Pampered chef baby food
How I Made My Own Baby Food
May 12, 2020 in Food & Drink, Kitchen Tips & Tools 1
Homemade Baby FoodFirst Attempt at Making Baby Food
I tried to make baby food for my first daughter, Emily, in 2016. I thought I’d be that mom who makes everything from scratch, uses cloth diapers, and sings lullabies in other languages. But then the realities of being a new mom set in.
I did some of those things, but the baby food situation was a disaster. Our blender was not up to the task. And, I wasn’t prepared for all the conflicting information online about what babies should eat and their nutritional needs. The research, planning, and resulting mess of spinach slime all over my kitchen counters had me running for store-bought food pouches. It was all too overwhelming for me as a new sleep-deprived mom.
And, let me be clear. Store-bought baby food pouches are great. They were what I needed at the time, and my now 3-year-old is happy, healthy, and still eats her broccoli—for now. But, I was ready to try homemade baby food again when I had my second baby.
Second Attempt—Success!
After I had my second daughter, Molly, I purchased a Deluxe Cooking Blender. I had heard so many good things about it from consultants and in customer reviews. Its powerful puree setting cooks food up to 220˚F as it blends even the toughest veggies completely smooth. And, the self-cleaning feature made a huge difference to me when I needed to make a variety of purees for the week. The whole experience was so much better than my first attempt.
It also helped to have some basic baby food recipes I trusted as a starting point. I learned from Tim Hagedorn in the Test Kitchen that during their recipe research, they used a viscometer to test the viscosity of several major baby food brands. The Test Kitchen then set a high standard for baby food recipes that taste good and have a similar consistency to familiar brands. So, when I followed those recipe proportions, I felt reassured I was making “stage-one”, single-ingredient baby foods with a very thin consistency and no large pieces.
Once I got these few recipes down, and Molly got past stage-one foods, I started to adjust the recipes by using less water, swapping in formula, and mixing up my own flavor combinations, which was really fun.
Baby Food Recipes
Homemade Applesauce
You don’t need to have littles at home to make homemade applesauce in a blender, but these recipe portions are perfect for six servings in 4-oz. portions. It’s just ¼ cup of filtered water and 6½ cups of peeled organic apples. Then, select the Heated Puree setting and press start. Let the baby food cool to room temperature, uncovered, before refrigerating or freezing. That’s it!
When your child is ready, here are more applesauce recipes with delicious hidden veggie combinations!
Hidden Veggie ApplesaucePear Puree Baby Food
Start with ¼ cup of filtered water and add 6 cups of peeled organic pear chunks or about five pears. While these recipes call for organic produce, I know that’s not always possible to get. I would often choose whatever produce I could find at a good price. Or, for convenience, I used frozen fruit as long as there was no added sugar.
Carrot Puree Baby Food
Carrot puree was a hit and tasted so good that I added it into pasta sauce, soups, and mac & cheese for the rest of my family. You use ¼ cup of filtered water and 3¼ cups of organic carrot cut into chunks. That’s about a 1-lb. bag.
Sweet Potato PureeSweet Potato Puree Baby Food
Sweet potatoes, especially Southwest Stuffed Sweet Potatoes are a staple weeknight meal at our house, so when I started feeding sweet potato puree to Molly, her older sister immediately wanted a little dish of it, too. It’s ¼ cup of filtered water and about three peeled organic sweet potatoes, which makes about 3½ cups.
Once my baby moved past basic flavors, sweet potato became a good base to build onto with other flavors like applesauce or squash. I made a layered sweet potato and corn puree that looked very pretty when it was frozen. I did a separate black bean puree and would mix all three flavors together, so Molly could have her own version of the family’s favorite sweet potato dinner.
Green Pea Puree Baby Food
This recipe is just ¼ cup of filtered water and 4 cups of frozen organic sweet peas. If unthawed, it measures to 3¼ cups, but I just went with frozen peas. This is another great base puree for combinations with pear, green bean, or chicken puree once your baby is ready.
Baby Food Favorites
These days, I’m only in the baby food aisle taking pictures to get inspiration for flavor combinations. A couple of big wins for Molly were garlic chicken with spinach puree, broccoli with applesauce puree, and frozen mango puree that I made into ice shavings for teething relief. I’m a little sad my baby is moving past purees, but my 3-year-old loves frozen smoothie pops, so more blender experiments to come!
Have you made baby food? What tips and ideas have worked for you? Share them in the comments below!
Jenny Domine, Pampered Chef Senior Copywriter. Jenny has worked at Pampered Chef for 10 years writing and editing emails, webpages, promotions, and video scripts. She believes cooking should be a playful experience, and never makes the exact same recipe twice.
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10 Pampered Chef Products Every Mom Needs
Just about every baby registry I’ve seen is filled with items that are helpful during the baby years, but become useless thereafter.
Why are we wasting so much money on temporary gadgets?
There are plenty of quality items out there that can do the same things these baby gadgets are designed to do… and more! Especially in the kitchen.
No, they won’t be as cute or baby-themed, but let me let you in on something: the kids don’t care! So long as their snack or food is done fast, whether or not it was diced with a bright-colored processor with happy faces on it is irrelevant.
Now, I will admit that I have bought all kinds of baby food making gadgets. Which is EXACTLY why I am here to keep YOU from making the same mistake. Buying quality cooking tools instead of baby gadgets will save you money and much-needed space in your kitchen.
Like where I’m going with this?
Some of my favorite baby and toddler food making items are from Pampered Chef because they are quality cooking tools that serve multiple purposes and make my life somewhat EASIER. (Who doesn’t want that?)
Just so we’re clear, I don’t sell Pampered Chef, but I do love some of their products and just had to let you in on what works well for me. So here’s a list of 10 Pampered Chef Products every Mom needs that’ll work through the baby/toddler feeding years and beyond…
1) Pizza & Crust Cutter– Not just for pizza or crust anymore, Mom! With this handy tool, you can cut pizza, sandwiches, quesadillas- you name it (get creative!) into bite-sized chunks. It’s fast, easy and neat. You can continue to use it afterward for all the same functions.
2) Manual Food Processor– Bye-Bye Baby Magic Bullet or whatever kid-specific gadget you have on your registry. Use this adult gadget to puree baby food or chop up toddler food. It comes with a lid, which makes food storage super convenient and what’s great is you can use it to make other foods like salsa, guacamole, breadcrumbs, etc… Save some space in those cabinets with a manual food processor that’s good during and after the baby years.
3) 1-Cup Prep Bowls- I love all the prep bowls, but for the purpose of making and storing baby food, let’s focus on the 1-cup size. You can store baby food, leftovers or snacks in these 1-cup, glass, measuring bowls. No need to worry about toxic plastic storage. They can also be used as storage for cut up onions, small portions of leftovers, lunch storage, as a measuring cup or as the name states- for prepping food.
4) Flexible Cutting Mats- These are perfect for cutting up just about anything your toddler needs in bite-sized chunks. The small size fits 4 slices of bread on it perfectly, making multiple sandwiches at the same time easy. Outside of the realm of food prep, they can also be used as a mat for crafts and play dough fun. They are lightweight and have measurement marks, making them perfect for so many of your cutting needs.
5) Measuring Colander – Now you can wash small handfuls (or up to 3 cups) of blueberries, strawberries, tomatoes or grapes without dropping any in the sink or pulling out the giant colander. Your little ones can clean their fruits themselves, as this colander cup comes with a handle. It’s a great size and so useful in the kitchen.
6) Toaster Tongs- Safely remove toast, waffles, bagels or anything else that gets stuck in your toaster with these wooden tongs. They’re a pretty handy item to have around in the kitchen- even for adults.
7) Citrus Peeler– Get your kids closer to being independent with this handy tool. It safely punctures and peels oranges easily. No more sticky mess to clean up. It’s great for both kids and adults.
8) Apple Wedger- Neatly cuts and cores an apple in about 5 seconds. It’s great to use for a quick snack- no more cutting with a knife.
9) Food chopper- Another great tool to quickly dice up food into size-appropriate chunks for the baby/toddler. It is also great for chopping just about everything that you need to prep or dice up- garlic, onions, celery, etc… all quickly and painlessly.
10) Cut & Seal- Do you have a toddler that needs the crust cut off? Here’s a quick way to make a sandwich, cut off the crusts and keep the insides from falling out. Subsequently, it can be used to make snacks, pastries and more.
So there you have it- quality cooking tools that make everyday baby/toddler feedings a little easier. They also save you money by serving multiple purposes and your family won’t outgrow their use.
10 #PamperedChef Products that every Mom Needs! Check it out: Click To Tweet
Check out this Personalized Pizza Stone Activity for Kids post for a great activity for the family that includes creating AND cooking with your kids using Pampered Chef stones.
If you are interested in some of these products but don’t know any Pampered Chef Consultants, I do! She’s been with the company 13 years and can school you on everything Pampered Chef. Her name is Jean and her Pampered Chef website is:
If you don’t have a toddler or are past that phase, she can also make a few great recommendations for you based on your particular cooking needs.
If you’re wondering about which baby gadgets are worth the investment, check out my post on 10 Smart Baby Buys and check out my popular posts, Getting Kids to Listen Without Losing It and Trader Joe’s $2 Shiraz.
Disclosure: I am not affiliated with Pampered Chef in any way, other than the fact that I use and like their products. I have not been compensated in any way for this post. I simply recommend these products because they work well for me.
So now it’s your turn- what are your favorite cooking tools that won’t outgrow your family?
Pamela is a Freelance Writer, Blogger, WAHM of 3, and Veteran Military Wife living in Southwest Texas. Raised in the Northeast and having lived a few years in the Pacific Northwest, she likes to write about mom life, parenting, frugal living, experiences, and WINE. (Lots of wine!) When she’s not busy chasing toddlers around, you can find her on the blog or on social media. Check her out on Instagram:
Baby food chef, 5th grade
Baby food chef, 5th grade
Home Catalog Public catering Chef of baby food of the 5th category
Being in good physical shape, a person does not think about the quality and mode of his diet. Meanwhile, health and life expectancy depend on the degree of proper nutrition. In children and adults, the need for the total amount of food and for individual nutrients is different. The diet of the child, first of all, depends on age, it is also necessary to take into account the needs of growth and development. nine0003
Supplying the child's body with sufficient amounts of essential nutrients and trace elements is an important task facing the organizers of child nutrition in various institutions. Rational selection of products, taking into account their compatibility with each other is the basis of a balanced diet, the key to providing the child's body with everything necessary for normal life. During the period of active growth of children, it is necessary to pay special attention to the quantity, quality, composition of nutrition, and the diet. nine0003
A baby food chef is one of the most important specialists on whom the health and physical development of a child depends.
Teachers-practitioners of the Academy developed a program of vocational training for the profession of a worker Chef of baby food. The program is suitable for you if you want to provide food for children in a kindergarten, nursery, nursery-kindergarten, school canteen, children's consultations, boarding schools, baby homes, orphanages and other institutions.
A baby food chef will also be in demand in catering organizations (restaurant, cafe, bar, fast food establishments, buffet, cafeteria, snack bar, canteen, culinary department) that develop a special children's menu for their little guests. Training as a baby food chef will give you the opportunity to work in any of these places. nine0003
The three-month training program was developed by practicing teachers in accordance with the requirements of the unified tariff and qualification guide and covers all aspects of work in the profession. You will know the features of baby food, you will be able to independently develop a daily diet for a child of different ages, you will be able to cook not only healthy, but also very tasty dishes that will impress any kid.
Upon completion of training, you will receive a Certificate of the profession of a worker Cook of baby food of the 5th category. nine0003
Qualification requirements for the profession
The mode and nature of the child's nutrition
Basic nutrition for schoolchildren
Child nutrition standards
Healthy products for child nutrition
Requirements for basic education
Distance learning format
Certificate of the profession of a worker / position of an employee 90 about the profession of a worker / position of an employee
Tuition fees
Tuition discounts
Electronic library
Documents received
Baby food cook, 5th category
300 hours
Training format:
Remote, on-the-job
A selection of free video lessons
Ultrasound diagnostics
Dadayan Arsen Rudolfovich
Ultrasound doctor, surgeon of the highest qualification category
Viktoria Aleksandrovna Protopopova
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Expert of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science
Manual Therapy. Lumbar spine correction techniques (MET, HVLA-manipulation, mobilization)
Mikhail Andreevich Grigoryev
Manual therapist
Fundamentals of forensic examination
Lyudmila Panteleevna Melnikova 9
Judge in Zheleznodorozhny district0003
Online intensive training for the qualification exam in real estate valuation
Belyaeva Elena Viktorovna
Member of the expert council of the National College of Appraisers
New opportunities for the treatment of chronic heart failure
Candidate of Cardiologist Elvira 902
Qualification requirements for coaching and instructor staff under the new requirements of supervisory authorities
Viktoria Aleksandrovna Protopopova
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Expert of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science
Types of sports training University. Candidate for Master of Sports
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A lot of practical materials were given, I am grateful for that. We are now transferring sports schools from additional education to the sports committee, and everyone had to retrain. thank you very much for your timely help. from
There are very few offers on the Internet for advanced training in social protection of the population. We were glad when they called us with an offer. With these professional standards, a lot of changes are already underway and it was difficult to navigate. Now we have an idea what to do with it. and job descriptions helped to do. nine0003
Convenient platform, lectures, videos, tests, everything is very compact and interesting. useful webinars and well done, the university staff thought of everything and the time difference. It was interesting for me to communicate with colleagues from other regions.
Thank you for the opportunity to grow professionally! She completed advanced training courses "Methods of teaching history and social science in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard". These are my first courses that I finished here, I don’t want to stop there, I have a desire to take other directions. Great teachers, well designed curriculum. I recommend! nine0003
Trained from July to December. The training was at the highest level. Up-to-date educational materials, webinars, master classes, training at a convenient time for me. The curator promptly answered, solved all current issues. Thanks to the organizers of the course!
It took me a long time to choose a normal University for retraining. So that they not only give a diploma, but knowledge is also needed ... how to work? 2 children came to our school - oligophrenic, diploma - good, but what should I do with them? and here, normal materials were given, and simulators, and even fresh adapted programs. I am very thankful. Now it's rare to unlearn like this - and so that everything fits together: the price, the knowledge and the human approach. thanks to the team. smarties! nine0003
This program has admission requirements:
persons who previously did not have the profession of a worker or an office worker.
for enrollment, one of the following documents is required:
- certificate of basic general education;
certificate of secondary general education;
certificate of secondary (complete) general education;
certificate of secondary education;
certificate of secondary education nine0140
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For payment (entering your card details) you will be redirected to the Yukassa payment gateway. We do not store card data on our side. All that the academy remembers is the first 6 and last 4 digits of the card number, the expiration date, and a special code (token) that we transfer to the Yukassa payment gateway for payment. The connection with the payment gateway and the transfer of information is carried out in a secure mode using the SSL encryption protocol. If your bank supports the technology of secure online payments Verified By Visa, MasterCard SecureCode, MIR Accept, J-Secure, you may also need to enter a special password to make a payment. nine0003
Baby food chef
Baby food chef
Home Catalog Preschool education Baby food chef
Documents received
Baby food cook
300 hours
Training format:
Remote, on-the-job
Regulatory Environment for Catering.![]() | 16 hours nine0186 | 6 hours | 10 hours nine0186 |
Fundamentals of Physiology, Sanitation and Hygiene in Baby Food.![]() | twenty hours nine0186 | eight hours | 12 hours nine0186 |
Quality control of baby food products.![]() | twenty hours | nine0185 eight hours12 hours nine0186 | |
Professional Ethics.![]() | 26 hours | nine0185 12 hoursfourteen hours nine0186 | |
Technical equipment and organization of the workplace of the cook.![]() | thirty hours nine0186 | 10 hours | twenty hours nine0186 |
Technologies for preparing dishes, drinks, culinary products for baby food.![]() | 98 hours nine0186 | 32 hours | 66 hours nine0186 |
Fundamentals of Calculation and Accounting in Catering.![]() | thirty hours | nine0185 eight hours22 hours nine0186 | |
Occupational safety and fire safety in catering organizations.![]() | 16 hours nine0186 | 6 hours | 10 hours nine0186 |
Educational practice (industrial training).![]() | 12 hours | nine0185 --12 hours nine0186 | |
Internship .![]() | 24 hours | nine0185 --24 hours nine0186 | |
Interdisciplinary Final Exam.![]() | eight hours | nine0185 ---- nine0186 |
A selection of free video lessons
Ultrasound diagnostics
Dadayan Arsen Rudolfovich
Ultrasound doctor, surgeon of the highest qualification category
Protopopova Victoria Alexandrovna
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Expert of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science
Manual therapy. Lumbar spine correction techniques (MET, HVLA-manipulation, mobilization)
Mikhail Andreevich Grigoriev
Manual therapist
Fundamentals of forensic examination
Melnikova Lyudmila Panteleevna
Judge, retired, Zheleznodorozhny district
Online intensive preparation for the qualification exam in real estate valuation
Belyaeva Elena Viktorovna
Member of the Expert Council of the National Board of Specialists-Assessors
New opportunities for the treatment of chronic heart failure
Elvira Huseynova
Candidate of Medical Sciences, cardiologist
Victoria Alexandrovna Protopopova
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Expert of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science
Types of sports training
Agafonov Sergey Valerievich Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Physical Culture and Sports, Don State Technical University. Candidate for Master of Sports
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A lot of practical materials were given, I am grateful for that. We are now transferring sports schools from additional education to the sports committee, and everyone had to retrain. thank you very much for your timely help. from
There are very few offers on the Internet for advanced training in social protection of the population. We were glad when they called us with an offer. With these professional standards, a lot of changes are already underway and it was difficult to navigate. Now we have an idea what to do with it. and job descriptions helped to do. nine0003
Convenient platform, lectures, videos, tests, everything is very compact and interesting. useful webinars and well done, the university staff thought of everything and the time difference. It was interesting for me to communicate with colleagues from other regions.
Thank you for the opportunity to grow professionally! She completed advanced training courses "Methods of teaching history and social science in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard". These are my first courses that I finished here, I don’t want to stop there, I have a desire to take other directions. Great teachers, well designed curriculum. I recommend! nine0003
Trained from July to December. The training was at the highest level. Up-to-date educational materials, webinars, master classes, training at a convenient time for me. The curator promptly answered, solved all current issues. Thanks to the organizers of the course!
It took me a long time to choose a normal University for retraining. So that they not only give a diploma, but knowledge is also needed ... how to work? 2 children came to our school - oligophrenic, diploma - good, but what should I do with them? and here, normal materials were given, and simulators, and even fresh adapted programs. I am very thankful. Now it's rare to unlearn like this - and so that everything fits together: the price, the knowledge and the human approach. thanks to the team. smarties! nine0003
This program has admission requirements:
persons who previously did not have the profession of a worker or an office worker.
for enrollment, one of the following documents is required:
- certificate of basic general education;
certificate of secondary general education;
certificate of secondary (complete) general education;
certificate of secondary education;
certificate of secondary education nine0140
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For payment (entering your card details) you will be redirected to the Yukassa payment gateway. We do not store card data on our side. All that the academy remembers is the first 6 and last 4 digits of the card number, the expiration date, and a special code (token) that we transfer to the Yukassa payment gateway for payment.