What food to give a baby with upset tummy

Diarrhea in infants: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

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Children who have diarrhea may have less energy, dry eyes, or a dry, sticky mouth. They may also not wet their diaper as often as usual.

Give your child fluids for the first 4 to 6 hours. At first, try 1 ounce (2 tablespoons or 30 milliliters) of fluid every 30 to 60 minutes. You can use:

  • An over-the-counter drink, such as Pedialyte or Infalyte -- do not water down these drinks
  • Pedialyte frozen fruit pops

If you are nursing, keep breastfeeding your infant. If you are using formula, use it at one half strength for 2 to 3 feedings after the diarrhea starts. Then begin regular formula feedings again.

If your child throws up, give only a little bit of fluid at a time. You can start with as little as 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of fluid every 10 to 15 minutes.

When your child is ready for regular foods, try:

  • Bananas
  • Chicken
  • Crackers
  • Pasta
  • Rice cereal


  • Apple juice
  • Dairy
  • Fried foods
  • Full-strength fruit juice

The BRAT diet was recommended by some health care providers in the past. There is not a lot of evidence that it is better than a standard diet for upset stomach, but it probably can't hurt.

BRAT stands for the different foods that make up the diet:

  • Bananas
  • Rice cereal
  • Applesauce
  • Toast

Bananas and other solid foods are most often not recommended for a child who is actively vomiting.


Contact your child's provider if your child has any of these symptoms:

  • Blood or mucus in the stool
  • Dry and sticky mouth
  • Fever that does not go away
  • Much less activity than normal (is not sitting up at all or looking around)
  • No tears when crying
  • No urination for 6 hours
  • Stomach pain
  • Vomiting

When your infant has diarrhea; When your baby has diarrhea; BRAT diet; Diarrhea in children

  • Bananas and nausea

Kotloff KL. Acute gastroenteritis in children. In: Kliegman RM, St. Geme JW, Blum NJ, Shah SS, Tasker RC, Wilson KM, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 21st ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2020:chap 366.

Larson-Nath C, Gurram B, Chelimsky G. Disorders of digestion in the neonate. In: Martin RJ, Fanaroff AA, Walsh MC, eds. Fanaroff and Martin's Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine. 11th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2020:chap 83.

Nguyen T, Akhtar S. Gastroenteritis. In: Walls RM, Hockberger RS, Gausche-Hill M, eds. Rosen's Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice. 9th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2018:chap 84.

Updated by: Neil K. Kaneshiro, MD, MHA, Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, Brenda Conaway, Editorial Director, and the A.D.A.M. Editorial team.

Good Foods for Babies With Upset Stomachs | Healthy Eating

By Robin Raven Updated December 12, 2018

It can be frightening for parents when their baby gets an upset stomach. Precautions must be taken to prevent dehydration, as babies can become dehydrated more quickly and easily than adults. Because of a baby's immature digestive system, not all foods used to treat nausea and diarrhea in adults are appropriate. Try to feed a sick baby little by little instead of a lot all at once. If your baby's upset stomach doesn't seem to be getting better, or seems very severe, see a doctor.

The Importance of Liquids

If a baby is under 6 months old, he should only be fed breast milk or formula. Before you feed more solid foods to your baby, it's best to start with liquids after a stomach upset. Beverages that are specifically formulated with electrolytes help replace fluids lost because of vomiting or diarrhea. If you're breast-feeding your baby, continue to do so when his stomach is upset because breast milk has electrolytes and fluids that will benefit his dehydrated body. Seek the advice of a doctor for recommendations on electrolyte-enhanced beverages and other fluids that are right for your baby's condition. Avoid beverages with a large amount of sugar such as apple juice and cherry juice.


Once a pediatrician advises you that your baby is ready to have solid foods again, start slowly with bland foods. Cereals that are fortified with vitamins and minerals are recommended. Barley, rice and oatmeal tend to be light on the stomach. Mix them with infant formula or breast milk before feeding them to your sick baby. Start by mixing a single tablespoon of cereal with three tablespoons of infant formula or breast milk. If your baby is able to keep that down without showing further signs of illness, feed her more.

Fruits and Vegetables

Carlo Di Lorenzo, M.D., the professor of clinical pediatrics at Ohio State University, recommends fruits and vegetables as a part of a healthy diet when a baby is sick, as long as she is at least 6 months old. Their many nutrients will help her body heal. Bananas, raspberries, white grapes, strawberries, and pineapples are fruits that should not cause gas or make the stomach upset worse. Snap peas, Lima beans, sweet peas, potatoes and sweet potatoes are appropriate vegetable options.

Yogurt Smoothies

The University of Michigan Health System recommends making a yogurt smoothie for babies. Blend 1/2 cup plain yogurt with 1/2 cup 100-percent fruit juice. If you don't have a blender, pour both ingredients into a covered container and shake well until blended. Fortified soy yogurt and almond milk yogurt are also nutritious choices. Recommended juices for the smoothie include orange juice and grape juice. You may opt to dilute the juice with water before mixing it into the smoothie. Consult a physician for advice before feeding your sick baby any solid foods.

  • Wolters Kluwer Up to Date: Nausea and Vomiting in Infants and Children
  • American Academy of Family Physicians Family Doctor: Vomiting and Diarrhea
  • University of Michigan Health System: Feeding Your Baby and Toddler
  • Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics: Health Effects of Energy Drinks
  • Parenting: Foods (and Drinks) That Soothe Sick Kids
Writer Bio

Robin Raven was first published in 1998. She has contributed to newspapers, magazines and online publications, including "The Malibu Times," "Act'ionLine" for Friends of Animals, USA Today Travel Tips and the official Melissa Gilbert website. Raven specializes in travel, health, beauty, culture, vegan nutrition, joyful living, arts and entertainment. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in writing.

Flatulence: how to treat bloating

Flatulence: how to treat bloating

Author: LDC Neuron
Published: 10 November 2015

Increased gas formation in the intestines is a common problem for people who eat unbalanced meals. An increase in gas production occurs when certain foods are consumed. nine0005

How and with what to treat bloating on your own?

Normally, about 1 liter of gas is formed in the human intestine, which is excreted naturally.

Risk factors

During the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, gases do not accumulate in the intestines, preventing bloating and disruption of intestinal motility. However, a number of certain factors can cause increased gas production. Meanwhile, not only the accumulation of gases, but also a violation of the excretion can be the cause of flatulence. These processes often occur due to the use of certain foods that provoke fermentation in the intestines. These are:

  • Kvass, beer and carbonated drinks;
  • Yeast and black bread;
  • Cabbage and beans;
  • Milk sugar (for lactose deficiency).

Overeating, eating disorders, premenstrual syndrome and stress can also cause increased gas production in the intestines. However, it is not worth rushing to decide how to treat bloating. Such a phenomenon as flatulence is often a symptom of various intestinal and gastric disorders - dysbacteriosis, intestinal infections, colitis, impaired patency and intestinal motility. Also, bloating can signal diseases of the liver and pancreas. Therefore, in order to accurately determine the cause of increased gas formation, it is recommended to seek the advice of a gastroenterologist. nine0005

Associated symptoms

Abdominal bloating, even if it is not a disease, is usually accompanied by a number of other dyspeptic disorders. With flatulence, a person feels a strong feeling of fullness and heaviness in the stomach, which gives him discomfort. With severe bloating, skhavatkoobrazny pain may also occur due to the overflow of intestinal loops with gases. Other symptoms associated with bloating:

  • Constipation or diarrhoea;
  • nine0029 Nausea;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Palpitations;
  • Belching;
  • Bad breath.

Given that all organs in the human body are inextricably linked by nerve connections, against the background of bloating, inadequate reactions from the heart and nervous system (headaches, sleep disturbance, bad mood) may also occur.

Nutrition for bloating

The easiest way to treat bloating is diet. Since in most cases, increased gas formation occurs precisely because of eating disorders, do not rush to grab the pills. Follow the flatulence diet basics below and you may not need any other treatment:

  • Eat buckwheat. Buckwheat porridge improves intestinal motility and normalizes the digestive process. Eat porridge for breakfast or lunch, adding a little sugar or salt;
  • Stewed vegetables. If the cause of flatulence is fermentation processes, then fresh vegetables should be replaced with stewed or boiled ones, and fruits with dried fruits;
  • Oatmeal. For breakfast, eat oatmeal with water, which, like buckwheat, cleanses the intestines of food debris and eliminates fermentation in the digestive tract; nine0030
  • Cumin tea. Essential oils contained in cumin soothe the intestines and eliminate bloating;
  • Drink water. Be sure to drink a glass of mineral or ordinary drinking water 20-30 minutes before a meal. This will improve the digestion process.

Answering the question of how to treat bloating, gastroenterologists advise their patients to eat more foods rich in fiber - for example, bread, spinach, artichokes, cereals.

However, some dishes and foods with flatulence will have to be avoided: coffee, chocolate, milk, yeast, food that is too hot and cold, Brussels sprouts, confectionery, apples and fried meat, radishes and beans. nine0005

Remedies for flatulence

Increased gas formation in the intestines, if not caused by any disease, is eliminated with symptomatic drugs:

  • Activated charcoal;
  • No-shpa and papaverine;
  • Smecta;
  • Probiotics.

However, until the diagnosis is established, they should not be taken.


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proper nutrition and proper foods

Bloating is most often a symptom of constipation (scientifically speaking, constipation or obstipation), that is, it is a symptom of slow intestinal transit, which may be associated with a decrease in the volume and weight of the stool, although and optional.
The main opponents of a flat stomach and the main causes of flatulence are diet, insufficient fluid intake, improper eating behavior, sedentary lifestyle, stress, environmental and lifestyle changes. Foods that are the enemy of a flat stomach are those foods that should be avoided for constipation and bloating. nine0005

Foods that are enemies of a flat stomach
  • Foods rich in carbohydrates that cause fermentation in the intestines, as well as animal fats.
  • Sweets, sweetened and carbonated drinks that irritate the intestinal wall and cause gas.
  • Sausages and fatty meats, which not only contribute to constipation, but are also the enemy of intestinal well-being and overall health.
  • Fried food - it is poorly absorbed by the stomach and irritates the intestines, causes stagnation and slows down the whole process of digestion. nine0030
  • Bakery products and pastries made from premium white wheat flour.
  • Alcohol, which not only irritates the intestinal walls, but also causes digestive disorders, preventing the proper absorption of nutrients, vitamins and mineral salts, useful for maintaining the perfect functioning of the body.

But you can not limit yourself to just eliminating these enemies of a flat stomach from the diet. Constipation and bloating are also based on bad eating habits: hasty eating, talking while eating, chewing gum, etc. nine0005

Useful life hacks:

Physical activity, such as brisk walking or cycling, will have a great effect on the whole body.
Experts recommend physical activity for at least 3 hours a week (about half an hour a day).

Drinking plenty of fluids (not sugary) makes bowel movements easier, reducing bloating.
For optimal results, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water per day and drink with meals. nine0005

It is also necessary to find time to go to the toilet after eating (better after breakfast in the morning or after dinner), ie. when a bowel movement is more likely due to increased bowel contractions caused by stomach filling (gastrocolic reflex).

What is constipation?

The term constipation/obstipation comes from the Greek word styphein (narrow) and indicates difficulty in emptying the bowels. This definition includes a number of symptoms now grouped under the more precise definition of Obstructive Defecation Syndrome (OSD), such as excessive effort to defecate, feeling of incomplete bowel movement, bloating, abuse of laxatives or the need to do frequent enemas, and so on. nine0005

  • The normal frequency of bowel movements is highly individual and depends on several factors, such as gender.
  • Men tend to have more regular bowel movements than women, usually once a day.
  • In women, it is considered normal if the bowels are emptied 2-3 times a week. Generally, stools are passed without effort or discomfort and without undue abdominal tension.

If no bowel movement occurs for more than three days, constipation is diagnosed. The urge to void should increase as the rectum fills with stool. nine0109 If a person does not feel this need even for several days, this means that his rectum is not full. In this case, it is likely that intestinal transit is slow (true constipation). However, if a person feels the urge but cannot pass a bowel movement, or there is partial/incomplete bowel movement, this means that their rectum is full of feces, but something is preventing proper emptying (constipation due to difficult bowel movements)

In addition bloating, constipation can cause complications such as hemorrhoids or fissures. nine0005

Diet for bloating and constipation

An important factor influencing bowel function, bloating, and, consequently, the possibility of constipation, of course, is nutrition. An unbalanced diet is a high intake of foods rich in animal fats (such as meat, dairy products and eggs), sugar (such as cakes and various sweets) and a low intake of fiber (ie vegetables, fruits and whole grains). It should be noted that among all fibers, it is fiber that determines intestinal motility and contributes to its normal functioning, i.e. those contractions that are necessary to move the feces through the intestinal tract to its most final part, that is, the rectum, and, finally, ejection. nine0005

Research in this area has found that a diet high in fiber leads to an increase in fecal mass, which in turn increases the frequency of bowel movements. This means that minimal changes in diet (but also in lifestyle) can help solve the problem of constipation without going to the doctor or taking medication.

Eating more high fiber foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables can certainly improve bowel function. A balanced diet must include at least 25-30 grams of fiber per day. However, this recommendation is not valid if a person suffers from irritable bowel syndrome (diarrhea), a bowel disorder that can be exacerbated by a diet rich in fermentable fibers. nine0005

Reduce bloating: boiled or raw vegetables?

Foods that promote bowel movement, reduce bloating and create a flatter stomach include vegetables that can be eaten boiled or raw, depending on your preference.

Among the most suitable vegetables are spinach, broccoli, green beans, courgettes and artichokes, steamed and sauteed. Alternative ways to cook vegetables and retain moisture are purees or soups. nine0005

Say yes to grains like bran, wheat and legumes. These foods are rich in insoluble fiber, which facilitates intestinal transit.

Among fruits, give preference to kiwi fruit (best eaten in the morning on an empty stomach), pears, plums, figs and apricots. The edible peel is better to eat than peel. Fruit can help even when cooked.

The addition of extra virgin olive oil to the dish helps the stool to remain soft even during long transit through the intestines, facilitating its natural emptying. nine0005

Eat yogurt or dairy products.

Lactobacilli play an important role in maintaining intestinal function and can also be introduced into the diet with the help of drugs and dietary supplements - for example, Lactoflorene Flat Stomach®.

Among the foods that should be eaten with moderation are those that are defined as astringents because they contain substances that are not digested and cause the walls of the colon to relax. This disrupts the normal intestinal peristalsis necessary to move the masses towards the rectum. This category of food includes potatoes, carrots, lemons, rice, bananas. nine0005

Other causes of bloating and constipation

In addition to foods that are enemies of a flat stomach, there may be other causes of bloating and constipation.

Irritable bowel syndrome

This syndrome is often accompanied by constipation and bloating. Excessive contractions or spasms of the muscles of the colon slow down the passage of feces inside the intestines, which also leads to an increase in water reabsorption, and this, in turn, causes more and more hard stools and, as a result, constipation. nine0005


Many people suffer from constipation while traveling. This is due to changes in the daily routine, diet, type of water and the difficulty in finding a suitable toilet.


In this case, constipation is due to hormonal changes.

Fissures and hemorrhoids

In such situations, there is pain in the anal canal and spasm of the anal sphincter, which can prevent defecation.


Many medicines cause constipation. In particular, opioid analgesics, antacids containing aluminum or calcium, antispasmodics, antidepressants, tranquilizers, iron, anticonvulsants for epilepsy, antiparkinsonian drugs, heart drugs, or calcium channel blockers for pressure.

Colonic dysmotility

In these cases, the digestive tract digests food more slowly than usual. Therefore, it takes more time for the feces to form, move through the intestines, and then pass out. nine0005

Pelvic floor dysfunction

In these cases, the muscles responsible for defecation (pelvic floor muscles) do not work properly. They don't relax enough for the stool to come out. In other cases, they may not be compressed enough to move feces through the large intestine.

Laxative abuse

People who routinely take large amounts of stimulant laxatives become addicted to them and may need to gradually increase the dose until the bowels become unresponsive and stop working altogether.

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