How to use baby fruit feeder
Ultimate Guide to Baby Feeders: Mesh and Silicone
You may have seen baby feeders, whether mesh or silicone, and wondered what they are for. They are a great tool for feeding babies and toddlers—and are especially awesome for teething relief. There are many on the market though, so today I’m sharing the best of the best.
Baby Feeder
A baby feeder is made up of an easy-hold handle and a little pouch with lots of holes. The idea is that the holes allow some of the flavor and texture of the food to come out, without the concerns that may come with larger pieces of food.
This means you can worry less when it comes to choking risks.
One thing to keep in mind: They don’t allow babies to have the full texture experience of the food—since the texture is mostly the mesh of the feeder. That means you don’t want to use one of these for every meal (or even most meals).
Lots of exposures to lots of textures helps babies and toddlers gain confidence in handling all sorts of foods, which can make feeding kids a lot easier over the long run.
But an infant feeder can be a handy tool to have in the mix, especially if on the go, starting to transition to baby food, or trying out a new food that has you a little nervous.
And they are a great way to offer cold teething relief to soothe baby’s gums.
Baby Fruit Feeder
Many people like to use baby feeders to offer fruit, either fresh or frozen, since the product is a safe way for baby to suck on and explore the flavor of a wide range of fruit.
TIP: Another name for this is Baby Fruit Pacifier.
Best Baby Food Feeders
Below are my top picks for infant feeders chosen for ease of use, durability, and ease of care (as in washing!). There are different materials listed, as well as specific information on each product.
Best Mesh Feeder
Munchkin Baby Feeder, sold in a set of two. (Or choose the ones that come with travel caps.)
This baby feeder has a streamlined, simple design of a mesh bag for the food and a ring for baby to hold onto. Small, digestible pieces of food come through so baby is getting some nourishment (and comfort if using for teething) without the risk of choking. It’s about $7 for two of them.
Best Silicone Feeder
Boon Silicone Feeder
This baby feeder, which is priced at under $6, is made from durable silicone and can be used with fresh or frozen foods. The interior stem forces food toward the tiny holes in the feeder and the small handle is sized just right for baby’s little hands.
Kidsme Baby FeederBaby Feeder Pacifier Combo
Kidsme Food Feeder
This popular Kidsme feeder has a replaceable silicone pouch that comes in two sizes, so you can adjust and replace as your child grows. It has a unique handle style that some babies may prefer and can be used as a pacifier too. It’s usually priced around $15 and is recommended for ages 4-24 months.
What baby foods should I put into a baby feeder?
Here are some fruits that are good to serve in a baby feeder:
- Raspberries, fresh or frozen
- Strawberries, fresh or frozen
- Blackberries, fresh or frozen
- Cantaloupe
- Honeydew
- Banana
- Mango, fresh or frozen
- Roasted sweet potato
- Roasted butternut squash
- Ripe fresh pear
- Fresh cucumber, skin removed
- Watermelon
- Cooked red meat such as steak
- Frozen grapes (These are NOT safe served to a child this age in any other way as they are a choking risk.
They are fine served inside the feeder, though.)
TIP: You can use frozen fruit or ripe fresh fruit that’s soft and easy to gum. Avoid any fruits or veggies that are very hard as baby may be frustrated by that texture.
Frequently Asked Questions
What age can baby use a mesh feeder?
Babies can use an infant feeder soon after starting solids around 6 months, or when they can easily hold it and bring it to their mouth.
How do I use a baby feeder to help with teething?
If you fill the feeder, whether mesh or silicone, with frozen fruit, you can soothe teething in infants who are eating solids or in toddlers. It’s cold and yummy, yet requires no real work for the child to suck on, so it’s comforting.
Are all of these baby feeders BPA-free?
Yes, if you choose a mesh baby feeder or one made from silicone, they are BPA-free.
What’s the best way to clean a baby feeder?
Try using a bottle brush or just running water to clean out the mesh. It should be fairly easy to clean if you avoid letting it sit too long with food in it!
Are baby feeders good for babies?
The one downside could be that if you rely on them too much, the child learns the texture of the feeder, rather than of the food. This can make it harder for a child to learn to move actual food around in their mouths and harder for them to accept a range of textures in the future when you don’t want to be using the mesh feeder as much.
Because of that, I recommend using this product at limited times such as when on the go at a restaurant or to help sooth a teething infant, baby, or toddler.
This is not recommended as a way to feed your child at every meal.
If you are worried about choking, review this information on toddler choking and trust that if you serve foods that are easy to squish between your fingers, baby is sitting down at meals, and you are with them, they will learn to eat like so many other kids who have gone before them!
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I’d love to hear your thoughts on baby feeders in general or on these specific products, so please comment below to share!
This post was first published May 2019.
Best Foods for a Mesh Feeder
You’ve bought a mesh feeder (also known as a teething feeder) for your baby because you’ve heard they’re a great way to allow your baby to feed himself safely.
But what on earth should you put in it?
One of the most popular foods given in a mesh feeder is banana – probably because pieces of banana can be as slippery as soap and very difficult for your poor baby to pick up! Frozen banana is great too.
But beware – you can ruin your feeder forever if you don’t act quickly to clean it afterwards.
AS SOON as your baby has finished eating, start cleaning the feeder – otherwise, the leftover brown gunk can be very difficult to remove.
Even the dishwasher won’t do a great job if the fruit is left on there for too long.
The best way to get the banana bits out is – quite simply – to hold the mesh feeder under running water and scrub it with a toothbrush (set aside for the purpose) or a stiff dish-washing brush. If the bits are particularly stubborn try soaking the bag in a 50/50 mixture of white vinegar and water.
Other great foods for putting in a teething feeder include
- chunks of melon. Try pureeing melon then freezing it – excellent relief from sore gums if your baby is teething.
- raw apple (apples are fairly hard and many parents worry about the choking risk associated with giving them as a finger food. This is a great way to enable your baby to enjoy fresh apples)
- uncooked pear
- frozen blueberries
- grapes (really yummy when frozen!)
- peaches / nectarines
- pieces of fresh or frozen raw carrot
- fresh strawberries (when appropriate)
- fruit popsicles (try freezing your baby’s favourite fruit puree stirred into yogurt. A messy – but delicious and healthy – treat)
- crushed ice or frozen breast milk
Remember – fruits that are placed in a mesh feeder don’t need peeling, because the skin (and any seeds) will stay inside the mesh bag and your baby will just get the mushy flesh.
Some parents also put in soft cooked vegetables (such as sweet potato), although your baby should be able to manage these quite well anyway by just mashing them with his gums!
One last point – teething feeders can be messy, particularly if your little one takes to throwing one around. A way to combat this is to use a pacifier clip to attach the teething feeder to his bib – no more feeder flinging!
Haven’t got a mesh feeder yet?
Teething feeders available online from Amazon…
Fresh Food Feeder (US)
Click here for a UK versionWhat does your baby enjoy eating in his teething feeder?
We’d love to hear how YOU use your mesh feeder – and please feel free to share your feeder cleaning tips, too!
By Author Christine
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Categories Feeding tips
Tags applebananablueberriescarrotgrapesmelonnectarinespeachespearstrawberriessweet potatoteethingDIY bird feeder: views and drawings
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The tradition of feeding birds in winter has been around for a very long time. This not only helps the birds survive the hungry season. When there is snow all around, and nature is in hibernation, it is nice to see the fussing birds. In addition, it is not difficult to make a feeder for them with your own hands, even a child can do it. In addition to the fact that the manufacture of such homemade products instills in children respect for nature and compassion for its inhabitants, this is also a good way to teach them how to handle carpentry tools.
- Why feed the birds
- Paper Demolenies
- Wooden feeders
- Crafts from plastic bottles
- tetrapaks
- 9001 Why feed the birds
- piece of plywood;
- rails;
- small nails.
- In wet weather, the food gets wet and spoils quickly.
- When it snows, the whole table will be covered with a thick layer of snow, and the birds simply will not find food.
- It is highly likely that anything poured will be eaten by pigeons or other large birds.
- Simple.
- Does not require any fasteners during manufacture.
- Durable.
- Transparent.
- Raw material is extremely cheap and readily available.
- Waterproof.
Feeding base for birds in winter is very scarce. Plant grains are deep under the snow, there are no flying insects at all, bugs and worms hid. But for the normal existence of birds, you need to eat no less food per day than they weigh themselves. And some, for example, tits - twice their own weight. Therefore, for many of them, human help is simply invaluable.
In addition to being fun to watch birds in winter, it is also a way to see them up close. After all, we rarely see them in nature. Not only the ubiquitous sparrows and tits flock to the feeder, but also rarer ones: crossbills, waxwings, bullfinches.
Another positive factor is the attraction of birds to the garden plot. After all, they not only eat from the feeder, but also collect insect pests in the folds of the bark of fruit trees.
Paper crafts
The simplest open feeder can be made from the lid of a children's shoe box or chocolates. Here are the drawings of the roofs of such simple paper feeders, which are cut with scissors from sheet cardboard and glued to the bottom.
The box can also be used as a whole by making a few holes on the sides with a utility knife.
Cardboard feeder for small birds can also be glued together according to the diagram below. This will require sheet cardboard, scissors and PVA glue.
After two such blanks have been cut according to the template, they must be glued together. Then such a feeder can be hung on a thread.
The finished dining room for birds can be painted with paints, decorated with colored paper appliqué. Cardboard is a great craft material. Working with him can captivate both the child and the parents for a long time. Its only drawback is that it quickly gets wet and becomes unusable. Therefore, it is better to hang paper feeders under a roof or a canopy.
Wooden feeders
Every pioneer in the Soviet Union learned to do two things in labor lessons: birdhouses and bird feeders. Surely, any representative of the older generation remembers this process on a subconscious level. To make the simplest open feeder you need:
Reiki, nailed to the sides, will not allow the feed to crumble. It remains only to install the product on a wooden stand at a height of one and a half meters from the ground. If you tie twine in the corners, then the structure can be hung on a branch.
Open feeders are good for their simplicity. But they have significant drawbacks:
These problems are solved by making the feeder closed. Or adapt the roof to it.
The same materials and tools will be needed, but there will be a little more work.
The bottom of such feeders is collected in the same way as for open ones. Then four vertical slats need to be nailed in the corners. The frame of the future roof is also knocked together from them. All that remains is to nail two pieces of plywood onto the roof and hang it on a tree.
This option is the most massive. Not only plywood is used as a roof, but also plastic, roofing material, and any materials at hand.
The roof can be made inlaid, taking for this slats, branches, lining trim.
To protect against the wind, some walls are made deaf. To make just such a feeder, you only need a jigsaw, plywood and PVA glue. It is not only hung on a tree branch, but also screwed to a house or a pole.
A bird feeder can be turned into an interior detail for a conservatory if you get creative.
Items in the form of lanterns hung along the path will look very nice. Such “home-made products” are quite easy to cut with a jigsaw, glue with wood glue and paint as you wish.
The original feeders are made from a solid piece of wood with the core removed. For this fit any log of a small size. From it you need to drill out the middle, cut out part of the side surface and plug the ends with wooden plugs. Such a design will weigh a lot, so it should be hung on a chain or mounted on a pole.
When installing feeders, you need to remember that not only birds want to eat in winter. Therefore, they should be placed in places that are difficult for cats and at a sufficient height from the ground.
Feeders should provide birds with a good view so that they can react quickly in case of danger.
Crafts from plastic bottles
With the advent of plastic packaging, the number of homemade products using this material has increased exponentially. Including used polyethylene containers are also actively used for the manufacture of bird feeders. Such products have a lot of advantages:
In order to make the simplest plastic “one and a half” feeder, you only need nail scissors and a piece of twine. With scissors in the side walls opposite each other, you need to cut out one or two windows in the form of arches.
The edges of the cuts can be pasted over with adhesive tape or insulating tape. This will protect the paws of birds from cuts. And it is desirable to fix it on a tree with the help of twine, threaded in a loop through a cork. Or attach such a design to a knot.
A simple 1.5 liter bottle feeder can be made by sticking a couple of flat wooden spoons into it. The front hole needs to be cut a little more, then food will be freely delivered through it to the spoon.
A five-liter water canister offers room for creativity. From it you can make a simple feeder with arched cutouts according to the same principle as from a one and a half liter bottle.
Holes need not be cut completely, but only on three sides - right, left and bottom. Then bend the “door” up. This will serve as an additional protection against precipitation and protect the food from getting wet.
Such handicrafts are perfectly decorated. For this, paint, waterproof markers, self-adhesive film and any ornamental material are used.
Not only water bottles can be used to make feeders. Plastic canisters from under different technical liquids are quite suitable for this.
The only mandatory requirement is that before starting work, the inside of the canister must be thoroughly washed with detergent or warm water with soda. Otherwise, such a “treat” may be poisonous for birds.
Plastic bottles cut perfectly with a knife. The polyethylene from which the canisters are made is stronger than transparent plastic. Therefore, it is advisable to use not a clerical knife, but a more durable one.
You can color such an impromptu feeder with felt-tip pens, markers, paints. And the best thing is to entrust this business to children.
An original homemade product is obtained by combining a five-liter canister and a one and a half liter plastic bottle. The role of the feeder is performed by a large canister, and a supply of food is stored in a small one.
In such a feeder, the supply of grains is reliably protected from moisture, and it will have to be replenished much less frequently.
Tetrapack feeders
Tetrapack packaging appeared in Russia quite a long time ago. Now milk and dairy products, juices, fruit drinks are sold in such containers. The advantage is a thin layer of polyethylene, which makes it waterproof.
Making a simple feeder, for example, from an old milk bag is not difficult. To do this, you only need a clerical knife and a thread for which the craft will be hung.
Use a utility knife to cut out two windows a few centimeters from the bottom. This is necessary so that food does not spill out of the feeder. For convenience, you can pass a stick under the windows on which the birds will sit. All that remains is to pour the grain inside and hang the “dining room” on a branch.
An empty juice carton can be used instead of a milk carton. It needs to cut arched windows and hang the product on a branch.
Two identical juice boxes make a composite feeder. This will require a clerical knife and a stapler. The wide side is completely cut off from one package. And the second is cut along the side surface and from below.
The entire structure is then stapled, sewn with thread or glued together.
Mayonnaise buckets
A feeder made from an old mayonnaise bucket is quite simple. It is necessary to cut one or two windows in it with a clerical knife. You can hang it by the existing handle or fix it with a wire on a tree trunk.
Paint the product from the bucket preferably with a waterproof marker or paint. From below, for convenience, attach a branch on which the birds will sit. You can decorate the craft with an applique of leaves, cones or other ornamental material.
An empty plastic bucket or 1. 5 liter bottle is used as food storage. To do this, they are fixed on a plastic plate or other flat round base, which serves as a table. The birds will peck the food, and it will fill up from the storage.
This craft can be mounted on a pole or hung from a branch. To do this, you need to thread the twine through the edges of the plate and collect it in one bundle.
Original feeder ideas
Desire and fantasy can suggest many ideas for making birdhouses. Among them there are real works of art that decorate the interior of the garden no worse than other items.
For the manufacture of such products, you can use not only old containers, but also, for example, dishes that are out of use. Very original crafts are obtained from a mug and a saucer.
Saucer and cup are glued together. It is best to hang such beauty on a metal chain, so it will look much more spectacular.
The number of options is not limited by anything but a flight of fancy. After all, the birds do not need aesthetics, the internal contents of the feeder are much more important to them. Therefore, almost everything can be used. Old box from CDs, for example ...
... or toys that are no longer needed, and the child is not sorry to give them to hungry birds.
Even old coffee cans can be put to good use.
What to put on the bird table
Winter hunger makes birds extremely unassuming in their choice of food. For top dressing, you can use any grain, seeds (unsalted), millet, hercules, barley groats. They will be happy even with the remains of porridge and slices of stale bread. The main thing is that the dining room should not be empty. But don't beat it to the punch. Excess food, especially during a thaw, will get wet and covered with mold, which will ruin not only it, but the entire feeder.
Many people know from school that tits love fat. Therefore, in order to be guaranteed to see them on the feeder, you must definitely hang a small piece of lard on a thread nearby.
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Bird feeder photo original ideas, 55 options
See original bird feeder ideas in the photo in our gallery. All feeders of our production since 2006. Many copies have been circulating the Internet for a long time. Now you can see everything on our website. Unusual options for hanging, wall, lawn feeders will give you ideas for fantasy. Children and adults, unsuccessful and beautiful, light and heavy feeders for every taste. We will talk about our mistakes and difficulties and about what we make bird feeders from now. But above all, a lot of photos.
Click on the photo to enlarge!
1. Photo of a series of bird feeders "Gran"
Initially, we had a firm intention to make only wood. Gluing the board seemed to be a long and costly process. It was decided to use furniture boards. Connecting the roof with lamellas, calculating angles and not joining at the seams, the need to putty gaps, made bird feeders very costly to manufacture.
Covered first with anti-mold oil, then with primer, then two coats of enamel. Original and beautiful, but! This quality lasted for a maximum of a year. The enamel is not elastic and cracks when the material expands. On the street, the feeder absorbs moisture, dries in the sun. Dirt and water get into the cracks. the paint is peeling off like on an old window. One idea was not enough.
Feeder for birds on the leg "Fringe". We are currently producing. We cover it only with glazing or covering antiseptics (acrylate-based paint with an antiseptic effect). Furniture panels fell apart, the bottom and roof arched. Now we make large surfaces from waterproof plywood. Doesn't bend, doesn't crack. Lighter construction and more durable. Once every three years, it is worth treating with an antiseptic or oil. The sample has been standing for 13 years. The bird feeders in the photo above are made on poles and dug into the ground. On a pole 2 meters long, the feeder collapsed. It was necessary to tamp with stones in the pit. The idea was bad. Abandoned in favor of a tripod.
2. Photo of hanging bird feeders.
"Briefcase". From the array for a long time does not sag. Will burst. The idea is better to embody from plywood. A lot of photos of the "portfolio" are lapped up on the Internet. But with such holes, without additional reinforcement, the feeder is for one season. The buttons on the briefcase broke after three months. Not suitable for sale! Bird feeder "Pot" - middle photo. An original idea, but heavy and bursting. You can not make walls with cutouts in the array. This has already been discussed. And this makes the design massive and ugly. Idea scrapped! Next, a feeder for small birds "Winter Garden". We do so far. Eternal construction. The coating lasts up to 10 years. Everyone copies this feeder. Use the very idea! Supplement from yourself. It's honest, makes your product unique and develops the imagination.
Feeder "Balls", Inside the swing, on which the birds rest from gluttony. Great idea. Lightweight and reliable. There are many elements and therefore it turned out to be expensive in production. It is necessary to simplify and in the series!
With leaves, in the middle photo, you can do it yourself. Do-it-yourself bird feeder "Garden". Very simple and unusual.
photo: bird feeder cheese
Next "Cheese"! The wooden version did not take root. It breaks and is heavy. Now the original bird feeder "cheese" is on sale. Reliable and durable feeder, coated with water-based acrylate preservative. In theory, only chickens eat millet. But we always ate it. There is a suspicion that these are not birds, but mice.
Bird feeder "Picnic" on the left, first version. In the second photo, the roof is more interesting. The idea was proposed by the buyer. Thanks to him! You can make a "Picnic" feeder with your own hands. Next up is Apple. See the photo of a do-it-yourself bird feeder "Apple".
Flashlight! Very difficult. Birds don't deserve this. Everything in it is original. It's scary to remember how long and tedious it is. A stacked roof takes a lot of time. You can do it for yourself, but only once. The "Cage" feeder, in the middle photo, obviously did not turn out to be airy. Very massive. Starting with this design, we stopped making solid wood hanging products. On the right is the Glinka bird feeder. Why is it so originally named? Clay shards and tablets! The weight was not small. We liked the feeder, but they did not bring it to mind. Maybe you need an idea?
"Flower House", in the photo on the left, above, looks great, but the idea of making it without an internal roof turned out to be not original. Snow and rain forced to change the design. I had to run the next option. It has been on sale for 10 years. Reliable enough. Coated with an acrylate based antiseptic. Can be washed with detergents. Next, the first bird feeder in oriental style. Was criticized by buyers due to the lack of bumpers. We agreed, and now you can buy the Vostochnaya bird feeder.
This feeder was hung in the botanical garden for bird day. Photos and information can be viewed on the Facebook page "Botanical Garden of Moscow State University "Aptekarsky Ogorod""
An excellent series for kindergartens and elementary schools. Links on how to make a bird feeder "Piglet" and "House". We will also publish a horse that looks like a turtle in the "do it yourself" section. The kids say it's a horse!
"Heart", in the photo on the left, very heavy. Both in terms of weight and production. Attempts to implement an original idea often end in laughter. But we have a lot of wood and ideas. Therefore, we made two feeders in the crisis year. They were great to buy as a gift. Birds on the "euro" look good! And what they leave is for money)
You can buy cheap "Cloud" bird feeder. We've been doing it for 10 years. Very light and original. "Spring" in the middle photo, the roof is unsuccessful in fastening. Temporarily we do not produce, but we will start. We like her very much. "Pavilion" in the initial version was confused. But it has evolved into a popular option. See dimensions and cost of Chinese style feeder "Pavilion"
3. Original wall bird feeder ideas.
It often happens that you need to attach a feeder to a house or a fence. Hanging options require hooks. And wall-mounted ones are already provided for such fastening.
"Lukomorye". Very beautiful, but the roof, unfortunately, is not reliable. At first they did it as a theater. Made from furniture boards. They cracked and the theater closed. The idea was rejected. Beautiful bird feeder "Telephone" One of the most popular feeders - centenarians. We started doing it a long time ago, we still do it and are still intact. "Nest" did not go into the series. We messed around with the elements.
Very original feeder "Arbor". Reliable, comfortable, beautiful. The birds ate and drank. There were problems with the barrels. Temporarily discontinued. Looking forward to when we get back to her. Made with a green and brown roof. Haven't decided which color is more original?
Birdfeeder "Birdhouse". On the left in the photo. Lots of copies on the internet. This is good! So like it! New Year's bird feeder "Flashlight" in the middle photo. Drawings of a do-it-yourself bird feeder "Fruit". We hung a peach and a pear. In winter, the birds liked everything.
photo: bird feeder Tavern
Elite bird feeder "Tavern" is an expensive, original, exclusive option. Ideal for a gift. The roof is covered with a rubber composition for antiseptic. Triple lacquered. It's a pity to let the birds! But it washes off very easily.
4. Tree feeder.
photo: bird feeder robust
Feeder for birds and squirrels "Krepysh". Such a name, only because it is attached to a tree trunk. Due to the lower, adjustable paws, it is aligned horizontally. This makes it possible to hang it evenly on an inclined tree. Convenient fastening. Click on the photo and see the details. Can be found in Victory Park on Poklonnaya Gora - look.
5. Photo of bird feeders in the form of a hut.
The first hut was made as a birdhouse. But the birds could not live there, although they tried to settle. Then the idea came to make an automatic feeder out of the hut. The roof was removed, and 5 kg were poured. stern. At the same time, an original idea appeared to make a planter hut. The last option is the automatic bird feeder "Izba" of the current production. Loading of feed is enough for a week.
photo: automatic bird feeder Izba6. Photo idea of bird feeders on poles.
Daisies! This topic did not give us rest. The idea was constantly subject to change. As a result, the roof was made sloping, with white petals. Buy a bird feeder on the leg "Chamomile"
"Hi no tori" Translated from Japanese - fire bird. Or a phoenix. Exclusive bird feeder. Roof covered with rubber. Treatment with antiseptic and varnish. We produce to order.
Bird feeder for garden "Forest". Large dining room for squirrels and birds. Two floors. Great for large areas. Feeding trough on a pole "Belvedere" became famous thanks to VDNKh. View "The first squirrels appeared at VDNKh"
In the photo on the right "Asia" in the original version. The first one is in oriental style. Grandmother of the East. Her granddaughter is a garden feeder on the Asia stand. One of the best selling and most loved. (bottom photo)
photo: garden feeder Asia
Two more feeders from this series. The client wanted to make everything from larch. Here's what happened.
We hope that our original ideas will help in your creativity!
You can see the options for birdhouses that we made earlier in our section - birdhouses photo original ideas
photo of bird feeder "Drop"
Bird feeder on a pole for a garden or park from the photo gallery - bird feeders photo, original ideas. See the entire photo album on our website.
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Bird feeder photo "Rosewood"
Original bird feeder in photo section. Bird feeder on a pole for a park or garden. A large number of photos of beautiful and original bird feeders.
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photo of bird feeder "Motley"
Photo of bird feeder on a pole. Part of a large photo gallery - bird feeder photo, original ideas. See the entire album!
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Bird feeder photo "Acacia"
Bird feeder photo, original ideas. Beautiful bird feeder on a pole. See photos of unusual feeders on our website.
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Bird feeder "Dubok" photo
Bird feeder photo, original ideas.