How long would a baby survive without food
How a baby can survive for six days without food or water
- National
This was published 8 years ago
By Anna Patty
Updated first published at
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- Baby survived for six days down drain
- Newborn plucked from stormwater drain
Human biology and luck helped a baby survive without food or water for six days after being dumped, paediatricians say.
Kim Oates, an emeritus professor of paediatrics at the University of Sydney said healthy babies were born with enough fluid to help them survive for some time without feeding.
Found: the boy was down the drain for six days.
"When full-term babies are born, they are usually born with fluid on board. They have a good amount of fluid storage and extra glucose stored in their liver as well," he said.
"I think the evolutionary basis of that is that if the mother had a difficult birth and passed out and couldn't recover and feed the baby for a little while, the baby would be OK.
The drain where the baby was found at Quakers Hill.Credit:James Alcock
"They have enough to survive for the 24 to 48 hours without much in the way of feeding. I am surprised: six days seems a long time to me."
After six days the baby was likely to be suffering from low blood sugar and at risk of getting cold.
"It's possible, it's surprising. If it was a premature baby it would have had much less chance of surviving because they don't have as much glucose and fluid on board," Professor Oates said.
Andrew McDonald, a Sydney paediatrician and Labor MP, said babies, born without complications such as respiratory problems, were very resilient and, if kept warm, could survive without fluid for four days.
"It was a very lucky baby. But evolution was kind to us," he said.
Dr McDonald said newborns were designed in a way that they did not need much fluid until their fourth day of life.
"That's when the mother's milk comes in," Dr McDonald said.
"They aren't given much fluid for the first four days ordinarily. They are born full of fluid.
"Some babies can lose up to 10 per cent of their birth weight in their first four days of life."
The combination of hot weather and the coolness inside the drain may also have helped the baby stay warm enough.
Dr McDonald said the child appeared to have reached full term before he was born, which would have helped improve his chances of survival.
"You see this in earthquakes, babies living for some days," Dr McDonald said.
"What was surprising was that the baby had a vigorous cry after five days.
"He wouldn't have lasted much longer," he said.
Dr Howard Chilton, a consultant neonatologist at Prince of Wales Private Hospital and the Royal Hospital for Women in Randwick, said newborn babies were "water logged" and had 15 per cent fat in their bodies, allowing them to survive without food for days.
"We know the physiology of babies is designed for toughness and resilience in their early days," Dr Chilton said.
"The great problem for babies is cold. But the weather has been reasonably good."
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Newborn in drain: How a baby can survive for six days without food or water | Newcastle Herald
Found: the boy was down the drain for six days. Picture: Supplied
Human biology and luck helped a baby survive without food or water for six days after being dumped, a paediatrician says.
Andrew McDonald, who is also a Labor MP, said babies without complications, such as respiratory problems, were very resilient and, if kept warm, could survive without fluid for four days.
"It was a very lucky baby. But evolution was kind to us," he said.
Dr McDonald said newborns were designed in a way that they did not need much fluid until their fourth day of life.
"That's when the mother's milk comes in," Dr McDonald said.
The drain where the baby was found at Quakers Hill. Picture: James Alcock
"They aren't given much fluid for the first four days ordinarily. They are born full of fluid.
"Some babies can lose up to 10 per cent of their birth weight in their first four days of life."
The combination of hot weather and the coolness inside the drain may also have helped the baby stay warm enough.
Dr McDonald said the child appeared to have reached full term before he was born, which would have helped improve his chances of survival.
"You see this in earthquakes, babies living for some days," Dr McDonald said.
"What was surprising was that the baby had a vigorous cry after five days.
"He wouldn't have lasted much longer," he said.
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No commentsHow many people can live without water on average?
Man needs food and water to live. Without food, he can "stretch" for several weeks, but without water for such a time it is simply impossible to survive. So how many people can do without water? Many scientists of the world answer this question, relying on the individual characteristics of the organism and certain environmental factors.
How many people can live without water on average?
Water nourishes all the cells of the body, promotes important trace elements, removes decay products and toxins. It acts as a guarantee of human health and life. Even with severe hunger, people can live for a long time. As a rule, without food, a person can live for 8-10 days and feel quite well. As for water, an urgent need for it occurs after 3-4 days. During this time, without receiving fluid, a person dies. But he is able to live without water in optimal climatic conditions for up to a week. Scientists call this period the upper bar, when a person can live without drinking. nine0003
How long can you live without water, depending on the conditions?
The American scientist E. F. Adolf argues that there are factors that affect the period during which a person can live without water. These include:
- ambient temperature conditions;
- humidity level;
- degree of human activity;
- age and weight of the person.
If a person sits quietly in the shade, and the air temperature is 16-23ºС, then without water he can survive up to 10 days. As the air temperature rises, the risk of dying faster increases. For example, at an air temperature above 36ºС, the death of a person who did not receive a drink will occur in 1-2 days. nine0003
An athlete who actively trains in the heat, or a child who is left in a locked, stuffy car, will quickly get dehydrated, leading to death. They can die without water in just a few hours. So, it is obvious that the ability of the human body to do without water directly depends on the temperature regime and activity.
Why is water so important for the body?
Yes, a person can survive several days without water. But this applies to situations where there is simply nowhere to get life-giving moisture. In a familiar life environment, it is important to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water in order for the body to function normally. This amount of water does not include tea, coffee, soup, carbonated drinks and other foods containing water. You need to drink only clean water. It is she who has a positive effect on the entire organs and systems of a person, contributing to: nine0003
- activating digestion;
- reduce fatigue and increase energy;
- activation of blood circulation;
- suppress hunger and reduce excess weight;
- improve skin and complexion;
- improve general well-being and strengthen immunity.
In order for water to bring only benefits, it must be clean, without an unpleasant odor and impurities. nine0003
Unique cases of survival without water for more than a week
Despite the fact that scientists point to a week period during which a person is able to survive without water, there are still exceptions to the rule. There are cases when people who got into extreme conditions were able to live longer. In 1947, doctors saved the life of a man from the city of Frunze. He lived without water for 20 days. When they found him, he was unconscious, had a skull injury, practically did not breathe, but the doctors took him out and brought him back to life. nine0003
In 1985, during the earthquake in Mexico City, a 9-year-old boy was left without food and water for almost two weeks under the ruins. When the rescuers got to him, he had already lost consciousness. But the doctors saved the child - the very next day he could speak and move independently.
In 2006 in Japan, a retired man decided to take a walk in the mountains. He got lost. Rescuers found him only on the 24th day. The man was unconscious, his body temperature was 22ºС, his condition was close to anabiosis. The unfortunate traveler was saved. nine0003
It remains only to be surprised how unique a person is and how great his desire to live is, that the body can cope even with excessively extreme conditions, without water for a long time.
How long can a person live without water
To survive, a person needs to receive nutrients in a minimal amount. One of the main conditions is to drink plenty of fluids. Not a single chemical reaction can do without it. Therefore, it is so important how long a person can live without water. nine0003
Scientific calculation
The researcher calculated how many days a person will live without water. The average man weighing 80 kilograms at least burns about 1,700 calories per day, even with no physical activity. Energy reserves need to be replenished. Water is much more important than solid food in this regard. For example, people with some rare diseases survive without problems on a liquid diet.
If dehydration begins in the body, death occurs after a maximum of two weeks. If a person has enough liquid, then without food he is able to spend a lot of time. There are cases when political prisoners, ideological activists have been on hunger strike for many weeks.Mahatma Gandhi, who devoted himself to the rights of an independent India, went on a hunger strike for three weeks at the age of 70. A well-known Indian politician was not injured, he lived for another eight years. nine0003
Those who have been lost in the wilderness for a long time know how long a person can live without water. People were found alive a few months later. It was possible to survive if it was possible to consume enough liquid.
Doctors' opinion
Doctors agree that a person can live on average about 10-14 days without water. Without food, the period increases to 60. Of course, it all depends on the internal mood, the amount of nutrients, physical fitness, and the absence of chronic diseases. nine0003
The energy that the body needs is stored in the form of organic substances - fats, carbohydrates and proteins. First, the body consumes carbohydrates, then fats, so a person with sufficient weight is able to live longer. The final stage of obtaining energy is the consumption of proteins.
Metabolic problems
How long a person can live without water is affected by how quickly the metabolism breaks down. Metabolic processes stop without water. Without them, it is impossible to convert food into energy. nine0065 With a slow metabolism, the food consumed is burned slowly. When a person is completely without food, the metabolism is corrected and slowed down. As a result, a person can live without water as long as the metabolism is not interrupted. In its absence, the kidneys begin to fail, disturbances occur in other internal organs.
Survival conditions - climate. Extreme high and low temperatures reduce the chances of survival. If only water remains in the diet, then in a warm climate, dehydration occurs faster, and in sub-zero temperatures, energy is consumed faster. It is aimed at maintaining a stable temperature for a person. nine0003
Understanding the question of how long a person can live without water, it turns out that this period increases at moderate temperatures.