My baby shakes his head when feeding
Why Do They Do This?
Baby Shakes Head: Why Do They Do This?Medically reviewed by Karen Gill, M.D. — By Kristeen Cherney on March 10, 2016
Over the course of their first year of life, your baby will reach various milestones related to reflexes and motor skills.
When a baby starts shaking their head, you may be concerned that something is wrong. You might even wonder if your baby is too young to be shaking their head.
Some cases of head shaking are related to neurological or developmental disorders. However, the majority of cases are normal.
Learn why your baby shakes their head and the types of scenarios you should be worried about.
Understanding baby’s motor skills
As a parent, it’s normal to experience protective instincts. After all, your newborn is delicate and unable to defend themselves.
Still, this doesn’t mean that your baby can’t move on their own. According to the March of Dimes, by the end of the first month of life, babies have the ability to move their heads from side to side. This most often occurs when they lie on their sides.
After the first month, head shaking in babies is most often accompanied by playfulness as well as other forms of interaction. Babies who develop “normally” will be able to shake their heads “yes” or “no” by their first year.
During the first few weeks of life, your baby’s movements might be more “jerky” as they develop muscle control.
Shaking head when nursing
One of the first times babies shake their heads is when they nurse from their mothers. This may first occur out of your baby’s attempt to try to latch. As your baby gets the hang of latching on, the shaking may then be a result of excitement.
While your baby might be gaining neck muscles and is able to shake side to side when nursing, you should still support their head for at least the first three months.
You may also find feeding times to be more successful by calming down your newborn’s reflexes so they can latch on more easily.
Shaking head when playing
Beyond the first month, babies might start shaking their heads while playing. In some cases, they might even move their heads around when resting on their tummies or their backs. You may notice that head shaking increases when your baby gets excited.
As your baby grows, they will start to notice behaviors of others and try to interact with them. If you have other children at home, your baby might start to imitate their behaviors through head and hand gestures.
Testing movement
Babies are extremely brave, and they will start to test how much they can move. At around the 4- or 5-month mark, some babies will start rocking their heads. This may move onto rocking the whole body.
While the rocking movements can look scary, it’s considered normal behavior in most babies. In fact, it’s often a precursor to your baby figuring out how to sit up on their own. Rocking and shaking behaviors usually last for no longer than 15 minutes in this age group.
Another cause of worry in many parents is head banging.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, this practice is more common in boys. It also starts around 6 months of age. As long as the banging is not hard and your baby seems happy, most pediatricians don’t worry about this behavior.
Head banging usually stops by the 2-year mark.
When to worry
Head shaking and other related behaviors are often considered a normal part of a baby’s development. However, there are instances in which the behaviors might extend beyond simple shaking. Call your pediatrician if your baby:
- doesn’t interact with you or their siblings
- doesn’t move their eyes normally
- develops knots or bald spots from head banging
- shaking increases during moments of anxiety
- seems like they want to hurt themselves
- fails to reach other developmental milestones outlined by your doctor
- doesn’t respond to your voice, as well as other sounds
- continues these behaviors beyond 2 years of age
The takeaway
While head shaking is not usually a cause for concern, there are some instances in which you should consider talking to your pediatrician.
Frequency is often a telltale sign of whether the shaking is normal or not. If you find that your baby shakes their head a little during feedings or playtime, this is likely not a medical emergency.
On the other hand, if the head shaking is frequent and lasts for a long time, you should see a doctor right away.
Last medically reviewed on March 10, 2016
- Parenthood
- Baby
- 06 Months 1 Year
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- Developmental milestones for baby. (2012, June) - Guide to your child’s symptoms: Rocking/Head banging.
(2001) - Movement: Birth to three months. (2009, August 1) - Repetitive behaviors in blind children (2015) - Wiessinger, D. (2004, February). The world of latch-on: One leader’s journey. LEAVEN 40(1), 3-6
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Current Version
Mar 10, 2016
Written By
Kristeen Cherney, PhD
Edited By
Nizam Khan (TechSpace)
Medically Reviewed By
Karen Richardson Gill, MD
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Medically reviewed by Karen Gill, M.D. — By Kristeen Cherney on March 10, 2016
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Why they do this and when to see a doctor
In most cases, a baby will begin deliberately moving their head in the first months of life. They can usually turn it toward a sound by 2 months. By the end of the first year, and often much earlier, many babies begin shaking their head.
Head shaking can be a normal developmental milestone relating to reflexes and motor skills. However, some types of head shaking may signal a problem.
In this article, we examine the reasons why a baby may shake their head. We also look at related medical conditions for head shaking and explain when to contact a doctor.
Gaining control of the head is a major developmental milestone.
At about 2 months old, most babies begin turning their head toward sounds. They continue gaining head control and can easily lift and move their head by 4 months. Some parents and caregivers also notice that head shaking begins around this time.
Developmental reasons why a baby might shake their head include:
Babies master new skills by practicing them. For an infant with little control over the world, increasing head control is a major change.
A baby who has recently learned to control their head may turn it from side to side and experiment with moving it into different positions.
Listening to sounds
A baby will commonly move their head toward familiar or interesting sounds, such as a loud crash or a parent’s or caregiver’s voice.
If two or more people are talking, or there are several competing noises in a room, a baby may move their head back and forth, trying to follow the sounds.
In a quieter room, the head movements may stop.
Babies can understand words well before they can talk. As a result, they may start understanding some of what parents or caregivers say to them at about 6 months. A baby may shake their head to communicate with them.
By a year, many babies shake their head to signal “no” or frustration.
Some babies find it soothing to shake their head from side to side. They may do this when they are overstimulated, anxious, or trying to fall asleep.
Self-soothing is harmless and may help a baby feel less anxious in new situations.
When a baby shakes their head because something is wrong, they often have other symptoms simultaneously.
Parents and caregivers should monitor head shaking that accompanies other signs and symptoms, such as crying or not meeting developmental milestones.
Some things to watch for include:
Pain or ear infection
Some babies may shake their head to soothe themselves if they are in pain.
Sudden head shaking may be a sign of an ear infection, especially if the baby has a fever or grabs at their ear. Doctors may prescribe antibiotics to treat ear infections.
Some people with epilepsy, including babies, have myoclonic jerks. These are very short seizures that cause sudden contractions in the muscles.
While myoclonic jerks can affect any part of the body, they may cause some babies to turn their head or neck. The jerks are very short, and parents or caregivers may not initially recognize them as seizures.
Myoclonic jerks happen suddenly and can be forceful. If a baby has these, it will not look as though they are voluntarily shaking their head.
Autism and other developmental issues
Some people with autism move their body to self-soothe or stimulate themselves. They may nod or shake their head, usually in rhythmic motions.
It is possible that an infant may be autistic if they:
- do not meet developmental milestones
- gain and then lose skills
- do not make eye contact with or respond to parents or caregivers
Neurological disorders
Head shaking may signal a neurological problem, especially if a baby seems unable to control it or has other unusual movements or behaviors.
For example, a condition called rhombencephalosynapsis causes differences in the formation of the brain’s cerebellum. A 2013 study found that 50 of 59 children with this condition had persistent head shaking for years before a doctor formally diagnosed them.
Babies with neurological disorders may not meet developmental milestones and may have trouble with speech, movement, and other age-typical behaviors.
Shuddering attacks
Very rarely, babies and young children experience so-called shuddering attacks, which seem to occur spontaneously. A baby’s body may shake or shiver, and these movements might extend to their head.
Doctors do not know what causes these attacks, but they are usually harmless. However, a doctor may first rule out other causes, such as neurological conditions or head injuries.
It is never too early to see a doctor for worrisome or unusual behavior in a baby.
Early interventions can help for a severe developmental or neurological problem, and early treatment for ear infections and other common conditions may prevent these conditions from worsening.
A person should take a baby to the doctor’s office if they:
- do not meet their developmental milestones — for example, if a baby does not move their head toward sounds by 4 months
- have other symptoms along with the head shaking, such as fever
- seem distressed
- are unable to control their head or their movements
Parents or caregivers should also discuss any new behaviors at the baby’s next well-child visit.
As babies discover the world, they continually develop new skills. Sometimes, unusual behaviors appear along with these skills.
In most cases, head shaking is a normal, developmentally appropriate behavior that shows that a baby is exploring and interacting with their world.
If a baby has any accompanying symptoms or seems distressed, it is important to take them to see a doctor.
Baby shakes his head from side to side: causes and treatment
New parents always carefully monitor their newborn child. That is why the question often arises: why do babies shake their heads from side to side? This condition happens both for harmless reasons, and appears as a result of serious pathological disorders.
- 1 Causes of Head Shaking
- 2 Neurological Diseases
- 3 Seeking Help
Causes of head shaking
There are many completely harmless reasons why a newborn may shake his head while feeding. Quite often, when breastfeeding, the baby enjoys. According to studies, it has been proven that if the balance center of the patient's brain is overexcited, then the child enjoys shaking his head. In some cases, when performing this action, the child laughs. This is normal, so parents should not worry. nine0003
If a newborn has headaches, the baby starts to shake his head to eliminate them. In this case, the child becomes excessively capricious. About why the baby shakes his head, only a competent doctor will tell.
The causes of this condition may be as follows:
- colic in the abdomen;
- teething;
- otitis media
By shaking the head in these pathological conditions, the baby tries to distract himself from pain.
Physiology can tell why the baby shakes its head. After the birth of a newborn, strengthening of the neck muscles is observed for several months. nine0003
Head shaking is sometimes observed during meals. That is why it is necessary to feed the baby so that his head is fixed in the hands of his mother. After the baby becomes confident in holding his head, mothers should not hold it during the feeding period.
If the child often shakes his head, especially before going to bed, then this may indicate the development of rickets. During this period, the baby observes general weakness and twisted limbs. The child cannot hold his head up to 4 months. When this pathology appears, the baby’s sleep is disturbed, the child becomes whiny. nine0003
Quite often, loss of appetite is a symptom of pathology. If signs of this disease appear, the baby must be urgently shown to the doctor. Only a specialist can correctly diagnose and prescribe rational treatment. Otherwise, the development of flat feet, scoliosis, protrusion of the chest forward is possible.
Occasionally, this condition is observed in infants due to curiosity. In infants, this phenomenon may occur if the back of the head sweats. The reason for this is improper control of the temperature in the room, excessive wrapping of the baby. With the appearance of disturbing dreams, head shaking in the baby may be observed. nine0003
There are many reasons for the development of pathology. Among them may be completely harmless or indicative of the development of serious ailments.
Neurological diseases
Quite often a child shakes his head in his sleep due to neurological diseases. In most cases, this phenomenon appears against the background of:
- hydrocephalus;
- epilepsy;
- autism.
Head shaking in the evening can be observed after a strong emotional outburst. During the period of head shaking, the child screams or cries, after the attack ends, exhales. After this, breathing may stop for a certain time. nine0003
This phenomenon can be observed in reflex tetraparesis, which is accompanied by a tilt of the head to one side. Since the child has muscle hypertonicity and pathological reflexes, the child cannot hold his head evenly for a long time. Because of this, the child begins to shake his head even in a prone position.
If the symptom is observed when falling asleep, then this indicates the development of Krabbe disease. In this case, the child has a weak weight gain, the appearance of convulsions and allergic reactions to milk. Quite often the disease is accompanied by vomiting and hyperpyrexia. The newborn becomes excessively whiny. nine0003
Opticomyelitis is quite often accompanied by this symptom. During the period of falling asleep, the child experiences dizziness during the development of this pathological process. There may be damage to the distal parts of the hands and feet. The disease is accompanied by optic neuritis. The newborn has frequent headaches, so the head is shaking. In some cases, the performance of the pelvic organs is impaired.
If a child has epilepsy, then during the period of falling asleep, the limbs may twitch, the head may shake periodically . In a dream, there may be an increase in these signs, because of which the baby begins to cry. But the baby quickly calms down on its own. The severity of the disease directly affects the frequency of attacks and the intensity of headaches.
The causes of the symptom are not only varied, but also quite dangerous. Therefore, parents should closely monitor the behavior of the newborn.
Seeking help
If the child has no other symptoms while shaking his head, then parents have nothing to worry about. In some cases, the cause of the appearance of pathology is a surge of emotions that occurs against the background of stressful situations. In this case, you need to try to calm the baby. If the actions of the parents do not bring the desired result, then you need to seek help from a doctor. nine0003
During the period of involuntary head shaking, head injury may occur. Parents need to take this fact into account and avoid it. If the newborn shakes his head and other symptoms are observed, then the child must be shown to the pediatrician without fail. Only a specialist can correctly diagnose a baby and, if necessary, prescribe a rational treatment.
Newborn baby head shaking can have completely harmless causes. nine0074 If this occurs infrequently and is characterized by the absence of other symptoms, then parents should not worry. Otherwise, the child must be shown to a specialist who, after examination, will be able to determine the pathology. all about pregnancy and children They began to sleep very restlessly. We don’t stick to the chest, but when we eat, after a few minutes we start shaking our heads, spitting out our breasts, then shaking our heads even more greedily, looking for breasts, eating for a few minutes and all over again – shaking our heads, spitting out, looking for, eating. Shaking his head while feeding Complain May 24, 2019 18:08 at Personal journal Dear moms, maybe someone knows the reason. We are two weeks old, when breastfeeding, the baby spits it out and starts nervously shaking his head from side to side. She gets upset and starts crying. With grief, it captures the sexes, sucks a couple of times and again on a new one 😩😩😩 what is it? And how to deal with it? The baby shakes his head while feeding Complain April 10, 2017 04:45 AM at Personal journal Girls, we are of course very small yet, but I will still ask for reassurance. When I put the baby to the chest, it starts to make up, and then it can let go of the nipple and immediately starts to shake its head from side to side, and even if I give the nipple it still twirls then it hops and sucks again, sometimes it starts to whimper from it . prickly heat, sweating head and shaking head when feeding Complain here, he sleeps badly, although he didn’t sleep very well before, day and night are mixed up, it’s not hot at home, what is it? Toss and turn while feeding? why? nine0003 Complain 29 May 2018 19:03 at Personal Journal some .. I don't understand why? Maybe she does not eat enough and there is not enough milk in the tita? Although I put pressure on the nipple, the milk flows . The child shakes his head before going to bed Complain 17 July 2015 00:22 at Personal Journal Good afternoon! My post is not a question about what it is and how to get rid of it, this is a description of my experience in solving this problem. It has been 2 weeks since the first day of the experiment and the dynamics are positive. Now the child shakes his head only when he wakes up at night and in the morning, as I understand it, when he is between sleep and wakefulness. But not every night. I do not pretend to be scientific, I will not argue with anyone in the comments, this is our exclusive experience, maybe something else will help your baby. Over these two years, I have collected information bit by bit, if everything I knew now I read at the very beginning in one article, now everything would not be in such a neglected state. For Marusya and mothers whose babies bite while feeding Complain July 2, 2010 06:11 at Baby health and nutrition This is fine? Or is he talking about some kind of illness? nine0003 2 99868
. this is how he learns is it right to eat? And even when I feed with the left, she calmly eats, and with the right, when she sometimes turns her head to the left .. as if she wants to go to the other side. At the same time, her mouth is open, that is, we want to eat. I again bring him to my left .. but he also sleeps with his head to the left. Of course, I’ll ask the pediatrician this. But who had it like that? This is fine? Maybe because he is used to sleeping on this side...
. it starts to behave like this not immediately, but after 15-20 minutes
16 no. 2, March-April 1999, pp. 36-39 Translation by Alexandra Kazachok Children's teeth can seem like a serious problem to expectant mothers and their acquaintances. When a pregnant woman talks about her plans to breastfeed, no, no, and there will be someone who will ask with a smile: “What will you do when your teeth go?” Some believe that with the appearance of teeth, the child should be weaned. They may think that baby teeth make breastfeeding painful for the mother. However, if the baby suckles properly, the mother ...
Shakes his head from side to side
3 November 2019 14:29 at . Mostly when sitting in a chair for feeding. At the same time, he squeaks as if his head is itching. I start massaging, it calms down. Our upper gums swelled up very much, my son gnaws everything all the time .. Could this behavior be due to the teeth? What discomfort he has inside here and shakes back and forth .. Also, the chair became liquid for no reason . .
Cry during feeding and in sleep
December 19, 2017 09:44 at Personal journal
the nipple is practically in his mouth, and then lashes out in a direct word. He starts sucking fast and shakes his head again. For the last two days in a dream, he has been crying with a cry, but not for long, you think he wakes up, but he falls silent and this can take an hour. It such can be or it is better to invite the neurologist? Share your observations. This is our first baby so I don't know if this is normal or not. nine0003 0 8351
22 July 2020 06:48 at Personal Journal Previously, the diaper saved the cocoon, now he has a lot of strength - it takes a couple of seconds to untie himself. The same adventure with the pacifier. Without it, he can’t go to sleep, and you need to rub your eyes and push the pacifier 🙈 In general, when will he have a more conscious period in this? nine0234 0 3234 the baby cannot breastfeed if she is distracted while feeding Complain 13 January 2015 07:44 at Personal journal Dear mothers! who had such that the child eats normally, and then suddenly comes off the breast and then cannot take it again! starts shaking his head, as if he doesn’t know how to take breasts at all, a hysterical cry begins! this does not happen often, maybe once, maximum two a day, but it looks strange! Should I be worried about this at all? baby almost three weeks old Problems with breastfeeding Complain 18 February 2017 20:03 at Personal log I'm completely lost. Playing while feeding Complain November 3, 2017 00:48 at Personal journal Well, I can’t call it otherwise. Is it just us? He sucks his breast, then there comes a moment when he lets her go, then he starts looking for her again, shaking his head in search, growling, grunting, I shove it into his mouth and he doesn’t grab her, but he still looks for it and so on for several minutes and then sticks and again all around Help! Breastfeeding hysteria!! Complain November 21, 2017 11:48 am at Personal Journal Good morning, girls! Help with advice, we have a hysteria at the chest: every feeding is dancing with tambourines😔 Who had this: the baby throws her breasts in the middle of feeding. If the baby bites while feeding Complain December 27, 2011 11:31 pm at Personal Journal Baby teeth can seem like a serious problem to expectant mothers. When a pregnant woman talks about her plans to breastfeed, no, no, and there will be someone who will ask with a smile: “What will you do when your teeth go?” Some believe that with the appearance of teeth, the child should be weaned. When breastfeeding, all is exhausted Complain May 27, 2019 16:38 at Moves in different directions and shakes his head while eating .... long cycles of chest oars. Okay, I ate, I put it in the crib, I started shaking my head from one side to the other and so on until I fell asleep, today this is repeated when feeding ... my chest already hurts, eats, but I myself mate with my head Tantrums during feeding Complain 14 June 2016 14:59 at Blog The third day we can't eat normally. Crying while feeding! Complain 16 July 2017 23:34 at Personal Journal Or does someone just know why this could be? I put it on my chest, the child eats calmly and well, and after 20 minutes (by the end of feeding) he starts screaming loudly, spitting out his chest and immediately takes it again, while being nervous, waving his arms and shakes his head! This has been going on for the second day, almost every feeding ((( I eat right, milk is enough Breastfeeding position and colic Complain 22 October 2015 12:24 at They ate in the cradle position and lying down. Girls, about feeding Complain 20 May 2016 19:23 at Personal journal Swallows very rarely. Then he starts to get angry, shake his head, throws his chest, again eagerly looking for it. And the same thing is repeated, then with tears. What could it be? Maybe not enough milk? I was able to pump 15 ml after it. I fed it with the expressed bottle, ate everything and calmed down. Help me figure it out girls! Nerves to the limit. about feeding Complain 16 February 2012 19:16 at Personal journal when applied to the chest, he sucks a little and begins to shake his head. angry, kicking, yelling. Toli colic or not eat up. I don't understand About relatives Complain 3 February 2014 05:47 at Personal journal I wonder how often there are inadequate? My husband has a younger sister. Weird... to put it mildly. A person who is hysterical and sticks her nose into other people's business. First, he will arrange a conflict out of the blue, when you try to escape from her all-comprehending attention, he will finish off with a showdown "to clarify the situation." My husband is a super non-confrontational person, usually he cannot protect himself and his loved ones so as not to be involved using tactics *it’s better to quickly hush everything up than put a person in his place*. Share your experience)))) Complain October 7, 2012 18:50 at Personal Journal When my baby sits in a chair and I feed him when I put a spoon after swallowing for some reason, he seems to twitch as if he doesn’t like it) and still squint his nose and sniffs like a hedgehog and began to shake his head in a chair while feeding, regardless of whether I give Should I eat for him or just sit… is everything normal at other times? What could it be? nine0003 0 0380 What a feeding!!! How to be? Complain August 20, 2010 2:46 pm at Personal Journal I have this problem! Feeding time is coming up, I give the baby a breast, he sucks, sucks a little, then starts to spin, first shakes his head in different directions, while tearing off my nipple (it annoys me crazy, plus it hurts), then the whole bends, spins and starts to whine !!! I suppose that my tummy hurts, I give Espumizan (before that I gave Plantex), zero sense !!! Because of such “feeding”, I had to switch to mixed feeding according to the scheme: first, the breast (until the first roar), then the mixture, and, if possible, I express milk and give it from a bottle !!! When you give him a bottle of formula, he calms down and eats willingly!!! Milk is enough, breasts are full for every feeding!!! So… how to help with colic Complain 5 January 2015 16:30 at Personal journal What helps us: 1. Memories of childbirth and daughter's development from the old page Complain June 27, 2019 09:06 at Personal log weeks My birth 39.4 weeks Hello! While the baby is sleeping, I will tell you how everything went. If the baby bites the breast Complain August 30, 2012 09:34 am at Breastfeeding Baby teeth can seem like a serious problem for their future mom. When a pregnant woman talks about her plans to breastfeed, no, no, and someone will come across who will ask with a smile: “What will you do when your teeth come out?” Some believe that with the appearance of teeth, the child should be weaned . If the child bites - Article (Ksyusha, thank you!!!) Complain 23 September 2014 15:58 at Personal journal If the child bites Barbara Taylor Revised and updated by Nancy Jo Bykowski from an original article published in NEW BEGINNINGS, November-December 1990 Published in: NEW BEGINNINGS, Vol. 16 no. 2, March-April 1999, pp. 36-39 Children's teeth can seem like a serious problem for expectant mothers and their acquaintances. When a pregnant woman talks about her plans to breastfeed, no, no, and there will be someone who will ask with a smile: “What will you do when your teeth go?” Some believe that with the appearance of teeth, the child should be weaned. Bites and gv, from the site akev Complain IF A CHILD BITES Children's teeth can seem like a serious problem to expectant mothers and their acquaintances. When a pregnant woman talks about her plans to breastfeed, no, no, and there will be someone who will ask with a smile: “What will you do when your teeth go?” Some believe that with the appearance of teeth, the child should be weaned. They may think that baby teeth make breastfeeding painful for the mother. However, if the baby suckles properly, the mother will not be hurt with two, four, or a full mouth of teeth that have erupted from the baby. As with many things in motherhood, the expectation of teeth is often scarier than the teeth themselves. Important to remember… This page contains the most popular posts and comments of our users on the topic "He shakes his head when feeding. The last few days the baby constantly hangs on the chest. It might hang for an hour or two. He regularly falls asleep in the process, but as soon as I take the breast, he wakes up, starts crying and in every possible way portrays that he is hungry! And I give him breast again. So he throws himself on his chest and starts sucking furiously! Or even when he eats, at one moment he spits out his chest and starts shaking his head, puffing, and then digs into it again. Girls what is it? Is he not eating? Overeating? Playing around? She sleeps well and poops and pees regularly. But it exhausts me that I don’t have time to do anything and why he behaves this way. A note of milk seems to be enough. After it, I express a little more ... (but n ...
We are 3 weeks old, on GW (asks every 2.5-3, well, or in my case, takes without tantrums every 2.5-3 hours). He actively eats for 5-6 minutes, then the hysteria at the chest abruptly begins, I raise it with a column and we have a burp (sometimes we poop well or poop). As soon as it let us go, I again transfer it to a horizontal position in order to supplement it and again, it’s healthy: hysteria, shakes its head back and forth, tries to take the nipple, nothing happens and starts to hysteria even more. Sometimes he grabs his chest, sleeps several times and yells again. Everything is used: hands, n ...
They may think that baby teeth make breastfeeding painful for the mother. However, if the baby suckles properly, the mother will not be hurt with two, four, or a full mouth of teeth that have erupted from the baby. As with many things in motherhood, the expectation of teeth is often scarier than the teeth themselves. It is important to remember that a baby who suckles heavily at the breast does not...
This disgrace began during the first feeding after the night, so the option immediately disappears that I ate something. The child demands food, pounces on the chest, sucks for a few seconds and jerks his head back. This is repeated over and over again. Milk flows down the mustache, does not enter the mouth. Then the daughter releases her breast and starts yelling or yelling through her chest. Just a good mother. I lift her lying on my stomach on my arm - she looks forward, stretches out with a string (she loves to fly very much ✈ by airplane) I just put her back on her back or feed her on her side - she yells. At the same time, she kicks me with her feet (she is generally strong with us, the neurologist did not find the tone), shakes her head. And it is clear that there is something like ...
But when we were 13 days old, I went to the hospital, where they gave antibiotics that were not compatible with HB. We switched to IV for 10 days and colic began. Now we have breastfeeding again - for about 5 minutes we suck normally, then we shake our heads, throw the nipple, we start crying and tucking our legs, suffering from the tummy. We tried to eat lying down, from under the arm, in the “cradle” position and lying on my mother’s stomach - the result is the same Please advise the position for feeding
There is another version that she does not like or is already too lazy to suck, as sometimes she was fed from a bottle. nine0003 0 16322
For this, I often received scolding from me “why did you stand silently and watch how your mother / sister attacked me?”. I don’t want to spoil relations with my husband’s relatives, because he had them long before me, usually sti ...
Massage. Most of the time he helped! The most banal clockwise, how to “shake” the stomach with two fingers in a circle, just put your palm on your stomach and “listen” to how the bubbles run there. With sentences-rhymes that distract the baby. 2. Bend the legs. It helped at first, now it doesn’t, but any activity helps the muscles of the intestines to work, whether it’s lying on the stomach, swimming, or independently waving with all arms and legs. Previously, they did gymnastics, regular school physical exercises and an arbitrary set of movements taken from a video about gymnastics for babies. 3. Baby Kalm. Helped the baby to sleep more peacefully, because. There are soothing herbal oils. The belly was still inflated ...
In general, on the morning of the 30th, my stomach ached, I just had my last appointment with the doctor. CTG showed nothing, went home to prepare for NG. At lunch I noticed that every 20-25 minutes some kind of pain comes. Well, I began to guess that perhaps today is that day. By 18-00, the pain began to become more tangible and regular, she wrote an SMS to her husband that, it’s scary to me and that, probably, begins. He arrived home from work in 5 seconds and together we counted the contractions: they were irregular (every 3-20 minutes) and not long (about 30 seconds). Well, it became clear that I needed to call an ambulance, but I was afraid and we went to cook pasta)))) After eating, ...
They may think that baby teeth make breastfeeding painful for the mother. However, if the baby suckles properly, the mother will not be hurt with two, four, or a full mouth of teeth that have erupted from the baby. As with many things in motherhood, the anticipation of teeth is often scarier than the teeth themselves. It is important to remember that a heavily suckling baby cannot bite.…
They may think that baby teeth make breastfeeding painful for the mother. However, if the child p…