Homemade baby food vegetable recipes
12 Vegetable Only Baby Food Purees (Stages 1&2)
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by Michele Olivier on January 24, 2019 (updated Oct 20, 2019)
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5 stars (11 ratings)
These 12 Vegetable Only Baby Food Purees are a great way to introduce baby to the delicious flavors of vegetables from the very first bite! Recipes for both stage 1 and 2 purees – 6 months and up.
12 Vegetable Only Baby Food PureesThese homemade vegetable ONLY baby food purees are going to rock your little one’s world!
Don’t let vegetable only purees scare you (or your baby) off, these purees are beyond delicious and so easy to eat.
When just starting to feed baby, you can serve these vegetable only purees by themselves or along with your favorite baby cereal (this and this one are my favorite homemade baby cereal recipes).
- Creamy
- Delicious
- Cooked in a way to enhance the veggies natural flavor
- Have added spices and herbs to compliment the vegetables flavor
- Nutrient dense
- Taste-tested and approved by my own kiddos
These purees are easy to make, freeze and defrost! But if you need more information on these topics then check this post – The Ultimate Guide on How to Make and Serve Homemade Baby Food.
Broccoli Baby Food
4.79 stars (66 ratings)
This Broccoli Baby Food with olive oil recipe is a great way to introduce healthy green vegetables into your baby's diet. A delicious puree full of essential vitamins and healthy fats for growing baby
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Roasted Root Veggies + Thyme Baby Food
5 stars (5 ratings)
This golden yellow puree is filled with roasted carrots, sweet potatoes, parsnips, and beets and sprinkled with a little olive oil and thyme for a delicious and healthy baby puree meal!
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Red Pepper Baby Puree
4. 88 stars (33 ratings)
This Red Pepper Baby Puree recipe is a smooth, creamy and naturally sweet puree that is loaded with vitamin A, B6 and C. Great for 4+ months and older (or stage 1 puree).
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Green Bean + Coconut Oil Organic Baby Food Puree
4.30 stars (41 ratings)
This Green Bean + Coconut Oil Baby Food recipe is a great healthy first food for baby! A yummy puree that is filled with healthy fats that are essential for growing baby.
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Pea Baby Puree (Stage One)
4.90 stars (79 ratings)
A delicious way to introduce peas to baby. Mild peas paired with a fresh hint of mint – a mouth-watering combo!
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Carrot, Corn & Pumpkin Baby Food Puree
5 stars (9 ratings)
This comforting fall flavored Carrot, Corn & Pumpkin will surly be a winner with baby’s expanding tastebuds. And since it is filled with nutrients that help boost baby’s eye, nerve, bone and brain development, it will be a winner with mom as well.
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Butternut Squash Baby Food
5 stars (30 ratings)
This homemade Roasted Butternut Squash Baby Food Puree not only contains calcium, folate, vitamins A and C and fiber but it is also a deliciously smooth way to introduce butternut squash to your baby!
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The Best Sweet Potato Baby Food
5 stars (51 ratings)
This Homemade Sweet Potato with Curry Baby Food Puree is a fun and exotic first puree for baby! Great for 4+ months and is completely freezer-friendly!
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5 stars (2 ratings)
This Asparagus + Mint baby food puree is a thick and creamy combination with a light and playful taste that leaves you wanting more more more!
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5 stars (1 rating)
Acorn Squash + Ginger baby food puree is simple to make and easy to eat! Baby will love the squash's mild flavor mixed with ginger for a little zip to waken up their taste buds.
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Carrot + Ginger Baby Food Puree
5 stars (8 ratings)
This Carrot + Ginger Baby Food recipe is a great first puree for baby! Smooth and mild tasting but with a fun zip from the ginger. Ginger is also great for calming an upset tummy.
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MORE BABY RECIPES- The Ultimate Guide on How to Make and Serve Homemade Baby Food
- 15 Stage One Baby Purees (that actually taste delicious)
- 9 5-Minute Baby Food Purees (Fast, Healthy & Homemade)
- 7 Organic Starter Baby Purees for Under $20
- Top Tools for Making Baby Purees
- Apple Baby Puree – 3 Delicious Ways
- 12 Budget-Friendly Homemade Baby Food Purees (75% Savings on Store-Bought Brands)
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20 Quick and Easy Vegetable Purees for Babies
As soon as your baby crosses five months, you’ve probably started thinking about the exciting milestone that’s coming up – starting solids! Many communities even celebrate this occasion with a little family function – it’s that important! For most Moms, deciding when to start solids is fairly easy, but putting together a menu for a 6 month old can be tough. That’s why we’re here to help with our list of 20 easy vegetable purees for babies that can be made at home!
20 Quick and Easy Vegetable Purees for Babies
Stage 1 Vegetable Purees (6-9 Months)
1. Potato Puree
2. Sweet Potato Puree
3. Carrot Puree
4. Pumpkin Puree
5. French Beans Puree
6. Red Lentil Carrot Puree
7. Red Pepper Puree
8. Bottle Gourd Puree
9. Zucchini Puree
10. Leek Puree
11. Green Peas and Potato Puree
12. Broccoli Olive Oil Puree
13. Beetroot Potato Puree
14. Potato Zucchini and Cauliflower Puree
Stage 2 Vegetable Purees (9 – 12 Months)
15. Beetroot Puree
16. Potato Carrot Sweet Corn Puree
17. Broccoli Spinach Puree
18. Carrot Palak Puree
19. Broccoli Potato Cheese Puree
20. Lentil Spinach and Rice Puree
If your baby has recently started on solids, you might also be wondering what kind of feeding chair is best for your baby. Check out our detailed post – High Chair Vs Booster Seat: Your Ultimate Guide to Buying a Feeding Chair.
Buy Healthy Nutritious Baby, Toddler food made by our own Doctor Mom !
For young babies, the most obvious choices of food are cereals and fruit or vegetable purees. You can check out our list of 10 delicious fruit purees for babies as well as our complete stock of baby cereals. So what’s missing? Vegetables! You’ve heard of Moms grumbling about how their kids don’t eat enough vegetables and instead pick all the greens out of their plate. You can avoid this problem later by taking the right step now – introducing your baby to a wide variety of vegetables!
Stage 1 Vegetable Purees (6-9 Months)
1. Potato Puree
Potato Puree makes an excellent first food for babies. It has a soft consistency,easily mashable and it is the least allergenic food. Start with little quantity as some babies may develop tummy upset due to gas. This is also the best vegetable to combine with other veggies.
2. Sweet Potato Puree
Sweet potatoes have a high fiber content and are a good food to try to prevent constipation in babies. Sweet Potatoes also tend to release energy slowly so this is a good option at dinner to ensure your little one doesn’t get hungry during the night.
3. Carrot Puree
Carrots are naturally sweet, which make it more readily accepted by little babies! The orange color indicates the presence of beta carotene, which means healthy eyesight for your little rabbit!

Besides being rich in fiber and antioxidants, pumpkin also has anti bacterial properties and kills intestinal worms. This is an ideal first food for babies, more so because it has a soft lovely consistency when cooked and is easily mashable.
5. French Beans Puree
French beans are an excellent source of plant derived micro nutrients, minerals and vitamins like A, B1, B6 and C. This makes them a must have vegetable for babies. Steaming the beans and potato gives it a nice creamy consistency.
6. Red Lentil Carrot Puree
Red lentils are very easy to cook and make the perfect ingredient for a puree! This recipe from Au Petit Gout uses shallots to add an interesting twist. Skip the salt and go for spices instead.
7. Red Pepper Puree
Red pepper is not a common choice for stage 1 baby purees, but it shoudl be! Baby Foode shows you how easy it is to make this antioxidant rich and gorgeous lookking puree!
8. Bottle Gourd Puree
Being non allergenic, bottle gourd is one of the perfect foods for weaning babies. With a water content over 90%, it promotes easy digestion and relieves constipation. So no more hard poop!
9. Zucchini Puree
Zucchinis are increasingly available in the Indian market, so this recipe from Parent Hub must be easy enough to make! With a high water content and good fiber, this is an easily digestible stage 1 vegetable puree.
10. Leek Puree
Leeks aren’t very common in Indian households, but they are available in specialty supermarkets. If you find some fresh leeks, then go ahead and give your baby a taste of international cuisine! Baby Foode has a lovely simple leek puree recipe that uses the white and light green parts only.
11. Green Peas and Potato Puree
Green peas are rich in calcium, iron and Vitamins A and C. You can give your baby all these nutrients in the form of this yummy green peas and potato puree. This is a super protein dish so let those little muscles and bones grow!
12. Broccoli Olive Oil Puree
It’s a good idea to have a variety of oils in your home to ensure maximum nutrition. This broccoli olive oil puree from baby foode is perfect to add some variety to your little one’s menu. This dish is good for babies above 8 months.
13. Beetroot Potato Puree
This combination of root vegetables is great for little babies who are used to potato puree. Beets are rich in iron and help to boost immunity, so be sure to include this in your little one’s diet!
14. Potato Zucchini and Cauliflower Puree
Once your baby is used to most vegetables, you can introduce cauliflower. Once you’re sure it doesn’t cause gassiness, you can go ahead and make this delicious puree from Little Mashies!
Stage 2 Vegetable Purees (9 – 12 Months)
15. Beetroot Puree
Beetroots are a great vegetable for babies, considering their high antioxidant content. The rich color is another attractive factor for babies! Try out this recipe from Weelicious, that includes baking the beets for a lovely flavor.
16. Potato Carrot Sweet Corn Puree
Annabel Karmel has a nutritious and bright colored puree that’s great for stage 2 babies. Leave a little lumpiness in the puree for more texture. Substitute the milk in the recipe with breast milk or formula for babies under 12 months.
17. Broccoli Spinach Puree
Now this is a nutrient and antioxidant rich green puree! With broccoli to strengthen the immune system and spinach that’s good for the eyes, this is a must try vegetable puree for your baby!
18. Carrot Palak Puree
Carrots are among the first vegetables fed to babies, and the addition of palak makes this even better! Spinach can contain oxalates and nitrates, which is why it’s not suitable for babies under 8 months. The cumin adds the perfect zing to this puree!
19. Broccoli Potato Cheese Puree
Now this is a delicious combination from Weelicious! Use fresh cheese to make this puree and ensure that your baby is used to cheese first. Keep some lumpiness in the broccoli for older babies.
20. Lentil Spinach and Rice Puree
Get your little one used to khichdis with this lentil spinach and rice puree from Little Mashies. The quantity in the recipe is a lot, so you can cut it down. Use homemade vegetable stock for best results.
When introducing any new food for baby, don’t forget to follow the 3-day rule to rule out any allergies. It’s advisable to follow the recommended ages for each vegetable. Also take care of choking hazards. Start with soft and smooth purees and increase the lumpiness gradually. Always try individual vegetables first before combining them. You can also mix individual veggie purees with cereals or cooked rice to create unique combinations. And don’t forget, you can always add organic spices to make things interesting!
If your baby has recently started on solids, you might also be wondering what kind of feeding chair is best for your baby. Check out our detailed post – High Chair Vs Booster Seat: Your Ultimate Guide to Buying a Feeding Chair.
Buy Healthy Nutritious Baby, Toddler food made by our own Doctor Mom !
Shop now!Baby puree at home: recipes
Baby puree from vegetables and fruits at home: cooking secrets
Vegetable and fruit puree often becomes the first meal of the baby after breast milk or formula, so many mothers prefer to cook it on their own. Although modern manufacturers convince us that baby food is devoid of preservatives and harmful additives, fresh vegetables and fruits are much healthier, especially when it comes to infant nutrition. Yes, and cooking baby puree at home is not so difficult.
Vegetables or fruits?
Let's try to make baby puree for our beloved baby. Despite the fact that pediatricians of the last century recommended starting complementary foods with fruits, it is better to first introduce the child to vegetables - modern doctors and nutritionists have come to this conclusion. Boiled vegetables do not irritate the gastrointestinal tract, are better absorbed, satisfy hunger, do not cause allergies and increased gas formation. In addition, vegetables do not contain fructose, which irritates the pancreas. And one more weighty argument in favor of the fact that it is better to start with vegetables - fruits are tastier, and if the baby tries them first, he will refuse vegetables, because they will seem to him more insipid.
How to prepare baby vegetable puree
What can baby puree be made from? The ideal puree for the first feeding is from cauliflower or zucchini. A little later, you can introduce pumpkin, broccoli, carrots, potatoes and green peas. Before cooking, vegetables are washed well, peeled, cut into pieces and cooked - steamed, in the oven or in the usual way, in water. The first two methods are preferable because oven roasting and steaming preserve the vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and natural color in the vegetables. And most importantly - such vegetables are much tastier. Some nutritionists recommend boiling vegetables with their skins on before peeling them, so choose your own cooking method.
If you do have to cook vegetables in a saucepan, use an enamel pot, add less water and put the vegetables in boiling water. Boil until soft, but do not overcook vegetables and fruits, otherwise they will become tasteless and lose a lot of vitamins. Ready vegetables are chopped with a blender until smooth and slightly diluted with water, vegetable broth, breast milk or mixture to a gruel state, since the child does not yet know how to digest thick food. Small pieces of vegetables in puree sometimes cause the baby to refuse to eat, so the knives in the blender should be well sharpened, and if there is no technique, you can grind the vegetables through a sieve. Salt and spices are usually not added to baby vegetable puree, and if the baby is more than 6 months old, you can put a little butter in the puree.
A few rules for making baby puree at home
- Use only fresh vegetables and fruits.
- Water for cooking vegetables must be filtered or bottled.
- If you are using frozen foods, choose only whole fruits and vegetables as they retain the most nutrients.
- All utensils for preparing baby food should be perfectly clean, so if the knife falls on the floor, it should be washed well. Also, the presence of pets in the kitchen during the cooking process is not allowed.
- Avoid vegetables and fruits high in nitrates, such as spinach, lettuce, beets, melons, and watermelons, in infants' diets.
- Store-bought vegetables are recommended to be soaked in water to remove nitrates: 1-2 hours for this, up to 24 hours for potatoes.
- Mix sour-tasting fruits and berries with sweet fruits - for example, blackcurrant goes well with a banana or pear. Sour puree is unlikely to please the baby.
- Give your child only fresh food, but yesterday's puree from the refrigerator is better to eat yourself.
DIY fruit puree for children
Children are more likely to eat fruit puree, because fruits are tastier and sweeter. Fruits contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, fiber and antioxidants, so they are very useful for a growing organism. However, fruits are strong allergens, especially berries, bananas, pomegranates and apricots, so they should be given with caution, watching the child's reaction. The most low-allergenic fruits are apples and pears, so it is better to start complementary foods with them, and then introduce all other fruits. First, the baby is fed with a one-component puree made from only one product, and then you can mix different vegetables and fruits, and not only among themselves. Very tasty combinations of fruits and vegetables, such as apples and zucchini, pumpkins and pears.
Fruits must be of good quality, without damage, ripe and juicy, and the rules for preparing fruits do not differ from the rules for cooking vegetables. Naturally, fruit puree is not sweetened with honey and sugar - the later the child learns the taste of sugar, the stronger his health will be.
Aromatic pumpkin puree
Babies love to eat pumpkin because of its pleasant sweet taste, besides pumpkin is very healthy. It contains a whole storehouse of various vitamins, including vitamin T, which normalizes the metabolism in the body. For pumpkin puree, small pumpkins are suitable, since large fruits are not as tasty and difficult to peel.
Cut the pumpkin in half, and then into small slices, one or two of which (depending on the appetite of the crumbs) cut into cubes. Boil the pumpkin in a double boiler or in water for 20 minutes, while warm, beat with a blender to a smooth puree and dilute if necessary with water or a mixture. Add oil and salt depending on the age of the child.
Gentle Broccoli Puree
One of my favorite homemade baby puree recipes is broccoli. This cabbage is extremely useful because it contains potassium, iron, calcium and other valuable substances. It has much more vitamin C than lemon, and the reason for its nutritional value is its high protein content.
Separate the broccoli into florets, wash thoroughly and steam for 20 minutes. Cabbage cooks faster in water - fresh broccoli will take 7 minutes, and frozen - about 15 minutes. Broccoli puree does not need much water, it should lightly coat the vegetables. After the cabbage becomes soft, chop it in a blender or pass through a sieve. If you're mashing for kids older than a year old, be sure to add butter - the little ones will gobble up broccoli on both cheeks!
How to make baby pear puree at home
Pear is a very delicate, tasty and healthy fruit that rarely causes intolerance. In addition to the high vitamin value, the pear has other beneficial properties - it facilitates digestion and removes toxins from the body.
For baby food, choose green pears to reduce the risk of allergies, which are rare among babies. Peel the fruits from the peel and core with seeds, and then stew the pear in a bowl with a thick bottom in a small amount of water for 15 minutes. Let the pear cool slightly and puree it in a blender with a little of the remaining pear broth. For large kids, fruits can not be boiled, but add half a teaspoon of natural honey to the puree.
Zucchini and apple puree
Little gourmets will love this delicious puree, besides, zucchini is considered the most hypoallergenic vegetables, which, due to their high potassium content, have a beneficial effect on the heart. Apples contain iodine, iron and phosphorus, and due to the high concentration of vitamin C, apples help in the prevention of colds and viral infections.
Wash the zucchini and apples well, de-seed them, cut into pieces and cook in a saucepan for about 20 minutes, considering that the zucchini will cook 5 minutes faster. By the way, apples are steamed for 15 minutes, zucchini - 10 minutes. Next, vegetables and fruits are chopped in a blender, mixed and brought to a boil. For allergic children, this is the best side dish!
Exotic mango
Sometimes you can pamper your baby with exotic fruits - for example, make mango puree. This is a very delicate fruit with an original taste, containing 12 amino acids and improving sleep.
Choose only ripe fruits that are soft and reddish-yellow in color. Peel the mango from a thick skin and a large bone, put the pulp in a blender, add 2 tbsp. l. water and mash it, and then heat it in a saucepan for several minutes. For a baby up to a year old, it is better to give mashed potatoes with heat treatment to facilitate digestion, and older children can be fed raw mangoes.
Carrot and Potato Puree
Make normal potato puree without oil. Peel the carrots, grate them and stew them with butter and vegetable broth - about 1 tsp is required for 200 g of carrots. butter and 150 g of broth. When the carrot becomes very soft, wipe it through a sieve, and then put it on a plate, put mashed potatoes on the second half. Let the child choose whether to mix two types of puree for him or eat separately!
Pumpkin and apple puree
This sweet, sugar-free pumpkin-apple puree, cooked in a double boiler, is suitable for children who are already accustomed to “adult” food and are able to perceive a new unusual dish. It is better to take a pumpkin with a gray or green skin and with bright pulp - such fruits contain more vitamins and other useful substances. Apples are green because they have fewer allergens.
Cut pumpkin and apple flesh without peel or seeds into pieces, place in a steamer and cook for 20 minutes. Grind pumpkin, apples and raisins in a blender or by hand with a pusher if the child has already learned to chew. They say that this puree is very good for skin and hair, and you can check the truth of this statement yourself if you start feeding this dish to your baby.
In autumn, you can take care of preparing vegetables for baby purees. Some vegetables, such as pumpkin, carrots and apples, are stored fresh, and zucchini, broccoli, berries are frozen in small portions, because due to frequent freezing and thawing, vegetables lose vitamins and become tasteless. You can roll up fruit and vegetable puree in jars, but this snack should not be given to babies. Remember that the taste of vegetables determines whether the baby will love them in the future, so try to prepare an appetizing and tender puree - for health and good mood!
Vegetable puree for a child for the winter.

Delicate pear puree with a creamy texture is an excellent option for winter harvesting. The undoubted advantage of this dessert is the ability to give it to even the smallest children without fear of negative consequences. After all, the minimum amount of sugar and soft, juicy pear pulp create the perfect duet. This baby puree can also be served as a dessert on its own.
The “correct” fruits must be selected to create the recipe. They should be sweet, ripe and juicy. Considering that this will be pear puree for the winter for a child, the fruits should be collected in a clean place, away from factories and highways.
Depending on the sweetness of the fruit, you can adjust the amount of granulated sugar in the recipe. The most delicious puree comes from ripe, slightly soft pears that have retained their texture and shape.
If you are preparing baby pear puree, use small containers. This way you can avoid microbes and bacteria getting into the puree. In addition, this will avoid storing an open jar, the contents of a small container will be guaranteed to be eaten.
How to make pear puree for the winter for a child
Prepare juicy pears: peel them from thin skins, remove the seed box. Cut into random pieces and put in a deep saucepan.
Pour the recommended amount of purified water into the pot.
Cook the puree blank for 15-20 minutes until the pear mass is soft.
Grind the mass to a smooth puree. To do this, use any kitchen blender.
Pour sugar into a saucepan. Mix the ingredients and cook for another 10-12 minutes.
Pour the boiling pear puree into a pre-sterilized glass container.
Seal jars tightly and turn over. We cover the container with baby food with a warm shawl. We store pear puree for the winter for a child in a dark kitchen cabinet or a cool pantry.
Cooking Tips:
- Add a little citric acid to the puree to ensure that the jars do not bulge.
It will also help to regulate the amount of sugar in the workpiece.
- For the nutrition of babies, fruits should be chosen carefully. Such varieties of pears as Conference, Williams Summer (Duchess), Grand Champion, Komis are perfect here. They differ in special juiciness and softness.
- If the puree is quite thick, you can dilute it with the syrup in which the fruit was boiled.
For making homemade baby puree Ripe and always fresh vegetables and fruits are taken. Rinse the selected fruits thoroughly, peel the vegetables. Soft and tender fruits such as strawberries, apricots, peaches can be rubbed raw through a sieve. Harder fruits and vegetables, after washing and peeling, cut and simmer until softened or cooked over low heat. The fruits should be boiled until they become soft, but not too long: the mashed potatoes darken with prolonged cooking.
Soaked fruit or vegetables, rub through a sieve or mince. Boil the resulting puree for no more than 5 minutes and immediately pour into sterile jars or bottles; fill to the edge of the neck. Seal the container hermetically and place upside down until completely cooled.
If you want to puree without pre-cooking, it must be bottled and sterilized. Fill the jars, leaving 2 cm to the top edge. After sterilization, quickly cool the jars to 40 degrees.
Recipe for baby puree for the winter from plums
To make plum puree, take any variety of plums, the main thing is that the fruits are sugary and ripe. Rinse the plums well, cut into halves and heat in a small amount of water. Grind softened plums with a blender or meat grinder. Heat the puree without boiling, and immediately pour into sterilized jars, filling to the brim and corking. Turn over and cool.
Apple baby puree
Wash the apples well, remove the core and peel, cut into slices. Place the slices in an enamel bowl, cover with water and cook for 15-20 minutes. Wipe hot apples through a sieve or chop in another way convenient for you. Reheat the resulting puree and pour hot into jars. Seal the jars immediately, put them in a bowl of hot water (80 degrees) and sterilize for 30 minutes.
Do you like to cook fast? Then we offer you a quick recipe
Winter pumpkin puree
Remove skin and seeds from pumpkin. Cut the pulp into cubes, put in a saucepan, add a little water and cook until soft over low heat. Grind the mass to a puree state, put on fire again and bring to a boil. Pour the hot puree into jars and roll up.
It's no secret that most of the glossy vegetables and fruits that are on store shelves during the winter months have not only poor nutritional value, but also rather meager taste. That is why every autumn we rush to prepare delicious, vitamin-rich foods from our garden for the winter.
And we try not only for ourselves. All the best and vitamin, of course, for them, for our flowers of life, for children!
However, everything has its own nuances. For example, it is worth remembering that not all canning methods are suitable for a baby's diet.
Therefore, we tried to combine all the most delicious and healthy in this article.
Puree for the little ones.
It is worth noting that homemade fruit and vegetable purees are just as good as store-bought ones. Their taste is a little more intense. Consistency - often quite a bit thinner (especially compared to mashed potatoes, the consistency of which is "corrected" by the manufacturer using starch, pectin and other relatively harmless stabilizing components). If you are confident in the environmental friendliness of your vegetables and fruits and make mashed potatoes correctly (mandatory boiling, bottling only in sterilized containers), you can use your mashed potatoes even for the first complementary foods. And from 10 to 11 months, it is not only possible, but even better for the baby.
We consider the following purees to be the best tried and tested “from our own garden” options:

All purees are generally made according to the same scheme. Let's look at it using apple puree as an example.
Apples - peeled, pitted and pitted.
Preparation method:
1. Thoroughly washed, peeled, as mentioned above, cut the apples randomly into slices in an enamel saucepan.
2. Add some clean (filtered) water. Water should not completely cover the fruits, it is only needed so that the apples do not burn during cooking.
3. Place over low heat and cook, covered, until the apples are soft.
4. As soon as the hearths are soft, remove the saucepan from the heat and “turn” the boiled slices into a fine puree using an immersion blender.
5. Put on a low heat and boil for about 15-20 minutes more (the puree should boil a little, but not darken).
6. Pour hot puree into sterilized jars. We seal tightly.
Frozen mixtures for soups and compotes.
I am a big fan of freezing as a way to preserve valuable foods for the winter. Firstly, it allows you to save a fairly large (compared to other methods) part of the vitamins in vegetables and fruits. And for a child's diet, this is very important.
Secondly, frozen mixes are very convenient. They have helped our family many times.
Cooking delicious vegetable soup for your baby in winter is a matter of minutes. It is enough to put the mixture in a saucepan with boiling water, and after cooking, add the meat (separately cooked, of course). For the little ones, boiled vegetables with broth and meat can be turned into mashed soup using a blender.
It's also easy to make delicious berry compote from a frozen mixture.
Preparing the mixture itself in season is as easy as shelling pears. Its composition usually depends on your taste. I will talk about the preparation using the example of one of the mixtures for vegetable soup, which I am preparing for my child.
A small young zucchini, a few tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots.
It is worth mentioning right away that I also put unfrozen potatoes and onions in the soup, because they are perfectly stored and without freezing. But to simplify further cooking, if desired, they can also be frozen in a mixture with the indicated vegetables.
Preparation method:
1. Thoroughly wash vegetables, clean carrots and zucchini.
2. Cut all vegetables except carrots into small cubes, approximately equal in size. Three carrots on a coarse grater.
3. Mix, pack into sachets. A serving in a bag is for one brew.
4. Place in the freezer. If it is possible to regulate the temperature of the freezer (the function is present in almost all modern refrigerators), turn it on for 3-4 hours to the maximum, then to -18C. The faster the vegetables freeze, the more vitamins will remain in them.
Sweet for older children.
What child doesn't like sweets? And who would argue that homemade preserves and jams are much more preferable in the child's menu than cakes, sweets and sweet bars.
Speaking of bars. Up to a certain age, purchased ones with many E-components are easy to replace with delicious homemade ones. It is easy to make them by chopping dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, figs) and nuts and making bars from the resulting mass. I also add some honey to them. But this is a digression.
So about jams and jams. They are certainly not as harmful as purchased sweets. And yet cooking "kills" a very important part of the vitamins. First of all, vitamin C is destroyed, which, oh, how our children need in winter. Therefore, we started introducing sucrose into the diet for our child with the most useful products - jams without cooking. These include red and blackcurrant jams. They are extremely useful in the autumn-winter period, because they retain absolutely all the benefits of fresh berries.
Redcurrant jam recipe we printed
Of course, there are many more useful ways to save healthy vegetables and fruits for children for the winter. Drying is one of them. Dried apples, for example, are good for compote, and you can eat them just like that.
But it is not recommended to give fermented and especially pickled products to babies. Many people think that if a product without vinegar is fermented in a natural way, then it will be harmless to the child. However, during fermentation, many fermentation products are formed, which the child does not need at all. Yes, and such products are difficult for a child's body, in which there are still not enough enzymes to digest them.
If you also have branded recipes for the winter for kids, we will be grateful if you share them in the comments!
The task of every mother is to provide a child with healthy and fortified nutrition all year round. But in the summer it turns out much easier, everything is fresh, natural, but with the advent of winter, many parents begin to think about what kind of baby food preparations for the winter can be cooked?
There are more than enough different purees and mixtures in supermarkets, but there are only preservatives and GMOs. Baby food for the winter can be prepared at home. The main thing is to harvest them at the time when their season begins so you save all the vitamins and minerals that the child needs. The benefits of such nutrition will be only if it is prepared from natural fruits and vegetables.
Preparing baby food for the winter: ways
There are two types of baby food preparations for the winter.
- The most popular method is freezing. This method perfectly preserves all useful substances. It is necessary to wash the berries, sort them out, throw out rotten or spoiled ones, dry them naturally, put them in a special container (you can attach a leaflet with the inscription what is in it) or a plastic bag. You can freeze both berries and fruits with vegetables.
- Preservation is a great way to prepare mashed baby food for the winter. Puree is an excellent side dish for meat and fish. You can close any puree from apples, pears, plums, peaches, zucchini, carrots, beets, broccoli, cabbage, etc.
You need to prepare the products as indicated in the first method - freezing. Then put the chopped product in a saucepan, pour cold water and cook for 15 minutes. Then mash to a smooth consistency with a blender or with a sieve. Then we put it back in the pan, add granulated sugar and boil for 10 minutes. Be sure to sterilize the jar and lid. Store in a cool, dark place.
But then mothers have a question, what is the recipe for baby food for the winter choose? Which fruit or vegetable do you prefer? Consider the most popular recipes for children.
Baby food from apples for the winter
We prepare apples as for freezing. Then in a saucepan and cook for 15 minutes, remove, mash, put in a saucepan and cook again, boil for 10 minutes. We put it in a jar sterilized with boiling water and roll it up with a lid, let it cool, and put it in a cool, dark place. Also, delicious puree from apples and zucchini, apples and pears is prepared in the same way.
Zucchini for the winter for baby food
Prepare zucchini as you would for freezing. We canned, like apple food. An excellent combination of zucchini with carrots, zucchini with cauliflower or apple. Puree can be preserved with or without granulated sugar.
So, despite the winter frosts, let your baby get all the necessary and useful vitamins, thanks to baby food prepared by his mother with love!
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Anastasia Lukina.
Pretty interesting preparation for the winter , which has recently gained great popularity, is considered a fruit puree. The thing is that there are plenty of reasons for wasting time and effort on such a blank, and they are all quite important. For example, if you don't want to bother making jam, or if there's a surplus of fruit crops, purée is a great alternative to regular seamings like , jam, juice or jelly .
Well, if you have a small child, then you simply cannot do without such a winter preparation, which can later be used as an excellent complementary food, because mashed potatoes are the main dish in the diet of not only infants, but also children up to two years old. The main positive point in using such baby food is that the body receives not only delicious food, but also minerals, trace elements and vitamins. Of course, in any store and supermarket there is always a wide selection of various types of mashed potatoes, but caring mothers like you prefer to cook such a delicacy at home using natural and high-quality products. However, you should know that commercially produced puree goes through mandatory checks at all stages of its creation before the finished seaming appears on the shelves in the store. And by the way, for homemade puree, must adhere to the list of mandatory rules.
The main point concerns the choice of fruits, as you must purchase fruits that have not been chemically treated. For the preparation of baby puree, only natural and ripe berries and fruits should be used. You can choose the consistency of the dish at your discretion. Also, all containers, from those in which you will cook, and ending with jars, must be sterile and thoroughly washed.
Fruit Puree , among other things, can be a good filling for pies, pies, and also served as an independent dish as a dessert. They can also be poured over ice cream, and lovers of unusual flavors can use it as a side dish or sauce for meat dishes.
Preparing fruit jam for the winter is a completely simple procedure, and you can master it the first time.
Prepare fruit puree can be made from any berries and fruits, apples, apricots, pears, plums, peaches and even avocados, mangoes, bananas and other exotic fruits are perfect for these purposes.
If the preparation is prepared specifically for a child, then it is better to use pear, apple, nectarine, peach and apricot, since these fruits rarely cause allergic reactions in babies.
Almost all varieties of fruit puree are prepared according to the following technology: first, the fruit is baked in the oven, or boiled until soft, then the pulp is separated from the skin and seeds, and finally kneaded well. This method is good when you serve a fresh dish, but the situation is a little different with preservation, because the puree must be prepared so that it does not sour after a week. In general, detailed technology, process and recipe for cooking
Preparing apple puree for the winter. Recipe
1. Wash the apples, peel them with a special vegetable peeler, cut in half, remove the middle and chop into small cubes. Take an enamel pan and put the fruit in it. Pour in some clean water and simmer for about five minutes until the apples are soft.
2. Remove the pan from the stove and let the mixture cool to room temperature. Grind the cooled, soft pieces through a sieve, or grind with a blender until smooth.
3. Wash jars and lids and be sure to sterilize them. Put applesauce on fire and bring to a boil. Stir and you can immediately pour into prepared, sterilized jars. Wrap and wrap.
This puree is best made from more acidic varieties of apples. You can add sugar and spices to the workpiece, to taste, but only if you are cooking for yourself, and not for an infant.
Preparation of pear puree for the winter. Recipe
1. Citric acid
1. Wash, dry and peel the pears, even if they are soft. Remove the seeds and cut into small pieces. Transfer to an enamel saucepan, pour in some drinking water and simmer over medium heat until soft.
2. Blend until smooth with a blender and bring the mixture to a boil. To prevent the delicacy from being too sugary, add a little citric acid, literally at the tip of a knife. By the way, you can replace the citric acid with fresh lemon juice, or another more acidic puree, such as apple or plum puree.
Plum and peach puree preparations are prepared using exactly the same technology. If you are not making a delicacy for small children, then you can add other ingredients and spices there, at your discretion. Now you know that making pears, peaches, plums or apples puree is not at all difficult.
Preparation of apple and pumpkin puree for the winter. Recipe
1. Apples - 1 kg
2. Pumpkin - 1 kg
3. Chopped orange (lemon) zest - 1 tsp.
4. Sugar - to your taste
1. Peel the pumpkin, do it carefully, as it is quite difficult. Also peel the apples and remove the seeds. Cut the fruits into small cubes and transfer to a saucepan. You can use a slow cooker or steamer. Cover with water and simmer until pumpkin is soft.
2. Grind the hot fruit in a puree, in any way convenient for you, add a teaspoon of grated zest, and sugar.
3. Place the puree over medium heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.