The amazing make ahead baby food book
9781607747147: The Amazing Make-Ahead Baby Food Book: Make 3 Months of Homemade Purees in 3 Hours [A Cookbook] - Barrangou, Lisa: 1607747146
About the Author:
LISA BARRANGOU, PhD, is an experienced food scientist and culinary professional. After becoming a mother, she founded The Green Baby Chef, a homemade baby food company offering personal chef services for infants, as well as private cooking instruction and baby food-making workshops. She holds a BS in nutrition, food, and agriculture from Cornell University, and an MS and PhD in food science from North Carolina State University.
Excerpt. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.:
Creating a well-balanced, diverse offering of meals that baby will enjoy can be the most challenging part of feeding your baby. This challenge is largely responsible for why so many parents leave it up to food companies to create and supply their baby’s food for them. While commercially processed jarred baby food does offer convenience, homemade baby food made from fresh whole foods is far superior, both in nutrient and flavor quality.
Whole foods are foods that are unprocessed and unrefined (or processed and refined as little as possible), and therefore maintain their natural flavor and nutrient integrity. Think of whole foods as those that can typically be found in nature, like whole fruits, vegetables, unrefined grains, and fresh cuts of meat. Processed jarred and pouched baby foods, while made mostly, but not entirely, from whole foods, are subject to very high temperature and pressure treatments, which allow them to remain shelf stable for literally years but result in substantial nutrient and flavor loss. The impact of this high heat can be clearly seen by comparing the color of processed jarred pea puree with homemade pea puree. The dramatic color change that results from excess heat directly indicates nutrient and flavor quality loss. In addition to extensive processing, jarred baby foods often include thickening agents, such as flours, starches, and gums, to increase stability (prevent them from separating during long-term storage), effectively diluting the nutrient density of the product.
Homemade baby food, on the other hand, can be prepared using gentle cooking methods, ensuring the maximum retention of nutrient and flavor integrity. Storing homemade baby food in the freezer is a gentle preservation method that locks in nutrients rather than destroying them, allowing this nutrient and flavor integrity to carry over until consumption. When babies are offered gently processed, flavorful whole food purees, they learn to accept and enjoy the natural, beautiful flavors that nature provides. This early acceptance, if cultivated, becomes a preference, and carries on with babies through life. Conversely, the bland flavors of jarred baby food purees often lead to an underdeveloped palate that is less accepting of the full flavors of healthy foods, and that, too, can be carried on through life.
Making homemade baby food provides an opportunity for you to prepare whole foods for your baby right from the start. Researchers have found that consumption patterns for fruits and vegetables often change adversely as babies transition from purees to a mature diet, primarily due to the introduction of processed foods. One study researched food consumption patterns of US infants and toddlers and found that, while deep yellow vegetables were consumed by 39 percent of babies at seven to eight months old, that percentage sharply declined to 13 percent at nineteen to twenty-four months old, when french fries became the most commonly consumed vegetable. This study also found that at nineteen to twenty-four months old, nearly one-third of babies consumed no fruit, while 60 percent consumed baked desserts, 20 percent consumed candy, and 44 percent consumed sweetened beverages on a given day.1 In our current Western food culture, many well-intentioned parents unwittingly fall into the processed food trap. And no matter how healthily you may have eaten before you had children, it can be even harder to find the time for fresh-food preparation once they come along. I hope this simple system will make it easier for you to quickly and confidently keep whole foods at the forefront of your child’s eating habits—even as life becomes increasingly more complex.
Preparing homemade baby food is very easy to do, but it does take time, the right cooking tools, and planning to provide a diverse, well-balanced offering of age-appropriate food. The Amazing Make-Ahead Baby Food Book does most of the planning for you, guiding you through a six-step process that will prepare you to make three months’ worth of baby food in just three one-hour blocks of time. After guiding you through preparing a large supply of individual whole food purees, this book shows you how to combine your individual purees into an endless variation of flavorful, nutritionally balanced meals, and then transitions you to preparing more advanced meals as your baby approaches readiness for a mature diet.
As you begin your baby food making adventure be sure to read chapter 2, which provides valuable information on feeding timelines, specific health concerns to be aware of, safe food preparation practices, and selection and preparation tips for whole foods. Please note that this book has been written as an informative guide to support your baby’s health and nutrition, but it is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician. Always consult your baby’s pediatrician for health-related matters or concerns. Now, let’s get started!
"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.
The deliciously nutritious make-ahead baby food cookbook for a healthy start and beyond!
Healthy, homemade baby food is the best way to ensure your little one is getting all of the nourishment they need―but every parent knows the stress of cooking dinner when your mind is on changing diapers. The Make-Ahead Baby Food Cookbook helps you plan ahead, showing you how quick and easy it can be to cook yummy, wholesome baby food safely and conveniently at home.
From bottle to bowl―Discover what tools you’ll need, which order to introduce solid foods, how to detect food sensitivities, and how to raise a food-friendly eater.
Set the stage―Prep for success with this baby food cookbook, using 4-week meal plans for each stage, including a reader-friendly planning chart, detailed shopping lists, foolproof step-by-step recipes, and more.
Ready-to-go recipes―Please your baby’s palate with dozens of yummy and nutrient-rich foods for every stage and beyond―including flavor combos, mix-ins, and time-saving tips.
Since its release, The Make-Ahead Baby Food Cookbook has quickly risen to be one of Amazon’s best rated baby food cookbooks:
“I love that it is written by a dietitian and can be used by the whole family. Defintely a great buy for new families!”
“It has clear instructions and I love the way it separates into stages so you don't have to guess what your baby can have.”
“We tried many of these recipes while baby sitting for our granddaughter. All of them were winners...even asked for seconds!”
“I love all the meal plans - it makes it so easy and she presents a real 'guide' on exactly what to do. This was a much-needed book!”
“This is a great resource for moms to prevent babies from getting bored with the same food combinations. ”
“This cookbook is such a great introduction to healthy well balanced nutrition for babies.”
Make mealtime mess-free and stress-free with the Make-Ahead Baby Food Cookbook, an all-in-one meal map for every stage and age. This baby food cookbook gets you started with a primer on signs to look for when your little one is ready to get in the high chair and how to provide essential nutrients at each stage:
At around 6 months old, most babies are ready to start eating solid foods. You’ll start with smooth purees, which help your baby transition from liquids to solids.
By 8 to 10 months, your baby can begin transitioning to chunkier textures, which help to develop chewing skills.
And before you know it, at around 9 to 12 months old, your baby will be moving on to finger foods - soft, bite-sized foods that help build their independence.
And as a bonus, I’ve included 15 family-friendly recipes that both toddlers and grown-ups will love!
You’ll learn the ins and outs of batch cooking, freezing, and reheating, before diving in with an easy-to-navigate 4-week meal plan for each of the three stages of development.
This baby food cookbook is packed with dozens of hearty purees, chunky combinations, and fun finger foods, as well as bonus recipes perfect for your toddler and delicious for the whole family.
As a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, I help families navigate all the complications and confusion that come along with raising healthy kids. And as a mom, I know first-hand the unique challenges of feeding a baby. In this book, I combine both my professional knowledge and my personal experience to provide you with accurate nutrition advice and practical ways to introduce your baby to the wonderful and exciting world of solid foods!
Stephanie Van’t Zelfden, RDN, CDN
The Make-Ahead Baby Food Cookbook is a complete guide for stress-free baby feeding. I cover it all - from planning and cooking, to freezing and storage, to heating and serving. In just a few hours, you can create a month’s worth of meals for your baby.
The Make-Ahead Baby Food Cookbook will be your go-to resource for making delicious and nutritious baby food. If you’ve ever thought about making your own baby food, but found it too intimidating, this book is for you. I promise you that it’s quicker, easier, and more fun than you could ever imagine.
I had a ton of fun making this book, and I’m so excited to share it with you. I hope you’ll check it out!
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35 running books to inspire you to achieve new heights
We've compiled a library of books about running and runners of all skill levels for you, including biographies, nutrition plans, training recommendations, historical publications, and those not yet translated into Russian language. nine0003
This list of running books has something for everyone, whether it's a motivational story or a theoretical work.
Information from the blog of Renat Shagabutdinov and the site of the Mann, Ivanov and Ferber publishing house was used in preparing the article.
1“Eat right, run fast. Ultramarathon Rules of Life”, Scott Jurek
Eat Right, Run Fast by Scott Jurek is an amazing autobiography of one of the most famous ultramarathon runners in the world, a daily record holder, a multiple winner of such track and field giants as the Badwater Ultramarathon and the Western States Edurance Run, a talented writer, a man, which turned the idea of running as a monotonous and exhausting sport. nine0003
A strong motivation for those who are still hesitating to take the first serious start and a real encyclopedia for professionals who want to break the finish line in a winning spurt or improve their results in endurance competitions.
In the book you will find many useful running life hacks, as well as unique author's vegetarian recipes created specifically for endurance athletes.
What helped the young doctor to stand on the same podium with the most successful athletes in the US, competing at distances of one hundred to two hundred miles? How do plant foods improve endurance, and what do the best marathon runners in the world eat? Read about this and much more in Jurek's book, which has become a worldwide bestseller. nine0003
E-book “Eat right, run fast”
2 “Natural running. The Easy Way to Run Without Injury”, Danny Abshire
Running is the most natural movement familiar to every person since childhood. It would seem, why learn to do what is inherent in us by nature itself?
It is this delusion that often leads to serious health consequences. Despite the apparent harmlessness, running remains a traumatic activity and does not tolerate a frivolous approach. Every wrong step, a small run in the wrong shoes goes into the treasury for acquiring an injury. nine0003
Danny Abshire's book is designed to keep track and field athletes safe from injury, pain and discomfort. Expert advice will also be a real find for experienced athletes who want to improve their competitive results.
The book describes in detail the problems that runners face, how to solve them, as well as examples of exercises and rules for choosing safe shoes. Fans of sports literature will be interested to get acquainted with the history of the creation of running shoes and trace the evolution of the popularity of their favorite sport. nine0003
Co-founder of Newton Running believes that the best running is natural. It is only necessary to correctly use those shock-absorbing abilities of the foot that are inherent in it by nature.
E-book “Natural Running”
3 “Ultramarathoner's Guide. From 50 kilometers to 100 miles”, Hal Koerner
You are a shot sparrow in the marathon business, you have hundreds of kilometers behind you, you have been training hard, honing the technique of safe running, you have comprehended the running zen and decided to step beyond the line of reason: to run your first ultrafarathon. It would seem, what else do you need to know about running in order to just increase the distance by a couple of tens of kilometers? But, do you know what to do when encountering wild animals on the trail? How to painlessly overcome long descents and safely reach the finish line? nine0003
Answers to the most unexpected questions you will find in the "Ultramarathoner's Handbook: from 50 kilometers to 100 miles". The wise advice of Hal Koerner has been tested by twenty years of experience and confirmed by the author's numerous victories at international ultramarathons of varying degrees of difficulty. This guide contains every possible practical advice, from the fun ones to the ones that can be decisive on the day of the race.
Ultramarathoner's Guide e-book
4 What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Haruki Murakami
There is no doubt that running makes us happier, healthier, more resilient, but who would have thought that this sport reveals hidden talents? Haruki Murakami believes that he became a writer because he started running at the age of 33. It was during jogging that most of the world-famous masterpieces were born, including the memoir book What I Talk About When I Talk About Running.
The author himself presents his work as "a collection of sketches about running, but not the secrets of a healthy lifestyle." Murakami does not give professional technical advice, and certainly does not claim to be a sports motivator, but this book has had more impact on mass running than any other in the last ten years. nine0003
If you haven't gotten used to this wonderful habit yet, after reading at least a couple of chapters, you will definitely reach for your sneakers. If you are an avid runner like the author himself, who goes for a run every year year after year, then this book will help you better understand your motivation and relationship with running, everyone will find in it both original thoughts and those that are familiar any marathon runner - from beginner to professional.
E-book What I Talk About When I Talk About Running
5“Your first marathon.

Marathon captivates novice athletes with its power and drama: many runners get excited about the idea of joining the ranks of the valiant marathon runners, but how many of them aim to complete the distance, retaining their original zeal and love for running, health and ... a smile?
Undoubtedly, your goal to finish is worthy of respect, but will you enjoy it when you achieve it? It depends only on you, or rather on the degree of responsibility with which you are slowly but surely cowardly towards your goal. nine0003
So, if you are not afraid of the routine of the training process, then you are ready to enter into a difficult struggle in which you will need an experienced teacher, adviser and motivator. And we have found such a person for you: Grete Waitz - world champion in 1983, silver medalist of the XXIII Summer Olympic Games in Los Angeles.
In her book Your First Marathon: How to Finish With a Smile, Grete Weitz, who has extensive experience in preparing untrained people for their first 42k race, shares with readers a unique marathon preparation system. The guide provides practical advice on diet, equipment, mental attitude and running technique. nine0003
E-book “Your first marathon: how to finish with a smile”
6 “Running without sleep. Confessions of an Ultramarathoner”, Dean Karnazes
The name of Dean Karnazes is now known to every long-distance runner: many know him as the author of the book Sleepless Runner, others know him as "the ultra-marathon man".
Karnazes earned this title by accomplishing incredible athletic feats by human standards: the author of the book was the first to run a marathon at the South Pole, won the 217-kilometer ultramarathon in Death Valley, ran 560 km without sleep in 80 hours 44 minutes and did 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days. nine0003
These numbers are amazing, but even more amazing is that Dean Karnazes, who left athletics at a young age, did not start his ultramarathon path until 30 years old.
What prompted a successful businessman to such adventures, and how he succeeds, read in the runner's autobiography. You will find out what trials and misfortunes a person who has embarked on the thorny path of an endurance athlete will have to go through.
Dean Karnazes talks about his life experiences with his characteristic charisma and humor, which makes reading the book easy and extremely interesting. nine0003
E-book “Runner without sleep”
7 “Nutrition in endurance sports. Everything a runner, swimmer, cyclist and triathlete needs to know”, Monique Ryan
Monique Ryan, General and Sports Dietitian with 30 years of experience, draws on years of research in the field of nutrition to provide general information on the essential dietary ingredients that should be included in the diet of a particular category of athlete. nine0003
The author examines nutritional features in individual disciplines (triathlon, cyclical events, marathon running, swimming) and for different groups of athletes (young and old, pregnant women, diabetics and vegetarians).
Thus, this book will be useful for anyone involved in any kind of endurance sports at an amateur or professional level.
E-book “Nutrition for Endurance Sports”
8 “Running with Lydiard. Affordable Health Running Techniques from the Great Trainer of the 20th Century”, Arthur Lydiard
Arthur Lydiard, whose coaching fame came from the success of his students at the Olympics in Rome, subsequently produced many excellent middle and long distance runners.
No one has managed to attract as many followers as Lydiard, who became a real itinerant jogging preacher. Consulting physiologists, sports physicians and coaches around the world, he played the most significant role in the revolutionary approach to the problem of physical fitness. nine0003
The book outlines the philosophy of running as understood by Arthur Lydiard himself. From it you will learn: why jog; how to run more efficiently; how to slow down degenerative processes, which are considered integral companions of old age.
In the first part of the book, the author introduces the reader to the physiological side of running, talking in detail about all the processes occurring in the body under the influence of aerobic exercise, positive changes and risks, which creates a complete picture of the reader's own body. nine0003
E-book “Running with Lydiard”
9“Run faster, longer and without injury”, Nikolai Romanov
Have you ever wondered how much energy and physical resources we spend while running, making unnecessary and sometimes dangerous movements?
This book will help not only correct running technique, but also teach you how to overcome distances of any length without risk to health. By studying the technique of the best athletes in the world and the biomechanics of movement, the authors deduced the patterns of economical running. Later, this method was called the "postural method", now known to all runners, and, first of all, to the stayers. nine0003
The secret of the principle lies in the maximum use of the earth's gravity, the minimum muscle tension, which contributes to a slight load on the joints. Following the rules of the postural method of running, the athlete begins to optimally expend energy, gets rid of everything that can waste resources in vain.
E-book “Run faster, longer and without injury”
10 “Running with the 80/20 rule. Train Slower to Compete Faster”, Matt Fitzgerald
nine0002 For many years, the controversial rule "train slowly to compete faster" was perceived with a certain amount of skepticism. Disputes between scientists and coaches did not subside until it was decided to conduct a large-scale study outside the walls of artificial laboratories, where athletes were preparing for real competitions using various methods. The results marked the beginning of a real running revolution. The low-intensity approach proved its effectiveness time and time again, thousands of athletes became followers of the "magic" method, later known as the "80/20 rule". nine0003
Despite the fact that the method was approved, in the sports literature there was still no complete description of the mechanism of the rule, supported by scientific facts. But now a book by Matt Fitzgerald is published, in which the author tries to look into the depths of the training process, seeks not only to explain why this is happening in the body, but to help the reader figure it out for himself.
Professionals and amateurs will be interested in the sections on running economy, information about the causes of fatigue and ways to resist fatigue and control the intensity of training. nine0003
80/20 Rule eBook
11“North. Finding my way while running the Appalachian Trail”, Scott Jurek
Seven-time winner of the toughest 100-mile Western States 100-Mile Endurance Run, winner of the 135-mile Badwater Ultramarathon in a lifeless, suffocating desert, National Geographic Adventurer of the Year, and author of a worldwide bestseller, voted by The New York Times as the most compelling autobiographical work of the year. nine0003
Jurek rightfully deserves the title of the most enduring ultramarathoner of our time, but time does not spare even the most persistent.
After two decades of competing, training, performing at various shows, he felt an urgent need to find out something about himself, to find out how far he could go now that all the goals were achieved, what could he do now that the speed quality began to decline, and young athletes entered the running arena, full of energy, and most importantly, did he want to continue running further? nine0003
All these questions drove Jurek into depression every day, he needed a reboot - a new, completely unique test that would help him develop further as a person and an athlete. Jurek set out to break the 2,189-mile (3,523 km) Appalachian Trail record.
"North" is the story of an incredible 46-day running adventure, a story of finding a life path, overcoming and sincere love and mutual assistance.
As usual, the book is full of practical advice and stories from my own experience, it's a pity that now there are no useful recipes at the end of each chapter. The new book has already won the hearts of readers in the West, but has not yet been translated into Russian. nine0003
12“Running for everyone. Affordable training program”, Evgeny Yaremchuk
Running was born with us. Moving in search of food, chasing prey on the hunt, catching up with the enemy or escaping from him, the man fled. In the ancient tribes, various rituals and competitions have long been held, including running, and the strongest runners enjoyed universal honor and respect. Later, the walkers became a kind of postal service that maintained communication between remote settlements of the tribes that expanded their possessions. nine0003
Running has always been of practical importance. And today it is not only a sport, but also a means to help maintain health. Yevgeny Yaremchuk talks about the secrets of jogging as a way to maintain immunity and strengthen the musculoskeletal system.
Run for All eBook
13The Road to Sparta: Reliving the Ancient Battle and Epic Run That Inspired the World’s Greatest Footrace by Dean Karnazes
nine0002 A new book from Dean Karnazes, unfortunately, has not yet been released in Russian.
As usual in previous books, along the way, the ultramarathon man shares his crazy stories with us, for example, about how he ran from San Francisco to the San Diego marathon and finished the marathon itself in 3:16. nine0003
Spartathlon itself is interesting for its rather severe time cuts, which are one of the key difficulties on the route, in addition to the difficulty of the distance itself. So, the first 50 miles (80 km) must be run in 9.5 hours.
14“Running in the stream. How to enjoy sports and improve results”, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi et al., the author of the famous flow concept, write about how to achieve a state of flow while running - both in training and in competition - and thereby enjoy the sport more and perform better. nine0003
Running is a great opportunity to get into a state of flow, when you concentrate on the task at hand, lose the sense of the passage of time, disconnect from the surrounding reality, get rid of negative experiences.
The state of flow is the so-called autotelic experience, experiences that are valuable in themselves for a person without external motivation. The desire of a person to experience the state of flow again and again serves as a powerful motivation to continue activities and become effective in them. nine0003
If you are new to running, this book will help you enjoy the process and stay motivated. If you are an experienced amateur runner, you can improve your results. The experience of professional athletes described in the book will undoubtedly inspire you.
E-book “Running with the Stream”
15 “Diet of Champions. The Five Nutrition Principles of Top Athletes, Matt Fitzgerald
nine0002 Matt Fitzgerald - Author of 80/20 Running, Competitive Weight, How Bad Do You Want It? and many others.
For this book, Fitzgerald has analyzed and brought together all the information about how the best endurance athletes eat from a wide variety of sports (from rowing to triathlon) and from different parts of the world - from South Africa to Russia. nine0003
After reading the book, you will be surprised that there are no magic diets - only quality, variety and regularity. The author identified and formulated only 5 rules that elite athletes adhere to, thanks to this book, now simple truths are available to every athlete - from beginner to professional.
The book appeared relatively recently in Russian, and scientific editing by Eduard Bezuglov undoubtedly made the Russian edition even more valuable and of better quality. nine0003
Diet of Champions eBook
16 Born to Run by Christopher McDougal
The author of the book is a journalist who was overcome by injuries he received while running. Finding no help from doctors and specialists, the athlete goes to the Tarahumara Indians for answers, who show phenomenal results in running and seem to live it.
With the primary goal of finding the secret to running safely and fast, Christopher McDougal, to his own surprise, joins the amazing life of the tribe, learning about their customs, food culture and training. nine0003
The story is not only about the representatives of the mysterious Tarahumara tribe, which translates as "born to run", but also about other super marathon runners, including Scott Jurek, who challenged them and underwent inhuman running tests.
And in the book, along the way, there are hypotheses that barefoot running is much more useful and safer than running in the coolest sneakers, and even that marathon running is natural for a person, since it played a significant role in evolution. nine0003
No matter how long or why you run, read this story. This book is an excellent motivator and a story about the limitless possibilities of a person, as well as a storehouse of information about the life of the peoples of America.
The book “Born to Run”
17 “From 800 meters to the marathon. Proven Training Methods and Programs for Success in Endurance Running, Jack Daniels
The book is not intended for beginners. This book is for those who set themselves certain sports goals and are ready to train with a focus on accurate results, regardless of the planned distance. The book is more suited to coaches than to athletes themselves, which is not surprising, since Runner's World magazine named Jack Daniels the best coach in the world. nine0003
However, every performance-oriented athlete must be their own coach, and Daniels's work will certainly help. The ability to look at yourself from the outside, with the eyes of a stern coach, is extremely important for an athlete.
The book helps to understand many subtleties and professional features of training and training program preparation. If you're not intimidated by the 10k run, you're results oriented, want to develop your own training system and follow it, this guide is made especially for you. nine0003
800m to Marathon e-book
Related: 800m to Marathon: An overview of the key ideas of D. Daniels' book
18 “Road running for serious runners. Distances from 5K to Marathon, Pete Fitzinger
Serious book for serious runners. In it you will not find information about running technique. The first part is devoted to the physiology of running: MPC and base speed, endurance, heart rate control during training, the physiological characteristics of women's training, injury prevention and overtraining. nine0003
The second part is training plans for different distances. Several plans are offered for each distance, depending on the seriousness of the intentions and the availability of time resources for the runner, and an example of a training week. Curiously, all chapters are provided with examples from the practice of professional runners.
Who is this book for? For those who want to seriously improve their results at any distance, for example, prepare for a marathon of 3 hours).
Road Running for Serious Runners book
1950/50: Secrets I Learned Running 50 Marathons in 50 Days – and How You Too Can Achieve Super Endurance by Dean Karnazes
While the world admired Dean Karnazes' previous feat, when an ultramarathoner ran 350 miles at a time, meeting three sleepless nights, Dean Karnazes finds himself a new challenge: 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days.
Humidity, heat and 50km of the Tecumseh Trail Marathon in Bloomington don't stop an athlete. This time, Karnazes tells how he accomplished this incomprehensible feat, what difficulties stood in the way, and what helped him constantly put one foot in front of the other for all these long hours. nine0003
After this challenge, Dean went down in history as one of the strongest endurance athletes, and we received this amazing book about how one man did the impossible. Unfortunately, the book has not yet been translated into Russian, but if you have the opportunity to read it in the original, do it - and you won't regret it!
20 Anatomy of a Run by Joe Puleo, Patrick Milroy
The book includes 50 of the most effective strength exercises for runners, which are accompanied by clear step-by-step instructions and color anatomical illustrations showing the work of the muscles. This practical guide will help you strengthen your muscles, reduce your chances of injury, and increase your stride efficiency so you can run faster and more technically. nine0003
You will find here exercises for different running surfaces and running at different speeds - from hill running to cross country, from sprint to marathon. In addition, you will learn about the most common injuries and learn how to recover from them.
The Anatomy of a Run book
21 “How badly do you want it? The Psychology of Mind Over Body Matt Fitzgerald
№The book will be of interest to those involved in running, triathlon and other sports where endurance is important. It is worth warning that there are no ready-made recipes and tips. nine0003
The author tells in a captivating way, in the spirit of a sports report, about the performances of outstanding athletes and what techniques, attitudes, character traits helped them to overcome themselves, not to succumb to the thought “I can't”.
Everyone can use the experience of great athletes, be inspired by their example, because all the information is supported by examples from the lives of famous athletes who have gone through many difficulties.
The author is sure that not only the excellent physical shape of an athlete is important, but also his psychological readiness to endure pain and suffering. The book will help train the will and expand the boundaries of their capabilities. nine0003
E-book How Much Do You Want It?
22" Competition weight. How to Get Dry for Peak Performance by Matt Fitzgerald
The book discusses the impact of body composition on physical performance in various aerobic sports and strategies for achieving optimal "working" weight. Provides information on healthy eating to help reduce body fat and build or maintain muscle. The secrets of appetite control are revealed and recommendations for training are given. nine0003
The book also contains nutrition diaries of 14 elite athletes, recipes for delicious and healthy meals from chef, nutritionist and professional triathlete Pip Taylor, strength exercises for runners, cyclists, rowers, skiers, swimmers and triathletes.
Book “Competitive weight”
23 “Ultrathinking. The Psychology of Overload, John Hank, Travis Macy
A book about overcoming oneself, about 8 attitudes and principles that helped the author himself get through the most difficult endurance races. It has more stories and mental preparation than knowledge about the training process. But it is the stories that are remembered best, give motivation and leave impressions. nine0003
The book is suitable not only for athletes, it will be useful to everyone who wants to overcome life's difficulties and always go to the end.
Electronic book “Ultrathinking”
24 “Running in the Urals.

TransUral is the first and largest international multi-day mountain ultramarathon in Russia. Running in the Urals is a guide book for all 16 distances of the first series of TransUral (2014-2017): technical specifications, maps, results, impressions of participants and organizers, photos. nine0003
In the book you will find a lot of interesting information about trail running in Russia, organization of competitions, route reconnaissance, equipment and trail preparation. The book is full of colorful photographs of Russian open spaces, stories of the strongest athletes, reliable maps and comments from the creators of the largest trail in Russia.
See also: 18 books for cyclists
25 The Sports Gene by David Epstein
nine0002 Sports scientists have gradually entered the era of modern genetic research.
He investigates the so-called 10,000 hour rule to answer the question of whether a person is predisposed from a very early age to athletic achievement and whether this is the only right way. The book is intended for a wide range of readers: from runners to athletes and doctors interested in the mysteries of our body. nine0003
The Sports Gene book
26 “Why do we run? Theory, motivation, training”, Ronald Reng
Ronald Reng, himself an enthusiastic middle-distance runner in his youth, decided to revive the feeling of running lost over the years and find the answer to the question: “Why do we run?”. Along the way, he has to deal with inflammation of the ligaments, heart rate monitors and the euphoria of a runner, as well as his own athletic form. nine0003
He meets all kinds of runners: prisoners who find their inner freedom once a week, or a woman who almost became an outcast when she was one of the first to start running in the 1950s. From all the stories described in the book, Ronald Reng's answer to the main question follows ...
E-book “Why do we run?”
27“To spite the records. The experience of mass sports research”, Andrey Adelfinsky
nine0002 The book is devoted to the development of mass sports, primarily distance running and triathlon.What drives people to take part in grueling races with no chance of winning? What motivates them to pay for their participation? Who earns and how much? Where is the balance point between the interests of business and society in sports? How does the phenomenon of sport work in general and what does it represent as a social institution?
These and other issues are discussed in the book using economic and sociological analytical tools in the context of the author's participant observation in the practices studied. nine0003
28"Runningfood. Food for running: before, during and after”, Nicolas Aubigno
First of all, it is worth noting the special design: the book is superbly illustrated, full of interesting recipes with fairly affordable ingredients (which is unusual for foreign-language publications).
Here you will find basic recommendations for sports nutrition, but the author does not go into details, and some conclusions may seem vague and incomplete, and many tips are not applicable to all athletes. Many readers note a lot of controversial points and a lack of sound systemic recommendations. nine0003
In general, the book can be considered a good colorful gift for novice athletes, more experienced runners are more suitable for the works of Matt Fitzgerald.
E-book “Runningfood”
29 “Chi-Running. A revolutionary method of running without effort or injury”, Danny Dreyer
Most people never think about how they run, assuring themselves that injuries and pain are the inevitable companions of sports. However, this is not entirely true. The founders of the ChiRunning methodology proved that if you plan your workouts correctly, anyone can easily run a 100-kilometer ultramarathon. nine0003
Famous athlete and marathoner Danny Dreyer has developed a technique that allows you to run faster without much effort at any age. Chi-running combines the techniques of internal concentration, strength and energy of the athlete himself.
This technique teaches runners a technique and philosophy of movement that helps manage pain, reduce risk of injury, and make training enjoyable and relaxing.
This book will be of interest to those who treat running as a way of meditation, seek to free the mind from disturbing thoughts and are looking for a philosophical beginning in running. nine0003
Book “Chi-running”
30 “History of running”, Tour Gutos
In some way a unique book that describes the history of a familiar movement from the origins of the birth of mankind. Although many moments can be found in other books, this one contains all the historical facts - from running for hunting to delivering mail, about running in the Middle Ages, in Ancient Greece, in Rome, about Paavo Nurmi and the running boom in Finland, about Emil Zatopek, stories of big city marathons and much more. nine0003
This book can be called a real running encyclopedia, which makes it possible to understand that running is a significant phenomenon in the history of mankind, and not just a healthy lifestyle fad
31The Art of Running Faster, Julian Goater, Don Melvin
This short 200-page book was written by one of the fastest runners in British history, Julian Goather, in collaboration with amateur runner and sports journalist Don Melvin. nine0003
The book is filled with memories and stories from the personal experiences of athletes, descriptions of legendary races around the world and curious and sometimes contradictory hypotheses about running technique.
Here you will find many photos from the competition, which makes the presentation dynamic and colorful. Experienced runners will note the lack of consistency and the necessary information.
You will not find ready-made plans or workouts here, so this book alone will not work for systematic preparation for races, but it will serve as an excellent addition to your literary collection. nine0003
32“Ultra. How to change your life at 40 and become one of the best athletes on the planet”, Rich Roll
Motivating story about a man who changed his fate, being already in the middle of his life. Book author Rich Roll recounts his own amazing transformation from a 40-year-old fat man with shortness of breath who was treated for alcohol addiction to an ultramarathoner and ultratriathlete who completed Ultraman and Epic 5.
At the end of the book, there is a large appendix with useful links and nutritional tips (Ric, a former fan of hot dogs, soda and alcohol, switched to a vegan diet, considering it one of the main factors in his incredible transformation).
A vivid first-person story once again reminds us that "it's never too late to start changing."
Electronic book “Ultra”
33 “Shoe salesman. Nike's story as told by its founder, Phil Knight
nine0002 Nike founder's autobiography, Russian Business Book of the Year award winner, US bestseller. The book tells not about modern Nike, but about the history of the company and the success of Phil Knight himself. A very detailed story, described in the smallest detail, including a personal one.The book can be attributed to the section of motivational works for young businessmen, here you will not find any information about the theory and practice of running. But in this book, you'll learn how the behind-the-scenes running industry evolved and what made the Nike shoe a legendary shoe for elite athletes who still set unimaginable records to this day. nine0003
Shoe Sales eBook
34The Story of America’s Greatest Running Legend, Steve Prefontaine, Tom Jordan
Biography of running legend Steve Prefontaine, a gifted runner with a tragic fate. He set records at various distances, but failed to win a medal at the 1972 games. I ran the competition every time, like the last one, and died in an accident at the age of 24, not having time to participate in the 19 games76 years old.
The author of the biography is a fan of Prefontaine, an enthusiastic researcher. He notes that there were many mysterious, mystical coincidences around Pre's life. The book has historical photographs that definitely add value to it. It will appeal to fans of biographical works about great athletes and their thorny path.
35“100% charged. Energy. Health. Sport”, Renat Shagabutdinov, Eduard Bezuglov
nine0002 In this book you will find answers to questions related to energy management, health maintenance and recreational sports. How to replenish energy during the day? How to adjust the diet? What are the benefits of sports and how to do it right? What is sports nutrition? Is it possible to play sports in old age and after serious illnesses? Eduard Bezuglov, chief physician of the Russian national football team, and Renat Shagabutdinov, an ultramarathon runner, give exhaustive comments on each of these and many other issues, share life hacks and advice based on their personal experience and numerous scientific publications.