easy to pass. Try offering small pieces of cooked apple or pour some apple juice into a sippy cup to help get things back on track. Apples are a great stage 1 baby food. Learn more about what types of food to start feeding baby once they’re ready to go beyond formula or breastmilk.
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Relieves Constipation: Broccoli
If your baby hasn’t tried broccoli yet, there’s no time like the present! Broccoli is a vitamin powerhouse and is high in fiber. Try blending up cooked broccoli in a food processor or offering small, bite-sized pieces of soft, cooked broccoli. (Consider one of our recommended baby food makers.) If your baby is eating a variety of foods, try adding small pieces of broccoli to brown rice or scrambled eggs.
When he’s a little older, your kid will love these tasty broccoli side dishes.
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Relieves Constipation: Pears
There is nothing more delicious than a ripe, juicy pear. Treat your baby to this seasonal treat to help relieve and even prevent constipation. Pears are one of the first foods babies can try and are high in fiber. They can be cooked, but are soft enough to be offered raw. Your baby can safely gum small pieces of ripe pear without teeth.
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Sea Wave/Shutterstock
Relieves Constipation: Peas
If your baby is just starting solid foods, peas are usually one of the first options. This is good news if your baby needs help in the pooping department. Peas contain both soluble and insoluble fiber to help keep your baby’s poop soft and moving along. This makes it easier and quicker to pass without painful straining.
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Relieves Constipation: Spinach
We usually save the fresh spinach for our own salads, but babies should be invited to the greens party, too. Spinach is loaded with fiber and vitamins that help make your baby’s poop easier to pass. Try blending up some fresh spinach in a fruit smoothie for both of you!
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Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock
Causes Constipation: Cheese
Dairy products like small cubes of cheese or lightly flavored yogurt are easy foods for babies learning to eat solids. While safe and convenient, cheese is a low-fiber snack and can lead to constipation. Try cutting back on the dairy products for a few days and see if your baby improves.
You may think these foods are dairy-free, but they’re not!
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Paulo Vilela/Shutterstock
Causes Constipation: Bananas
Bananas are a great first finger food for babies (and a yummy way to cut calories when baking). Unfortunately, they can also slow down your baby’s digestion, and thus slow down their pooping. Take a brief break from bananas and use this opportunity to give some new fruits a try.
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Causes Constipation: Cereal
Whether your child is just starting out with rice cereal or has graduated to carrying a bag of Cheerios with her wherever she goes, babies and toddlers cannot get enough of this favorite first food. Cereal can lead to more formed poop, which could slow down the number of poopy diapers each day. Try cutting back on the amount of cereal and incorporating more fresh fruits and veggies.
Use up those Cheerios in one of these genius recipes.
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Igor Dutina/Shutterstock
Causes Constipation: Processed foods
Processed foods like cookies, crackers and white bread are common snacks for growing babies and toddlers, but too much can quickly lead to constipation. While you don’t have to cut these foods out entirely, try to limit them if your baby is having tummy troubles. Or, try swapping out white flour for whole wheat. For example, brown rice is a tasty alternative to low-fiber white rice.
Originally Published: May 20, 2019
Carrie Madormo, RN
Now a freelance health and food writer, Carrie worked as a nurse for over a decade. When she isn't hunched over her laptop with a baby in hand, you will find her cooking her grandmother’s recipes, lacing up her running shoes or sipping coffee in the bathroom to hide from her three young children.
what to do and what foods to eat to fix the chair?
In the last article on constipation, we talked about what it is and what are the most common causes. In this material, we understand why, with constipation, you should not immediately take laxatives, but it is better to pay attention to your diet.
Often the problem is not a lazy bowel that needs to be "pushed". We decided to talk about useful products that help you go to the toilet in a natural way.
Be sure to see a doctor if constipation lasts for weeks or is accompanied by pain, blood and mucus in the stool, and other uncomfortable symptoms.
- 1. Why do we need different types of fiber
- 2. Soups: more water and fiber
- 3. Fermented probiotic dairy products
- 4. Stone fruits for constipation
- 5. Whole grains and bran
- 6. Legumes in the fight against constipation
- 7. Seeds for regular digestion
- 8. How to eat fiber properly
- 9. Important note
Why different types of fiber are needed
Fiber helps regularize stools and feeds beneficial gut bacteria. It comes in soluble and insoluble forms, and both types are equally important for healthy digestion.
Soluble fiber absorbs liquid and forms a gel-like substance that facilitates the passage of stool through the digestive tract. It also creates a feeling of fullness.
Insoluble fiber adds bulk to the stool and stimulates intestinal receptors to speed up stool elimination. Insoluble dietary fiber also retains water and prevents feces from turning into a dry, lumpy mass.
Soups: more water and fiber
Vegetable soups solve two problems at once, because they contain the necessary dietary fiber and liquid. You can start with puree soups - they are easier to digest and contain more nutrients, and they also just taste better.
To make the broth rich, cook the soup for a long time and on low heat. The main thing is to boil the vegetables, but not to digest them, so as not to destroy the fiber they contain.
Milk and cream soups can cause bloating and only make you feel worse. For a thicker, more textured soup without any GI side effects, opt for recipes with potatoes. The starch it contains does an excellent job of giving the soup that creaminess.
Probiotic fermented foods
Fermented foods are rich in beneficial lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. In the intestines, such bacteria resist dysbacteriosis and produce short-chain fatty acids that maintain mucosal health and normal peristalsis.
Fermented foods contain little or no lactose, so you don't have to worry about stomach discomfort. If a slight seething after their use nevertheless appeared, the reason is more likely in the probiotic effect than in intolerance.
If the sour taste and smell of kefir puts you off, try other fermented dairy products:
- Greek yogurt;
- sheep's or goat's milk yoghurt;
- matsoni;
- airan;
- tan;
- fermented baked milk;
- acidophilus;
- narine.
Vegan probiotics also exist, such as kombucha, kimchi, sauerkraut and other fermented vegetables, miso paste, cashew or soy based yogurt.
With the Atlas Microbiota Test, you can check your gut bacteria and find out which prebiotics and probiotics are right for you.
Stone Fruits for Constipation
These fruits are juicy and fibrous and will help you digest naturally quickly. Some stone fruits also contain sorbitol, which has a mild laxative effect.
These fruits are considered the most effective against constipation:
- apricots;
- plums;
- peaches;
- nectarines.
If the fresh fruit season is over, you can limit yourself to prunes and dried apricots. It is important to always drink dried fruits with water - if you gnaw them dry on the go, this will only worsen the condition.
Whole grains and bran
Unprocessed grain retains the outer shell, endosperm and germ. Such grains contain a maximum of nutrients and fiber, so for chronic constipation, whole grains and bran (separated grain shells) should be included in the diet.
This could be:
- whole grain toast for breakfast;
- bran porridge;
- blasted whole grain breads as a snack;
- brown rice as a side dish.
If you don't like the taste of brown rice, you can buy a mixture of regular brown rice. As for flax crackers, such a snack is not suitable for everyone - dense raw grains may not be digested at all.
Legumes for constipation
Lentils, chickpeas and beans are high in fiber, which is what causes flatulence in many people. For this fiber to benefit, you need to eat legumes in small portions and focus on your well-being. In any case, gas is rather a positive sign that intestinal bacteria have something to eat.
It is recommended to soak beans in cold water for several hours before cooking. Canned chickpeas and beans are easier to digest because some of the "gas-forming" substances go into a liquid that can be drained.
You can also buy bean sprouts or make your own - they are also less problematic to digest. The spice asafoetida, according to some studies, can reduce bloating after legumes.
Seeds for regular digestion
We have described foods rich in insoluble fiber. Now it's time to talk about sources of soluble fiber.
Psyllium husk is sold dry as a natural remedy for constipation. It has a neutral taste and smells almost nothing. When diluted with water, the husk forms mucus, which is necessary for the formation of healthy stools.
Chia seeds are another trending source of soluble fiber. They also need to be diluted with water and added to cereals or smoothies. Chia pudding or chia yogurt is a light breakfast or dessert option that will help keep the moisture in your stool and add the viscosity you need.
More affordable soluble fiber - flax seeds. They are recommended for irritable bowel syndrome, chronic constipation and type 2 diabetes. Seeds need to be soaked in water overnight to get that gel-like texture. If you don’t want to wait, you can buy flaxseed porridge in the form of an instant mix.
How to eat fiber properly
Insoluble fiber must be chewed carefully and for a long time, otherwise the coarse particles will irritate the esophagus and intestines. If you spend much more time on a salad than on a main course, this is absolutely normal. The better you chew, the better this food will be absorbed and digested.
It is important to drink plenty of fluids. If fiber has nowhere to absorb water, it won't work as a natural laxative.
If you've never eaten a lot of fruits and vegetables, start small and give your microbiome time to adjust to the new diet.
There are several signs that you may be eating too much fiber. These are:
- bloating of the lower abdomen, distension and flatulence;
- Loose, unformed stools with clearly visible undigested fibers.
- A proper diet that includes soups, fermented and whole grains, and various types of fiber can help you improve your bowel movements.
- It is important to remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Sugary drinks and coffee do not replace water.
- You can find out what nutrients and dietary fiber your bacteria are missing by taking the Atlas Microbiota Test.
You will receive personalized and understandable recommendations that will help improve the functioning of the microbiota and improve digestion.
More articles on the benefits of fiber on the Atlas blog:
- Everything you need to know about fiber
- What foods contain fiber
- How to take care of your gut bacteria
- constipation of constipation
- National Health Service, Constipation, Constipation4
- National Health Service, Constipation, About constipation, 2020
- Min Chen et al., Modulatory Effects of Gut Microbiota on Constipation: The Commercial Beverage Yakult Shapes Stool Consistency, 2019
- Compound Interest, The Chemistry of Plums & Prunes: Constipation & Chewing Gum, 2015
- Harvard School of Public Health, Food features
- U.S. National Institute of Health, Graham DY et al, The effect of bran on bowel function in constipation, 1982
- Gastrojournal, R.
S. Fisher, M.D., Bran as therapy in constipation, 1983
- International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders
- R&D Centre, Aurea Biolabs Pvt Ltd, Kolenchery, Cochin, India, Augustine Amalraj and Sreeraj Gopi, Biological activities and medicinal properties of Asafoetida: A review, 2017
- Noureddin Soltanian and Mohsen Janghorbani, A randomized trial of the effects of flaxseed to manage constipation, weight, glycemia, and lipids in constipated patients with type 2 diabetes, 2018
Products that weaken the intestines of adults and children
Foods that loosen the intestines should be in the diet of every person. In large quantities, they will help solve the delicate problem of frequent constipation, and in a normal amount they will stabilize the digestive tract. Drs. M. Ratini and J. Shaw told which products have a laxative effect for adults and children.
Foods that loosen adult stools
A person's quality of life consists of many factors, including bowel function. Many people do not consider constipation to be a critical problem because they are not accompanied by severe pain or other obvious disorders of the condition. Therefore, a doctor with a similar problem is relatively rarely treated.
However, with chronic constipation, fecal intoxication of the body occurs, which causes such health disorders:
- skin problems;
- immunosuppression;
- deterioration in psychological state;
- decreased efficiency;
- increased likelihood of fissures and hemorrhoids;
- gradual stretching of the intestinal walls.
The modern pharmaceutical market offers a number of medicines that help with constipation. But in the early stages, it is enough to review and balance the diet. This helps to quickly and effectively normalize bowel function. What foods weaken the intestines? Such properties are distinguished by fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat and fish, dried fruits, cereals, legumes, vegetable oils.
Which foods weaken the adult's stool? The food list is as follows:
- Foods rich in fiber. Dietary fiber retains its texture after the nutrients are absorbed from it, which stimulates the bowels. An adult should eat at least 20–35 g of the substance per day, says Dr. M. Ratini, MD. Cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, radishes, corn, beets, seeds, nuts are rich in fiber.
- Products with pectin. They are in tomatoes, apples, pumpkins, zucchini. These compounds coat the intestines, facilitating the passage of feces. After heat treatment, they become even more effective, so if the stool is disturbed, eat these foods boiled or baked.
- Food with sugary substances.
These include honey, cane and beet sugar, jam. When interacting with the intestinal microflora, this food undergoes fermentation, which enhances the secretion of water into the intestinal lumen, due to which the feces become softer and moister.
- Dairy products. Add curdled milk, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt, kefir, whey to the menu.
- High fat food. Relax the intestines butter and cream, fish oil and fish, meat, lard, mayonnaise.
- Buckwheat and millet, oatmeal, quinoa, bulgur, rye bread, legumes, flax seeds, bran.
- Vegetables. Broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts, carrots, onions help improve stool.
- Fruits and dried fruits. Include apples, kiwi, avocados, plums, bananas, prunes, dried apricots in your diet.
- Vegetable oils. With constipation helps a tablespoon of sunflower, olive, linseed or sesame oil on an empty stomach.
Drinks with a laxative effect are equally useful:
- Juices from fruits and vegetables, smoothies based on them.
- Rhubarb compote. Prepared from chopped rhubarb stalks, heating them in a water bath for half an hour. Sugar or honey is added to the drink.
- Sour fruit drinks. Organic acids contained in sour fruits and berries increase the excretion of fluid into the intestines and increase the concentration of moisture in the masses of feces.
Do not forget about drinking water. Its deficiency also leads to constipation. Drink 1.5 to 2 liters per day.
Apple juice weakens the intestines of adults: Unsplash / Bonnie KittleWhat foods weaken the child's stool?
The problem of constipation is no less relevant for children. According to M. J. van Mill, constipation occurs in 32.2% of children worldwide. The first violations occur in infancy, and with the onset of complementary foods, the stool often returns to normal. After a year, constipation may reappear, as children are transferred to solid foods, the amount of liquid in the diet is reduced.
To eliminate problems with the digestive system, first of all, they resort to normalizing the diet. If a child is breastfed, he rarely needs to introduce water into the diet, as he receives it with mother's milk. If the baby is on artificial or mixed feeding, water is introduced into the diet from birth.
Babies under one year old need 50 ml of water for every kilogram of body weight. About 75% of the daily value they receive from milk, drinks and food. To calculate how much water a child needs, from the daily requirement (50 ml times the weight of the child), you will need to subtract the amount of water received with food (the volume of the mixture drunk in ml, multiplied by 0.75).
The following drinks also have laxative properties:
- beetroot juice;
- kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk;
- dried fruit compote;
- chamomile decoction.
J. Shaw says that fiber must be included in the menu of babies. It stimulates peristalsis and promotes the growth of beneficial microflora. Give the children carrots, zucchini, eggplant, beets, cauliflower. From these products, prepare mashed potatoes, salads, add to lean soups in vegetable or weak meat broth.
Enter the menu and apples, cherries, apricots, raspberries and currants. Fruits and berries can be added to cereals (buckwheat, barley, millet). If the child is shown liquid food, dilute cereals with water or milk.
Supplement your diet with meat dishes. Steam mince dishes. Offer the children cutlets, zrazy, meatballs. The ideal meal is a combination of a meat dish and a vegetable side dish. Alternate meat with boiled fish.
To normalize bowel movements, teach your child to split meals, give food at the same time. For a normal chair useful physical activity. Adjust the daily routine, include physical activity, walks in it. In addition, massage perfectly stimulates the intestines. It is enough to massage the area around the navel for 10 minutes in a circular motion clockwise.
Physical activity is important for normal stool: Unsplash / Robert Collins In order to manage constipation, it is important not only to include foods with a laxative effect in the diet, but also to eliminate those that hold the contents of the intestine together.