Philips 4 in 1 healthy baby food maker
4-in-1 healthy baby food maker SCF875/02
4-in-1 healthy baby food maker SCF875/02 | Philips support search iconSearch terms
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{{{sitetextsObj.totalReview}}} {{{sitetextsObj.recommendPercentage}}}
- {{#each ratingBreakdown}}
- {{ratingValue}} Show {{ratingValue}} star ratings only {{/each}}
- {{#each userReviews}}
{{this.UserNickname}} {{date this.SubmissionTime ../this.dateFormat}}
{{#if this.Badges}} {{#if this.Badges.StaffYes}}
Philips Employee
{{/if}} {{#if this.
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{{/if}} {{#if this.Badges.incentivizedReview}}
Part of promotion This reviewer received an incentive to write this review. An incentive can be a coupon, sample product, sweepstakes entry, loyalty points, or other token of value in exchange for writing a review for this product.
{{/if}} {{#if this.Badges.Expert}}
Expert opinion This opinion was written by a professional in the field after testing a product provided by Philips
{{/if}} {{/if}}
{{#if this.IsRecommended}}
Yes, I recommend this product
{{this.UserNickname}} {{#with ContextDataValues}}
- {{#iff Gender 'and' Gender.
- Male {{/iff}} {{#iff Gender.Value 'eq' 'Female'}}
- Female {{/iff}} {{/iff}} {{#iff Age 'and' Age.ValueLabel}}
- Age {{Age.ValueLabel}} {{/iff}} {{#iff HowManyPeopleLiveInYourHousehold 'and' HowManyPeopleLiveInYourHousehold.ValueLabel}}
- {{{replaceString 'Family Household of {number}' '{number}' HowManyPeopleLiveInYourHousehold.ValueLabel}}} {{/iff}}
- {{{replaceString 'Votes {number}' '{number}' ../TotalFeedbackCount}}}

{{/with}} {{date this.SubmissionTime ../this.dateFormat}}
{{#if this.Badges}} {{#if this.Badges.StaffYes}}Philips Employee
{{/if}} {{#if this.Badges.verifiedPurchaser}}Verified buyer
{{/if}} {{#if this.Badges.incentivizedReview}}Part of promotion This reviewer received an incentive to write this review. An incentive can be a coupon, sample product, sweepstakes entry, loyalty points, or other token of value in exchange for writing a review for this product.
Expert opinion This opinion was written by a professional in the field after testing a product provided by Philips
{{/if}} {{/if}}{{this.Title}}
{{#if this.IsRecommended}}
Yes, I recommend this product
{{#if this.AdditionalFields.Pros}} {{#with this.AdditionalFields.Pros}}
{{/with}} {{/if}} {{#if this.AdditionalFields.Cons}} {{#with this.AdditionalFields.Cons}}
{{/with}} {{/if}}
{{#iff Photos. length 'or' Videos.length}}
- {{#each Videos}}
- {{#if VideoThumbnailUrl}} {{else}} {{#if VideoId}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{/each}} {{#each Photos}} {{#iff Sizes 'and' Sizes.thumbnail}} {{#if Sizes.thumbnail.Url}}
- {{/if}} {{/iff}} {{/each}}
{{/iff}} {{#if IsSyndicated}} {{#iff SyndicationSource 'and' SyndicationSource.Name}}
{{{replaceString 'Originally posted on {domain}' '{domain}' SyndicationSource.Name}}}
{{/iff}} {{/if}} {{#if this.ClientResponses}} {{#each this.ClientResponses}}
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{{Department}} {{date Date . ./../../dateFormat}}
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4-in-1 healthy baby food maker SCF875/01
4-in-1 healthy baby food maker SCF875/01 | Philips support search iconSearch terms
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{{#if miniCartProductpath}} {{/if}}
{{/each}} {{#if isPersonalizedBundle}}
{{#if curatedBundle. price}}
{{/if}} {{#if isSubscriptionBundle}}
{{#if curatedBundle.displayPrice}}
+{{curatedBundle.displayRecurringCharge.totalFormattedValue}} / {{curatedBundle.ratePlanDuration}}
{{/if}} {{/if}} {{#if isBundle}} {{#each bundle}}
{{#if bundle.label}}{{bundle.label}}{{else}}Bundled Item{{/if}}
{{#if totalPrice}} {{#if formerPrice}}
{{/each}} {{/if}} {{#if isSingleItem}}
{{/if}}{{#if miniCartProductpath}}
{{/if}}{{#iff quantity 'gt' '1'}} {{quantity}} x {{/iff}} {{#if familyName}} {{familyName}} {{/if}} {{#if descriptor}} {{descriptor}} {{/if}}
{{#if miniCartProductpath}}{{/if}} {{#if sellerName}} {{soldBySiteText}} {{sellerName}} {{/if}}
{{#if totalPrice. formattedValue}} {{#if formerPrice.formattedValue}}
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{{/if}} {{/each}}
{{#iff cart.attributes.pricing.orderDiscountNoDelivery.value 'gt' 0}}
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Shipping cost: {{#iff cart.attributes.pricing.totalDelivery.value 'gt' 0}} {{cart.attributes.pricing.totalDelivery.formattedValue}} {{else}} FREE {{/iff}}
Subtotal: {{}}
{{/if}} {{#if price.formattedValue}}{{price.formattedValue}}
{{/if}} {{/iff}} {{#iff cardtype 'eq' 'errormsg'}}{{#iff status 'eq' '400'}} {{#iff code 'eq' 'MISSING_PARAMETER'}}
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{{/iff}} {{#iff code 'eq' 'BAD_REQUEST'}}
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- {{#each userReviews}}
{{#if this.
Badges}} {{#if this.Badges.StaffYes}}
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{{/if}} {{#if this.Badges.verifiedPurchaser}}
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{{/if}} {{#if this.Badges.incentivizedReview}}
Part of promotion This reviewer received an incentive to write this review. An incentive can be a coupon, sample product, sweepstakes entry, loyalty points, or other token of value in exchange for writing a review for this product.
{{/if}} {{#if this.Badges.Expert}}
Expert opinion This opinion was written by a professional in the field after testing a product provided by Philips
{{/if}} {{/if}}
Read all reviews ({{totalReviewCount}})
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{{/iff}} {{#iff type "eq" 'script'}} {{this.label}} {{!-- Issue with Chat link due to google+ script, so commenting the same. --}} {{!--
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Premium 4-in-1 Steamer Blender SCF883/01 | Philips
Premium 4-in-1 steamer blender SCF883/01 | Philips Search Support IconSearch Keywords
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{{{sitetextsObj. }}}
{{{sitetextsObj.totalReview}}} {{{sitetextsObj.recommendPercentage}}}
- {{#each ratingBreakdown}}
- {{ratingValue}} Only reviews rated {{ratingValue}} sg. {{/each}}
- {{#each userReviews}}
{{this.UserNickname}} {{date this.SubmissionTime ../this.dateFormat}}
{{#if this.Badges}} {{#if this.Badges.StaffYes}}
Philips Employee
{{/if}} {{#if this.Badges.verifiedPurchaser}}
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{{#if this.Badges.incentivizedReview}}
Promotion Part This reviewer was rewarded for writing this review. The reward may be a coupon, product sample, raffle ticket, loyalty points, or other valuable prize given out for writing a review of this product.
{{/if}} {{#if this.Badges.Expert}}
Expert Opinion This review was written by an industry expert after product testing provided by Philips
{{#if this.IsRecommended}}
Yes, I recommend this product
{{/if} }
{{this.UserNickname}} {{#with ContextDataValues}}
- {{#iff Gender 'and' Gender.Value}} {{#iff Gender.Value 'eq' 'Male'}}
- male {{/iff}} {{#iff Gender.Value 'eq' 'Female'}}
- Woman {{/iff}} {{/iff}} {{#iff Age 'and' Age.ValueLabel}}
- Age {{Age.ValueLabel}} {{/iff}} {{#iff HowManyPeopleLiveInYourHousehold 'and' HowManyPeopleLiveInYourHousehold.
- {{{replaceString 'Family members: {number}' '{number}' HowManyPeopleLiveInYourHousehold.ValueLabel}}} {{/iff}}
- {{{replaceString ' Votes: {number}' '{number}' ../TotalFeedbackCount}}}

{{/with}} {{date this.SubmissionTime ../this.dateFormat}}
{{#if this.Badges}} {{#if this.Badges.StaffYes}}Philips Employee
{{/if}} {{#if this.Badges.verifiedPurchaser}}Verified Buyer
{{/if}} {{#if this.Badges.incentivizedReview}}Promotion Part This reviewer was rewarded for writing this review. The reward may be a coupon, product sample, raffle ticket, loyalty points, or other valuable prize given out for writing a review of this product.
{{/if}} {{#if this.Badges.Expert}}Expert Opinion This review was written by an industry expert after product testing provided by Philips
{{/if}} {{/if}}{{this.Title}}
{{#if this. IsRecommended}}
Yes, I recommend this product
{{#if this.AdditionalFields.Pros}} {{#with this.AdditionalFields.Pros}}
{{/with}} {{/if}} {{#if this.AdditionalFields.Cons}} {{#with this.AdditionalFields.Cons}}
{{/with}} {{/if}}
{{#iff Photos.length 'or' Videos.length}}
- {{#each Videos}}
- {{#if VideoThumbnailUrl}} {{else}} {{#if VideoId}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{/each}} {{#each Photos}} {{#iff Sizes 'and' Sizes.thumbnail}} {{#if Sizes.thumbnail.
- {{/iff}} {{/each}}

{{/iff}} {{#if IsSyndicated}} {{#iff SyndicationSource 'and' SyndicationSource.Name}}
{{{replaceString 'Original entry on {domain}' '{domain}' SyndicationSource.Name}}}
{{/iff}} {{/if}} {{#if this.ClientResponses}} {{#each this.ClientResponses}}
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{{/iff}} {{#iff type "eq" 'script'}} {{this.label}} {{!-- Issue with Chat link due to google+ script, so commenting the same. --}} {{!--
--}} {{/iff}} {{/this}} {{/if}} {{/iff}} {{/each}}
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PHILIPS SCF883-02 Avent 4-in-1 Healthy Baby Food Maker User Manual
PHILIPS SCF883-02 Avent 4-in-1 Healthy Baby Food Maker User Manual
Congratulations on your purchase welcome to Philips! To take full advantage of Philips support, please register your product at www.
Please read the separate important information booklet and user manual carefully before using the instrument. Save both documents for future reference.
This appliance is intended for domestic use only. The manufacturer is not responsible for any commercial use, misuse, or failure to follow instructions, and the warranty does not apply.
- Never immerse the iron or steam generator in water.
- Check if the tage indicated on the nameplate matches the local mains voltage.tage before connecting the appliance.
- Do not use the appliance if the plug, power cord, steam hose or the appliance itself are visibly damaged, or if the appliance has been dropped or leaked.
- If the power cord or steam hose is damaged, they must be replaced by Philips; service center authorized by Philips or a similarly qualified service center to avoid danger.
- Never leave a connected appliance unattended.
- This appliance may be used by children aged 8 years and over, and by persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, provided they have been given instructions on how to use the appliance safely or have been supervised to establish safe use, and if they were aware of the possible dangers.
- Do not let children play with the appliance.
- Keep the iron and power cord out of the reach of children aged 8 and under when the appliance is turned on or cools down.
- Children must be supervised to clean the appliance and carry out the descaling or descaling procedure.
- Do not allow the power cord and steam hose to come into contact with the hot soleplate of the iron.
- Before descaling or descaling, unplug the appliance and let it cool down for at least 2 hours to avoid burns.
- Do not open or remove the EASY DE-CALC handle from the steam generator during use or when the steam generator is still hot or under pressure.
- If drops of steam or hot water come out from under the handle of the EASY DE-CALC when heating the appliance, turn off the appliance and let it cool down for at least 2 hours. Tighten the EASY DE-CALC knob. If steam continues to come out, turn off the appliance and contact a Philips Authorized Service Center.
- Do not use any other lids on the steam generator other than the EASY DE-CALC handle supplied with the appliance.
- To avoid burns while ironing, keep your fingers or hands away from the soleplate when turning on the steam.
- Never direct steam towards people or animals.
- Applies to Perfect Care Elite Plus and Perfect Care 9000 series: do not swing or move the iron back and forth in the air when the intelligent auto steam mode is activated to avoid steam burns.
Caution hot surface
Surfaces may become hot during use (for irons with the hot symbol on the appliance).
- Connect the instrument to a grounded socket only.
- The instrument must be used and placed on a flat, heat-resistant surface. When placing the iron on its stand, make sure that the surface you are placing it on is stable. The stand is the heel of the iron or the part on which the iron is placed at rest.
- Regularly check the power cord and supply hose for possible damage.
- The plug must only be connected to an outlet with the same specifications as the plug.
- Unwind the mains cord completely before plugging it in.
- The iron stand and soleplate can get very hot and burns if touched. If you want to move the steam generator, do not touch the iron platform.
- When you have finished ironing, when you clean the appliance, when you fill or empty the steam generator and when you leave the iron even for a short time: put the iron back on the ironing platform, switch off the appliance and unplug it. from the socket.
- Unplug the appliance and let it cool down for at least 2 hours to avoid burns.