Top allergenic foods for babies
Baby Food Allergies: Identifying and Preventing Them
Written by Gina Shaw
In this Article
- Start Gradually to Identify Any Food Allergies
- Babies and Allergies: The Top 8 Allergenic Foods
- Food Allergy Symptoms to Watch for in Your Baby
- Severe Food Allergy Symptoms: When to Call 911
- Dealing With Mild Food Allergies in Baby
- The Family Food-Allergy Connection
- Protecting Baby Against Food Allergies: Easy Does It
Starting to feed a baby solid foods is an exciting milestone for parents. However, it comes with a lot of questions and concerns, especially about food allergies. What foods are most likely to cause allergies in babies? How do you avoid them?
Emerging research has shown that introducing multiple foods together is safe, and may help the immune system have a lower risk of developing food allergies, but more studies are needed. Check with your doctor for what’s best for your baby.
Start Gradually to Identify Any Food Allergies
It’s most important to introduce a baby to new foods gradually, one at a time, in case of food allergies. If not, a parent may have trouble tying an allergy to a specific new food. For example, if you give your baby three new foods over the course of a day and they develop an allergic reaction, you won’t know which of the foods provoked it.
The type of food or the order in which food is introduced is not much of a concern, as long as the foods you are offering are healthy and well-balanced for the baby. Each time you offer a new food, you should wait three to five days before adding another new item to the menu. Don’t eliminate the other foods your baby is eating during that time; you already know these are safe because the child has not had any food reactions up until now. Just don’t add anything else new.
Babies and Allergies: The Top 8 Allergenic Foods
With any new food, you’ll want to be on the lookout for any allergic reactions. There are more than 160 allergenic foods; certain foods may be more allergenic than others. The following eight foods and food groups are known to possibly cause problems with allergic reactions possibly up to 90% of the time.
- Cow's milk
- Eggs
- Peanuts
- Tree nuts (such as walnuts or almonds)
- Fish
- Shellfish
- Soy
- Wheat
New nutrition guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics say it's okay to introduce these allergy-causing foods when your baby is ready to eat solids. There is no evidence that waiting until the baby is older prevents food allergy. If you believe your baby has an allergic reaction to a food, such as diarrhea, rash, or vomiting, talk with your child's doctor about the best choices for the diet.
Within a few months of starting solid foods, your baby's daily diet should include a variety of foods, such as breast milk, formula, or both; meats; cereal; vegetables; fruits; eggs; and fish.
Food Allergy Symptoms to Watch for in Your Baby
Food allergy symptoms usually appear very soon after the food is eaten -- within a few minutes to a couple of hours. If you’re introducing a new food to your baby, keep an eye out for these symptoms:
- Hives or welts
- Flushed skin or rash
- Face, tongue, or lip swelling
- Vomiting and/or diarrhea
- Coughing or wheezing
- Difficulty breathing
- Loss of consciousness
Severe Food Allergy Symptoms: When to Call 911
Severe allergic reactions can be fatal very quickly. If your baby is having trouble breathing/wheezing, has swelling on their face/lips, or develops severe vomiting or diarrhea after eating, immediately call 911. You can inform your pediatrician at a later time.
Dealing With Mild Food Allergies in Baby
If you see mild symptoms, such as hives or a rash, contact your pediatrician for further evaluation. The doctor might refer you to an allergist (allergy specialist doctor), who will ask more questions and do a physical exam. The allergies may order diagnostic tests such as:
- A skin test. This test involves placing liquid extracts of food allergens on your child's forearm or back, pricking the skin, and waiting to see if reddish raised spots form within 15 minutes.
A positive test to a food only shows that your child might be sensitive to that food.
- Blood tests to check the blood for IgE antibodies to specific foods
Remember, just because a baby’s initial allergic reaction to a new food may be mild, it may get worse upon following exposures. Talk to your pediatrician about any food allergy symptoms in your baby.
Some allergies go away with time. Egg and milk allergies often go away as children get older, but peanut, tree nut, and shellfish allergies tend to persist. That said, research shows that in the case of peanut allergies, peanut immunotherapy drops administered under the tongue are safe and effective as treatment for peanut allergy, even in children as young as 1. They were also found to help significantly desensitize the patients to peanuts.
The Family Food-Allergy Connection
If there is a family food allergies, your baby has an increased risk of also developing allergies, although it is not a certainty. If you have the allergies, the odds are 50-50 for them to have them as well.
It’s best to introduce the 8 allergens gradually, at one-to-two week intervals over time so that you can recognize if an allergy develops.
Protecting Baby Against Food Allergies: Easy Does It
In a reversal of earlier policy, the American Academy of Pediatrics is now recommending that potential allergens be introduced to your infant earlier rather than later. In doing so, the move may actually help prevent them from developing allergies to those foods.
Breastfeeding you baby for 4-6 months is the best way to prevent a milk allergy. Remember that breast milk or formula is higher in nutrition. When you begin to introduce whole milk, you should do so under a doctor’s supervision. Yogurt and soft cheeses are fine, because the proteins in these dairy products are broken down and less likely to cause tummy trouble.
The AAP now advises that, in the case of infants who are at high risk of allergies, peanuts should be introduced between 4-6 months. Infants at highest risk of developing peanut allergies are those with eczema or egg allergies or both. It was originally believed that introducing your baby to the foods when they are older might make any reactions more manageable.
Other potential allergens such as tree nuts and fish should be introduced over a period of time as you introduce your baby to solid foods, between 6 and 9 months
You should wait until at least age 1 (some experts say age 2) to introduce honey, which can cause a potentially serious disease called infant botulism. Ask your pediatrician for guidance.
Introducing your baby to the top 9 allergen foods — Boob to Food
How and when to introduce the top 9 allergenic foods
These foods are not responsible for every allergy, however they are responsible for 90% of food allergies in children.
The current allergy guidelines recommend that these foods be introduced between 6 months and 12 months (but not before 4 months). For the purpose of this blog, I will be listing the allergens from 6 months of age, as that is approximately when I recommend to start your baby on solids - read more about that here. Many expansive studies have now been done that show that the early and frequent exposure (before 12 months) of the top allergens will decrease your babies risk of allergies - so once you do introduce that allergenic food, if your baby tolerates it, try and be mindful to keep that food in rotation in their diet!
It is important to note that some babies may still develop a food allergy despite following this advice. If you suspect your baby has an allergic reaction, stop giving that food and seek medical advice.
When it comes to introducing the top allergen foods, repeat exposure is key.
This is because, your baby may not react to that allergen food from the first exposure, but after that first exposure, can build antibodies to that food protein which can present themselves with the second or third exposure through a histamine release, and an allergic reaction.
I do not say this to scare you, but rather, to educate you that baby is not ‘in the safe zone’ until a few successful exposures to that allergen. The current research recommends repeat exposure of the top allergens to build tolerance and has shown to reduce the prevalence of food allergies. This means, that once your baby has been shown to have no issues with that allergen, try and keep that food in rotation in your babies diet - there is no hard and fast rule with how often you should keep giving that particular food, but just as a part of a varied diet.
I would recommend introducing the top allergenic foods one at a time, and offer every 3-4 days for 3-4 exposures before introducing any new allergens. You can offer these allergen foods with a food that baby has been tolerating well.
So, why the slow exposure? Can’t you just give them 3 days in a row?
You absolutely can and you will still identify allergic reactions that way, but I do prefer to encourage a slower introduction if possible.
Whilst allergic reactions will generally appear within 2 hours of consuming the trigger food, a food SENSITIVITY or INTOLERANCE generally has a delayed reaction - after 2 hours and within 3 days of consuming the trigger food.
Identifying the potential sensitivity early is going to be a lot easier in the long run than trying to work backwards if your little one does develop any of the sensitivity symptoms :)
Many food sensitivities will resolve with time and gut support, and this is definitely something Mikal and I can help guide you through in a consultation - as the approach is individualised!
Never introduce an allergen for the FIRST time if your baby is unwell. It will be harder to assess if your baby has an intolerance or sensitivity or if that’s part of the illness. They are also more likely to experience a reaction when their immune system is compromised.
Don’t introduce an allergen as babies VERY FIRST FOOD.
For example, egg yolk can be introduced from 6 months BUT after a few successful introductions to non allergenic food Eg avocado (and yes, some people will be allergic to other foods like avocados, but remember that these are much rarer and the top 9 allergens make up 90% of food allergies in babies).
Don’t introduce an allergen food straight before a nap or bedtime. It can take up to 2 hours for an allergy to present itself. I would recommend at the beginning of your babies longest awake time such as mid-morning.
Don’t introduce an allergen for the first time somewhere like a cafe or restaurant or at daycare. They should be introduced in the comfort of your home where your full attention is on your baby.
An allergic reaction will generally appear immediately to 2 hours post consumption/touching of the food.
A sensitivity will generally appear after 2 hours and within 3 days of consuming the food.
Immediately stop feeding your baby that food.
Remove them from the food, wipe their face/hands clean.
If required, call an ambulance immediately for signs of a severe allergic reaction such as any difficulty in breathing or if your baby becomes pale and floppy, has tongue swelling or if you’re concerned about their wellbeing.
If it was a mild reaction, DO NOT reintroduce that food again, and seek advice with your general practitioner for the next steps to follow - where they will generally refer your baby for some allergy testing.
If your baby develops symptoms of a food sensitivity, please know these can be worked through with a slow and mindful approach. Each circumstance will be individual, so we recommend an individual consultation where we focus on gut-support for your baby and a gentle reintroduction schedule. You can look into consultations with Mikal or myself here.
You may be wondering what order and timeframe you should introduce the top 9 allergenic foods.
There is no specific timeline you need to follow when introducing the top allergenic foods. However, the order they are presented here and on my first food guides (which you can download for free here) are listed in a way that we (@ohbabynutrition and I - this timeline is from our book Milk to Meals) have found to be the most mindful and appropriate approach for a baby's developing digestive capabilities whilst still meeting the current guidelines of introducing the top allergenic foods between 6 and 12 months of age.
For example, introducing egg yolk as the first top allergenic food, then peanuts, then the different tree nuts, then sesame, then fish, then shellfish, then soy, then egg white, then wheat and finally cows milk.
I prefer to offer young babies the egg yolk only to begin with for a couple of reasons.
1. They don’t eat a lot, and the yolk is much more nutrient dense than the whites! The whites are a good protein source, but the yolks contain the healthy fats, choline, iron, b vitamins and vitamins a and d!
2. Allergic reactions to the proteins in egg whites are much more common to those an egg yolk allergy. This is a great way to build tolerance to eggs through repeated exposure before you introduce the whites!
3. There’s no right or wrong time to introduce the whites - generally yolks from 6-8 months is great as one of babies first foods (not the very first food, so we can test babies reactions to food in general before introducing allergens), and the whole egg from 8-10 months when baby is eating more quantities and meals!
So, how do you introduce egg?
The more cooked the egg the less chance of reaction. So if you’re concerned about reaction, cook the egg thoroughly!
However there’s nothing wrong with good quality pasture-raised organic egg yolks that are soft boiled - easier to mix into purées and spoon feed to baby! Such as boiling for 5 minutes then cracking open the egg, scoop the yolk out into a purée baby has had numerous times with no issues, or just straight onto a spoon!
For BLW an egg yolk omelette cut into finger shapes is great! Try grating in some liver before cooking for some extra nutrients 😉
Technically not a nut (they are a legume) peanuts are very different to your tree nuts (cashews/almonds etc).
Peanuts can be introduced from 6 months + (just not as the very first food you try!). Like all allergens, trial at least 1/4 tsp and for At least 3 exposures trying to increase the amount each time if no signs of reaction.
How to introduce:
1. Smooth, unsalted peanut butter. This is too claggy on a spoon by itself which can be a choking risk, however you can mix it with some coconut oil so it is a smooth and runny consistency, or mix into a purée or top finger foods with the peanut butter (just make sure it’s paired with a good that they’ve had numerous times before! E.g. don’t give peanut butter on toast if they’ve only had toast once or twice!)
2. You can also just buy some peanuts, grind them into a very fine powder with a mortar and pestle or blender and dust finger foods or add this powder into purée!
If your baby tolerates peanuts after the 3 exposures, try and keep them in regular rotation in their diet to maintain exposure!
Tree nuts get confusing - because they are all individual species! Which means they need to be tested INDIVIDUALLY! This includes (but not limited to) almonds, cashews, macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, walnuts, chestnuts.
For example, you can have a cashew allergy, but be fine with almonds etc.
Tree nuts can be introduced from 6 months + (just not as the very first food you try!). Like all allergens, trial at least 1/4 tsp and for At least 3 exposures trying to increase the amount each time if no signs of reaction.
How to introduce:
1. Smooth, unsalted nut butter E.g. almond nut butter. This is too claggy on a spoon by itself which can be a choking risk, however you can mix it with some coconut oil so it is a smooth and runny consistency, or mix into a purée or top finger foods with the nut butter (just make sure it’s paired with a food that they’ve had numerous times before! Eg don’t give almond butter on toast if they’ve only had toast once or twice!)
Just be mindful with many nut butters they are often mixed with other nuts and it can be hard to find a pure nut butter so always check the ingredients!
2. Or the easier and cheaper way, You can just buy a handful of the nuts you want to test (ie almonds), grind them into a very fine powder with a mortar and pestle or blender and dust finger foods or add this powder into purée!
If your baby tolerates that nut after the 3 exposures, try and keep them in regular rotation in their diet to maintain exposure!
It’s going to take a while to get through all these nuts (and this list isn’t exhaustive of all nuts either!) so start with the nuts that are most prevalent in your own diet so that you can relax when your baby grabs a handful of your food unexpectantly!!
In Australia sesame is listed as one of the top 9 allergenic foods but not in many other countries 🤷🏼
Sesame can be introduced from 6 months + (just not as the very first food you try!). Like all allergens, trial at least 1/4 tsp and for At least 3 exposures trying to increase the amount each time if no signs of reaction.
How to introduce:
1. Hulled tahini. This is too claggy on a spoon by itself which can be a choking risk, however you can mix it with some coconut oil so it is a smooth and runny consistency, or mix into a purée or top finger foods with the tahini (just make sure it’s paired with a food that they’ve had numerous times before! Eg don’t give tahini on toast if they’ve only had toast once or twice!)
2. Or you can coat some finger foods/top purée with some sesame seeds! Sesame seeds coating finger foods also works really well as a coating so little fingers can pick up the food easier!
If your baby tolerates tahini after the 3 exposures, try and keep them in regular rotation in their diet to maintain exposure!
Generally this is around 8-9 months if you’re following this introduction timeline, after the egg/peanuts/sesame.
Many fish allergies actually develop in adulthood, however there is still research to say the earlier introduction is shown to reduce the risk of developing a fish allergy.
Fish species are different, however, if your baby is allergic to one species of fish, the recommendation is to avoid all fish.
What to look for:
Most fish allergies are to salmon, tuna and halibut, so it is recommended to start your baby on a different species of fish. I love for babies sardines or mackerel, as they are incredibly nutrient dense specifically in DHA which is crucial for brain development, they are also low in mercury. Most white fish are also great and low in mercury such as whiting or hake.
I would also recommend WILD caught if possible. This means the fish hasn’t been farmed (generally fed pellets/soy/grain/antibiotics etc as opposed to their natural diet), so they will be much more nutritious.
If choosing canned fish, opt for no flavours added, fish in water or olive oil only and preferably BPA-free can.
How to offer:
PUREE: You can mix fish of choice into a puree baby has had numerous times with no reactions. I.e. canned/drained sardines and avocado.
FINGER FOODS: Fish makes the PERFECT finger food! Ensure no bones are in the fish (except canned sardines/mackerel those bones are great and so high in calcium!)
Cook fish as you wish I.e oven baked, parcel baked, pan fried. Then offer baby ‘flakes’ of fish in large finger shape pieces. Or if baby has developed a pincer grasp by then, you can offer small pieces.
Remember to offer at least 3 exposures trying to increase the amount each time if no signs of reaction. If your baby tolerates fish after the 3 exposures, try and keep fish in regular rotation in their diet to maintain exposure!
Shellfish come in two species - crustaceans and molluscs, and they need to be tested separately.
Crustaceans are your foods like prawns, shrimps, crabs and lobsters.
Molluscs are your foods like oysters and mussels.
Whilst these foods can be SO beneficial and nutritious (especially oysters - so high in iron and zinc) there are a few things you need to be wary of:
1. Biggest issue as these foods pose a textural issue and choking risk.
2. These foods need to be well cooked due to food poisoning risks.
So, what is the safest way to prepare these foods?
Prawns: pan fry and offer thin slices, or mince and offer on its own or puréed into a meal they have had numerous times with no issues.
Oysters: smoked, canned oysters are great as they are already cooked! You can mince and offer on their own or puréed into a meal they have had numerous times with no issues. You can also offer very thin strips.
You can offer fresh oysters but I would advise cooking due to the food poisoning risks!
Remember to offer at least 3 exposures trying to increase the amount each time if no signs of reaction (see previous posts for details on this). If your baby tolerates shellfish after the 3 exposures, try and keep shellfish in regular rotation in their diet to maintain exposure!
If you follow my first food guides you’ll see that I recommend introducing soy after 8 months, in the form of organic tempeh or squashed/puréed shelled edamame beans.
I choose to use tempeh to introduce soy to babies, as it is fermented and easier to digest. This is because the fermentation breaks down the phytates and some of the enzyme disruptors that soy can contain.
When choosing your tempeh, always choose organic, to endure it’s not GMO and soy tends to otherwise be very pesticide heavy.
Tempeh makes a great finger food option, or you can pan fry and then blend with a vegetable of your choice for a purée!
Shelled edamame is also a great choice if you can find it organic (often found in the freezer section!)
Remember, like all of the top allergens, the recommendation is for atleast 3 exposures to that food. Soy and dairy sensitivities often go hand in hand, so if you suspect your little one is sensitive to dairy be very mindful of similar reactions when introducing soy!
Dairy is a bit of a tricky one, as there are different forms of dairy and some are better tolerated than others. CMPA is a cows milk protein allergy, most often diagnosed way before solids have been introduced through a reaction to the cows milk protein passing through breastmilk if the mother consumes dairy, or through dairy based formulas. It is most often outgrown and usually dairy is eliminated for 6 months then retested under the guidance of an allergist.
What I hear of more commonly, is lactose sensitivity/intolerance - and something both my children have had and worked through!
This is how the concept of the ‘dairy ladder’ was created (and reaffirmed in my studies with Oh Baby Academy). Carley and I created this ladder for ‘Milk to Meals’ to help guide you through mindfully introducing dairy to your little ones, to hopefully identify early any potential sensitivities and build tolerance to lactose in a gentle way for your babies developing digestive system - because not all forms of dairy are equally tolerated by their delicate digestive systems!
The dairy ladder is all about starting with the easiest to digest forms of dairy; those lower in lactose and higher in fat and/or probiotics, and working your way up the ‘ladder’.
Please note, this is not the only way and timeframe to introduce dairy - the main factor is that you introduce each form of dairy a quite a few times to watch for any possible reactions before moving up the ladder. Test each food Atleast 3 times, 3 days apart to test for any potential sensitivities.
If you believe your Baby has a Lactose sensitivity, this is something that can be worked through with some specific gut support, which is something that I deal with in my consultations. It is important to consult with a nutritionist/naturopath if you do believe your baby has a sensitivity, so that we can not only identify and remove (for a period) the trigger food, but also provide options to meet your baby’s calcium needs and in the meantime work on strengthening and re-diversifying the gut bacteria so that we can work on reintroduction of that food.
Wheat is a bit tricky, as it contains gluten but not all gluten-containing grains contain wheat!
Because gluten is a common intolerance or sensitivity, it’s great to start with a non-wheat, gluten containing grain first and check that there are no signs of a gluten issue. This includes spelt, barley and rye.
Once you have ruled out any issues with gluten (3 exposures atleast 3-4 days apart), then you can move onto a wheat-containing grain - such as einkorn flour, emmer wheat, sourdough, 100% whole wheat bread, 100% whole wheat pasta.
Wheat IS an allergen so be mindful of the signs of an allergy when introducing.
I know a lot of people are really keen to get their babies having bread from an early age - and I get it; breads easy and not too messy 😜 however, remember that so many adults digestive systems cannot handle bread, it can be hard to expect all babies with their immature digestive systems to handle it too!
Normally I say wait until 10-12 months to introduce this allergen - so that baby has had a good few months to learn to digest food and strengthen their gut microbiome! When you do choose bread - a really good quality sourdough is a great option!
Before this age, try making a paleo bread! (Such as our recipe in milk to meals) or bread like a zucchini bread! Way more nutritious and much easier digested!
A great pasta option before you’ve introduced wheat can be a pulse pasta such as red lentil pasta or a pea pasta! Again, more nutritious, high in protein and better tolerated!
Major food allergens | Nestlé Baby&Me
0-6 months
3.4/5 242 reviews
An allergic reaction in a child, just like in an adult, occurs when the body mistakenly perceives a substance as harmful, in other words, it is a defensive reaction to an invasion that actually did not occur.
8 min. for reading Feb. 17, 2022
Childhood allergies have many distinctive symptoms, the most common of which are eczema, rashes (scaly patches that are wet or dry, and seborrheic crusts on the baby's head), digestive problems (flatulence, colic, loose stools or constipation), and difficulty with breathing (asthmatic bronchitis, bronchial asthma). The risk group for developing allergies includes infants whose parents or siblings suffer from an allergic reaction to any product. If food allergy was observed in one of the parents, then the risk of its development in the child reaches 20-40%, if both, then the probability of the child increases to 60-80%, and not this or that disease is inherited, but the very predisposition to it. nine0003
The immune system of baby begins to form in the womb and then, during the first year of life, "ripens", encountering various foreign environmental factors, learning to recognize them and defend itself. During 15-16 years there are constant changes that can be considered as the development and formation of "adult" immunity. But the first year of life is the most difficult and responsible.
For a baby, food is the main and main source of foreign proteins, potential allergens. Especially dangerous for an infant is the early introduction of ordinary children's dairy products with whole cow's milk protein, and even more so whole milk, into the diet, since a child's allergy in a newborn to cow's milk protein, developing very quickly, can cause acute and even life-threatening reactions in the child. nine0003
The timely appearance of certain beneficial bacteria in the intestines is also very important for the formation of the child's immunity. These are primarily bifidobacteria and a little later lactobacilli. The establishment of a normal microflora helps the cells of the intestinal mucosa to properly process and assimilate food, as well as more effectively prevent the development of an allergic reaction to foreign proteins.
With mother's milk, the child "passively" receives immunoglobulins and other protective factors to avoid infection and the early development of food allergies in the newborn infant, even if there is a family predisposition. Breast milk contains a small amount of proteins from the food eaten by the mother, which prepares the baby for a painless encounter with these foods in the future. nine0003
Prevention of food allergies
As you know, it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it later. Mistakes in the diet of babies predisposed to allergies often begin immediately after the birth of a child. Usually, after giving birth, the mother has very little milk, but it has a special composition, “invented” by nature for feeding a newly born little man. This "starter", highly nutritious milk is called colostrum and is gradually replaced by breast milk. The apparent "lack" of colostrum milk in the first 3-4 days of a child's life is normal; it is not necessary to supplement the baby with any special children's dairy products. Immediately after birth, children are often restless and additional artificial nutrition calms them, creating a false effect of well-being. Such a desire to "feed and soothe" the child is contrary to the laws of nature and can be a disservice if the baby has a predisposition to allergies. Feeding such babies with cow's milk protein-based infant formula immediately after birth means several times the risk of developing food allergies. nine0003
Therefore, the first rule: do not supplement a child with a predisposition to allergies with regular infant milk products, and if necessary, use only special hypoallergenic infant dairy products with a proven preventive effect.
The term "hypoallergenic" means that infant formula helps prevent food allergies in the baby. When creating such children's dairy products, manufacturers of baby food using a special treatment (hydrolysis) break down the protein found in the infant formula. All hypoallergenic baby dairy products are divided into moderately hydrolyzed and highly hydrolyzed, depending on how much protein is broken down in them. Highly hydrolyzed infant formula can be conditionally called non-allergenic, since it does not contain or almost does not contain proteins that can cause or maintain children's allergies, and is used mainly to treat an already developed allergic reaction. Such children's dairy products should not be used alone, without medical supervision. If a food allergy has already developed, then first of all it is necessary to consult a doctor who will select the treatment and help determine the diet. nine0003
Moderately hydrolyzed baby milk products break down cow's milk protein into "medium" sized pieces that are less likely to cause an allergic reaction than whole milk protein. In addition, it is the partially cleaved protein that affects the immune cells of the child's intestines, causing the production of immunity and suppressing allergic reactions. This process is called the formation of tolerance (tolerance) to cow's milk protein, i.e. normal tolerance without the development of allergies. Partially digested protein infant formula is designated H. A. (H. A. stands for HypoAllergenic, that is, hypoallergenic). Thus, hypoallergenic infant milk products have a dual effect on the immune system: they prevent the development of infant allergy to infant formula and promote gradual addiction to milk protein. nine0003
Second rule: Breastfeed your baby for as long as possible, at least until six months of age . It will be better if a nursing mother limits the consumption of chicken eggs, milk and dairy products, fish and seafood, chicken meat, peas, beans, beans, and millet. These foods should not be completely excluded, but it is better to eat them not every day and in moderation. You should also limit the use of long-term storage products containing dyes, spices, preservatives, stabilizers and food additives. nine0003
The most important condition for the prevention of allergies, which, unfortunately, is often violated, is not to introduce complementary foods - cereals, vegetable puree, cottage cheese - for up to four months. In the first six months, feed the baby only with breast milk, and in case of its deficiency, if the child is predisposed to allergies, with a special hypoallergenic infant formula. After the sixth month, the baby's diet gradually expands, however, up to a year, children with a predisposition to allergies should not be given whole milk (both cow's and goat's), kefir and other dairy products; up to one and a half and even up to two years, it is better to exclude eggs, fish, seafood; up to three years - nuts, peanuts, honey. This “delayed” introduction of foods that are more likely to be food allergens helps to reduce the likelihood of childhood allergies. nine0003
Introduction of complementary foods to children with food allergies
Complementary foods are introduced to infants at risk later than their healthy peers - from 5-6 months of age.
When feeding a child up to a year old, pediatricians recommend starting complementary foods with one-component purees or cereals in order to be able to track the reaction of the baby's body.
If the child often has loose or unstable stools and is not gaining weight well, give him porridge as the first food. Children with overweight and constipation are given vegetable puree first. nine0003
For children with food allergies in the first year, 1 type of cereal, 1 type of meat, 1-2 types of vegetables and fruits is enough. Beef has an antigenic affinity for cow's milk proteins and can also cause allergies. It is better to give piglet or turkey meat. Among meat purees, choose those that do not contain broth, spices, salt.
Introduce whole cow's milk after 1 year of age, whole eggs after 2 years, fish and nuts after 3 years.
Introduce a new product only when the baby is healthy, starting with ½ tsp. and gradually increasing its volume. In case of poor tolerance, temporarily exclude the product and try to give it again after a few days. nine0003
Give each new product 5-7 days in a row before introducing another to monitor the reaction of the baby's body.
Supplement your child's diet with only single-ingredient foods - reactions to one or another ingredient are difficult to track when using multi-ingredient products.
Give complementary foods from a spoon in the morning and afternoon to track the reaction to the product during the day.
Low allergenic foods: cauliflower, green apple, plum, pear, rice porridge, rabbit, turkey. nine0003
The most common food allergens are: cow's milk, eggs, fish, nuts, soy, wheat, citrus fruits, honey, chocolate, strawberries, tomatoes.
If your child is allergic to cow's milk, avoid milk and dairy products (yogurt, cream, etc.) from the diet. The doctor will recommend how you can replace them. To avoid nutritional deficiencies, your doctor will advise you to drink calcium-fortified water or increase your daily intake of fruits and vegetables, and recommend hypoallergenic infant formula. As a rule, over time, children's allergies of this type disappear. nine0003
Gluten is a vegetable protein found in certain grains (rye, wheat, barley, oats) and products made from them (pasta, biscuits, bread). Gluten allergy occurs in about one in 2,000 children. Among her symptoms is diarrhea, accompanied by a small increase in weight and bloating. If you notice these symptoms, see your doctor. If the baby is allergic to gluten, exclude foods containing it from the diet and feed the baby gluten-free cereals: buckwheat, rice, corn. nine0003
Chicken eggs
In eggs, allergens are mainly contained in the protein, but not only. Doctors recommend not to give the child egg whites in the first year of life. It is necessary to be attentive to the composition of products: eggs, like cow's milk and peanuts, are used in the preparation of a wide variety of foods, as well as individual vaccines (for mumps, flu, etc.). Symptoms of an egg allergy can be respiratory (asthma) or skin (eczema or rash) in nature. In order not to leave the child without animal proteins, replace eggs with meat, oily fish or cereals. nine0003
Will a child outgrow a food allergy?
Children's food allergies are most common in children under 2 years of age. In most of them, adverse reactions to food allergens decrease as immunity is strengthened and treatment is carried out. However, an allergic reaction to nuts, fish, and seafood can last a lifetime. Give the child this food not earlier than the above terms.
The GERBER ® baby food assortment includes a large number of one-component fruit, vegetable and meat purees, juices and cereals, on the basis of which you can create an individual hypoallergenic diet for your baby. nine0003
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Nutrition for Children and Adolescents at the Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital Tatyana Nikolaevna Sorvacheva: "The growth of atopic diseases throughout the world in recent years indicates the need to develop effective preventive measures, starting from the earliest age of the child. As the main
- long-term breastfeeding (at least 6 months) provided that the mother follows a hypoallergenic diet or, if necessary, the use of hypoallergenic infant milk products;
- adequate dates for the appointment of complementary foods, in particular, somewhat later than for healthy children;
- the use of specialized hypoallergenic complementary foods, in particular monocomponent gluten-free and dairy-free cereals, monocomponent meat, vegetable and fruit purees.
On the pages of our site you will also learn how to treat a runny nose in a child and other useful information about the health and nutrition of your baby.
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Allergy Child Diet - Allergy and Asthma Treatment at Allergomed
The birth of a child is a joy for every family and, of course, parents want their child to grow up healthy, especially those who themselves suffer from allergic diseases. nine0003
Breastfeeding is essential to keep your baby less sick. What gives breastfeeding? It not only improves bowel function, forms the correct bite, protects against infectious diseases, but also strengthens the emotional bond between mother and child.
When a mother is breastfeeding, she must follow certain nutritional rules: exclude milk, replacing it with sour-milk products, and limit the consumption of chicken, fish, citrus fruits, nuts, cocoa coffee, because these products most often cause allergies. If the baby gains enough weight while breastfeeding, then the first complementary foods can be introduced at 6 months. nine0131
With a decrease in mother's milk, it is better to use non-traditional methods of treatment: homeopathy and reflexology.
Formula-fed infants must receive formula. If the baby did not have any manifestations of allergies, then hypoallergenic mixtures are used (Humana, Nan GA, Hip GA), in the presence of allergic manifestations, the so-called hydrolysates (Alfare, Nutramigen, Pregestemil). Allergic reactions are caused by proteins. nine0003
In special mixtures, they are broken down into smaller components that no longer cause allergies. Parents need to remember that the new mixture is introduced gradually, adding 20 ml to each feeding. Thus, the introduction of a new mixture will take 5-7 days.
In recent years, soy allergy has become more common. Since soy inclusions are included in many products, soy mixtures are not recommended as substitutes for women's milk during artificial feeding. nine0003
Recently, a lot of various canned baby food has appeared. When choosing canned food for your baby, pay attention that green apple juice is included as a natural preservative, and not ascorbic acid or lemon juice.
In children of the first year of life, cow's milk, chicken egg (protein), fish and cereals (wheat, corn, barley, less often rice and buckwheat) cause allergies more often. For the prevention of food allergies in children under 1 year of age, cow's milk is excluded, up to 1.5 years - chicken eggs, fish and seafood, up to 3 years of age - nuts. nine0003
It should be noted that children do not have “accumulation allergies”, after using the “guilty product”, allergy manifestations develop within a few minutes up to 4-5 hours.
Older children must also follow certain dietary guidelines.
All food products can be conditionally divided into three groups according to allergenicity: high, medium and low degree
- First - (high degree of allergenicity): eggs, fish, seafood, caviar, wheat, rye, carrots, tomatoes, celery, bell peppers, strawberries, strawberries, raspberries, citrus fruits, kiwi, pineapple, mango, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, mushrooms , nuts, honey, pomegranate, persimmon, melon;
- Second - (moderate allergenicity): whole milk, butter, beef, chicken meat, buckwheat, oatmeal, potatoes, beets, peas, soybeans, apricots, peaches, cranberries, bananas, dark red cherries, rose hips , blueberries, lingonberries, black currants; nine0092
- Third - (low allergenicity): sour dairy products, horse meat, rabbit meat, lean pork, lean lamb, pearl barley, millet, refined vegetable oil, green varieties of apples and pears, white and red currants, yellow and white cherries, yellow varieties of plums, gooseberries, zucchini, squash, cucumbers, cabbage, corn, parsley, dill;
Despite the conditional division of products into degrees of allergenicity, it is recommended to start expanding the child's diet with products of the third group, gradually adding products from the second group and lastly from the first. Parents should be careful and exclude exactly those products that caused an allergic reaction. It must be remembered that the diet can not permanent. With age, the child's diet should be expanded. nine0003
It must be emphasized that products such as chocolate, fish, citrus fruits, strawberries, egg white, tomatoes, when used, can cause the formation of active substances that cause allergic reactions. The composition of a number of products, such as soy, spinach, Gouda cheese, Cheddar, canned food, tomatoes, corned beef, sauerkraut, tuna, mackerel, includes histamine - the main "culprit" of allergic reactions.
Some products should be completely excluded from the diet of a child with an allergy, regardless of his age: chewing sweets and gums, sauces, fruit juices, soft drinks, instant soups, confectionery, yoghurts, jams, ice cream, if they contain industrial dye - tartrazine (E 102). nine0003
Parents often try to adjust their child's diet on their own, and their views on this problem are completely opposite.
Some of the parents believe that the child should be on the strictest diet, leaving the child literally "on water and cabbage." At the same time, they do not take into account the fact that a child is a growing organism, therefore he needs “building materials” for normal growth and development, as well as the fact that with age the list of “forbidden foods” decreases. So, for example, milk allergy is most typical for children under 1.5 years old. If at an older age the child has any health problems when drinking milk and dairy products, this is most likely a gastroenterological disease and further dietary correction should be discussed with a gastroenterologist. nine0003
Some parents, on the contrary, allow the child to eat literally everything, citing pity for the child. Of course, if the doctor recommends excluding any products from the diet, they should not be on the general table so as not to cause the child to feel “inferiority”, but strict adherence to the diet should be mandatory at a certain stage of treatment.