How many ounces in a junior jar of baby food
The 3 baby food stages: What foods and when
Making the leap from breast milk or formula to solids and then eventually to table food is an exciting time. But it’s also a little confusing because there isn’t a one-size-fits-all rule when it comes to baby food stages. While one child may happily take to pureed carrots at 6 months, another may purse their lips at anything but a breast or bottle until 8 months.
To simplify the whole process, here’s a general rule of thumb to keep in mind: Most foods are OK to give to babies in the first year, as long as they’re properly prepared. And if you’re concerned about food storage, read more from our experts on how long baby food lasts.
Here’s the quick lowdown on what to feed baby and when:
- Stage 1: Purees (4 to 6 months).
- Stage 2: Thicker consistency (6 to 9 months).
- Stage 3: Soft, chewable chunks (10 to 12 months).
“With the exception of raw or cooked honey, which shouldn’t be consumed until 12 months because of the risk of infantile botulism, babies can have any food that is texturally appropriate for their developmental feeding stage,” says Dr. Kristen Treegoob, a pediatrician at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
In other words, it’s perfectly fine to give both a 6- and 12-month-old peas, but for the 6-month-old, they need to be pureed.
In the past, parents have been advised to start their baby with single-grain cereals, such as rice cereal, but the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) now says there’s “no medical evidence that introducing solid foods in any particular order has an advantage for your baby” — nutritionally or when it comes to long-term food preferences. (So, when your Aunt Joanne tells you that your baby will be a vegetable-hater for life if you start off with applesauce, she’s wrong.)
All of this said, there is a method to the messy madness that is the three stages of baby food. In order to make things less complicated — and more delicious — we tapped top experts and veteran parents to find out everything you need to know about feeding little ones at every stage (plus, we included a handy baby food stages chart). All you have to do now is serve the food and clean the high chair!
Stage 1 (4 to 6 months): What you need to know
The fun begins! Stage 1 baby food is typically for babies who are between the ages of 4 months and 6 months. But as with all things parenting-related, it’s important to keep in mind that each baby is different, and there’s no hard and fast rule for starting solids.
“While the AAP recommends exclusively breastfeeding from birth to age 6 months, it’s important to remember that not every baby is exclusively breastfed,” says Dr. Zulma Laracuente, a pediatrician in Alexandria, Louisiana. “Also, some babies show signs of readiness to start food earlier than others. You know your baby best.”
Solids that fall under the Stage 1 category are thin and smooth in texture — not much thicker than breast milk or formula — and contain a single ingredient. If you’re making your baby’s food at home, make sure it’s blended to an almost-watery puree.
“Stage 1 baby foods should have no chunks whatsoever,” says Jenifer Thompson, registered dietician and advanced practice dietician at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. “Formula or breast milk can be added to the purees to make them thinner.”
While there’s no specific food parents need to start with, many pediatricians recommend beginning with iron-rich foods, such as iron-fortified cereals or pureed meats.
“The reason we advise introducing solids at 6 months and starting with iron-containing foods is because iron stores that were built up during pregnancy are depleting, and iron is important for infants’ brain development,” says Dr. Melanie Custer, a pediatrician at Deaconess Clinic in Evansville, Indiana.
Custer also says that babies should “absolutely not” decrease their breast milk or formula when they first start off with solids.
“Infants still should receive 24 to 32 ounces of formula or breast milk each day,” she says. “Solids at this point are more of a snack, with baby eating about 3 to 4 tablespoons once or twice a day.”
How to tell your baby is ready for Stage 1
According to Treegoob, here are the signs your baby is prepared to start Stage 1 foods:
- They’re showing an interest in what family members are eating.
- They’re learning to open their mouths for a spoon.
- They’ve outgrown the involuntary habit of pushing food and spoons out of their mouth with their tongue.
- They have steady head control.
- They have the ability to move food from a spoon to their throat and swallow without choking.
Stage 2 (6 to 9 months): What you need to know
Time to mix it up! While Stage 2 solids are still basically mush, food has a little more texture at this point, as well as a few soft chunks.
“Stage 2 baby foods are thicker in consistency than Stage 1 purees, and many of the jars you find in stores have some small mashable bits in them,” says Treegoob. “These are great for infants who have done well with Stage 1 but who are not quite ready to chew. The typical age for Stage 2 is between 6 to 9 months.”
Treegoob also notes that the 7 to 9 month time frame is also when many babies begin modifying their breast milk or formula intake.
“As long as an infant’s weight remains on track and they’re drinking enough to stay hydrated, there isn’t a reason to worry if baby is showing interest in smaller or less frequent bottle or breastfeeds,” she says. “Infants typically take in somewhere between 24 to 32 ounces a day when they’re between 6 to 9 months.”
Whether you’re making your little one’s food on your own or getting it pre-made at the store, you have a little more room to play once you hit Stage 2.
“In addition to being thicker in consistency, Stage 2 foods usually have multiple ingredients, including some spices,” says Custer. “At this point, baby is usually taking in more food than they were in Stage 1, so it’s important to make sure they’re being introduced to a wide variety of foods from different food groups.”
According to the AAP, babies should be eating about 4 ounces of solids — about one small jar of baby food — at each of their meals.
How to tell your baby is ready for Stage 2
Once your baby has consistently been eating Stage 1 foods, they’re likely ready for the next step. Here are other signs to look for, according to Thompson:
- Their oral skills are continuing to develop.
- They’re consistently taking food in and swallowing when you offer it (and not spitting it out).
Stage 3 (9 to 12 months): What you need to know
Now, the true culinary adventure begins — Stage 3 foods! While some babies will still happily have mom and dad spoon-feed them mashed food at this age, many babies will have what you’re having at this point — and they’ll do it themselves, thank you very much.
“As soon as we thought he was ready — at about 9 months — we started giving my son softer, cut-up versions of whatever we were having for dinner,” says mom of two Jennifer Reilly, of New York City. “There was more cleanup, but I actually got to sit down and eat my meal!”
Once babies hit the age range for Stage 3 foods, most have the oral and fine motor skills to self-feed.
“Between 8 to 12 months, babies develop the pincer grasp ability and should be able to pick up small pieces of finger foods with their finger and thumb and bring it to their mouth,” says Thompson.
Technically speaking, Stage 3 solids are thicker, more sophisticated versions of the baby food your little one has already been eating (think vegetable and beef pilaf or tender chicken and stars), but also, they’re not necessary for everyone.
“Stage 3 food is starting to have chunks mixed in, in order to prepare baby for table foods,” says Custer. “But some babies wind up skipping this stage altogether and go straight to soft table foods.”
While it’s perfectly fine to continue with Stage 3 foods up to your child’s first birthday, Treegoob advises letting your baby try their hand at “real food.” “Well-cooked veggies, ripe fruits, shredded meat, scrambled eggs, soft cheese and cooked pasta are all great options for babies this age,” she notes.
Between 9 months and 12 months is also when you’re likely to see a significant drop in how much breast milk or formula your baby is drinking.
“As babies continue to eat table foods, I’ve seen their breast milk or formula intake drop to as low as 16 to 20 ounces per day,” Treegoob says. “That said, some infants continue to show a heavy preference for breast milk or formula despite months of solid introduction. If you feel like your baby may be drinking excessive amounts of breast milk or formula, and they have no interest in food, I would recommend speaking with your pediatrician. ”
How to tell your baby is ready for table food
Your child’s readiness to start table food will likely be more discernible than any other baby food stage. As long as they’re continuing to hone their oral skills, as well as their ability to pick food up and bring it to their mouth, you can count on them to let you know they’re ready for “big kid” food.
“My daughter looked like she was ready for pasta, eggs and basically anything we were eating shortly after she started solids,” says mom of two Julie Cortez of Brooklyn, New York. “We waited until about 8 months, when we knew she knew how to properly eat, and sure enough, she ate her whole plate on the first go! We completely skipped the Stage 3 jars of food.”
Follow these safe feeding must-knows
Even though your baby’s eating skills will continue to progress as they gain more experience, it’s important baby is always sitting upright, strapped in a high chair and never left unattended while eating. Also, make sure table food is always soft and cut into small pieces to avoid choking hazards. When first starting out with solids, be sure to wait a few days before giving them something new.
“This allows for observation for any adverse reaction or intolerance to the new food,” Thompson says.
And finally, be sure to give your baby a wide range of healthy food in order to expose them to a variety of tastes and textures — and don’t be discouraged if they don’t take to a specific food at first.
“If baby refuses a food or makes a strange face when eating, this may simply mean that it is a new food and unfamiliar to them,” Thompson says. “Try again. It may take 10 to 20 exposures of a new food before they accept it.”
Here’s more on every baby food stage:
- Stage 1 baby food.
- Stage 2 baby food.
- Stage 3 baby food.
Carrot Cake With Baby Food Carrots Recipe
"I love carrot cake, but I'm not fond of the texture of shredded carrots. I got this recipe from a former boss, Debra. Love it!
Note: I haven't tried it, but I'm sure this will make awesome cupcakes!"
photo by Regina L.
- Ready In:
- 45mins
- Ingredients:
- 12
- Yields:
1 cake
- Serves:
- 12
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 2 cups sugar
- 1 cup canola oil
- 4 eggs
- 2 (4 ounce) jars carrots, baby food
- 1⁄2 teaspoon salt
- 2 teaspoons baking soda
- 2 teaspoons cinnamon
- 2 teaspoons vanilla
- 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese
- 1 (16 ounce) box powdered sugar
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- Cake method: Preheat oven to 350ºF.
- Grease and flour a 9x13 baking pan.
- Place first 9 ingredients (through 2 teaspoons vanilla) in a large mixing bowl.
- Beat with electric beaters or mixer paddle for 2 minutes on medium speed.
- Pour the batter into the prepared pan.
- Bake in 350ºF oven for 30 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.
- Allow the cake to cool completely; prepare icing in the meantime.
- -------.
- Icing Method: In a medium bowl, combine final three ingredients.
- Beat until smooth and fluffy.
- Ice completely cooled cake.
- Grab your own piece before anyone else knows it's done!
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MBDOU "Kindergarten No.

Dear parents and guests of our site!
This page will tell you about the life of our group!
Dublyazhenko Elena Pavlovna | Rusakova Valentina Alekseevna | Tsareva Natalia Sergeevn |
caregiver | junior educator | teacher |
New Year is the most beloved, kind, fabulous holiday that is expected in every home, in every family. New Year is a time of magic, smiles and happiness. On this holiday, everyone can believe in a fairy tale, plunge into the atmosphere of something unusual, mysterious, bewitching and, undoubtedly, unforgettable. But no one is so sincerely waiting for the New Year's miracle, magical transformations and adventures as our children. nine0003
December 27 in the first junior group held a New Year's party in order to create a festive atmosphere and emotionally positive mood of the children.
Bunny, Snow Maiden and Santa Claus came to the children for the holiday, the kids met them smart and cheerful. Together with the guests, the children had fun, played and danced.
Throughout the New Year's party, the atmosphere of celebration and magic reigned, the positive emotional mood of the pupils was felt.
"Sausages on plates"
Modeling is one of the most fascinating and interesting types of children's art. It enables even the smallest child to feel like a master and creator. Modeling is the most tangible form of artistic creativity. The child not only sees what he created, but also touches, picks up and changes as necessary.
The main tool in modeling is the hand (or rather, both hands, therefore, the level of skill depends on the possession of one's own hands, and not a brush, pencil or scissors). nine0003
In the first junior group "Kids" a lesson was held on artistic and aesthetic development (modeling), on the topic "Sausages on plates", in order to develop the ability of children to betray simple images of objects and phenomena of reality in modeling.
A bear came to visit the kids and asked him to help him prepare sausages for Katya's doll. During the lesson, the children learned to roll a lump of plasticine between their palms with direct movements of both hands. Children with great interest prepared sausages for Katya's doll. nine0003
"Waiting for a miracle"
A long time ago, Santa Claus called all the squirrels and rabbits and instructed them to spread their mailing address around the world. Since then, it is customary to write letters to Grandfather Frost, to make your innermost desires.
In order to create an atmosphere of expectation of New Year's miracles, the kids of the first junior group also decided to send letters to Santa Claus. Together with the bunny, the guys made a New Year's application from ready-made parts and, with the help of a teacher, they designed it in the form of letters. Children with great interest lowered the letters into the New Year's mailbox. nine0003
By writing letters to Santa Claus, I would like to extend the children's faith in some kind of magic and New Year's miracle.
"Waiting for guests"
A role-playing game is the main type of game for a preschool child. This is playing out various plots, role-playing situations, specific images; at a younger preschool age, this game is very important. These games have cognitive potential, give the child a general idea of future social roles. nine0003
On November 29, a role-playing game on the topic “Family” was held in the “Kids” group in order to encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in the game (set the table). A bear came to visit the kids to learn how to set the table for the arrival of guests.
In the course of the game, the guys learned by themselves and showed the bear how to properly set the table. The children showed great interest and activity throughout the game.
nine0002 “Mom is a wonder of the world!
Every child loves her just the way she is!”
"Mother's Day" is a warm, cordial holiday. Every year this holiday enters our homes more and more. From generation to generation, for every person, mother is the most important person in life.
November 23 in the group "Kids" held a festive event dedicated to Mother's Day, with the aim of creating a festive atmosphere, creating a joyful mood and emotional upsurge of children.
A bear came to the children for the holiday, the kids danced with him, had fun and at the end of the event they made a beautiful bouquet for their mothers. nine0065 Children took part in the holiday with great interest and fervent fun, showing how caring, careful and willing they are to help their mother.
"Birthday of Father Frost".
On November 18, Russia celebrates the birthday of Father Frost, the main magician of the country, who brings joy to everyone: both children and adults. It is him, Grandfather Frost, who, on the fabulous and magical New Year holidays, is eagerly awaited by everyone who believes in him and in magic. Santa Claus's birthday is an amazing holiday. On this day, they congratulate the one who usually gives gifts to everyone and fulfills cherished desires and dreams. nine0003
So in the first junior group "Kids", in order to form children's ideas about Santa Claus as the main character of the New Year's holiday, girls and boys congratulated the birthday boy on his birthday. As a gift, children gave Grandfather gifts made with their parents.
The kids were able to plunge into the festive atmosphere, participate in interesting games and dance with the main hero of the occasion. Santa Claus was very glad that the children had not forgotten about his birthday and, in gratitude for such bright congratulations, he treated him with a sweet treat. nine0003
This holiday gave children a lot of pleasure and delight. Now it remains to wait for the most magical and fabulous holiday - the New Year, to meet Grandfather Frost again!
Delicious treat
Modeling from salt dough is an excellent simulator for the precise movement of children's fingers, the development of fine motor skills, increases sensory sensitivity (the ability to perceive shape, color, weight). Therefore, in addition to being interesting, it is also a useful activity. nine0003
In order to increase the level of children's ability to cut the desired shape from salt dough with the help of molds, in the 1st junior group "Kids" a design lesson was held on the topic: "Cake" In the process of making cakes, a gingerbread man came to visit the kids. Together with the children, he took part in the preparation of sweets.
Children tried to carefully use the modeling material and tried to do the work themselves. Throughout the lesson, the children were fascinated by the process of their work. The kids, together with the kolobok and the teacher, prepared many delicious and interesting cakes. nine0003
"Autumn canning"
One of the closest and most natural activities for a preschool child is applique. Creating beautiful applications with their own hands, seeing the result of their work, children experience positive emotions.
In the first junior group "Kids" a thematic lesson on the artistic and aesthetic development of the "Jar of tomatoes (application)" was held in order to develop the ability of children to stick finished parts and freely place them on a sheet of paper. nine0003
Doll Katya came to visit the kids. She brought a basket of tomatoes with her and asked the children to place them in jars.
During the lesson, the students randomly glued the finished parts using glue, trying to be careful.
Children with great interest were engaged in the implementation of the application, having received positive emotions from the work done.
"Strong Babies"
It is well known that properly organized physical activity is the most important factor in the formation of a healthy lifestyle and strengthening human health. nine0003
In the first junior group, a physical development lesson "Help a friend" was held in order to develop physical activity. The lesson was held in the form of a game using mobile and little mobile games such as "Running Bunny", "Along a flat path", "At the bear in the forest". The motivation for performing physical exercises in children was the search for the missing bunny.
During the search, the children performed the basic movements, aimed at repeating and consolidating the previously covered material on mastering children's motor skills and abilities, such as crawling on all fours, walking on a limited surface, walking in a circle and crawling under the gate. nine0003
Children took part in the games with great pleasure and performed the proposed exercises, as they knew that their efforts would help to find the bunny.
If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,
If birds have flown to a distant land,
If the sky is gloomy, if it is raining.
This season is called AUTUMN!
On October 14, an autumn holiday was held in our kindergarten. The main participants of our holiday were the children of the first junior group, who showed the ability to play cheerfully, perform songs and dances. The forest dwellers came to visit the children, with whom the children sang, danced and played. A holiday in kindergarten is always amazing miracles, magical colors, sonorous laughter of pupils, a sea of \u200b\u200bsmiles and fun. Although they say that autumn is a dull time, but children, like no other, are able to enjoy the rustle of golden fallen leaves under their feet, the rain, under which it is so interesting to walk under an umbrella, wearing rubber boots. That is why the autumn holiday in kindergarten is one of the most beloved among our children. The event was fun, bright, exciting. The pupils received a lot of positive emotions. At the end of our holiday, the guests left treats for the guys. nine0003
Children live in kindergarten,
They play and sing here,
Find friends here,
They go for a walk with them.
Kindergarten is your second home.
You love him, children,
The kindest house in the world!
As part of the thematic week "Our Group", in the 1st junior group, a lesson was held on cognitive development in order to form children's knowledge about the characteristics of life in the kindergarten group. After the conversation, with looking at the illustrations, the children with great pleasure demonstrated their knowledge by their own example. Children showed great interest and activity in the knowledge of the topic being studied. nine0003
“Times are different now, as are games and business. Russia has gone far from the country it was, but in giving antiquity we must not forget glory to Russian antiquity, glory to our side!
On September 28, in the first junior group, an event was held dedicated to the thematic week "Russian Folk Art", in order to form the initial ideas of children about musical instruments. The bun came to visit the children and brought a lot of musical instruments, the guys began to examine them with great interest. In the final part, the kids took part in a small musical orchestra. nine0003
In our country, as well as throughout the world, the number of traffic accidents is increasing. According to statistics, every tenth victim of an accident is a child. Left to their own devices, children have little regard for the real dangers on the road, as they consider themselves agile and fast. Preschoolers do not have a reaction to the traffic situation, they still do not know how to properly control their behavior. The desire to constantly discover something new often puts children in real danger. nine0003
That is why from a very early age it is necessary to teach children safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport, as well as the rules of the road. Parents, preschool institutions, and later the school should take part in this.
On September 22, in the "Kids" group, a situational conversation was held dedicated to the week of safety in order to form in preschoolers the initial knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on the roads in a playful way.
Flowers adorn meadows and forests
But it's not only nature's beauty
In them the bees find a healing gift
And butterflies drink sweet nectar from them
Don't, friends, it's pointless to tear them up
No need to make bouquets of them ...
Bouquets will wither... Flowers will die...
And there will be no more such beauty!
On June 17, in the first junior group "Kids" there was an entertainment for children "Flower meadow". Summer is the most wonderful and beautiful time. Only in summer there are so many colors. The whole world becomes colorful. In summer, a lot of different flowers bloom: dandelions, poppies, cornflowers, daisies and many other flowers!!! nine0003
The purpose of the event was to consolidate knowledge about colors, develop coordination of movements, dexterity, speech, memory, attention, imagination.
The children enjoyed the walk to the fairy meadow!!!
St. George ribbon - both gunpowder and fire,
And the bitterness of tears, and the joy of Victory Day.
Not just a proud symbol, but a silk epaulette,
For the good peace that our grandfathers got us.
"St. George Ribbon" - a public action dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. nine0003
Volunteers distribute symbolic ribbons during the action.
The purpose of the action: "... The desire at all costs not to let the new generations forget who and at what cost won the most terrible war of the last century, whose heirs we remain, what and whom we should be proud of, who to remember."
During the action, the pupils of the "Kids" group made a postcard under the motto "We are the heirs of the Great Victory!"
At the end of the day, the children gave cards to their parents. nine0003
Come on, preschoolers,
Protect nature!
Lipovskaya school of Buzuluk district - Conditions for catering
Suppliers of products:
Address: 461042, Orenburg region, Buzuluk, Moskovskaya st. , 2 "z"
Phone: +7 (35342) 1-44-72, +7 (922) 833-33-03
Director of LLC "TZB": Dubinina Tatyana Viktorovna
Address: 461041, Orenburg region, Buzuluk, st. Chelyuskintsev, dvld 52
General Director: Belousov Sergey Alexandrovich
Phone: +7 (35342) 2-24-43, +7 (35342) 2-13-42
Chef: Shakirova Ruzilya Rashitovna
Responsible for catering at the school: Feoktistova Marina Nikolaevna
Meals in the preschool group are organized in accordance with SanPiN 2.4. ".
Requirements for the arrangement, equipment and maintenance of a catering unit, for the organization of public catering, the manufacture and turnover of food products and food raw materials comply with SanPiN, as well as instructions on labor protection when working in the catering department.
In MOBU "Lipovskaya OOSh" agreements have been concluded that provide guaranteed balanced nutrition for children in accordance with the working hours.
In MOBU "Lipovskaya OOSh" organized:
- four meals a day - 10 hour groups: breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea.
- five meals a day - 12 hour groups: breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner.
- six meals a day - 24 hour group: breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, second dinner. nine0340
Children's nutrition is organized in accordance with the approximate menu approved by the head of the Lipovskaya OOSh, designed for at least two weeks, taking into account the physiological needs for energy and nutrients for children of all age groups.
Control over the quality of food, fortification of dishes, laying food, cooking, choice of dishes, taste of food, sanitary condition of the catering unit, correct storage, compliance with the deadlines for the sale of products is assigned to the deputy. director of MOBU "Lipovskaya OOSh". nine0065 The catering unit has production and storage facilities: a hot shop, a shop for the primary processing of vegetables, a kitchen utensils washing room, a pantry for bulk products, a warehouse for vegetables, and refrigeration equipment.
Premises | Equipment | Quantity |
Food unit | Electric stove | 1 |
Pan washers | 2 | |
Vegetable sinks | 3 | |
Finished product table | 1 | |
Cooking pots | 6 | |
Chopping boards | 6 | |
Knives | 8 | |
Ladles | 5 | |
Pans | 5 | |
Water heater | 2 | |
Colander | 2 | |
Scale | 1 | |
Wall cabinet | 1 | |
Hood | 1 | |
Cold shop | Sink | 4 |
table | 1 | |
Egg handling equipment | 4 | |
scale | 4 | |
scoop | 1 | |
Tool hanger | 1 | |
mop | 2 | |
Warehouse | refrigerator | 5 |
Powder bowls | 4 | |
buckets | 10 |
Meals at the school are organized in accordance with SanPiN 2. 4.1.3049-13 "Requirements for compiling a menu for catering for children of different ages."
Requirements for the arrangement, equipment and maintenance of a catering unit, for the organization of public catering, the manufacture and turnover of food products and food raw materials comply with SanPiN, as well as instructions for labor protection when working in a catering unit.
In the Lipovskaya OSH, agreements have been concluded that provide guaranteed balanced nutrition for children in accordance with the work schedule of the preschool group and the time the children stay in the educational institution. nine0065 Two hot meals a day are organized at MOBU: breakfast, lunch.
Children's meals are organized in accordance with an exemplary menu approved by the director of the Lipovskaya OOSh, designed for at least two weeks, taking into account the physiological needs for energy and nutrients for children of different ages.
Control over the quality of food, fortification of dishes, laying food products, cooking, choice of dishes, taste of food, sanitary condition of the catering department, correct storage, compliance with the deadlines for the sale of products is the responsibility of the cook.