Purchase baby food jars

Baby Food Puree in Glass Jars



Puree Type

  1. Jar 39items
  2. Tub
  3. Pouch
  4. Natural 17items
  5. Organic 12items
  6. 1st Foods 13items
  7. 2nd Foods 22items
  8. 3rd Foods 8items


  1. Pregnancy
  2. Newborn
  3. Supported Sitter 12items
  4. Sitter 22items
  5. Crawler 8items
  6. Toddler
  7. Preschooler


  1. Apple 13items
  2. Apricot
  3. Avocado
  4. Banana 8items
  5. Beef 2items
  6. Blueberry 3items
  7. Carrot 8items
  8. Cereal
  9. Chicken 1item
  10. Corn 1item
  11. Green Bean 1item
  12. Ham 1item
  13. Kale 2items
  14. Mango 2items
  15. Oatmeal
  16. Pea 3items
  17. Peach 2items
  18. Pear 6items
  19. Pineapple 1item
  20. Pumpkin
  21. Raspberry 1item
  22. Rice 2items
  23. Spinach 2items
  24. Squash 2items
  25. Strawberry 3items
  26. Sweet Potato 4items
  27. Turkey 2items
  28. Zucchini 2items


  1. Colic
  2. Crying
  3. Fussiness
  4. Gas
  5. Mild Spit-Up
  6. Uncomfortable Poops
  7. Teething
  8. Vitamin D
  9. On the Go 2items
  10. Iron
  11. Starting Solids 2items
  12. Expanding Textures 5items
  13. Probiotics
  14. DHA
  15. Prebiotics/2’-FL HMO


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Empty Baby Food Jars - Etsy.


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Croton (basic) 350g. "Med Karpat" zbalansirovanny child eating to support the immunity of the child.

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in a warehouse in Odessa

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Buy 9000 household TB-3-M1 isp. 2 without mercury for canning, baby food, wine

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in a warehouse in Kyiv

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folding bag for baby food Baby

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Tutelyan V.A. Baby food: A guide for doctors 4th ed., revised and expanded

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Livoo DOP209V 4-in-1 baby food blender - steamer (exhibition sample)

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Reusable pouches doy pack for baby food puree 300ml

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Purina Pro Plan (Purina Pro Plan) DELICATE TURKEY canned food for cats, gummousse

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Purina Pro Plan (Purina Pro Plan) ADULT CHICKEN canned food for cats, pieces in pate CHICKEN, jar 85 g

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red sparkles for decoupage toys, scrapbooking, children's crafts in a plastic jar 25g

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Grater for potatoes and baby food

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How to use empty baby food jars?

Are you a new mother? Then, probably, glass baby food jars appeared in your life, which the hand does not raise to throw away. There are already a lot of them in my house, so I propose to discuss how they can be useful to us.

I conducted a small survey of colleagues and friends on this topic. The results are as follows:

Lena keeps her branded adjika in jars - it is convenient to take it in such a container for a picnic, for example.

Stores dried berries for tea. nine0003

He also arranges small tasty gifts for his friends - homemade jam. Arranges in jars, decorates them and gives them.

The last idea caught my attention - I like to make homemade jam. I took note of such a sincere gift option.

Zhenya keeps medicinal ointments in jars. Also a great option, given the odor of such drugs, as well as their small volumes. nine0003

Anya uses the jars as a sugar bowl and salt shaker on long journeys. Or for a picnic. She also keeps beads for needlework in them.

I tried to use jars for leftover canned cod liver. And this, I tell you, is extremely convenient. Open canned food should not be stored for longer than a day, and it is imperative to transfer food to a container, preferably glass. And the baby food jars are perfect! Small, hermetically sealed (which is especially important in the case of products with the smell of fish), and then it is not a pity to throw them away. nine0003

I also put paper clips in one jar. There was an open package at home, now the paper clips are neatly stored in a jar.

Inspired by the opening horizons for the second life of jars, I began to look for other ways to use them. I searched websites and social networks. I confess, I am delighted with the fantasy of young mothers, and dads too!

How to use baby food jars

Use jar lids in children's educational games:

- stick pieces of colored paper on them and arrange them in containers by color,

- stick drawings with letters on them and add syllables and words,

- make a slot in the lid of the milk formula jar (or in a box of chips, for example) and put the lids into it, like in a piggy bank,

- make a fishing rod out of a pencil, string and magnet and arrange "fishing", collecting caps.

Use cans:

- for dipping the brush while painting with watercolors,

- for seedlings of flowers or greenery,

- as small vases for small wildflowers,

- for storing spices,

- as a home air fragrance: put a piece of cotton wool into a jar and moisten the cotton wool with a drop of perfume or essential oil. If you decorate a jar - it’s not a shame to replace the sachet and put it in a prominent place in the house,

- for needlewomen - to store small items such as buttons, beads, etc. in jars,

- use as a portion dish in candy bars that are so popular now at children's parties,

- colorize and turn the jar into a candlestick by putting a pill candle into it,

I found candle-tablets. It's a sin not to try, I decided. I’m not friends with paints yet, I found a satin ribbon. Half a minute to tie it, and voila! Modest, but also an option. nine0003

But finally I was subdued by such decor of the can.

Using a jar as a photo frame is original, isn't it?

And also, I think, it may not even be interesting to search for the use of jars or lids, but the process of decorating itself. Space for imagination, yours and your child!

How to decorate jars

• Spray paint or decorate with acrylic or stained glass paint,

• Paste over the jar with double-sided tape and roll in sequins or beads,

• Use the decoupage technique (stick a beautiful napkin with a pattern on the jar), since there is an abundance of materials for needlework on sale now,

• Stick lace, ribbons, fabric on the jar,

• Paste clippings from magazines or newspapers - looks very interesting.

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