The best feeding bottles for babies
The 5 Best Baby Bottles in 2022
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This article was medically reviewed by Dipesh Navsaria, MPH, MSLIS, MD, FAAP, an associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, and president of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics.
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Amazon; Evenflo; Dr. Brown's; Lansinoh; Rachel Mendelson/Insider- Here are the best baby bottles in 2022
- Best baby bottle for ease of use
- Best baby bottle for newborns
- Best baby bottle for gas and reflux
- Best baby bottle for breastfed babies
- Best baby bottle for pumping
- Our baby bottles selection methodology
- What else we considered
- Baby bottle FAQs
- Our sources
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Choosing a bottle for a baby is one of those things that you might not put much thought into until you need to buy one or you realize that the bottle you're currently using isn't working. Then you notice that the baby bottle market is, well, busy.
Today, there are bottles with venting systems and glass bottles and dishwasher-safe bottles and futuristic-looking bottles and bottles that you can pump into and more. And there are marketing messages that are telling you that this is the bottle that you need.
Pediatricians tend to agree that there are a few key ingredients to a good bottle. We also know that every baby is different — and the bottle that works best for one baby might not work best for another. So, to make our picks for the best baby bottles, we went straight to bottle-feeding parents and spoke to two pediatricians. Read more about how we chose bottles at the end of this guide. Learn more about how Insider Reviews tests and researches products here.
Best baby bottle for ease of use: Philips Avent Natural Baby Bottle, $9.99 on Amazon
Philips Avent Natural Baby Bottle makes for an easy transfer of breast milk or formula, has few parts for easy cleaning, and encourages a deep latch.
Best baby bottle for newborns: Evenflo Balance+ Bottle, $11.74 on Walmart
The simple Evenflo Balance+ bottle has a nipple shape that mimics the breastfeeding experience and includes slow-flow nipple options for tiny babies.
Best baby bottle for gas and reflux: Dr. Brown's Options+ Bottle, $6.99 on Buy Buy Baby
The venting system on the Dr. Brown's Options+ bottle may allow your baby to swallow less air, making it a top pick for babies with gas or reflux.
Best baby bottle for breastfed babies: Lansinoh Baby Bottle, $17.99 on Amazon
A smaller size and breast-like nipple that helps babies switch back and forth between bottle and breast make these Lansinoh bottles our top pick.
Best baby bottle for pumping: Medela Breast Milk Bottle, $12.37 on Amazon
Medela Breast Milk Bottles, made by a popular breast pump brand, blend convenience and functionality.
Best baby bottle for ease of use
Cassie Shortsleeve/Rachel Mendelson/InsiderPhilips Avent Natural Baby Bottle makes for an easy transfer of breast milk or formula, has few parts for easy cleaning, and encourages a deep latch.
Pros: Wide bottle allows easy transfer of thawed breast milk or formula; easy to clean
Cons: Nipple can bend, which can take a little getting used to
One of the things you realize about bottles when you have to make them and wash them all day is that a simple one is everything. Philips Avent Natural Baby Bottles have only three parts, and after using them for months, I've never noticed a leak.
While some parents might favor the packability of a slimmer bottle, I appreciate a wide one. It means an easier transfer of liquid, which is important not just for mess control but also investment: time if you're pumping, money if you're buying formula.
Moms we spoke to love the wide breast-shaped nipple, saying that it encouraged a wide latch. We also found it's easy for babies to grip. If plastic gets to you, they come in glass too.
Best baby bottle for newborns
Cassie Shortsleeve/Rachel Mendelson/InsiderThe simple Evenflo Balance+ bottle has a nipple shape that mimics the breastfeeding experience and includes slow-flow nipple options for tiny babies.
Pros: Affordable, breast-like nipples
Cons: Narrower bottle opening
Sometimes, marketing and fancy designs can get in the way of choosing a bottle, covering up what matters most: that a bottle does its job seamlessly and doesn't break the bank. Parents and doctors agree that Evenflo's Balance+ bottles are a standout, and there are "slow flow" nipple options for tiny babies.
"These bottles all have more gradual, sloping nipple shapes which more closely resemble a human nipple," explained Dr. Krupa Playforth, a pediatrician in Virginia. "This makes it so that the latch is more physiologically consistent rather than an abrupt transition, which is true of many other bottles."
"I felt that this protected my breastfeeding experience with my baby, which was something I had poured my heart and soul into," said Christy H., a mom from Boston, Massachusetts.
Best baby bottle for gas and reflux
Cassie Shortsleeve/Rachel Mendelson/InsiderThe venting system on the Dr. Brown's Options+ bottle may allow your baby to swallow less air, making it a top pick for babies with gas or reflux.
Pros: Venting system may help ease reflux and gassiness
Cons: Many parts, difficult to clean, some leaking
Among the parents we polled, Dr. Brown's Options+ bottles are the pick for gassy babies, in part because of a removable venting system that is said to help reduce gassiness and reflux by separating air from milk. "When I used the bottle without the vent, I could see the difference," Areen M., a mom in Los Angeles, California, told us.
There's very little evidence to verify that this insert is the reason behind thousands of parents' experience, said Dr. Kelly Fradin, a New York City-based pediatrician. But a preemie nipple — a flow rate that's hard to find in other brands — and a smaller-sized nipple with a gradual slope could actually be what's helping babies who are struggling with reflux or colic, said Playforth.
I found the Dr. Brown's Options+ worked well for my daughter, who struggled to switch to a bottle, and I liked that I could use the bottle with or without the venting system, which isn't the case with the Dr. Brown's Original bottles. Options+ come in a glass version, too.
Best baby bottle for breastfed babies
Cassie Shortsleeve/Rachel Mendelson/InsiderA smaller size and breast-like nipple that helps babies switch back and forth between bottle and breast make these Lansinoh bottles our top pick.
Pros: Gradually sloped nipple encourages deep latch, affordable
Cons: None
Another bottle that tends to get overlooked in lieu of buzzier competitors is the Lansinoh Breast Milk Feeding Bottle. "The nipples on these bottles are more gradually sloped, which can be easier for babies going between bottle and breast," said Playforth.
The shape of the nipple also makes it easier for a baby to get more than just the tip of the nipple into their mouth. That means feeding with a Lansinoh bottle is a bit closer to the physiological experience that a baby would get at the breast — where they get both the areola and tip of the nipple in their mouth, Playforth explained.
Plus, with just a few parts, these bottles are easy to clean. Moms also told us they liked the more compact size that easily fit into a diaper bag or a purse.
Best baby bottle for pumping
Cassie Shortsleeve/Rachel Mendelson/InsiderMedela Breast Milk Bottles, made by a popular breast pump brand, blend convenience and functionality.
Pros: Incredibly convenient to feed out of what you pump into
Cons: A bit of a faster flow, narrow top
Pumping moms don't want to clean more parts than they need to, which is why, especially if you're exclusively pumping, it's good to know about bottles that you can both pump into and feed out of. Medela's Breast Milk Bottles fit the bill and come with storage caps.
Medela is a leading maker of breast pumps, which are often covered by health insurance. "I chose Medela because I already pumped directly into them and just bought some nipples to pop on top and my baby took them fine," said Stephanie Weidner, a mom in Centennial, Colorado. "Magically, I cut my bottle/pump clean in half,"
Medela's bottles are compatible with all of the brand's breast pumps, which means you won't need new bottles just because a new version of your pump comes out. The bottles have a narrower top than others on the market, but if you're pumping into them, you likely won't need to transfer milk. Fradin also told us that they tend to be faster flow than other bottles.
Our baby bottles selection methodology
Cassie Shortsleeve/Rachel Mendelson/InsiderWe chose our top picks by consulting two pediatricians, speaking with 11 breastfeeding and bottle feeding parents of young babies, and looking into existing research on baby bottles. Our writer, a mom to two children under 2 years old, has also used many different bottles on her quest to find the ones that work.
We evaluated baby bottles according to the following criteria:
- Easy to clean: We considered factors such as how many parts a bottle had, if those parts were dishwasher safe, and how easy it was to wash the bottle and its parts.
- Affordability: We compared the price of each bottle to similar ones on the market.
- Size and shape: We looked at the different sizes (in ounces) the bottles came in and the shape of each bottle, whether it was wide or narrow and how easy it was for a baby to grasp.
- Nipple shape, size, and slope: We looked for bottles with nipples that gradually sloped narrow to wide, similar to a breast, which can encourage a deeper latch.
- Material: We looked for bottles that came in both plastic and glass while also considering silicone bottles.
What else we considered
- Comotomo Silicone Bottle ($23.99): Parents told us babies tended to either love or hate this silicone bottle with a flexible nipple.
- Kiinde Active Latch Silicone Baby Bottle ($17.
99): Parents who pump also liked Kiinde's bags that snap into bottles, but most agreed Medela was a more seamless experience and noted inaccurate readings on ounces using Kiinde.
- Nanobebe Flexy Silicone Baby Bottle ($24.99): This cool-looking bottle might allow milk to heat up faster, but price is prohibitive for many parents.
- Pop Yum Formula-Making Bottle ($35.99): Although convenient if you're formula feeding, this bottle has a lot of parts to clean and can take some time to figure out.
Baby bottle FAQs
How safe are certain materials?
As a parent, you may not have a problem with plastic bottles, or you may only want a glass or silicone non plastic bottle. Silicone and glass bottles eliminate the risk of microplastics, says Fradin. However, glass is heavier and there's a risk of breaking, while silicone bottles are less common.
Should you sterilize a bottle?
The CDC recommends taking additional sanitizing precautions for babies younger than 3 months, those born prematurely, or with a weakened immune system.
What should you look for in a nipple?
A gradually sloped nipple is best, according to our experts. Round nipples that abruptly transition to the tip of the nipple may be a little more challenging for some babies to feed from, especially if they go between bottle and breast, Playforth told us.
Our sources
- Kelly Fradin, MD, a pediatrician based in in New York, New York
- Krupa Playforth, MD, FAAP, a pediatrician based in Northern Virginia
- Liz Elliott, a mom based in Chicago, Illinois
- Nadege Toomey, a mom based in Denver, Colorado
- Tiffany Adams, a mom based in New York, New York
- Danielle Wynkoop, a mom based in Lawrence, Kansas
- Christy H.
, a mom in Boston, Massachusetts
- Jemma Schwartz, a mom based in New York, New York
- Deanna Gordon, a mom based in San Francisco, California
- Kelly Adams, a mom based in Sumter, South Carolina
- Stephanie Weidner, a mom based in Centennial, Colorado
- Jacqueline Brennan, mom based in Wellesley, Massachusetts
- Areen M., a mom in Los Angeles, California
- Pados, Britt F., Jinhee Park, Suzanne M. Thoyre, Hayley Estrem, and W. Brant Nixa. Milk Flow Rates From Bottle Nipples Used for Feeding Infants Who Are Hospitalized. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2015 Nov; 24(4): 671–679. doi: 10.1044/2015_AJSLP-15-0011
- Pados, Britt F., Jinhee Park, Suzanne M. Thoyre, Hayley Estrem, and W. Brant Nix, BMET, BA. Milk flow rates from bottle nipples used after hospital discharge. MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs. 2016 Jul-Aug; 41(4): 237–243. doi: 10.
Cassie Shortsleeve
Freelance Writer
Cassie Shortsleeve is a freelance writer with a decade's worth of experience reporting for the country's top health, travel, and parenting magazines. She's a former Men's Health and Shape editor and the founder of Dear Sunday, an online platform for new and soon-to-be moms (follow along at @dearsundaymotherhood). She lives in Boston, with her husband and daughter Sunday. Learn more about how our team of experts tests and reviews products at Insider here.
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11 Best Baby Bottles (2022 Reviews)
No two moms are the same, and neither are their babies. We all have different needs when it comes to feeding our little ones, but wherever you are, there’s a bottle to make your life easier.
Whether you plan to breastfeed, stick to formula, or use a combination of both, baby bottles are sure to become an essential part of your everyday life — and there’s a whole world of choice out there!
Will you go with glass, plastic, silicone, or even stainless steel? What nipple size will work best for your baby’s stage of development? How can you clean and store baby bottles properly?
If these questions feel overwhelming, I get it. We’ll answer all these and more, plus show you the 11 best baby bottles we could find to keep your little one happy, healthy, and strong.
Our Top Picks
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Product Comparison Table
Best All Round
Comotomo Natural Feel
- Mimic breast shape and feel
- Super easy to clean
- Dual vents prevent colic & gas
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Best for Breastfed Babies
Nanobebe Breastmilk
- Warms up to two times faster
- Stackable thus saves space
- Easy to clean
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Best for Preemies
Philips Avent Newborn
- Perfect size for preemies
- Anti-colic feature
- Slow nipple speed
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Best for Gas
Dr. Brown’s Original
- Clinically proven to reduce colic
- Preserve essential vitamins
- Fits most breast pumps
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Best Baby Bottle for Formula
PopYum Anti-Colic
- Anti-colic nipples and vents
- Variety of options
- Comprises of only 5 parts
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Best for Travel
Playtex Nurser
- Simple liner system
- Mimics breastfeeding experience
- Anti-colic and anti-gas
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Best for Exclusively Pumping
Medela Collection
- Comes with six bottles
- Affordable price
- Bigger bottles available (8oz)
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Best Stainless Steel
Pura Kiki Stainless Steel
- Safe, eco-friendly, easy to wash
- Lasts for years
- Compatible with other leading brand
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Best Glass Bottle
NUK Simply Natural
- Doesn't leak
- Very affordable
- Anti-colic air system
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Best for Toddlers
NUK Disney
- BPA-free plastic
- Holds up to 10 ounces
- Fun Disney design
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Table of Contents
- Our Top Picks
- The Best Baby Bottles of 2022
- Do I Need Baby Bottles?
- Types of Baby Bottles
- How to Choose Baby Bottles
- Finding the Perfect Nipple Size
- When Will My Baby Need a Bottle?
- How to Transition to a Bottle
- Do I Need a Baby Bottle Warmer?
- How Do I Store Baby Bottles?
- How Do I Clean Baby Bottles?
- Baby Bottle FAQs
The Best Baby Bottles of 2022
Here are 11 great baby bottles to consider.
1. Comotomo Baby Natural Feel Baby Bottle
Best All Round Baby Bottle
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Comotomo’s Natural Feel bottles are specifically designed to mimic the natural nursing process. The nipples are shaped like a woman’s breast with a wide mound your baby can easily latch onto. You can choose from multiple flow options, but the standard “slow flow” nipple has a single hole to help your baby learn how to suck and swallow.
One of the features we love for breastfed babies is the silicone material. It’s designed to be soft and squeezy so your baby can hold it comfortably and feel like they’re still close to mom. If they have a hard time getting the milk out, a little squeeze from you will help it flow again.
The silicone is 100 percent free from risky plastics including BPA, PVC, and phthalate.
If you have exclusively breastfed your baby or have had a difficult time transitioning to a bottle, the soft, natural feel of this bottle may be just the thing you need.
This bottle also comes with dual anti-colic vents, an extra-wide neck for easy cleaning, and an anti-leak locking system. All of the materials are dishwasher safe and can even be put in boiling water for extra sterilization.
The standard bottle holds 5 ounces of liquid and comes with a cap. You can also get an 8-ounce bottle, but it will come with a “medium flow” nipple with two holes instead of one.
- The nipple has a wide base to mimic the shape and feel of your breast.
- Silicone bottle can be squeezed and feels soft like your skin.
- The wide neck makes the bottle super easy to wash.
- Dual vents prevent colic and gas.
- No measurement markings to keep track of milk flow and consumption.
- Anti-leak lids need to be on extra tight or leaking may occur.

Best Bottle for Breastfed Babies
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One of the latest rages in the bottle industry is to produce bottles for babies, like Nanobebe does, that look like a real breast. That solves a dilemma for moms who need to switch between breastfeeding and bottle feeding.
If a bottle looks more like a breast, your finicky baby won’t be likely to refuse it. And if they decide they prefer the bottle, they might not object if you try to switch back to the breast because the bottle will look and feel similar to your breast.
You’ll notice when you look at Nanobebe bottles that the shape is remarkably similar to a breast. The bottom of the bottle curves inward, making it comfortable for you to hold.
The design also helps with faster warming and cooling to preserve nutrients and prevent the growth of bacteria.
- This bottle warms up to two times faster than some other brands.
- It also cools up to two times faster when you put it in the refrigerator.
- Looks like a breast if you’re trying to trick your baby by visuals alone.
- The curved bottom design allows you to stack them, which saves you cabinet space.
- Easy to clean.
- Helps prevent nipple confusion.
- The design of the bottle makes it difficult to get all the milk out of the bottle with some creative positioning while holding your baby.
- There can be some leakage issues if you aren’t careful.
3. Philips Avent Newborn Bottle
Best Bottle for Preemies
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The Philips Avent line is one of the leaders in the baby bottle industry, and one reason we love them is because of their specific bottle for newborns and preemies.
Each only holds four ounces, which is perfect for your preemie. You won’t end up throwing any milk away as you would if you had larger bottles that your preemie baby couldn’t finish in one feeding.
The bottle uses an anti-colic system built into the nipple and doesn’t contain extra parts that are hard to take apart or difficult to clean. This will be appreciated by moms worried their babies are taking in air when drinking, but who also don’t want any extra washing up to do.
However, the reason we love this preemie bottle is the unique nipple design. Not only does it resemble the breast, but it also has a shorter nipple and a very slow flow for controlled feedings, plus the “comfort petals” inside stop it from collapsing. Combined, these features ensure your small baby gets the milk they need without being overpowered.
These bottles are BPA-free and have a wide-neck opening that makes it easy to fill without spilling. They can go in the dishwasher and be sterilized.
- Perfect size for preemies.
- The anti-colic features reduce the amount of milk that gets spit up.
- The slow nipple speed won’t overwhelm your new baby.
- You can’t get the last little bit out of the bottle without holding it straight up.
4. Dr. Brown’s Original Bottle
Best Bottle for Gassy Babies
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Ask any mom who’s had a baby with colic and chances are she knows all about Dr. Brown’s bottles. A staple in many households, their patented venting system has been clinically proven to reduce colic, spit-up, burping, and gas (1). They also preserve the essential vitamins in your breast milk, which can deteriorate upon exposure to air in conventional bottles.
How does it work? The internal vent system eliminates vacuum pressure and reduces oxidation caused by air bubbles. Air routes through the internal vent system to bypass the milk and give your baby a comfortable feeding experience.
The vent system is also designed to work with the silicone nipple, which has a slow flow for more controlled feedings.
Dr. Brown’s Original Bottles are made of BPA-free plastic and silicone. We love that the bottles attach directly to most of the best breast pumps without needing any extra bottles.
If your baby has colic or gas, we definitely suggest trying out Dr. Brown’s. They may also be a good choice for babies who still breastfeed regularly since this brand consistently earns good reviews when it comes to avoiding bottle confusion. Dr. Brown’s boasts that it is similar to breastfeeding because both don’t have any extra air in the milk.
The original bottle holds 4 ounces, but other size options are available; each bottle features convenient measurement markings.
- Clinically proven to reduce gas, colic, spit-ups, and burping.
- Helps preserve essential vitamins for the baby’s health.
- Slow-flow nipple allows for paced feeding.
- Fits most breast pumps for easy pumping and storing.
- Helps prevent nipple confusion.
- It requires extra work when cleaning the vent system.
- Measurement markings can be hard to see.
5. PopYum Anti-Colic Baby Bottles
Best Baby Bottle for Formula
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If you’ve ever used formula, you know it’s not easy, like many people assume. While it may be easier than breastfeeding in some ways, it can be harder in many other ways.
Think of all the measuring and mixing you constantly have to do! You have to make sure you always have sanitized bottles at the ready, that you’ve packed enough formula in your diaper bag, and that the milk is always at the right temperature.
If your baby doesn’t get fed right away, this can lead to an unhappy baby, which equals an unhappy mom.
That’s why we like this bottle from PopYum. They have a funnel which makes it super easy to load the formula into the bottle. Then it also stops the formula from falling into the water chamber.
With only one hand, you can prepare a bottle. The bottle stores the formula and water separately so you can set up the formula in the bottle for later. Then, when you need the bottle, simply press the bottle’s buttons, shake it up, and then it’s ready for your baby.
If you’re a breastfeeding mom, you might also want to have a look at this cool bottle. It’s great for breast milk since you can isolate it at the bottom of the bottle. In addition, it won’t touch the nipple or vents until you’ve pressed the buttons.
- Anti-colic nipples and vents can relieve colic symptoms.
- Easy to prepare bottles one-handed so that you can hold your baby in the other arm.
- Available in five and nine-ounce bottles.
- Only five parts included, which is much less than some other options.
- Some babies struggled to get milk out, while others got milk too fast.
- Many parents found the bottles leaked.
- Not very durable, which is disappointing considering the high price.
- The nipples are short and wide, which many babies didn’t like.
6. Playtex Nurser with Disposable Liners
Best Baby Bottle for Travel
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If there’s one way to keep things neat and clean while you travel, it’s disposable liners. Once your baby is done feeding, simply throw the liner away. The bottle stays clean and you don’t have to worry about anything lingering in your diaper bag and smelling bad.
Playtex has made a super simple liner system: all you have to do is drop the liner into the bottle and you’re good to go. The bottles have a special lip at the top to catch onto the bottle, so you don’t have to worry about it slipping down or moving.
Then, just fill up the liner, screw on the nipple lid, and the bottle is ready.
When you’re done, all you have to do is remove the liner and dispose of it. We understand there are a lot of eco-friendly moms out there, but don’t worry — the liners are recyclable. (In the plastic bag recycling bin at grocery stores, not the regular recycle bin).
One of the reasons we really like these is because they weren’t just designed to make life easier; they actually improve your baby’s feeding experience. This is because the soft liner collapses down as your baby feeds, so the flow mimics a natural breastfeeding experience. And prevent air bubbles from mixing with the milk.
Both the bottle and the liners are made from BPA-free, PVC-free and phthalate-free plastic. The liners have even been pre-sterilized so you can open them up and add them to the bottle without extra steps.
- Simple liner system is easy and quick to use everyday or while traveling.
- Liner is designed to mimic the breastfeeding experience.
- Anti-colic and anti-gas.
- Saving the bags to recycle at a grocery store can get irritating.
7. Medela Breast Milk Collection Bottles
Best Baby Bottle for Exclusively Pumping
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How much milk do you produce? How much milk does your baby actually drink each time they feed?
Chances are, there will always be a difference between the two. That’s why a mom who breastfeeds needs to make sure they have a collection of bottles on hand to store that difference.
One of our favorite picks is from Medela. These collection bottles are affordable and come in a six-pack and are great to use when you’re exclusively pumping. They’re the number one physician-recommended breastmilk storage product in the United States.
Each BPA-free bottle holds five ounces and comes with a screw-on lid to keep the milk safe in the refrigerator or freezer. These plastic baby bottles have been designed to retain the breastmilk’s beneficial properties, even after storage.
The feature we like most for pumping moms is the versatility. All Medela bottles are designed to work with a variety of breast pumps so you won’t have to worry about purchasing a different pump if you already have one.
This kit doesn’t come with nipples, but the bottles are compatible with Medela nipples and collars and some other brands of nipples may work, too.
They can go in the dishwasher and the millimeter markers let you know exactly how much you’ve pumped. They’re easy to clean and hold up better in the refrigerator than disposable bags because they aren’t as prone to ripping or leaking.
- Since it comes with six bottles, you’ll have a lot of total storage space.
- The millimeter markers remain even after repeated washing.
- Affordable when compared to other bottle sets.
- Bigger bottles available (8oz).
- Some moms have complained about how thin these bottles are.
- No way to write on or label the bottle.
8. Pura Kiki Stainless Steel Infant Bottle
Best Stainless Steel Baby Bottle
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Bottles are essential for a certain period and then, once your baby grows, you suddenly find yourself with a bunch of bottles to store away in the back of the cabinet.
This bottle from Pura helps solve that problem. It has a unique bottle evolution system: simply trade out the silicone lids to adapt the main base to your child’s needs. It starts off as a bottle, but can then be used as a sippy bottle, straw bottle, a regular sports bottle, or even a snack container.
You might think this means its performance as a baby bottle is just so-so, but rest assured you’ll get everything you need with this model.
Because it’s stainless steel, you eliminate the risk of chemicals seeping in as you might experience with plastics. Plus it won’t break when dropped. Even though the stainless steel is lightweight, the bottle also has a tapered design and included silicone sleeve to add grip and make it easier for your baby to hold.
The wide neck more closely resembles breastfeeding and, better yet, makes it compatible with most other nipples from leading brands. The included nipple has a medium flow anti-colic valve design.
We love that this bottle is good for your baby, good for the environment, and good for your pocketbook. If you’re looking to cut down on the number of bottles in your home and get more use out of the baby products you buy, this is a great choice.
- Stainless steel is safe, eco-friendly, and easy to wash.
- The bottle evolution system lets you use the product for years instead of months.
- Compatible with many other leading brand bottle products.
- Silicone grip and a tapered design make it easier for the baby to hold.
- You need to buy other accessories to change the bottle’s function.
- A little on the larger size, so small babies may struggle to hold it themselves.
- Can’t see the amount in the bottle, measurements are on the inside.
9. NUK Simply Natural Glass Bottles
Best Glass Baby Bottle
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NUK bottles are a classic choice, beloved by moms for years, and it’s easy to see why. These bottles are easy for your baby to hold, but very hard to break.
Glass baby bottles are popular because they can be cleaned and sanitized easily and are completely free of the dangerous chemicals found in many plastics. NUK meets those requirements but takes it one step further.
With only three pieces – the body, the ring and the nipple, each bottle is easy to assemble and disassemble during feedings. Plus, the entire thing can be put in the top rack of your dishwasher for stress-free sterilization.
They can hold 4 ounces of liquid and have a one-piece integrated advance anti-colic system.
- Easy to clean, but hard to break.
- BPA-free and dishwasher-safe.
- Affordable price for parents on a budget.
- Designed to mimic the breast thus great for transitioning from breastfeeding to bottle-feeding.
- Integrated valve system in the nipple.
- The glass doesn’t freeze well and may crack if put in the freezer.
10. NUK Disney Bottle
Best Bottle for Toddlers
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Keep your toddler happy and entertained with these fun Disney-themed bottles.
The pack includes three Mickey Mouse bottles with orthodontic nipples and an angled top. This will help your baby use the correct tongue and mouth position while drinking. The hourglass nipple shape lets your toddler’s lips close in a way that cuts back on how much air they swallow.
The asymmetrical design will encourage the right jaw positioning to avoid developmental problems which are a risk for children who use bottles past the age of one.
Toddlers will love the fun design and parents will like that this bottle holds 10 ounces of liquid so they won’t have to be refilling it constantly.
The bottles are BPA-free and can be cleaned in the dishwasher. These have an anti-colic air system built into the nipple so your toddler won’t have as many digestive issues.
We like these baby bottles for moms with multiple kids because they work for both babies and toddlers, so you’ll save money by not buying a separate set of bottles for everyone.
- The nipple design is great for supporting your growing child’s development.
- Holds up to 10 ounces, perfect for a toddler’s appetite.
- Fun Disney design will keep your toddler smiling.
- For best results, you have to line up the anti-colic symbol under your baby’s nose while drinking — that’s hard to control with toddlers.
- Your toddler may quickly transition to a sippy cup, making the nipple less useful.
11. Sassy Baby Food Nurser
Best Bottle for Cereal
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Help your baby transition from bottles to solid foods with this unique set. You get two bottles in each pack; one with a traditional nipple and the other with a small spoon attached.
Using them in conjunction can help your baby become accustomed to spoon-feeding while also having a nipple with a large enough opening to allow baby cereal to flow through.
This is a great bottle for babies transitioning to solid foods for a few reasons. First, the vacuum disk keeps air out while encouraging the cereal to flow out of the nipple without clogging. Second, you simply press the bottom of the bottle to load some cereal onto the attached spoon.
No matter which lid your growing baby uses, they will have easy access to their food. If they struggle with the spoon, let them use the nipple bottle for a bit. You can slowly add the spoon into their routine as they get used to the food.
You can use it for other thicker foods too, for example, yogurt or applesauce if your baby is a fan. We like this because it means you get a lot of use out of the bottle as your baby grows.
These bottles were designed for babies six months and up. Each one holds approximately four ounces of food and is made of BPA-free plastic, but both the spoon and the nipple are made of silicone.
- The spoon-bottle can handle the thickness of cereal, unlike other nipple bottles.
- You can teach your baby the basics of spoon-feeding with this bottle.
- The spoon is soft like a nipple so it won’t hurt a baby’s teeth or gums.
- Comes with a hygienic lid.
- A portable way to carry homemade baby food.
- For the first few attempts, the plunger on the spoon bottle is hard to push up.
- These aren’t fun to hand wash.
Do I Need Baby Bottles?
At first glance, it may seem like you only need to be concerned about baby bottles if you don’t plan on breastfeeding.
However, we think all moms should be prepared to use bottles for a number of reasons:
Proper early nutrition is a top priority for every mom. Get the most from your baby bottles by doing a little research to find which type is best for you and your baby.
Types of Baby Bottles
There are 10 main types of baby bottles on the market, each designed with some specific benefit in mind.
- Plastic Baby Bottles: Plastic is one of the most common baby bottle materials and it is a great option for moms looking for something durable. Overall, plastic baby bottles are inexpensive, widely available, and they are typically BPA-free.
- Glass Baby Bottles: Glass is one of the safest materials to use and also some of the easiest to clean.
- Stainless Steel Baby Bottles: Easy to clean and can’t shatter or break.
- Breastfeeding Bottles: Breastmilk bottles are specifically created to mimic the natural nursing process as closely as possible.
- Anti-Colic Bottles: Designed to prevent air bubbles from passing through the milk to your baby.
- Preemie Bottles: Premature babies have some special needs due to their size and development.
- Exclusive Pumping Bottles: Have millimeter markers to let you know exactly how much you’ve pumped and also act as storage containers.
- Cereal Baby Bottles: Help your baby become accustomed to spoon-feeding while also having a nipple with a large enough opening to allow baby cereal to flow through.
- Toddler Bottles: These bottles are designed for older children as their diet gradually evolves.
- Travel Bottles: Designed specifically for families who are on-the-go.
Can’t decide which one is for you? One of the great things about baby bottles is that you can get a whole selection for a variety of situations.
How to Choose Baby Bottles
Regardless of what bottles you’re thinking of purchasing, you want to make sure they meet a few basic requirements first. If the one you’re looking at meets some or all of these five criteria, you can be pretty confident it’s a quality pick.
BPA Free
BPA stands for bisphenol A, and is an industrial chemical used to make plastic. Research has found some of the chemicals can leach into your food or drinks if they are in containers made out of BPA (4).
If you choose plastic baby bottles, make sure they are BPA-free to prevent any chemicals from getting into your baby’s milk. All BPA-free bottles should say so on the packaging or in the product description.
Easy to Wash
Newborn babies need a lot of sustenance to support their growing bodies. On average, babies need anywhere between 8 to 12 feedings a day. This can lead to a lot of dirty bottles!
So, make sure you look for bottles that are easy to connect and clean. Ideally, they should have a simple design without too many nooks and crannies for milk to dry in and mold. We also love bottles that can be put into the dishwasher.
Venting System
Nothing is as miserable as a baby with gas or colic! The air they swallow gets trapped in their digestive tracts, making them very uncomfortable (5). And we all know that if a baby is uncomfortable, mom will be too.
One of the primary culprits of gas is a baby bottle that aerates milk and fills your baby’s belly with millions of tiny bubbles. That’s why you want one with a venting system to prevent air from getting trapped inside the milk, helping you avoid painful gas and colic.
Measurement Marks
Nursing and feeding your child can feel like a science sometimes, especially if your baby is facing any health issues. Accurately track how much milk you produce and how much milk your baby drinks with a bottle that has measurement marks.
Be careful though! Recent studies have shown a good percentage of baby bottles with measurement marks are inaccurate. Make sure to read the reviews on a product first to see what other moms say about the measurement accuracy.
Pumping Compatible
More than 80 percent of moms begin by breastfeeding (6). However, it can be emotionally and physically demanding, and at some point, you may want a break. It’s convenient to pump directly into a bottle and go out for the evening or even just errands solo (it can feel like a mini-vacation!) Whether this means the bottle can attach directly to the pump or is simply designed to make storing breast milk easier, it’s helpful to make sure the bottle is pumping compatible.
Finding the Perfect Nipple Size
Just as important as the bottle you choose is the nipple size. The nipple size controls the flow of milk out of the bottle. Younger babies generally need slower-flowing nipples while older babies and toddlers need faster-flowing nipples.
There are as many different nipple sizes and types as there are bottles. However, most will fit into three categories: slow, medium, and fast (7). They may also be labeled with numbers, such as stage 0 (newborn), stage 1 (1+ months), stage 2 (3+months), and stage 3 (6+ months).
Each nipple you purchase, whether it comes with a bottle or not, should have an age range and flow speed listed. Your baby doesn’t need to match this exactly, but these are usually helpful guidelines to consider. Slower is typically better for breastfed babies.
Related Reading: Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Review: Are the Closer to Nature Bottles the Best?
When Will My Baby Need a Bottle?
The truth is, there is no right or wrong answer. Every mom and baby is different.
You can breastfeed exclusively for the first six months before introducing solid foods. You can also use formula in a bottle from the day they are born. What you choose is up to your health, what your baby needs, and your personal preferences.
Bottles provide freedom to a new mom, especially after breastfeeding has been established. Being able to leave your milk for your baby with a different caregiver allows you to go back to work, go shopping, or simply have a break.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, it’s best to try and have your child weaned from the bottle by the time they turn one. The older your child gets, the harder it will be for them to give up the bottle.
How to Transition to a Bottle
It is common practice for a mom to start off breastfeeding and then slowly transition to a bottle as their child grows. This process can be tricky!
Here are five tips to help you make the transition:
- Use breast milk inside the bottle. If you’re transitioning to formula starting off with your milk in the bottle helps the baby use the bottle because it’s milk they are used to.
- Find a bottle with a slow-flow nipple. These are designed to imitate the suckling effect during breastfeeding and prevent nipple confusion.
- Find a bottle with a wider base. It will feel more like your breast and be easier to latch on to.
- Choose a bottle made of soft silicone or one that has a silicone cover. Your baby is used to your soft skin and silicone can help replicate that experience.
- Choose relaxed feedings to try a bottle. If your baby is super fussy and upset, they may be more likely to reject a bottle. Choose a time when they’re more relaxed and happy.
If your baby constantly rejects bottles, try looking at both the bottle itself and what’s inside it. You may have to try a few different bottles to find one your baby likes.
Something to consider for your registry is a baby bottle sample pack.
Do I Need a Baby Bottle Warmer?
Some babies like a warm bottle! To warm the milk, simply place the filled bottle into a container with hot water, which will heat it through evenly.
You can also purchase baby bottle warmers that will keep track of the temperature and take some of the guesswork out of the process. After all, you do not want to give your baby a bottle that’s too hot and scald them.
Never heat a baby bottle up in the microwave. Microwaves heat unevenly, which could leave hot spots that could burn your baby.
How Do I Store Baby Bottles?
Empty baby bottles should be cleaned, dried, assembled, and stored in a protected environment such as a kitchen cabinet (8).
If your bottle is filled with breast milk or formula and hasn’t been used for a feeding, it can be stored in the fridge or freezer. The length of storage time will depend on the type of liquid in the bottle and what the bottle is made of.
If your baby has already had a portion of the bottle, it needs to be used within two hours or disposed of (9).
How Do I Clean Baby Bottles?
So, how can you clean your baby’s bottles properly?
Baby bottles are made from a variety of different materials with different care instructions. Some can be placed in the dishwasher, while others can’t. Most are safe to be put in the top rack of the dishwasher, but always confirm this by reading your bottle’s care instructions first.
Pro Tip
However you clean your baby’s bottle, make sure to completely disassemble it. Some bottles have smaller parts that need to be cleaned with a bottle brush too.
Every once in a while, it’s also a good idea to fully sanitize your baby bottles. You don’t need to do it after every use, but we suggest sterilizing bottles before you use them for the first time and after your baby has been sick.
The easiest way to sanitize them is to boil them in hot water for approximately five minutes. If your bottle can’t be boiled, look into buying one of the best bottle sterilizers.
We suggest only purchasing bottles that can be washed in the dishwasher and easily sanitized.
Baby Bottle FAQs
Can Baby Bottles Cause Ear Infections?
Bottles themselves don’t cause ear infections. However, your baby may get one if they use a bottle while they’re flat on their backs. This is because the milk may enter the eustachian tube, a canal that connects the ear and the throat, increasing your baby’s risk of infection (10).
Prevent ear infections by keeping your baby as upright as possible when they use a bottle, especially if they’re self-feeding.
Are Baby Bottles Allowed on Airplanes?
You can carry bottles of breast milk or formula onto airplanes. Anything containing a liquid may be subject to testing and examination, so make sure you’re using easy-to-open, clear containers.
According to the Transportation Security Administration, bottles filled with more than 100 millimeters (3.4 ounces) of milk can be inside your carry-on and you don’t need to put them in any plastic bag (11). You’re also allowed to have a variety of ice packs to keep the bottles cool, and needn’t actually be traveling with your child at the time.
Can Baby Bottles Be Recycled?
You will need to check what your bottles are made of before you try and recycle them. Today, many types of plastics and glass can be recycled; take a look at the bottle itself, especially on the bottom, for the recycle symbol.
If you can’t find any information from the bottle or the packaging, check out the product listing online or contact the company for more information.
Can Baby Bottles Be Reused or Donated?
Baby bottles are safe and easy to reuse or donate as long as they don’t have any cracks or missing parts. All you have to do is sterilize them thoroughly.
If you don’t have another child you can save the bottles for, consider contacting your local women’s or refugee shelter to see if they are in need of bottles.
Can Baby Bottles Expire?
Most bottles can last indefinitely as long as you take good care of them. However, it’s normal for wear and tear to occur. If you notice any of the following signs on the bottle or the nipple, you may want to get rid of it (12):
- Cracking, chipping, or breaks.
- Swelling or other signs of a distorted shape.
- Thinning.
- Discoloration.
- Fast pouring of milk through the nipple.
When Do Babies Hold Their Own Bottles?
Most babies begin to hold their own bottles between 6-10 months. It all comes down to your child’s fine motor skills.
If your arm is getting tired, consider finding a bottle specifically designed to be gripped by your baby.
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Top 10 Rating of the best bottles for feeding newborns
Breastfeeding a newborn is a natural procedure for every new mother, but there are times when you need to switch to artificial feeding. For example, when a new mother plans to return to her old place of work in the first year of a baby's life, or simply when she wants to get a short break for rest, during which other family members will look after the child.
So much will depend on choosing the right feeding bottle. To make it easier to find the right accessory for your baby, we offer for your consideration a rating of the top ten feeding bottles from 0, based on the recommendations of medical professionals and mothers who have already used them.
TOP 10: The best baby bottle rankings
Rank | Title | User rating | Average price in rubles |
1 | 🍼 Nuk First Choice | ⭐ 4.3 out of 5 | 460 r. |
2 | 🍼 “Dr. Brown's (anti-colic bottle)» | ⭐ 4.1 out of 5 | 600 rubles |
3 | 🍼 "Philips Avent" | ⭐ 4.2 out of 5 | 650 rubles |
4 | 🍼 Comotomo Natural Feel Baby Bottle | ⭐ 4.9 out of 5 | 800 rubles |
5 | 🍼 "Tommee Tippee" | ⭐ 4 of 5 | 700 rubles |
6 | 🍼 "Munchkin Latch" | ⭐ 4.![]() | 590 RUB |
7 | 🍼CHICCO Nature Glass | ⭐ 4.2 out of 5 | 550 RUB |
8 | 🍼 "Pigeon" | ⭐ 4.8 out of 5 | 440 rubles |
9 | 🍼 "Playtex Baby Nurser" | ⭐ 4.3 out of 5 | 530 r. |
10 | 🍼 Canpol Babies | ⭐ 3.2 out of 5 | 240 rubles |
1. "Nuk First Choice"
The top spot was given to the "Nuk First Choise" bottle, for its three main wonderful qualities - versatility, health benefits for the baby and durability. The bottle itself is made of wear-resistant plastic, which is difficult to scratch. In addition, it will not change its color even after a long period of use. The nipple that comes with the kit is made of soft and flexible silicone and does not let air through, so the risk of colic in the baby is minimal. If desired, you can additionally purchase other types of nipples that fit the bottle: there are six different types.
✅ Advantages of the feeding bottle:
- High-quality and healthy raw material used for the manufacture of nipples and bottles;
- Ergonomic and comfortable teat shape;
- Versatility;
- Clear and indelible gradation on the bottle.
❗ Warning:
- A number of mums have complained that the lid is not tight and the bottle may leak.
2. “Dr. Brown's
Dr. Brown's anti-colic feeding bottle is the best of the bunch and has a patented ventilation system designed to prevent your baby from swallowing air bubbles. This means that when using this bottle, the child is not afraid of colic. In addition, since air never mixes with milk, your baby is still getting the necessary vitamins: A, C and E-groups. The nipple in appearance resembles a female breast, so the transition to artificial feeding will be painless for the baby.
✅ Feeding bottle benefits:
- Does not contain harmful materials;
- Prevents air in the bottle from being swallowed;
- Reduces the risk of baby colic many times over.
❗Worth noting:
- Complicated cleaning system: even a special mini-brush is provided for this, however, it is not very convenient to use;
- Graduation of the scale on the bottle is hardly visible.
Parent Review : These bottles are so nice and easy to use! I couldn't breastfeed, but I still wanted to breastfeed my baby. For this purpose, I used these bottles: my daughter adapted immediately, without any problems.
3. Philips Avent Natural
The most talked about and famous feeding bottle among Russian mothers. The Avent Natural design features an anti-colic valve that returns air back into the bottle. The feeding bottle is quite ergonomic, making it easy to clean and assemble. The appearance and shape of the nipples are suitable for both newborns and older babies. The safety of the goods has been verified by repeated tests of well-known medical organizations, and the products themselves are widely distributed in the CIS and can be bought at almost any pharmacy.
✅ Advantages of feeding bottle:
- Good wear resistance;
- Available for purchase;
- Fully compatible with the company's baby products: sterilizers, drinking cups and other products for babies;
- Easy to clean and assemble.
❗Worth noting:
- There have been complaints in the reviews about the operation of the valve to prevent air from entering the food: it can malfunction.
4. Comotomo Natural Feel Baby Bottle
One of the best bottles for the current year: in many tops, it takes first place. Like most other modern feeding devices, this bottle is equipped with a special valve to cut off air from the milk formula, and the shape of the nipple imitates the appearance of the breast, for the baby to get used to the nipple more quickly.
The main advantage of the bottle is the material from which it is made: its soft walls will allow the bottle to shrink, which will help regulate the rate of milk flow. Unfortunately, the bottle itself and its accessories are quite expensive, and there are not much more advantages than cheaper analogues of competitors, so only the fourth place.
✅ Advantages of the feeding bottle:
- Only materials that are safe for health are used;
- Good wear resistance;
- The presence of a valve for bleeding air.
❗ Warning:
- High price.
5. "Tommee Tippee"
This fluffy bottle is light and comfortable in the hands, making it easier for the baby to feed. It is made of safe polypropylene and equipped with a well-thought-out air bleed system. An additional plus is the shape of the nipple that comes with the kit: it is very convenient for feeding and milk almost never spills.
✅ Advantages of the feeding bottle:
- Sophisticated air valve system;
- Easy to clean and easy to assemble;
- Ergonomic pacifier shape.
❗Worth noting:
- Some mothers have complained about the nipple designed for feeding newborns: according to them, the milk supply is too fast and in large quantities.
6. Munchkin Latch
The main advantage of the bottle is the teats that come with it. The developers of the product have made a really thoughtful shape, which greatly facilitates the feeding of the child. In addition, it ensures proper grip during feeding, so the outside air, along with the mixture, does not enter the baby's stomach. There is also an air release valve inside the bottle. The shape of the bottle correctly distributes the pressure inside the structure, so that the feeding process is almost 100% similar to breastfeeding.
✅ Advantages of the feeding bottle:
- Ergonomic and comfortable teat shape;
- All components are made from raw materials that are safe for the health of the baby;
- The presence of a valve for bleeding air.
❗ Warning:
- When the bottle is heated in a water bath, milk flows out of the bottle.
7. "CHICCO Nature Glass" glass bottle
The seventh place was taken by the products of the Italian company. Compared with similar products from competitors, it is more ergonomic and of high quality workmanship. The bottle is made of strong glass, besides, it retains the internal temperature for a long time. Latex was chosen as the material for the pacifier, and its shape facilitates the feeding process as much as possible.
✅ Advantages of the feeding bottle:
- The bottle is able to keep the temperature of the milk poured into it for a long time;
- Glass is strong and impact resistant;
- The teat is ergonomically shaped and made of first-class latex.
❗ Warning:
- Fairly expensive;
- Non-standard large bottle volume and weight;
- Obscure scale gradation.
8. Pigeon
Made by Japanese craftsmen, this feeding bottle has an unusual shape of a nipple and it got into our list precisely because of its specific application. Since a silicone spoon is used instead of the usual type of nipple, it is suitable for those mothers who want to teach their child to eat from a spoon as quickly as possible. Liquid food is delivered to it by simply pressing the bottom of the bottle.
✅ Feeding bottle benefits:
- Made in Japan;
- Low price;
- Rich starter kit;
- For those who want to teach their child to eat from a spoon.
❗ Warning:
- Specific use.
9. Playtex Baby Nurser
Another interesting product we have chosen because of the unique way of filling the bottle with formula. It is not poured directly into the bottle, but into special disposable bags. This provides several undeniable advantages. Firstly, after filling the bag with milk, you can bleed excess air from it, and secondly, the bottle itself is very easy to clean. The quality of the materials used for the bottle pacifier is also beyond praise. However, in our market it is quite difficult to get bags for pouring milk, and they also cost a lot of money. Because of these nuances, only ninth place.
✅ Feeding bottle benefits:
- Innovative feeding bottle filling system;
- Components are made from materials that are safe for health;
- Easy to clean.
❗ What to warn about:
- Rare and expensive consumables.
10. Canpol Babies (glass)
The best budget feeding bottle available today. The gradation of the scale is clearly visible on it, the glass is durable and impact-resistant. The nipple is made of silicone and provides a slow flow of formula. Given the price of the product, this is the best purchase option among inexpensive bottles: cheap and cheerful.
✅ Advantages of the feeding bottle:
- Low price;
- Good quality;
- Impact and tough glass;
- Only materials that are safe for health are used.
❗ Warning:
- No air bleed valves.
What else to consider when choosing feeding bottles?
The first is the material from which the bottle and its accessories are made. They must not contain harmful substances. The second is the volume and shape of the bottle. The third factor is the availability and quality of manufacturing of additional accessories and their availability on the market. Our top includes the best models leading in the polls in these three positions.
Best baby feeding bottles 2018
Feeding bottles for newborns are an indispensable item for new parents. A bottle is needed when artificially feeding with a mixture, for supplementing with water or feeding the baby with expressed milk during the mother's absence. With the right selection, the child suffers less from colic and bloating and drinks from a bottle with pleasure. Modern bottles are closer to breastfeeding conditions to meet the baby's sucking needs and avoid breast rejection.
Our TOP 10 rating, based on reviews from parents and pediatricians, contains an overview of the best baby bottles for feeding newborns from popular manufacturers.
World of Detstva
Bottles of the Russian manufacturer Mir Detstva are produced under strict control in accordance with the quality standards in force in Russia. They are safe for children and are not inferior in quality to foreign counterparts. The manufacturer offers bottles of standard and ergonomic shape with silicone nipples with a volume of 125 and 250 ml. There are specimens with a wide neck, which facilitates the process of washing the bottle after use. All bottles are decorated with cute children's drawings.
The manufacturer's defect is the lack of a clearly drawn measuring scale. The marks are convex, but merge in color with the bottle. To determine the volume of liquid, you have to strain your eyes and look closely. Many parents complain about the quick failure of the nipples included in the kit and the lids that are inconvenient to use.
- BPA Free
- Low price
- Bright design that catches the attention of little ones
- Colorless scale, which makes it difficult to navigate the volume of the drink in the bottle
- Poor quality teats and plastic lids
Avent natural - easy bottle feeding with breastfeeding
British manufacturer Philips Avent has been making baby bottles for over 30 years. The Natural series is designed to help new mothers combine bottle feeding with breastfeeding when they need to supplement their baby. The peculiarity of this bottle is the shape of the nipple, which follows the contours of the breast. To drink from a bottle of Avent natural, the baby has to make an effort and make movements with the tongue, just like when sucking at the breast.
Bottles are available in 3 versions - 125, 260 and 330 ml. To reduce colic, a double valve is provided that prevents air from entering the stomach. The bottles have a wide mouth, convenient for washing or filling the mixture.
Parental feedback on Avent natural bottles is mostly positive. Although some note an uncomfortable position in the hand when feeding.
- Breastfeeding nipple to reduce the risk of not breastfeeding in favor of a bottle
- Variable flow rate to vary with child's age
- Wide neck
- Double anti-colic valve
- Not suitable for weak babies as drinking requires some effort
- Not everyone is comfortable holding wide bottles in their hand
Bibi bottles
Anti-colic bottles from the Swiss brand Bibi have an interesting nipple design that is easy for newborns to grip. Compliance with European standards guarantees high quality and safety. The bottles can be sterilized by steam, microwave or dishwasher. The shape with a "waist" contributes to a comfortable arrangement in the hand.
Of the minuses, one can name a strong flow even when using a pacifier 0+. Some babies may choke with a large amount of incoming fluid.
- Made of high quality plastic or safety glass
- They have an anti-colic system in the form of a special valve
- Ergonomic shape for adults and children
- Strong teat flow rate
Nuk First Choice bottle - imitation of the female breast at an affordable price
German manufacturer Nuk First Choice bottles are designed to help parents combine natural and artificial feeding of the baby. The wide base of the nipple and the beveled tip imitate the female breast so that the baby does not get confused with different feeding methods. Bottles of this brand are produced from polypropylene and glass in several volumes - 120, 150, 240 and 300 ml. Parents can choose from a latex or silicone nipple.
According to customer reviews, these bottles have one weak point - an insufficiently tight fit of the cap leads to leakage of liquid when shaken or horizontal.
- Excellent German quality
- Combination of breast and formula feeding
- Teats in various materials and flow rates
- Weak lid that does not cope with the function of leakage protection
Chicco Natural
The Italian company Chicco offers newborn parents an innovative teat with a velvety top layer and tilted to one side. This bottle provides the baby with comfort and ease of feeding. The shape of the pacifier encourages the baby to make sucking movements. According to research conducted by the company in 2016, 96% of children from birth to three months agree to drink from a Natural Feeling bottle.
The disadvantages include the difficulty of emptying the bottle to the end. Due to the beveled nipple, tilting the bottle so that the last drops fall into the baby's mouth is almost impossible. Therefore, it is better to dilute the mixture or pour milk with a small margin. Many users complain about the lid being too tight and opening with a lot of effort.
- Soft, velvety surface of silicone teat
- Angled tip to stimulate sucking
- Pacifier shape appeals to most babies
- Impossibility to feed the baby the entire amount in the bottle
- Does not fit into most thermal containers
- Tight cap
Another manufacturer who tried to replicate the mechanism of sucking from the mother's breast in a bottle was the Japanese "Pigeon". Like its competitors, the Pigeon Peristaltic Plus bottle is anti-colic with a patented nipple valve. Reduced colic with use noted in 97% of cases, which was confirmed by scientific tests of the SCCH RAMS in 2013. The nipple has a raised surface that makes it easier for the newborn to grasp it.
Rather high price of the bottle corresponds to its quality. There are practically no negative statements about her. The disadvantages include the absence of a 30 ml mark on the measuring scale and a slight sound that appears during the operation of the anti-colic valve.
- Mimics the shape of mother's breasts
- Active anticolic system
- Rough teat surface for a comfortable grip
- High price
- Extraneous sounds when using
- Measuring scale starts at 60 ml
"Tommee Tippee closer to nature" with anti-colic tubing and valves
The next contender for the Super Baby Bottle comes from the UK. Manufacturer Tommee Tippee offers a nipple that follows the curve of the breast, its elasticity and movement during feeding, as well as a whole system of valves and tubes to combat air swallowing. The bottle fits comfortably in the hand due to the curves on the sides. There is a temperature sensor that changes color when the drink cools down.
Washing all parts of the bottle is a minor inconvenience. Another disadvantage is the inability to drink the mixture or milk to the end, about 10-20 ml remains in the lid area.
- The shape of the nipple is comfortable for the baby, but does not distract from the breast
- Anti-colic valve system
- Ergonomic shape
- Thermal sensor
- Difficulty washing
- The need to fill the liquid with a margin of
Medela Calma
Medela Calma is a bottle that mimics the process of sucking from the breast. In order for the liquid to enter the mouth, the baby must apply the same force to create a vacuum as when breastfeeding. This happens due to a special design - the smart nipple is pulled over a plastic base of several parts, attached to the bottle. As a result, the transition from breast to bottle and vice versa occurs imperceptibly and naturally for the baby.
Despite the complex design, which is also not easy to rinse, the Medela nipple often gives a strong pressure and the child chokes when feeding. Bottles are produced only in a small volume - 150 ml, which is not suitable for grown-up babies.
- Breastfeeding simulation system to reduce the risk of breast rejection
- Comfortable pacifier shape
- Prevents swallowing of air
- High price
- Narrow neck
- Small volume
- Difficulty washing and collecting the bottle
Canpol Haberman & Canpol
The Polish brand Canpol offers its own version of the anti-colic baby bottle with a nipple offset to the edge of the bottle. The design has a special filter, thanks to which the milk or mixture is constantly in the nipple, and the air and foam remain in the bottle. The nipple allows liquid to pass through only when feeding, ensuring the tightness of the product.
The Canpol Haberman system takes a little longer to assemble and clean than a simple bottle. This is a small price to pay for getting rid of colic when feeding.
- Comfortable nipple shape that mimics breasts
- Anti-colic filter
- Not very convenient process of washing the teat and air filtering system
“Dr. Brown's Best Baby Bottle of 2018
The generally recognized leader of our rating is the feeding bottle from the American manufacturer Dr.Brown's. It was created by a pediatrician to relieve colic in babies. The patented ventilation system prevents air bubbles from entering the liquid by directing them to the bottom of the bottle. Milk and formula do not oxidize, retaining all the benefits and natural taste. Dr. bottles Brown's has earned the approval of neonatologists and parents around the world.
The ventilation system has its drawbacks. If the nipple is twisted, the cap is screwed too tightly, the bottle is horizontal, or the bottle is agitated, liquid will leak through the cap. Please keep this in mind when using the product.
- Created by a pediatrician
- Unique venting system that prevents fluid from coming into contact with air
- Fluid Drip
- Often leaks when operating conditions are violated
- Ventilation system difficult to clean
Summary table
Bottle | Country of origin | Pros | Cons |
Mir detstva | Russia | + BPA free + Low price + Bright design | - Colorless scale - Poor quality teats and lid plastic |
Avent | UK | + Breast-feeding nipple + Flow rate that changes with baby's age + Wide neck + Dual anti-colic valve | - Not suitable for weak babies - It is not convenient to hold wide bottles in the hand |
Bibi | Switzerland | + High-quality plastic / safety glass + Anti-colic system in the form of a special valve + Ergonomic shape | - Strong teat flow rate |
Nuk | Germany | + German quality + Combination of breastfeeding and bottle feeding + Teats of different materials and flow rates | - Weak cap |
Chicco | Italy | + Soft, velvety nipple + Angled tip for stimulating sucking + Most babies like the shape of the nipple | - Can't feed the baby all the volume in the bottle - Doesn't fit in most insulated containers - cover |
Pigeon | Japan | + Mimics the shape of mother's breasts + Effective anti-colic system + Rough teat surface for easy grip | - High price - Sounds when using - Measuring scale starts at 60 ml |
Tommee Tippee | UK | + comfortable pacifier shape for baby + anti-colic valve system + ergonomic shape + temperature sensor | - Difficulty washing - need to fill up |
Medela | - Not very convenient process of washing the pacifier and air filtration system | ||
Brown's | USA | + Designed by a pediatrician + Unique venting system that prevents fluid from coming into contact with air + Fluid dripping | - Leaks often when used improperly - Ventilation system is difficult to clean |
How to choose a feeding bottle for a newborn?
When choosing a bottle for feeding a newborn baby, we recommend paying attention to certain product features:
- Shape - wide-mouthed bottles are easier to clean, but especially pot-bellied bottles are not very comfortable to hold and may not fit in standard thermal containers and warmers. It is convenient when the bottle has a “waist” or special notches for fingers;
- Pacifier - it is desirable that the pacifier can be selected depending on the age of the child. As they grow older, the fluid flow rate should increase. If you want to combine breastfeeding and artificial feeding, then buy bottles with nipples that mimic sucking from the mother's breast. Their shape and behavior facilitate easy transition from bottle feeding to breastfeeding and vice versa;
- Anti-colic system - when purchasing, make sure the bottle you choose has anti-colic valves or a ventilation system to prevent babies from swallowing air when feeding.