Non gassy baby food
7 Tips to Ease Baby's Tummy Trouble and Gas, from Beech-Nut®
By Beech-Nut®
There’s nothing worse than an upset baby… except maybe an upset baby with tummy trouble! Here at Beech-Nut®, we love helping share ways to keep your baby happy and healthy, so we asked our real moms & dads what they do to help their babies when their tummies hurt due to common problems like gas and constipation. Although you should always consult a pediatrician if you need medical advice, here are 7 tips from our fans about how to help remedy unavoidable bouts of tummy trouble.
- Tummy massages, cuddles, and hugs always help. From our Facebook fan, Tania: “Nice tummy massages follow by cuddles with Mama” are the best way to alleviate your little one’s tummy trouble. This soothing motion works unwanted air out of the body and relieves the pressure on baby.”
- Try daily probiotic drops or gripe water.
We love Mommy’s Bliss Baby Probiotics Everyday for everyday relief. Our Facebook fan Amy says, “Probiotics have changed our lives. We have a very happy baby that has enjoyable days instead of being sad all the time.” Try putting the drops in your little one’s bottle for easier administration and rapid relief. Look for these products at your local drug store.
- Get their legs pumping. Pump your baby’s little legs back and forth in bicycle movements. This can help gas bubbles get unstuck and can allow the air to resume proper movement through the body so baby’s tummy doesn’t hurt as much.
- At feeding time, try the 3 P’s. Pumpkin, Pear, or Prune purees can be extremely effective in combating baby’s tummy issues due to their high natural water content. These simple foods are filled with natural laxatives to help encourage the passage of air in your little one’s belly. Look for our Naturals and Organics jars at your grocery store!
- Give them a warm bath.
Warm baths flipped one Beech-Nut® baby’s frown upside down! His mom said, “My almost 3 month old has had stomach trouble since the beginning… We still have some bad days with gas pains but most of our days are filled with smiles” after implementing warm baths into their everyday lives. Adding lavender to the bath helps little ones (and moms and dads!) sleep better.
- To ease agitation in younger babies, try adding infant cereal. Supplementing formula or breast milk with a little infant cereal (or some solid food like puree) can help fill baby’s tummy so they sleep through the night. Check out our easy-to-use cereal canisters, like our Organics Oatmeal Cereal.
- Place a heated wrap on their tummy. Heated stomach wraps can help move gas through the body and relieve tummy trouble. Beech-Nut® Facebook fan Jessica uses this Happi Tummi Heated Waistband and Pouch, which works by swaddling baby in warmth while releasing soothing herbs such as lavender and chamomile.
What a great idea!
Let us know what’s worked for your little one by finding us on Facebook or Instagram. We’d love to hear from you!
How to Help Baby or Toddler With Gas – Foods to Avoid
Dr. Deena Blanchard
All people pass gas! In fact, it is normal to pass gas anywhere from six to twenty times a day. Additional gassiness is typically not related to a serious health problem and will often resolve without any intervention. When gas becomes painful or bothersome for your little one, it is important to get in touch with your pediatrician.
Gas when Starting Solids
As your little one gets older and you start to introduce solid foods, you may find that certain foods increase gassiness. It is important to differentiate between gas that is painful and gas that is not. If your little one is passing gas frequently but seems happy and playful and without abdominal pain then there is no reason to intervene or make changes.
Foods that break down more slowly, such as beans, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, kale, etc. .), and other high fiber containing foods can cause additional gas. These foods are rich in nutrients and fiber and an important part of your little one’s diet. It may take some time for your little one’s digestive system to adjust to these foods and that is okay. If your baby is in pain, vomiting, irritable or has blood in the stool you should always call your pediatrician.
Making sure your little one is well hydrated as you introduce solid foods and particularly high fiber foods, can minimize gassiness and prevent constipation.
Gas in the Older Infant and Toddler Diet
Common culprits for increasing gas in older children are:
- Fried and fatty foods.
- Beans.
- Vegetables such as artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumbers, green peppers, onions, peas, radishes, and raw potatoes.
- Fruits such as apricots, bananas, melons, peaches, pears, prunes, and raw apples.
- Wheat and wheat bran.
Keeping a food and symptom log can help determine if specific foods are increasing your child’s symptoms. Symptoms of gas can include, passing gas, bloating, mild abdominal discomfort, and belching. If you are finding certain foods are causing your child to have these symptoms or feel uncomfortable, it is best to discuss this with their pediatrician.
Drinking lots of water and getting regular exercise and movement can help decrease symptoms of gas and bloating. Avoiding carbonated beverages and drinks containing sorbitol or xylitol is another helpful way to prevent gas build up. As always, if you have any concerns and before making dietary changes it is best to talk to your pediatrician.
American Gastroenterological Association
The American College of Gastroenterology
American Academy of Pediatrics: “Abdominal Pain.”
American Academy of Family Physicians: “Feeding Problems in Infants and Children.

Published: February 10, 2020
Last modified: February 10, 2020
Drinking water, for baby food, the highest category, non-carbonated, 0+, "Motya"
When evaluating goods, we use only expert reviews, which are based on laboratory tests. We do not collect user reviews as they are easy to manipulate. However, you can leave feedback about our study.
Drinking water, for baby food, of the highest category, non-carbonated, 0+, under the brand name "Motya" produced by LLC "Production Company" Leader "in Russia. The sample was purchased from the Utkonos online store. nine0005 This water is safe in terms of hydrochemical parameters. It did not contain substances hazardous to health in quantities exceeding the permissible limits. The water is not chlorinated: the experts did not find chloroform and bromoform in it.
The amount of minerals and micro/macro elements corresponds to the information in the label.
The marking contains information about the category of water quality, while the water is not made in accordance with GOST. At present, the only document that establishes the requirements for the category of water quality in terms of its physiological usefulness is GOST, which was not used by the manufacturer. The consumer is deprived of information about what the manufacturer meant by putting the water quality category on the label. nine0005 Water is packaged in a plastic bottle that takes about 500 years to decompose. Roskachestvo experts recommend handing over packaging for recycling.
nine0012 -
nine0017 -
mg/l: sodium not more than 20, magnesium 5-50, calcium 25-80, potassium 2-20, chlorides not more than 150, sulfates not more than 150, bicarbonates 30-400, fluorides 0.
nine0012 -
nine0048 - Study document
- Study Document
- Study Document
Year of manufacture
Chernogolovka water for baby food artesian non-carbonated 2.

Bicarbonates (HCO5) 130-280, Chlorides (Cl) ?10, Sulphates (S01) ?20, Calcium (Ca) 30-65, Potassium (K) 2-10, Magnesium (Mg) 5-30, Fluoride ion ( F) 0.6-1.0Nutrition value per 100 grams
Energy value:
Black -water water for artesian illegitimate 2.5l and similar goods can be found in the water section for children.
Chernogolovka water for baby food artesian non-carbonated 2.5l can be bought through your personal account or by leaving a request on the website. You can also order delivery to your home or office. Delivery of products is carried out to the city of Minsk and the Minsk region. The cost and availability of free delivery depends on the time of day, day of the week, distance, current promotions and purchase size. nine0003
General information
Type of packaging:
Shelf life:
365 days
Minimum age:
Type of water:
Drinking water
Carbonation degree:
Still water
2. 5 l
Storage temperature min. :
Storage temperature max. : nine0003
20 °C
based on the latest information available at the time of publication.
Delivery and pickup
Pickup: You can pick up your order yourself from the pickup points for free. Please call in advance to check the status of your order. This will allow you to prepare the order for shipment in advance and save time. Delivery: Delivery is carried out in Minsk. Cost - free . Please provide your address for delivery. To avoid damage to fragile goods, shipment is made only by transport companies.
Cash You can pay in cash in the store, at pickup points, as well as to the courier upon receipt of the order. Bank card You can also pay with a bank card in the store, at pickup points, as well as to the courier upon receipt of the order. Payment in ERIP You can also pay for the order in ERIP, for this you need to get the order number from the manager.