How to stop baby from breast feeding
How to stop breastfeeding - NHS
It's up to you and your baby to decide when you want to finish breastfeeding.
How long to breastfeed
It's recommended that you breastfeed your baby exclusively (give them breast milk only) for the first 6 months of their life.
Breastfeeding still has lots of benefits for you and your baby after 6 months. It protects them from infections and there's some evidence that it helps with the digestion of your baby's first solid foods. It also continues to provide the balance of nutrients your baby needs.
The World Health Organization recommends that all babies are exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of their life, and from 6 months babies should start eating solid foods as well as being breastfed for up to 2 years or longer.
If you're not sure whether to continue with breastfeeding, you can contact the National Breastfeeding Helpline on 0300 100 0212 (every day, 9. 30am to 9.30pm).
Read more about the benefits of breastfeeding
Stopping breastfeeding gradually
There's no right or wrong way to stop breastfeeding. For lots of mothers and babies, stopping breastfeeding happens gradually as the child grows and eats more solid foods.
It's important that solid food should not simply replace breast milk. There's evidence that breast milk may play a part in helping a baby's digestive system to deal with their first solids.
Once they're eating solids, your baby will still need to have breast milk or formula as their main drink up to at least their 1st birthday.
Cows' milk is not suitable as a main drink for babies under 1 year old, although it can be added to foods, such as mashed potatoes.
Carrying on breastfeeding while giving your baby some formula can work very well.
Babies breastfeed for comfort as well as food. Phasing out breastfeeding gently will give you both time to get used to the idea. Stopping gradually will also help prevent problems like overfull, hard (engorged) breasts and mastitis.
You'll probably find it easiest to drop 1 feed at a time. It does not matter which feed you drop first, so it will usually be a case of how it fits in with your life. For example, some mothers may prefer to continue night feeds so their baby can still have the comfort at night.
If your baby is younger than 1 year, you'll need to replace the dropped breastfeed with a formula feed from a bottle or (if they're over 6 months) a cup or beaker, instead.
If your child is over 1 year and having a variety of foods and drinks, they will not need a replacement feed.
Once you and your baby are settled into a pattern of having 1 less breastfeed, you can then think about dropping another feed. Completely stopping breastfeeding can take anything from a few weeks to several months.
If you're trying to stop breastfeeding and having problems, you can get help and ideas from a health visitor or a breastfeeding specialist.
Read more about drinks and cups for babies
Combining breast milk and formula
Some women decide to combine breastfeeding and bottle feeding with formula milk rather than stopping breastfeeding completely.
If you want to do this, it's best to wait until your milk supply is fully established. This can take around 6 to 8 weeks.
You can start by replacing 1 of your baby's regular daily breastfeeds with a bottle (or, if your baby is over 6 months, a cup or beaker) of formula, instead.
Common reasons for stopping breastfeeding
Sore or painful breasts
Some women find breastfeeding uncomfortable, especially in the early days and weeks. Common problems include sore or cracked nipples and painful breasts.
These problems can often happen when your baby is not positioned or attached well at the breast. A midwife, health visitor or a breastfeeding specialist can help you with positioning your baby and getting them properly attached.
Not enough breast milk
Lots of women worry that their baby is not getting enough milk when in fact they have plenty to meet their baby's needs.
A midwife, health visitor or breastfeeding specialist can suggest ways to increase your milk supply if necessary. This could just mean making sure your baby is well attached to the breast and that you're feeding often enough.
Going back to work
Some women worry about breastfeeding and returning to work. Going back to work does not necessarily mean you have to stop breastfeeding.
If your breast milk supply is well established, going back to work does not have to affect your milk supply for your baby. You can either express at work and give your breast milk to your child's carer, or provide formula milk while you're away.
If your employer is not familiar with the rules around breastfeeding and expressing in the workplace, it's worth sharing the ACAS guidance on pregnancy and maternity with them, or contacting your union if you have one.
Going on holiday
As with work, going on holiday does not mean that you have to give up breastfeeding. In fact, breastfeeding can be more convenient while you're away.
If you breastfeed, you do not need to worry about boiling water and sterilising feeding equipment. Plus, if you're flying, there's no need to worry about restrictions on carrying bottles or cups of formula through airport security checks.
Breastfeeding also helps to equalise the pressure in your baby's ears on take-off or landing.
Getting pregnant again
If you get pregnant again while you're breastfeeding, it should not affect your baby or the pregnancy. However, you may feel tired, and changes in your appetite and emotions can make breastfeeding more challenging.
Occasionally, women are advised to stop breastfeeding before getting pregnant again, particularly if they've previously had a miscarriage or premature labour.
Do not be put off feeding an older baby and a newborn (tandem nursing). The more milk your babies take, the more your breasts produce, so it's possible to feed more than 1 baby.
Taking some medicines
Most medicines can be taken while you're breastfeeding without harming your baby.
But it's always best to tell a doctor, dentist or pharmacist if you're breastfeeding.
Read more about breastfeeding and medicines
Restarting breastfeeding after stopping
Stopping breastfeeding does not always have to be permanent, but starting again may take a lot of time and not everyone will produce enough to meet their baby's needs. It partly depends on how well-established your milk supply was already.
Stimulating your breasts by expressing breast milk and offering the breast to your baby regularly can encourage your body to start making milk again.
Skin-to-skin contact with your baby can promote lactation (milk production) too.
You can ask a midwife, health visitor or a breastfeeding specialist for help if you would like to restart breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding older children
There's no reason why you should not continue breastfeeding your child into their 2nd year and beyond. You and your toddler can continue to enjoy the benefits of breastfeeding for as long as you want to.
Your toddler may also find breastfeeding comforting when they're ill or upset.
Weaning: When and how to stop breastfeeding
When’s the right time to stop breastfeeding your baby, and what’s the best way to do it? Read on for plenty of practical weaning advice
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Once you’ve established breastfeeding, how long should you continue? Three months? Six months? A year? Or several years?
The World Health Organization (WHO) and other health bodies recommend that babies are fed entirely on breast milk for their first six months of life and continue having their mother’s milk alongside other foods – known as complementary foods – until at least the age of two. 1
This is because breast milk isn’t just food. A natural comforter if your child is worried or tired, it also contains immunity-boosting components that increase dramatically in number whenever she’s ill.2
Anthropologists estimate the natural age for humans to stop breastfeeding is even higher than two. Looking at factors including tooth development, body weight, comparison with other primates and historical evidence, some say it could be two to four years, while others believe our ancestors might have been breastfed until the ages of six or seven.3
Today, more than 60% of mums in developed countries give their baby some formula or complementary food before the age of six months,4 even though WHO guidelines don’t recommend this.
When’s the right time to start weaning my baby?
Weaning is the process of stopping feeding your baby with breast milk. Ideally, the first step towards weaning your baby is introducing complementary foods alongside your breast milk around the age of six months. The weaning process continues until breast milk is completely replaced by other foods and drinks.
“After six months, your baby begins to need higher levels of certain nutrients – such as iron, zinc and vitamins B and D – that she can’t get from your breast milk or her own reserves alone,” explains UK health visitor and nurse Sarah Beeson.
“But solid food will only complement your baby’s milk intake to start with, and replace it gradually. Breast milk will remain her major source of nutrients for many months to come.”
A typical seven-month-old still gets 93% of her calories from milk. Even at 11 to 16 months, milk may still provide around half her daily calorie intake.5
“Mums sometimes think breast milk isn’t important once their baby has started eating solids, but in fact there’s no better milk for her, however old she is,” says Sarah.
Indeed the entire weaning process can take as long as mum and baby want it to: “When to stop breastfeeding is your choice,” says Sarah. “Don’t feel pressured by what friends are doing or what family members – or even strangers – say. All that matters is what feels right for you and your baby.”
How to stop breastfeeding
Whenever you decide to start weaning your child off breast milk, it’s best to do it gradually. Stopping breastfeeding suddenly could put you at risk of engorgement, blocked ducts or mastitis, as well as being an abrupt change for your baby’s digestive and immune systems to cope with. It may also be difficult for you both emotionally.
Do I need to stop breastfeeding?
Sometimes mums mistakenly think they need to stop breastfeeding when they don’t. If you’re returning to work, breastfeeding can be a great way of maintaining intimacy during a big change in both your lives. You can express milk for your baby at work and keep nursing sessions as a special time together at the beginning and end of the day. Or if you need to travel without your baby, you could express milk to take or send home.
If you get ill, it doesn’t always mean you need to stop breastfeeding either – read our advice on breastfeeding while you’re sick and be sure to consult with your healthcare professional.
Stopping breastfeeding before six months
If you feel unable to continue breastfeeding until the six-month mark and want to try mother-led weaning, start by cutting out one breastfeed a day and replacing it with a bottle of formula.
“Ideally, start with the mid-day feed. Babies are remarkable and can identify the scent of their mother’s milk nearby, so ask your partner or a relative to give your baby the bottle while you are in another room,” says Sarah.
“Be mindful of good hygiene when preparing feeds. It may be that your baby takes fewer feeds of expressed breast milk than from the breast during a 24-hour period. Don’t force her to take more milk than she wants.”
You’ll probably notice your breasts feel full and tender as your body adjusts to producing less milk. If this becomes uncomfortable, try expressing a little breast milk – just enough to relieve the discomfort without stimulating your body to make more.
Once your body is used to this new volume – usually after a few days – cut out another feed each day. Repeat until you’re no longer breastfeeding and your baby is fully weaned.
“I had complications after my first birth which meant I lost a lot of weight very quickly and I also suffered with mastitis. My supply was low and at three months, I needed to stop,” says Jennifer, mum of two, UK. “I swapped one feed at a time so didn’t struggle too much physically, but I found it hard mentally.”
If you want to maintain the intimacy and health benefits of breastfeeding, but need to cut back, try partial weaning, where only some of the feeds are replaced with formula.
Stopping breastfeeding after six months
As your baby starts to have solid foods at around six months, you will find that her breastfeeds naturally become less frequent over time. Within a year she will probably be down to a couple of feeds a day, complemented by meals and healthy snacks.
However, if you’d like to cut back further, do it gradually, dropping one breastfeed at a time and offering your baby formula milk instead if she is less than 12 months old. Cow’s milk should wait until she is at least a year old.
“My son was down to three breastfeeds a day and having three meals plus snacks when I decided to start weaning him. I gradually replaced each feed with a bottle of formula – leaving the night one until last, at 11 months,” says Ruth, mum of one, UK. “The slow pace meant I had no problems, just a little fullness for a few days.”
There are various ways to distract your child from the change in her feeding patterns. Some mums offer a drink and a snack instead, which you could share to bring a feeling of closeness. You could also alter your daily routine, play a favourite game, or replace a feed with a cuddle from you or your partner. Some children will take longer than others to feel happy with the change, but things will get easier over time. If you’re having any difficulties with weaning, it’s always helpful to seek support from your healthcare professional.
Stopping breastfeeding naturally over time
If you choose to let your toddler decide when to stop breastfeeding (known as baby-led weaning or natural-term breastfeeding), the weaning process is likely to be slow and gradual. Over the months, her feeds will probably become shorter and less frequent, while some mums report their child simply losing interest one day.
“My daughter self-weaned at four,” says Sarah, mum of one, UK. “She gradually slowed down and hardly fed at all from three-and-a-half. Then she seemed to forget when we were on holiday. Six months on, she sometimes wants to latch on, but knows the milk is gone.”
Your body should have plenty of time to adapt, so you’re unlikely to experience any uncomfortable engorgement. You may find it tough emotionally, though, so make time for plenty of cuddles and bonding moments.
“Baby-led weaning was right for me because my son had never had formula or a bottle. I didn’t want to stop suddenly and deny him,” says Kelly, mum of one, UK. “He lost interest at two-and-a-half. It was the best scenario for us, although I was quite emotional.”
What if I need to stop breastfeeding quickly?
Although it’s best not to stop breastfeeding abruptly, sometimes it’s necessary for health reasons, or because you and your baby can’t be together.
If your baby has been breastfed until this point, you’ll almost certainly need to express milk to avoid your breasts becoming uncomfortably engorged. Some women find a breast pump easiest for this, while others prefer to do it by hand. Again, only express enough to ease any discomfort – you don’t want to encourage your body to produce more milk.
While your breasts may feel swollen and tender at first, they will adapt. Your breast milk contains something called feedback inhibitor of lactation (FIL). When your baby stops breastfeeding, FIL tells your body to slow production, but it may take a few days or even weeks for your breasts to adjust.
Taking paracetamol or ibuprofen can help to relieve any pain (although ibuprofen has contraindications for those with asthma). Always follow the manufacturer’s and pharmacist’s guidance and consult a healthcare professional about any medications you need to take.
“I had to give up breastfeeding suddenly when my daughter was eight months old because I needed to take strong painkillers,” says Peggy, mum of one, Switzerland. “I found it very hard – she kept looking for my breast and crying. I held her tightly against me for reassurance while giving her a bottle. After a month, she seemed OK with it.”
Can I continue breastfeeding if I want to get pregnant again?
While breastfeeding is a natural contraceptive, it’s not foolproof. And it’s unlikely to be effective after six months, or if you’re not exclusively breastfeeding. This means you could conceive while still nursing your child.
Pregnant breastfeeding mums sometimes receive conflicting advice about whether to wean. Tandem feeding two children of different ages is certainly possible and when your new baby arrives, your body will produce milk to fit each of their needs.
Some mums find that their older child weans naturally during the pregnancy or drops certain feeds. This may be due to changes in the composition of your milk during pregnancy, which mean that it tastes different and less sweet.6 If your breastfeeding child is under a year old when she starts to wean, keep an eye on whether she continues to gain weight.
You should take advice from your healthcare professional if you want to continue breastfeeding while pregnant if you have previously had a premature birth, a miscarriage or are suffering any bleeding.
If you need medical help to conceive, you may find that doctors will not administer certain fertility drugs or treatments if you’re breastfeeding. Discuss all the options before making a decision on weaning.
The last word on baby weaning
Whenever and however you stop breastfeeding, be gentle with yourself and your baby. It’s a big shift physically, hormonally and emotionally for you both, so do it with thought and care.
“While my body coped with weaning fine, I felt very emotional. It was something we’d shared for so long and it had come to an end,” says Jane, mum of two, USA. “I was working long hours, five days a week, and breastfeeding made me feel very relevant in their lives. But when that stopped, we soon found other ways to bond.”
1 World Health Organisation. [Internet] Health Topics: Breastfeeding: 2018 [Accessed: 08.02.2018]. Available from:
2 Hassiotou et al. Maternal and infant infections stimulate a rapid leukocyte response in breastmilk. Clin Transl Immunology. 2013;2(4):e3.
3 Dettwyler KA. When to wean: biological versus cultural perspectives. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2004; 47(3)712-723.
4 Victora CG et al. Breastfeeding in the 21st century: epidemiology, mechanisms, and lifelong effect. Lancet. 2016;387(10017):475-490.
5 Dewey KG et al. Breast milk volume and composition during late lactation (7-20 months). J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 1984;3(5):713-720.
6 Prosser CG et al. Mammary gland function during gradual weaning and early gestation in women. Aust J Exp Biol Med Sci. 1984;62(Pt 2):215-228.
How to wean a child from breastfeeding
February 13, 2020LikbezAdvice
The key to success is to listen to yourself and the baby, and not to the opinion of a neighbor.
0When to wean a baby
According to WHO recommendations, it is better to feed babies exclusively with breast milk until they are six months old. Then complementary foods are gradually introduced.
Although a baby can get by with solid food once teeth have appeared, breastfeeding should not be stopped until two years of age. After all, mother's milk protects against infections and helps to digest the rest of the food. And feeding itself is an important way of communication between mother and child.
Anthropological studies show that it is natural to breastfeed babies longer than recommended by WHO. The final transition to adult food can occur closer to three or even four years. And this is quite normal.
At the same time, there are no strict rules about the duration of breastfeeding.
After six months, the most important factor is the comfort of mother and child. Feed until three - if you feel like it. Or wean a year or earlier - if you are tired or you have to go to work. Focus on yourself and the child, and not on the opinion of relatives, neighbors and girlfriends.
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How to wean a child from breastfeeding painlessly
The main thing is to do everything gradually. Too abrupt cancellation is fraught with stagnation of milk (lactostasis) and inflammation of the mammary gland (mastitis) in the mother, digestive problems in the child, as well as psychological stress in both.
Pick the right time
Don't start the transition to "adulthood" when children are teething or not feeling well. It is better to postpone breastfeeding in extreme heat, as well as during the SARS epidemic.
Skip One Feed
Start by eliminating one breastfeed a day—the one your baby is least enthusiastic about. Most likely, it will be an afternoon snack. Replace breastfeeding with a bottle of milk formula if the baby is not yet a year old. Or solid food (for an older child).
When this routine becomes habitual - which can take 3 to 7 days - remove one more feeding. And so on, until the child completely switches to independent nutrition.
Feed more often during the day
The most difficult thing is to refuse night and first morning feeding, because it is at night that the body produces shock doses of prolactin, the hormone responsible for milk secretion. The child is used to getting a lot of nutrients at this time. Naturally, now he will feel hungry and insistently demand the return of what he has lost. The way out is to feed more often and more densely during the day.
Leigh Ann O'Connor
Certified Lactation Consultant
Offer your child more high-calorie foods throughout the day to replenish energy stores lost at night.
Leave feeding to other family members
A father, grandmother or grandfather is quite capable of feeding a child from a bottle or a spoon. Entrust them with this task, and retire yourself to another room so that the child is not nervous and is not distracted by the smell of mother's milk.
Give your child enough time
Weaning children does not mean depriving them of attention. When the baby is full and no longer interested in getting milk, spend as much time with him as possible. Games, hugs and communication will help him get through this difficult period easier.
Pump a little
Milk production in the body occurs according to the law of supply and demand. With the gradual refusal of breastfeeding, lactation also slows down - up to a complete cessation.
If you feel that your breasts are full, express milk, but not completely, but until the pain disappears. Otherwise, the body will perceive this as a signal that the bins are empty, and will begin to replenish reserves intensively.
Apply cabbage leaves to your chest
This old folk method is still relevant. Medical research does not deny that 20-minute application of cabbage leaves to the chest can relieve swelling and relieve milk stagnation. And although the effectiveness of the "compress from the garden" has not been fully proven, it definitely will not get worse.
Various sources advise applying cabbage either at room temperature, chilled or frozen. How is it better? A few scientific experiments give the answer: whatever. The temperature of the sheet does not affect its operation in any way.
Drink herbal decoctions
Some plants help to reduce lactation, namely:
- sage;
- peppermint;
- parsley;
- jasmine flowers.
Just pour a couple of tablespoons of dried herbs in 300-400 ml of boiling water and let it steep for a couple of hours, then strain.
What not to do when weaning your baby
No matter how much you want to stop lactation as soon as possible, there are a few tricks that are better to refrain from.
Don't bandage your breasts
Our grandmothers bandaged their breasts tightly to stop lactation. Modern medicine calls for abandoning this practice, as it causes increased sensitivity and soreness of the breast. Instead of bandaging, wear a tight, but not too tight, supportive bra.
Do not take lactation medications
There are medications that suppress prolactin production. All of them have a hormonal basis and cause many side effects - from headaches and drowsiness to depression and exacerbation of various diseases. Never take them without first consulting your doctor.
Don't be thirsty
There is an opinion that the less you drink, the less milk you will produce. However, the relationship between the amount of fluid consumed and the intensity of lactation has not yet been proven. Therefore, it is better to drink plenty to avoid dehydration.
How long does it take to wean a child from breastfeeding
It depends on many factors: the age of the child, his individual characteristics, the nuances of your body. Some children painlessly refuse breastfeeding in just a few days. Others will need 2-3 weeks or even a couple of months.
In addition, when you stop breastfeeding completely, your body will produce milk for a while. If the period of breastfeeding was long, then minor lactation can last from several weeks to several months.
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Doctor "SM-Doctor" told how to properly wean a child from the breast
The baby is crying, the chest is full, but you are determined to curtail breastfeeding. There can be many reasons: it's time to go to work, it's time to send the child to the garden, the state of health, and even "I just decided so."
Weaning can be a real test of strength for the whole family: there are times when children completely refuse to give up their breasts and simply tyrannize their mother, almost tearing off her clothes. Is it possible to avoid problems along the way? How to make the process as comfortable as possible for mom and baby? learned from an expert what mistakes mothers make when weaning a baby.
Tatyana Kuznetsova
pediatrician, nephrologist, breastfeeding consultant at the SM-Doctor clinic in Maryina Roshcha.
Too early
Breastfeeding is a very short period in a child's life. It would be ideal to supplement the child until the age when his need for attachments fades by itself. The age at which the child himself, without mother's help and serious efforts on her part, is ready to give up breastfeeding usually comes after three years. Mom's body is ready to complete lactation earlier - already in 1.5-2 years of the baby.
Completion of lactation at an earlier date is not physiological and, as a rule, is associated with errors and diseases:
- rare feedings,
- soldering with water,
- early feeding,
- cracked nipples,
- lactostasis,
- mastitis and, as a result, lack of milk and underweight of the child,
- or maternal health problems.
Weaning before 1-1.5 years is possible, both planned and emergency, and, as a rule, there are good reasons for this: hospitalization of the mother, the need to take medications that are incompatible with feeding the child, situations in the family that require the mother to leave, and others unseen circumstances.
Too fast
First of all, it is very important to determine how ready a particular mother-baby couple is to complete breastfeeding. The readiness of the mother's body is easy to determine. The main indicator is how the breast is filled with milk during a long (up to 12-24 hours) break in the attachment of the baby. If a mother has not fed her child for several hours, and her breasts do not fill up to discomfort and do not need to be pumped, then the mother is ready.
As for the baby, it is considered that the child is ready if he has only 1-3 attachments per day and at the same time he does not suck on nipples (pacifiers, bottles), pens, toys, rags, clothes, bottom sponge and other. In all other cases, it is necessary to gradually reduce the number of applications to 1-3 per day, and only then take the last step.
If the baby is already 1.5 years old, you can try to prepare him for weaning gradually. For this, children older than one and a half years require at least two months. Smooth weaning consists of several stages, each of which can take about 1-2 weeks.
- Reduce latching when your baby is awake, remove 'boredom latching'.
Do not provoke the baby: do not change clothes in front of him, do not walk in underwear, do not sit idle in the presence of the child.
- Put your baby to bed without breastfeeding.
- Next, remove the evening falling asleep under the breasts. First, take the breast from the baby if he fell asleep after pumping, but still holds it in his mouth.
Get up early in the morning before your child. Distract to extraneous things, offer to play, look out the window. One fine day, the baby will simply forget to breastfeed in the morning.
In the gradual process of weaning, the most important thing is not to rush things and follow the rule "one step forward, two steps back." Then your weaning will be smooth and painless.
Too radical
Among mothers, extremely traumatic methods of weaning a child from the breast are still practiced - “pulling the breast”, taking drugs that suppress lactation, lubricating the nipples with brilliant green or mustard, leaving home for a day or two / weekends. As a result, this leads to hormonal imbalance, lactostasis and even mastitis in mothers and serious psychological trauma in children. For a child, weaning is a very difficult period in life, and the mother must be there, compensating for the lack of breasts with her attention, affection and care.
It is also important to take into account that the time of weaning should not coincide with a vacation, a move, a mother's going to work or a baby in a kindergarten, the appearance of a nanny in the house, a child's teething, a baby's illness. In this case, it is better to wean the child 2-3 months before the planned event, or 2-3 months after.
The cessation of breastfeeding should not take place simultaneously with the resettlement of the baby in a separate bed, especially a room. With this it is better to wait 3-4 months. And another factor that you should pay attention to is the psycho-emotional state of the baby. If he is now having a difficult period, he is rebellious or often naughty, it is also better to wait a bit with excommunication.
Too dangerous
Stopping breastfeeding at a stage when the mother’s body is not yet ready for this can lead to serious consequences for her health. In the best case, the mother will be forced to pump regularly for some time. There may also be pain, engorgement of the mammary glands, the development of lactostasis, which is quite difficult for a mother to cope with without the help of a baby. In addition, such an unplanned hormonal restructuring by the body can provoke the development of depressive conditions, as well as prolonged (up to several years!) The release of milk from the mammary glands after the cessation of breastfeeding.
What if…
…doesn't work
By reducing the number of daytime attachments, nighttime attachments may become longer and more frequent for a while. If after a couple of weeks the situation does not change, this most likely means that the child is still difficult to come to terms with such restrictions. In such a situation with weaning, it may be better to wait.
When a baby begins to suck on his thumb, bottom lip, or anything else, these symptoms cannot be ignored. Your baby is not yet ready to stop breastfeeding. Moreover, this behavior of the baby suggests that it is very difficult for him to come to terms with the ongoing changes, he suffers very much internally. And if you do not treat such a quiet protest of a little man with understanding, this can seriously affect the baby's nervous system in the future.
... the baby himself refused milk until the age of
This cannot be regarded as a physiological event. Many mothers jump at this chance to complete breastfeeding without any problems. However, it may turn out that the baby is not quite ready for weaning yet, and there are important reasons that can provoke this behavior: teething, fever, upper respiratory tract infection, inflammation of the ears, painful jaw movement, nasal congestion, sore throat, wounds, bacterial, fungal infections in the mouth and more.