Gerber baby foods list
Shop Baby Food Purees | Gerber
Puree Type
- Pregnancy
- Newborn
- Supported Sitter 25items
- Sitter 97items
- Crawler 9items
- Toddler 23items
- Preschooler
- Colic
- Crying
- Fussiness
- Gas
- Mild Spit-Up
- Uncomfortable Poops
- Teething
- Vitamin D
- On the Go 46items
- Iron 1item
- Starting Solids 15items
- Expanding Textures 10items
- Probiotics 1item
- Prebiotics/2’-FL HMO
Price - Low to High Price - High to Low Newest On Sale Top Sellers
Baby Food Puree in Glass Jars
Puree Type
- Jar 40items
- Tub
- Pouch
- Natural 17items
- Organic 12items
- 1st Foods 13items
- 2nd Foods 22items
- 3rd Foods 8items
- Pregnancy
- Newborn
- Supported Sitter 12items
- Sitter 22items
- Crawler 8items
- Toddler
- Preschooler
- Apple 13items
- Apricot
- Avocado
- Banana 8items
- Beef 2items
- Blueberry 3items
- Carrot 8items
- Cereal
- Chicken 1item
- Corn 1item
- Green Bean 1item
- Ham 1item
- Kale 2items
- Mango 2items
- Oatmeal
- Pea 3items
- Peach 2items
- Pear 6items
- Pineapple 1item
- Pumpkin
- Raspberry 1item
- Rice 2items
- Spinach 2items
- Squash 2items
- Strawberry 3items
- Sweet Potato 4items
- Turkey 2items
- Zucchini 2items
- Colic
- Crying
- Fussiness
- Gas
- Mild Spit-Up
- Uncomfortable Poops
- Teething
- Vitamin D
- On the Go 2items
- Iron
- Starting Solids 2items
- Expanding Textures 5items
- Probiotics
- Prebiotics/2’-FL HMO
Price - Low to High Price - High to Low Newest On Sale Top Sellers
Baby food - Roskontrol
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February 16, 2022
Business predicts baby puree prices to rise due to labeling experiments
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Baby cereals will become 15.5% more expensive from February
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Goods with a quality mark
Black list
The ideal baby food up to 6 months is breast milk, but if it is not possible to feed the baby with mother's milk, then mixtures that are sold in stores come to the rescue. When choosing a ready-made mixture, follow the rule: the closer the mixture is to breast milk in composition, the better.
All formulas are thoroughly tested before entering the store, so they are all safe, which cannot be said about homemade food. But their price may differ, depending on how high-quality and modern the mixture is.
More modern formulas usually contain ingredients that have only recently been scientifically proven to be useful (eg, lutein). But this does not mean that traditional mixtures that do not contain this substance should be abandoned.
From 6-7 months, the baby begins to receive complementary foods, and by 8-9 months the proportion of mixtures in the child's diet is reduced to 50%, and the rest falls on fruit and vegetable puree, dairy-free cereals from ground cereals that do not contain gluten. At the second stage of complementary foods, meat puree can be introduced into the diet. It is not recommended to give juices to children under 1.5 years old.
Children under 1 year of age should not drink tea. It is better to boil baby water before drinking.
Starting from the age of 1, the baby can eat cottage cheese and other unsweetened fermented milk products. You need to be careful with yogurt: it may contain sugar, which is not recommended for children at this age. Kefir should be excluded from the diet of preschoolers, as it is highly acidic and may contain alcohol. Powdered milk for a baby can only be used as part of baking or in case of emergency.
Sugar and salt are generally recommended to be excluded from the baby's menu until at least 3 years old. Caution should be given to the child honey - it can cause allergies.
Do not allow children to eat foods intended for adults. Sausages and sausages are not baby food. They may contain phosphates, preservatives, and too much salt and sugar, which is harmful to the baby.
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Baby from Gerber baby food package turns 91 year old and this is what he looks like now
then and now
Some faces are familiar to us from childhood (or just familiar) through their image on food packages, such as the boy with Kinder Chocolate or the baby with Gerber baby food.

We've all been children and/or fed them baby food
Baby food can be anything from mashed bananas to meat. Most importantly, it should be nutritious and safe.
Chances are you've seen Gerber baby food before and if so, you know the picture of this baby28 years old Artist Dorothy Hope Smith submitted this sketch to a Gerber competition when the firm was looking for a new face for their advertising campaign.
Dorothy Hope Smith said that if her drawing won, she would finish it, but Gerber liked the sketch so much that they decided to use it as they got their hands on it.
Although Gerber only looked for a baby face for one ad campaign, this sketch quickly became the face of their brand
For years, the identity of the baby from the Gerber baby food jar has remained a mystery, but that hasn't stopped some people from coming up with their own guesses.
Some thought it was little Elizabeth Taylor, others thought it was actress Jane Seymour.
The company still uses images of this child on the packaging of their products to this day.
She celebrated her 91st birthday last week!
Her name is Ann Turner Cook and you should see what she looks like now.
Here she is! Adult Baby Gerber!
Ann Turner Cook is a retired mystery writer and English teacher.
When she was 5 months old, Dorothy's neighbor sketched her for a Gerber competition. The rest you already know.
Gerber revealed the identity of their famous baby in 1978
Then Anna was 52 years old and was officially announced as the face of Gerber.
Thus, the face of the company was not some celebrity, but the most ordinary woman.
Anna's father was also quite famous
Her father was a famous comic book artist named Leslie Turner who created a series of comics called "Captain Easy" that ran for over 50 years.