Jewel baby food
Organic Baby Jewel Yams Nutrition Facts
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Nutrition Facts | |
For a Serving Size of | |
How many calories are in Organic Baby Jewel Yams? Amount of calories in Organic Baby Jewel Yams: Calories | Calories from Fat (%) |
% Daily Value * | |
How much fat is in Organic Baby Jewel Yams? Amount of fat in Organic Baby Jewel Yams: Total Fat | |
How much sodium is in Organic Baby Jewel Yams? Amount of sodium in Organic Baby Jewel Yams: Sodium | |
How many carbs are in Organic Baby Jewel Yams? Amount of carbs in Organic Baby Jewel Yams: Carbohydrates | |
How many net carbs are in Organic Baby Jewel Yams? Amount of net carbs in Organic Baby Jewel Yams: Net carbs | |
How much sugar is in Organic Baby Jewel Yams? Amount of sugar in Organic Baby Jewel Yams: Sugar | |
How much fiber is in Organic Baby Jewel Yams? Amount of fiber in Organic Baby Jewel Yams: Fiber | |
How much protein is in Organic Baby Jewel Yams? Amount of protein in Organic Baby Jewel Yams: Protein | |
Vitamins and minerals | |
How much Vitamin A is in Organic Baby Jewel Yams? Amount of Vitamin A in Organic Baby Jewel Yams: Vitamin A | |
How much Vitamin C is in Organic Baby Jewel Yams? Amount of Vitamin C in Organic Baby Jewel Yams: Vitamin C | |
How much Calcium is in Organic Baby Jewel Yams? Amount of Calcium in Organic Baby Jewel Yams: Calcium | |
How much Iron is in Organic Baby Jewel Yams? Amount of Iron in Organic Baby Jewel Yams: Iron | |
Fatty acids | |
Amino acids | |
* The Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet, so your values may change depending on your calorie needs. |
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If you're following a low-carb " + "diet, this is the number you should pay attention to.
Lenox Baby Jewel Collection Child Fork and Spoon Set in
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5 out of 5 stars Price: €76. 46
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Listed on Nov 18, 2022
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Sparkling pearl wine with a protected geographical indication “Kuban. Taman Peninsula” brut white “Fleurs du Sud”
Reviews for Sparkling pearl wine with protected geographical indication “Kuban. Taman Peninsula" brut white "Fleurs du Sud"
When evaluating products, we use only expert opinions, which are based on laboratory tests. We do not collect user reviews as they are easy to manipulate. However, you can leave feedback about our study.
Wine ZGU “Kuban. Taman Peninsula" sparkling pearl white brut, made from Bianca grapes grown in the territory of the Kuban. Number of bottles produced: 100,000.
The wine is transparent, with a long bubble play. The color is golden yellow, with a sheen. The aroma is complex, very intense, multifaceted. The bouquet of the wine is harmonious, the flavor is dominated by notes of field and garden flowers against the background of tropical fruits, citrus and fruit tones, light berry and creamy vanilla notes, a varietal tone is noted. The taste is intense, tart, harmonious, with a pleasant aftertaste. Harmonious wine with good balance.
Country of origin
Additional information
ALCOHOL 9.0 - 11.0% vol., SUGAR 6.0 - 15.0 g/dm3
Year of manufacture
from Bianca grapes, food additive - preservative, antioxidant sulfur dioxide
750 ml
Study year
Crop year
Production method
Crop year
No year
Assessment according to GOST 32051-2013