Old baby feeding bottles
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What and how to wash baby bottles
The body of a small child is only learning to resist the pathogenic microflora of the surrounding world, therefore, in this case, mother's help is indispensable. One of the main tasks of mothers at the stage of breastfeeding is to provide the baby with not only healthy, but also safe food. If the child eats only the breast, then additional measures other than the personal hygiene of the mother are not required, however, if feeding bottles have firmly entered his life, you cannot do without special measures to care for the dishes.
What to wash with?
Finding baby bottle detergent is easy, as you can find it in most home improvement stores. Choosing the right option is a little more difficult: the purchased product cannot contain fragrances, and dyes must be exclusively natural and approved for use in the food industry. A big plus will be the presence of disinfectants, which significantly increase safety. Many parents are happy to buy options marked "ECO", which are based on natural ingredients.
Detergent for children's dishes must be completely rinsed off not only with hot, but also with cold water. However, even the most harmless products must be washed off repeatedly with running water.
If parents do not want to leave their money in the pockets of manufacturers of household chemicals, then they can successfully use a popular folk remedy - dry mustard. This brown-yellow powder is completely safe for the human body, so accidentally remaining grains on children's dishes will not harm the baby in any way.
Dry mustard perfectly removes any dirt and grease from any surface and is very easy to rinse off. True, this tool has a certain drawback - if you take it directly with a sponge, then too much powder sticks and it is simply washed out with water. Ordinary salt shakers with holes that can be found in every home, as well as ready-made gruel in old bottles from household chemicals, will help solve this problem.
Another popular option is soda. Soaking children's dishes in a warm baking soda solution (especially overnight) makes it easy to remove even the most serious stains.
Laundry soap and homemade soap-based detergent also help keep baby bottles clean, but the soap leaves a thin film on the surface of the dishes, so rinsing in this case must be very thorough. For the comfort of mother's hands, a little glycerin can be added to detergents from laundry soap. A pleasant aroma to such products gives ordinary lemon juice.
How to wash?
Under no circumstances should you use sponges that clean dishes and cups for the whole family to care for children's dishes. The baby should have its own brushes, brushes and sponges.
Modern brushes, specially designed for washing "milk" bottles, are very convenient and functional. The bristles in such products are quite elastic, so it cleans the walls of the bottles well and does not scratch their surface. Many brushes are equipped with a soft sponge that perfectly rinses the bottom. Thanks to the suction cup on the bottom, the brush can be installed in a vertical position, thus protecting it from contact with not very clean surfaces.
An important point: no matter how convenient and expensive a baby bottle brush may seem, after a while it inevitably turns into a breeding ground for bacteria. Careful disinfection (for example, with vinegar) slightly extends the life of the product, but it still needs to be replaced periodically with a new one.
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Baby bottles - 42 answers
........ with non-child effects
I was horrified after reading the article:
Plastic dishes cause infertility If you drink from dishes made of polycarbonate plastic, the content of harmful compounds that affect the endocrine system increases in the body. Especially plastic bottles are harmful to babies.
77 Harvard College students were asked to use popular and convenient tableware. During the first week, the participants went through a "cleansing phase" where they drank cold drinks only from stainless steel bottles to flush out the remaining bisphenol A (diphenylolpropane, DPP) from the body. Then everyone was given polycarbonate bottles and asked only to use them for a week to store cold drinks. Participants submitted a urine test at the end of the cleansing phase and again after a week of using polycarbonate bottles. As a result, the concentration of DFP in the urine of students at the end of the week of using plastic dishes was 69% higher than at the end of the cleansing period. "The figure reflects the average BPA levels of any person using polycarbonate tableware," said Karin B Michels, professor of epidemiology at Harvard Medical School ( HSPH ), who led the study.
Previous discoveries have shown that bottled DPP affects reproductive function in animals and is associated with the development of cardiovascular disease and diabetes in humans. Bisphenol A disrupts animal hormones, leading to premature sexual maturity, changes in the formation and development of breast tissue, and reduced sperm production. DFP is most toxic for offspring in the early stages of embryonic development.
“Drinking cold plastic liquids for just one week increases urinary BPA levels by more than two-thirds. And when such dishes, such as those containing baby food, are heated, the chemical affects the body even more,” says Michels, explaining that “infants are extremely susceptible to endocrine-disrupting DFP. ”
Canada banned the use of polycarbonate in baby food utensils last year. In the US, six major plastic tableware companies have officially announced they are phasing out polycarbonate as a raw material. But despite this, rigid polycarbonate bottles are still often used by students, tourists and others as reusable containers for drinks. And many manufacturers still make baby bottles from it.
If the number 7 corresponds to the recycling symbol on a hard plastic bottle, this means that it is made of polycarbonate, since category No. 7 combines “all other plastics”, including polycarbonate. DFP is also found in dental filling materials and sealants used on aluminum food and beverage cans. It remains to nostalgic for the good Soviet times with cans, glass bottles and paper bags and carefully choose modern dishes for yourself and the kids.
Research published in the May issue of the journal Environmental Health Perspectives .
Polycarbonates - a group of thermoplastics, polyesters of carbonic acid and dihydric alcohols of the general formula (-O-R-O-CO-)n. Aromatic polycarbonates are of the greatest industrial importance, primarily polycarbonate based on bisphenol A due to the availability of bisphenol A, synthesized by the condensation of phenol and acetone.
Bisphenol A - Technical diphenylolpropane, DFP - a chemical substance in the form of white granules. According to the degree of impact on the body, it belongs to substances of the 3rd hazard class.
I was horrified, because my daughter has been drinking from a polycarbonate bottle of the AVENT brand for several years. At first it was baby formula, then the nipple on the bottle was changed to a special spout, and instead of the mixture there was already tea or compote. Yes, no doubt the bottle is convenient, the child likes it, but who would have thought that special children's tableware, and even a world-class brand, could be dangerous. Who knows, maybe the allergy that my child has is of this origin.
After reading the article, I went to the AVENT website, and in the FAQ section I read (underlined what I think shows the cynical and false statements):
What temperature is it recommended to heat the bottles to?
Studies have shown that the release of BPA from polycarbonate containers in liquids is highly dependent on the temperature of the liquid, i.e. the higher the temperature of the liquid, the higher the release of BPA. If you don't know what temperature to heat your bottles to, Philips AVENT recommends using a bottle warmer that heats liquid based on volume so you can keep track of the temperature. Microwave heating of bottles is not recommended as this may affect the composition of the breast milk or formula and heat the liquid unevenly. With regard to Bisphenol-A, there is evidence of the release of this element when heated to high temperatures, however, it should be remembered that the amount of Bisphenol-A released is much lower than the allowable dose established by the EFSA.
What is the Philips AVENT bottle number? There was information not to use products labeled 7.
The numbered label 7, which is often mentioned, is as follows:
Labeling with this number does NOT indicate the presence of bisphenol-A. This number indicates the type of plastic and how/possibility to recycle it. The number 7 is used to refer to several types of plastic, including both those that contain BPA and those that DO NOT CONTAIN BPA. The recycling code does not provide specific information about the BPA content. To help customers, Philips AVENT has developed a new, clearer label for baby food products.
Why are Philips AVENT bottles not labeled with a number?
The number marking indicates the types of plastic that can be recycled in different ways. To help consumers, Philips AVENT has developed a new, clearer label for BPA-free baby foods.
Does Philips AVENT agree not to use scratched or damaged bottles?
Yes. This is stated in the instructions for using the products: high concentration detergents can lead to plastic cracking. If this happens, replace the product immediately. We recommend following this rule not because the bottles contain BPA. Damaged bottles are more difficult to clean and more dangerous to use as there is an increased risk of fluid leakage and injury to the baby.
What is bisphenol-A?
Bisphenol-A is a chemical used primarily in the manufacture of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. Polycarbonate plastic is used in the manufacture of baby bottles, as well as plastic bottles, medical devices, sports equipment, etc. It is more resistant to cracking, which can cause injury.
Why do some scientists think BPA used in baby bottles is dangerous?
Some scientists are concerned that bisphenol-A can be released from plastic into the liquid contained in the bottle, especially when heated to high temperatures, and have a harmful effect on the body, in particular on the child's body. It should be remembered that to date, special studies on the effect of bisphenol-A on the human body have not been conducted, and the conclusions of scientists are mostly based on laboratory studies of animals, such as mice.
Why weren't BPA bottles banned around the world?
The use of plastic in baby bottles is regulated by various organizations such as EFSA (European Food Safety Authority). The agency's policy on this issue is clearly stated on the official EFSA website. In July 2008, EFSA published research data on differences in the excretion of bisphenol-A from the body of children and adults. The results showed that the dose of bisphenol-A received was below the acceptable daily intake (0.05 milligrams per kilogram of body weight) for both adults and newborns. It has been proven that when bisphenol-A enters the body, it is metabolized and excreted. The body of a newborn is also able to excrete bisphenol-A in quantities much higher than the allowable daily dose. To the question "What is the maximum allowable dose?" EFSA responded: "In order for a three-month-old baby weighing 6 kg to receive the maximum allowable daily dose, he needs to drink milk from a bottle 4 times the norm."
Do Philips AVENT bottles contain BPA?
Philips AVENT Airflex refillable bottles are made of polycarbonate and therefore contain BPA. As an alternative to polycarbonate plastic, you can use the Philips AVENT VIA feeding system and the Magic Series (Sportster cups and bottles), which are made of polypropylene or polyethylene and are BPA-free and also suitable for Philips AVENT nipples. Philips AVENT also launched refillable bottles made from BPA-free plastic.
Are there any plans to launch new BPA-free products?
We monitor demand in different markets, try to respond to all changes and meet the needs of our customers and partners in the retail industry.
How do I know if a product contains BPA?
Our new polyethersulfone refillable bottles are BPA-free.
Why are only BPA-free Philips AVENT bottles sold in North America?
Philips AVENT studies market demands to best meet the needs of consumers and retail partners. That's why we've added a BPA-free product to our range: a new reusable feeding bottle made from polyethersulfone. Based on our observation of the US market, we have come to the conclusion that the demand for BPA-free products has increased significantly, which is why some of our partners have begun to supply only BPA-free products to the market. Late last year, we made the decision to only supply BPA-free products to our US retail partners.
Can you confirm that the PES bottle is BPA free?
Independent testing and supplier's letter of guarantee has shown that the polyethersulfone used in the manufacture of bottles does not contain BPA.
Do Philips AVENT breast pumps contain BPA?
Some parts of iQ breast pumps are made of polycarbonate and therefore contain BPA. Some scientists are concerned that BPA may be released from the plastic into the liquid contained in the bottle, especially when heated to high temperatures. Since fluid is not stored in breast pumps, there is no cause for concern. Philips AVENT monitors demand in different markets and strives to meet the needs of customers and retail partners. We understand the importance of choice, which is why we created a BPA-free PES breast pump.
What material are the new BPA-free bottles made from?
Polyethersulfone - BPA-free, gold-coloured plastic.
When and where will new bottles be available?
We are now actively distributing BPA-free products as we believe they are the best addition to our existing wide range of baby feeding products. Polyethersulfone (BPA free) bottles are currently available in North America, Australia, China (including Hong Kong), Chile, France, Germany, New Zealand, Scandinavia, Singapore, Taiwan, UK.
Are items containing polycarbonate being phased out?
We have been manufacturing bottles for 25 years and stand behind the quality of our products. We carefully study the requirements of the market in order to best meet the needs of consumers and partners in the retail industry.
Are Philips AVENT bottles made of polycarbonate safe?
The use of plastic in baby bottles is regulated by various organizations such as EFSA (European Food Safety Authority). The agency's policy on this issue is clearly stated on the official EFSA website. In July 2008, EFSA published research data on differences in the excretion of bisphenol-A from the body of children and adults. The results showed that the dose of bisphenol-A received was below the acceptable daily intake (0.05 milligrams per kilogram of body weight) for both adults and newborns. It has been proven that when bisphenol-A enters the body, it is metabolized and excreted. The body of a newborn is also able to excrete bisphenol-A in quantities much higher than the allowable daily dose. To the question "What is the maximum allowable dose?" EFSA responded: "In order for a three-month-old baby weighing 6 kg to receive an acceptable daily dose, he needs to drink milk from a bottle 4 times the norm."
How did the company respond to Health Canada's ban?
Following Health Canada's ban on the sale of BPA bottles, we have made the decision to only supply BPA-free products to the Canadian market.
Yesterday I went to a large pharmacy selling AVENT bottles and asked an employee about the availability of AVENT bottles made of polyethersulfone (see above). The first thing she told me was:
"What are your allergies?"
Then she started explaining to me that they only sell polycarbonate, and in conclusion she added:
listed, I did not report.