Gerber chicken baby food cats
Insider tip: Baby Food for Cats
by Jo // // 6 Comments
Baby food is a great tool for cats. Always keep a few jars handy! It may help stimulate the appetite when they are not eating. When cats don’t eat, they can get very sick, and then feeling sick makes them not want to eat so it is a vicious cycle. It’s no secret that even veterinary clinics use baby food for cats!
It can also be used for an occasional treat or for giving some medications. Try crushing pills and hiding them in a teaspoon of baby food- this works really well for some cats.
Other cats are just really smart and can sense when you’ve done something to their food and will refuse to touch it.
However, with very bitter tasting pills (such as Metronidazole or Amitriptyline) this will not work.
Not sure if your cat’s meds are bitter tasting? Ask your vet or the staff at the clinic.
Some medications can be compounded with flavors-this is a great option if you are having trouble medicating your cat.
Compounded medications also are usually more expensive and may need to be refrigerated.
Remember you only need to use a very small amount (i.e. a teaspoon or a tablespoon) of baby food for medications. Give this small amount with the meds in it to your cat first and make sure they eat it! Then they can have more food after.
Some cats are smart and they just know when you’ve put something in their food and they won’t touch it.
What kind of baby food can I give my kitty?Meat only. You will want to check the ingredient list to make sure it does not contain any herbs, spices, fruits or veggies- it should only say meat and water.
Some brands like Gerber & First Choice also add cornstarch, which will work if you cannot find any without cornstarch in it (and if your cat is not diabetic).
- Beech Nut Classics 1st Stage is available in chicken, turkey, or beef
- Gerber 2nd Stage is available in chicken, turkey, ham, or beef
- First Choice Stage 2 is available in chicken or turkey.
- Wild Harvest Organic 2nd Foods is available in chicken or turkey
- Earth’s Best Organics, Happy Baby/Happy Tot, & Plum Organics DO NOT have any varieties that are suitable for cats.
On its own, baby food is not nutritionally complete, so it cannot be the only thing you feed your cat.
Why not? It is just meat blended with water into a smooth puree, so it doesn’t contain important:
- Vitamins
- Minerals (like calcium)
- Fiber
- Omega 3 fatty acids (found in fish oils)
- Additional taurine
Taurine is found in meat, but cats need quite a bit of it. Processing or freezing destroys some of the taurine in the meat that is in commercial cat foods, so these companies always add more taurine to their foods to make up for this.
The goal is to get them eating regular cat food on their own (you will need to force feed if your cat is refusing every kind of food you offer).
If your cat digs the baby food, you can try mixing it with canned cat food.
For example, if your cat supposed to be on a special prescription canned diet (such as Hill’s c/d for urinary tract issues) but doesn’t like what the vet wants them to eat, mix it about half and half with baby food.
Keep this in your kitty emergency kit!
This entry was posted in Senior Care.Jo
Certified Veterinary TechnicianCan Cats Eat Gerber Baby Food?
Oddly enough, neither of my boys were all that interested in baby food, except for very select flavors from very select brands (and never from jars), so my cats were never exposed to baby food except as a by-product of messes (which they ignored).
But a lot of Gerber baby food (and other baby food) is made with some pretty wholesome ingredients, including a lot of meat, leading many cat owners, particularly of cats with very sensitive stomachs or who are very picky, to wonder: can cats eat Gerber baby food?
Short answer: As long as you are minding the ingredient list (meat and few other ingredients), then yes, cats can eat Gerber baby food in small quantities. However, it’s not something your cat should eat all the time as it’s missing essential nutrients and minerals that cats need to stay healthy such as Taurine.
Table of Contents
Do Cats Like Gerber Baby Food?
This is really going to depend on the cat. Some cats have absolutely loved it and it has worked as a way to stimulate the appetite in old or ill cats (or kittens). Others (like mine) turn up their nose at it.
Gerber baby food that is made strictly with meat and water is likely to go down better than Gerber baby food made with other things. The ones made with just meat and broth are also healthier for cats compared to the ones that are made with a range of ingredients.
If a cat likes Gerber baby food, they are probably going to like it throughout their lifespan, making it a good treat for senior cats who aren’t feeling well or kittens who need some extra food to round out their usual diet.
Do Cats Hate Gerber Baby Food?
Some cats will show absolutely no interest in Gerber baby food. They may not like the texture, the smell, the taste, or the fact that they associate it with the Noisy, Messy Thing you brought home in the last year! If this is your cat, you don’t really have anything to worry about.
Gerber baby food might be useful as a treat in some instances, but it certainly should not be a regular part of your pet’s diet because it is lacking in essential minerals and vitamins.
Cat Eating Gerber Baby Food Kill My Cat?
Recall that Gerber baby food comes in a variety of flavors and combinations, so the answer to this is really going to depend on which one(s) you let your cat eat. Baby food with the following ingredients are more problematic:
- Garlic or garlic powder, onions, chives, or leeks
- Xylitol (artificial sweetener)
- Chocolate
- Raisins
- Rhubarb
- Lemon juice
Other foods can simply be harder on a cat’s stomach, such as vegetables, some fruit, and any grains, so these should also be avoided, or else your cat will be uncomfortable afterward.
Assuming you stick with only Gerber baby food that is made with meat and water, then it won’t kill your cat and in fact, can be used to entice a cat to eat. However, a cat should not live on Gerber baby food or even have it for too long or too often.
The main reason for this is that the food is formulated for baby humans, not cats, so it’s missing key nutrients. Being too heavily deficient in taurine, in particular, can lead to blindness in cats.
It’s also needed for healthy heart function, to maintain a healthy pregnancy, and to help the immune system. Taurine deficiency is not easy to spot early or track, so once you know there’s a problem, it is more likely than not too late to do anything about it.
Gerber baby food is also missing nutrients that kittens need in order to grow up strong and healthy, so it’s best to avoid it altogether for them.
Gerber baby food is best used as a way to feed elderly or sick cats who don’t want anything to do with their normal food and you need to entice them to eat something.
Many cats who would refuse to eat their regular food may be more inclined to eat baby food because it’s soft, easy to digest, and smells good to them. In this case, you want food that is made strictly with meat and broth or water, nothing else. The chicken and broth ones are the safest since they have the simplest ingredient list: chicken, water, and cornstarch.
How Much Gerber Baby Food Can I Feed My Cat?
The jars may be small, but cats don’t need to eat very much of this stuff! This is mostly because some cats will start to expect that they will always have it and try to replace their regular food with it, which is not something you want.
Assuming you are going with the really simple meat Gerber baby food, the amount you feed your cat will really depend on the age of the cat, how much other food it’s eating, and your wallet (Gerber baby food isn’t exactly cheap after all).
Since you don’t want your cat to try to live off it, figure that you should serve part of a jar that has been warmed up and then poured over their regular food. Make sure to refrigerate leftovers.
For really stubborn cats, you can try letting them lick a bit off your finger or feeding your cat via a syringe. If that doesn’t work, it’s probably time for a trip to the vet to try to figure out why your cat won’t eat and what to do next.
Healthy cats on the other hand can have Gerber baby food as a treat. In that case, they shouldn’t have more than a spoonful or two put on top of their regular food or put on the side. If this is what you are doing with your cat, then it’s a treat and should make up no more than 10% of their daily calorie intake.
Finally, you might just be flat out of cat food and have some baby food on hand and it’s the cat’s supper time. Giving it to them as supper once in a great while is usually fine, but don’t let yourself or the cat make a habit of it!
Gerber baby food may not be the first thing you think of when you think of cat food, but it can work as a treat, in a pinch if you have no other food, or as a way to entice a cat’s appetite.
It’s important though to make sure you are going for one that is made strictly with meat, water, and cornstarch and no other ingredients, otherwise, you risk making your cat sick. It’s also important not to let your cat live off it or they will be missing key nutrients. But as a treat, a very occasional dinner, or as a way to entice a cat to eat, Gerber baby food works pretty well.
Does your cat eat Gerber baby food?
Pam Turner
Pam is a self-confessed cat lover and has experience of working with cats and owning cats for as long as she can remember. This website is where she gets to share her knowledge and interact with other cat lovers.
Is it possible to give cats baby food?
1) What is baby food
2) Can I give baby food to a cat? Pros and cons
3) What can be replaced?
What is baby food
Many owners believe that everything done for children is absolutely hypoallergenic and safe, so they give baby food to cats and kittens without hesitation. This includes special purees and mixtures of vegetables and meats intended for feeding babies. The most popular manufacturers are companies such as Agusha, Gerber and so on. However, are such dishes included in the list of products that are not harmful to your pets? Let's figure it out! nine0005
Is it possible to give baby food to a cat? Pros and cons
The general answer is yes, you can, but there are many nuances that the Murkosi team will tell you about in this article. First of all, it is worth understanding that cats are predators and that of infant formulas, meat ones are most suitable for them (except for some special cases). However, even they are not a complete diet, that is, such food cannot be fed to a pet on an ongoing basis.
A valid option for baby food for a cat is in those moments when he is weakened, cannot chew and digest healthy food. This is usually associated with past illnesses and operations, with diseases of the esophagus and gums. But even in these cases, the transfer to a similar diet should occur only on the recommendation of the attending veterinarian. nine0005
For example, baby food can be given to older cats that develop gum disease and tooth loss. If the pet has a sensitive gastrointestinal tract that is unable to digest the usual cat food for some reason, then this type of food can also be offered to him. With such a serious health condition, baby food for a cat will be an excellent alternative to regular food, but owners should pay attention to other important aspects. The first of these is what such food consists of. nine0005
To begin with, it is worth understanding what kind (that is, consisting of what components) baby food should be offered to a cat. To do this, it is advisable to know if the fluffy is allergic to any vegetables or meat. The surest way to check is to give your pet one or another puree (from beef or chicken, containing certain vegetables) in a small amount and monitor his condition. If you observe fever, diarrhea, vomiting or any other unhealthy reaction of the cat's body, stop feeding it this product. Offer another mixture, after checking its components for similarity with the previous ones and making sure that they do not repeat. If there is a reaction to it, then it is possible that it is better to avoid infant formulas from this particular manufacturer. In this case, it is better to stop the experiments and seek help from a veterinarian. nine0005
Read about allergies: Food allergies in cats
Next, check the composition for the presence of components harmful to the cat's body. Of course, preservatives are excluded from baby food, but there are still many other substances that are harmful to cats. First of all, don't buy formulas that contain soy for your cat, as this is not part of the cat's natural diet and can lead to serious digestive problems. Lactose is also categorically not recommended for cats, since many mustachioed cats have intolerance to this substance. nine0005
More about the dangers of lactose: Can cats be given milk?
Important! Baby food for a cat should never contain onions, garlic and salt! Onions and garlic contain a disulphide component that promotes the breakdown of erythrocytes (red blood cells) in a cat's body. Its constant presence in the blood leads to the development of hemolytic anemia and can be fatal. If the baby food contains sugar or salt in large quantities, then it should also be avoided, because these substances lead to serious disorders in the digestive system, liver and kidneys. nine0005
What other foods off the table are harmful to cats: Natural food for cats: good or bad?
In the adoption center "Murkosha" they always carefully check the components of the feed that are given to our cats, and we take products only from proven and really high-quality manufacturers. Each owner should also be careful about choosing the diet of his pet.
Many owners mistakenly believe that they can feed their cats expired baby food. However, this opinion is fundamentally wrong! The cat's body is as sensitive to spoiled food as the human body, so delay can cause poisoning and intoxication. nine0005
Another disadvantage of feeding a cat with baby food is that it is still intended for human children. Baby food for kittens is not a product that should replace everything else like professional food. Be that as it may, the best nutritional option for a healthy kitten is mother's milk, and then special food, because it contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals for the healthy growth of a kitten.
It is also a mistake to feed a cat with baby food consisting exclusively of meat. It would be more correct to combine it with vegetable mixtures to maintain the proper level of all the vitamins and nutrients a cat needs - because a mustachioed pet needs not only proteins, but also carbohydrates and fiber. A veterinary nutritionist can help you with this. nine0005
Therefore, baby food is a major compromise in any case. For comparison, in the professional feeds of the super premium and holistic class (which are used in Murkosh), the balance of useful substances is precisely adjusted, and there is also a vitamin and mineral complex.
Read about super premium food: Super premium cat food
About holistics: Holistic cat food in the diet - but only a product used for health problems in an animal. Of course, the most obvious alternative to baby food for kittens is professional food labeled “for kittens”. For the little ones (but who have already stopped feeding on mother cat's milk), we recommend wet food. It usually consists of specially minced pieces of meat, and also includes a wide list of vitamins for healthy growth and development of the furry. Now many companies have started to produce food in the form of a pate, which is more than a worthy alternative to meat mixtures, while (if it is a quality food - super premium and holistic class) it already contains all the useful substances necessary for the growth of a kitten. nine0005 More about pates: Pates for cats not suitable as a complete natural food, but may be recommended for medical reasons by the attending veterinarian for a certain period. However, owners should always carefully monitor the condition of the cat after eating such foods, and also contact the veterinarian if symptoms of an allergic reaction appear. In our product evaluations, we use only expert reviews based on laboratory tests. We do not collect user reviews as they are easy to manipulate. However, you can leave feedback about our study. Canned vegetable puree, cauliflower, for feeding children from 4 months, under the brand name Gerber, produced by Nestle Polska S.A. for Nestle Russia LLC in Poland. The sample was purchased at the Detsky Mir store at the address: Moscow, Volzhsky Boulevard, quarter 113 a, bldg. 1, floor 2. nine0005
What can be substituted?
Remember that your pet's health is entirely in your hands! nine0005
Gerber Baby Cauliflower Puree - 4.01 Expert Review ☑ Ingredients and Producer Expertise
Microbiological indicators meet the established requirements. The content of the puree did not exceed the mandatory requirements for the content of radionuclides, heavy metals, as well as patulin, a substance formed as a result of the development of mold fungi. No pesticides were found. Recall that the absence of pesticides is an indirect proof that the product is produced using organic production technologies.
No preservatives (including sorbic and benzoic acids). nine0093 Puree contains no impurities: mineral (for example, sand), vegetable origin (twigs, blades of grass, etc.), as well as any other foreign elements.
Puree contains no sweeteners and sweeteners (acesulfame, aspartame, saccharin and sodium cyclamate). The product contains only natural sugars. In addition, it has a minimum salt content.
The fat content is as advertised, but the protein content is lower than stated on the packaging.
Titratable acidity and pH of vegetable puree are normal, which means that its use will not disturb the child's digestion process. The content of sodium and potassium corresponds to the advanced standard of Roskachestvo. Puree also contains dietary fiber and B vitamins. However, the content of some vitamins is lower compared to the product of some other brands. nine0093 The product is a homogeneous puree-like finely ground mass. When laying the puree on a flat surface, a hilly mass is formed.
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