What do you feed a baby king snake
King Snake Care Sheet – Reptiles by Mack
June 26, 2017 Snakes No Comments
Scientific Name: Lampropeltis getulus
Native to: North America
Maximum Length: 2-6 feet
Life Span: 10-15 years
Our King Snakes are captive bred here at Reptiles by Mack under the watchful care of our snake experts. King Snakes make very good pets because they are very easy to care for and come in a variety of different colors and patterns. Generally curious, easy to handle, and voracious feeders. When your King Snake gets ready to shed, the eyes will turn a milky blue and the body color will start to become dull and develop a whitish sheen. Within a few days, it will shed its skin and be a beautiful glossy snake once again.
Care tips:
Enclosure: Use a 10 gallon terrarium for juveniles and a 20 gallon terrarium for adult King Snakes. Make
sure the snake is no more than twice as long as its enclosure. Also provide hiding places and branches for the
snake to climb on. Provide a secure enclosure, as King Snakes are known as great escape artists. Don’t house
King Snakes together or with other snakes or reptiles. They get their common name from their interest in
eating other snakes, even venomous snakes! Truly the King of the Snakes!
Substrate: You can use Aspen shavings, Sani-chips, cypress mulch, and pelleted paper. California King Snakes will do better on a more dry substrate such as the shavings, chips, and paper. Florida King Snakes will do better on mulch or sphagnum moss as they are from a more tropical habitat.
Habitat: King Snakes love hiding spaces and branches to climb on. Clean their cage at least once a week.
Temperature and Lighting: Temperatures should be around 75-85° F. Radiant heat is recommended. Use an under tank heater as the primary heat source and place it at one end of a long enclosure. King Snakes need 8-12 hours of daylight. Use a red light to view snakes at night.
Food and Water: Baby King Snakes will feed on small pinky mice. As the King Snake grows it can eat fuzzy mice, adult mice, and smaller rats. Frozen/thawed rodents, such as Mack’s Natural Reptile Food Frozen Rodents, are always best because live rodents may harm your snake. King Snake appetites diminish during winter months. Always provide a fresh bowl of water. King Snakes love to soak in their water, especially before they shed.
To download or print this care sheet – Click link: King Snake Care Sheet
Tags: Colubrid Snakes, King Snake
What Do Baby King snakes Eat?
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The California king snake (Lampropeltis getula californiae) is a reptile that is highly prized in the pet industry since it thrives well in captivity. The typical king snake variety is found only in the southwestern region of California, where it lives freely. They may also be found in Mexico’s Baja California.
While many of these family Colubridae pets are kept, plenty more of them remain in their natural habitats. California king snakes are found in the desert, semi-desert, swamps, rugged outcrops, scrubland, agricultural sites, woods, and grasslands. This adaptation of the often crepuscular constrictors is very versatile; they have even been observed in regions with a high population density.
In captive settings, California kingsnakes are frequently seen near streams. They generally acquire docile and pleasant when kept in cages. However, if they are frightened, some species act violently, such as by biting hard. They usually reach lengths of between 2.5 and 6 feet in length.
Snakes are predators that feed only on other animals. Pinky mice, usually one or two pinky mice once a week, are the ideal food for young king and milksnakes. As the snake matures, its diet should expand too.
A good rule of thumb is to use a food item that is roughly the same diameter, or slightly larger, than the snake’s widest point excluding the head when feeding a snake. The California kingsnake, especially the king snake, will usually consume other snakes of similar size if given the chance, therefore it’s best to keep each snake in its own cage to prevent this issue. In fact, rattlesnakes are an important component of wild California kingsnake diets!
It’s best to purchase only pinky mice-eaten baby snakes that have not been tampered with at least once but ideally more frequently when acquiring a new snake. reputable breeders do not sell newborn snakes unless they confirm this to you, and they will often provide a feeding record of the baby snake.
This is particularly crucial with “problem feeding” species, such as the grey-banded kingsnake, whose babies are difficult to get taking on pinky mice. Before you buy, double-check to ensure that your snake does not have a light or dark-colored patch or spot located in its mouth.
We think that feeding freshly killed or defrosted food is the greatest option. The reason for this advice is that dead mice will not bite! If a live mouse is placed in an empty cage with a snake that isn’t hungry, the mouse might nibble on it and cause significant damage. If you must offer life, make sure the snake consumes it before dropping it in or leaving it be.
Although pet shops frequently stock feeder mice, raising your own rodents or purchasing them via mail order is more cost-effective if you have more than a few snakes. Many people breed feeder rats and post classified ads in the classified section of major reptile trade publications.
Lizards Can Also Be Fed To Baby King SnakesA snake may reject food from time to time. Food refusal is often due to a variety of factors such as improper temperature, humidity, or lighting. If your snake has refused food for more than four weeks, is in good health with adequate shelter, hiding options, no shedding, and has never been around males or females of the opposite sex, it should be examined for sickness. In the winter, some snakes will refuse food even if they have been kept in the proper temperature and humidity conditions and are not sick, molting, or pregnant. These snakes are following their instinct to hibernate and should be permitted to do so. Lampropeltis hibernates for a period during the chilly season.
Make sure your kingsnake has no food for two weeks and still has access to a warm place so that it may remove all material from its digestive system. The temperature should then be lowered gradually to between 60 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit after this period.
The period lasts for up to six weeks, with the exception that fresh drinking water should be available. Allow the snake to remain in these conditions for 4-6 weeks, keeping an eye out for indications of sickness on a daily basis. Allow the snake to sit for an hour before attempting to return it to normal temperature. After this period, gradually raise the animal’s temperature until it is safe enough to eat. If you want to breed snakes, hibernation may be beneficial.
In the wild, baby king snakes would consume anything accessible to them, including smaller reptiles, birds, amphibians, rodents, lizards, frogs, eggs, and small mammals. Snakes are regularly killed by baby king snakes during these efforts, but on rare occasions, they have been known to eat fish. Adults consume rodents and other snakes, including water snakes and cottonmouths, on a regular basis.
Other Snakes Are Also On The Menu For Baby KingSnakes in The WildCan Baby King Snakes Be Kept As Pets?King Snakes are one of the most popular snake species, and they make wonderful pets since they are very easy to care for and come in a variety of different colors and patterns. They are generally smart, simple to handle, and heavy eaters. When your King Snake is ready to shed, its eyes will turn milky blue and the body color will begin to fade and acquire a white sheen. It will peel away its outer layer within a few days and be as gorgeous as new.
King Snakes are some of the most gorgeous subspecies of any kind, and they are simple to maintain in captivity, which is why they are so popular among reptile enthusiasts. They are a species of snakes that support an extremely wide range of sizes and environments. King Snakes come from grasslands, farmlands, pine forests, and deciduous woods and typically grow to be 2 to 5 feet in length. Because of these factors, it’s difficult to come up with a single care sheet that covers all species and subspecies of King Snakes. However, as a general guideline, below is how to keep your King Snake happy and healthy.
HousingKing Snakes can be kept in a 10-gallon enclosure for babies and juveniles, although adults should be housed in a larger enclosure of 20 to 70 gallons depending on their total adult size to allow for additional space and a more effective design. A subspecies that grows up to 4 feet in adulthood, for example, should be kept in an enclosure with a capacity of at least 40 gallons. There’s no such thing as too big or too small for a King Snake, so larger is usually preferable to smaller. King Snakes are escape artists, just like other snakes, so a solid screen top is essential to keep your snake from escaping the cage.
King Snakes require a thermal gradient with a warm side of 86° F and a cool side of 78° F, just like all reptiles. A heat mat and ceramic heat emitter are the best ways to keep your King Snake’s enclosure warm. An under-tank heat mat and an Infrared Ceramic Heat Emitter are highly recommended. On one side, a ceramic heat emitter, alongside the heating mat should be used. Alternatively, on the opposite end, there should be no heat source. We suggest utilizing a thermostat to regulate the ceramic emitter and monitoring temperatures with a thermometer.
LightingThe King Snakes do not require a light or UV bulb, as do all snakes. If you want to provide additional illumination to your enclosure, use a basking light rather than a bright light. Maintain proper heat levels but not exceed 88 degrees Fahrenheit because this may be harmful to your snake’s health.
Hiding places are important for snakes in their enclosure. The shelter might be anything from a hide box to a beautiful reptile house, hiding cave, or other structure. It’s a good idea to have one warm and one cool shelter. If you want to build your own hiding spot, be sure it is sturdy enough that your snake won’t fall through and suffocate.
HydrationIt is critical that you provide your king Snake with a big water bowl. The bowl should be large enough for the king Snake to completely immerse its body but not so huge that it has trouble getting in and out of it. Set the water dish on the cage’s cold side to avoid it from evaporating too quickly.
What Are The Natural Predators of Baby King Snakes and How Do They Protect Themselves?The colors and patterns of kingsnakes are numerous. Banding, which is often light-colored bands on a darker background, is the most popular and recognized pattern. California kingsnakes may have stripes that run down the body from head to tail. Stripes are far less frequent than bands, although they do occur in certain areas of California, notably San Diego and Riverside counties.
The most gorgeous, stunning, and wonderful shade is at times broken up into dots or divided into little spots! These designs break the snake’s body form up, making it less visible to predators such as hawks, coyotes, eagles, raccoons, skunks, foxes, bobcats, and even other kingsnakes.
The coloration and patterning of kingsnakes that are not poisonous, such as the scarlet kingsnake and California mountain kingsnake, are similar to those of venomous coral snakes, making it simple to mistake them.
The colors of the snake’s bands are referred to in this rhyme. This regulation does not apply below the border. In Latin America, there are many different coral snakes with various patterns of red, black, yellow, and white bands. As a result, unless you are a trained snake handler, avoid handling banded snakes!
The milksnake L. triangulum, often known as a tricolor or tricolored king, is one of several kingsnakes. It’s a popular belief that milksnakes suck the milk from a cow’s teats isn’t necessarily true. Many milksnakes are discovered in barns, but they’re seeking
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Royal python - description, care, feeding, maintenance and breeding at home
Let's talk about its origin, features and content at home.
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The royal python has long won the love of terrariumists. Despite its length and heavy weight, the snake impresses with its calm disposition, ease of maintenance and beauty. With proper care, such a pet will live 20-30 years. Let's take a closer look at the species, talk about its origin, features and content at home. nine0003
This reptile belongs to the genus of true pythons. Scientists note that the snake has not gone through the full path of evolution - this is evidenced by the presence of two light and rudimentary hind limbs. The ancestors of the predator were mosasaurs and giant lizards.
In the photo of the royal python, you will immediately notice its main features. The first is a pronounced large flattened head. The second is the characteristic coloration. Contrasting spots go all over the body of the snake, the color is beautiful and memorable, however, there are morphs in which the pattern is changed, has the form of stripes or is completely absent. The lower part of the individual is usually pale, without a pattern. nine0003
Females are usually larger than males. In its form, the python is one of the smallest - its length rarely exceeds one and a half meters.
There are especially many such snakes in Africa, large populations are found on the territory of Senegal, Mali and Chad. Reptiles are very fond of heat and humidity. They can often be found near water bodies.
The king python spends a lot of time in its burrow, where it sleeps and lays its eggs. It is not uncommon to see reptiles near people's homes. Interestingly, people usually do not resist such a neighborhood, because the snake does a good job of exterminating small rodents. nine0003
Keeping a royal python at home must be accompanied by proper feeding. This reptile is carnivorous. Mice, rats, quails or chickens are fed. For domestic snakes, food should be stored frozen, and served only brought to room temperature or even better slightly warmed up on a lamp or battery, as they react to heat.
The feeding mode is selected individually. It is directly affected by the age, weight of the royal python, conditions of detention. Young animals can eat 1-2 per week, older ones - 1 time per 1-2 weeks. nine0003
In winter and during the rutting period, the snake may refuse food for several weeks. Do not worry, because in nature the reptile behaves the same way.
It is very important not to overfeed the snake. One of the potential problems of keeping at home is pet obesity.
The reptile loves to swim and moves quickly in the water. On land, it is not so agile, although it can crawl through trees, climb into hollows and nests created by other animals. She leads a predominantly terrestrial lifestyle. nine0003
Pythons are loners. They can form a pair only for a short period to continue the family during the mating season. The inhabitant of the terrarium becomes active at night, sleeps more often during the day.
The snake tolerates the neighborhood with a person very well. She does not attack children, does not bite, unless she considers that you are a mortal danger.
The conditions for keeping the royal python should be as close to natural as possible. There are some important tips for setting up a terrarium:
- The place must be spacious.
It is best if it is horizontal. The optimal terrarium size for an adult is 90×45×45 cm. For a male, you can take a smaller terrarium — 60×4 5×45 cm. You can immediately purchase a large terrarium, as reptiles grow quite quickly. It makes no sense to buy a small one only for the first six months.
- The terrarium must be ventilated and have secure doors so that your pet does not run away, royal pythons are very curious. nine0043 A woody substrate is poured onto the bottom, such as Rain Forest or Forest Bark. You should not use coconut substrate or shavings, as it is designed for high humidity, which the python does not need, and in the dry state it is very dusty, clogging the snake's airways.
- It is important that there are 1-2 shelters in the terrarium: in warm and cold corners. So the python will be able to choose a comfortable temperature for him.
- Be sure to provide a small pool of water for the reptile to drink from. He must be stable. nine0044
- Avoid excessive moisture.
Increase humidity during your pet's shedding season.
Several temperature zones are created inside the terrarium. Heating is regulated depending on the time of day. General recommendations:
- The temperature in the warm zone should be between 33 and 38 degrees.
- In the cold - 24-26 degrees.
- At night, the heating can be left on, but no additional heating means should be installed without the recommendation of a specialist. nine0044
The terrarium uses fluorescent lamps. For a reptile, a combination of day and night mode is important. The day lasts about 12 hours, in summer it can reach up to 14. Our specialists will help you choose the lamps for the correct change of light modes.
Our company supplies baby and adult king pythons. Our pythons have been bred in captivity for several generations. We will help you choose everything you need to equip the place of detention, provide high-quality feed, answer all questions about care, hygiene, reproduction, and treatment. nine0003
You can also watch an informative video about the royal python prepared by our specialists, photos. Call, write or visit us in person.
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Published: 08/27/2020 Reading time: 5 min. 10612
The snake as a pet is a growing phenomenon. These beautiful animals attract with elegance and unpretentiousness. Royal pythons are especially in demand. It is believed that this snake is suitable for beginners: it is not very active, rather unpretentious and non-aggressive. The size of the royal (or ball python) is 1–1.5 m, it has a thick muscular body, an elegant triangular head - this is a very beautiful snake. nine0003
- What should be the contents of a python
- What and how to feed a snake
- Reptilife for python health
What should be the contents of the python
The snake does not need constant daily care, but in order for the reptile to be healthy and live a long time, you need to create suitable conditions for it:
- spacious terrarium.
The dimensions depend on the dimensions of the python: it should be comfortable to be inside; nine0044
- volumetric drinking bowl-pool. Snakes do not just drink from water containers, they also swim there, so there should be a lot of water, and the drinker itself should be well fixed;
- temperature regime. In the coldest corner, the temperature should be at least 26 ° C, in the warmest - up to 32-36 ° C. The background temperature comfortable for a python is about 28 °C. The optimum humidity is 80–90%.
What and how to feed a snake
Python is a predator. During the hunt, he strangles and swallows the victim whole. It can digest what it eats for several days or several weeks, depending on the size of the object. At home, the snake should be fed with food that is as close as possible to its natural prey. nine0003
- As a rule, owners of snakes buy food mice or rats, frozen or alive, in pet stores. Some pythons do not perceive an already dead mouse, since there is no thermal radiation from it.
To make the food more attractive, it must be warmed in water to a temperature of 40 degrees;
- The first meal after the first lace shedding is very important. A young python cannot starve for a long time, and it must be fed. So get ready to be flexible in your choice of food items and offer your python mice, rat pups, or even young gerbils. In the most extreme case, force-feeding is used, but only under the supervision of an experienced specialist; nine0044
- frozen rodents are much more convenient as food, but require snake habituation. Be sure to check if the carcass is completely defrosted;
- frequency of meals depends on age. The interval between feedings of cubs should be 4-5 days, an adult python - from 1 to 3 weeks. Keep in mind that pet snakes are prone to obesity, so adjust your meals according to your pet's condition. Female pythons tend to be more voracious and larger; nine0043 sometimes the snake refuses to eat. This is normal if the hunger strike does not last too long, although it is royal pythons that can starve for no reason for up to six months.
- live rodents, especially rats and hamsters, can gnaw on a python. Therefore, if the snake is not interested in prey, it is better to postpone feeding for a day or two and remove the rat from the terrarium. nine0044

Reptilife for python health
To maintain the snake's health, provide it with the necessary vitamins and microelements, including during active growth or molting, the Reptilife Powder vitamin and mineral complex will help. The feed supplement was created specifically for reptiles, taking into account their needs, it contains vitamins A, K3, C, D, E, vitamins of group B. It will allow you to cope with beriberi, normalize metabolism, and recover from illness. It is convenient to use the supplement when the python has already switched to eating thawed food.