Parents choice baby foods
Baby Formula Brand Information | Parent's Choice Formula
No Parent's Choice Infant Formulas Are Involved in or Impacted by Abbott’s Recall. Read more
Why Millions of Parents Choose Our Baby Formula Brand
Introduced in 1998, Parent's Choice™ Infant Formula has been a leading choice for feeding babies made by millions of parents across the United States. Parent's Choice™ is Walmart's exclusive, private brand that today extends beyond infant formula:
- Baby and Toddler Foods including Yogurt Bites, Cereals, Cereal Bars, Little Puffs®, Little Fruits®, Little Munchers™, and Little Wheels™
- Toddler Formula for Older Infants
- Ready-to-Drink Pediatric Nutritional Beverages
- Pediatric Electrolyte Rehydration Solution and Powder Sticks
The Parent's Choice™ family of baby and toddler products is exclusively available at Walmart locations.
Our Infant Formula Meets or Exceeds the Highest Quality Standards
Why do so many Americans choose our infant formulas to meet their infant nutrition requirements? The reason is more and more parents are discovering the truth about Parent's Choice™ Infant Formula. Our formula is:
- Nutritionally comparable to all the expensive baby formula brands, including Enfamil®, Similac®, and Gerber® "national brand" infant formulas.
- Meets FDA nutritional standards and the recommendations of the AAP – the American Academy of Pediatrics.
- Clinically proven to support growth and development.*
- Easy to digest and has been well tolerated by millions of babies.
In addition, a new study on switching baby formula by pediatric medical researchers found that Parent's Choice™ Infant Formula is clinically proven to be as well tolerated as national brand formulas.
Higher price doesn't equal higher quality and all brands of formula must meet the same requirements according to FDA's regulation of commercial infant formulas. That's the truth.
Produced in FDA-Inspected Facilities
Parent's Choice Infant Formulas are produced in factories located in Ohio and Vermont, U. S.A. Our dairy ingredients are sourced from leading dairy markets, including the United States, Canada, and New Zealand. The FDA-inspected, ISO 9001:2015-certified facility has been producing infant formulas for more than 30 years in strict compliance with good manufacturing practices (GMP).
Our main focus is on quality and compliance; our manufacturing operations and facilities adhere to the Infant Formula Act and meet supplemental certification requirements. For example, we are compliant with the Safe Quality Food (SQF) Program, which certifies our food safety and quality management system adheres to international and domestic food safety regulations.
We also maintain other certifications for specific consumers:
- We are certified kosher by the Orthodox Union (OU). This means that Parent's Choice™ Infant Formula can be consumed by all those who observe kosher dietary laws or who have other dietary requirements.
- We are approved by Quality Assurance International (QAI) to manufacture organic formula that is compliant with comprehensive USDA organic regulations.
Ultimately, all Parent's Choice™ Infant Formulas meet the nutritional levels recommended by the U.S. National Academy of Science-National Research Council and the American Academy of Pediatrics, the largest organization of pediatricians dedicated to the health and well-being of infants and children.
Our Infant Formula Meets FDA Nutrition and Quality Standards
More moms and dads realize that all manufacturers of infant formula must begin with safe food ingredients that are approved for use in infant formula. This means our formulas meet the nutritional requirements of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act for infant formula under the regulation of the FDA. Infant Formula is often relied on as a sole source of nutrition, which is why formula quality and safety requirements are governed by federal law.
Manufacturers are also required to provide FDA assurance of the nutritional quality of each infant formula before it can be marketed to moms, dads, and other caregivers. In addition, requirements for specific labeling, nutrient content, and quality control measures must be met and documentation including records and reports must be submitted to FDA for verification.
Great Savings and Value: Save Up to $600 a Year on Infant Formula
We know that having babies and raising children gets expensive. That's why we offer a baby formula calculator to help you compare and discover the potential savings by switching formula. Parents can save up to $600 a year* with Parent's Choice™ Infant Formula.
*Studied before the addition of prebiotics.
**Formulas and their comparable national brands. Retail prices are from a October 2017 retail price survey of assorted Wal-Mart stores. Actual prices and savings may vary by store and location. Enfamil® is a registered trademark of Mead Johnson & Co. Similac® is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. Gerber® is a registered trademark of Société des Produits Nestlé, S.A. Parent's Choice™ Infant Formula is not made by or affiliated with Mead Johnson & Co. , Abbott Laboratories, or Société des Produits Nestlé, S.A.
Walmart Store Locator | Parent's Choice Formula
No Parent's Choice Infant Formulas Are Involved in or Impacted by Abbott’s Recall. Read more
Parent's Choice Infant Formulas are available exclusively at Walmart. Enter your zip code below to find your nearest Walmart.
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Buy Baby Formula Online/In Bulk
Use our store locator or buy Parent's Choice on the web at Buying formula in bulk and online is a great way to plan ahead and save time, gas, and money. Consumer Reports recommends buying store brands online and in bulk in the largest containers you can find. Visit today if you want to purchase baby formula online so you never run out at home.
Whether you buy in-store or online, make certain to check the “use by” date and follow formula preparation and storage instructions exactly as they appear on the label.
Ask Your Doctor about Parent's Choice
Choosing an infant formula brand can be a challenge for many parents because there are so many different types of baby formula on the market today with different price tags. To help simplify matters for a discussion, break it down and ask your physician to explain the differences between our Parent's Choice brand and the nutritionally comparable national brand.
For example, if you use Enfamil® Infant and are thinking of switching baby formula, ask your doctor about switching to Parent's Choice Infant Formula. Many new moms have anxiety over choosing an infant formula and often overlook the cost of formula and end up paying for a more expensive national brand. Your doctor will tell you that Parent's Choice Infant Formulas are required to meet the same standards and guidelines as national brand formulas, so you can have peace of mind knowing your baby will get high quality nutrition at a tremendous value.
Survey Says
According to a recent study that involved more than 1900 expectant and first-time moms,* nearly 60% of moms experience stress because of their personal finances or the economy. An additional 53% of these women admit that thoughts about their baby product budgets trouble them every day. Further, approximately 37% of new or expectant moms in this study said they felt guilty if they cannot afford a specific product for their babies.
Despite these admitted financial concerns regarding baby products, only 30% of the respondents were willing to buy store brand products for their babies, while 52% will buy store brands for other everyday household items. Most of the moms in the study (62%) believe that national brand baby products provide higher quality than store brand products, and 37% believe national brands offer better nutrition.
Based on the results of this study and the rise in infant formula stretching, new moms need to be fully informed by their trusted pediatricians regarding the nutritional value of store brands like Parent's Choice so they can make informed decisions regarding their infant's nutritional needs.
If you are still thinking about switching formula, ask your doctor about Parent's Choice Formula and learn the truth about infant formula.
*Enfamil® and Enfamil® Infant are trademarks of Mead Johnson & Co.
Parent's Choice Infant Formula is neither made by nor affiliated with Mead Johnson & Co.
Brand New Mom Study. Perrigo Data on file.
What parents base their choices on baby food and baby products
Our partner, Nielsen, provided data on parental preferences when choosing baby food and baby products. For example, half of new parents do not trust private labels in the baby food and diaper categories, but sales of retail branded diapers increased by 170% in the first half of 2015.
Every second Russian consumer (54%) who has purchased such products over the past five years received the first information about food products for the youngest child in the family from family members and friends, a new Nielsen study shows.
42% of Russians got acquainted with products for the first time in the store itself (42%), 35% - through doctors and other baby food specialists. 29% made their choice based on TV ads, 20% got the necessary information from blogs about children.
When choosing a brand and type of food product for children, the majority of Russian consumers (41%) primarily look at the quality of ingredients, 34% are looking for completely natural products. A third (33%) are driven by brand authority. 40% of respondents do not forget about the price-quality ratio.
When it comes to choosing diapers for babies, the first criterion for Russian consumers is whether a brand's product is suitable for sensitive skin and whether it provides reliable protection (38%). Also, for 38%, value for money in general is important. Almost a third of respondents (29%) are concerned about how comfortable the chosen product is to wear.
Russian consumers treat private labels in children's categories with caution. Thus, 48% do not buy private label diapers, and 34% believe that the quality of name brands in this category is higher than that of private labels.
As for food products for children, 47% of respondents do not purchase private label products, and a third (32%) believe that the quality of private labels does not reach the level of name brands. “The weak growth in the share of private brands in baby food categories and the positive dynamics of brand sales despite a noticeable increase in prices indicate the willingness of Russian parents to pay the asking price for a quality product, but at the same time their increased quality requirements. Investment in the brand and strict discipline in relation to standards will continue to insure baby food manufacturers from the consequences of consumers trying to save money,” said Yulia Marueva, Head of the Nielsen Russia food market group.
Nielsen retail audit data confirms the veracity of the words about distrust of private labels in baby food: in the first half of 2015, the share of private labels in this market was 8% in physical terms, showing a slight increase of 1% compared to the same period a year earlier. With regard to diapers, words seem to differ from deeds: over the same period, the share of sales of products under the brands of chains in physical terms within the category rose from 2.5% to 6.5%.
82% of Russian consumers switched between baby food brands. The main reasons for refusing to buy familiar products were favorable recommendations from acquaintances and friends to another brand (40%) and the absence of a commonly purchased product on the shelf (32%). Approximately the same number of consumers (24-25%) bought a new brand for themselves due to its cheapness, the need to change the old product for medical reasons, as well as on the recommendation of doctors.
The situation is somewhat different regarding the motivation to change the brand of baby diapers. The most common reason was the lack of a familiar product on sale (39%), as well as positive reviews from acquaintances and friends and a lower price (26% and 27%, respectively). Medical indications were guided by 24% of respondents in Russia.
The baby food market in the first half of 2015 grew by 2% in physical terms compared to the same period last year. Positive dynamics (+5%) within the market was shown by the category of baby milk, and viscous baby food (+3%) also increased in sales. In general, the market remains stable despite the rise in prices: on average, over the first half of the year, the price in the categories increased by 15%, for viscous food - by almost 20%, for baby milk - by 16%, for baby dry food - by 15%.
The category of diapers in the first half of 2015 grew by 8% in volume terms, with an average price increase of 22% compared to a year earlier. Despite similar price increases in private labels, retailer-branded diapers gained 170% in sales compared to the first half of 2014. The growth was made possible thanks to the lower price of private label diapers - such diapers are on average 30% cheaper than branded counterparts, as well as increased distribution in the channel of hypermarkets and specialized stores.
The Nielsen Global Baby Care Survey was conducted from February 23 to March 13, 2015. In total, more than 30,000 consumers from 60 countries in the Asia-Pacific region, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and North America were surveyed. The sample was formed according to gender and age quotas for each country, taking into account the number of Internet users in a particular country. It was then weighted to achieve representativeness of Internet consumers; the maximum sampling error is ±0.6%. This Nielsen study is based on the behavior of only those respondents who have Internet access.
5 baby food trends that attract parents - Encyclopedia Baby food
Viktoria Levchuk©
Vkus. Texture. Smell. It's worth thinking about all the things that are vital to a positive customer experience—things that are likely to encourage repeat purchases.
Consider baby food. What leads to a positive consumer experience? Usually, parents make purchasing decisions based on how they perceive the product and how it affects the health of the child.
Sales of baby food are independent of factors that are usually important in other categories of consumption because parents decide what to buy based on their experience and fashion for healthy food. Of course, taste and texture are important when choosing baby food, as it can increase future purchases. Perhaps more than any other consumption category, baby food sales depend on the positive health benefits associated with the product.
After all, the child is fed only healthy complementary foods. Below are 5 baby food trends that attract today's parents and are the main criteria when choosing complementary foods for a child.
1. Ancient Grains
Grains have long been popular in baby food. Usually, a child is fed rice, buckwheat, oatmeal from cereals. But now they are being replaced by grains that carry even more nutritional value: ancient grains. Also known as heritage grains, popular varieties include quinoa, quinoa, teff, millet, and chia.
Ancient grains are high in protein, fiber, and several vitamins and minerals, and help strengthen the heart, intestines, and immune system, among other benefits.
2. Natural nutrition
Parents do not want to feed their children food that has been synthetically developed in a laboratory or genetically engineered. Returning to a natural diet is high on the list of priorities for parents.
The concept that we should nourish children's bodies with nutrients from natural whole foods. Therefore, many parents carefully read the composition of baby food in order to choose a product without additives, without artificial or synthetic ingredients.
3. All the colors of the rainbow
It is important for a child to eat not only natural complementary foods, but also to choose baby food from a variety of colorful foods. For the most part, the color of fruits and vegetables corresponds to specific chemical compounds in food. The color of the product that the child eats ultimately affects his health, which is why it is so important to feed the child in a colorful and varied way.
This is used by manufacturers of baby food. Beautiful and vibrant packaging, inspired by the colorful food it contains, helps brands stand out in aisles filled with baby food. The vibrant colors and images imply a natural connection with children, making this trend even more perfect for baby food.
Listed below are some of the health benefits that different colors of fruits and vegetables can provide.
Blue/violet color | Fights with an inflammation of Improves memory Protects cells from damage |
Helpers the health heart disease | |
White color | Supports bones Helps reduce cholesterol Balances hormones |
Red color | helps to reduce: - risk of diabetes 9000 - Improves skin quality |
Green | Helps rid the body of toxins Helps heal tissue Supports a healthy immune system |