Sweet potato mix baby food
9 Sweet Potato Baby Food Recipes That Will Excite Your Baby
Sweet potato baby food recipes your baby won't want to spill on the floor
By Holly Riddle
When your little one is ready to start on solid foods, a whole new world opens up for them (and you). And sweet potatoes are a perfect first food for your baby to try. They’re inexpensive, easy to cook, and mash up well. They’re on the sweeter side, so most babies take a liking to sweet potatoes more than some other veggies. More importantly, sweet potatoes are filled with Vitamin C, potassium, beta-carotene, and fiber your baby needs as they grow and develop.
- How to make sweet potato baby food
- 9 ways to switch up sweet potato baby food
- Baby food shouldn’t be boring
But if you’re making your own homemade baby food, there’s no reason to stick to plain sweet potato puree only. Combine sweet potato puree with a range of other foods for additional benefits to your child’s diet and a wider range of taste options. We have nine ways to bring plain sweet potatoes to life that your baby will love.
How to make sweet potato baby food
It’s easy to make your own sweet potato baby food so you know exactly what’s going in your little one’s tummy. Use as many or as few sweet potatoes as you want. You could always toss extras into an ice cube tray and freeze them for later to save time for the next meal.
Take the sweet potatoes, peeled and diced, and add them to a pot of water. Boil the water on the stove until the sweet potatoes are soft enough that they begin to break apart when you stab them with a fork or knife. This should only take about half an hour.
When the sweet potatoes are finished cooking, transfer them to a blender and puree until smooth. You could always get an arm workout in and use a masher if you don’t have a food processor or blender.
If needed, add a little of your cooking water to the mix until you reach your desired consistency. Allow the mixture to cool and you’re done! It’s that simple. Now let’s check out plenty of ways to keep your tot loving sweet potatoes and maybe find a combination or two that you like, too.
9 ways to switch up sweet potato baby food
Mix in any of these fruits and vegetables to make sure your baby’s sweet potatoes go in their mouth and aren’t fed to the family pooch. Once you get the hang of it, go crazy and do three ingredient combinations and see how things taste.
For an even greater hit of that beta-carotene, add chopped carrots to the boiling water as you cook your sweet potatoes. Puree it all together for a delicious mixture that’s even healthier than plain sweet potatoes.
You want to limit the amount of natural sugar your child is consuming, but if you find they’re not taking to the sweet potatoes on their own, add a banana to make the mixture more tempting.
Just like with the banana, if you want your sweet potato mixture to be just a touch sweeter, add in mango. The great thing about mango is you don’t need to cook it beforehand because of its naturally softer texture. Just peel and dice before adding it to your cooked sweet potato before you blend.
For a flavorful mash that you’ll like yourself, add a peeled and chopped apple to your boiling water as you cook your sweet potatoes. No apples on hand? Swap the chopped apples for applesauce.
Take the flavor up a notch and add a pinch of cinnamon. Really, we wouldn’t be surprised if you gave this one a try and your child loves it! Serve it warm for a delicious autumn treat.
Similar to the apple, just peel and chop the pear and then add it to the boiling water during the cooking process. This one would also be great with a bit of cinnamon sprinkled in.
Does your baby need a little more protein in their diet? If you’ve already introduced them to boiled chicken, add some of it to the sweet potato puree for a more savory option. Just make sure the chicken is fully cooked and blended properly.
Another savory way to go is to add cooked beans to the cooked sweet potato before pureeing. You can use a variety of beans for this, including black beans, kidney beans, and pinto beans.
If you’re struggling to get some greens into your kiddo’s diet, hide them in the sweet potatoes. During the last 5 minutes of boiling, toss in the spinach with your sweet potatoes, and then puree it all until smooth.
Want to get more vitamins A, B1, B6, C, and K in your little one? Mix peas with the sweet potato puree. Either cook fresh peas with the potatoes or use precooked peas and add them to the blender when you puree.
Baby food shouldn’t be boring
Like with your own meals, make it fun. Once your mini monster is six months old, safely play with various spices and seasonings. Experiment with turmeric, nutmeg, thyme, dill, and mild curry. Start with small amounts and see how that tiny tummy handles the spices before adding more.
Raising children who love to explore with their taste buds starts as soon as you begin feeding your infant solid food. Sweet potatoes are an excellent way to introduce them to a variety of new and exciting food combinations. With our nine ways to jazz up plain sweet potatoes, you’ll be sure to find at least a few ways your little nugget (and you) will enjoy them.
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- Published by ruggirello
- Created:
24. 9. 2019 08:00 am - Updated:
7. 10. 2022 10:38 am - SHARE
What are some good
sweet potato baby food recipe combinations?If your baby is already old enough to start eating solid foods, a sweet potato puree recipe might be just the thing you are looking for. Learn how to make baby food with sweet potato with these super simple recipes
Your sweet potato can be:
- baked
- boiled/simmered
- steamed
- air fried
and mashed together with some:
- apple
- carrot
- bell pepper
- banana
- beans
- beets
- cauliflower
- mango
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How to bake sweet potato for baby food:
- preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C)
- wrap the sweet potato in foil
- bake for 45-60 minutes
How to boil sweet potato for baby food:
- chop sweet potato into small cubes
- take a small or medium saucepan
- add a cup of water
- bring to boil
- cover and reduce heat
- simmer until tender (15 minutes)
How to steam sweet potato for baby food:
- put the steamer into a medium pot
- add 2 cups of water
- bring to boil
- chop your sweet potato into small cubes
- add them onto the steamer
- steam until tender (15 minutes)
This recipe from Tandy combines the sweet potato with apple and bell pepper.
- chop 1 sweet potato into small cubes
- steam sweet potato for 7 minutes
- slice and chop 1 apple and 1 bell pepper
- add the apple and bell pepper to the steamer
- steam 8 more minutes
- blend it all together
- add a bit of water if too dense
>See the whole recipe here<
Addi‘s puree recipe is just baked sweet potato with no more added veggies. And why not since they are delicious on their own.
- bake 2 sweet potatoes
- let it cool
- peel off the skin
- put into blender and blend
- add water if needed
>See the whole recipe here<
Natalie has a recipe for both a sweet and savory variation of a sweet potato puree. The sweet version is with apple and cinnamon while the savory has carrots and thyme.
- chop sweet potato into small cubes
- chop either apple or carrot
- simmer the sweet potato with apple or carrot until tender (15 minutes)
- blend together
- add cinnamon or thyme
>See the whole recipe here<
All of these combinations from Michele seem original and super delicious. The 1st one is with mango and ginger.
- cut sweet potato into small cubes
- simmer in a saucepan until tender
- cut mango and grate ginger
- transfer everything into a blender and blend together
- add steamer water if needed
>See the whole recipe here<
Sweet potato, banana and cinnamon:
- cut sweet potato into small cubes
- steam over boiling water (15 minutes)
- transfer to a blender
- add banana and cinnamon (steamer water if needed)
- blend everything together
>See the whole recipe here<
Sweet potato, white beans, beets:
- cut sweet potato and beets into small pieces
- steam over boiling water (15 minutes)
- transfer everything into a blender and blend together
- add steamer water if needed
>See the whole recipe here<
Sweet potato, carrot, cauliflower, chia seeds:
- cut sweet potato, carrot and cauliflower into small pieces
- steam over boiling water (15 minutes)
- transfer everything into a blender and blend together
- add chia seeds and steamer water if needed
>See the whole recipe here<
If your baby is old enough to bite, you can try Kermilia‘s recipe for air fried sweet potatoes. These delicious little bites are cinnamon and honey glazed, but you can make a savory version also.
- cut sweet potato into small cubes
- put them into a large mixing bowl
- add olive oil, honey, and cinnamon and toss together
- put into air frier on 400°F for 20 minutes
- let cool and serve
>See the whole recipe here<
So, which baby food recipe are you going to try out first?
Save “Sweet Potato Baby Food Recipe Combinations” to Pinterest:
- Published by ruggirello
- 24. 9. 2019 updated: 7. 10. 2022
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Sweet potatoes or sweet potatoes are great choices for baby food. It is pleasant in taste (reminiscent of a mixture of potatoes and pumpkin or carrots with added sugar) and creamy texture (in the form of a puree), is liked by many babies and rarely causes allergies. But since this product is still a curiosity in Russia, our mothers will need explanations. So at what age can you give sweet potato to children and how to cook it properly for complementary foods?
- From what age to give
- The composition of the product
- Is the Batate. Is the battleship for children
- Can sweet potatoes cause allergies
- How to choose for children's food
- Subtleties of storage
- how to prepare for primacy
- Sweet Potato Baby Recipes
- Smooth Sweet Potato Puree
- Carrot and Sweet Potato Puree
- Sweet Potato Chicken Soup
- Sweet Potato Milk Rice Porridge
- Sweet potato with peas and cauliflower
- Video: how to make sweet potato for baby food
At what age to give
American parents start giving sweet potatoes to their baby, starting at six months. This is one of the first complementary foods introduced to a baby in the US after weaning.
The first sample (1 teaspoon is enough) is offered in the form of a thin, homogeneous puree. It is easily absorbed by the body of the baby. The delicate creamy texture makes it easy for the baby to swallow and digest such food.
After that, they wait three days without introducing other new foods into complementary foods. That allows you to track the negative reaction and stop feeding sweet potatoes in time.
After about 2 months, the baby can try boiled sweet potatoes, mashed with a fork or grated on a fine grater. Almost all children like its moderately sweet taste.
After a year sweet potatoes are good to combine with rice or oats to increase the nutritional value of dishes.
Can a child eat sweet potatoes raw?
Sweet potatoes contain complex carbohydrates, so the glycemic index (GI) of the product is lower (55) than that of the usual potato (from 70).
Is sweet potato good for kids
Baby likes sweet potato puree with turmeric
Sweet potatoes can bring many health benefits to a child if they are part of a child's diet. Key properties:
- Fights constipation. Sweet potatoes are a valuable source of fiber. 100 g of the product contains about 3 g of dietary fiber, which prevent constipation and strengthen the baby's digestive tract.
- Source of beta-carotene (provitamin A). This vitamin is essential for healthy vision. Its presence in the children's menu is a must and helps to improve eye health.
- Strengthens the immune system. Vitamins C and E in the composition increase the body's defenses, help the child fight infections.
- Good for the skin. Makes her look healthy and radiant.
- Healthy calories. Sweet potatoes contain only 0.1 g of fat at 86 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, they are among the healthy foods for babies, especially those with insufficient weight (hypotrophy). High-calorie sweet potato promotes weight gain and physical development of children.
- Prevents the development of anemia. Iron in the composition prevents anemia in a child with insufficient intake of a trace element with food or after severe blood loss (abdominal operations, injuries, etc.
- Strengthens bones. Calcium, which is also found in sweet potatoes, is vital for the growth and development of children's musculoskeletal system.
Can sweet potatoes cause allergies
Sweet potatoes rarely cause allergic reactions in babies. That is why it is suitable for complementary foods. However, it is possible.
Signs of sweet potato allergy:
- vomiting,
- rash (including around the anus),
- diarrhea,
- bloating due to indigestion.
Vomiting and diarrhea can sometimes cause not only allergies, but also intestinal infections in the finished dish. For example, with insufficient sanitation of tubers or children's dishes.
Babies may spit out sweet potato puree when switching to solid foods for a variety of reasons.
There may be other side effects, which are usually minor and easily manageable.
Caution! With ulcerative colitis and some other serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, sweet potato dishes are prohibited. Be sure to discuss the possibility of introducing sweet potatoes into complementary foods with your pediatrician.
Excessive consumption can provoke the formation of kidney stones.
How to choose baby food
The choice of food for a child's table should be taken seriously. If possible, choose organic sweet potatoes grown without the use of pesticides and other chemicals.
Here are a few tips to help you make your choice:
- Choose medium-sized tubers with firm, smooth skins. If they are not on sale, take small ones (large ones have a lot of starch).
- Set aside specimens that are too soft with brown spots on the skin, punctures, signs of rot, and emit an unpleasant odor.
- The richer the color of the potato skin (white/cream, pink, red and purple), the more valuable antioxidants the product contains.
Storage details
In this case, the refrigerator is not the right place. Sweet Potato Storage Options:
- in a covered box in the kitchen at room temperature for up to 1 week;
- in a cool pantry or cellar at +13-16°C - up to 2 weeks.
Sweet potato purée can be frozen in ice cube trays
Boiled sweet potato purée can be frozen in advance (a drop of lemon juice is added to prevent browning). It can be kept in the freezer for up to a year, but it is better not to use it for feeding children - during the defrosting process, bacteria quickly begin to multiply in the starchy mass.
How to cook for weaning
The first thing to do is wash the tubers thoroughly before peeling and cutting. Then remove the skin or leave (for baking) and thermally process (until soft) in one of the following ways:
- Baking. Preheat oven to 220°C. Pierce each tuber in several places and place on a baking sheet. Bake for 45 minutes. Cool and remove the skin.
- Cooking. Peel sweet potatoes, cut, boil in clean water.
- Pressurized (pressure cooker). Peel the sweet potato, cut into slices or cubes, place in a pressure cooker and wait for 1-2 whistles (guided by softness).
- For a couple.
Peel and cut the product, place in a double boiler and cook.
- Microwave. Peeled potatoes cut into small slices and do in each hole. Place in the microwave and turn on the maximum power for about 10 minutes.
Puree cooked sweet potatoes with a blender, potato masher or regular fork. If necessary, add some boiled water.
Baby sweet potato recipes
Let's see what can be done with sweet potato for a child.
Smooth sweet potato puree
One-component sweet potato puree
- 1 medium sweet potato,
- 1 glass of water or vegetable broth.
Cooking method:
- Prepare the sweet potato using any of the available methods.
- Mash while still warm.
- Add half a glass of water or vegetable stock and beat or stir well.
- Add the rest of the water/broth to make a thin, smooth puree that a child can easily swallow.
Carrot and Sweet Potato Puree
This puree is rich in vitamin A. It is suitable for babies from 7 months old who have already become familiar with mixed foods (containing two or more ingredients).
Two-component puree with carrots and sweet potatoes
- 1 medium sweet potato,
- 1 medium carrot,
- 1 glass of water or vegetable stock.
Method of preparation:
- Thoroughly washed and peeled carrots, grate, and peeled sweet potatoes cut into small pieces.
- Boil them together in the same water until soft.
- Cool and puree.
Sweet potato chicken soup
This dish contains a nutritious broth rich in protein. But it is only suitable for children who are accustomed to non-vegetarian food.
Sweet Potato Chicken Soup
- 100 g lean chicken mince,
- 5 cups water,
- 1 cup boiled sweet potato.
Cooking method:
- Boil the minced chicken in a saucepan with a little water.
Don't forget to skim off excess fat while boiling.
- Transfer the boiled sweet potato to a blender and add the prepared chicken broth to it.
- Blend until smooth.
- If the soup is too thick, add boiled water.
Rice porridge with milk and sweet potatoes
This recipe is rich in dietary fiber, which helps prevent constipation. It is also a healthy dessert option for toddlers without the use of sugar.
Sweet potato rice porridge for children
- 1 cup rice
- 4 medium sweet potatoes
- 3 cups water
- 1 cup breast, goat, coconut or cow milk.
Cooking method:
- Boil diced sweet potatoes and rice in a little water.
- 10-15 minutes after boiling (when the food is half cooked), add milk and stir.
- Let stand 10-15 minutes.
- Cool slightly to serve to a child.
Sweet potato with peas and cauliflower
Another great recipe for babies from 7 months old. The dish has absorbed the virtues of three vegetables: sweet potatoes, peas and cauliflower.
Sweet potato puree with green peas and cauliflower
- 1 medium sweet potato,
- 1/4 cup green peas,
- 1/2 cup cauliflower flowers, 9013 water
- (depending on desired consistency).
How to cook:
- Wash, peel and dice sweet potatoes.
- Boil all vegetables in water.
- Allow the mixture to cool slightly.
- Blend with a blender until smooth.
Video: how to make sweet potatoes for baby food
Sweet potatoes also combine with other foods suitable for baby food, such as apples, pumpkin, zucchini, legumes, corn, cabbage and broccoli.
Nutritionists recommend pairing high-carbohydrate sweet potatoes with high-fiber greens (spinach, dill, and parsley). More recommendations and recipes in our Instagram. We look forward to visiting!
Parsley for children: from what age can it be given.
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Author: Yakusheva Tatyana
Fleur Alpine - Organic sweet potato puree (pouch), 4 months, 90 years
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- 156 R
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151 r
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Fleur Alpine SWEET POTATO puree will be appreciated not only by babies, but also by older children:
- Produced from fresh fruits - not from concentrate
- Without added water, salt, sugar, starch
- No preservatives, flavors, colors
- Non-GMO
- Organic product, produced and certified in accordance with European Union Regulations No.
834/2007 and No. 889/2008 on organic agriculture
- Made in Scotland
Fleur Alpine SWEET POTATO puree will appeal to little ones who forgo "traditional" vegetables. Puree has its own special and unique sweetish vegetable taste, similar to a combination of ripe carrots and boiled crumbly potatoes. It is convenient to take it with you for a walk or a trip thanks to the convenient pouch for baby food.
IMPORTANT: If the package is bulging, do not use the product. Remove the lid and keep it away from the baby to avoid getting it in the mouth. Do not leave your baby unattended while feeding.
- Before introducing new products, we recommend that you consult a pediatrician who observes the baby and knows all the peculiarities of his health.
- Start infusing Fleur Alpine SWEET POTATO puree with one teaspoon, gradually increasing the volume according to the child's age and pediatrician's recommendations.
- The product is ready for use.
When using at home, squeeze the required amount of puree into a spoon or plate, mix and heat if necessary. Do not place the pouch in the microwave and do not reheat.
- Unopened package should be stored in a dry place at a temperature from 0°С to +25°С and relative humidity not more than 75%. After opening, store with the lid closed in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours.
Ingredients: sweet potato puree
Age: From 4 months.
Net weight: 90 g.
Shelf life: 14 months.
Fleur Alpine - Organic Sweet Potato Puree (pouch), 4m, 90g
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