How to feed your baby on ilive
i Live - You play he lives Bottle
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Jhoanna Acasio
I had issues too but I find that if you put the babies bib on, give the baby a sip of the milk ( there are 3 sips) afterwards go to toys and give the baby the rattle or the toy keys. That will give that percentage of 100. The toys give 25 -30 percent that I can assume is the babies hunger or cooperation to basically put on the babies bib , then 1 sip of bottle, give either the rattle or keys then give spoon. Do that repetition 3 times or so. Hope that helps
· 18 Apr 23:08
Comment found on i Live - You play he lives: How the heck do U...
Lilley Manhire
you click on the changing table, then once your on it, drag the table upwards to reveal a bathtub. the baby should teleport into the bath, and then you have to press the soap bottle 3 times and drag the sponge to the baby.
You have to repeat scrubbing the baby three times before it will teleport the baby to the changing table. :)
· 13 Sep 16:06
Comment found on i Live - You play he lives: How do I get the...
Jennifer Daniels
My baby won't stop sneezing and I thought bought 2 bottles of medicine but it won't let me use it. What do I do
· 29 May 22:50
Comment found on i Live - You play he lives: Sneezing
Gemma Miller
It just means the bottle isn't ready or it's too late (in my experience past 10.30pm) to feed them.
· 24 Jan 02:16
Comment found on i Live - You play he lives: The bottle button is faded...
Kimberly Deaton
You have to buy a toy for the baby to play with before each bite. The higher percent the toy the better chance baby will eat.
start with keys and have baby take 1 drink of bottle and then feed baby. Then have baby play with car and then feed baby. Have baby play with ball and feed baby and so on and so forth.
· 15 Dec 01:23 1 thought this was helpful
Comment found on i Live - You play he lives: Why won't my baby feed
heather hodges
Make sure you have the bib on, have her drink a bottle of he milk off the tray and look at the the bar at the bottom it should be close to 100%. Then take the spoon it around through the food in the bowl and then bring it to her mouth. She should eat it. Look at the bar. To get it back near 100% again if needed Give her a bottle again and/or give her give her the keys, driving wheel, rattle, ball or car and it should bring the bar back up again so she will eat it again. Sometimes you have to try more than once. Just use the toys one at a time unless you need it to get the bar back up.
and the bottle works 3 times. Hope this helps.
· 03 May 22:01
Comment found on i Live - You play he lives: I have just started the...
zoey Render
Same only let me feed bottle place in bed
· 26 Jan 17:00
Comment found on i Live - You play he lives: I can ' t feed...
Tazique Wiggins
U have to pick him or her up but b4 u do tht u go to the bottle and make sure milk is in it then u pick up the bby nd drag the bottle to it then u done
U have to use the scroller
How old is ur bby bc if hes or shes a year ild then u click on the rug· 19 Jan 15:58
Comment found on i Live - You play he lives: How do I feed my...
Backwoods baby
You have to click on the bottle icon and drag the milk up to the amount your going to feed your baby.
Then you drag the interaction icon on the baby and pick it up. Then you drag the bottle icon on the baby and voilà
· 08 Jan 17:02
Comment found on i Live - You play he lives: First time playing this game...
Aniyah Bulgar
When they get big and they don't need a bottle no more
· 07 Jan 17:57
Comment found on i Live - You play he lives: How many days until the...
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Fold Up, (iOS)Tile Escape 3D, (iOS)Royal Castle, (iOS)Puzzle Time: Number Puzzles, (iOS)Beecarbonize, (iOS)Losing Cats Way, (iOS)Daily routine and nutrition of a one-month-old breastfed baby
The main needs of a child at this age are proper sleep, nutrition and hygiene. The baby should receive the required amount of breast milk. On average, children drink up to 80 milliliters of milk at a time. It is written in the literature that the nutrition of a one-month-old baby should obey the regimen. Feed should be every 3 hours. The first feeding is recommended at 6 in the morning, then at 9, then at 12, 15, 18, 21 and 24 hours. That is, a child who is breastfed should be fed 7 times a day. At the same time, a break is made for the night so that the stomach can rest and digest food.
But as practice shows, as well as modern pediatricians advise, it is better to feed a child not by the clock, but on demand. The child himself will build his own daily routine, which will be optimal for him. In many ways, it will depend on the habits that were laid in it during prenatal development. So, if a pregnant mother ate at night, then the child will also want to eat at night, because he is used to getting nutrients at night. In addition, it is important for a child to eat when he feels hungry and needs nutrients, since he grows and develops intensively, he needs a lot of nutrients.
Normal stool in a breastfed child
The stool in a child should be regular. The reason for concern should be that the child does not go to the toilet for more than 2 days. You need to see a doctor urgently. Constipation is dangerous for a child, as it causes rapid intoxication, a digestive problem. Normal stool in a child who is fully breastfed - from 2 to 5-6 times a day (on average - after each feeding).
How to feed a month-old breastfed?
The medical practice of the last decades shows that children who are not fed according to the clock, but on demand, are much healthier and calmer. They sleep well, which is very important. After all, it is in everything that the main growth and development of the child takes place. The nervous system, the cerebral cortex, as well as the endocrine and immune systems are fully formed. This is a guarantee of further full-fledged mental and physical development, a healthy psyche. This is especially important at night.
Good sleep at night is responsible for the formation of the body's endurance, for a healthy nervous and cardiovascular system. If the baby is not fed at night, and he is hungry at the same time, his sleep will not be complete. Accordingly, his nervous and mental activity will be disturbed. The risk of developing somatic and psychosomatic diseases is also high. Babies who are fed at night tend to be calmer. They develop a lot faster. They often eat without even waking up, being in a half-asleep, unconscious state.
Feeding also forms the child's basic mental traits. If he satisfies his food needs in a timely manner, he develops a basic trust in the world, which subsequently transforms into cheerfulness, high communication skills. In children whose nutritional needs are not met on demand, a basic distrust of the world is formed as a leading feature, which in adulthood is transformed into aggressiveness, isolation, alienation and depression. Such children are prone to deviant behavior.
Daily routine
It is important to immediately build a routine and try to stick to it as strictly as possible. This has a positive effect on both the physical and mental development of the child. Violation of the regimen can subsequently negatively affect the psyche. Also, the regimen develops certain habits and lifestyle in the child.
What needs to be arranged for a 1 month old baby? He must wake up in one place (either in his parents, in a place specially designated for him, or in his own bed). You must have your own bedding, a special pillow for newborns. The baby is recommended to be swaddled. Now many researchers are inclined to believe that swaddling is far in the past. Today there are special suits for newborns with anti-scratches (mittens). This is supported by the fact that the child is not constrained in movements, freely shows physical activity. But in practice this is far from the case.
Swaddling is still the best option. Firstly, the child does not yet know how to fully control his limbs. It is necessary to hide the handles, because they do not know how to control them, and they prevent him from sleeping and eating. The child jerks his arms uncontrollably, cannot concentrate, because he is not able to coordinate movements. He also can't eat properly. Most of the day the child should be in diapers. But periodically it needs to be laid out without clothes, so that he could move freely. Also, children are afraid of their own hands.
Practice shows that children who are not swaddled by their parents grow up "twitchy". They have poorly developed patience, there is an inability to control themselves, indiscipline. Also, such people experience problems with concentration, concentration. Swaddled babies are more focused and focused. For example, from childhood they make conscious movements, trying to free their hand. Whereas children who are not swaddled have no aspirations. It also develops elementary thinking, as the child thinks, looks for ways out of the situation. Freeing his hand from the diaper is the first task on his life path.
After the child has woken up, he should lie down on his own for a while. Spontaneous motor activity, a semi-conscious state in which the child lies, is important for the development of the child. He can move, lie down for a long time and look at one point. It is not recommended to take a child with bright and ringing toys, mallets, as they defocus attention and form an increased excitability of the nervous system, contrary to popular belief about the benefits of toys at such an early age. The child must lie down by himself until he starts crying. If he doesn't cry, don't touch him. Then you need to pay attention to him, to communicate. Communication with the child is important. He must feel touch and hear the voice - these are the main conditions for the development and formation of communication skills.
After that, you need to start the morning toilet, which includes changing the diaper, wiping the body with wet wipes for newborns (without alcohol). Bathing children at this age is not allowed. The first bath is not earlier than 6 months. Before that, you need to use special wet wipes. This is the condition under which the normal microflora of the skin is formed. Water disrupts the formation of microbiocenosis, which in adulthood will cause skin diseases. Water contains chlorine or antibiotics, and if it does not, then its quality leaves much to be desired. Even the best water for a baby is too hard, causing dryness and irritation.
If necessary, special creams (baby cream) are applied. It is used in the event that spots, rashes, redness appear. Also, when a rash or irritation appears, it is recommended to use one of the ointments - larkspur, antiseptic hop, or cinquefoil. It is also recommended to thoroughly rinse the folds and treat them with these ointments if necessary. Particular attention should be paid to the inguinal folds, axillary area, neck. If necessary, cut off the nails on the hands, feet (about once a month). Every day they clean the nose and ears with special sticks. If necessary, use a nasal aspirator to remove mucus.
It is important to treat the umbilical cord (you will be told how to do this when you are discharged from the hospital). This is done until complete healing. If necessary, wash the eyes (as advised by the doctor).
After the morning toilet, the child is fed, after which it is recommended to put him to bed, or feed him. It is useful for a child to read fairy tales, turn on music. Classical music, lullabies and children's songs have a positive effect. You can also include some movies and music, preferably from different genres. This must be done, despite the fact that at first glance, the child is not yet responding. The child needs to read books, talk.
Walks are recommended only in good weather, and if the air temperature is not lower than -15 degrees in winter and not higher than 30 in summer. In summer, you need to walk when there is no heat - either before 10 am or after 4 pm. Evening walks before going to bed have a positive effect. If the street is windy, cloudy, it is raining, it is better to postpone the walk. Also, do not walk if the child is a little sick.
Complementary foods
Complementary foods are not introduced in the traditional sense of the word. The child as a basis receives only mother's milk. But keep in mind that the child may need some supplements. But this is more often required by a child who is on artificial or mixed feeding. So, with the appearance of colic, gases, as well as for their prevention, it is necessary to give a decoction of wild rose and chamomile, which helps prevent spasms, inflammation, and also saturates the body with vitamins. Especially important is vitamin C, which is found in rose hips. It provides a high level of immunity, the normal state of the mucous membranes. If the child is gaining weight weakly, or was born with a small body weight, he is given an elcar (3-10 drops, depending on weight). This is an excellent drug that stimulates full growth and development, controls metabolic processes in the body, stimulates growth and development, weight gain, maturation and proper functioning of organs and systems. You also need to give your child dill water instead of tea, because it relieves spasm and colic well, soothes, promotes good sleep. You can also buy some other teas in the pharmacy. But it is important to buy tea for a child of the first year of life exclusively in a pharmacy, since they undergo additional quality control and comply with GOST.
Diet menu
The baby's menu includes exclusively mother's milk. They provide food on demand. When feeding with artificial mixtures (if there is not enough milk, or for some reason it is impossible to feed the child), a similar regimen is observed. It is better not to supplement the baby with mixtures if there is enough milk. This will allow you to grow as quickly and efficiently as possible, be healthy, and maintain the health of the digestive system.
If the child is fully breastfed, clean water may not be given to him, since he receives both water and nutrition with milk. Give water only if the child is constipated. The diet includes approximately 100 ml per day. You should never force yourself to drink water either. The child himself knows whether he needs (in most cases).
It is important to monitor the color of the stool: it should be liquid (puree-like), of a uniform consistency, without lumps and inclusions. The color of the stool should be yellow, there should not be a sharp unpleasant odor. Feces are almost odorless, or smell like sour, processed milk (sour smell). If the color changes or impurities appear, this is an important diagnostic sign that you need to pay attention to. For example, green color may indicate poisoning, a bacterial infection. With a red tint, there may be bleeding, erosion, bleeding. Dark brown color may also indicate an pathology of the digestive system.
A newborn should sleep at least 20 hours a day. At the same time, you need to provide him with a comfortable bed. The sides are important so that it does not blow through, and so that it does not hit the walls of the crib, as well as to provide a cozy space. Toys should be large, natural colors, not bright. It is good if there is a large, soft toy nearby from birth. If possible, it is better not to wake the child, he should wake up on his own. It is better to go to bed at about 22 or 23 pm. Prior to this, it is recommended to communicate with the child, or watch a program, a film. You can start a tradition so that the child knows that in the evening, before going to bed, he receives his “portion of attention”, regardless of the circumstances. You also need to control the position in which the child sleeps. It is necessary to periodically turn it to different sides. It is better to lay the child on his side, but not on his back, as children often spit up, and he may choke.
How to wean a one-month-old baby from breastfeeding?
Sometimes it becomes necessary to wean a child from breastfeeding. How to do it? A monthly baby is transferred to artificial nutrition. Do it gradually. First, milk and a mixture are given within 2 days in a ratio of 1: 4 - 75% of milk and 25% of the mixture. After 2 days, 50% of milk and 50% of the mixture are already introduced. After another 2 days, 75% of the mixture and 25% of milk are already given. Thus, on day 7, the child receives a 100% artificial mixture. This is the best option. Faster translation is not recommended. But if such a need arises, you need to consult a doctor. Such a need arises if the mother is diagnosed with any disease that can be dangerous for the child. It is also practiced when taking certain medications. There are practically no cases when a child cannot have mother's milk due to its intolerance, allergies. However, such cases are not excluded.
newborn feeding regimen on IV, how to properly feed a baby with formula from a bottle
The desire for a child to grow up strong and healthy is natural for mothers. And the health of a newborn begins with proper nutrition. Mother's milk has always been considered the best option for feeding - the most healthy and nutritious food for infants. However, in some cases, breastfeeding is not possible. And then mixtures come to the aid of mothers.
Contents: Hide
- In what cases is the transition to artificial feeding
- How to choose a mixture
- The basic rules of artificial feeding
- Model
- Main errors with artificial feeding
In which cases the transition to artificial vicinity 9000 000 is required to breastfeeding. There are a number of diseases in which breast milk is prohibited. On the mother's side, these are HIV, an open form of tuberculosis, dangerous infections, and a serious state of health.

Lack of lactation or its complete cessation. This is the second objective reason for transferring a child from breast milk to formula. Lactation does not always come in the right amount and it can be increased. It happens that milk disappears a few days after the birth of the crumbs. This often depends on the individual characteristics of the mother's body. So that the child does not starve, he is first transferred to mixed, and then completely to artificial feeding.
Insufficient nutritional value of mother's milk. Usually this problem can be solved without resorting to the transition to IoT, but this is not always possible. A woman may have a lot of milk, but it will be like water in both color and consistency. In such cases, doctors give advice to the mother on nutrition in order to increase the fat content of milk and its usefulness. If the milk remains watery, the child stops eating, cries of hunger, loses weight. The only way out in this situation is the transition to the mixture.
Impossibility of regular feeding. Children who, for a number of reasons, are separated from their mother for long periods of time are transferred to artificial feeding: the woman is in a hospital, going to work or study, business trips, etc. If the break in breastfeeding is one-time, then restoring lactation and breastfeeding is still possible . However, more often in such cases, breastfeeding has to be abandoned.
Mother's personal wish. Unfortunately, there are cases when a woman, having every opportunity to breastfeed her baby, refuses to breastfeed for various subjective reasons. In this case, lactation is interrupted, and the baby is transferred to the mixture.
See also: Newborn weight gain by month
How to choose a formula
If you are going to transfer your baby to artificial feeding, then the first thing you will encounter will be the choice of nutrition. Today there are a large number of different mixtures: adapted and non-adapted, dairy and sour-milk, dry and liquid. There are mixtures against regurgitation, hypoallergenic, for premature babies, etc. How to choose the optimal replacement for mother's milk from such a variety?
- Make your choice only after consulting a pediatrician. The doctor will examine the baby and give all the necessary recommendations.
- Monitor your child. When adapting to a new diet, the child may have small rashes, but they disappear if the body begins to absorb the mixture normally. The baby eats with appetite, he has a normal stool and no colic. Otherwise, the mixture must be changed.
- If there is a need to replace the mixture with a thicker formula (anti spit up), choose the same brand of food that was previously used.
- Consider the age of the baby. All mixtures have a gradation by months of life.
- Prefer adapted formulas, they are usually easier to digest
Basic rules for formula feeding save you a lot of problems.
1. Choose proven blends. This applies not only to the choice of brand, but also to the packaging itself. Look at its integrity, check the expiration date.
2. Observe the storage conditions for opened packaging at home (in a dry and cool place, but in no case in the refrigerator, the mixture must not become damp). Remember that the open mixture is stored for three weeks. After this period, it can no longer be used.
3. Strictly follow the instructions when preparing meals. It is indicated on the packaging. Water for the preparation of the mixture must be purified and boiled. The optimal temperature for preparing the mixture is 36–37 °C. You can cook food right in the bottle. This is quite convenient, since baby bottles have a volume scale that makes it easier to calculate the right amount of scoops. The mixture must be stirred until completely dissolved, and then cooled to an acceptable temperature so that the baby can drink without burning himself. You can check if the milk is hot by dropping it on your wrist - there the skin is most tender and sensitive. If the temperature is almost not felt, then the mixture can be given to the child.
4. Sterilize baby dishes. Baby bottles and nipples should be thoroughly rinsed using a special brush so that no food residue remains. You can use children's dishwashing detergents. Do not wash bottles with common cleaning products that you are used to using, no matter how good they are. After washing, be sure to place the dishes in boiling water. This helps to kill harmful bacteria. It is recommended to sterilize children's dishes during the entire first year of a baby's life. Then you can limit yourself to just a thorough wash.
5. Hold the bottle in a semi-vertical position when feeding. The milk should completely fill the nipple. This prevents the child from swallowing air. After feeding, it is necessary to hold the baby in a column for several minutes to avoid spitting up.
6. Monitor the amount of formula consumed and the feeding schedule. Maintaining a balance is extremely important for the healthy and full development of the baby.
- Calculate the amount of formula to be prepared based on the baby's weight. It is body weight, and not the age of the crumbs, that is the main indicator when calculating the daily nutritional intake. You can find out the required volume of the mixture for feeding either at a pediatrician’s appointment, or on your own (it is recommended to use Maslov’s caloric method when calculating).
- Observe breaks between feedings. During the day they should be 3.5 hours, at night - 6. Try not to break the schedule.
- Give your child water. Supplementation with water is a necessity for artificial feeding. Water should be given somewhere in the middle of the interval between feedings or 10-15 minutes after it. Avoid supplementation before meals.
Major mistakes in artificial feeding
Overfeeding. The desire to feed the child is understandable, but in the case of mixtures, feeding must be approached strictly. On artificial feeding, the child is normally gaining weight very well. Excess body weight is an additional burden on the body and health problems. Even an adult can find it difficult to cope with problems from being overweight. What to say about the tiny weak body of a newborn? Follow the diet and control the daily milk intake. Fortunately, you can always see how much the child ate.
Unreasonable mixture change. If the child eats the current mixture well, then it is not necessary to change it. The baby will have to go through a difficult period of adaptation again, and it’s not a fact that his body will accept new food just as well.