Wic organic baby food
Making Organic, Cold-Pressed Baby Food Available to All With WIC – Once Upon a Farm
Once Upon a Farm believes every family deserves access to fresh, healthier foods, no matter their circumstance. It’s our mission to bring better nutrition to all children, everywhere. Now WIC™ authorized, Once Upon a Farm Baby Food Bowl are the first line of organic, refrigerated baby food eligible under WIC™.
Apple Strawberry Banana Beet
Pear Squash Raspberry
Pear Strawberry Carrot
Apple Banana Kale
Apple Blueberry Sweet Potato
Pear Carrot Mango
Once Upon a Farm Baby Food Bowls have been WIC™-approved in Florida, Texas, New York, Michigan, and Connecticut. We are in the process of getting approval in additional states. Click to find these blends near you!
For more information on starting solids, kid-friendly farm-fresh recipes and the magic of our cold pressure process, download our guide to starting fresh!
What is WIC™?
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC™) provides federal grants to States for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are found to be at nutritional risk.
Am I eligible for WIC™?
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC™) provides federal grants to states for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are found to be at nutritional risk. Learn more here.
Do I have to be a WIC™ participant to purchase these products?
What is the difference between these Baby Food Bowls and your other baby food pouches and cups?
Our new line of Baby Food Bowls are organic, cold-pressed blends made with whole fruits and vegetables. Like all of our products, our Baby Food Bowls are refrigerated and cold-pressed to lock in nutrients, taste, texture and aroma of ingredients. Our Baby Food Bowls come in 6 delicious flavors:
Apple Strawberry Banana Beet
Pear Squash Raspberry
Pear Strawberry Carrot
Apple Banana Kale
Apple Blueberry Sweet Potato
Pear Carrot Mango
These Once Upon a Farm products meet the federal requirements for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC™) eligibility (7 CFR section 246.
1). Please check eligibility of these products with your state agency / WIC™ program.
More questions?
A Note from Our Co-Founder
“The playing field in this country is anything but level. You can’t pull yourself up by your bootstraps if you can’t afford boots. We are a country that believes in the self-made man, but there is such a disparity in opportunity, in education and in nutrition for our families – some kids don’t have a shot unless we all work harder to create equitable opportunity and access.” – Co-Founder, Jennifer Garner
Read more about our mission to level the playing field from Co-Founder, Jennifer Garner
Posted on: Mar 5, 2021
Posted by: Michaela Meehan
Tags:  Baby
WIC-Authorized Baby Food | Gerber
Puree Type
- Pregnancy
- Newborn
- Supported Sitter 28items
- Sitter 57items
- Crawler
- Toddler
- Preschooler
- Colic
- Crying
- Fussiness
- Gas
- Mild Spit-Up
- Uncomfortable Poops
- Teething
- Vitamin D
- On the Go
- Iron 7items
- Starting Solids 13items
- Expanding Textures 1item
- Probiotics
- Prebiotics/2’-FL HMO
Price - Low to High Price - High to Low Newest On Sale Top Sellers
DC WIC Food List
DC WIC COVID-19 Food List Expanded
Effective 4 to 22
DC WIC has temporarily expanded its food list in response to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) emergency, to provide WIC members and their families with the food they need to stay healthy. The information below only shows the NEW PRODUCTS that WIC members can purchase.
Instructions for WIC Members:
1) Refer to the list of foods in your WIC ID folder when purchasing a specific food item.
2) If you cannot find a food item in the store, please see the list of items below. additional products you can purchase with WIC checks.
3) The products listed below must only can be purchased if the item on your receipt is not available at the store
4) Contact your local WIC website if you have any questions: dcwic.org/ wic-locations
New Products
20oz, 24oz and 32oz. loaves of 100% whole grain bread
Purchase Notes
- A 20 oz and 24 oz loaf of bread counts as 1 whole grain selection
- A 32 ounce loaf of bread would be considered 2 whole grain options
- Approved brands are listed in WIC ID folder
New Products
32 oz. pack of 100% whole grain pasta
Purchase Notes
- A 32 oz box of pasta will count as 2 whole grains choice
- Approved brands are listed in WIC ID folder
Cow's milk
New products
Any milk container sizes (quart, half gallon and gallon)
Milk of any % fat
Organic cow's milk
- Mix and select the size of the container , regardless of the size of the container specified in the check (Example: You can buy 4 liters of 1 % of milk. instead of 1 gallon)
- Buy milk of any fat % (non-fat, 1%, 2%, whole) regardless of the fat % indicated on the receipt
- Purchase no more than Total of milk indicated in receipt
- Type of milk (liquid, powdered, evaporated) must match as indicated in receipt
New products
Replacements (if cow's milk is not available)
- Regular kefir
- Goat milk
Purchase notes
All brands, including organic
New Products
Purchase Notes
Buy 1 pound of cheese instead of 3 liters of milk or 2 pounds. Cheese instead of 6 liters of milk
New products
All sizes of containers for yogurt
9000 9000 Greek yoghic Greek Greek Greek Greek Gree0010Purchase Notes
- Mix and match container sizes of regardless of the container size shown on the receipt (example: you can buy five 6 oz containers instead of one 32 oz container Buy no more than total amount of yogurt in receipt
- Buy any % fat yogurt (non-fat, 2%, whole), regardless of the % fat shown on the receipt
- All yoghurts must be plain Mix and match container sizes regardless of container size listed on receipt
- Purchase no more than Total soy milk indicated on receipt
New products
24 ounces, 38 ounces, 48 ounces of cheese packaging
24 packages or 28 packages of cheese sticks 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000009 Purchase Notes
- 24 oz.
or larger pack of should only be used with a few checks
- Can buy Cheese sticks 24 or 28 packs instead of 1 6 oz cheese
- Can buy block, grated, diced, chopped or sticks
- Buy no more than the total amount of of the cheese indicated on receipt
New products
All egg sizes (medium, large, XL)
All carton sizes (6, 12, 18, 24 eggs)
All1 egg colors Hardboiled Eggs Organic Eggs Purchase Notes New products All levels of sodium canned beans Organic beans
Coffee beans
Buy The total number of bobs is indicated in the check
Arachical oil
New products
Full -bold peanut oil (all brands) 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 purchase- Buy total amount of peanut butter listed on check
- Purchase chunky, creamy, or crispy
- Peanut Butter Only, No Blends
New products
Container 59 ounces
Containers 12 ounces, 46 ounces
Canned fish
New products
banks 2. 5 ounces and 2.6 ounces
- I can buy a piece of light tuna, pink salmon, horse mackerel or sardine
- Purchase the total amount of canned fish indicated in the receipt
Vegetables and fruits for baby food
New products container s
4 oz. pouches
Organic baby fruits and vegetables
Purchase notes
- Purchase plain fruits and vegetables
- Buy combinations of vegetables or fruits (e.g. peas and carrots, apples and pears), but not vegetables mixed with fruits
* Additional Organic Products
New Products
Organic Brown Rice, Organic Barley
Organic Canned Fish, Organic Baby Food Meats 90
0010 (canned, fresh, frozen)Purchase notes
- Purchase any brand
- Follow the instructions in the WIC ID folder.
for specific items
WIC Formula Note : If a WIC member cannot find the formula listed on their receipt, they should speak with the store manager to find out when deliveries are scheduled and whether items (such as formula) can be put on hold for them. nine0013
WIC is here for you!
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
90,000 guide to the WIC program in New Jersey EnglishChild Formula
brand, size and amount specified in your check WIC
Children's food
Fruits and vegetables
- amount on your WIC check
- Variety of one-ingredient commercial fruits for baby food
- Variety of single ingredient commercial baby food vegetables
- A combination of simple ingredients such as peas and carrots or apples and bananas.
- Two packs (4 oz.) and 4 oz. individual containers
- One pack of 2 packs counts as 2 separate containers (4 oz each).
Baby food with added sugar, starch or salt, baby food mixes with cereal or baby food dessert (e.g. peach cobbler), organic baby food, any baby food containing DHA or yogurt . nine0013
- The amount and amount shown on your WIC check
- Selected meats or poultry with broth or gravy
8 oz. containers only
- The brand, size, and amount shown on your WIC check
- Plain varieties only
- Rice, Oatmeal, Cereals, Whole grains
Organic baby food cereals, baby food cereals with additional ingredients such as DHA, formula, fruit, yogurt or added protein
Soy Milk
- The size and amount are printed on your WIC check.
8th Continent - Original & Vanilla
Silk - Original
32 oz.

- Type on your receipt - whole fat, fat free, fat free
Dannon - Regular & Vanilla
Fudtown - simple
alfalfa - simple
Shoprait - Simple
with low fat content
The best and vanilla
Dannon - Conventional and Vanilla 9000 9000 Fudtown - Simple, Navy -Vannylel -Vannyalnia
Excellent value for money - Strawberry & Vanilla
Alfalfa - Strawberry & Vanilla
Mehadrin (Kosher) - Regular & Vanilla
Schoprait - ordinary and vanilla
Stop & Shop - simple
Weis - ordinary and vanilla
White roses - ordinary and vanilla
YOPLAIT - strawberry 9000 9000 9000 9000 - Plain & Vanilla
Dannon - Plain
Foodtown - Plain
Great Value for Money - Plain & Vanilla
J&J (Kosher) - simple, strawberry -vanilla
alfalfa - simple
Shoprait - Conventional and Vanilla
Stop & Shop - Conventional and Vanilla
Weis - Conventional and Vanilla - ordinary and strawberry - ordinary and strawberry NOT ALLOWED
Greek organic drinking yogurt, yogurt with artificial and non-nutritive sweeteners, yogurt with added ingredients such as muesli, hard candy, honey, nuts and similar ingredients
16 oz.

Adzuama - silk
House Foods America - company, middle company and additional firm
are not allowed
tofu with the addition of fats, sugar, oils or sodium, organic Tofu
22 Carton for one dozen (12 eggs) only
- Grade A large only
- White only
1/2 dozen cartons (6 eggs), boiled eggs, large eggs, extra large eggs, medium eggs, brown eggs, special eggs, low cholesterol eggs, organic eggs, Eggland's Best, Caged/Free-Range, Omega-3 Eggs
- Made in the USA with only 100% pasteurized cow's milk.
- Cheese labeled as low or reduced cholesterol, low or reduced fat, or low or low sodium
- Single slices, blocked or shredded
16 oz. packaging only in the following varieties:
- American (pasteurized)
- Cheddar
- Colby
- Monterey Jack
- Münster
- Mozzarella (partially skimmed or whole)
- provolone
- Swiss
Individually wrapped slices, gourmet cheese, imported cheese, cheese food, cheese spread, cheese product, aromatic cheese, string cheese, organic cheese
- Pasteurized cow's milk only
- The type, amount, and amount on your WIC check
- Fluid
- Dry / Powder (3 or 8 quarts only) *
- Evaporated / Canned (for 12oz cans only)
- Lactose-reduced or 100% lactose-free
- UHT milk (storable)
- Kosher *
Plus milk, goat milk, rice milk, milk with added flavoring or sugar such as Nido, fermented milk buttermilk, fermented milk product, fermented milk with kefir, organic milk, Leche Klim, half and half, milk with added calcium, ultra-thin and super milk. products, choice of vegan milk
Any brand
is not allowed
Brown rice with the addition of sugar, fats or salt, brown rice with other adders added, organic brown rice
9000,000 100% whole wheat bread
16 dations. bag only
America's Choice
100% Whole Wheat Stone Ground Bread
Best So Far
Daily essential
Gold medal
Hannaford brothers company.
Key food
Farm Pepperidge
Light Style
Stone Land 900 9009 9000 Sarai 9000 Sarai 9000 Sarai 9000 Sarai 9000 SARA0008 Signature selection (ACME)
Bunks of 100% whole wheat (8 pcs. )
100% whole -grain bread
100% Whole Wheat Bread with Gluten and Hamatzi
100% Whole Wheat Bread with Gluten and Mesono
100% WHITE GRAIN0053
- Grapefruit
- Apple
- grapes
- Apple
- grapes
- Apple (from concentrate)
- Apple
- grapes
- Apple (from concentrate)
- Apple
- grapes
- Pineapple
- White grapes
- Orange (regular, with calcium, with pulp, etc.)
- Grapefruit
- Apple (and 48oz)
- Natural style apple
- Natural Cranberry (and 48oz)
- Cranberry Apple (and 48oz)
- Cranberry & Raspberry (and 48oz)
- Cranberry Grape
- Cranberry Pomegranate
- Apple
- Cranberry
- grapes
- Pineapple
- Violet grapes
- Vegetable
- White grapes
- Vegetable (from concentrate)
- Apple
- Calcium Apple
- Vitamin D Apple
- Cranberry
- grapes
- Pineapple
- Tomato
- Tomato (low sodium)
- Vegetable
- Vegetables (low sodium)
- Apple
- grapes
- Cranberry grape *
- Tomato
- Vegetable
- Apple
- grapes
- Apple
- grapes
- Cranberry Grape
- Tomato
- Vegetable
- Apple
- grapes
- 100% juice any flavor (64 oz)
- Apple (and 48oz) *
- cherry (and 49 oz) *
- Fruit Punch (and 48oz) *
- grapes (and 48 ounces) *
- Kiwi Strawberry (and 48oz) *
- Orange Mandarin (and 48oz) *
- Apple
- Cranberry apple
- Apple Cranberry
- Pineapple Grape Cranberry
- White grapes
- Apple
- grapes
- Apple
- grapes
- Tomato
- Apple
- grapes
- Apple
- grapes
- Blueberry Blackberry Acai
- Cranberry (and 48oz)
- Cranberry blackberry
- Cranberry Cherry
- Cranberry Grape
- Cranberry Mango
- Cranberry Pomegranate
- Cranberry raspberry
- Pomegranate Blueberry
- Raspberry blueberry
- Acai pomegranate
- Apple
- Apple Cranberry
- Berry mix
- Black cherry with cranberry
- Blueberry Pomegranate
- Cherry Pomegranate
- Cranberry Pomegranate
- grapes
- Kiwi strawberry
- Orange Mandarin
- Peach Mango
- Red raspberry
- Strawberry watermelon
- White grapes
- Wild Cherry
- Apple
- grapes
- Apple
- Cranberry apple
- Cranberry Grape
- Apple (and 48oz)
- grapes
- Orange (48oz only)
- Pineapple (and 48oz)
- Tomato
- White Grapes (and 48oz)
- Apple (and 48oz)
- Big Bird's Apple
- Monster Biscuit Berry
- Elmo Strike
- Grover's white grapes
- Tomato
- Vegetables (low sodium)
- Apple
- Cranberry
- Cranberry Grape
- Cranberry Pomegranate
- Cranberry raspberry
- grapes
- Pineapple
- Tomato
- Vegetable
- White grapes
- Apple
- Cranberry
- grapes
- Tomato
- Vegetable
- Apple
- grapes
- Apple
- Cranberry
- Cranberry apple
- Cranberry Concord Grape
- Cranberry raspberry
- grapes
- grapes
- Grapes with calcium
- Red grape
- Super Berry
- White grapes
- White Grape Peach
*New items
Juices not listed above, sizes not listed above, organic juices, non-100% juice products (drinks, hells, nectars, coolers, drinks, Hi-C, shakes, twisters,
splashes, punches, juices with added sugar, sweeteners or DHA/ARA, baby juices)
Cold cereal
18 and 36 oz.

- Cheerios
- Multigrain Cheerios
- Kix
- Berry Berry Kiks *
- Honey Kiks *
- Corn Chex *
- Rice Chex *
- Crispy Rice
- Frosted Mini Spoons *
- Whole bran wheat flakes
- Corn flakes
- Crispix *
- Matte Mini Wheat *
- Rice Krishpi
- Special K
- Special protein K, honey, almonds, ancient grains
- Special K Protein Original Multi Grain Touch with Cinnamon
- Grape nut flakes
- Honey bunches of oats with almonds
- Honey bunches of oatmeal with bunches of cinnamon
- Oat honey bundles baked with honey
- Honey bunches of oats with vanilla bunches *
Wheat Flakes
Hot Flakes
Up to 36 oz.

b & g food
Cream from Rice Original *
Wheat cream 1 minute
Wheat cream 2 ½ minute
Original Instant
Wheat grain 2½ minutes *
Instant Oatmeal Original
Essential Daily Protective Masks
Wheat cereal Original *
9000 WEAS Original Stop & Shop
Instant Oatmeal Original
Farina Instant Cream Original *
Instant Oatmeal Original
* New Item
Canned Fruits and Vegetables
- Any brand and any size
- Any plain vegetable and fruit mix
- Packed in water or natural fruit juice
- Applesauce (unsweetened)
- Organic *
- Includes all storage-resistant containers or bundles
- Any size (except disposable bags)
- Regular or low sodium
- Pates, purees, whole crushed tomatoes
- Sauerkraut
- Pickles or vegetables with cream (including corn)
- Baked beans, pork and beans, black beans, black-eyed peas, garbanzo beans, kidney beans, lima beans, pinto beans, navy beans, soybeans, split peas, lentils or other products.
- Ketchup. spices, olives
- Products containing added sugar, fats, oils or seasonings
- Products packed in syrup (heavy, light, natural light, extra light, etc.)
- Spices added
- Soups, sauces (pizza, spaghetti or tomatoes), stewed tomatoes, diced tomatoes, salsa
- Single sachets
Fresh fruits and vegetables
- Ordinary fruits and vegetables nine0041 Any variety of fresh whole or cut fruits and vegetables in a bag or container.
- Plain salad mixes, coleslaw and greens in bag or container
- Fruit and vegetables do not have to be grown locally.
- Fresh potatoes
- Organic *
- Salad bar items, party plates or trays, fruit baskets, ornamental vegetables and fruits, dried fruits, dried vegetables, herbs and spices. nine0044
- Nuts, including foams, fruit and nut mixtures
- Fruits and vegetables in bags with sauces, dressings or other ingredients.
- herbs
Frozen fruits and vegetables
- Any brand (frozen fruits cannot contain sugar)
- Any plain or mixed vegetables
- Mashed potatoes
- Any kind of packaging (bag, box)
- Any size (except disposable bags)
- Potatoes are allowed with or without salt.
- organic
- Vegetables with sauces, such as cheese sauce or any other sauce.
- Seasoned, flavored or breaded
- Products containing added sugar, fats, oils or seasonings
- Vegetables mixed with pasta, rice or any other ingredient.
- Single sachets
- Made with frozen potato cutlets, french fries
- Dehydrated potatoes
- Fruit in syrup (heavy, light, naturally light, very light, etc.)
* New item
Beans, peas and lentils
- CANNED regular or low sodium (ripe beans, peas or lentils - 15.
5-16 oz only)
Green beans, green peas, kidney beans, orange beans, wax beans, baked beans, pork and kidney beans, meat or oils,
Organic beans, soups
Arachic oil
only 16 - 18 ounces
- Creamy or crispy
- Reduced fat / low fat
- natural
- Trademark
- Skippy
- Jif
Organic peanut butter, peanut spread, peanut butter freshly ground or whipped, peanut butter mixed with jelly, marshmallows, chocolate or honey, peanut butter with added vitamins and minerals
Canned fish 20010
Up to 30 oz.
- Any combination up to the amount on WIC check
Iberia Jack Mackerel Only - 15 oz. jars packed in water or oil only, may contain bones and skin, plain
varieties only
Light Tuna Minimum 5 oz.